How to Balance Work life and Home life

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[Music] like feeding people I think that's a black I will feed you [Music] absolutely listen I'm always up for pajamas and blankets I know it's so necessary so I have to tell you one of the things that people tell me all the time is about how my ministry is so effective because it's Kingdom but it invades the culture and I sit back and although it's like complimentary for me I also know that I'm not the first person to do that because I remember when shackles came out and it wasn't just like something that you were listening to on Christian radio it invaded the culture yeah and so I just wanted to honor you and thank you for your commitment to authenticity and to your sound because it gave girls like me who often felt lost in the church a way to say wait there is a way that we can do this and still be relevant yeah thank you so so much I had no idea that that's what was happening I that was totally God's orchestration in the whole process I knew that you know growing up in church and we sang all the churches songs in the choir songs which I enjoyed but I knew that my dad did prison ministry and that we always were out in the street talking to people who didn't speak Christian easily and so we had to figure out how do I love on these people and let them know that God's love is for them to without beating them up but giving them truth and so we kind of figured it out of course with the help of my husband who wouldn't let us be as Church sure she wanted to be like we wanted to be more like ah just belting it out and he was like nah just chill and as we realized what God was doing he was like oh yeah we're not just singing to church girls right I mean it got a little scary but then it got it became an honor like you want to use me like I have enough information I have enough to give to the world and it's just it's still I'm still very honored to anytime I can present my brand of gospel and I know if that's the right way to say it but what I do to audiences everywhere it's amazing so like how much of it is intentional and how much of it is you just being authentic and that just happens to translate in a way that is relevant so I'll give you an example so the song little girl I think that's on the second or third record and I was talking about she was just 13 and she didn't think she'd ever see her own beauty insecurity plagued me and Tina because our family was poor and because we moved a lot and you know at school they call you the corny Church girl and all that business so you feel like I'm never gonna be fresh ever in life and so learning that song is steeped in so much truth of what we really realized and then there was the songs that we didn't know that we would have to face I can't give up now you know it's to tribute you know James Cleveland yes let's take no waste I'd make it can't give up now so you know it's a little more relatable and then you actually face the moments where you're singing it and you have to live it and you know oh ok god that's what you were oh so I have to keep going and I want to give up yeah and I have to sing for all these people and tell them I just want to praise you and I kind of don't right now yeah you know and I know that's for some people maybe they don't get to that level of honesty but you know sometimes I just didn't want to yeah and the mission and purpose was bigger than me bigger than my sister bigger than my family bigger than you know all of that because souls are at stake and and they're somebody who didn't grow up in church that needs to hear this song that's going to be played in a club right that's gonna do the research yeah and go oh so there's a different way to live yeah you know uh-huh I was at an event and this lady came up to me and she was crying she was so excited and she said she heard God and me in the club and she thought the song was cool so she bought the album and she said she bought the albumen she was like I want to hear no blank-blank Ghazni oh wow she was like I was not trying to hear cuz she's still crying I'm gonna hear no gospel she said but every song I heard Jesus and I was like okay well let me try it and she was like and I went to church and I got saved and it's all because there's almost in the club she was like please keep the music in the club yeah and it was just so encouraging to hear that in contrast to some religious people they plan a song and a clip were you not going right and they're not coming here yeah so how we gonna win I'm exactly it encouraged me so much and I've heard that story time after time of people who you know they just thought it was a cool song you know talking about you know people call themselves God now you know so they thought it was something speaking to that level of self-awareness where I become God you know I know there's a whole thing you know but I was talking about some I'm God's child who lives inside of me it's it's his power not mine and so it's it's kind of helped a lot of people get to know him in in an unorthodox way of hearing it in a club and I'm still amazed that he does it time and time again and I it is not it's never initially the plan yeah that I never initially the plan it's like let's make a good song let's make sure we put everything we can into it let's make sure it's hot let's make sure it's