How to add texts to videos | Tutorial | Adobe Premiere Pro 2021

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in this adobe premiere pro tutorial today we are going to learn how to add a text to your videos i'm sure you want to know how i did that maybe in a different tutorial now let's get rolling with the intro [Music] now let's get started with the tutorial and i'm already inside premiere pro i'm gonna guide you also through my workspace so you can match it on your laptop if you wish to do so and first of all i've got a project panel open program panel to see what's happening in my video the essential graphics which is fundamental for this tutorial effect controls panel the tools panel and the time line i've got a single clip video clip in my project today which i have already imported to the timeline in my sequence let's learn straight away how to add a text to our videos and we have a couple of ways to do so you can choose the one you prefer we can either go to the tools panel in this case down here for me and we go to the type tool if you notice there's a tiny arrow here in this icon at the bottom right of the icon you just want to click and hold it and you will have two options now to create a type tool so a horizontal text or vertical type 2 which is a vertical text and that's completely up to you i'm going to show you how to create a horizontal text today but you can choose vertical as well this is the first way to create a text but i prefer to do it from the essential graphics panel which i have right there so when you're here in the central graphics you have browse and edit so two different options go to edit and go down here to this icon which looks like a paper sheet and that says new layer let's click on it and now you can choose text which is the horizontal text or vertical text exactly like from the tool panels so what we're going to do is to press on text and the new text will be created as you can see in your program panel but also a new layer will appear in your timeline in your sequence and the text will start exactly where your playhead was at that specific time on the timeline so if i want to create a text at the beginning of my timeline what i have to do is to move the playhead at the beginning of my timeline so i'm going to delete the text we have created and i'm going to show you the third way to actually create a text i'm going to press v on my keyboard for the selection tool first here we go the tool changed and now i'm going to press t as text or actually type tool t and you can see the icon changed on my course or and now i can just press on the program panel and create a new text from scratch so that's the difference by pressing t on the keyboard you will not have any actual text on the program panel and you can type whatever you want but if you create a text here from the essential graphics panel you already have something say new text layer the good thing of the essential graphics is that we can manage different text at the same time inside essential graphics as you can see we still have one layer on the timeline which started at the beginning of the timeline because that's when we chose to put our playhead at and we can play with different texts at the same time so we have everything in a single box now i'm gonna delete one because i only need one text for this tutorial and let's carry on by the way you can add as many text as you want so if you want to create another one you just go to the new layer icon and keep and keep creating text there you go that's my vertical text you can recognize the vertical text here in the list because you have a narrow facing down which means it's a vertical text easy right okay let's get rid of this and let's start working on the actual text now we can stylize our text and to do so we actually need to select the text we want in the essential graphics panel as you can see nothing is selected right now here and i don't have many options apart from the transform options which is going to move my text around the frame to actually stylize the text i'm gonna click on it and first of all i double click on it to write what i want to write and we're gonna call it tutorial as soon as i selected it you might have noticed the menu down here expanded we got we got different many options now and actually i'm going to take the essential graphics to the very right hand side so i can see all the options now what i'm going to do is to guide you through the different options we have in this big menu responsive design this is more for animation and we're going to check it in a different tutorial so i'm going to leave it for now but we're going to check the align and transform options let's say for example i don't like the position of this text in the frame but i want to align it centrally so vertically and horizontally at the center of the frame what i have to do is to press on these two icons vertical center and you notice the text moved vertically at the center of the frame but also want to center it horizontally so i just go to the next icon horizontal center and click on it and there you go my text is now at the very center of the frame let's say i want my text at the left hand side of my frame then i go here to align to the left and there you go and i can do to the right and to the top or the bottom you know you can play around with this stuff if instead you want to move your text to a specific pixel or somewhere in the frame you can just go here to this icon toggle animation for position and just play with these two values so one is the horizontal value the first one is the horizontal value so you can just click on the value and drag the value up and down to move your text but also you can type whatever you want so if you want to place your text at pixel 700 you type 700 press okay and that's it bear in mind 700 is related to the anchor point of your text and of course you can play with the horizontal values as well the next one is actually the anchor point i just mentioned so every image or text in premiere pro or any animation software has a center this center called anchor point is the anchor to which all the effects or positioning of the specific item are linked to to actually show you the anchor point i need to switch from the type tool so from t on my keyboard to the v tool which is the selection tool so i'm going to press b here and as soon as i did that you can now see a different type of selection here in the program panel and the anchor point is literally this round icon here at the bottom left corner of my text now have a look at this whenever i drag one of the icons the anchor point will stay in the frame but the text will move far away or closer to the anchor point according to what i'm doing with the values more or less now the anchor point is at the center the bottom center of my text but let's say i also want it to the vertical center so i'm just dragging the value down and that's more or less this is approximate just for to show you how it works now whatever i do with my text the text will scale or reposition according to the anchor point i'm going to show you what i mean just using the scale value here so the next icon is the scale as you can read animation for scale we're not going to press or anything but i'm going to type 200 on the scale which means i'm going to scale up my text of double the size basically and the text scaled up accordingly to the anchor point so centrally symmetrically but if i move my anchor point to the bottom left of my text check this out somewhere there and i'm going to scale it up even further to 300 percent the text now scaled up in relation to the new position of my anchor point in this case scaling up towards the top and the right hand side of my frame and not centrally anymore and that's how the anchor point works it's a bit tricky in the beginning is just practice i'm gonna go back and place it in the middle and let's carry on we will find the rotation this arrow going to the left that's the rotation so we can just rotate the text to the left to the right and i'm going to go back to zero this size we're gonna get back at the end of the tutorial more or less and let's go to text that's where we can actually change the