How to Be Strong and Courageous - Pastor Jeff Schreve

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I'm pastor Jeff Shri thanks for watching today we're in a series on Joshua called rising to the challenge you know Joshua took over from Moses when Moses died needless to say he had big shoes to fill and big fears and obstacles to overcome you and I can learn much from his faith especially during these trying times as we deal with the coronavirus and the economic and social problems that it's caused so grab your Bible and follow along as we learn from Joshua how to rise to the challenge [Music] [Music] I'm gonna show you a picture of a man and my guess is that no one is going to know who this is he's a ship's captain he became very infamous in January of 2012 maybe you know him better if we show you the other picture he's captain friend chesco Schettino captain of the Costa Concordia that was this ship that took on water because the captain ran too close to the shore trying to show off on to the Italians on the coast off of Tuscany he hit some rocks and the ship took on water and began to sink 32 people died in that maritime accident one other person that wasn't part of the it was part of the rescue team he died trying to save people the thing that makes this so memorable is that this ship's captain you know the in in maritime world the captain always goes down with a ship unless you are Francesco Schettino because he got out as soon as he could there was a audio recording of him talking to the coastguard and he told the Coast Guard I I fell into a lifeboat and the guy said you need to get back there are people on the ship you need to get back on the ship well he never got back on the ship the New York Post ran this headline the chicken of the sea he got 16 years in prison for what he did but his negligence that cost people's lives was almost dwarfed by his cowardice he'll forever be known as the chicken of the sea none of us in this room none of us under the sound of my voice want to be known as a coward God doesn't want you to be a coward God wants you to be strong and courageous Webster defines cowardice this way it's one who shows disgraceful fear or timidity in the face of danger and difficulty no one wants to be that person that man that woman who's a coward who shrinks back in fear when the difficulty comes we want to be people who are strong and courageous we want to be brave when we want to be valiant but the question is how how do you do that because most of us in this room would think man if if I'm in a situation where it's really scary I don't know I don't know what I'd do I might be like George Costanza in the Seinfeld episode when there was a fire and I'm pushing everybody out of the way to get out first I might be like that I hope I wouldn't be like that but I might be like that I like what Eddie Rickenbacker said about courage he was the American fighter pilot during World War one he said courage is doing what you are afraid to do there can be no courage unless you are scared George Patton said this courage is fear holding on a minute longer every one of us in this room we faced fearful things and we're going to face fearful things in this new school year is going to introduce us to new fears and new challenges and new things that we say oh I don't know about this I'd like to back up I'd like to go hide and God is saying have I not commanded you be strong and courageous now we're kicking off a new series today on the book of Joshua Joshua is the book of conquests in the in the at the end of the book of Deuteronomy Mo's dies and the Lord buries Moses he lets him see the Promised Land Moses so wanted to go in the Promised Land but he couldn't go in because he had dishonored God and God said no you're not going in I'll let you see it but I'm not going to let you enter into it what you're going to do Moses is you're going to pass the mantle of leadership on to Joshua and Joshua is going to lead the people in so Joshua is now on the scene Moses has gone here comes Joshua and Joshua has gigantic shoes to fill Moses has been the leader for over 40 years Moses is the one the Bible says that God spoke to face-to-face never been a prophet like Moses because the Lord would speak in visions and dreams but with Moses he would speak to him face to face remember Moses would go inside the tent and his face would glow as he talked to God and you have to follow that guy you have to be the guy coming behind Moses Joshua no doubt is scared and the Lord is going to tell him be strong and courageous and we can learn through his story how we ourselves can be strong and courageous Joshua chapter one the scripture says this now it came about after the death of Moses the servant of the Lord that the Lord spoke to Joshua the son of nun Moses servant saying Moses my servant is dead now therefore arise cross this Jordan you and all this people to the land which I am giving to them to the sons of Israel every place on which the sole of your foot treads I have given it to you just as I spoke to Moses from the wilderness and this Lebanon even as far as the great river the river Euphrates that was to the east and all the land of the Hittites and as far as the great river toward the Great Sea toward the setting of the Sun that's the Mediterranean Sea will be your territory so he's saying hey you see out in the north and the south and the east and the west this is your territory he says in verse 5 no man will be able to stand before you all the days of your life just as I have been with Moses I will be with you I will not fail you or forsake you be strong and courageous there's the first time be strong and courageous for you shall give this people possession of the land which I swore to their fathers to give them only be strong and very courageous second time he says it to them be careful to do according to all the law which Moses my servant commanded you do not turn from it to the right or