The ABCs of Life - Pastor Jeff Schreve

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as you assess your life are you living in the fear of the Lord today on from his heart pastor Jeff Cherie begins a new series called foundations and a critical foundation of our faith is the proper understanding of the fear of the Lord it's one of the abc's of life [Music] [Music] have your Bibles please turn to the book of Proverbs proverbs chapter 1 we're starting a new series today entitled foundations now as every builder will tell you the most important part of any structure is the foundation it's a part that you don't see but that part is critical because that unseen part of the house or of the building has to be right and it has to be strong because it's that foundation that anchors the structure to the ground it's that a foundation that makes it strong perhaps you've seen pictures and videos and have heard about structures that were built with a bad foundation foundations are critical now in the Book of Psalms Psalm 11 verse 3 the question is asked if the foundations are destroyed what can the righteous do it's very very difficult to live in a in a society where the foundations are destroyed and so the devil is smart and why he's the enemy of our souls and he knows if he wants to topple Christianity he wants to topple your faith he's going to attack the foundations of your faith in my faith because if he can destroy the foundations the whole structure will come down and he works overtime to attack us on foundational things now it's important to know foundational things about the faith because if you know foundational things then you can have a strong foundation and you can grow strong and you can grow tall and you can recognize when there's an attack coming on the foundation you can have your antenna up so to speak and you're very sensitive when an attack comes on a foundational point well to start off this series we want to talk about the ABCs of life very very foundational part of life and that foundation all those ABCs it's very simple it's called in the Bible the fear of the Lord the fear of the Lord now we know when we're teaching our kids how to read we teach them the ABCs I mean those are the basic building blocks of the language you have to know the alphabet in order to read you have to know the alphabet in order to write and so I remember with little Emmy my granddaughter we would have flashcards and Emmas for this and and the L is for that you know L is for Lion and and M is for monkey and P is for you know petunia or whatever it was probably not petunia that'd be hard for a kid P is for pneumonia I think we had that one you know but you have to learn your letters so that you can learn to read and write well the basic basic building blocks of a relationship with God for a society for an individual is the fear of the Lord David said in the Book of Psalms Psalm 34 verse 11 come you children listen to me and I will teach you the fear of the Lord get the children around because when they're little they need to learn from the time that they're able to learn anything they need to learn about this thing called the fear of the Lord in proverbs written primarily by Solomon the wisest man who ever lived he starts off proverbs and proverbs is a book of wisdom and he says in verse 7 the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge fools despise wisdom and instruction he says in proverbs 9 the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom so it's the beginning of knowledge it's the beginning of wisdom it is the important foundation of a life of a family of a church of a society the fear of the Lord so we want to talk about that today I want to share with you three discoveries about this thing that the Bible talks about a lot this thing called the fear of the Lord discovery number one the fear of the Lord is critically important critically important you know in the book of Proverbs alone the fear of the Lord that phrase those words the fear of the Lord is used 14 times in the whole Bible it's used 25 times the the two words fear God that command that's used 14 times and fear the Lord is used 29 times in the Bible so over and over and over and over and over and over again God is saying you need to fear me you need to fear me you need to fear me you need to fear me it is critically important and one of the reasons it's critically important is because it's the beginning of it all the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge it's the beginning of wisdom now in proverbs 1:7 the word therefore beginning means the first in place the first in time the first in order the first in rank it's a principle thing it's a foundational thing this fear of the Lord and if it like the old American Express commercial don't leave home without it you need to have this thing called the fear of the Lord because that's what life is built upon I remember when my kids were little I wanted to build a swing set or buy a swing set and then put it together a little different than building it but I buy it and then I have to put it together you know it looks great at the store because it's all constructed and then you get it and it's in a bunch of boxes and so you know that's not my Forte is putting things together I liked it better when it's like yeah just deliver that one you know get in the backyard somehow so I was putting it together and somehow I missed the key step and there was this anchor bolt that you had to put in early on and I don't know why I didn't get that but I didn't and I'm ready to say I'm all done and then it was like now connected anchor bolt that was in step one to this other part it's like anchor bolt headed in my hand it's like ah that's what that is and I had to tear the thing down and put it back together using it you know I got to get the first step right otherwise this this swing sets not going to work it's kind of like when you're a kid and when I was a kid I went to Catholic school and we wore shirts