How to actually MAKE PERFUME

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today we're going to do something a little less philosophical and a little more practical than usual so if you've been watching the channel you know that a lot of my videos cover really the theory of how to make perfume though today i want to do something a bit more hands-on and actually physically showing you uh the full process of coming up with an iteration so the task is simple i'm gonna imagine that i'm coming up with a new perfume idea and i'm gonna start with just my very first iteration of the formula and i'm gonna show you all of the steps involved in that iteration so within the iteration i'm going to further break it down into four really simple steps which are the four steps that i use every time i'm making an iteration of a formula so the first step is coming up with the formula coming up with the idea and actually writing that down so i've got something to make the second step is going to get all of the dilutions that i need to go and make that formula that's getting the raw materials the third step is actually making the formula so how do i wear it out on a scale with some pipettes and then finally the final step is to evaluate that how do i smell it think about it and then work out what i'm going to do in the next iteration which as you can guess is just that same process repeated again and again if that sounds good to you then stay tuned and watch the rest of the video okay so the first stage is coming up with the idea now i haven't done any preparation for this video because i wanted to really give you an insight of just how it is when i would actually be thinking of something in real life so i don't have any particular preconceptions of what i'm going to do however what i was thinking was in the last video or one of the last videos where we did a review of perfume's world i got a new raw material called geico and i thought it would be cool to actually experiment with this because i was quite excited about it when i found it and i haven't had a chance to test it out yet so i'm thinking hey let's try a formula with guaiaco now the first thing when i'm thinking of a formula is um i don't actually want to make it too complex especially for first iteration i probably don't want to try more than maybe like five things in that first iteration because otherwise it's just gonna be way too complex there's gonna be too much going on and i'm not gonna be able to actually understand what raw materials are doing what things now that said the more you know your raw materials the more you can put in your first iteration and conversely the less you know your raw materials i would actually recommend less if you're really new to perfumery i would recommend your first iteration for a formula you just try literally two materials together maybe three but as you get more experience and you already kind of can start to imagine your formula before you make it and that's something that only comes with a lot of practice when you've smelled your raw materials individually a lot of times so you know how they behave and also you've tried them out in different formulas well then you can actually move on to more and more and more raw materials in your initial guess for the formula so i think probably something around five-ish i don't know exactly where we'll end up at but that's probably my aim so now i'm gonna take you into formula which is where i write all my formulas and i'm going to kind of do the planning process for this formula live with you all right then so i wanted to make a formula to test out guayakol so firstly i'm going to go and add that now in order to fill this out a bit more like a perfume something to act maybe like a scaffold or a framework i think it would be nice maybe to add something like the grossman accord and i think that would be good because it's kind of a ready-built perfume structure that i already know how functions so i did a whole video on the grossman accord i'll put a link in the description to that and i'm simply going to take that accord and use that same formula essentially and put that in as a single raw material and i'll do that because it will just help me kind of have a base to the perfume so let's get the garagemena cord so after that the kind of choice i guess opens up now i'm thinking that if we're using guaiacol because i remember it smelled kind of like vanilla and slightly smoky slightly um raspberry kind of thing maybe we could do something that kind of emphasizes some of those aspects so i think it might be good to add some vanillin because i think that would harmonize well with the guayaquil so i'm going to go and add some vanillin and then as well as that um i don't know what do we add next well see i think now at this point you can go in all the directions but one thing that comes to mind is when i made that mexican vanilla accord a few videos back so basically what i found out was if you add coumarin to vanillin it makes this quite nice a cord so i guess and i i can imagine the coumarin would go well as well with the guacao so i feel like i could add in coumarin as well as another raw material so i'm going to add in coumarin and then now i've got this i'm kind of thinking that i've got probably a