to the left so that you may have success wherever you go this book of the law shall not depart from your mouth but you shall meditate on a day and night so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it for then you will make your way prosperous and then you will have success have I not commanded you be strong and courageous do not tremble or be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go that's the preamble to the Book of Joshua God speaking to Joshua three times he tells him be strong and courageous when Moses prayed for Joshua and was passing the mantle of leadership on to Joshua Moses said to him twice be strong and courageous at the end of chapter one of Joshua chapter one the people say to Joshua be strong and courageous six times it's told to Joshua to be strong and courageous now why do you tell someone be strong and courageous are they already strong and courageous if they're already strong and courageous you're not going to say that to them you say that to someone who is struggling with being strong and courageous who is looking at the job assignment and starting to shrink back in fear sometimes we look at these guys in the Bible and we think well man I never could be like that I mean that guy David whipped Goliath when he was just a kid I don't have faith like that I don't have that kind of courage I don't have that kind of bravery but most of the people that God uses they don't have it they would come before the Lord and they'd say like Moses Moses told the Lord when the Lord called Moses he said Lord do you need to send somebody else I don't have the goods I'm not I'm not able to do this I'm not a good speaker remember when he said that to the Lord I can't speak I can't lead I can't do this God doesn't call the equipt he equips the called and so Joshua was called and the Lord said be strong and courageous and God tells him how and in telling Joshua how to be strong and courageous he's telling you and me how to be strong and courageous so if you're here and you're thinking you know I deal with fears and I'm not very courageous and you know I hate to say it but I feel like I'm chicken of the sea I feel like I'm a coward well God doesn't want you to be that so how can you be strong and courageous three steps that we find in our text step number one believe what God has promised do you want to be strong and courageous for the Lord and stand up for his word his will his ways believe what he has promised now what had God promised he made promises way back when to Abraham in Genesis chapter 12 promises about a land that he was going to give him Abraham leave your country and your people and go to a land that I will show you it's the beautiful land it's the glorious land it's called in scripture it's the land flowing with milk and honey it's the land of Canaan it's the land of Israel that God was going to give to Israel now you remember Jacob will you have Abraham Isaac and Jacob that lineage and Jacob's name was changed to Israel and so the Land of Israel is the land that God promised to Abraham to Isaac and then came to Jacob whose name was changed to Israel that's why we talk about the sons of Israel the sons of Israel the children of Israel are just the descendants of Jacob and they were going to inherit the land and God had promised that land is really important in the book of Joshua because they're going to go cross the Jordan River and they're gonna go get the land now remember this the land is not a vacant piece of property there are people who live there there are Giants who live there and when the people had an opportunity with Moses when they were camped at the South Kadish Barnea they had only left Egypt for about a year and they were God was leading them into the Promised Land they didn't go because they said well we can't go there Giants in that land we need to go back to Egypt they were so afraid there were only two of the 12 spies who had faith Caleb and Joshua and the Lord said everyone else is going to die 20 years old and an upward and your guys are going to march around for 40 years in the desert going nowhere just marching around in circles - everyone dies and then I'm going to bring your children into the land and the only two people that were over 20 that got to go in the land Joshua and Caleb but it's the land that God had promised a great land and it was theirs for the taking look what he says in verse 3 every place on which the sole of your foot treads I have given it to you just as I spoke to Moses that's your land you have to go get it it's already been given to you but now you have to go get it and the people that are there aren't just going to run away from you you're gonna have to fight them but Joshua I have promised that you're going to lead the people and you're going to give them the land now what in the Christian life corresponds to the promised land to this land flowing with milk and honey some have said well that's heaven that's what you get when you die and we have lots of hymns that were written about on Jordan's stormy banks I I cast a weary eye or however that Ghost didn't really sing that one but some of you have but you know in the sweet by and by you know it's kind of like that well that's that's the land the Promised Land is heaven but the promised land isn't heaven it's not a picture of heaven the promised land is a picture of the Spirit filled life it's a picture of the life with the Lord where you experience it to the full Jesus said in John chapter 10 verse 10 the thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy I came that they might have life and might have it abundantly that's the promised land it's the abundant life that the Lord wants you to have Ephesians chapter 1 verse 3 says that God has blessed already with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ it's already in your bank account every spiritual blessing but many of us don't live like we have every spiritual blessing why