How to Make Perfume like Acqua di Gio

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hey friends welcome back today we are making something like Aqua Deo this was posted this has been posted on quite a few places this has been floating around Reddit Instagram other forums and websites I don't know exactly where it came from I first saw it on Reddit then I saw it elsewhere but uh I have not made this I made a version of it in August of last year but when I made it I didn't have a lot of the materials I had to swap a bunch of things out so what I got as from the as the output was much closer to Tommy uh Tommy you know by Tommy hillfigure than it was Aqua de jail so now N9 months later I have most of the materials I have a few substitutions which we'll talk about but I have most of the materials so I'm going to give this another shot um I excited to put this together uh because I wore this this was my signature fragrance in high school many moons ago a long time ago and uh this was also my first experience with the fragrance when I would smell I was familiar with the opening but you know I'd put it on go to school and then I couldn't smell it and then I remember one day it was at my girlfriend's house wearing a sweater that she had given me a sweatshirt she had given me and uh and I had caught a whiff of Aqua Deo but it didn't quite smell like Aqua Deo so I smelled smelled my wrist and I smelt that I smelled that beautiful musky base um that I had not smelled before cuz I was so focused on the opening that was my first experience with huh fragrances change over time and from that point on I wore even more Aqua Deo just so I could smell just so I could smell that base um after all those top notes went away so um this was such a popular fragrance it was an aquatic fragrance it was released in 1996 um uh Alberto maras was one of the perfumers Anique menardo and what's his name Christian duler I think I'm saying that correctly I believe that's what fragrantica shows as uh who perfumed this quick caveat before we get started whenever we put these together we're not putting together the actual fragrance that you can go and buy in the store there's no way to do that even if we have the formula for Aqua de Joe or Creed green Irish Tweed whatever it is we still can't make the fragrance because if there's any Naturals that go in there do we have access to the exact same Naturals that they do I know some of these fragrance companies Source Naturals from a specific company sometimes they will buy the entire production of a or the entire output of a certain product that's being made um so that it's harder to replicate you know what it is they're doing the point of it is we put these together to try to learn how these are constructed how notes fit together and just have a good time if we look at the structure of this stuff's Mo mostly heion hon takes up let's see here almost 40% of the formula um quick math shows me it's 32 % 33% yeah 33% of the formula is hon and hon HC uh that's no joke um other white florals are in here then there's a lot of musk um there's a lot of musk and then there's a fairb bit of you could call it Woods um but there's ISO super vertifix some pachuli veras I threw some uh some olanam some frankincense in here as a replacement um what we're going to do is we are going to start with the base the perfume base that beautiful stuff that I smelled uh when I was in high school um we're going to start with the Hedon the white florals and the musk we're going to put all that together and then we're going to build from there so let's start with the headone now the batch that I'm making is about about 6.3 G it is about a 16% concentration this is probably a little hotter than uh what was delivered in the stores you know I would imagine that well I mean we'll test it out but I would imagine that uh that what was on the shelves was not at a 16% concentrate you never know but uh but I doubt it let's get this going he on it's almost equal parts according to this formula Hedon and Hedon HC I remember first smelling heon I couldn't actually smell it I recognized that something was going on in my nose I could sense that something something was happening but I couldn't actually smell it was a yeah was frustrating but then you mix it and then you smell the effect it has love hion HC okay I hope I have enough yeah I should have enough perfect perfect just enough I'll have to make a new batch and in fact I should probably make a new batch of hion in in this size bottle a 4 oz bottle I use so much of it okay let's continue with our let's continue with our uh our more transparent notes in other words like isoe super yeah ISO super another material I couldn't actually smell when I first started now I can and to my nose it has a similar Vibe is hon where it's tough to smell but it's soft delicate light it's a little Woody ambery a little sweet in the nose okay okay we have these let's continue at least on the the white florals we have let's start with our Jasmine now the formula in here asks for a basically a Jasmine absolute Bas I don't know if it meant base or ACC chord I've got an accord I have Fermin's uh Jasmine specialty or I think it's the same as Jasmine 23 31 um where am I looking here now I can't actually find what this Jasmine is meant to mimic but given that fermanich makes s oh no that's J that's jidan never mind I was going to say that fermanich makes sakito but that's that's jidan which is a jidan makes a a Jasmine sambach reconstitution called sakito can't figure out what Jasmine specialty is but one day and one day soon we are going to compare all the jasms that I have