A World Gone Wicked - Pastor Jeff Schreve

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[Music] jesus said for the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah listen that verse in Matthew 24 alone should be a loud wake-up call for us because in the days of Noah the world had gone totally and completely wicked I'm pastor Jeff Shrieve and this is from his heart we're in a series this month called the days of Noah they were days that grieve the heart of God and I believe that those days are upon us again and the question is this is it too late to turn back we'll find out today so open your Bible to Genesis chapter 6 and let's discover what happens when a world goes wicked [Music] [Music] I hold in my hands a relic from the not-too-distant past who knows what this is huh you guys know what this is have you ever seen one of these just in museums right this is a vinyl record now this is all we had growing up we had vinyl records this is from Debbie's collection the best of Sonny and Cher pretty good got the beat goes on and I got you babe but we had records in that's just what you had and you would go to the record store and you'd see what kind of records they had and and you know you had your turntable and what when I got out of college I spent money to get my record player and all the stuff you know cuz you had to have that but when I was a kid growing up I remember my oldest brother he's nine years older than I was he would tell me now Jeff I just got a new George Harrison record don't mess with it because you're liable to scratch it you know they're very you had to be really careful with the records because they would scratch easily but that's what happened to a record it would get scratched and then it would just keep repeating itself that's what history is like history is like a broken phonograph record it just keeps repeating itself jesus said for the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah just as it was back in the days of Noah when Jesus was talking about the future he said hey you know what it's gonna be like the future guys in Matthew 24 it's going to be just like it was back in the days of Noah history is just going to repeat itself we're starting a new series today called the days of Noah and we're gonna look at what the Bible says about these important day days that were passed and days that are coming because Jesus said that they're going to be the days that are coming are going to be just like the days of Noah that have passed now Noah has been in the news a lot in the last several months because Hollywood did a big huge movie about Noah they spent a hundred and twenty million dollars producing Noah and then probably another 50 70 maybe 80 million dollars advertising the movie Noah with Russell Crowe and whoever else is in it and I was all excited about Noah until I found out that the director boasted that this was going to be the most unbiblical of biblical epics and I said well I'm not going to that I don't want to give that guy a thin dime if he's going to produce a biblical epic that is the most unbiblical and he's proud of it now it's okay if you saw it but but I didn't want to see it because I had read about it and I read how it had nothing to do with you know maybe they had a flood in there right so it had a big boat I mean had something to do with Noah but it didn't go off the text at all it's kind of like if you saw the movie Noah and you're wanting to learn about what was it like during the days of Noah that would be like going to see if you wanted to find out about Abraham Lincoln so you went to see Abraham Lincoln vampire hunter you know and it's like I don't think he was doing that right but it just goes off in this weird direction so in this series we're gonna look and see what does the Bible say about the days of Noah obviously we know from Scripture that the days of Noah were days of judgment and God destroyed the world with a flood 40 days and 40 nights of intense rain that flooded everything and blotted out man and beast and anything that breathed creeping things and birds anything that breathed from the earth was blotted out during the days of Noah they were days of judgment and I believe that these are important days to study because as it was so shall it be and as the people of that day were coming up on judgment and they didn't even realize it I think the people of our day we're coming up on judgment and many people don't even realize it it was some decades ago that Ruth Belgrad the League Rams wife who's in heaven now she died in 2007 but it was in the late 60s early 70s when she told Billy these words if God doesn't judge America I think he's going to have to knit to issue an apology to Sodom and Gomorrah that was decades ago when she said that how much closer are we to judgment so this study is going to be a word of warning it's going to be a word of wake up because so many of us have fallen asleep in compromise and mediocrity and our Christian lives and it's an opportunity for us to get right with God while there's still time so today we want to look at this subject a world gone wicked hey what do we learn from Scripture about the days of Noah if you have your Bible please turn to Genesis chapter 6 you're gonna get so much more out of today if you will follow along in your Bible there's a Bible in the in the Pew in front of you if you don't have a Bible with you the scriptures will be on the screens but we're going to go refer back to them several times so it would just be helpful if you had an open Bible in your lap Genesis chapter 6 I'll begin reading in verse 