lot of base notes in this formula already and it's probably going to be quite heavy so it's it's going to have i'm guessing kind of a sweet a slight sweet theme to it and maybe a slight incense theme added by the guy called um so i'm thinking maybe add some kind of heart note or top note that kind of thing so another thing is about this guy called i actually had someone message me and said that they recommend eugenol go with the guy call which is something that normally smells a bit like cloves so i thought maybe i could try adding that in as well um so i'll add in some youtube and then since i've got now essentially a sweet and spicy kind of formula i feel like something like a rose would naturally go quite well with this so i've got this rose base which i use all the time which is called rose jeffco 217. though recently i got a different rose base called rose essence something i haven't used it yet so i actually think it might be a cool opportunity to go and experiment with that so if i go on to add that it is here so i can add some of that rose essence and then so we've already got six things which is quite a lot i mean already i think it's getting quite complicated but i also do want to add in a top note still and i want to keep with this kind of theme this kind of um i don't know it's kind of a pink theme you could say almost now we've got the rose and the guy called it had that um maybe raspberry cherry aspect so i think something along those lines could work quite well um now one top note that i have that i think would fit is anisol acetate so i think i will add that one as well oh i had the wrong thing i had an anisode though i think anisaldehyde would work quite well too but for now i want to try the annie's last hit but i think yeah okay so now we've got a palette per se of raw materials i actually want to work out what kind of proportions i want to put them in in the formula now when i was making formula one feature that i really really thought was important was the ability for raw materials to see how you're using them in your formulas to help you use them in the future so if we're on the ground accord we can already use this information to help out essentially so if we scroll down to the bottom you can see all the places i've used the garage metal cord in other formulas how much i've used it at so there are a couple of the bottom at zero percent which we can ignore but everything else where i've actually put it in the formula um we can see that i've tried it around one percent five percent and around nine percent and i made this note which is why it's highlighted in blue that in this formula where i tried it at one point five percent i actually thought the grossman accord was too weak so that suggests to me it would be good to try the grossman accord it's something like five to nine percent in the formula so i'm going to go back to my formula and i'm going to put the gross record i'm going to aim to have this at about 5 so now at the moment we are we have everything in 100 dilution and because all of my things are pre-diluted down to ten percent or less or one percent for example i first want to change all the dilutions to ten percent so i'm quickly going to do that which is hold it dilutions and scaling change it to 10 so i'll change everything to 10 so everything's at 10 now i'm going to add in some perfumes alcohol and the reason i'm doing that is because i'm going to start this formula by saying i want that gross record to be five percent because that's going to be the core of the formula and maybe we're gonna aim for like one gram or something so let's just say i don't know 0.5 grams of gross minor chord and if i add in 0.5 grams of perfume as alcohol then that's going to put the garage from a quarter 5 and what i'm going to do now from here is work out how much of everything else i want to add in so by increasing the grams and when i put in a gram of something else i remove that gram from the amount of perfume as alcohol and by doing that the gross record will stay at five percent and i can end up building the rest of the formula around it so hopefully it'll become clear in practice when i start actually doing it so the garageman accord is uh five percent now let's think next so next the vanillin because i already know that often vanillin i use it around 0.2 i think so if we were to try a very small amount of vanillin 0.05 let's say that might be around the right level and i want to push the vanilla on this so for now i could put it down to 0.3 grams oops i clicked on something let's put it down to 0.033 grams and as long as i take 0.033 grams off of the perfume as alcohol then i'll remain at that constant target of one gram so 0.5 minus 4.33 is 0.446 something 0.467 i think yeah so you can see what i've done that what i've done here is and the reason actually first that i've added 0.033 grams of vanillin is that usually when i dilute things down to 10 usually one drop is about 0.016 grams so i can't really weigh out anything less than a whole number um multiplier of 0.16 so in this case 0.032 grams will be around 2 drops which i can measure out pretty reliably so now that i've added 0.033 grams of that i want to take that off of the perfume as alcohol or you can see that i've done because that maintains