the fake jasms Jasmine bases and the and the real jasms and we're going to we're going to put those to the test next up floral also known as florosa sometimes you'll see it Flora fall very nice just another lily of the valley material there's not much in here one drop will do okay next up lilyo wonderful lilyo lily of the valley note but it's a little more watery a little more green but it's still lily of the valley it's Airy it's light it's delicate it's floral it is in a word beautiful absolutely beautiful and what's extra nice with this time of year for the last 2 3 weeks I've had lily of the valley blooming in my front yard so I could to go out there and get a whiff whenever I want look a little funny I got to get down on my hands and knees to uh get a whiff of it but I can go out there and smell that right green clean floral O It's amazing next up magf now magf is another lily of the valley material but it's a bit more creamy and there's not much in here just a drop and a half that'll do okay we're going to continue with our soft straightforward sweet materials next up and I've got I don't know where to put ambrox DL Amber naurin in here um we're going to add this to our base let's do that so I'm going to put in the everil the veras and then I'll add the ambrox DL then I'll do the musks we'll call it good we'll say that is our base baras not much ver moss in here this is a great material to uh tone down tone down a formula smooth out some of the notes okay ambrox DL from Fage also known to generic name or chemical name is the common chemical name is Amber nap the furin the funny thing is is that fermanich also makes a product called selock selock and ambrox DL have the same cast number don't know why because they are different products and I have yet to do a side by side um smell test over time time measured smell test of amrox ambrox DL selock what else do I have oside Amber Max Amber extreme a lot of those need a good side by-side comparison also I just got a sample so excited about this I just got a sample of spear ambrine ah I can't find it just got a sample of spear ambrine from a new supplier um Harrison Joseph in the UK uh the guy has been fantastic in guiding me to pointing me in the right direction as far as um materials but you know a lot of these materials I have just so I can try to put together these formulas with the most with the highest accuracy possible and I can't find spear amberine in the US um but Harry happened to have some and uh so I purchased a sample from him but he made a comment said a lot of places don't carry spear ambrine because ambrosin is cheaper so I'm thinking I looked at the molecules I mean they're different molecules but I'm thinking okay he just planted a little seed there of a lot of the stuff that I'm that have a hard time finding here in the states there's probably a really good substitute and so these extra materials are just a little bit Superfluous so anyway I'll put a link to Harry's Harry's shop in the U in in my show notes it's uh I've had a fantastic experience with him so far he's absolutely helpful and he has very interesting materials okay next up ethylene bracelate also known as Musk T all right almost 2% of the formula is an ethylene bracelate now we have we do have a good musk of cord going here I think we have four or five musks ethylene bracelate exalto tonalide mus galaxolide and then Habano so yeah we've got five musks going on let's move on to our exal toide cyclop pentad canaly or cycop pentadic lactone sometimes seen as exal sometimes when I'm looking at a laborum formula which we're going to do soon they have some interesting uh study formulas one of which is it to my nose a vintage geran um Heritage no what's the word no it's not herit Heritage or however you say that um it's the rose fragrance it'll come to me when I'm not trying to remember it hobby Rouge a vintage hobby Rouge I was so excited to try this hobby Rouge formula of theirs and then I smelled it and the more I put it together I'm like boy this smells wrong when I finished it I'm like this must be a vintage version because it smells dated smells very dated a very interesting exercise in uh trying to understand and create dat dated fragrances Habano not much Habano in here oh but anyway occasionally when I'm perusing laborum um formulas I will see a line a line item in the formula for macrolide macrolide Supra slash exalto and so I don't know if maybe the gcms couldn't figure out which molecule it was is it a filler is it something where either of them can work I don't know I don't know something to experiment with okay tonalide stuff's great tonoy is great and there's tonalide except for the galaxolide uh tonoy is the largest musk in here it's about 2 and a half% of the formula okay got it last up galaxolide then we're going to give this a little Shake a little dip and then we're going to start evaluating okay okay galaxolide all done this is galaxolide 50 it's helping me boost the concentration of this formula here I have some materials that are at 1% so by having and then everything else is at 10% so if I want to make a formula that has over a 10% concentration I have to use something that is uh has a higher concentration so in this case we've got our heon both of our headon that I used were at 50% and then galaxolide 50 and then everything else is at 10% or 1% okay it looks like I'm going to need some more scent strips too that's okay I purchased those okay we'll let this relax I'll right base on it and we'll let it sit now next in our next ah I should have added the Benzel solic late that's okay I'll add it with the next grouping um oh and I