because we're not believing that God has done that for us and we're not living a life of victory because we don't believe his promise he has given that to us now to live a life of victory and to live a life that is abundant and overflowing a life flowing with milk and honey that means that you're experiencing love and joy and peace and patience and kindness and goodness and gentleness and faithfulness and self-control that's the fruit of the Spirit that's the spirit filled person is experiencing that inwardly regardless of what's going on outwardly now in order to have that there's going to be a fight because the devil doesn't want you to have that the thief he comes only to steal and to kill and destroy and the devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour and he's trying to steal all those things that God wants to you to experience that God has given you that God says now you need to claim those things and you need to take those things and the devil is trying to tell you no you don't have those things you'll never have those things he puts a giant in your path and that giant is there to scare you just like Goliath was there to scare the Israelites and to scare David and the devil does that all the time and so we deal with giants we deal with the giant of lust we deal with the giant of greed we deal with the giant of insecurities we deal with the giant of jealousy we deal with the giant of bitterness all those things keep popping up and we have to keep going after those giants to experience the fullness of God that's what he wants for us and the key to experiencing that the abundant life the key is this God has promised to us his enduring presence that's what he has promised now he said to Joshua no man will be be able to stand before you all the days of your life just as I have been with Moses I will be with you I will not fail you you or forsake you so be strong and courageous because I'm with you I'm with you now God's presence makes all the difference in the world and God has promised when we put our faith and trust in Jesus he's promised to come in and he says I'll give you my Holy Spirit and He will be with you and he will be in you and he will be with you for ever he won't leave you you know David said in that great song even though I passed through the valley of the shadow of death I fear no evil why because you are with me God being with you makes all the difference Hebrews 13 verses 5 and 6 is the New Testament passage that corresponds to Joshua chapter 1 and verse 5 the scripture says that this let your character be free from the love of money being content with what you have for he himself has said I will never desert you nor will I ever forsake you so that we may confidently say the Lord is my helper I will not be afraid what shall man do to me he says I will never desert you that means to relax my grip on you to drop you to let go of you nor will I ever forsake you that means to abandon you desert you leave you behind God says I'm never gonna do that and in the Greek New Testament Hebrews is written in Greek there are five negatives in that God says I will not never never leave you I will not never forsake you it's the emphasis of God saying you can take this to the bank I'm going to be with you and when God is with you as the scripture says if God is for us who can be against us so Joshua's going up he's gonna have to fight Giants he's gonna have to go up against warriors he's gonna have to go up against some vicious ruthless people he can't do that in and of himself but he can do that if the Lord is with him as Jeremiah said who is facing all kinds of difficulty in his life he said the Lord is with me like a dread champion nobody messes with the dread champion Debbie and I had the privilege last week of having Lyndon our four year old granddaughter spend the night so first time to ever spend the night whereas two weeks ago I guess and Emmy was in she and Jay went to California to spend some time with Jay sister and so Jill was just with Lyndon and so she was looking for you know a night with no Lyndon and so she I mean I would be too and such Lyndon is all over the place and so she said Lyndon you want to spend the night with Gigi and papi and you know I'm Gigi you know that's the way she worked it out they got that reversed and so Debbie's papi I'm Gigi and so she spent the night and she did so well until he got time to go to bed and then we put her in bed and she said I see monsters I said we said no there no monsters so I see monsters I said well they're not here so you don't need to worry about monsters papi I I see monsters and Gigi I see monsters I said well Lyndon what if Gigi stays in bed with you until you go to sleep she said that'd be good and so Gigi stayed in bed with her and she wasn't afraid of monsters she didn't thrash about she just went right to sleep why because her grandfather was there and she knew that hey if Gigi's with me I don't need to be afraid the Lord said to Joshua I will be with you and no one will be able to stand before you because I am with you and the Lord says that same thing to you and to me today don't be afraid you look to me I will be with you God promises his enduring presence so that's the first step believe what God has promised he's promised us a life of victory and abundance he's promised that he will be with us every step of the way the way second step obey what God has commanded so we believe what he has promised then we obey what he has commanded look at verse 7 only be strong and very courageous be careful to do according to all the law which Moses my servant commanded you do not turn from it to the right or to the left so that you may have success wherever you go god gave commands through Moses to the people commands are written in the law of Moses first 5 books that's what the Jews called the law of Moses and so God the first five books of the Bible have a lot of commands exodus leviticus a lot of