Inkscape - Convert Photograph to SVG

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pay their cell captors I am back with another little tutorial for you this time showing you how you can use Inkscape to take a photograph that you have and make it into a cup file or an SVG so a lot of times people have photographs of loved ones that they want to maybe make on a mono block or even put on like a shirt or used to etch or paint like a black-and-white image on onto something so I see a lot of requests for converting a photo so this is quick easy Inkscape is free at Inkscape org and you know it looks scary but I promise it's not as scary as it looks so again I'm going to show you how you can do this in just a few easy steps the first thing you can do is you have to import the photo into inks tape and you have actually like at least three or four ways that you can do that the first is right here there's this little white paper with an arrow pointed or right and that will import you can also come over here to file and import if you're crazy like me like to use a keyboard sort of thing you can do ctrl I or you can have this kind of not full screen and you can drag and drop to to import but like I said I use my keyboard so I'm use my control I I'm gonna find my photo here's my photo I'm using if you watched my other video where I show you how to do this internet design space you'll know that this photo is all and this guy here just turned 20 and this little guy right here is almost nineteen so this picture is an old picture that I have any time when you first get into inks tape you want to make sure and lock your width and height so that way they stay proportional and it even tells you that when locked that they'll change by the same proportion I'm just gonna make this a little smaller so we can have it all on the screen here so here is the photo that we're going to go ahead and convert and again I like included because there's more than one way to do these to do these things I use the keyboard shortcuts but you come up here to pass and there's trace bitmap I use the shift alt B because that's just what I'm comfortable using they're all going to get you there and that's going to pop up this trace fit map box so when I open this box for the first time I go ahead and hit live preview because I might be able to see what I'm doing so I can make all my adjustments right here without having to click update every time so that's the first thing I do is hit live preview and the second thing I do is click on remove background and then these other things it just kind of depends on the the picture that I have and what I'm going to do with it so for taking this photo I'm going to change over here to multiple scans and I'm gonna go to Gray's alright and then I'm gonna uncheck the smooth box but I'm going to leave my stacked scans and what that's gonna do is each gray that it comes up with is going to be the whole the same size as the whole picture instead of just a little bit that it feels that that color should be then you can change your number of scans depending on what what you're wanting to get out of here so I'm gonna leave this at the default which is eight alright and then I'm going to hit OK and you'll notice that this box stays on the screen but the okay button is grayed out but the stop button could be clipped I'm not going to click it okay because then that would stop the trace from happening so I'm just going to wait for a minute until the ok button is there again and there it is so you would think of this box of clothes but it does it so we're gonna let me close this box because that means we're done tracing and now they put that new image directly on top of the old one so if you'll just kind of screwed it over off of it and then we can delete this old one or you can leave it there if you want to use it to look at to kind of determine which of these scans that you're going to keep it's really up to you all right so I'll scoot it over so these are my eight skins that we just made so I'm going to click on that and I've got to ungroup it so again that the keyboard shortcut is ctrl shift G you can go over here on the right and it's this one that has like a little rectangle and a circle back on groups or you can go up here to object and then ungroup okay but we need to ungroup all of those you know wait there's MIT now there ungrouped so now what you do is you're going to look and see which one of these is going to work best for the project that you're trying to use so I'm at grab the first one move it over change it to black just so I can kind of see it and then when I look at this one I'm like well I can't really see very much here and this anything of the baby so I want to delete that one I'm gonna grab the next one turns out you ah this one a little bit better because the details on my baby delete the funny okay I'm gonna grab the next one start if I get a little dark on the shadows and stuff so I don't want that one and I don't want this one don't want that one definitely don't that one so this is the one that I'm gonna go ahead and go with and you can see that that would give me you know a pretty decent image that can go ahead and cut out and then put on whatever it is that my project is going to be and I can still tell what the images so hopefully this helps you oh don't let me forget delete your original photo I take this and I make it smaller and I put it inside my page border just so that way whenever I want to preview it if I want to preview it later just out of Maya Windows Explorer then I can and then you'll just do a save as and you find a spot to save that and I'm just a family photo and you can save it as an ink skip SVG or as a plane SVG the only difference is in Inkscape SVG saves some metadata that a plane SVG doesn't but they both upload in a Cricut design space just fine so hit save you're done and ready to go ahead and upload that into Cricut design space so that way you can cut it out so I hope that helps you guys take one of those pictures of one of your loved ones and finally be able to get that onto your project without any houses have a great day
Channel: jenEcustoms Tutorials
Views: 134,240
Rating: 4.7236362 out of 5
Keywords: Inkscape, Cricut Design Space, Photo, SVG, pic to svg, photo to svg, memorial, block, photograph
Id: TKuNpI8YCpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 42sec (462 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2018
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