How to Add Bones into a Skeletal Mesh in Unreal Engine 5 - Add Tail Physics

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what's up guys welcome to new umbre engine 5 tutorial today I am going to show you how to edit a character skeleton so we can add bones to add things such as Tails it's going to be a very easy with follow so let's get started all right so the first thing we need to do is enable a plugin so let's go up into edit plugins and search for skeleton so we can go ahead and enable this skeleton mesh editing tools plugin which is available from 5.3 upwards so let's go ahead and click on enable and now we have a warning saying that it is in experimental let's click on yes and now the only thing left to do is restart the editor okay so the plugin has been enabled so now what I can do is basically edit this um mesh right so let me go ahead and import it real quick so I have just imported this monkey character that I have over here and it is the one that we are going to be adding a tail right right now on the skeletons you can see if I go and show all the bones for the character we have you know the typical humano character but of course not a tail with skeletons so this tail will basically stay like this right it will not move a toe and it will not look very good so the only thing that we need to do is add some bones so we can simulate those bones with physics and just overall have a nice character so if I now go ahead and open up the skill to mesh we can see that we have a new section over here which is editing tools and this is basically the plugin that we have just enabled so let's go ahead and open this up let's go into the skeleton section and let's click on edit skeleton and as you can see we have the options to go ahead and add edit and you know disconnect bones so what I want you to do is go right select the hips as I want to basically begin on this section right which is the closest to our initial bone on the tail right it makes sense to go and do it on the hips so let's click on ADD right so we can go into the addition mode right and now let's just click on our viewport and we just added a bone so now I can go ahead and click again I can add another bone click again click again click again and click again and there we go we have added a bunch of Bones right which are connected to each other on here so now if I go down you can see that I have the joint over here now very important this joint must be a child of hips all right if not what you can do is just go and drag the pint of our tail into hips and it will basically make sure that it is connected so if you cannot see this orange connection make sure to just drag it into hips Okay cool so now with that said what I can do is go to the joint and rename this to something as tail and then do the same with the other ones right so I want to go and put tail let me copy this so it's easier and put two right now go go tail three tail four tail five and finally to six then let's go ahead and click on accept now we have new bones but there's still one last step uh left to do which is to basically bind the mesh's skin into this new bones because if not basically the skin will not know what bones to follow so we can do this under skin bind skin and now with the default values we can just go and click on accept and that's it now if I save this skeleton mesh and close it and open up the physics acid now we can basically add physics to this bone so first of all the head is massive let me make this small and then also this hips is massive right it's trying to get by default detail now we have separate bones so we don't need that so let's go ahead and close this cool so now what I am going to do is go to the skeleton tree click on here and just select uh show all bones now we can also go down and see details so let's go and select all details right click and click on ADD replace bodies this will basically add collisions for them first of all make we could modify them a bit right they're very um you know very separate from each other so we could just expand them a bit right not so crazy just quickly a bit and that's it right you can change the shapes and locations to make them look a bit better in my case this will work for me and then what you're going to do select all of these Tails right we have added this bodies and change the physics type from default to simulat okay and now now when we simulate the read bias from the animator uh we will basically the animation blueprints right we will actually see them in action now I also want to go and select the constraints right and just change on here the angular limits from free to limited and that means that the tail will not be able to go flying around it will kind of stay in this area so in linear limits not but angular limits we want to put it unlimited and the default values will work so I can now go ahead and use Save and close last thing to do is right click I mean we can just showcase here if I press simulate we will see the tail moving around as you can see right which is pretty cool finally so last thing to do and I guess to just show this um you know final result is to create an animation blueprint with the monkey skeleton name it ABP monkey something like that open this up and the only thing that I'm going to do is drag in a rigid body node and this will basically simulate all the constraints that are simulated by default which will basically move the uh tail so if I go and change this viewport to align and I can see now the tail if I press compile boom we can see the tail in action so if I drag this here and make this a bit smaller because it's you know just massive if I press play now boom we can see tail in action and then we go we added bones to the skeleton so that's it guys if I found this video helpful I would really appreciate it you like video And subscribe to my channel I have lots of5 videos so check them out join my Discord server check out my patre that YouTube members follow me on my socials and now yes with all said bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Gorka Games
Views: 4,090
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, videojuegos, unreal engine, unreal engine 5, ue5 add bones, tutorial, quixel, megascans, unreal engine edit skeletal mesh, tail physics in unreal engine 5, ue5 add tail bones, tail physics tutorial, edit skeletal mesh, unreal engine 5 how to skeletal mesh editing tools, unreal engine 5 tail, unreal engine 5 add tail
Id: MMe80uQr_Vg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 11sec (371 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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