commands that they were supposed to follow and God says do all that I have commanded you to do now remember this God never gives suggestions to be considered he gives commands to be obeyed God didn't give the ten suggestions written on a whiteboard with dry erase markers he gave the Ten Commandments itched on tablets of stone written by the finger of God the commands of God are to be obeyed there's one response to the commands of God for you and for me and that is two words yes Lord yes Lord the command comes what are we supposed to do yes Lord as I was listening to the back and forth between the coast guard and captain Schettino the captain was saying that the Coast Guard was saying to him are you defying my order are you refusing to do what I'm ordering you to do it Schettino is saying no no no but I just can't beg to get back on the ship because of this problem or that problem you know he had excuses for everything hey the Lord says that to you and to me he gives a command and that's not a suggestion for us to ponder the Lord's commands aren't like the food at the cafeteria where you walk through and you you know you see all these different salads and all these different entrees and all these different desserts but you don't get one of everything hope not but but you just say well you know I mean they have beets there I just don't like beets at all and so I never get beets and so it's like I don't want that I don't want P salad I don't want this stuff I don't want jello and so people do that with the commands of God oh that's that's like a beet to me lord I don't want to do that and and tithing no I'm not going to do that and and saving myself for marriage oh no I'm not going to do that and and we we throw all those things out hey jesus said why do you call me Lord Lord and do not do the things I say it's a contradiction how can I be your Lord if you are denying me so god never gives suggestions to be considered he only gives commands and he says be careful to do according to all which Moses commanded so here's the question are you obeying all that the Lord has commanded is there an area of your life where you know you're living in disobedience to God's clear command how about this one how about what forgiving someone who hurt you the Bible is very clear Jesus said if you do not forgive men their transgressions neither will your Father in heaven forgive you so it's a command you have to forgive forgiveness isn't for the other person it's for you because if you don't forgive your heart is going to be filled with bitterness and corruption and rottenness and it will eat you alive I talked to a lady not too long ago and she was telling me about her husband he's bitter at some things that happened in his life and in the family and he's just eaten up with it and he's just angry and he's just miserable to be around yeah if you get bitter you'll be miserable to be around well God says you need to forgive there was a lady some years ago that she was really bitter at another person and a friend went to her and said to her said listen you need to forgive so-and-so because it's very obvious you're bitter toward him for some things that he has done and her answer was this I'll consider it the commands of God aren't suggestions for you to consider their commands to obey he is God he's king of kings and Lord of lords and so we need to obey God said to Joshua you obey all that Moses has commanded and remember this as it relates to obedience and disobedience how does God tell if you really love him how does God tell if you really trust him it's an obedience the obedience reveals that you love and trust God if you don't obey God it's because you don't love him and you don't trust him and I'm not making that up that's what Jesus said jesus said in John chapter 14 verse 21 he who has my Commandments and keeps them he it is who loves me and he who loves me shall be loved he who loves me shall be loved by my father and I will love him and you will disclose myself to him talk is cheap you can say all day long you love the Lord but if you're not obeying the Lord according to the Lord you don't love him because if you loved him you would do what he said if you trusted him you would follow through and do what he said I love the story of Peter when he had been fishing all night and caught nothing and the Lord begins to teach and their throngs of people listening to him and he says to Peter after he gets done with his sermon he said Peter cast out your nets into the deep water for catch and Peter said Lord we've been fishing all night and caught nothing the Lord this isn't the time that night times the time to fish this isn't the time to fish the fish aren't biting now I know a lot more about fishing than you do I mean I know that you're the Lord and you're a great preacher but I'm a good fisherman I've been doing this a lot longer than you have you know he doesn't say all that but you know that's going on in his mind and it was a big deal casting out your nets is not like throwing out a line I mean it's a big deal that's a huge net and so that's a major deal to cast out the net so he said Lord we've been fishing all night and caught nothing but at your bidding I'll do it I'll do it and he did it and you remember the story he caught so many fish that the Nets began to break and he was putting him into the boat and the boat began to sink and he said to the Lord I saw that Jesus was the Holy One of God and he saw his own sinfulness and he said depart from me Lord for I am a sinful man I'm a sinful man here's the thing you need to remember that I need to remember it's a little progression and it goes like this to know God is to love God and to love God is to trust God and to trust God is to obey God and to obey God is to be blessed to know God is to love God to love God is to trust God to trust God is to obey God and to obey God is to be blessed jesus said if you know these things you're blessed if you do