How to make dilutions for perfumery (VISUAL DEMONSTRATION)

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this video is a visual guide on how to make dilutions in perfumery this video is for if you're just starting out in perfumery and you've never gone and made your first dilution before you may be watching other videos on perfumery wondering how do i actually go and make these dilutions well in this video i'm going to illustrate exactly how you do it and luckily it's really really easy so let's begin before you can make your dilutions you're going to need a few different things firstly you're going to need a scale and that's to weigh out the different quantities of things secondly you're going to need some perfume as alcohol and that's going to be the solvent with which you dilute your raw materials then you're going to need an empty sample bottle to make your dilution into and then of course you're also going to need your raw material which you wish to dilute now as well as that if your raw material is a solid or a powder then a spatula can be quite helpful with the weighing out alternatively if your raw material is a liquid i would recommend using a pipette next you're going to have to actually calculate the different amounts of the raw material and the alcohol for your dilution i find a calculator can be very helpful for this or alternatively if you use the formula perfumery app now i've done a whole video on how to calculate the amount of both alcohol and raw materials to make your desired dilution so if you're not quite sure how to calculate the percentages then i'll put a link in the description to that video and you can go and check that out finally you're going to need a pen and some labels and this is just so you can write down what your dilution is otherwise you'll be lost in a sea of bottles without any labels and you have no idea what's in them so then without further ado let's make our first dilution so what i'm going to start off by doing is turning on the scale and putting the empty sample vial onto it and i'm going to tar the scale to make it read zero what i'm going to do next is add some of the perfume's alcohol and what i generally try to do is fill up the bottle maybe to around two-thirds so make it so there's still a bit of space for the raw material then we need to work out how much of the raw material to add so because we're making a 10 dilution we'll take the amount of perfume's alcohol which is 7.722 grams and divide it by nine and that leaves us with 0.858 grams of the raw material to add so next i'll take the raw material we'll take a pipette and then before adding it we'll tear the scale again to make it read zero and once we've done that we can start adding our raw material now usually i like to add the first few drops before putting it on the scale and that's just because sometimes the scale can try to correct itself back to zero if you add a very small amount so i find it's most accurate if you take it off for the first few drops then you can put it on the scale and keep adding drops until you get to your 0.858 grams now it's going to be impossible to weigh it completely accurately to 0.001 grams all of the time so in general just try to make it as close as possible try to make it within the nearest drop or so once we've done that well that's all it is you've made your dilution then just put the cap on the bottle give it a good shake and make sure to label it so in this case we did value tone so i'm just going to write on the label valuetone 10 now i'll also show you how to work out the dilutions quickly with the formula app so what you can do there is if you create an entry for that raw material just scroll down to the dilution section and find the dilution that you want to make or if you don't have it yet then just create it using the dilution button then you need to press the fx button in the dilution and a little pop-up will come up and it will say it will ask you what dilution you're starting with and how much you want to make so in this case for our 10 dilution because we're making it from the pure raw material we're going to put 100 for the starting dilution because it's 100 i.e not diluted at all and then for the amount to make these bottles usually fit around 10 grams or so so let's type in 10 grams and then press calculate and it will tell us how much of the raw material and how much of the alcohol to add and again as i said if you want to work out this stuff for yourself on your calculator well you can go and watch my video on mass for perfumery i'll put a link in the description and it will explain everything you need to know about doing those calculations now let's repeat the process just one more time and this time i'll show you how to do it with a solid instead of a liquid so the only difference in a solid instead of a liquid is that i like to add the raw material this time before doing the alcohol and the reason for that is because i'm going to be using this spatula and i don't want the spatula to touch the wet edges of the sample vial so by putting the solid draw material in first we can get around that so what i'm going to do is i'm going to again tear the scale with the weight of the bottle so it reads zero and then i'm gonna take some of my raw material this time scooping it up with the spatula and then i'm gonna scoop it into the bottle and in this case i'm gonna go for somewhere around 0.5 grams we've weighed out to 0.495 grams in the end and then i just need to work out how much alcohol to add so again using the calculator this time we're going in reverse i'm going to take that number and times it by nine so 0.495 times 9 that's going to equal 4.455 grams so now i'm going to go to my perfumer's alcohol and i'm going to take a new pipette and i'm going to weigh out 4.455 grams of the perfume's alcohol remember before you start adding this you need to tear the scale again so it reads zero so that's pretty much it then i add it and we've got the new 10 dilution [Music] so because this one's a solid even when i shake it it hasn't dissolved straight away some things dissolve more quickly than others you should just leave it a while and shake it periodically if you're really having trouble getting it to dissolve then you can also try putting it on a radiator or something to warm it up a little that should help it dissolve just a little bit quicker but yeah that's all there really is to it don't be scared if it's a solid or something else or like a really thick material as long as you use the scale you won't have any trouble just go by the weights and the form of the raw material whether it be liquid solid or something else shouldn't really matter too much so yeah that's it i hope you enjoyed this video thank you for watching and i'll see you next time with some more perfumery content this video is sponsored by luxetera my online store where you can find all of the essential equipment for perfumery only good quality and good value for money products make the cut and i use almost all of the products myself when making perfumes my brand to browse the full range of products visit or click the link in the description [Music] you
Channel: Sam Macer
Views: 35,091
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Id: owu_Up_tNNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 2sec (422 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 18 2022
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