my whole formula at one gram and that allows me to keep the gourdsmen accord at five percent and it allows me now to have this vanillin at 0.33 percent and you can see that if we repeat this process by shifting the mass of perfumers alcohol into something else then we keep the percentages that we have and in my personal opinion in perfumery the easiest way to work or the best way to work i think just for me is like if you maintain your absolute percentages so that's the percentage display displayed here so not the relative percentage which is this one so if you're considering for example just the garageman chord and the vanillin and you ignore the alcohol then you can see that that vanillin is like six percent and the gross record is like 94 but i'm not interested in that right now i'm interested in the absolute percent which is the actual concentration of that thing in the total mixture including all the alcohol and the reason that i like to use that is because that is similar to when you actually smell the dilution so if you made a dilution of the garlic from a chord at five percent that should behave in exactly the same way now as it's behaving in this perfume so now i've done the vanillin i next want to do the coumarin and because that was this mexican vanilla record i firstly want to go and actually check that accord so i can remember so i want to remember essentially the ratio that i found so i found less coumarin than vanillin so that's fine if we go back to this formula that we're making um so if we've got we can't weigh out any less than 0.015 of coumarin so if i want to keep that proportion i'll essentially have to actually shift the coumarin down to one percent so i'll change that from 10 down to 1 and then i'll add in some kind of amount let's say 0.1 grams for now and again we want to take that off of the perfume's alcohol so it's now going to be 0.367 so now what we've done here essentially is we've added that coumarin in roughly that one to three ratio to the vanillin so you can see that 0.33 of vanillin is just over three times that 0.10 of coumarin and that's the same ratio as my mexican vanilla record so that's why i've done it like this of course it's the first iteration later on if we feel oh it needs more coumarin then we can go and do that so this is an example of how i change down the dilution when i want to weigh out less of something than i can actually physically weigh out so by lowering the dilution i can add more grams of it to reach the same percent essentially okay so these are the easy bits because i know roughly how to do them the other things i'm not quite so sure how to dose them so i'm gonna guess that with the rose essence because rose bases are quite strong in general and this one seemed quite strong as well um you probably don't need a lot of it same with the eugenol probably the same with the guaiacol and the anise elastic i think we can use a little bit more because it's not quite so strong so if we do let me think what i'm thinking then is because we've got essentially these three things and this one it might make the most sense if we were to do 0.1 grams of each of the three that i know are strong at a one percent dilution and then we use the rest of that weight of perfume as alcohol just for easiness sake to give to the anastasia 10 and we'll see essentially what that makes so you can see now i'm just kind of thinking of the formula a little bit in terms of how i'm going to make it as well as the actual things that are going in it but the main principle here is if i know that rose essence glycol and usual are all quite strong then let's try using less of them so to show you in practice i'm going to say okay rose essence let's change that down to one percent right so i haven't got a one percent dilution so i'm going to have to actually go and add that which means i'm going to have to go and make it as well so rose essence um let's change that down to one percent guy call again i don't think i have the dilution i don't so let's go to glycol and add a one percent dilution let's change it down to one percent and then finally the eugenol i should have a one percent dilution yeah let's change that to one percent and then we'll leave the another state and then we'll go to this rose essence and add 0.1 grams here into the glycol 0.1 grams here into the urinal 0.1 grams here and to the animal acetate we'll add 0.67 0.067 and then we can delete this perfume as alcohol entry because we don't need it anymore and as you can see so i've done some of this maths in my head but essentially i've worked it out such that we maintain this one grammar formula and what i've also done here is i've made sure that the rose essence the glycol and the eugenol are also at this low low percent of 0.1 percent in the final formula so again this is quite useful because if you have a dilution that you've made of 0.1 percent then you can already get an idea for exactly how strong these raw materials should be before you've even made the perfume and then because i know that anastasia is a bit stronger i've used a higher percentage so even though there's less weight of it because i'm using a higher dilution you can see than in the percent which is the actual only thing that matters at the end it's more and then we've