should have added the pulian olab bandam that's okay we'll add that later we'll add that with our herbals okay now to my nose smelling this I want to go from the the base not just the base but the perfume base that nice kind of plain but smells really good uh starting point for a fragrance Aqua de Joe to me it you get that aquatic lily of the valley smell but you also get this sweet green vibe in it so I'm want to go there next now here's where we get to a little bridge in the molecules we have our heedum our ISO super and now we're about to get into the greens so I'm going to start with verto fix or Methyl cedral Ketone we're going to do this first this is a little Woody also a little you could say transparent in that it's not a uh it's not a bomb of a uh of a molecule of a fragrance but it contributes to The Brighter drier Greener leathery aspect of fragrances all right almost 3 and a half% of the formula of the juice I should say is in methyl Cyro ketone okay now keeping in line with our Bridge materials so to speak we're going to put in isobu quinin or pyone yes this is a leathery fragrance but it it's dry it's got a green aspect to it a woody aspect to it and this is going to tie really nicely from our Woods into from our woods from our base materials that are you know sweet transparent a little Woody into the greens so and there's not much in here 0.07% in this particular formula there we go perfect I also this Harrison Joseph also I just purchased some beautiful quinin secondary and uh a little isopropyl quinel and other leathery materials that I can't find in the states so I guess I got to go looking in England or wherever Harry lives um got to go look in the UK for these materials but I'm so excited to try these okay next up let's get into the proper green materials we are going to start with d inone also known as gasone this is interesting it's green it's fruity it's a it's got a weird watery aspect to it it's got a weird watery aspect to it or maybe I wouldn't say damp or wet that's that's incorrect doesn't do it justice and there's not much in here not much dinos scone galbis scone if you have Neo butenone you don't need either dinos scone or galone it's basically the same material just a little more elegant neob butuanon so if you have one you don't need all three okay next up cis3 hexanol otherwise known as Leaf alcohol otherwise known as pipol or p pipol now there's not much hold on I need I need my 1% dilution I've got my 10% I need my one cis3 hexanol there you go okay s people say this smells like fresh cut grass and I get that but you know what I get is not just the fresh cut grass you get the smell of the gas that you accidentally spilled onto the lawn mower before you mowed the lawn you get the smell of that gasoline as well that's what I get in my nose when I smell cis3 hexanol is that uh it's not it's not a smell per per se it's but it's more of a sensation in the nose it's just something that happens in my know feels very uh like it's fuel just feel like I have fuel in my nose that's what I get from cis3 hexanol next up cis3 hexanol acetate otherwise known as pip piple acetate pip piple acetate and there's just a splash in here there shouldn't be just a splash I need to make a uh a smaller dilution but you know I've only got so much room up there only got so much room next up liome now when I made this 69 months ago I didn't have liome at the time and um I uh Googled what liome smelled like apple floral definitely Apple but green and leafy there's something on the tip of my tongue of like what it there's almost a u like a water chestnut water chestnut vibe to it but anyway I didn't know what I was doing still don't know what I'm doing and I used unav verol as a replacement for liome and uh uneca verol is a wonderful material I really get like sweet cucumber with undeca veritol and uh unfortunately or fortunately it overpowered or it was really present in the stuff that I made and I'm excited to have this now so because I know that the undeca veritol really affected the output of what I had done before okay next up we have triplow trip L's great and it is also strong trip L is also green but again I get that fuel like Aroma in my nose tripol is to me more apple skin apple skin green but again also strong stuff if you overdo this it can affect your blend your formula negatively all right we're going to do three more alil cyclohex propionate and there's only a little bit here now this is you could say another Bridge material because it has a green aspect but it also has a sweet fruity aspect just like just like a lot of these green materials they're green but they're also hinting towards fruit alil cycle hexal propionate is the same oh it's nice though it's like it's like a going to Hawaii smelling sweet fruit sweet green fruit in Hawaii now again there's not much in here not much at all okay okay we're going to do two more beta damascone or damascone beta technically not a green material it's fruity but I can see how this ties in to my nose I can tie it in with the greens I get a ripe Apple not green apple but just like when smelling tripal I get like a apple skin in my nose damascone and beta I actually get the Apple underneath the skin okay drop and a half should do it good and last but not least simply because I forgot it okay good almost lost the cap benzil solic late let's add in our benzo solic late this should have gone in with our base um this adds this you know helps add to the white florals the floral aspect um in the Jasmine Lily the valley notes this is a great a great blender and modifier okay this will do that will do okay let's give it a