How to Be a Bounty Hunter - EPIC HOW TO

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you've seen Dog the Bounty Hunter and you've thought wouldn't it be awesome to be that guy but maybe not exactly that guy but a bounty hunter like that guy well we're going to show you how to do that this is epic how to epic how to [Music] what exactly is a bounty hunter in modern society bounty hunters track down and apprehend accused criminals who failed to appear for court dates bounty hunters are responsible for the return of 99% of criminal defendants who skip bail bounty hunters make around $50,000 a year though most professional bounty hunters have some sort of previous law enforcement experience this isn't strictly necessary yes even you can get off your couch truck right now and become a bounty hunter today well there are some legal requirements if you live in these states bounty hunting is straight-up illegal other states require a license or some form of certification to obtain certification you usually have to attend some sort of bounty hunter school yes it's literally called bounty hunter school rad but some states don't require this at all like Hawaii we recommend you leave the mainland and head there now despite my obvious intelligence I am NOT a lawyer and this is not official legal advice talk to someone who practices law in your area if they're serious about bounty hunting you're ready to hunt down criminals first you need to gear up bulletproof vests handcuffs mag light flashlights and cell phones are standard tools of the trade you're also gonna want a laptop of wireless internet access to search online criminal databases some bounty hunters also carry guns Hawaii has some of the strictest gun laws in the u.s. though so you're gonna need to pass a background check submit to FBI fingerprinting have a valid photo ID fill out forms and take a handgun safety course and you won't be able to concealed-carry Hawaii hasn't issued a concealed carry permit in years getting a gun in Hawaii is tricky but plenty of bounty hunters forgo the handgun in favor of non-lethal options like pepper spray tasers and batons all right you're all geared up and ready to hunt how to get that first game like any other job it's about who you and in this job the people you need to bill or bondsman who are bondsman someone isn't able to pay bail they visit a bondsman bondsman puts up the money for the defendants bail in exchange for an additional 10% fee this then makes the bondsman solely responsible to pay the fee if the defendant fails to appear in court bondsman hire bounty hunters to track down the fleeing defendants so they can get their money back to get the job from a bondsman you need to get to know them and gain their trust professional bounty hunters say that all you need to do is make a bondsman believe that you can get the job done call up a local bondsman and ask for work you might need to do a couple jobs for free at first but it's worth it to get your foot in the door now some bondsman might not even hire you but instead refer you to a veteran bounty hunter if you're lucky this person can act as your mentor teaching you the tricks of the trade and giving you the valuable experience that will help you gain the bondsman's trust eventually though you're gonna be able to go solo and spread your bounty hunter wings and fly you're on the job to track down your skipper that's bounty hunter lingo for someone who skips out on bail but before you do you should know exactly what you can and can't do as a bounty hunter first the bondsman needs to give you a bail piece a legal document confirming the skipper is a fugitive and the power of attorney to bring the skipper back to the bondsman without that piece of paper you can't do anything bounty hunters can legally enter a skipper's home if they suspect the skipper's inside and they don't even need a warrant that's powered but they can't enter anyone else's home unless they obtain a warrant or the homeowners permission but that bail piece a bounty hunter can legally arrest their skipper this isn't a citizen's arrest my view you can actually handcuff and detain your skipper you don't even have to read them their Miranda rights but you can't arrest anyone else even if they're committing a crime you can't under any circumstances use excessive force bounty hunters must stay within the country the US and the Philippines are the only countries in the world that allow bounty hunting anything you do in another country as a bounty hunter will land you in jail right next to your purse that's short for perpetrator in case you haven't seen law and order once again talk to a local lawyer before going out there since most judges won't accept Assad on epic how-to as a legal defense you're in hot pursuit of your first skipper nice where do you start your first exciting step is research get everything you can on your skipper name birth date last-known address phone numbers and phone records credit card statements social security number anything and everything can be used to help you find the skipper next interview their friends family and coworkers according to professional bounty hunter Bob Burton every skipper has a Judas who's willing to give information on the skipper's current location if nobody's willing to talk try a bribe a couple hundred bucks can go a long way in giving you your skippers location you found your skipper and it's time to apprehend him and bring him to justice the good news is that a lot of skippers won't resist arrest you might not even have to use handcuffs according to Bob Burton a lot of skips that short for skipper will come along without a hassle but if they do resist arrest you want to subdue them with non-lethal force that's where your pepper spray and taser come in handy if for some reason you don't have your weapons you'll need to rely on hand-to-hand combat but before you attempt any of these be careful you can see she hurt herself and others that being said you want to aim for the most vulnerable parts of the body the eyes nose ears neck groin knee and legs that should stun the skipper enough for you to subdue him heck you can also attempt the single leg takedown to do this grab one of the skipper's legs and pull it toward you and use your upper body to push him away from you this will take him down and give you enough time to handcuff him once your skip does detain take them to jail in the county that they were arrested in move over Doug there's a new bounty hunter in Hawaii and though you don't have your own TV show and a new york times best-selling autobiography at least you don't look like an idiot like dog happy hunting this has been epic how to let us know what topic you guys think we should break down next in the comments below and don't forget to subscribe you
Channel: AWE me
Views: 1,268,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bounty Hunter (Fictional Job Title), how to become a bounty hunter, bounty Hunter job, be a bounty hunter, awesome jobs, epic jobs, badass jobs, Han Solo (Film Character), Epic How To, Epic, How To (Website category), Epic How-To, How-to, DIY, Life Hack, Epic Life Hack, AWEme, Awe Me, Awemechannel, Funny, Comedy (Film Genre), Defy Media, Break Media (Business Operation), Do It Yourself (Hobby)
Id: 1a2gkmFN6ZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 32sec (392 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2015
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