done this whole thing at about 6.4 percent so this is really really weak for a perfume if we made this and we decided oh it smells really good as is we could try um rewriting this formula in terms of higher dilutions in order to bring up that 6.4 to something a bit higher we could essentially go and scale it another option is to use this as the basis of our formula and then keep adding new things but start adding them on top of what we've already got in terms of the percent so that 6.4 can slowly creep up over times as we add things essentially you can do it whatever you want so now i've got my trial formula all worked out i actually need to go and do the next step which is to find my dilutions okay so here are some of my pre-dilutions that i've made now i've alphabetically ordered these so it's a bit easier to find so firstly we want to find that anisole acetate so we're going to start in the top left and it is actually this one so i've got that at 10 we need that put that up here then we've got the kumaran next at one percent which i think you can see that's one we need then we have guyacal at 10 so this one i don't actually have yet at one percent so i'm going to need to make this dilution up and i'll use the 10 dilution to make that so i'll put that up here next we've got the same story for that rose base the rose essence so this one should be somewhere over here yeah there we go rose essence so we're going to take that and then finally we've got some vanillin over here that's these five the rest of them i actually don't have in this section i've got them in a box somewhere else so i'm going to quickly go and grab those and then we'll get into actually making the missing dilutions for the rose essence and for the guaiacol okay so i've gone and found the eugenol at one percent and the garagemen accord at 10 which were the two things we are missing in the formula so next what i'm gonna go and do is create the one percent dilution of the guaiacol and the rose essence which we were missing before what i've done is i've got these labels which i've already made beforehand and i'm simply going to go and put those on the new bottle as the first step so i'm now using these winchester bottles and i really like those because i could actually get these caps for them which are polycone caps which are good at keeping your raw materials safely locked away inside the bottle um some of the caps you use some of the vapors can actually get through them and start dissolving into the plastic and it also helps keep your environment or your work space quite scent free by keeping a really good seal between the raw materials and the outside environment the downside of these winchester bottles is that they are a little bit expensive compared to other options so it's completely up to you of course which bottles you buy um but i just i thought i'd let you know this is something i'm moving towards these days so what i'll do is i'll take the bottle get the label and simply put it on nothing too surprising here and then the next step is i actually want to go and make my dilution oh the other thing is nowadays i've actually got these these little stickers which i put on top of the bottle so i have got the rose essence one here which i put on so i tighten them all the way up and kind of align it with the front label and the reason for doing this is mostly because when i've got all of my raw materials in that rack where i was looking for them earlier it just means that i can find them a lot quicker because obviously when you're looking top down at a rack full of raw materials you can't see the label on the side so in order to quickly find the one you're looking for it's good if you can have i think the first letter of its name is the most important thing but also it's useful to have the full name and the percent as well because then it allows you to quickly find the right dilution of the right wrong material okay now in order to go and work out my dilution i'm actually going to go and use the dilution calculator in formula so let's start with the rose essence so this new one dilution that i'm making um i want to say that i've made it today which is january 29th so i'm just going to use that date and i want to make five grams of it so i want to make five grams of the one percent dilution i'm starting with 10 dilution so just calculate on that and i need to add 0.5 grams of the rose essence at 10 to 4.5 grams of the perfume is alcohol so okay let's leave that there i usually take my perfume as alcohol and i just put it into a beaker with a pipette and i reuse this pipette for perfume as alcohol and the reason is because i'm only using it for perfume as alcohol it's not getting contaminated with anything else [Applause] and i usually wouldn't keep the ipad so close to the liquids but i'm just showing you guys for the demonstration so i put on the scale i take my bottle with the one percent dilution that i'm gonna make and i tear the bottle or i tear the weight so what this does is set the scale to zero on the weight of the bottle then what i'm going to do quite simply is i'm going to weigh 0.5 grams out of this so that is the rose essence with a fresh pipette so what i like to do is lift up the bottle for the first few drops and that's because the scale