How To Add & Edit VIDEO TRANSITIONS in Premiere Pro CC // Tutorial for Beginners!

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in this video i'm going to show you how to add and manipulate basic video and audio transitions in adobe premiere pro but i'm also going to show you why you might want to invest in some transition preset packs as well all right so to start the video we're just going to take a look at the basic kind of drag and drop transition effects that exist within premiere pro and you can find them under your effects panel over here if you don't see effects just go over to window and then go down to effects right here now when you click on that it might actually pop up maybe over here on this panel or somewhere else but it'll still have these exact same folders and the only two we're going to be dealing with are audio transitions and video transitions so if you click on this little triangle thing that'll drop down the menu to see what transitions exist in there so for audio you can see that there's really under crossfade here there's only constant gain constant power and exponential fade so there's not much in this blue box this just means that constant power is kind of like your regular base like fade in fade out for audio if we go down to video transitions and click this one you can see there's many more options and each of these folders has a bunch of other options within them so if i open up dissolve you'll see there's a bunch in there and for video you can see this blue box means that cross dissolve is the basic like fade in fade out for video now in order to apply your transitions to your footage all you have to do is click on the transition that you want and drag it to the spot that you want but if you notice here i can't drag this audio one up here because these are my video layers above this kind of dark gray line right here but i can drag it below because these are my audio clips down here and if you notice right now i can drag it right between where two clips meet and that'll have it fade from one clip to the other but i can also have it slant towards one side here like put it to one side or the other i can put it at the start of a clip to fade it in or at the end to fade it out so i'm just going to drop this one in right there so you can see that we can also click on it once it's in and move it left and right to wherever we want or even go to the edge here and shrink it down to make the transition happen quicker or expand it out so the transition takes longer i'm going to go up here and drag a cross dissolve onto the video side so we can start seeing what that looks like so this is the regular cross dissolve if i click to the edge here and expand it out you'll see this now takes longer for the transition for the fade to happen and if i click here i can shrink it down so it'll happen really really quick on a side note if you make your transition too small that you can't go and access it with that red thing again like not this one with the arrow that just means you're adjusting the actual clip not the transition so if you can't get in there to adjust the transition just make sure to put the blue line around where the transition is and then go down to this little circle thing click on it and slide it to the left that'll help you zoom right in so you can see closer and then you can adjust the transition again or just click plus or minus on your keyboard and besides being able to manipulate your transitions right here on the timeline like i just showed you if you click on them you'll open up a new set of options over here in effect controls if you don't see effect controls again go to window and then down to effect controls for this cross dissolve transition you can see there's not very much and if we go to alignment really all you're doing is right now it's center at cut if i go start at cut you can see it moved over to where i showed you you can just move it before or end it cut we'll move it to this side which again we can just do by clicking on it and moving it here as well but if i get rid of cross dissolve and drag in a different one so i'm going to go into slide and bring in push you'll see that now when we click on this transition you can see that we have many more options we can mess with now including which direction the push happens so if i click here we can see the preset push is just left to right so one clip pushes the other one out of the way if i click back on the push transition i can now click right up top here to go from north to south so the push is going to happen from top to bottom if you click on it we can also go from the bottom to the top and also from the right to the left if we go down here we can also add a border to it if we want so border width i'm just going to crank that up a little bit and then you'll see that when we watch now there's going to be a border that exists between the two clips that are involved in the push transition so just remember that each transition might have their own set of options to mess with so for example if i go down to wipe and maybe we go to random blocks here so if i drag that one on this is the preset so kind of like a little digital transition there but if i click on random blocks you can see a lot of the same options but if we go down here we can now have a custom button and if you click on that this just allows us to determine how many blocks we're going to have wide and then how many high so i'm going to maybe make it like 30 by 25 instead so if i click ok you can see the size of the blocks change to be smaller so now when we watch it looks much different than it did before and then obviously we can add any of these to the start or end of our clips to have them you know fade in or fade out as well including music so if i drag cross dissolve to the start here maybe i do push to the end and then a constant power to the end of this song maybe just shrink it down and have the transition go slower for the music out and then we just listen to this right here well folks it's time to kick it old school [Music] and the song will fade out too all right so now let me show you how to use some transition preset packs to make your transitions look way better and trust me it's super easy i'm going to use these ones over here from savagefx i have links to their stuff in the description below i have the all transitions pack burning paper transitions and glass shatter transitions and there's actually two different types of transitions in here so i'm going to start with all transitions and you can see there's glitch you know lens light leaks motion rgb a bunch of different things and similar to our basic transitions when we drop these down you're going to see more options so i'm going to go into motion here and then motion and into transitions so you can see within there there's motion one two three four five six seven eight nine ten and they're actually sequences so when we double click on any of them so let's just say motion three i double click it's going to open up a sequence over here if you do see this like media offline thing that's just their kind of sample images that they provide so we don't actually need those you're going to click over the side here and highlight all the other pieces and these are all adjustment layers then you're going to go up to edit copy or ctrl c go back to your main sequence lock the layer that has your video clips on it currently and then click over here and paste them on so now we just have to highlight them again and line up the cuts so the cuts line up right here now when we watch it a transition is going to be applied to these clips if it doesn't show up like that i've noticed that you can drag these up and then unlock this bring this one up to its own layer and now it will play it'll stretch that one out and boom a nice smooth transition that you basically had to do nothing to get the other type of transition preset that you might run into are ones that require a track matte key effect so that's like these burning paper ones and these glass shattering ones over here so i'm just going to drop down burning paper so you can see that it's actually just a regular video clip so when we double click it it's going to show up up here and it just looks like a regular fire burning clip so since it has video and audio you can see here i'm going to drag from here and place it above my clips right here now for these ones you have to make sure that the clip is the right size is the right resolution so i can tell that if i look here this one it looks different than this this looks much bigger that's because this is a 4k video and these ones are 1080 so whenever you drag in one of these make sure you right click on it and go to set to frame size right here and that'll resize it to be whatever the video clip is okay then we have to stretch these clips out so they span the complete duration of the transition video here so this one i'm going to go right to the edge there and this one i'm going to stretch this out so it goes right to this side then all we have to do is go up to our effects type in track matte and then find track matte key drag this onto your top clip so not the transition clip but your top clip drop it on there click on that clip go up to effect controls and then slide down to where it says track matte key and then change the matte here from none to whatever video layer the transition is on so in this case it's on video three so i'm going to go into matte and go from none to video 3. and you can see that tracked it to the transition layer right here then we just have to click on it and then hold alt or option on a mac drag up to make a copy and then on the copy layer we're going to go over to our blend mode and change it from normal to screen and that's just going to keep some of the flames and stuff in it over here so now when we watch it we're going to see the flames coming in first and then it's going to separate to the other clip underneath and that's it that's how you add and manipulate basic video and audio transitions in adobe premiere pro if you got something out of this video make sure to drop a like and if you're new to the channel please consider subscribing and i'll catch you next time [Music] you
Channel: Shawn Dolinski
Views: 541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: transitions premiere pro, applying transitions premiere pro, premiere pro transitions, how to apply transitions premiere pro, adding transitions premiere pro, adobe premiere pro, premiere pro cc 2021, transition effects premiere pro, video transitions premiere pro, audio transitions premiere pro, how to add transitions premiere pro, fade in premiere pro, crossfade premiere pro, applying video transitions in premiere pro, cross dissolve premiere pro, from beginner to pro, fade
Id: 9EgX1OoJ5-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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