groundbreaking have we said this before so we'll listen to all old music and go said that before I said that before okay it's a million songs like that what can we do yeah you know and then we step out in this territory where nobody's playing music like that so I have to fight harder to get it played on gospel radio secular ATAR radio once Jesus but they don't want to feel judged so we have to fight there to prove to them that you have people who want to hear this so I'm in a position where I always have to fight yeah and it's made me really tough and kind of resilient so I don't get my feelings hurt and I don't get offended you know as easily people go oh that song sucks or I go you like it you just don't know it yet yeah you guys gonna it's gonna beit's over you just wait and so it's made me really confident and always making sure that I was in the center of putting the song together right right right right and so he allows it to flourish and go where it's supposed to go you said something about like singing can't give up now in moments where you really want to give up and as you were speaking I think about all of these different odds that were against you that you've had to overcome how do you balance like feeling like I don't want to give up I can't give up now I gotta get up here I need to minister him but also I have some brokenness that I need to deal with so how do we in ministry serve the people but also make sure that we're dealing with our own brokenness when we're finished in that ministry capacity is there every time where you're like I can't do that right now because I need to work on me right and how do you know when it's enough is enough I'm really really in love with Jesus which means I trust him with my pain and I trust that if I move forward in his strength this gap will heal the beautiful thing about a scab is the healthy blood cells rush to it and the scab is ugly and it's there but when it comes off you're healed underneath so sometimes I'm working and I'm scabbed you know maybe I'm not bleeding anymore but I'm scab yeah and so I know I have to keep going and I just I trust the healer I trust the comforter because he doesn't say work for me when everything is great right sometimes you are you're at your best when you are your weakest because you know that you're relying on him I remember doing the radio show one morning and I one of my kids and this is maybe small for somebody else my baby's tooth fell out and I missed it and I'm on radio and I'm you know doing all this stuff and I just was empty and so I said you guys I'm empty today but if there's enough residual faith yeah and there's enough residual word on the inside that I still have something to say even if I'm not bubbling over and full will have our full moments you know and we'll be excited and on fire and then sometimes those times where I barely made it here I barely that was quiet the whole Drive and just you know praying in the spirit and when I got there God did something amazing I think he honors that I think he can use me best when I'm out of the way and out of my head and I don't care about my clothes I don't care my hair it looks like my makeup is not top-notch today oh well bringing what I have this is what it is but and God you will make up the rest and he always makes up the difference yeah I thought that's how I keep going yeah I feel like when ministry when your ministry is about you like it I am producing the type of ministry that helps me so when I am operating in that capacity it helps me to move past whatever I'm feeling in that moment yes because it's just nothing like being reminded like this is why I got into it absolutely that I could lead people to you so that I could help someone who was hurting and right now even in my own hurting I see that I'm doing what you called me to do and it gives me the strength I need to keep going I do take my moments though mmm I do you know there's been times when you know I'd come off stage and I usually do loves of meet and greets and I take pictures and I talk to people but you know my my team there's a we have a code and they know okay she's done it well I won't say anything I'll just yeah and in my inside I'm going get me out of here maybe it's load in two seconds goodbye I love you all goodbye you know cuz I don't have any more and I will work to my end but I know when that in comes and I'll take it and I'll just like this past holiday season I didn't really do a lot of concepts I didn't do Christmas concerts I didn't do Thanksgiving I didn't do much of anything I was at home and I feel like I really needed that you know cuz usually you know it's a time when people want you a lot they want Mary Mary they want me by myself you know and it's a lot to do and and there's revenue but I'm going is the revenue more important than refreshing you know and sometimes that's the balance and then if I'm just going after the revenue am i some way and somehow going God won't supply my needs right so I have to sacrifice my sleep to do all of this I'm gonna know you'll supply my needs and I'll be refreshed in time with you and London that has really really really helped me a lot I feel like we're just learning that like in my household and we had to learn it the hard way because my husband tore his tricep and so it's really like a six months to 12 to 12 months before he has full recovery but those