little shake and then we'll give it a dip let's dip let me write green number two okay and let's go back and let's smell our base let's see how we did okay it's heavy I can smell the white florals wanting to come out I can smell the uh the hion W wanting to push but the musks that those heavy musks are pulling it down but there's a nice light Airy transparent aspect to this base here greens this needs time to relax let's add next let's add the aromatic notes and we're going to throw in the pachuli and the olanam as well but let's let's put all the uh let's put these in let's start with our pachuli pachuli light this particular pachuli is from Eden panicles usually a pretty high quality shop okay and I have olanam CO2 or frankincense CO2 now this is a replacement I don't have fixo fixo 66606 whatever that is I've got at my shopping cart for Creative perfumes um if I read the description of what it smells like it's Woody it's frankincense it's in sensey little Cedar and I'm like YOLO I've got Frank plenty of uh frankincense materials I'll just use some olanam it is about 2 and 1 half% of the formula so if there is a legitimate an interesting character to that fixa that is is cannot be captured by the olanam we're going to have a difference but you know it's what I get can't have everything with this there is a light peppery very light and bright peppery top to this but this is some good stuff I also think this is from Eden Botanical this I have to double check but uh I think I remember getting this the olanam CO2 too from Eden Botanical okay next up chamomile Roman new to the collection and there's only a breath of this in here I recently did a smell test and compared this to Blue chamomile and they're pretty different in the opening when they start drying down you get a carrot seed Vibe I think it's the both of these contain Roman chamomile and carrot seed both contain a Biza babol bolene I'll have to double check the spelling and how that comes out of my mouth but um both of these materials contain that molecule and I think that's what's tying them together cuz after about 4 hours I when I smell chamomile I just smell carrot seed carrot seed is my reference cuz that's what I had first it may be that when I smell carrot seed after 4 hours all I smell is chamomile it could work backwards um but that's that's how my nose equates it next up di hydromol an actual a u an actual staple that is required in a uh perfumer's organ especially if you are making men's fragrances and for those of you that say fragrance doesn't have a gender okay sure maybe they don't but we certainly do have preferences that uh lean in One Direction or another don't we okay lavendon Gro I continually see occasionally we'll see lavendon super I've yet to find lavendon super maybe I'm not looking hard enough I see lavendon lavendon um and then I see lavend in Gro and you know what I'm going to throw this out here I don't actually know what is the gro I haven't googled this yet what is the gro is that a location is that a is that a um variant of the family or the genus or you know wherever the uh plant's coming from what exactly is Gro I would love if someone has the answer put it put it in the notes and I'll pin it the formula asked for lavendon super don't have it I have lavendon Gro though you know it's got to be close next up [Music] spearmint come on there we go oh yeah spearmint smelling good okay just a drop just a drop of spearmint I love how fresh spearmint is but also it's warm Center if that makes sense fresh on the outside but it's got a smooth sweet warm Center speaking of warm centers we're going to do K oxal there's not much in here K oxil is also fresh warm like Licorice and fennel I have this categorized as a in my spice smoke it's like something that's Smoky and spicy and or spicy um I have it in that section but this could very easily go in the aromatic herbal and aromatic section again this is a theme that's in my mind today it's like a bridge molecule Um this can Bridge your aromatic materials with your you know spicy material now there's only half a drop by half a drop I mean um 5 1000s of a gram a drop for me is actually like u 10 what is that 10 1, 1/ 100 no 12 to 13 1000 of a gram all right clove Bud interested to use clove bud when I last made this I used eugenol I didn't have clove bud at the time and clove bud has got a lot of eugenol in it so I'm like we'll just throw in some eugenol all right should be good yeah we're good okay let's give it a mix then we'll give it a dip do I have four more yeah baby I do okay let's write this is our aromatics three now let's go back and smell the base with the addition of the greens okay interesting you start mixing The Greens in here and wow and they're helping to push out the uh lily of the valley materials or at least they're coming through with with some clarity even though you have a really good musky support yeah nice very nice okay we'll come back to the aromatics now what we're going to do is we're going to add the uh uh what would you say what is Sarah McCartney call these Furniture we're going to add in our ger geranium like materials we have geranium bourbon geranium Geral acetate we also have Nal acetate if I remember correctly n narol and geraniol are very similar a very similar molecule and they only smell slightly different so we're going to put in those but then we have a lot lenal ethy lenal and lenol acetate we've got a lot of that we're going to put in and I'm expecting that to just fill out um and help the fragrance bloom a little bit so let's start with these more red florals we'll start with the geranium bourbon beautiful