that white shirts that buttoned and as a little kid first grader you know one of the things my mom told me is like Jeff it's really important to make sure you get the first button in the right hole because if you don't get the first button in the right hole I don't care what else you do with the shirt it's not going to look right you got it and that seems like a little thing but when you're six it's like all right you know this isn't a pullover shirt and I got to make sure because sometimes I was like mom this shirts all messed up you got the button in the wrong hole now your life will be messed up if you don't get the first button of life and the first button of life the beginning of it all is the fear of the Lord it is critically important and it is an indispensable aspect of a successful life you're never going to have a successful life in the sight of God and in your own hearts without the fear of the Lord now I want to just rattle off some scriptures in the book of Proverbs that talk about this proverbs chapter 14 in the fear of the Lord there is strong confidence and his children will have refuge strong confidence in the fear of the Lord the fear of the Lord is a fountain of life that one they avoid the snares of death the fear of the Lord is the instruction for wisdom and before honor comes humility by loving-kindness and truth iniquity is atoned for and by the fear of the Lord one keeps away from evil the fear of the Lord leads to life so that one may sleep satisfied untouched by evil and the reward of humility and the fear of the Lord are riches honor and life do you notice how many times life is included with the fear of the Lord it leads to life it's the fountain of life that's when you're going to find riches on or in life is with the fear of the Lord I watched an interview not too long ago I put it on Facebook it's an interview with Tom Brady the very very popular and winning quarterback for the New England Patriots he had just won his third Super Bowl and he was being interviewed on 60 minutes and they're like man you know you've seen Tom Brady he's he's tall and strong and athletic and good-looking and he's an excellent quarterback and he's got a gorgeous wife some people say you know she's one of the most beautiful women in the world and he's got a 60 million dollar contract from the Patriots and so they were talking to him and they said to Tom man Tom you have it all you're 30 years old and you have it all he said what do you think about that and Brady said yeah I think there just has to be something else this can't be all there is there's got to be something else to life in the interview said interviewer said what's the answer to that and he said man I wish I knew I wish I knew here's the guy who had everything who has everything but he doesn't have the fear of the Lord and there's a hole in his heart the fear of the Lord is an indispensible aspect of a successful life you'll never you can have money you can have fame you can have a good-looking wife but you're not going to have peace and you're not going to have joy and you're not going to have a sense of fulfillment and because the fear of the Lord is the fountain of life and it's the beginning of wisdom and the beginning of knowledge but fools despise wisdom and instruction second discovery the fear of the Lord not only is it critically important it is sadly misunderstood so many people misunderstand what does this mean the fear of the Lord and the natural thing when you talk about the fear of the Lord is I'm supposed to be afraid of God I mean if I'm supposed to have this thing called the fear of the Lord I guess that means that then anytime you get around God you back up because you get afraid of God when I went on a mission trip some years ago to Kenya East Africa one of the things that they told us about we went out into the bush everyday to to witness and to preach and one of the things that they told me about was beware of snakes now they have snakes in Africa that will put you down I mean it's not like oh man I got bitten by this snake I don't I don't know I guess I did you know be okay in in a few days it's like you get bitten by a black mamba you can they call it the cigarette snake because they the guy told me he said yeah you smoke a cigarette and you're dead I say what if you don't smoke well then you'll be dead quicker I mean I don't know but they have the Black Mamba they have the puff adder they have the spitting cobra they have just all these awful snakes I don't like snakes I'm afraid of snakes I'm afraid of sharks and snakes I didn't used to be afraid of sharks till I was in seventh grade and watched jaws and that just ruined me then it's just like man I never want to go in the ocean but here here I was on this mission trip and I'm on the lookout for any kind of Green Mamba Black Mamba puff out or anything like that my interpreter sister had one eye I was like man what happened to her eye and he said spitting cobra going oh great I just wear my sunglasses everywhere we went and so I remember one time we were going from one village to the next village and you walked everywhere there's no cars anywhere there's no electricity and so if you got bitten out there I mean you'd be you'd be probably dead meat here's they did well the cars coming back for you at 4 p.m. I mean you'd be you'd be in trouble so well he said let's take a shortcut to the next village I said really shortcut he said yeah kid you not it was a pathway about this wide and on either side it was waist-high grass I'm like just walking behind him just doing like this I felt like I was on a tightrope and I was just pry my prayer life had never been so good I was praying Oh God protect me I was so afraid finally we got through that and I told the guy said listen no more shortcuts I don't care how far I have to walk I'm not walking through that stuff anymore but that's that's a fear that I have of snakes now does God want me to be afraid of him like he's a black mamba my gosh