1 now it came about when men began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them that the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful and they took wives for themselves whomever they chose then the Lord said my spirit shall not strive with man for ever because he also is flesh nevertheless his days shall be 120 years the Nephilim were the earth in those days and also afterward when the sons of God came into the daughters of men and they bore children to them those were the mighty men who were of old men of renown then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth and every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually and the Lord was sorry that he made man on the earth and he was grieved in his heart and the Lord said I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land from man to animals to creeping things and to the birds of the sky for I am sorry that I have made them what do we learn from Scripture about the days of Noah three discoveries I want you to notice with me discovery number one the devil is hard at work hard at work during the days of Noah now the book of Genesis is the book of beginnings it's the book of origins and when we read in Genesis we read about the creation story we read how God spoke and it came into being the book of Genesis doesn't tell us anything about evolution you know why because evolution doesn't exist that's why okay that's that's one of the reasons that doesn't talk about that you have evolution within the species obviously you don't have evolution outside of the species duck doesn't become a grasshopper or vice versa you don't have things like that God set it up and he spoke it into existence just like he said six days of creation well we have that in Genesis chapter 1:1 we have everything is being created and in Genesis chapter 2 we zero in on day six of creation and God is telling us about creating man Adam was created first and then Eve was created to be Adam's helper to be the one suitable to him to be the one that that could come alongside him help him and be fruitful and multiply with him and we read about that and you know at the end Genesis chapter 1 where God gives the broad picture of how everything is going he said and it was very good God saw all that he made and it was very good now the women know that it was only good until the woman came along and then it became very good and that's that's really true a woman just makes life just very good my life was good and then I met Debbie and they became very good and so that's how it worked and then everything's going good chapter 2 it's going good and that's when God brings Eve to Adam and they get married and for this cause a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife and the two shall become one flesh and the man and his wife were both naked and they were not ashamed it's a wonderful experience there in the Garden of Eden there they're together they're married they're experiencing the love of God there is no shame there is nothing to cover up life is wonderful but then Genesis chapter 3 we are introduced to the serpent now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field which the Lord God has made and he said to the woman indeed has God said you shall not eat from any tree of the garden and in chapter 3 we have the fall of man and the serpent deceived Eve and Eve eats of the forbidden fruit and she gives some to Adam and Adam eats of the forbidden fruit and their eyes were opened and they knew that they were naked and they sewed fig leaves together and then when God comes down in the cool of the day to walk with him what are they doing they're hiding from the presence of God they were in Chapter two naked and not ashamed and now they're covered up and they're afraid and they're ashamed and they're hiding and God pronounces judgment he finds out not finds out for information god knows everything but he asked them did you eat of the tree I told you not to eat up and so then they tell him what gets going on and the serpent deceived me Eve tells God and then God pronounces judgment upon the serpent and in God's pronouncement of judgment upon the serpent something very interesting God promises a savior after the fall God promises a savior Genesis chapter 3 verse 15 in the good news Bible the Lord says this I will make you and the woman hate each other he's speaking to the devil the serpent I will make you and the woman hate each other her offspring and yours will always be enemies her offspring will crush your head and you will bite her offsprings heel now Bible scholars tend to all agree that that is a veiled reference to the Savior that's coming the it literally says not the offspring of the woman but the seed of the woman and the woman doesn't have a seed the woman has an egg the man has a seed but God talks about the seed of the woman speaking of the virgin birth of his son and here's the thing there's gonna come forth from Eve a savior and he the the serpent is going to strike him on the heel and the serpent did that to Jesus on the cross but Jesus is gonna conquer death hell in the grave and he's gonna crush the Serpent's head and that's happened that happened when he rose from the dead and so in Genesis chapter 33 right after the fall God promises a savior in the Bible is really a story of sin and a story of redemption and so in Genesis 3 you have sin and you have the promised Redeemer well the devil heard the curse he heard what God said he heard genesis 3:15 there's gonna come an offspring of the woman the seed of the woman he didn't understand at all and