beautiful geranium sometimes called the men's Rose because it's it's Rosy but just a touch more masculine okay if I remember correctly when geranium oil was first introduced to the world of perfumery people about lost their minds they were so excited because it was pretty inexpensive smelled a lot like rose and it was pretty inex expensive so uh it's a prettyy big deal next up gerino acetate okay like geranial it's just in the acetate Direction it's a little bit more centered a little bit sweeter a little more aesthetic okay Neal acetate which we'll do next is is similar to ger germinal acetate it's just a little little more up it's a little lighter it's a little sweeter it's a little fresher you could even say a little more green okay should really stop smelling out of the bottle I once heard that um ethanol can desensitize your nose so don't want to do that okay let's add in the uh building the you know the the beef the bloom let's start with lenal great place to start lenal almost 6 and a half% of this formula LOLOL I love floral fresh it's sweet it it's lifting it's open and Airy it is metallic it's got a shine to it a Zing to it I think stainless steel o got and make some more hope I have enough when you were a kid did you ever put a 9volt battery on your tongue and you felt you tasted that metallic zing in your mouth it's kind of what linal does to my nose it's just it's not like putting a 9volt battery in your nose but um it's got that vibe that metallic Vibe next up ethyl lenol almost 7% of the formula is ethyl lenol so with these two alone we're already at 13% of the juice 13% of the concentrate is lenol wal and ethyl lenol wol interesting now ethyl lenol is sweeter than normal lall it's a little more candied similar to how ethyl vanillin is sweeter more like vanilla ice cream than normal vanillin maybe you could say that ethyl linol theal is the candied version of linol theal still metallic still fresh still light but just sweeter softer little sweeter now linol acetate another almost 9% of the formula so the linol lenol LOLs were north of uh 20% of the formula 20% of the juice lenol acetate okay it's like Len W except it's a little deeper a little deeper still metallic but the metal is different instead of stainless steel it's more like iron you could say a little sweeter but I don't smell sweetness necessarily out of lenol acetate good stuff all right we just added a bunch of material in here so let's swirl we'll dip and we've got two more groups and we're all done okay we're going to put Furniture here set it down now let's revisit let's smell the aromatic addition to the base and the greens the dihydro merol warms it up gives it a ma more masculine soapy Vibe and just a little more karate chop a little more intensity and forward momentum in that initial smell we'll let the furniture relax and we'll start with the we will now move to the citrus now I'm adding alahh C11 to the Citrus citrus peel citrus peels contain alahh Tides so it seems natural to just let's just mix these in all right undan now aldhy C11 not much you don't need much this has a beautiful waxy blending effect in the fragrance this must be very light I'm coming up short here on what I thought I would get weightwise here we go okay next up citro Asis base I did not to have Tamarind base which is what was asked for never smelled it but I do have citro Oasis base from Fage so we're going to do this there's not much there's only 02 G in this formula so I think swapping out Tamarind for citras isn't going to hurt us okay next up lemon lemon lemon not much lemon Love The Zing of lemon and if you're not careful with lemon can smell like FL cleaner or toilet cleaner luckily this fragrance does not smell like cleaner turns out the perfumers knew what they were doing they were professionals two more on the Citrus side Mandarin red this formula specifically asked for red Mandarin now if I was putting this together and it just had Mandarin I would have assumed that given the fresh light Punchy nature of this it would have been yellow Mandarin or even green Mandarin especially with all these green notes I would have been like yeah duh let's do the green Mandarin but specifically asks for red Mandarin yeah check out this color it's just a wonderful yellow orange here we go and last but not least another curveball bitter orange formula explicitly calls for bitter orange don't know why usually bitter orange trees are are they're taken care of before the flowers turn into Fruit because that's how we get naroli orange flower absolute and pedigree well pedig grain I don't actually know when they distill the leaves and twigs of the bitter orange tree um if they do it after the flow after they've harvested the flowers or after they harvested the fruit I don't know when they do that bitter orange is only 03 gram in this formula see if we get two and a half drops roughly oo be careful Ryan okay okay we are getting so close Okay when I dip you dip we dip good Citrus we'll write it down we're going to give a quick smell to the furniture this is just the addition of lenol acetate lenol ethyl LOLOL and our are geranium bourbon geranium Geral acetate and Neal acetate okay Furniture yes we just added so keep in mind what we added with the lenol acetate LOLOL and ethenol taken in a whole for the whole concentrate is 20% of the juice all it does is it takes that core of the fragrance that that shiny wonderful aromatic green Zin and it just lifts it up a little that's it just opens it up a little wild and these stuff this stuff does not last that long 10% dip on a strip like this I can't smell it after 2 to four hours depending on if