I don't want to get near God if I'm afraid of him like that listen the fear of the Lord God does not want you to be afraid of him God wants you to fear him there's a big difference between being afraid of God and fearing God see God wants you to fear Him in reverence and awe you say Jeff what's the difference between not being afraid of God but fearing God Exodus chapter 20 in the book of Exodus chapter 20 God comes to Mount Sinai Moses and the people are there camped at the base of Mount Sinai and God tells Moses come up here and God is giving Moses the Ten Commandments well when God visited Mount Sinai he did it with smoke and fire and thunder and it was a scary deal he just showed up on that mountain and you could tell the presence of God was there and the scripture says this when Moses comes down off the mountain Exodus chapter 20 verse 18 and all the people perceived the Thunder and the lightning flashes and the sound of the trumpet and the mountain smoking and when the people saw it they trembled and stood it did this since then they said to Moses speak to us yourself and we will listen but let not God speak to us lest we die and Moses said to the people do not be afraid for God has come in order to test you in order that the fear of him may remain with you so that you may not sin don't be afraid but fear him don't be afraid of him but fear him and let that fear of him remain God doesn't want me to quake in my boots every time his name is mentioned or every time I come into his presence I'm so scared could be in God's presence no you know in this room today there is something here that no one is afraid of but all of us who are in our right minds fear and that is electricity electricity is flowing through this room it's it's powering the lights and the sound and the screens and and everything there's electricity but I don't think anybody walked into dancing man I'm so I'm so afraid to be in the church because there's electricity there nobody's doing that but listen we all have hopefully a healthy fear of electricity you don't go to the fuse box and just start sticking the middle you know rod in there saying I wonder what happens if I do this you don't climb the electrical pole and start banging on things with your metal pole you're gonna fry yourself because electricity is powerful and that's the same way with God God says don't be afraid of me but revere me stand in awe of me and know who you're dealing with see God wants us to know and understand who he is and who we are in relation to who he is Moses said in Deuteronomy chapter 10 verse 17 for the Lord your God is the god of gods and the Lord of lords the great the mighty the awesome God who does not show partiality nor take a bride he's a God of God he's the great and mighty and awesome God the scripture says in Psalm 33 let all the earth fear the Lord let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him for he spoke and it was done he commanded and it stood fast as one preacher said when God created everything that we see in the book of Genesis he stepped onto a platform of nothing behind a curtain of nowhere and spoke the worlds into existence that is the greatness of God and God wants us to know who he is he's the great and awesome God he is the infinite God he is the eternal God he is the omniscient God he's the omnipresent God he is the God who can do anything the God and whom nothing is impossible he is the God who is almighty he is the God who is most holy he is the God who is full of loving kindness extended to you and to me that is God and God says I want you to know who I am and who I am in relation to who you are now in Isaiah chapter 40 Isaiah talks about the greatness of God and Isaiah says this all the nations are as nothing before him they are regarded by him as less than nothing and meaningless because God is so great you and I compared to God I like a pimple on a flea I mean we are so insignificant and and David one of the things that made David so great and gave him such a passion for God is he spent a lot of time with God as a shepherd on the hills of Judea he would have time outside and there's something about spending unhurried time just outside looking up at the sky and looking up at the stars and talking to God and observing what he made and David said these words in Psalm 8 when I consider your heavens the work of your fingers the moon and the stars which you have ordained what is man that you take thought of him or the Son of man that you care for him god you're so great and you're so vast and I am just a little David on the hills of Judea what is what is man what am i that you would think of me that you would even take a one thought for me but the truth is that God thinks about you all the time because God is a God of love now this great God of the universe who wants us to have reverence and awe of him he also wants us to obey Him he is the master you and I are the servant and so the fear of the Lord involves obeying God the Bible says in proverbs 8:13 the fear of the Lord is to hate evil pride and arrogance and the perverted mouth and the evil way I hate I hate evil why because I fear you God I fear you now Flip Wilson if you remember back in the 70s some of you people who are old enough to remember when I was a kid growing up he had a comedy show on television in the 70s and one of the things Flip Wilson used to like to say was God is going to get you for that and then people grew up thinking man God's going to get me God is going to get me God is going to get me God doesn't want to get you God wants to bless you God is a good god but God feeds everything you're doing proverbs 15 verse 3 is a good definition of the fear of the Lord the eyes of the Lord are in every place watching the evil and the good well because the eyes of the Lord are in every place watching the evil and the good it's not that God's going to get me it's the God sees everything that I do and I don't want to do things that displease the great the mighty for the