there's no way but he knew that hey if something's gonna happen there's gonna be a child from this woman that is going to crush my head so I need to get after that child and that's what you have God gives a promise after the fall and the devil works after the fall to earth the promise he wants to thwart God's promise why because if he can thwart the promise of God then God becomes a promise-breaker if God becomes a promise-breaker what do we call people who break promises liars if God becomes a liar then God becomes a sinner and if God becomes a sinner God can't be God anymore he can't be holy God because now he tainted with sin and God would topple from his throne of holiness and the devil would win and heaven would shut down see the devil is at work here and what do we find in Genesis chapter 4 right off the bat he goes after the offspring of Eve and Cain the oldest son kills Abel the other son because of jealousy because of anger because God didn't accept his sacrifice and so what does the devil say he said okay well the who's ever come in this offspring of woman it can't be Cain because Cain is a murderer now and it can't be able because Abel's dead and so he's working to try and destroy the promise and then the Bible talks about what goes on in the offspring of Cain Cain is a picture of an ungodly man and he has ungodly children and it gives us a little bit of a picture of what was going on in life at this time and then we hit chapter 5 chapter 5 talks about the godly line of Seth Adams other son Seth and Adam had many sons and daughters but it pinpoints different ones and then we hit Genesis chapter 6 and Genesis chapter 6 is a very very confusing passage of Scripture very interesting passage of Scripture I want you to look at it again now it came about when men began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them that the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful and they took wise for themselves whomever they chose what is this talking about because then it goes on to talk about the Nephilim and Nephilim another word for that is Giants the Nephilim are on the earth in those days and also afterward when the sons of God came into the daughters of men and they bore children to them those were the mighty men who are of old men of renown the three main interpretations of that passage these sons of God some say that well all the scripture is talking about here in Genesis chapter 6 is that the godly line of Seth the son of Adam they got co-mingled and cohabitated with the ungodly line of cane and canes ungodly daughters mixed with with Seth's godly line and they polluted the race that way and and everything just went south that's that's one interpretation that's what they say the sons of God sons of God daughters of men but the Bible when it uses the term sons of God it uses it only in the book of Job three times in the book of Job every time it uses the reference the sons of God it refers to angelic beings the sons of God came to appear before the Lord it says in the book of Job and Satan also appeared with them it refers to angels and God says hey job where were you when the sons of God were shouting for joy upon creation where were you who refers to angels so this is not I don't believe talking about the godly line of Seth with the ungodly line of Cain coming together I think this is talking about angelic beings and somehow angelic beings begin to go after women now they're two schools of thought on angels going after women one school of thought is that angels they actually angels are spirit beings but you can see an angel Mary was visited by the angel Gabriel she could see him Zacharias John the Baptist dad he saw the angel when he was in the temple you you can see angels but angels are spirit beings and jesus said that that spirits don't have flesh and bone when he resurrected he said touch me and see a spirit doesn't have flesh and bone like you see I have so all those angels can be visible they don't have flesh and bone and so some said well if this is saying that somehow angels get together with women how does that work I don't know how that works but I will say this the Bible in the New Testament talks about this situation in the book of 2nd Peter and in the book of Jude the scripture talks about what happened here in Genesis chapter 6 it talks about how angels left their proper abaut and they stepped out of bounds and they went after as Jude says strange flesh he likens it to Sodom and Gomorrah where men went after strange flesh men went after gross immorality men went after men in Sodom and he says the same way angels went after that which is unnatural and they went after after women and some say well this is this is how the devil is working somehow demons are coming and now they're going after women and they're having children with these women and they're producing some kind of hybrid race half demon half human well if that's the case and they say that's what the Nephilim are they're the Giants they're the mighty men they're half demon half human well if that is true well one thing is for certain the Messiah can't come from that race because that's a polluted race now I don't think that these are half demon half human you know why because it says that they're men verse three then the Lord said my spirit shall not strive with man for ever because he also has flesh nevertheless his days shall be 120 years the Nephilim were on the earth in those days and also afterward when the sons of God came into the daughters of men and they bore children and these were the mighty men who were of old men of renown