first six weeks he had to be completely shut down and it was the first time in our marriage and in our household where we were like completely shut down as a family no church for six weeks Wow like it was a thing because I'm gonna do this every year because I'm going to take this time off every year it just happened it was like the Wednesday before Thanksgiving through New Year's Eve and he goes I'm gonna do this every year because being connected with the kids being present in the house it just did something for us as a family that we don't get to have when we're like going from thing to thing to thing so I was going to ask you because people ask me this all the time like how do you balance it on I'm like I don't think it's all bad oh it's a lot of grace it's all about people ask that question all the time and I you know I this may sound corny and like like I'm speaking Christianese but really I do it through this drink that the holy spirit I'd stop when he says stop I go when he says go when I get a big idea I know something big is coming and I just pay for the grace to pace myself yeah you know when I'm at home I try to leave my phone somewhere else you know so if I'm what the kids are cooking and I'm like way domestic so that's why I like really refresh I think yeah I feel like I feel like I can hold a microphone or spin ya know whatever I need and so I'm able to do that and be okay in that and I don't feel less than and I think it's because I have the other thing but that you know I know there's a middle gray only have a home and so sometimes they feel like this is all I am I need those moms to understand that you are building lives you are cultivating the legacy of your family your children your home is everything and it needs to be that place of peace when your home is not a place of peace it feels like a dungeon yeah you know you can feel under arrest some people walk to the front door and have to take a deep breath because they don't know what they're walking into yeah you know and I you have to have to create that environment where when you go home it's okay I don't only want to get to a hotel ago oh yeah again I mean that's bad I've been there before I've done that and I was like oh Lord forgive me what's going on yeah why is this this shouldn't feel better than the people who love me this shouldn't feel better you know then spending time with my kids in the bed even though they kicked me you know yeah you know what I was talking about those things I think frame balance I just like doing it I think that like cooking and doing things at home it's the one place where I can see something go from a mess to like completely order in order like within hours everything else I do I'm just like throwing spaghetti on the bestop it sticks we'll see if it works in about six months but here at home like I can go to the grocery store and have dinner on the table like I can complete something fully and I love it and my kids love my cooking so that like it just eggs me on a ride your way I feel I feel very professional when they like my they ask more yeah my husband feeding people I think that's a black I do I will feed you honey absolutely like I don't know if it's just my generation I'm gonna ask you like I feel like we struggle a lot with this idea of being domestic and I think maybe a lot of it has to do with just feeling like our mothers didn't have the opportunity to go out into the workplace and conquer something so we're gonna be the opposite of that but I really did this post about leather and lace a few weeks ago and like this idea that when we can be both leather and lace but I don't know that we have fully come to a place where we're ready to balance that do you see that with a lot I do I think we have glorified our careers and our brands and our style and we don't understand the beauty in serving your family because that's really what it is you know my mom served us and I wouldn't be Who I am today without her nurturing and she didn't go to the spa and I remember nail treatments and she didn't take weeks off to go anywhere with her girlfriends you know they may have gone to Denny's to eat after church that was about it and I think I want to I want my kids to adore me the way I adore my mom but that only comes from the sacrifice and praying for them and nurturing them so that's something that happens at home with family so you have to make time for both I believe I had the family that I have for the ministry that I have I was talking to Martha man Daisy about balance this is when I only had two and she was telling me some of the things that she told her children she was like do you enjoy your life and she said her daughter said yes do you enjoy traveling she said yes and she said that means mommy and daddy have to be gone sometimes and so it gave her kids perspective so I've learned to do that with my own kids so I know that I have to be there and nurture because I want Krista to see both yeah so as she grows I want to I want her to understand that you can cook and ask your husband is he hungry and feed him and bring him breakfast in bed and all that and still be a fabulous CPO an entrepreneur you can do it both all right you know you don't have to sacrifice one for the other and I know a lot of my sisters out there have sacrifice because they feel like I can't I just it's gonna take too much of my time they