How To Survive the Zombie Apocalypse - EPIC HOW TO

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👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/JDBereta 📅︎︎ Oct 22 2015 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/DeliriousDino 📅︎︎ Oct 22 2015 🗫︎ replies
all hell has broken loose society has crumbled I look like Ned Flanders and zombies roamed the earth how why who knows who frickin cares the only thing you need to know is that it's a zombie apocalypse baby unless you plan on getting eaten alive you're gonna need to know how to survive don't panic we're gonna teach you everything you need to know this is Africa too having how to to survive a potential zombie apocalypse you need to be in great shape if you get winded running a mile you're gonna get your butt bit build up your cardio since the majority of your day will be running from zombies training parkour which can help you put your navigate a hazardous or obstacle ridden environment have an escape route for your home when the zombies inevitably break in you'll want to separate meeting locations for your family if you get separated in the chaos you should also have an emergency contact who's out of state to keep your family updated on your status assuming all technology has gone to [ __ ] stick together there's strength in numbers and a good group can help you gather supplies and fight off zombies if everyone goes back to back you're gonna have 360 degrees of vision and never let the zombies out of your sight you shouldn't trust strangers though people unprepared to deal with these zombie apocalypse of a food either canned or non-perishable make sure you have a first-aid kit with bandages rubbing alcohol and any prescription medication you might need utility items like a pocket knife duct tape a flashlight with extra batteries and a radio are important too but even the most extensive survival kit will run out eventually how do you find new supplies in an urban environment the best places to look our abandoned homes gas stations military surplus outlets and outdoor stores after you've confirmed the room is clear of zombies bring a large backpack or duffel bag and raid the place you can also find supplies in a forest weird right you might stumble upon an abandoned campsite with plenty of supplies but before you want or too far into the woods mark your trail with spray paint or duct tape be careful of any berries or vegetation you find unless you know for sure they're not poison don't eat anything the human body can only go a few days without water the easiest way to get water in the zombie apocalypse is from sealed water bottles but if you can't find those catch rainwater in an empty bottle you don't even need to purify it before you drink it in a cold climate melted snow or ice works great too are you somewhere that doesn't get any rain raid hot water tanks and water from toilet basins and please remember that it's the top part of the toilet not the bottom part top part not the bottom part [ __ ] there's a zombie but before you drink that water you're gonna need to purify it bring the water to a boil for a minute and it should be safe to drink if you don't have access to fire find some plain chlorine bleach and mix in 8 drops per gallon of water stir and let it sit for 30 minutes and you've got yourself clean drinkable water yumm with zombies everywhere you're gonna need to secure a base camp the ideal shelter is made of a sturdy material like brick with few windows that could potentially serve as entry points learn from that third Pig he was smart as [ __ ] dams power plants water treatment facilities or any government buildings served nicely but don't venture too far or spend too much time looking for the perfect spot the more you're out we open the more vulnerable you are to a zombie attack you might think you should hole up in a mall or big-box retail store to be mere supplies but according to zombie Research Society founder Matt Moke that's a terrible idea stores are the first place most people will go and the more people in a contained area the easier it is to spread the virus or disease that causes ambience you're in a pinch and can't find any secure buildings you could always try a boat while the topic is hotly debated by zombie fan science says that zombies would lack B motor functions necessary to swim meaning a boat wouldn't keep you safe from an attack unless you're in shallow waters then you dead get some protective gear strong leather jacket or Kevlar motorcycle gear are ideal zombies are gonna have a tough time biting through something that thick and ditch your car how you're gonna fill your gas tank in the middle of the zombie apocalypse not to mention the fact that a loud engine would tip any nearby zombies off your location use your head find a bike instead it's a much more versatile and effective means of transportation in the new zombie infested world plus it's better for the environment in case we ever managed to rebuild society and stuff which we won't no matter how prepared you are eventually you're gonna come face-to-face with zombies so what's the best way to deal with mindless murder machines don't fight just run fast you've all heard the station it's a marathon not a sprint well this is a sprint so do your best we stay in bolt impression get the hell out of there if you can't outrun the zombies though you still have a couple more options Brooklyn neuroscientist Bradley Voytek created a model of what a zombies brain would look like and found that damage to the hippocampus would give zombies terrible short-term memory that means you can easily high loss of the posterior parietal cortices means zombies have trouble visually focusing on more than one object at a time meaning they're easily distracted another option is to act like a zombie Wojtek speculates that zombies suffer from a form of Khafre delusion which means zombies have trouble knowing of a person as a human or a zombie don't feel bad for them just take advantage of it but if all else fails you're gonna need to fight the zombies this is a last-ditch effort though as the only way to kill a zombie is to destroy its brain but what's the best weapon to do that before your regional shotgun or a chainsaw try a baseball bat or sword on for size these melee weapons are basically silent and won't attract attention from any other nearby Deadites or zombies what are we calling them in our apocalypse plus they can't run out of ammo or fuel and don't require any training to use effectively defeat your arms here's another thing to consider don't think your years of playing video games will help us score headshot studies have shown that in live situations trained police officers have a shooting accuracy of just 25% our police suck all right you're in good shape to stay alive in the zombie apocalypse now just follow my advice for the rest of your life and you're gonna be good to go and a world overrun by zombies there's a lot less cooler than I thought it would be anyways you know the drill send us more suggestions in the comments down below and until the next time I'm Joe Bereta bye let us know what top if you guys think we should break down next in the comments below and don't forget to subscribe you
Channel: AWE me
Views: 4,774,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to survive the zombie apocolypse, zombie, zombies, the walking dead, zombie survival guide, how to survive zombies, how to kill zombies, living-dead, Scary, zombie fight, epic how to, defy, defy media, aweme, awe me, awemechannel
Id: uPx2DT49yMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 39sec (399 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2015
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