them if you do them the blessing is not in the knowing although you have to know to do but the blessing is in the doing in the doing of the word of God and when you do what God tells you to do he blesses you for it so the very first step you want to be a person who's strong and courageous for the Lord you believe what God has promised secondly you obey what God has commanded and thirdly you study what God has written Bible says study to show yourself approved as a workman who does not need to be ashamed handling accurately the word of truth verse 8 says this this book of the law shall not depart from your mouth but you shall meditate on it day and night so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it for then you will make your way prosperous and then you will have success Joshua you need to study the book of the law you need to study day and night you need a minute meditate on it day and night it needs to be in your mouth why because the Word of God is food for your soul that's why and Joshua I want you to be strong and courageous and one of the key ways that you can be strong to know that I'm with you to obey what I say and to feed on my words Jeremiah said this your words were found and I ate them and your words became for me a joy and in the light of my heart for I've been called by your name Oh Lord God of hosts Jeremiah the Prophet Lord your words were found in I ate them I fed off of them I nourished myself with your word now God's word in the New Testament Matthew 4:4 is likened to bread because Jesus said to the serpent to the devil who came to tempt him man shall not live by bread alone but every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God so it's likened to bread it's likened to milk 1st Peter chapter 2 verse 2 as newborn babes long for the pure milk of the word that by it you may grow and respect to salvation so it's bread it's milk Hebrews chapter 5 verse 14 calls it meat it says that meat is for the mature he said you can't just live off of milk milk as for babes but solid food meat is for the mature who because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil God's Word it's bread and milk and meat it's food for your soul now some of us are not very strong why spiritually speaking why because we're not eating you come to church once a month maybe once every six months you're not spending any time in the Word of God the only time you hear the word of God is when you come to church hit-and-miss and you say well I don't have any spiritual strength yeah cuz you hadn't eaten in six weeks and you're not going to be very strong if you don't eat in six weeks now one of the strongest guys who has ever lived is a guy who was in the bodybuilding industry in the early 2000s he was a competitor his name was Ronnie Coleman I have a picture of Ronnie Coleman it's like looking in the mirror maybe not Ronnie Coleman he was eight times mr. Olympia eight years in a row he's 511 when he was competing 300 pounds he had a 60-inch chest a 36-inch waist 24-inch biceps 36 inch thighs 7% body fat I don't have anything in common with those numbers he could benchpress 500 pounds five times he curled 325 pounds his squat was almost 900 pounds and he dead lifted 900 pounds his diet he ate 50 562 calories a day okay I do that this is the distribution 546 grams of protein per day that's a lot of protein 474 carbs 150 grams of fat hey how do you get to be 511 300 with 7% body fat I mean I can get to be 511 well 510 300 but there wouldn't be 7 per maybe 70 percent body fat I mean we know how to do that but 7 percent body fat you have to be eating and working out like crazy and he was eating and eating and eating and eating protein he was eating the milk and the bread and the meat God says that's what you need to do with my word so that you can be strong his word is food for your soul and God's Word is to be in your heart and in your mouth the psalmist said Lord your word I've hidden in my heart I've treasured in my heart that I might not sin against you it's there in my heart and he says to Joshua you you shall meditate on it day and night the book shall not depart from your mouth but you shall meditate on it day and night so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it to meditate on it that word meditate means to mutter it means to moan it's kind of like you know you're you're studying something and you're like mm-hmm you know you just kind of make little little groans and little mutters about it that's God wants us to do that with his word where we read it and you're not just trying to sprint through a book of the Bible but you're really spending time meditating on what does God say let me give you something that I had just learned a few years ago I'd never thought about it before Psalm 23 the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he makes me lie down in green pastures he leads me beside quiet waters he restores my soul he guides me in the paths of righteousness for his namesake he he he he and even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I fear no evil because you are with me you're not talking he anymore he's talking you Lord he he changes it at first he's just telling people about the Lord now he's talking to the Lord because he's in a dangerous spot and Lord I need you to be so close because he is with me you are with me Lord and he directs it directly to God hey those are little things that you don't get from a cursory reading that you get that from meditating on it now we have an object lesson in nature and that's the cow you know cows have four stomachs some of you know that some of you that are into farming you know that cows have four stomachs the rest of us didn't know that but we do know this the cows they chew up the grass and then they swallow it and it goes in one of those four stomachs and then they spit it back up again and they chew on it some more did you know a cow on average chews its cud we call that cud where