feel like submission is a bad word yeah you know they feel like you know asking you know how do you feel about what I'm doing just you know what relationship requires asking how you feel or are you okay with this or even gettin saying getting permission husband is it cool if I go out of town on this particular day that is usually a family day those things I think when people understand they go oh well maybe I can be married and have a high-powered career you know but I don't think they always see it especially because relationship I'm so glad I'm not dating yeah you'll have a hard way baby and so I think that's why they don't see it that way they think I just have to go from our career relationship is too hard it's too difficult it's unpredictable he's not gonna cooperate he has to fit I you have to be what I put on my vision board and I think that's what a lot of women today think relationship can be and it's just it can't be that I don't know I might be naive but I J I went through my divorce and I was like okay I'm just gonna work on who I am you know I write books I'll just do whatever from this point on and I'll be that CEO I wasn't really necessarily looking for marriage I was a single mom I had my two kids and so I was just kind of like gonna live my life and then I met my husband and he's so radically changed my life I was like girl do you really want to let him get you a boss yes you've bought your own all right but do you really want to let him go somewhere and be someone else's dreaming didn't work together but I do think that there was something about me coming to a place of wholeness within myself that attracted wholeness to me and that made our marriage come together a lot easier I think a lot of times we've made marriage just kind of be like this fix-all thing like a woman's purpose is just to get married and then once she gets married she has her identity and I think the more that we lose that as the societal norm that we can make it easier for a woman to feel like maybe CEO was more available to me right now than marriage but that doesn't mean that marriage isn't a possibility but the pressure that is put on women to become like married and wives and I know like I'm in the marriage club talking about it but I do feel like that pressure is why I got into my first marriage and I just I don't I don't know what we can do to help them see a different narrative you got to see yourself past the relationship so I was engaged twice before I'm in Warren and you know the first was because we will both went to church together and I knew that I didn't really love him like that but I was such a good girl I thought it was mean to say no so I said yes and I came home and told my parents this is literally what they do mommy and daddy I'm engaged oh well I I guess they're not witness literally they said nothing they pulled the covers over their faces and so I was like okay so I have to get out of this cuz this isn't it the second guy was a very nice guy his father was a pastor he had his own business handsome guy all of that and I decided to ask God about it after I at the ring right after had the right and the dress in the church and Oh dark refer okay yeah and so God was silent and I started asking everybody started asking my leaders who they were my faith almost yeah let me make it says okay sister so and said what do you think okay elder sound so what do you think and I would ask them and nobody would give me an answer and I was like you guys have been giving me my answers I might write one with you and they just wouldn't and I found my favorite scripture proverbs 3:5 and 6 trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not into your own understanding but in all thy ways acknowledge him and he'll direct your path part of the reason I wanted to be married because all my girls were getting married they had all their weddings and they were starting to have babies and Here I am Erica Atkins at the time who's a singer at the church who's still single what is wrong with you you know and I had to let go of this whatever I was actually competing with him and I didn't realize it I had to let that go and my desire to please God more than my flesh and more than anything else became bigger and my dad told me the best the biggest decision that you light in your life that you'll make next to your decision to serve Jesus is who you marry he said it's not it's not a fly-by-night decision it is it's a big deal and so when God was silent I gave the ring back I let my cousin who was in New York used the dress I canceled everything and I came home and I was so embarrassed because people had planned their vacations they were coming to LA his family lived somewhere else and that's when I really learned to depend on God fully and completely and I knew that relationship wasn't the end all be all because my career actually took off and I wasn't engaged to anyone and I started working and traveling and I didn't have you know I wasn't mrs. anything I was just Erica you know no love still came my way right but I think God has to do something in us where we don't feel like this has everything yeah you know and yeah that's my story yeah that I did not know that that but it you came to your own place to wholeness to before loves could come into your life and I don't think that we can stress that and that's when you make it about you