How to become 3d assets animator in 3 hours

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sometimes free asset Banks just don't have that one custom thing in it creating good 3D animations is probably the worst problem a programmer can face it doesn't fix itself if you throw hashmap at it and requires knowledge and experience you can get in a day of intense research hold on who said that ladies and gentlemen hold on to your butts because today we are robbing the universe's Bank of good enough I have a map take a look we will enter in the weak point of their defense then quickly March to the wall by the most time efficient path there is a room containing all custom animations you have ever dreamed of and by the way look through my life I have about 40 hours of 3D animation behind my back can be red flock for tutorial author but that shows I am an opposite of professional bragging how being starter is easy I know nothing just as you but I made these animations are they top level no probably professionals will cringe looking at them but they aren't bad either they are exactly good enough and I certainly know something about learning I assume most of you have blender installed for mix impers experts but if not you can tolick it because steam has it in the store then we need a r model here lays the first animation truth you didn't come here to learn blender you came for fast results without heavy customization for experienced animators so we are skipping the most important part by outo ring our model be the man they put fast 30 minutes button on the wash machines there are several out rers out there but I use mix skeleton in my project so I will use it further just with my own animations it created a skeleton but animating it directly is a pain in the ass don't do it instead you will need a better R luckily for us mixim has a special add for blender Google it and find this holy gra off a site download link at 2 Minutes video of installation except it doesn't work however quick Google session guides us to a bunch of community fixed Solutions so download the new file but then follow the instruction on the adob site to install it all links are in the description now in blender select your imported character and in this little curon your magical rig is hidden click generate rig then zero R out to get two tles now click on those shiny new figures and change your working mode into a post mode and important part no nothing this tutorial actually works best if your blender knowledges are limited to R means rotate and g means reposition First Step heavy pose your legs are set up to be inverse kinematics and your arms are set up to be forward kinematics now I'll T from blender to your imagination or notebook you certainly need some custom animation maybe some active moment Mak someone doesn't have I need you to write down from three to five all those animations and among them you need one idle pose then below write down of sketch the one pose that represents its animation in your head when you think of it and a little trick for people who want a Marell animation you certainly want to know where your sword is but you don't want the bone for it and you don't want to animate the sword separate from the wrist and again you know nothing so what will do is we modify these controllers a bit click here to modify controls then I want for example to know my heads Lo Direction I can select this so point and move it along the Y AIS then click here to save your control once again let's go to the arm and add some pseudo weapon to it crat solution from me follow a painfully complex way to create here a smaller polygon then select it and extrude by pressing e then I know I position my weapon slightly offset it relative to the wrist so I will select it again and press that that to move it locally along the control orientation and finally I probably am blind and can distinct the biceps Direction at times by the look of this model so now when it's obvious I will add a little pointers for better orientation now what I want from you is to make poses in the strict order choose one of your poses then select your Armory component and drag this value to one do it with the other arm as well this will select your legs as ik for floor touching but your arms as FK for natural movement now remember the flow click on the control then press either r or G to rotate or to move the control then enter the axis index one axis index inputs rotation around the x axis or movement Al l two inputs are impossible the letter overr rights but you can press shift plus the axis index to exclude it examples for ideal forward movement of the rout you can use G Plus y or for moving a foot along the floor you can use G Plus shift Z then you can rotate your food by imputing R plus Z for it to change pose but to not lose the floor then there is an advanc St of pressing access two times in a quick succession to use controls local coordinates for example I can use r+ y y to rotate the limp align with this joint remember these keys they are your mobile controls for the next 3 hours using only these keys and your mouse you can pose the character however you like and that is exactly what we will do forget animation we are posing right now I want you to create from 15 to 25 poses in a following order select a pose in your set make your arms ik then pose the character using S control rollers in ik mode you can't manage your AR Parts individually instead use this controller to manage your elbow don't try to achieve best results achieve good enough results because your next step is pressing this button yes I want you to spend 15 minutes on your first pose just to discard it after deleting your work do it again then discard again then move to the next pose in your set again ik arms