How to Make Perfume like MFK Grand Soir

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hey friends welcome back today we are making something like Grand swar from maon Francis Kirk Cham this is a fragrance that was released in 2016 it's a vanilla Amber fragrance very sweet uh I have smelled the original before I have not made this formula before this is my first batch and I got this from Reddit found it off of Reddit uh so we're going to take it with a grain of salt but I'm looking forward to putting this together given the ingredients that are in here and the amounts of some of the ingredients rather than making a whole bunch of brand new 1% concentration dilutions or 1% dilutions I decided to just up the batch size so today I'm going to be making just over 40 G of juice it'll be at a roughly 23% concentration and then I'm going to bottle it you know I'll bottle it I'll test it out I will wear it looking at the structure of this fragrance most of this is in isoe super and ethylene brate there's only a little bit of heon in here and by a little I mean you know 5 6% uh but there is a lot of ethylene bracelate and isoe super there's a fair bit of vanillin ethyl vanillin other sweet materials um you know 10% of this juice is ethyl vanillin uh and 10% of of the concentrate I should clarify um so we've got some very sweet notes we've also got plenty of galaxolide so you know not all the sweetness is coming from vanilla uh we have it coming from the musks as well let's get started with this what I would like to do is start off with the dry materials I'm going to take the recommendations I'm going to measure these in different uh in different you know uh beakers uh so just in case I happen to overdose um and uh and we'll go from there so we'll probably going to start with the neat materials and then we'll get to the diluted materials but we're going to start with our ambren now again I am using orinox supplied from freighter works I'm using this rather than the ambrox and I have because this was easier to get to it's the only reason okay so we want about just over half of a gram let's see what happens this is my first material my first material I already overdid it a little bit that's okay this is why I'm going to put this in separate beers okay that'll do okay one down next up ethyl vanillin more ethyl vanillin than there is ambrox almost a full gram at least in this formula perfect amount perfect okay swap these out add them together looks like I'm going to have to put a little alcohol in here so to get out the remaining powder let's take care some of this perfumer alcohol right now just so I can clean this out by the end of this formula I'm going to be adding 10 grams of perfumer's alcohol so let's start with three start with three right now good it's nice and dissolved we'll swap this out I'll just have to make note I already have 3 G of perfumer alcohol in here okay good let's keep adding the you know the neat materials the base materials I've got galaxolide Hedon and ethylene bracelate I got neat pachuli but I'm going to wait on the pachuli um cuz we're going to add the Amber more other Amber materials next okay so let's just get started with our ISE super I'm using plain old isoe super not Timber silk not silv Amber just ISO e super was close need one more draw there we go when I first got ISO super I couldn't smell it I could not smell it but now I can it's a very I wouldn't even call it a woody material to my nose it's more like a to me it's more of a sandalwood material it's ambery yeah you could say it's Woody but there's a sweetness to it that I really really love next up galaxolide 50 and ethylene bracelate almost equal parts galaxolide 50 and ethylene bracelate let's start with the galaxolide good next up ethylene bracelate or musk tea okay ethylene bracelate from what I've read is another musk that some people have problems smelling at least at first and then I guess over time perhaps your nose just figures out that figures out what it is it's trying to smell maybe you just adapt but it does become easier to smell over time at least that's what I've read for me I can't remember the inability to smell ethylene bracelate I do remember the inability to smell musle Ketone however okay let's do our heion I've got essentially a 7525 ratio of Hedon to Hedon HC I'm going to start with the Hedon HC which is already projecting pretty hard Hedon was another material I could could not smell when when I first started this way back in what was it September of 2021 I think is when I when my first materials arrived first raw materials and I could not smell hon I could smell what heon did to the other materials I was adding it to I could smell that could smell the effect but Hedon per se could not smell Hedon itself I could not smell and at this point not only can I smell hon HC which is incredibly strong but I can actually smell heion heion normal hon just a couple more drops okay okay this might take some time to to dissolve which is okay heon is a great solvent by the way so let's continue let's continue with our Amber materials I'm going to start with the nor liol it's a fair bit of nor lanol in here 1% of the concentrate is nor lanol and if you know know nor liol if you know nor liol then you know it's a strong material it's dry ambery Woody IT projects and I also think I need to make a new dilution yeah you know what I'm going to do I'm going to break the rules do I break the rules yeah I'm going to break the rules what I'm going to do is I'm going to adjust my formula so I've got in 2/3 of uh I have 2/3 of my desired nor linol let's do some math so nor linol the molecule there's a Cy isomer and a trans isomer whatever is the desired isomer or the stronger isomer nor lonol has about 95% of that isomer Karma wood a corlar or a sister you know product to nor liol has 65% so if I do some quick math I'm going to I'm going to dial down the nor linol I'm going to add some Karma wood such that that Cy isomer whatever that desirable isomer is is roughly the same okay got it now let's find our Karma wood okay Karma wood I recently got Timber all Timber all is yet another sister product for nor liol and Karma wood but that desirable isomer is even I shouldn't say desirable that strong isomer is even lower so Timber rol is more smooth delicate than nor lanol is so let's add some Karma wood if you can