huh then that's when you get to become everything that God has in mind and then we get to determine what love and relationships and family looks like it's not a trophy yeah it is not a trophy yeah it's ministry marriage is for procreation sanctification and illustration we're supposed to illustrate that love to God the way he loves us you know all the scriptures about loving your wife as Christ loved the church and all these things about forgiveness and long suffering and compassion why do you think those words are in there when it talks about love because that's what it entails it is not for the faint at heart and if you don't love yourself you're not gonna have compassion for him yeah you know if you haven't had your own relationship with God where the Holy Spirit cuz really the moment you have an argument with your husband or your spouse and you take time away from that and go get in the face of God you'll come back to that argument with a different spirit as if you don't yeah yeah well I and I'm this and I don't and ego will get in the way every time are you talking to you yeah this is what I could do by myself exactly this house that I could and your ego just goes you just start pump the enemy starts pumping you up Shh okay so you said something about the second fiance you ask God and God was silent mm-hmm so what is the difference for you in your own like relationship with God like how can you tell when God is being silent first is when God is speaking because that's the question I get a lot from the women of woman evolve they're like how do I know when God is talking how do I know if God is being silent and like what what is your own experience with that thing letting the Holy Spirit be the regulator and never my emotions so when I'm waiting to hear from God or I'm getting some information I tried to try the spirit by the spirit does what I'm thinking and feeling fit into what God's plan for my life is because my feelings might say oh I want to do this and then I have to ask myself why do I want to do it what was the motivation where did this where did he thought these thoughts and feelings start was out watching a show that I loved yeah was I looking at someone's relationship or someone else's event and go oh I want to do that too but I was never called to that right you know you have to start really questioning questioning yourself where did this come from is this a god idea or was it just a little bit of envy yeah no I could do that better and then you start moving forward and trying to figure out why things aren't working but it's because God was never in it in the first place yeah that's a hard pill to swallow when you you know for me make a new record or write a song and oh this is gonna this is gonna this is gonna and the Holy Spirit I didn't have nothing to do with that that was your vision now if you come over here I promise you I'll bless it I promise the provision and the ideas and the peace that you need to get it done we'll be there but when is your own ideas sometimes it's it's it's turbulent and not to say that God ideas aren't turbulent because the enemy is always fighting but there's still a certain amount of peace that you have and for me that's what it's been whether I was traveling touring you know my husband's starting to church all those things there was still a certain amount of peace even though I was trying to figure it out because there were so many things that I had never done before yeah you know going solo and kids growing up there was so many things that were brand-new the radio show all that's happened in the span of one year so I was like do I did I do this am i you know Mary Mary stuff and so now I'm trying to be over-ambitious but I now I can clearly see that it was the hand of God and me saying yes was yes to him and not me just wanting to stretch myself to be whatever I think I need to be I always go Lord I when you said give me the desires of my heart give me what to want yeah because sometimes I want my own thing and so in hearing his voice and understanding his voice I go make sure that I'm wanting what you want for me not something that I picked up along the way something that I enjoyed in a song or something that I watched in a movie that you know get all emotional watch movies I want that yeah like that's a movie the end okay back to real life God what are you speaking what are you calling me to and that helps me regulate that made me real all of those transitions did happen from your I'm on the outside looking in and I'm like celebrating like oh already I'm shot only started church like but when you are on the I know cuz I've had some major transitions in a short window like what that feels like when the inside life Wow I just realized so many of us go through so many transitions and we don't realize how many times our identity changes in a short gap absolutely a million hats yeah I was used to being a duo and then I got used to doing the reality show and then you know God turned Tina's world upside down yeah and I was like okay what am i I knew I was supposed to keep singing and even my husband was like I really don't know what your solo music is supposed to sound like I have no idea oh and I felt offended like what do you mean you know you should you know it was all of that and then a little more Jesus came out of pain yeah out of me standing in the closet literally