doesn't always register the weight unless you do that because it thinks it's like a gust of wind that it needs to correct but after you've added the first few drops you can start weighing it out as you'd expect and we're going to go up until we get to 0.5 grams and that one is 0.93 so it's about a half drop more than it wants okay so 0.98 96 that's close enough that's fine so i'm going to now put this pipette in the waist to pat so these are all the pipettes i've used and i don't reuse the pipettes that i've already used in order to essentially stop the contamination of the pipettes to be fair i could have used that pipette again for just weighing out the rose essence in this exercise but anyway so now i've got this i need to add another 4.5 grams so i can either keep going up to 5 grams or i can just add that 4.5 grams that it said in formula so let's start and this time i know that it's going to be quite a few perpetuals so i can add a whole pet full to begin with and these are one mil pipette so each pipette should be just over one milliliter if i do the full thing and then now we're getting closer to 4.5 i'm going to start to slow down okay and there we go we've got 4.5 grams exactly which is great and then i'm going to keep this perfume's alcohol here for later but now we've got a rose essence diluted down to 1 give it a shake and we will use that for the formula so next i'm going to go to guaiacol and i'm going to repeat and for the guy called one i'm going to go and do exactly the same thing i'm not going to show you this one because it's exactly the same process as i did for the rose essence so if you want to know how to do it for the glycol you can just follow that last step for the resistance and pretend that it's quite cool right so now we've gone and made the pre-dilutions we actually want to go and make the formula itself so firstly the most important thing to do is to label the bottle so i think we call this perfume untitled three because that's what it was called so i'm just gonna label it at that but of course if i was doing this a bit more seriously i would have thought up a name for it in advance so i'm going to take that label and put it on the bottle we're going to use and this is the bottle we're going to use to weigh out our formula now the next step is to do the raw materials so in formula we've already got our formula written out for us and at the moment it's arranged in alphabetical order which i think is fine so i'm going to arrange these raw materials in alphabetical order as well so they're in order when we go to make the formula so we've got anastasia first 10 percent coumarin one percent eugenol at one percent guy call at one percent rose essence at one percent and then we've got the garageman accord at 10 and finally vanillin at 10 so now we can go and actually start weighing out the formula so i'm going to take the anisote now i know from experience that something pre-diluted in alcohol at 10 percent 0.67 grams should be about 4 drops so let's put that to the test let's weigh out three drops here to begin with and see what it weighs as see it weighs as 0.48 if i add one more drop it weighs to 0.67 exactly so this is another power of the pre-dilutions it actually does allow you to use drops not as your primary way of writing your formulas but it essentially makes your raw materials weigh something a lot more consistent which allows you to conveniently use drop amounts when writing the formulas so i knew in advance that 0.67 would be about four drops which is why i know i can weigh that amount in my formula so now now i've used this pipette um if i was going to go and iterate upon this formula say tomorrow or later on today um one thing that i like to do is actually take a sense strip holder and hold the pipette like this in a crocodile clip and leave it behind the raw material and the reason for that is as long as you keep these two together you know that that pipette has only been used for that material so if you use it again for that material that should be okay obviously this isn't really a great long-term solution but in the short term i think it's good and it's a good way to save on plastic save on pipettes so we've done the anisole acetate now let's go for the coumarin which is 0.1 grams and again i know that's probably gonna be six drops so let's go and put that in one two three four five let's check it okay i didn't tear the scale but that's no big deal so we've gone over by the tiniest amount but that's the most accurate we would have been able to weigh so it's fine so i'm going to go and tie that again like i should have last time next we're going to take the eugenol okay that's probably gonna be six drops let's do five and yeah one more drop and that's as close as we're gonna get next for the guy call so i put in four drops and that's 0.67 grams two more and that should be about 0.1 next for the rose essence so we've done four drops and then we'll do two more again it's pretty close to 0.1 grams we're not going to get any closer than that and this is also the thing about having an accurate scale not only a scale to three decimal places but also a proper scientific scale that's been designed with precision in mind so this scale was really expensive but i have to say it was worth every