awesome God God wants us to obey Him it's important to obey the Lord to do what he says any disobedience in your life in my life is the saying to the great the mighty the awesome God well that's fine God for you to tell other people what to do but I'm going to do what I want to do and so that the scripture talks about sin see sometimes you can send by shaking your fist at God and just say I'm going to do what I want to do God you tell me not to do X Y & Z whatever X Y & Z is well I want to do it that's what my flesh wants to do and I want to lust and I want to cheat and I want to lie and I want to divorce my spouse and I want to go after my secretary or whatever it might be I'm going to do what I want to do that's called sinning with a high hand that's a dangerous place to be some of us thin that way but some of us just kind of wander into sin we don't shake our fists in the face of God we wander into sin all we like sheep have gone astray each one has turned to his own way now the Sheep doesn't look at the Shepherd and say I'm not doing what you want to do I'm gonna go over here he just wanders off and we many of us do that we just kind of wander away from the Lord but whether you shake your fist at God or whether you wander away at God it's still disobedience and disobedience is a serious thing because the eyes of the Lord are in every place watching the evil and the good how are you doing in this thing called obeying God God wants you to do that it's part of the fear of the Lord but not only does God want you to obey him God wants you to enjoy him that's included in the fear of the Lord enjoying your relationship with God in the Westminster Shorter Catechism we read these words the chief aim of man is to glorify God and to enjoy him forever to enjoy him forever in his presence is fullness of joy and in his right hand there are pleasures forevermore and God wants us to get close to him how do we know that because when he created Adam and Eve one of the highlights of God's day was when he would come down in the cool of the day and walk with them God likes to do that he likes to spend time with us he wants to be with us and the irony of it all is the great the awesome the God of the king of the universe would stoop to spend time with you and me and we don't even have time for him we so often blow him off who is there saying well God I got to play xbox God I got to watch TV god I gotta check Facebook I got other things to do God there are a lot more important than just spending time with you what could possibly be more important than spending time with God I'm speaking to myself but see God says you know I don't want to guilt you into spending time with me I want you to spend time with me I want you to obey me because I'm loved and everything I tell you to do is out of a heart of love and when I say don't do this it's not because I'm the cosmic killjoy it's because that's going to hurt you and I don't want you to hurt you hurt yourself I know everything I know the end from the beginning and you don't so don't go down this road that seems to look so good because at the end of that road is a pigsty and God says I know it's there and so I'm telling you don't go down that road everything God does is for our good and when he tells us don't do this thou shalt not it's because that's going to hurt you when he says do this it's because that's going to be good for you and we just trust that hey God knows more than I do and God is a good God and so I say yes Lord and god I want to enjoy you and you enjoy God by spending time with God you know my children like to spend time with Debbie and me and when they spend time with us and my girls with me then my girls aren't afraid of me at all they're not intimidated by dad they tell me sometimes I said you know some of these boys that we go out what they can be intimidated by you I said really I said yeah so good you know that's a good thing it makes them a little afraid I am the Black Mamba watch your step you know but but my girls don't have because they know that dad man you can get close to that but you don't disrespect that you don't treat dad like he's an old shoe you don't you don't dishonor him that's the way we are we're supposed to be with God we can get so close to God but we always remember he is God he's king of kings and Lord of lords and we always honor him with our lives and with our lips that is the fear of the Lord I love what theologian Charles bridges said about the fear of the Lord he said the fear of the Lord is the affectionate reverence by which the child of God bends himself humbly and carefully to the father's law his wrath is so bitter in his love so sweet that hence springs an earnest desire to please him and a holy watchfulness in fear that he might not sin against him Adrian Rogers my favorite preacher said what is the fear of the Lord he said it is love on its knees that's the fear of God it's God I love you and I bow my life to you because you're the great and the all and the mighty God who does not show partiality nor take a bribe God once you and me to have the fear of the Lord it is critically important it is sadly misunderstood and thirdly and finally it is blatantly disregarded blatantly disregarded verse 7 again of chapter 1 of Proverbs the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge fools despise wisdom and instruction fools that encompasses lots of people that's a catch-all term that that includes lots and lots of people what is the fool well the root word in the Hebrew for fool is a perverse person to be perverse to be perverse if you look it up in the dictionary as I did this is what you'll find perverse showing a deliberate and obstinate desire to behave in a way that is unreasonable unacceptable often in spite of the circumstances that's a perverse person a fool is perverse in his understanding and in the way he relates to God she relates to God it's foolish to reject and despise wisdom and instruction to despise this - holding contempt - view as insignificant an instruction is reproof so the fool is going to reject this fear of God they reject the person of God they they reject everything about that I'm going to do what I want to do I'm captain of my own ship I'm going to be the boss here and I've if God doesn't like it so what I'm doing what I want to do that's a fool that says that in his mind in his heart for who operates that way that it doesn't matter what God says or what God thinks now you mark it down it is very foolish to reject the fear of the Lord very foolish to do that but so many people do it because they don't want God to tell them what to do says in the book of Romans you know it talks about in the book of Romans that that in Romans chapter 1 that that which is known about God is evident to every single person it's evident within them because God made it evident to them and the knowledge of God who God is is evident to every single person it's evident through two voices first the voice of conscience and God gives every man woman boy or girl a conscience you're born with a conscience a moral compass that can be polluted and corrupted but it's still there and inside your conscience tells you there is a God the Lord has set eternity it says in the book of ecclesiastes eternity in man's heart he knows that there is more conscience and then the second voice is creation you just look outside and you see what God has made and what does that tell you it says then there's a creator we know that if you see a creation there had to be a creator you know I told you this sometime ago but if you look at my watch you say Jeff that's a nice watch man where'd you get that watch who made that watch who's the manufacturer on that watch listen nobody nobody made this watch the parts just commingled together this watch used to be a button then it became a speedometer then it was a steam gauge and who knows what it's going to be a million years from now that's just dumb who would believe that if there is a watch there's a watchmaker if there is a creation there is a creator and anyone in the medical field when you study the human body and the complexity of the human body if you would have the audacity to say there is no God then you are poking out your own eyes it's obvious there's a god something as complex as a human body doesn't evolve then the whole idea of evolution is kind of this way you put some junk parts in the washing machine put it on spin cycle for a billion years and out comes the camera it doesn't work that way we know that and so there are two voices that speak to us the voice of conscience and the voice of creation to tell us there is a God but it says in Romans chapter 1 verses 21 and 22 for even though the people knew God or knew about God they did not honor him as God or give thanks and their foolish heart was darkened professing to be wise they became fools we live in a world today where people profess to be wise and they have become fools Richard Dawkins the famous atheist scientists who's an atheist he was asked in an interview with Ben Stein how where did it all come from all nobody knows where it came from and Ben Stein got Richard Dawkins the guy who is so supposedly so smart to say well we don't know where it started but it could have been some slime on the back of an alien that started this whole planet Earth and been science said I thought we were talking about science this guy's talking about science fiction he refuses to say there's a god so his explanation for how it all began was the some kind of slime on the back of an alien some kind of garbage in the backpack of an alien it's ridiculous professing themselves to be wise they became fools Hey it is foolish to reject the fear of the Lord but it's not only foolish it is devastating it's devastating to reject the fear of the Lord it's devastating to reject who God is to think you're all that and a bag of chips and somehow you're equal with God Shirley MacLaine had a revelation some years ago where she discovered she was God and she was in they did a movie about this and she was on the beach running down the beach shouting I am God I heard a preacher he was talking about that he said can you just imagine up in heaven that God is there and he grabs the angels he said look at this look at this person and he up in heaven you heard this little boy I am good I am good you're not God I'm not God Shirley MacLaine's not God God is God God is God and it's a devastating thing to reject God look what it goes on to say in proverbs chapter 1 verse 20 wisdom shouts in the street she lifts her voice in the square at the head of the noisy streets she cries out that the instruments entrance of the gates of the city she utters her sayings how long o naive ones will you love simplicity and scoffers delight themselves in scoffing and fools hate knowledge turn to my reproof behold I will pour out my spirit on you I will make my words known to you because I called and you refused I stretched out my hand and no one paid attention and you neglected all my counsel and you did not want my reproof I will even laugh at your calamity I will mock when your dread comes when your dread comes like a storm and your calamity comes on like a whirlwind when distress and anguish come on you then they will call on me but I will not answer says the Lord they will seek me diligently but they shall not find me why God because they hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of the Lord they would not accept my counsel they spurned all my reproof so they shall eat of the fruit of their own way and be satiated with their own devices for the waywardness of the naive shall kill them and the complacency of fools shall destroy them but he who listens to me she'll live securely and shall be at ease from the dread of evil it the Bible tells us call on the Lord while he may be found call on him while he's near but if you reject and you reject and you reject and you reject and you reject finally you hit a point where God