Why you SHOULDN'T upgrade to Unreal Engine 5.4*

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hi everyone so unal engine 5.4 has just been released and in this video I'm going to tell you why you shouldn't want to upgrade [Music] it so this week epic released Unreal Engine 5.4 and everyone's really excited to try out some of there lots of cool new features that are included in it such as new PCG features new rigging controls and modular control r and lots of other little fine additions to things like animation that really help improve the workflow in those areas however you may be tempted to upgrade your unre engine version in your latest game to unre 5.4 but there's been many reasons why you shouldn't do that now it can be very tempting to make sure that your game is using the latest and greatest versions in unreal or any version of game engine you're using but it isn't always the best and it's not just because it may be some bugs still in the engine or maybe some things not tested out fully or some documentation is just not there yet there's plenty of reasons in those sort of areas but I'm more talking about the side effect of you working on a current game and wanting to upgrade to the latest version and we saw the same problem when people were going from unreal 4 to Unreal 5 and subsequent features ADV versions after that too so first of all let's talk about why you should check out Unreal Engine 5.4 so unreal 5.4 does come with lots of cool new features now what I recommend doing is installing unreal 5.4 and just playing with it you don't necessar want to be making a full game with it just yet you don't want to be converting the current game you're working on over to 5.4 you mostly just want to play around with the tools and get used to them this especially is true because there's very little documentation or video tutorials out there for these new features and as these features mature over with different versions they their features are going to change and UI is going to change and ultimately get better over time so you may find that you may not want to use this stuff straight away but inste just to play around with it and it was very tempting when people were using un Engine 4 and wanted to go to un Engine 5 because of nanites and Lumen being the key new features of that engine but it wasn't necessarily always the best case forward if you look at many games that came out after the release of unreal 5 they were still coming out on Unreal Engine 4 and sometimes even really early versions on your engine 4 the reason being is that these versions are far more stable and tried and tested if the game is working in an older previous version and it doesn't need any of the new features there is no need to up update it so my game mimic is still using Unreal Engine 5.1 and that's because there's no features in 5.2 to or beyond that the game actually requires sure there are things that it could benefit from but as for needing it it doesn't need it so rather than run the risk of upgrading a project to a maybe a more broken build or more inefficient build then I'm kind of hesitant to even try a guy into 5.4 and you should too so if you're currently working on a game don't feel like you're tempted to have to be in 5.4 or 5.5 depend on when you're watching this video in said use this time to learn the software learn the tools and figure out where the best place is to use these new Tools in your future projects so when is a good time for you to use unwi 5.4 well if you're looking at the features set and you realize there's something in there that your game desperately needs then by all means try it out before upgrading your current project though I do recommend opening up a brand new project to play about with these new tools and see how they work and you can work on your workflow now that being said I am going to be downloading and installing and using Unreal 5.4 but I won't be using it for any game projects and probably maybe a few months or so before you start seeing video tutorials coming out with unreal 5.4 features and this because I want time to play with it time to learn time to understand the systems more than just say I'll click here click there down and there you go I really want to understand the inner workings of these features and how to actually make make use of them and more importantly when to make use of them okay I don't want to be giving you just tips and advice and things that don't really apply for you or give you the wrong direction to take it in so if you found this video useful and want to learn more about Unreal Engine especially Unreal Engine 5.4 in the near future please make sure to subscribe to the channel and also if you want to support the channel head on the patreon.com ranl link is in the description below and your donation of just $1 a month gets you access to all our videos early before anyone else as well as many other benefits for Discord voting and also project files so thank you so much everyone for watching make sure you subscribe to the channel and I'll see you all next time bye for now
Channel: Ryan Laley
Views: 16,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ifK55YAK1vY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 21sec (321 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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