how to: be FEARLESS!!!

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[Music] hey guys and welcome back to my channel hope you guys are doing well in today's video we're going to be talking about how to be fearless about you guys but the older I get the more I realize that this world is governed by fear and some of you probably won't agree with this but I have not sat down to watch the news in over seven years it's like I don't want to hear about what husband killed his wife and his five kids I don't want to hear about what Donald Trump is up to like I have enough anxiety focusing on my own life I just personally don't know how some of you sit down and continuously feed your soul and I'm not against keeping up to date with what's going on I am NOT ignorant to what's happening around but I'm not going to search for stories like some of you guys search for horror stories sometimes you seek to be afraid like I'm not that person yeah I remember back in December my mom picked me up from the airport I just come back from Turkey and I was out there with a friend however I was spending most of my time going around places on my own and I came back and I told my mom that I'd met this guy over there who's a lawyer and things like that just like meeting different people and I was explaining to her and then she proceeded to tell me about a story of a girl a young girl that went traveling she met this guy and on a second date he ended up killing her and she asked me would you ever go traveling by yourself in which and I replied absolutely and I proceeded to tell her that every horror story you hear there's 10,000 other stories that you do not hear what because nothing happened nothing bad happened right and do not misconstrue I'm saying I'm absolutely telling you two guys to be vigilant do not be stupid and be wise when you're going out places however there's a beautiful world out there and a lot of us don't actually explore it because of fear and a funny thing is the thoughts of what if scares us more than an actual thing that we want to do like we literally have a fear or fear right it's like what if I fail what if I look stupid what if things don't go to plan what if I'm rejected what if I choke what if I embarrass myself what if what if what if he but faith on the other hand says what if I win what if I achieve what if I am accepted what if this actually happens for me what if it actually works out and I hear some of you guys say in but what if it doesn't well what if it does what if it does ladies and gentlemen what if it does and one of the slogans that I live for is when nothing is certain anything is possible and really the only way to conquer if is to do the other fear and do it anyway like really feel it really sit with that don't try and escape it feel the fear that you are making up in your mind that is an absolute fact of what will actually happen feel that fear but go ahead anyway but do it anyway the emotion and the feeling of fear does not have to stop you unless you want it to and I noticed to be true fear says Danger Danger Danger when there is non fear force evidence appearing real force evidence appearing real you've worked up in your mind so much that is actually become real to you it's actually become a fad and it's like everything that I've ever wanted to do that I've been afraid of doing once I've actually done it I've had to sit back and think is that it is that what I was afraid of is that really what kept me up at night if you guys can relate please comment below and tell me I'm not crazy like tell me you've experienced this as well share with us an experience or something that you were so afraid of doing or saying or whatever and you did it and it was like it was like nothing like you worked yourself up so much that when you actually did it it was like what was I afraid of this share one story I really want in a comment section to be a source of encouragement for those who may be afraid of doing something like you guys have to understand isn't something that I learnt in 2015 there's a difference between fear and actual danger but that's because you feel afraid does not mean this actual danger there so back in 2015 my mum and my sister and my niece were going to Mexico and so at the time they was going news was saying there's gonna be a massive hurricane in Mexico one that had never seen before like the news were exaggerating like like they were going in right and so my mum watched her news and she watched her news and she watched her news and she was in two minds about going she had already paid planned and packed her suitcase and everybody was saying it's fine don't worry just go blah blah blah Ellen was saying safe is buying their worries and so the night before they were supposed to travel I was awoken to my mum screaming my mum was hysterical and like me my grandma came rushing in and we like prayed for her calmed her down and she was okay so long story short they went on holiday they enjoyed their trip she didn't lose her life but she lost her suitcase but life suitcase life suitcase she was very upset even though I knew they were gonna be fine like her fear and her anxiety was literally rubbing off for me and in that moment I decided I'm not gonna fear nothing I'm not gonna fear nothing just because you feel it does not mean it's real fear is a liar fear is deceptive but granted there were people that actually canceled their flight could you imagine their faces sitting here in cold England and realizing that a hurricane that they forecast actually didn't even do anything it has passed over could you imagine them sitting at home realizing that the news were wrong and I personally believe that regret will hurt more and fear ever could so I don't know about you guys but I've made up my mind this year that I'm letting nothing stop me from doing the things that I want to do that I want to achieve whether I am afraid or not whether I am nervous or not wherever I think there's a possibility of me failing or not mark my words I'm going to do every single thing I've set my mind to do this year and nothing will be impossible for me if I can't do something and I'll find someone that can where there is a will there is a way my mum's favorite saying wherever there was a will to do something a way will be made where there is no will excuses will be made and we ain't doing no excuses this year and