going I need just a little more cheese it's cuz I felt ill-equipped my father had died of cancer my manager was was suing me and Tina and Tina was like I don't want to work anymore and it wasn't like Mary Mary was over we had just put out go get it that it won a Grammy mm-hmm and I was like you want to stop now yeah but her life was in chaos he was like deuces music I'm gonna make sure my home this is my first ministry yeah this man in these children and she took the time and I was left to sort out my pieces and I was so used to standing next to her I did not know what it meant to stand by myself we made all the decisions together the business the money the clothes when we put it was always together and it was now all on me I was singing with her all the time so I didn't have to sing a full concert by myself so I had to even get new physical strength because I was not used to doing a whole concept by myself there was so many things that was new and you know because the enemy wants to take you down when a little more Jesus came out the first comment that I read on iTunes was I was excited I went to iTunes to see the reviews the first comment was oh no honey you need a little more Tina because you're just a cute one you don't even sing like that I had to take a deep okay I'm not stopping because of it yeah let me keep going and it hurt and it's stone you know and then my voice started going out on me because I was trying to still do Mary Mary and the reality show and the church it was I was like Lord this is not fair yeah you know as we see now it eventually worked itself out but there was a lot of tears and a lot of times where I felt like why would you ask me to do this but it was similar to when I was in the second situation with the fiance learning to just trust God I was my trust was in Sony records and my black records it was in man Tina together it was in what had been I know what this process works like I know I didn't know how any of it worked for myself and so going to a new label new people you don't know you know and then having to live up to Mary Mary are you gonna come out a lot you know you know God is gracious so the music came out and did well even the stellar Awards I had hosted twice I had one about 20-something stellar awards and for my solo career when I asked her for performance they said no initially hmm so I was like what do you mean yeah and so then we went back and asked again and they said well you can do a collaborative performance and we'll give you a minute and 34 seconds I said what this song is it's three and some change I need all of my time doesn't tell me we'll get the song you have a minute in 34 seconds and my husband said take it or don't my complaint okay we know how many sellers you have Mary Mary has it Erica doesn't they don't know if people are gonna stand up and clap will it be a womp-womp moment well people change the channel they don't know and so he said saying like you losing your mind in that minute in 34 seconds yeah and live mm-hmm I was costumed I had a hat I had lighting I went all out as if it was a full concert and it was a beautiful moment I remember being backstage took one of my gospel friends and he was like this is so not cool man I can't believe they only gave you a minute and 34 I was like dude I'm good yeah this is I'm starting here I have to build I have to pay my dues I have to start over I'm not Mary Mary by myself I'm just Erica don't know her by herself and so I took that moment and it was they were on their feet you know and I gave it everything that I had and it was a beautiful performance actually with I think it was Jacqueline car it was Lexy and it was Latisse Crawford and it was a moment that we all had together and it was what it was supposed to be and I didn't need all that time to do what I thought I needed and I felt cheated but in the end I switched and God got the glory out of me taking what I was given you know as opposed to complaining about what I felt I deserved and you know and now I'm here today the album came out and won a Grammy and you know all that jazz but it started as no honey you need a little more Tina that is because all I see is like success after success after success and to think that you were like starting from the ground oh yeah you just never know what's on the other side of people's story and I just kept going so like what is if you could go back and tell Erica VIN she's starting her solo career as Mary Mary is going through and the management and all of those things like what is the one thing you tell her the gift God placed inside of you he's going to get the glory out of it it may not look the way you want it it won't be the day you want or the way that you want what is coming I remember Joyce Meyer said something at her conference that I've like carried with me this was in October but she said whenever she feels stressed and she feels like things are just out of control that she just speaks to the situation she says that out loud if she can I believe God is working hmm I believe that is working in just that simple phrase reminds her that no matter what is around me there is a greater plan at work yeah absolutely it's two songs that I use one is power belongs to God by Hezekiah Walker in that Empire when he's singing there's nothing too hard forgotten oh I just sing it over and over and I turn it loud and sometimes