How To Live Forever - EPIC HOW TO

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humans have been trying to live forever since well forever you want to flip the angel death the bird well we're going to tell you the secret of immortality and neither you nor your favorite TV characters will ever have to die again this is epic how to live forever as the old saying goes the only things you have to do our pay taxes and die I know what taxes do but why debt why do we even have to die at all the human body is made up of cells y'all these cells are constantly breaking down and your body has to spend energy to fix them over time your body's repair system no longer has the energy to fix all the damaged cells causing you to die but not all life-forms work this way one species of jellyfish the turritopsis nutricula can constantly repair its cells making it biologically immortal when the turritopsis nutricula receives enough cellular damage it transforms all its cells back into its earlier life stage it's kind of like if you got sick in the way your body healed was by morphing back into a baby now while scientists are still learning more about this immortal jellyfish human beings are living longer and longer according to James VII Pell D founding director of the Max Planck Institute for demographic research Germany human life expectancy has been increased in two-and-a-half years every decade 25 years every century as we develop better health care better standards of living and better education the worldwide number of people who will live past 100 will increase tenfold between 2010 and 2050 now the first step on the road to living forever is to make some simple changes to your daily routine working no more than 50 hours a week has been shown to add a year and a half to your life could by all Americans studies have shown that just ten to fifteen minutes of vigorous exercise each day decreases the effect of aging and yeah that's vigorous exercise so stretching doesn't count join a group study at the University of Chicago showed that lonely people are at a greater risk of stress and heart disease than people with a closed circle of friends a low calorie diet might also prevent aging researchers at Newcastle University fed mice a low calorie diet and it greatly increased cellular replication and decreased the effects of aging and head to the supermarket to buy a bunch of grapes then throw away the middle and just eat the skin grape skins contain a chemical called resveratrol which has been shown in tests to increase the lifespan of certain animals pick up some dark chocolate - dark chocolate is full of flavonoids which help prevent blood clots and heart disease like grapefruits me neither eat them anyways they contain a molecular compound called spermidine that has been proven to prolong the life span of worms fruit flies and yeast but Joe I don't want to eat healthier and don't do jumping jacks can't a robot do something don't fret friend with funny voice nanobots are here to help you live forever nanobots are tiny robots that are less than a quarter of a millimeter big and can swim through your bloodstream doctors can potentially use these nanobots to perform life-saving surgeries in difficult to navigate places like the brain scientists have also used nanobots to repair the optic nerves of a blind hamster allowing it to see again and cure type 1 diabetes and rats why do we keep doing the cool stuff on rats do it to humans Joe that's not how it works there's ethical and moral shut up as the technology increases humans will one day have nanobots implanted in our blood streams constantly repairing cellular damage beyond robots living in our bloodstream science is looking into genetic engineering to modify our DNA so we'll never shuffle off this mortal coil having already mapped out the human genome scientists can potentially find genes linked to aging or disease and alter them so they no longer affect us biologist Cynthia Kenyon at UC San Francisco has genetically engineered earth horns to live four times as long genetic engineering also allows us to create new organs entirely from scratch in 2014 researchers in Scotland used every cells to create brand-new organs inside of a mouse while the technology is not yet ready for humans it's easy to imagine a world where you can simply replace a failing organ in the same way you get a new brake pad for your car ultimately through genetic engineering scientists will one day be able to create human clones sure you can argue that your clone is detecting for you but if you think about it it is technically new but human cloning is a long ways away and not just scientifically both Australia and Canada have laws against human cloning and the United Nations has officially called for a worldwide ban on it another problem with cloning is that although your genetics live forever your consciousness dies with your original body if you really want your mind to live forever you're gonna have to put your brain into a computer enter whole brain emulation the human brain is nothing more than a bunch of electrical signals right interacting with one another get it in the same way we can emulate old video games on modern hardware we could theoretically emulate the electrical signals of your brain on a computer the key word here is theoretically we currently don't have the capability to scan and fully map out the human brain yet the only brain on the world that we currently mapped out is the C elegans worm which has 302 neurons the human brain in contrast has 86 billion neurons that connect and interact in over 100 trillion different ways we're amazing creatures yet we also don't have a computer powerful enough to process the human brain in 2013 it took the fourth most powerful computer in the world the KE supercomputer 40 minutes to simulate 1% of human brain activity for a single second to fully simulate the entire brain scientists estimate we need a computer roughly 100,000 times more powerful experts think we're gonna have computers as powerful as the human brain possibly as early as 2025 that's right around the corner and then and then we're all gonna be living in the matrix it'll be crazy probably with less gongfu Congrats whether through altered genes supercomputers are an endless supply of clones you're going to be alive and kicking it until the Sun explodes which actually doesn't sound that great but hey you're gonna have plenty of time to figure out how to stop it right cool go humans this has been epic ow to let us know what topic you guys think we should break down next in the comments below and don't forget to subscribe
Channel: AWE me
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Keywords: how to live forever, can people live forever, are immortals real?, does dr who live forever, immortal characters, how to live longer, live longer, longer life, how to live a longer life, live forever, can we live forever, how to become immortal, biology of aging, how to stay young forever, aweme, awemechannel, awe me, epic how to
Id: a5f4IS2mrTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 25sec (385 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 03 2016
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