it's eth linol theal LOLOL acetate I think linol theal Lin L linal and ethyl linal I cannot smell after two hours on a strip if I'm dipping it in a 10% concentration I haven't tested it neat um and then the lenol acetate I can't smell it after 4 hours so that stuff doesn't last long but maybe that's the point maybe it's supposed to die down and get into that smooth wonderful lily of the valley musky base can't really sell this Citrus we're going to have to give that some time which is fine we have three more ingredients the ozonic materials C helional and melano melany I don't think melan is really ozonic but you know it's a it ends with a l so we're going to wrap it up you know we're going to put them all together [ __ ] is Marine ozonic and strong as a mother mother effer you do not need much I'm going to do two drops and then hold my breath that I didn't overdo it okay we're good we are good Kone is to my nose again to my nose it's not something that necessarily smells it's something that takes action in my nose it's like a it creates a pipeline of clarity and it pushes it right through my nose and it's almost as if this Mash of molecules that is the fragrance once Cog comes in it just it just opens it up and creates a through line of clarity um around which you know the fragrance sits um it's magical it's magical stuff now heling out is somewhat similar I have trouble smelling hel now to be candid I also have trouble smelling the effect heling now has on fragrances um definitely something on my list to to beef up on and to practice there are some fragrance writers that just speak very highly of the quality of healing now compared to kalon last up melano there's only a breath of this here yeah kind of get watermelon with melano melon heptanal melon alahh melon alahh I think I bought some melon alahh a while ago and then later learned it was the same stuff as melano at least they shared a cast number okay friends we are finished with adding materials we're going to Shake Rattle and Roll and then do one one more dip then we're going to evaluate from the bottom all the way to the top here we go let's dip when I dip you dip we dip okay this is final blot number six let's start from the beginning base this is everything the hone the Icee super the musks but this also included the lily of the valley materials now I have smelled this before without the musks and I will tell you the musks are bringing this down when you smell this with just the Hedon the Jasmine the lily of the valley um even the isoe super and the veros um there's projection there there's there's a little bit of a cloud a beautiful white cloud that um that comes off of the strip I can smell with the addition of the musks those heavy musks are really pulling it down but as we start to add in the green notes and this includes the verix which is a little Woody a little dry a little leathery but also a little green and the pyone leathery little green a little Woody but mostly leathery in in in tandem together with those green notes we start projecting the lily of the valley but with a sweet green aspect to it almost like I'm getting Apple should stop should chill out this smell here next up we added the aromatic materials the chamomile dihydro merol lavendon and spearmint we also did the clove and the K oxil and I think I'm going to start using K oxal more um in tandem with eugenol or clove with aromatic materials that licorice note that it contributes is wonderful it's absolutely wonderful it adds a cool a cool spicy herbal aspect to uh the blend next up the furniture this is just metallic sweet metallic furniture yeah this is boosting a little bit more now that more the alcohol has really dried off evaporated I'm getting more of the lenol lenol acetate at the lenol it's just coming it's coming forward with a bit more strength oddly enough next up we add the citrus h it's very subtle but it is adding a brighter aldic Orange Peel lemon peel sense to the fragrance very nice okay the final strip then we're going to do a skin test let me let me put it on the skin right now put it right here I do two dabs and then rub it around a little bit we'll put it back I'll let that evaporate while I smell it on the Strip okay the Kone helal melanolophia and there's that Clear Tone in the middle it's as if some of these green notes like the dinos scone and the triplow snuck their way into the middle of that colog Clarity you can I can smell it it's nice it's nice let's smell it on the skin very nice very nice A little sharper than I would have expected um from Aqua Deo it's been a while since I've smelled Aqua Deo but the Citrus is there the lily of the valley is there the green notes are there The Aquatic nature the Kone is there and then in 4 to 6 hours I wonder if I'm going to smell all those beautiful musks underneath amazing another uh great formula to throw you back to the '90s mid90s Aquatic men's fragrances um give this a try this is uh this is this is good this is very nice per usual I'm very interested to see what this smells like after a couple months of maturing and relaxing in the bottle cuz things change Blends Smooths out sometimes get hotter more more projection um this will be interesting this will be fun so yeah I like it thank you for joining me and I'll see you soon
Channel: Ryan Parfums
Views: 1,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Perfume, Perfumer, DIY Perfume, How to make perfume, Cologne, How to make cologne
Id: DvaV0cDCfx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 37sec (3457 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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