it's not some new breed a cat it's not some these are the mighty demon men there's no such race as demon men and there's nothing in the Bible that indicates that angels can procreate angels are created beings boom they were created God made a zillion of those angels but they don't they don't they're not like Adam and Eve where they'd be fruitful and multiply angels they're not fruitful and they don't multiply so this is what I think the Nephilim were this is what I think that God is talking about I think he's talking about angels demons fallen angels the Nephilim that word means to fall these are fallen creatures it's translated Giants because they were mighty but they were fallen once and I think that angels men opened their lives up to to these fallen angels to these demons and they were empowered by these demons and they went after these women who were will eyes wide open knew what this was going on and they wanted to have some kind of unholy triangle between man woman and the devil and they got together because they they believe the lie that the devil shared in Genesis chapter 3 you follow me and you will be like God and so we're gonna have these you're gonna have super children because they're going to be the product of a man and a woman and a man who is demon-possessed coming together with a woman that makes more sense to me of how that works but regardless here's the issue the devil was trying to pollute the race because if he can pollute the race then the promise can't count then Messiah can't come and so the devil is hard at work now there's an interesting passage in 1st Peter chapter 3 says this in 1st Peter chapter 3 because you know when it comes to Noah some people say well I don't even think Noah was a real person well Jesus did he talked about him a lot Peter did he talked about him in both his epistles the writer of Hebrews did I it's very obvious that Noah was a real person and you know what what is really interesting I learned this in seminary years and years ago when I was in seminary when it comes to the flood story every ancient society has a flood story you know why because there was a flood that's why that's why everybody has the flood story because it's like yeah we all know about the flood because yeah you know you say we all came from Adam and Eve we did but we all came from Noah and mrs. Noah because he was the only one and his three sons ham Shem and Japheth and therefore three wives they're the only ones that made it everybody else got wiped out so you can trace your lineage back to to Noah but here is what it says in first Peter chapter three for Christ also died for sins once for all the just for the unjust so that he might bring us to God having been put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit now watch this in which also he went and made proclamation to the spirits now in prison what's he talking about the spirits now in prison anytime the Bible refers to spirits it's not referring to men it's referring to angelic beings demons are part of the angelic realm says who once we're disobedient when the patience of God kept waiting in the days of Noah during which the construction of the ark in which a few that is eight persons were brought safely through the water sea people have read that and they scratch their head and they say what is he talking about this is what I think I asked the Lord I said Lord would you show me what this is talking about and I feel like God answered my prayer just this morning and gave me insight that I had never had before because I was thinking why would Jesus why would you go and go to the prison after you rose from the dead and make proclamation to those angels who were disobedient during the days of Noah who went after strange flesh the Bible says that God took those demons not all of the demons but he took those specific ones and he put them in bonds 2nd Peter chapter 2 verse 4 Jude chapter 1 speaks of that - that he put him in bonds he put him in a special prison and then he rises from the dead and then he goes to that prison and he makes proclamation to those spirits now in prison and I said Lord why would you do that that doesn't make sense to me what's up with that and then it just dawned on me what was the devil trying to do he was trying to thwart the promises of God if I can pollute the race then the Messiah can't come and listen the it says in Genesis 6 verse 1 that when men began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them we don't know how many people lived at that time but they were being fruitful and they were multiplying they had that command down they were doing that and people lived hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years I mean you read in Genesis chapter five you know so-and-so was a hundred and eighty-seven and he had a son can you imagine being a hundred and eighty-seven it's a boy I mean you're a hundred and eighty-seven but they lived so long Adam lived to be 930 all those other guys they live you read about them and they they live to be 905 they were 910 they were 777 so people live for hundreds and hundreds of years they're being fruitful and they're multiplying one man said there were at least seven billion people on the earth during the time of Noah seven billion makes sense I mean we live I would anyone want to live to be 930 no I mean would you how would you get that many candles on your cake all right just be something else but I don't think very many but but I kind of look at it you take all those numbers in your vitamin so I think when a man was 187 that was kind of like him being 18 almost 20 