penny of it if you don't have a scale this accurate you won't be able to weigh to the same degree of accuracy and in that case you're going to have to use bigger trial sizes so some people may comment on the fact that my sizes my trials are tiny the reason i can do that is because i invested so much in the scale to begin with if you have a less accurate scale you should probably do about 10 times larger than what i'm doing on my trials to make sure that you've still got the accuracy in weighing because if you don't have accuracy when you weigh then essentially your formulas well you're not really gonna have made what you think you've made which is a really big issue in terms of reproducibility so we've got the garage record next which is 0.5 grams so this one we're going to need a bit more i'm gonna move the ipad away just because this tall bottle i'm a bit more skeptical about okay so so we've got about 0.5 grams there and then finally with the vanillin 0.33 so that's just two drops it should be [Music] so we can try that two drops and check it yep that's about it's very close 0.37 0.33 again it's as close as we're gonna get so yeah i really am pushing the limit here for how small can you make your trial size um it's something i like to do because it really saves the raw material cost but again i would only recommend doing this if you're very careful with weighing out your drops and you use a high accuracy scale so here we go at the end i'm just going to shake it and we are done we've made the formula so in the next section i'm going to go and do the evaluations i'm not actually going to go and do that right now and the reason is now i've just gone and made this formula all of the vapors from all of these bottles that i've opened and all that vapor that's been on those pipettes there is kind of a a cloud essentially of the smells that i've been mixing and now because of that my nose is no longer sensitive to those smells um it's called olfactory fatigue so that's when your nose gets used to things and you can't smell them properly anymore or the smell becomes distorted so if i were to evaluate this right now i wouldn't have a true perception of what it actually smells like what i need to do is air out the room maybe open some windows leave for half an hour an hour something like that and then come back later and make the evaluation when i've got a fresh nose one strategy i like to do is if you actually go and make your trial blends for the day in the evening and then you just leave it overnight and then you come and evaluate them in the morning and by doing a daily cycle like that you end up doing just a little bit of perfumery each day and that adds up over time and then your trials add up over the days and you eventually get somewhere where you want to be now when i go and make these evaluations what i'm going to do again is on formula i'm going to go in here and in the formula notes section i'm going to go and start making notes about this formula but i will talk to you guys about that on the other camera so i'm going to come back in something like an hour and i'll let you know what i thought about the formula cool so i finally made that formula um i've come back it's about an hour later so i've got a fresh nose and now we can finally go in and make the evaluation and see what it smells like so i'm gonna take a sand strip label it and then i'm gonna take this i'm gonna dip it in and i'm going to find one of the scent strip holders and i'm just going to leave this here so first thing i'm going to do is notice can i smell anything that's diffusive and interestingly i already feel like i notice a kind of slight coumarin element which is quite interesting because i thought that was so weak but now let's actually go now and smell like the full thing and see what it's like okay so that's pretty interesting um so it's not too strong but it's actually kind of nice and for sure i can smell the smokey effect of the guacal which is really surprising because it's quite weak i was actually wondering if i would if i would actually smell the white coal and for sure i would say that's one of the dominant features so obviously like the garageman accord is quite strong and i can smell a kind of i guess pinkness from what i imagine is the rose and the anisola state but i actually do think it's maybe a little bit too weak and there's something about this which is maybe a little bit soapy as well and i'm not 100 sure what could be causing that it could be that rose base that i'm using but overall i think i think the formula is decent it's definitely not something that would be great as a final perfume but it's an interesting like exploration as a first trial and the other thing is i'll need to come back to this so maybe after a day tomorrow after a few days and see what it's like because especially given that there are a lot of bass notes in here things like the vanillin and the kumerin and the grossman accord obviously i'm not really going to have a good idea of how these things are functioning properly until after a day or so that kind of time period but i do think yeah the the there's quite a clean smelling-ness to the perfume it's quite it's actually fairly decently balanced honestly i think the levels we chose for the trials were