two poses then disc card and such with all your poses after that make your arms FK in this mode you must manipulate SLS individually with rotations and not with repositioning now in the FK mode I want you to do exactly the same operations to discarded poses for each category this is our hyperbolic Time Chamber to train the workflow muscle I want you to consciously follow this thinking process I don't like this position this bone needs to be rotated around this axis then action invoke then axis index the speed of the slow is the parameter we want to maximize trust me humans learn quickly your 25 discarded poses will mean nothing to you if your post creation takes 2 minutes and you will achieve this stage in two maximum 3 hours Next Step remember you should have one idle animation amongst your chosen quickly make the post corresponding to it now see those layouts on top you need to click here where it says animation then if it's not selected you need to click here and open the timeline animations have like five different incarnations of it but the timeline is the most vanilla of them very similar to godos one now we'll create an idle animation make it brief why idle because it has two frames press a to select all then press I to create a key frame for everything then press on the vertical line of them somewhere it selects all the line right Mouse button then duplicate and drag them all the way to let's say 60 frames now let's modify the middle frame a bit grab the pelvis control move it a little lower add a little knot to your head and neck make your shoulders arms and hands to move a bit add small torso knees and elbows rotation if you are feeling fancy today beautiful if you understood you need to change your border frames make a change in the first key frames then select them copy and paste into the last row then you can play with your timings a bit by moving different parts of your cycle to the sides the whole process must have taken you about 3 hours by now the hard part is over you are already good enough now we need to transfer this property to your animations and here the most important tutorial part comes leave close blender and leave your life without it for some time best is two nights slept without touching it during this blender abstinence period what we do is we are gathering the base knowledge you need a little bit of Animation Theory to understand what you will try to achieve then you need a little of blender Theory to understand how to do it here is my short list of videos Royal Sky post to poach approach with a little bit of examples if needed for blender animation buttons and layouts here is a small Channel called kashun Academy he gives very good explanation for complete beginners though you probably want to watch these videos on 1.5 there is also an extensive video about working with mix Ron watch if if my explanation sucks the links are in the description but please please do not fall into a trap of watching those videos after you finish this one skipping the posing routine it will be your brain's evil conspiracy on itself you will think you understand what is happening on the screen but after when blender is opened you will be sitting there completely dumb funded not remembering what and how should you do the opposite is true as well after you spend 2 hours spamming R and G buttons only then you will understand the videos properly these posing routine frees your cognitive resources from trying to understand what the video auor is doing and allows you to spend 100% of them on trying to understand what he's trying to tell you our next step is to try the most basic ancient workflow known to humanity choose an animation from your list remember me asking you to write down the post you associate with that animation chances are it's either the golden post or for the wind up follow the Royal Sky instructions from here start and end at the idle animation then create a golden and wind up poses two extension frames and finish and recall touch for but animation tail into idle play with the diamonds after you can subtly change the animation to correct it remember the posing thinking formula it's very similar now I don't like the slim movement trajectory it needs to be rotated around the taxes I won't lie to you that you will achieve the best results from the first try but if you are following the exact path I gave you the first animation will probably take only about 30 minutes to a state and another 30 to polish save copies from time to time and every next animation will take less and less time and we'll be better and better and remember we aren't drawing some big screen pixel motion we are drawing at a fast paace movement that is played when player experiences tense moment of fighting or parkouring for an indie game some of your off camera Lim has 15° wrong cany rotation guess what nobody gives I am not considering myself a 3D animator but if I neat I can do it myself from time to time as it's not an art and I not an artist I am crafty and I am able to craft something that is exactly good enough and I want you to acquire that skill because in my opinion the lack of assets is the constraint that holds better 3D indie games from emerging code can be written architecture is put in books combat system can be designed and for a good interface you need basic empathy and bunch of test users not a good combat system makes a Souls game kilometers of nicely crafted location hundreds of enemies models ammunition skins and bosses designed effects invented and drone assets make your game alive so either you infect a friend with your passion have money to pay for those assets or you fake them till you make them it's not that hard and the last bit of inspiring info this whole video idea was born because I wanted a