I'm letting none of you guys off the hook no excuse I don't want to hear nada question how long are you guys gonna let fear stop you from doing the things you really want to do in this life how long are you going to allow fear to you to make you mediocre to make you feel small devil is a liar enough is enough repeat after me enough is enough you have enough to do another Bible says if you have faith as small as a mustard seed you can say to that mountain move and it will be moved can you imagine and here's the trick the people seem to think that you have to have bucket loads of faith to do great things people seem to think that you have to have big balls you have to believe in yourself with everything will seem to think that you have to be super confident people think that you have to be super super super confident but no baby girl you just need a little you don't need this I want to show you how much faith you need mustard seed you see that that's how much faith you need that's how much faith you need in yourself that's how much faith need in your dreams that's how much faith you did in God just a little bit just a little faith can move mountains it's like if you could just allow yourself to entertain the thought of it being possible that is enough faith like faith is not say a hundred times until you believe it no faith is you believe it you just have to believe you just have to do it no one can give you faith you just have to do it faith is a doing word but people say bring it I just don't believe it I just don't believe that it's possible for me whether you think you can or you think you can't you are right the scary thing is is that you will be stuck in the same place next year if you do not believe in yourself if you do not believe that something other than what you're feeling with right now is possible you will stay stuck doubts fear keeps you stuck faith keeps you moving and remember what I said you only need a little bit you entertain the thought of it being possible that's a faith start as a good start like you shouldn't be scared of having faith fear has killed more dreams than faith could ever faith has materialized more dreams than fair could ever period let me ask you a question did you ever hear about the guy that wanted to invent the light bulb but let fear stop him yeah me neither never hear about anybody that was going to that wanted to that was fixing to do as my Americans are say I was finished at that business I was finna take that job I was finna marry that man I was finna finna in that first of all finna is not a word okay however nobody cares like nobody cares about what you was thinking about doing people only care about what's being done and I'm sorry this is a tough love love tells you the truth nobody gives a rat's ass about what you was fixing to do or what you're thinking about doing it's like I let you off when someone says that person stole my idea nobody didn't you didn't even materialize I didn't even start it nobody stole anything from you you stole it from yourself you allowed fear to steal it from you that's gotta burn and I really believe that ideas float around in the atmosphere waiting to land on someone and it says materialize me manifest me in knocks on people's doors manifest me hello hello I'm a really good idea I'm looking materialize me and when you don't it flies away to someone else and you have to understand for every idea that there is out there was someone that did not have the courage to do it I read this other day for every idea only one in sixty actually actualize it for example my sister had this idea of probably some ten years ago about starting a shop that sells American breakfast obviously over here we're backwards so we don't have things America has so she wants to do American cereal diner basically and it's funny because about two years ago I saw one was open in Shoreditch and I told her like this is like and she's like yeah I know I saw it I saw it and my mom even had like some 15 years ago she an idea for I think it was even like hosiery or tights and whenever she sees it out he's always out all year I had the idea back when so I guess what I'm trying to do is to provoke some of you who take ideas that take things for granted to wake the hell up like I said I am manifesting every single idea and everything I set out to do this year I am manifesting every single bit of it some of you guys need to go and buy that domain name for that business idea that you've been sitting on for yonks some of you need to open up an Instagram account with that idea some of you need to start a YouTube channel just do it and don't tell me you can't afford it Instagram is free YouTube is free a domain name will probably cost you around 6 pound there's really no excuse and like I said this is tough love but I'm telling you guys this because I love you enough to hold you accountable I don't know about you guys but do you know what I feel like I feel like Mario Cart you know in the game and he's like going food and he's like collecting every coin every coin every queen that's literally how I feel this year like and I'm gonna be swerving like boom boom boom boom boom boom got it got it got it got it that is how my year is gonna be and I claim it in Jesus name leaving any money on the table because enough is enough I'm tired of being mediocre I'm tired of holding myself back and you enough really is enough comment below enough is enough if you're really serious about kicking fear right in the teeth like I said fear is not real it's not real this video was kind of short but I feel like I've said all I need to say whatever you do this information is totally and will always be up to you faith or fear it's the difference between success and failure guys don't forget to subscribe to my channel turn on your notifications follow me on Instagram turn on your notifications so that when I post my next video you'll be the first to know about it love you guys so much let's go forth let's conquer let's be empowered what needs to be done and until next time guys love you guys you
Channel: Breeny Lee
Views: 215,751
Rating: 4.9834561 out of 5
Keywords: breeny lee, breeny lee pep talk, ted talks, overcoming fear, overcoming fear motivational video, fear and anxiett
Id: S00bpqLjIjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 10 2019
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