Survive A Plane Crash - EPIC HOW TO

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it's every Flyers worst fear your plane is going down and unless you've got solely as your pilot you're gonna crash is there any way for you to make it out alive well keep your seatbelts fastened and your tray tables in the upright and locked position I know how to make it through this is epic how to survive a plane crash if you want to learn how to survive a plane crash because you're worried about your next flight you can breathe easy according to a study by the US government of the 568 plane crashes in the u.s. between 1993 and 2000 over 90% of the passengers and crew survived even the most deadly crashes still saw half the passengers and crew make it out alive that's 50% great odds so the video is over right everybody can go home wrong it's not the study also found that one-third of those who died in plane crashes could have survived if they have taken the proper precautions so what are those precautions well it starts when you buy your ticket you're gonna want to get the safest possible seat thinking about splurging and go in first-class well I can't argue with three boos but you're less likely to survive if you sit near the front of the plane when you hit a mountain first thing that hits it the front accordion to death into the Alps according to a 2007 study Popular Mechanics magazine analyzed all commercial airline crashes in the US since 1971 passengers seated in the rear cabin have a sixty-nine percent survival rate as opposed to 56 percent in the middle of the plane in just 49 percent in the front of the plane and make sure you sit within five rows of an exit row studies also have found that people within five rows of an exit row have a higher rate of survival because they can can you guess they can exit the plane faster thanks million dollars study so what's safer a window seat an aisle seat or a middle seat actually none of your three seen options are safer than any other research on the safest seat location has found no statistical advantage in where you sit if you can you're gonna want to fly on the largest plane possible the bigger the plane the more energy it will absorb upon impact and the less force you'll be subjected to when you hit the app also book a direct flight according to Todd Kurtis an aviation safety expert therefore a direct flight is statistically less likely to crash also on the day of your flight wear proper clothing you're gonna want to leave clothes made from polyesters or nylons at home as they're highly flammable instead wear something with natural fibers like cotton or wool they look way better on you anyway champ you'll also want to have a good pair of shoes high-heeled sandals or any shoes that make it hard to run increase the time it will take for you to exit the crash plane listen to the safety announcements you know that thing that flight attendants say that you usually ignore take your headphones out and pay attention you boner when the plane crashes it's the information in the safety announcements that'll probably keep you alive buckle your seat belt as tight as it can go every bit of slack increase of the potential g-forces you'll be subjected to during the crash next have an escape plan visualize how you'll get to the exit row know how you'll get to a second or third exit Row 2 in case the way that the closest exit row is blocked when the planes going down you need to remain calm the instant the oxygen mask drops put it on and make sure you put yours on first before you help those around you or steal their masks for extra oxygen for you it's all about you here you're gonna want to properly brace yourself in the brace position recommended by the FAA first put your seat back in the upright position then grasp your ankles and position your legs together with your knees ahead of your feet this will prevent your legs from flying forward and potentially braking been making it more difficult for you to exit the plane then rest your head and chest against your legs make sure your head is facing down and not sideways to protect your net that's vital if you can place a carry-on item under the seat in front of you this will help brace your legs and avoid further injury you might think about using a blanket or a pillow to help cushion the impact but don't they actually increase the possibility of secondary impact injuries blankets and pillows can also clutter the aisle making it harder for people to evacuate yes you survived the crash but that's only the first part it's not the impact that kills most people on a plane crash it's the buyer the National Transportation Safety Board reports that 68% of all deaths in a plane crash are the result of fire that's a nightmare statistic once you crash you have to act fast it takes just 90 seconds to engulf the plane's fuselage and blow the whole plane up every second you wait for someone to tell you what to do drastically increases your odds of survival time to man or woman up bucko if not the play first don't wait for instructions or orders from flight crew what do they know they know what to do when it's flying you're on the ground now they might be incapacitated or they might be stricken with what scientists call negative panic a condition where people are so stunned by traumatic events they physically cannot move that's a nightmare statistic now it sounds dumb but try to remember how to unbuckle your seatbelt research has found that the stress and trauma of the crash makes people forget that their seat belt unbuckles on the front rather than on the side with a push button like a car not in the car you're in a freaking plane that's about to explode keep you together right if you see smoke find a piece of fabric or cloth to cover your nose and mouth even a couple of breaths of smoke can cause you to go unconscious did your carry-on bag or any personal items you simply don't have the time to take everything and you're gonna need both hands to push aside any debris in your way or to cover your nose and mouth when exiting the plane don't push or shove your dick fighting between passengers only slows the exit process down to result in further injuries I survived the crash into the mountain there was a big fire but this jackhole push me out the door broke my spine once you're out of the plane you want to get as far away from the crash as possible in case of an explosion but don't go too far rescuers will be looking for survivors near the crash site now all of this freaks you out don't worry airline travel is extremely safe in your ultimately very unlikely to be involved in a crash the odds of dying in a plane crash are 1 in 8,000 compare that with the odds of dying on a motorcycle which are 1 in 900 or dying in a car which are 112 o perspectives congratulations you made it out of the plane crash alive and well and maybe next time you'll just take the train hope those humans tasted good you were friends they have a family you have to talk to them in the future this has been epic how to let us know what topic you guys think we should break down next in the comments below and don't forget to subscribe you
Channel: AWE me
Views: 1,802,189
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Keywords: plane crash, scully, survive a plane crash, epic how to, plane crash video
Id: vP7Xo3tNFok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 52sec (412 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 07 2016
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