Dark Souls long short animation to use in my demos and was first to remember blender hot case once again look I implemented a nice deep combo in between long hits where you can time attacks differently it works best if you qu the second heat without a delay but when a delay introduced this strange leg movement appears as a consequence of Animation blending looks unprofessional if you ask me surely in Dark Souls it doesn't behave in such a lame way well let's check it behaves in the exact same way it does in ARA there is no such thing as AAA animation mixing Secrets it just their camera being lower and having this leg outside of the view cars him having less contrast and gravitating viewer side from the leg to the center locations often having grass hid in our feet and legs having some invert kinematics built into medify and mask things but on a fundamental level they have exact same smoke and mirrors inventory you have they just use it better now I want to gallop a bunch of tips quickly sometimes you find some crazy movement like this if this is happening it means you over rotated something click here to open proper inspector see 400° I suppose you've meant 4 4 instead while we can change mixim animations or steal their geometry we can very effectively steal their Tims not sure how long your idol animation should be search for Idols for an inspiration want to time your walk cycle here you go lots of them for good crowd this ring process sort of expands your skeleton export as a GB then safe as Ain see the skeleton is very strange it kind of has a bunch of dead weight bones nothing is broken actually you can still save this animation and use it on your pure mixim a skeleton it will totally work and the that way the rig bones aren't even rendered or if you are a bit more proficient with blender you can place you those export settings don't be ashamed of exaggerated movements here is an idle animation using brething amplitude from real human imported as an asset and it's non-existent here's an animation of breathing that seems to be a heavy breathing after Marathon humans don't do that H never mind it magically turns into a simple idle animation when it touches the engine if something in a human can turn and bend it turns and bends during any movement it's easy to forget to use these controllers but simply touching them instantly gives you animation and more professional look also they can give you a surprising amount of reach see the difference between the trust without tors and shoulder usage and trust with them closely related tip human parts tend to share the Transformations like true com if you have to turn something 90° chances are you can achieve better results if you will divide those rotations between all the parts think of a human body as of a big finger if it helps and next related tip sometimes it helps to think of human body as of a star not of some seant star but as of a dancing starfish look at the lines I just drawn when posing keep an eye on what your starfish is doing don't let it break too much look at this pose can be accepted by Choy apply starfish apply big finger and it instantly becomes better I am telling you all this because of the mentioned above thought process of sensing an a flow and correcting some rotations doing everything nicely from the first try is cool but hardly achievable for the Target OD of this video instead how fast your thoughts forward and then do a series of exam passes on some standards you set for yourself test driven assets creation if you wish the quality of assets you produce is far less important than the quality of the workflow you follow when you click this button it creates a static new R but you want this sexy customization probably can be changed with some python knowledge but way easier is to just save a riged t with custom Rick as a template this may skip you 3 minutes of setting your Rick for every animation next thing is our specific field of game ass sets animation half of them are probably starting from one pose your idle pose and also if you have combo attack your blending will be much smoother if your combo attack starts from the last frame of the previous attack to achieve this you can as well save the idle as a blend T plate and you can animate your consecutive attack starting from copying the previous attack to get the post but there is a built-in function for that hidden behind this button and this little curtain I won't explain it on camera but I'll tell you what works to Google asset shelf Forst asset creation what to do next I won't lie the whole process is kind of relaxing and fulfilling if it's not the thing you are paid for if you are hooked the next steps are further learn blender further learning animation Theory and what is the most important further learning animation workflows for animation Theory you probably want to know so-called 12 flows of Animation it's a book originally but you can watch a video for blender Theory go create some donuts and or watch some animation frame shets tutorials curves etc for workflows I recommend this video it's great also subscribe to my Channel please
Channel: Fair Fight
Views: 2,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender progress, blender tutorial, blender animation, 3d animation, 3d assets, godot 3d, godot, godot 3d animation, godot 3d assets, godot assets, godot tutorial, godot character controller, godot movement, godot mixamo, mixamo, mixamo animations, mixamo skeleton, mixamo addon, mixamo rig, blender rigging, blender rig, blender mixamo, blender timeline, attacking animation, godot attack, godot game, indie gamedevelopment, gamedev, godot animator, 3d animator
Id: JV9n7BuiyTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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