says alright you don't want me you don't want to acknowledge me then have at it and God steps away and then the destruction comes and the storms come and then the people cry out just as no doubt in the days of Noah when Noah entered the Ark preached for 120 years and no one came other than his own family the people blacked at him and blew him off until the flood came and then when the water started coming up they began to knock on the ark and beat on the ark and say no I let us in Noah couldn't let him in because God shut the door of the ark and the day of grace was over for them and all that was left was judgment call on the Lord while he may be found call on him while he's near God may be found today he may be near today but listen you might be one who's been resisting and resisting and saying no and saying no and no to the Lord you're gonna do your own thing you're gonna go your own way you're gonna enjoy as one friend of mine told me who has lost he said Jeff I like my sex and I like my beer and so I'm not coming to the Lord coz I want to have sex and I want to drink my beer and then my friend Jerry had a stroke and I talked to him after his stroke some weeks later and he told me with kind of a sick laugh he said I told you that I liked my sex and I liked my beer I wouldn't come to grot Christ because I like my sex and I like my beer he said now I can't have sex and the taste of beer makes me sick and he lost it all you have an opportunity I have an opportunity today to align my life to live in the fear of the Lord always always how you doing with the fear of the Lord non-christian how you doing with the fear of the Lord Christian how you doing with the fear of the Lord I'll close with this story I read about the king of Hungary many many years ago he was depressed and he was unhappy he was a Christian but he hadn't been living for the Lord and he knew it and he was fearing his death and he was fearing meeting the Lord he sent for his brother the Prince to come in his brother was always upbeat and and he wanted his brother to to cheer him up and to help him and he give him some some good counseling told his brother that he was very burdened about his sin in his sinful life and he was worried about what was going to happen when he met God his brother looked at him and laughed in his face he's like why would you care about that who cares about that very flippant and very indifferent was his brother well the King took note of that they had a custom in their land in Hungary at that time if the King got mad at one of the subjects of the land and wanted to execute them because they had offended him he would send the executioner along with some soldiers to that man's house and he would blow a trumpet outside the door and that was a signal that says the king is summoning you and the executioner is here well everyone knew what that meant so after that encounter the king with his brother a few days passed in the king called in the executioner in the dead of night and got the soldiers together and they went to the brother's house and they blew the trumpet and the brother awakened and he heard the trumpet and fear began to course through his veins and he got dressed and he opened the door and they grabbed him and they hold him in the middle of the night before the king and he stood there before the king his own brother and he was pale and he was heart was beating through his chest and he thought for sure he was going to die and he said oh oh King Oh Cyril brother what did I do to offend you please tell me and the King said to him my brother he said if the sight of a human executioner is so terrible to you shall I having grievious grievious lead offended god fear to be brought before the judgment seat of Christ see we blow it off we think it's no big deal but one day for everyone we're going to have to stand before God and give an account of our lives and we stand before the great the mighty the awesome God we spoke the worlds into existence Paul said knowing the fear of the Lord we persuade men for our God is a consuming fire the song says on Christ the solid rock I stand all other ground is sinking sand let me ask you are you certain you're standing on the solid rock you know for sure that you've surrendered your life to Jesus Christ and he really is living inside his Lord and Savior if not today can be the day for you you can just pray this simple prayer with me just say Lord Jesus I need you I know that I'm a sinner and I'm lost and I can't save myself but Jesus I believe that you died on the cross for me and for my sins I believe that you rose again from the dead I believe that your God in the flesh and right now Jesus I opened the door of my heart come into me forgive me of all my sins be my Lord and Savior I surrender my all to you and I promise to follow you all the days of my life my friend if you'll pray a prayer like that turning from your sin and turning to the Savior Jesus will save you and your life will never be the same I'd love to hear from you to know that you're watching to know that God is using this broadcast to make a difference in your life to know that you just prayed that prayer to receive Christ as your Savior and Lord please take the time to call that toll-free number on your screen write me email me let me know what's going on and how we can pray for you you really are important to God and you're important to us and we're here for you from his heart is the viewer supported broadcast ministry of dr. Jeff Shrieve who believes that no matter how badly you may have messed up in life God still loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life find out more about that just go to from his heart dot o-r-g [Music] you you [Music]
Channel: From His Heart Ministries
Views: 1,902
Rating: 4.7837839 out of 5
Id: n0L6DH5qoBI
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Length: 44min 45sec (2685 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2017
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