pretty decent and i actually think maybe even that guy call is still a little bit too strong it would have been nice if the vanilla element had come out a bit more and again i think um a bit more fruitiness maybe from the anisote would have been good so if i was going to now go and take this formula and i wanted to continue developing it um given that there's already quite a lot going on here one thing i could do is actually start taking ingredients out to work out what the effects of each individual ingredient is on this formula if i wanted to go and build upon it from this i think i would actually maybe try adding a little bit more anisole acetate maybe then try an iteration without the rose base so i can gauge the effect that's having because i think that's the biggest unknown i'm having about this formula what is that rose essence really doing and then maybe another one with a much greater amount of the resistance so i can really have the full spectrum of what happens if you overdose that versus if you remove it because i think that's the one thing that i'm looking at and i'm not really sure about how it's functioning in the formula overall though the formula's not bad i think there's a little bit of a cherry aspect to it which is mostly the only solace acetate i guess with the vanillin which is nice and yeah it smells a bit like a heliotropin kind of thing as well and yeah i actually think it's it's fairly reasonable um but really yeah the idea of this is not to be a finnish perfume i literally just wanted to show you guys what my thought process would be and especially because sometimes when i make videos i make a video where i do these trials and iterations and it might seem a bit intimidating because you know i do all of these certain steps and you might be wondering you know how did he decide to do this or that next um and how come these steps are all kind of working out um i actually find most of the time in perfumery most of your trials are more failures than they are successes and for example this trial while there are some elements inside it which are good overall i don't think it's something that's fantastic but the only way you can know is by making that blend and then having a think about it and thinking ah maybe this is too strong this is too weak i should cut this out or i could try adding something else and then over the days so if i was going to iterate on this i would then go and try those new trials that i come up with i would rewrite those as formulas and repeat exactly the same steps in this video so write those formulas down then go find those dilutions make them up if i haven't already go weigh them out wait an hour or so wait overnight and go and evaluate them again and it's literally repeating that cycle and that cycle essentially after a lot of iterations it might take 10 iterations it might take 50. it's only after doing that that you'll finally come up with a perfume that you're really happy with and i think a lot of people get frustrated at the fact that they're going to throw a load of stuff together and it doesn't smell amazing i mean this is essentially what i've gone and done now throwing a load of stuff together and it doesn't smell fantastic i do think it's got good parts of it but it's only by repeating all of those steps that you get an idea and actually build something up over time it's not like you throw stuff together on one iteration and it comes out how you want you put together an iteration and you learn from it and then that allows you to your next iteration hopefully you refine it over time so yeah that's really all i wanted to cover in this video and yeah thank you very much for watching so quick update if you're a formula user this week i've just added a feature where you can finally import a raw materials library from a csv file so this is something that been requested for a while from a few people so if you're one of those people then definitely go and check that out at the moment it's only on the mac os version so if you've got mac os you can download the update for formula and then you should be able to press this new button which is at the top of the raw materials library and that will allow you to upload a csv and it will take each row which is a raw material and it will basically turn those in to actual raw materials and formula so there's a few columns which are things like the name the cast number all the fields essentially you can add in formula and if you've already got a csv of your raw materials then feel free to go and take your csv shift around the columns so it fits the right format that's required for this import csv and then go and use that if it will help you out i'll put instructions for that on the formula website in the description below so if you're interested in that definitely go check it out and that's it for this video so i hope you enjoyed this if you've got any suggestions for future videos do let me know in the comments and until then have a great week and see you next time you
Channel: Sam Macer
Views: 41,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CxJdYfHMm6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 2sec (2642 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 29 2022
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