in terms of how his physical body was I mean you didn't really start getting up in years till you're about 850 you know it's like you're really dragging you a lot 850 give me a break but I just think it was kind of like that because life was different before the flood but here's the thing okay the flood comes only eight people are saved out of the 7 billion people only 8 the devil thinks that he has the Lord right where he wants them he is polluting the whole race but God always has a remnant and God saved Noah and from Noah the Savior came and I think when Jesus came up out of the grave he went to those spirits now in prison those angels who left their proper abode and mixed with those men and mixed with those women to try and pollute the race and he said in your face jack you thought you could tort the promises of God you cannot wort the promises of God now that might not be correct and I thought it's pretty cool and it's a little bit of uncle sy in there I just think it's a neat thing in your face Jack I digress let's go on to 0.2 first discovery is The Devil's hard at work second discovery is man goes from innocence to the depths of depravity from innocence to the depths of depravity that's how God created man he was totally innocent in the garden he wasn't declared righteous it's different to be righteous declared righteous by God vs. to being innocent Adam never sinned so he was innocent but the righteousness of God had not been imputed to him that happens to a Christian who receives Christ a Christian who received Christ is justified before God just as if you've never sinned while Adam had never sinned but he was capable of falling he was capable of losing his relationship with God and that's what happened to him and he goes from innocence to his eyes being opened to falling so far you know how many years it was from the time of the creation of Adam until the flood sometimes we think you know because because we're influenced by evolutionary thoughts so we think well it had to be probably billions of years something like that when you take the geological record in the Old Testament you will find this 16 hundred and fifty-six years from the creation of Adam until the flood sixteen hundred and fifty six years now God said in Genesis chapter 6 verse 3 that his spirit would not always strive with man yet his days shall be 120 years so when you back out 120 years when we read these things in Genesis chapter 6 that's your 1536 it's been a little over 1,500 years and the world has gotten so wicked in that period of time and what makes it even more startling is there are two guys who lived overlapped their life in that fifteen hundred and thirty-six year period in that sixteen hundred and fifty six year period two guys Adam lived to be 930 Methuselah he lived to be 969 those two guys were contemporaries I mean when when Adam when Methuselah was born I wrote this down I thought it was kind of cool Adam was 687 when Methuselah was born Methuselah is Noah's granddad and Noah's dad is Lamech Adam was 874 when Noah's dad was born Lamech I mean those people knew Adam they could you could go talk to Adam you want to know what hey Adam I mean I wonder what it was like back in the day we just talked to Adam he was there his first guy you could go talk to him and Methuselah he lived boom until the day of the flood Methuselah was the son of Enoch Enoch was the man who never died he walked with God and he was not for God took him interesting thing about Methuselah his name his name I mean have you ever heard a name Methuselah like let me limit what's a baby good baby name well Jack Jim but those look I mean you wouldn't come up with that one that's a bad name right his name is significant his name means it shall be sent when he is dead what shall be sent the flood destruction of man it shall be sent when he is dead and he lived to be 969 years old he was the oldest man who ever lived little joke about Methuselah says the oldest man who ever lived who died before his father did was Methuselah he died before his father because Enoch never died Enoch went straight to heaven didn't taste death but here you have these two guys and so you can know what's going on if you lived in the world at that time because the eye Nessa's were there and the world in that sixteen hundred and fifty six years or if you back out the one twenty then it's just the fifteen hundred and thirty six years is so wicked there's a population explosion and there's all this wickedness going on with demons and the people are welcoming in the demons into their lives and into their unions and it says in verse five then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually God saw it he knew it but now he dies Lord ER in every place watching the evil and the good but then the Lord really focuses in and says this is what the world is it is wicked to the core the wickedness of man is off the chain and God saw that and there is no redeeming man every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually let that sink in that's what God saw this is in the God's word translation all day long their deepest thoughts were nothing but evil that's what God saw what do you do with that there's no raw material to work with in that kind of a heart and that's what God saw wickedness off the chain and the world is characterized by two things during the days of Noah vice and violence bison violence say what is vice vices and morality and sexual immorality was rampant during the days of Noah and people are sinning right and left and they're not thinking a thing about it they don't care what God