font the color and add some effects to the text first of all i'm going to change the font and the one i really like is the gotham and i'm gonna play with the gotham black nice and chunky and we're gonna change also this size increase the size of the font you just go here to font size and type whatever you want 150. that's quite cool for me and then we're going to change the alignment of the text this is the actual paragraph it's not the position we have seen before so i'm going to align the text centrally at the center here i am and now i go back here to the line and transform and align it at the center of the frame the next icons are to align the text to the vertical position of the paragraph and that happens only if you have different lines so if i press on the icons now nothing happens but if i type a new line here and then i go and press on the icon for example it says center text vertically now the text is centered vertically but i'm going to undo that and we go to the next option which is the tracking the tracking basically is the space between each letter of your text so if i type 10 or 20 or 40 then i will add different pixels between each letter and i'm gonna go back to zero the leading instead which is the next icon is the space between each line so if i have two different lines like that and then i'm gonna play with the leading i can just increase or decrease the space between those two lines undo again then we can change the style of the font and we can make it a bit bigger and even chunkier with this first icon which is called fox bold so it's going to make the text bolder as you can see then we have the italic which is going to make it oblique and then we have all the capital letters so if you're using a tags in lowercase to make it all capital letters you just go here and all caps will make it all capitals the opposite is the small caps icon then you have the superscript if you want to add tiny numbers on the right hand side or letters on the right hand side at the top of your text and underline and so on let's scroll down and here we can change the field the color of our text to do so you need to have this fill option ticked because if you don't the text will disappear because there's no color in our text so let's click on that and now we go to fill we click on fill and the color picker will pick up this is the palette the color palette let's say i want a blue color i just select here on my wheel the blue color press okay i can also add a stroke to my text around my text so i just stick on stroke and now there's a tiny stroke around the text but i'm going to increase it just by going here to the right hand side and type 10 for example we can add another stroke around this the first stroke and to do so we press on the plus button add a stroke to this layer we do it a new color palette option popped up we're gonna click on it and we're gonna go on the red for example press ok the stroke is not very visible because i need to increase the size of it and i type 10 once again and that's my text right now we can also add a background what this option does is to create a rectangular shape behind your text with the size of your text of course we can change the color i leave it gray for now and we can also change the opacity and the size of this background so let's go to 100 percent this is how you change the opacity of the background as you can see whenever i scroll up that's gonna increase the opacity it's gonna make my background opaque and not transparent as it was and the next uh the next option is to change the size of this background i just go here and type whatever pixels i want to increase it to 20. there it is and we can add a shadow to the text as well but to add a shadow i'm gonna actually antique the background when i'm not gonna able to see it so i'm gonna tick on the background click on the shadow and now you'll see the shadow here in around the text and once again we can change the opacity of it so we can go to a hundred percent we can change the direction of the light which means the direction of the shadow so we can move it around the text we can change the distance between the text and the shadow the size of our shadow make it bigger but also we can fade it and make it a bit blurrier something like that and then we have the option mask with text which once again it's a bit more complicated we're gonna find it out in a different tutorial so stay tuned right here hit the subscribe button now one of the other good features of adobe premiere pro now is that we can save the style we have just created as a preset so that's very cool because if you want to use the same style in a different tutorial or for a different text we can and to do so we just go here in the essential graphics under style that's what i mentioned to you before we're going to click on the menu and we're going to create the style so click on create style and you're going to name it as you wish i'm going to call this blue and red you can call it whatever you want press ok now if you go to the project panel a new item has been created which is actually the style of your text we're going to organize the project you know i like to do that and i'm going to create a new bin and i call it text styles and here i'm going to drag all my styles the new styles i create if you want to use this style in the same project what you have to do is to go here in the essential graphics create a new text automatically the text will appear with a new style but if it doesn't what you have to do is to go in style and now your style blue and red will appear under this list so you just need to click on it and that's it as simple as that but if you want to use this style in a different project then you need to export the style and to export your style you want to go to the project panel right click on the style you want to copy or export and go down to export text styles and now you can save the style and the file wherever you want either in your project or your desktop wherever you save your project of premiere pro i'm gonna cancel it so that as simple as that i want to share one more thing before we end up the tutorial for now we just created an individual text but we can also create a text box and to do so i'm going to press t now as soon as i click in the program panel to create a text i also hold it and drag it to the bottom right to create a text box and i'm gonna do it right now so i click here and carry my mouse down and that's now my text box which has already the style selected the one we have created before and we can type things and as you can see my text will keep going until it will hit the boundaries of my text box now as you know how to add a text to a video stay tuned on this channel because in the next tutorial we're going to learn how to add a video inside a text that's a different thing so hit the subscribe button now and the like button and also if you want to enhance and learn more about video editing go and check my online courses at some of those courses have been marked as bestseller on udemy as well i've got hundreds of students and i can't wait to see you there so definitely go and check them out and as you're watching a tutorial about graphic and text you might like my course on how to build the graphic package for your youtube channel and you can find a link up here but also in the description top now i have to say arrivederci and i can't wait to see you in the next video so stay tuned i'll see you then thanks for watching [Music] seems all good times ciao memories you
Channel: Mamo Air
Views: 792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mamoair, mariano gobbi, Mamo Air, texts explained in Premiere Pro, Add a text in essential Graphics, Adobe Premiere Pro Tutorial, Video editing tutorial, Premiere Pro 2021 Tutorial, peter Mckinnon tutorial, learn video, learn photography, video tutorials, camera basics, how to add text to premiere pro, titles in premiere pro, add text to video, text tutorial premiere pro, editing techniques, how to create a text in premiere pro, filmmaking, cinematography tutorial, type tool
Id: UxSRhqye9vI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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