I'll say husband I need to go for a drive and I'll just crank it roll the windows down scream it to the top of my lungs that song and victory by Ty tribute when he says every situation I face I win that gives me like I feel like a superhero saying that like yeah every situation I face I win I don't care what it looks like what it feels like I'm gonna I'm gonna win this battle this is a test and I'm gonna pass the test cuz I don't want to see it again you know and sometimes we are being tested on our faith in our belief in our wherever it is and will you pass the test or will you face it again will I get too upset will I blow up at somebody what I was really supposed to operate in peace or operating compassion this is a test will you pass the test now one more question for the inter okay what do you think the kingdom needs to know about the culture and that the culture needs to know about the kingdom I think the culture needs to know about the kingdom and I think that they need to there's a lot of misconceptions and there's a lot of wrong information and it's all subject to their experience and brokenness so if they had a bad experience in church then they have a been they just write it off yeah if they saw a bootleg preacher that stole money they put that blanket over the whole of the kingdom and they don't realize that the kingdom of God is life yeah and grace and love and peace and victory they just they feel like I can do it without it I talked to a non-believer who told me everything that you do with faith I can do without I don't need it and I think the kingdom needs to understand that that is where people are coming from because a lot of times on the kingdom side we feel like oh they know better sometimes they don't you sometimes they didn't grow up in church on Sundays sometimes their grandmama wasn't a praying grandmother maybe she cussed and carried a gun and that alcohol every Sunday yeah so we have to have a different level of mercy and grace of the culture and then the culture needs to be open to understanding that we are human yeah and that we see it too mm-hmm we're not right oh I had that conversation a lot with people I see them too I just decide to put my eyes on God and not the people because we're all flawed right we're all in need of a savior you know and they attribute sometimes the culture will attribute the Savior to his representatives and his representatives we should live better we should do better you know but if we present our humaneness and our perfection then if there is an error or flaw they can have grace for us but they have grace for us if we've been mean condemning and self-righteous self-righteous yeah so the church needs to that if the kingdom needs to understand that there's still grace that needs to happen and you know always need to be wise to win souls yeah you know with loving-kindness have i drawn thee you know but if the world could just understand for God so loved the world yeah everybody that He gave His only Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life if they understood that and I know that's a scripture that most people know but I don't think they take time and just pick it apart for God so loved the world that He gave he gave you time were the only creation that has the option to choose him yea nature obeys animals obey the oceans seas they all obey but us he gave us the option to choose him and sometimes we do and sometimes we don't and the ones of us that have chosen him we have a responsibility to tell them how beautiful it is not just you don't want to go to hell yeah you don't want to let them tell them about the love tell them about the peace tell me about the favor tell them all the good stuff that God offers and you fall so in love with Jesus I don't have to be scared al because I don't want to go there cuz Jesus isn't there yeah that's not the cool place this is a much better option you know and I think it's all in presentation it's all an understanding it's all in patience and I think people like us have a lot of work to do but it's good work and I'm enjoying it I love seeing people come to Christ I love even seeing certain secular artists some rappers or actors express their faith you know I'm going it's working and they say stuff like oh I watched Bishop Jake's podcast I heard a song or it's like yes guys but it's working yeah you know we don't have to be discouraged because the whole world ain't saved today yeah we know that why does the way that leaves dude leads to destruction and there will be many that won't choose Christ but we can be instrumental and influential and drawing somebody Justin might wonder or whatever he's assigned me to I'll take that and I'll do my best and that's what we have to take comfort and trust that the Holy Spirit's gonna do the work as long as we make ourselves available yeah well thank you you make me proud to be a bad girl oh you make me proud to be a god girl I love you [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Sarah Jakes Roberts
Views: 57,123
Rating: 4.9771934 out of 5
Keywords: sarah jakes roberts, sarah jakes, woman evolve, sarah jakes roberts 2019, Sarah Jakes 2020, erica campbell, erica campbell interview
Id: GWrZ4-7ogb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 17sec (2237 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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