says they don't care what God had orchestrated what God had designed scripture says as it was in the days of Noah social that's coming of the Son of Man be it says Jesus also said as it was in the days of sodom and gomorrah social the days the coming of the Son of Man be well what do we recognize about Sodom and Gomorrah Oh Sodom and Gomorrah had given themselves over to sexual immorality namely sexuality and that was rampant in Sodom and Gomorrah and there two instances in the Bible where God brings total devastation where he blots people off the face of the earth in the days of Noah and in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah pinpointed in Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities of the plains actually there were four cities there sodom gomorrah admah and zeboiim all the cities by the Dead Sea he rained fire and brimstone they're gone you didn't see there's no remnants of that that's just gone and the Lord did the same thing when he rained water upon the earth for forty days and forty nights and the water rose above the mountains until everything was dead there was vice there was violence it says in Genesis 6 verse 11 now the earth was corrupt in the sight of God and the earth was filled with violence I read today about two teenagers in Houston this was this happened earlier this year they were involved in satanic worship one was 17 one was 16 they lured a 15 year old girl away from her home and they got her and they sexually abused her they were they they felt like the devil told them to do this so that they could complete their selling of their soul to the devil and they lured this young fifteen year old girl away and they sexually abuse her and they stabbed her with a screwdriver repeatedly she had holes in her face where the screwdriver went in and they carved in her stomach an upside-down cross and he said such a horrific crime is unthinkable that's by a 17 year old and a 16 year old Wow in Noah's day the earth was filled with violence everywhere you look there was violence and it was a place that was irredeemable so man goes from Ennis to the depths of depravity and then discovery number three God has brokenhearted and has no choice but to judge says in Genesis chapter 6 and verse 6 and the Lord was sorry that he made man on the earth and he was grieved in his heart and the Lord said I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land from man to animals to creeping things into birds of the sky for I am sorry that I have made them you know what it means when it says that God was sorry that word sorry means to sigh it means to breathe strongly God first it says in Genesis chapter 6 verse 3 that God said my spirit shall not strive with man for ever for he is but flesh yet his days shall be 120 years God said and then it says in verse 5 God saw the wickedness of man was great and then it tells us what God felt as he looked out he was sorry he breathed the sigh he looked out upon wicked man and he went he breathed strongly he was grieved in his heart he had pain in his heart and God is speaking in anthropomorphic language like like he's a man and like he's a man looking out at at the his creation and it's just it's just so heavy in his heart that he sees all this stuff that in Genesis chapter 1 was very good now it is disastrous and the earth is filled with wickedness off-the-chain and it's filled with violence and God is grieved over sin it's important to note that not all sin is created equal sometimes we like to say well you know sin is sin no matter what it is I mean if I'm at the grocery store and I steal a two-cent piece of gum that's sin just like if I robbed a bank and stole two million dollars it's all the same in the sight of God send us in kind of but not really God is gonna send a flood and wipe everybody out why because somebody charged a little too much on a her to go no less there's some deep sin here the wickedness of man was great on the earth hey any sin will keep you from the Savior but there's a sin that brings consequences you know if I if I go out on Moors Lane and I get caught going 60 in a 45 well I get a ticket but I'm not gonna go to the pin for that for 10 years hopefully yeah I might have to pay $100 fine hey there there's some laws you break that have these consequences and some others that have these consequences you start breaking big laws as they were doing and you bring upon yourself the judgment of God now God has grieved over sin it hurts him now I want you to think about this if God is grieved when he looks out on the masses who did not know him and he's grieved in his heart it pains him in his heart to see them living sinful lives how much more when he sees his own children those who claim the name of Christ and you're living a sinful life and God is grieved he's hurt it pains him in his heart scripture says in Ephesians chapter 4 verse 30 and do not grieve the Holy Spirit who was given to you whose your pledge of redemption Oh grieve him don't pain him that hurts God he's grieved over sin and he's grieved when he's forced to judge God has no choice but to judge this ancient world why does he have no choice because the world is irredeemable he can't bring it back they're not listening to him Noah is it called a preacher of righteousness he preached for 120 years while he was building the boat how many converts did he had how many people did he have come forward when they sang for 120 years just as I am none except his own family nobody listened to him except his own family ARC's a big boat there's room in the Ark for people but they didn't come they