it goes down and then comes back up most people call it vomit but they don't in in the cow world it's called cud and that's true in their cud that's what they do and they do it for eight hours a day where they chew the cud I saw a video oh that's contemplated bringing it out here it's just a cow he's just as always doing just chewing the cud that's what they do for eight hours they have a horrible life I mean I really do right that's a different sermon but anyway so that's a picture of what we're supposed to be doing with the Word of God see we have it down in our heart so we can spit it back up so we can put it into our mind and put it into our mouth and we can speak it and we can think on it and we can say what does this mean and we can pray it so you know a lot of us have trouble praying how do you pray pray your praying is integrated with the word as you read the word you pray that back to God they say Lord you said this Lord I'm facing some difficult times you said that you would be with Joshua and you said in Hebrews that you would be with me and Lord I'm facing some some difficult dangerous scary things and god I'm just going to claim your press Isaiah 26:3 says that God will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on him because he trusts in him and when you're facing some difficult difficult times where the peace is not there you claim Psalm 26 3 you take it out of your heart you put it in your mouth and say Lord you promised that if I would put my mind on you you would give me peace and that's what I do right now you put God's Word into practice it's in your mind it's in your mouth you speak it over your life you speak it over your kids don't speak all the fears speak the Word of God speak the truth of God and all these things that says in Romans 8:37 we overwhelmingly conquer through him who loved us you know the devil likes to beat us over the head with a big club of guilt saying look what you did here and look what you did there and you've come to church and boy if people knew what you did like I know what you did I know what you did last week I know what you did last month I know what you did last summer and he beats you up over the head with guilt what does the Lord say in his word concerning his children there's therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus we have been forgiven and we have been set free I told somebody the other day they said oh I just I just struggle so much of with with my past the things that I did and I asked God forgive me forgive me forgive me for the same sin over and over and over and over again I said listen you need to ask God to forgive you once and thank him a thousand times for forgiving you study what God has written obey what God has commanded believe what God has promised then you'll have success then you'll make your way sure then you'll be prosperous and you'll be strong and courageous let me close with this story I ran across this story this week in the 16th century there was a Protestant reformer in England his name was Hugh Latimer he was known as a great preacher of his day and as a result he had many opportunities to speak and on one occasion he was to speak before Henry the eighth King Henry the eighth of England he thought about this great responsibility to bring a message before the King and he realized that the message that God put on his heart wasn't going to be received well by the king here's how he began his message Latimer Latimer do you remember that you are speaking before the high and mighty King Henry the eighth who has power to command you to be sent to prison and who can have your head cut off if it pleases him will you not take care to say nothing that will offend royal ears and then he paused and he said these words Latimer Latimer do you not remember that you are speaking before the king of kings and Lord of lords before him at whose throne Henry the eighth will stand before him to whom one day you will have to give an account of yourself Latimer Latimer be faithful to your master and declare all of God's word that's courage that's courage God says have I not commanded you be strong and courageous do not tremble or be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go do you want to rise to the challenge it starts by giving your heart and life to Jesus Christ maybe you're watching and you know about Jesus but you don't really know him today's the day for you pray this simple prayer with me Lord Jesus I need you I know that I'm a sinner and I'm lost and I can't save myself but Jesus I believe that you're God in the flesh I believe you died on the cross for my sins and rose again from the dead and right now I ask you to come into my life to forgive me of my sins to be my Lord and my Savior and I surrender all to you and I promise to follow you all the days of my life my friend if you'll pray that kind of prayer and mean it the Lord will come in and your life will never be the same I'd love to hear from you to know that you're watching to know that God is using this broadcast to make a difference in your life to know that you just prayed that prayer to receive Christ as Savior and Lord please take the time to call that toll-free number write me email me let me know what's going on and how we can pray for you you really are important to God and you're important to us and we're here for you from his heart is the Buer supported broadcast ministry of dr. Jeff Shrieve who believes that no matter how bad that you may have messed up in life God still loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life you can find out more about that plan when you go - from his heart dot o-r-g real truth [Music] you you
Channel: From His Heart Ministries
Views: 5,226
Rating: 4.9674797 out of 5
Id: 4WsaB7nD_6Y
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Length: 43min 41sec (2621 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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