How to apply Mesh Tape. It's OFTEN put on wrong.

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mesh tape to embed or not to embed hey there's some misconception out there about whether you need to embed this i'm going to talk about that right after this [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey lately with nearly 100 000 subscribers i read a lot of your comments pretty much 99 of them and i'm hearing a lot of comments about embedding mesh tape there's a lot of you that think you have to embed the mesh tape i recently read this comment that said the manufacturer even recommends that you embed the mesh tape well first of all i'm going to talk about that and we're going to go right to the source we're going to go to the website for mesh tape and talk about what they say now i'm one that tends to read instructions i i know i know don't don't hate me for it but no i do the first time i opened up a roll of mesh tape it had a paper label on it and i read it and guess what it said it said stick the tape to the wall and then apply a coat of setting type joint compound over it here's the information from their website i went to two different websites usg and saint gobain they're two of the biggest suppliers of mesh tape and they both say the same thing so there's two myths there and there's two misconceptions one is most often with novices in that they don't know that this has to be coated with a fast setting joint compound which we always call hot mud and hey by the way if you like these kind of teaching videos be sure and subscribe and hit that bell icon that way you don't miss any of my other videos so let me go over what they say is the correct way to do it and if you guys have any comments or or thoughts about it go ahead and comment down below i welcome your discussion as long as it's polite so the basic rule is to stick the mesh tape to the wall and press it down firmly you want it stuck everywhere you don't want a section where it's a little bit loose you can see i've got it stuck good there and then use fast setting compound like in this picture and apply a coat over it now this is regular all-purpose but for demonstration purposes we're just going to pretend this is regular um or not regular but fast setting joint compound okay and then you would just want to you might want to feather it like so depends what you're doing recessed or butt joint and then just leave a decent little coat on it you want just enough to where the mesh tape is barely peeking through if you wipe it too tight like that that's too tight if you have it so heavy like this that's too heavy you can't see the mesh tape popping through at all that's too heavy you're going to end up having to sand it down you're trying to just barely cover your mesh tape for those that don't know i've done drywall over 36 years i actually started 52 years ago when i was 8 years old i'll be 60 in june and in that time i've got 36 years of hands-on experience because i've been out in the military for a while and things like that and about 17 years ago 17 to 20 i got into patch and repair a company hired me on as his patching repair guy he had a crew of about 50 guys and about 8 or 10 of us were patching repair so in that time i started my own business about 17 years ago and i've put on probably 500 rolls of mesh tape at least i don't know because i've done nothing but repairs for 17 years so you do a lot of mesh tape and in that time i've only had a couple of call backs and every time it was my fault like one time i actually had no hot mud with me so i tried using regular joint compound it failed on me proof that it you can't do that and i took care of it another time it was because i was repairing a bad uh crack and there was 90 feet of cracks in this house and i forgot to screw off the joist on this one section and i knew i did that but by the time i realized it it was too late that that section cracked well i was coming back the next week to do something else anyway i just fixed it then took care of it never cracked again i also came back about three years later to do a bunch more work for them and none of those hundred footer cracks and i need to 100 feet of cracks ever cracked again so if you do it right it works will it hurt to embed it probably not but i think you're hurting yourself on time because it's so easy to just stick it on especially with this thing i know that when i'm doing a lot i can run this thing out stick it on a little bit and run it down and saves a lot of time that quick i'm ready to go ahead and put a coat of mud on this so by the time you get it to this stage it's it's kind of like paper tape plus one coat because you've bedded it just by sticking it you put one coat on it you've got basically paper tape plus one coat so it saves time and you don't need to go through that messy process of trying to bed it you know put the mud on then stick the joint tape in the mesh tape hey everybody i'm going to be having a huge 100 000 subscriber giveaway with tons of great tools and gifts here's some examples right here now some of these are locked in like from level five others are subject to change as i'm still negotiating with some of these and determining what we'll give away but be sure and subscribe and be watching for that announcement video soon so that's just my take on it i've had great experience doing this so it works really well let me know what your experience is down below and your thoughts and as always i welcome your comments and you see these other videos popping up right here if these help you out click on one go check it out be sure and leave us a thumbs up and i'll see you on the next video everybody take care i
Channel: That Kilted Guy DIY Home Improvement
Views: 62,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: that kilted guy, kilted guy, mesh tape, how to embed mesh tape, how to mesh tape, mesh tape drywall, drywall tape, drywall mesh tape, mesh drywall tape, how to mud drywall with mesh tape, how to, how to tape drywall with mesh tape, How to tape with mesh tape
Id: OxehhcKcbVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 53sec (413 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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