didn't come see redeemable and so God has no choice but to bring judgment listen the devil would want you to believe that God gets some kind of sadistic joy out of judging people that God long he's just clapping his hands rubbing his hands together said oh boy now I get to whack them not God he's grieved in his heart he is sighing and he said there's nothing left to do there's nothing left except judgment ezekiel chapter 18 verse 32 the scripture says for I have no pleasure in the death of anyone who dies declares the Lord therefore repent and live there are three people three classes of people in this room three classes of people watching on television listening on radio on live streaming three classes you tell me which class you're in number one there's the class the lost person person that doesn't know Christ maybe you're here and you don't have a relationship with Jesus Christ you know about him in your head but you've never entrusted your whole life to him and you're here and the Lord is calling you I have no pleasure in the death of anyone who dies the Lord says therefore repent turn from your wicked ways come to me and live and God is calling to you to come you're a lost person the Lord loves you he wants to save you second class of people here today you're a saved person but you're a saved person who's grieving God because you're not walking with God you're not pleasing God you're not obeying God you know you're not you're living in sexual immorality see that's one of the the marks of the the days of Noah you just don't care what God thinks about it let the marriage bed be undefiled for fornicators and adulterers God will judge and you say well who cares the I'm living with my boyfriend I'm living with my girlfriend yeah we're not married but who cares it matters to God matters to God if you're living like that you're grieving his heart if you know him you're never going to grow in your relationship with him because you're not obey him and some of you are here like that whatever your your sin might be you're just giving over this little area of your heart you have of this pocket or rebellion this pocket of sin you're holding it in there and you think well I can still walk with God you can't you're gonna grieve him and he's gonna sigh over you doesn't mean you're gonna die and go to hell if you really belong to him you won't but do you really want to live your life like that is that what you want to give to the Savior when you die and you stand before God and you say well god I just blew you off my whole time as a Christian but now little children the Bible says abide in him so that when he appears we may have confidence and not shrink back in shame that is coming you don't want to be like that there's a third group third class that's the person not perfect not doing everything right but a desire in his heart a desire in her heart to please God and you're not grieving him you're pleasing him you're dealing with sin in your life you're getting it out and you're walking with him you're spending time with him you're saying Here I am Lord fill me use me I want to be the person you want me to be God takes great pleasure in a person like that I want to close with this question when you look soberly within he's God pleased with you or as he grieved we've been talking about the days of Noah days that brought about a worldwide flood and destroyed the earth listen God had a way of salvation for the people of Noah's day who was an ark and God has a way of salvation for you and me today it's the Lord Jesus Christ you see that ark of Noah's day it pictured the Lord Jesus and you were either in or out so where are you today when it comes to the Lord Jesus Christ have you made a decision to surrender your life to him or you on the fence are you still thinking about it listen I don't know when judgment is coming but I know it's coming the day of the Lord will come the Bible says and you need to be ready so I want to encourage you and invite you to pray this simple prayer with me and receive the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and King Lord Jesus I need you I know that I'm a sinner and I'm lost and I can't save myself but Jesus I believe your God in the flesh I believe that you died on the cross for my sins I believe that you rose again from the dead on the third day and right now Jesus I ask you to come into my life forgive me of all my sins be my Lord be my Savior I surrender my all to you and I promise to follow you all the days of my life my friend if you'll pray a prayer like that and mean it the Lord will come in and your life will never be the same I would love to hear from you to know that you're watching to know that God is using this broadcast to make a difference in your life to know that you just prayed that prayer to receive Christ as Savior and Lord please take the time to call that toll-free number write me email me let me know what's going on and how we can pray for you you really are important to God and you're important to us and we're here for you from his heart is the viewer supported broadcast ministry of pastor Jeff Shrieve who believes that no matter how badly you've messed up in life God still loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life you can find out more about that plan when you go - from his heart Oh Archie you
Channel: From His Heart Ministries
Views: 6,311
Rating: 4.9455781 out of 5
Id: i7EtwzJkjwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 23sec (2843 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 06 2020
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