tell or if you can't tell I'm just kind of winging it I don't mind winging it I do not mind at all especially with a vanilla ambery fragrance in which I'm putting Amber materials whatever whatever what I will do however ever is in the show note in the show notes I will post the I will post the formula as I found it on Reddit I'm going to think actually I'm going to think about that as I go through this maybe I won't maybe I'll post the formula I do it depends on how good this smells if it smells really good I'll just give you this formula if it smells Hit or Miss I'll put in the Reddit formula I also have a formula oh now we're moving on to methyl cedal methyl ether or SED ramber from iff almost 3% of the juice is SED ramber and SED ramber is very nice Woody ambery it's also dry all of these have like a dryness uh to my nose but um yeah it's a very very Amber Amber gree like note I was saying I also have a formula for gruar from creative formulas I haven't put it together yet I haven't even looked at it ashamed I'm ashamed one reason is I like to make videos but the videos that I make I won't use a purchased formula it's not fair for me to just give away formulas maybe one of these days I will do a formula that I purchase but I just won't publish what that formula is but we'll still go through the materials and talk about it may do that but um since I like doing these videos and sharing the formulas um I keep trying to find formulas that are freely available because someone out there paid for and executed a gcms analysis put together a formula and shared it and thank you for sharing thank you for sharing because your generosity helps everyone next up labdanum absolute just a little bit of labdanum interesting isn't it that we have an Amber a vanilla Amber fragrance and the balsamic SL resinous you know um labana material is so small .1% of the juice is LAPD Danon absolute I'm sorry I should be clear. 1% of the concentrate is left inim absolute have any of you used or purchased a formula from creative formulas I'm interested to know for a while I thought I was having Hit or Miss experience with creator formulas then I just came to terms with the fact that if I'm going to sub out a lot of materials I'm not going to get the end product cuz when I first started purchasing them I didn't have the wall of Glory back here so as I have acquired more materials and stayed more true to the formula I have noticed an increase in quality of output ain't that funny ain't that funny a while ago I put together danger param cologne again a formula purchased by creative formulas based on I think his name is Filipe filipe's uh gcms analysis and when I was finished I was a little I was disappointed like ah it's close but no cigar and by close Su at like 95% you know well I let it age I let it chill out for a few months and I just I whipped it out um a couple days ago and uh I changed my mind um it's very good it was very good per usual my cumin dose was a little high cuz I guess I have like Amplified cumin but the rest of it was Glory Absolut it was amazing and I've had good experiences the first formula actually made was a vver was a gerand vver formula and those where's my pen those uh substitutions that I made there were actually very good it was serendipitous it was like a gerand vver but a little sweeter and uh I love it I think I'm going to make more of it and uh I'm definitely going to make more of it do some testing because it uh it was it was amazing all right base let it chill and let's keep moving on we have Woody materials I'm thinking we should just we just just keep going with the sweet musky materials for us that that's a big category we have two musks we have benzo in we have Sandalwood um cumin Tonka bicycl onol lactose and vanillin and then tree Moss I think we Bunch all those together me make sure we don't have any others I'm very jumbled up here it's very it's very busy up here yeah I have a whole segment of of stuff I don't know what to do with uh but we'll get there what is this that's aromatic that's going to be green okay cinnamon all right Let's do let's start with vanillin and that's throwing that's uh I'm going to need to turn on my air purifier a little bit a little bit more okay what do I have I have vanillin okay let's do this wonderful you know we're also going to know by the end of this did they add coloring to Grand swar because it's a very dark Rich ambery color do you think that's natural I have my doubts but we will see next let's add here it is K UND C actone colloquially known as alahh c14 though it's not not an alahh it's a beautiful peachy lactonic meaning creamy milky creamy sweet smell this is great if you're just starting in perfumery alahh c14 is required it's required okay it's not required but it is highly recommended that one and Gamma non lactone or alahh c18 I have alahh c16 or you know strawberry uh strawberry alahh so-called uh I never use it I it's never in any formulas that I find um I have not used it to test uh you know tested with it but um you know so maybe save your money on alahh c16 it's it's a more or rare ingredient okay next up octahydro kumarin or bicyclol lactone it's a lot like cumarin but it's got that lactonic in other words milky creamy kind of fatty uh vibe to it and you can use bicyclol lactone oh I oh way more than that you can use bicycl onol lactone when you're reaching your cumarin limits cumarin if for limits so you still get that cumin feel I am measuring this poorly so you still get the cumerin feel but you can maintain compliance with our uh ifra overlords let's do our other cumin like materials we have cumin believe it or not cumr okay one more pull okay and last on the cumin like materials is tonka bean absolute which contains you guessed it cumerin if you're just getting started and you have to choose between kumarin or tabin absolute I wouldn't bother with the taban absolute but if you have to substitute cumarin in for taban absolute adjust the dosage taban absolute is it's not entirely cumerin right so you can't do a one for one swap uh so dial back to the cumin a little bit and uh you know the swap I think will work work fine okay he you see there's there's a few other materials that I have in the kind of fruity area and one of them is heliotropin I'm going to leave it we're going to leave heliotropin into the more fruity section that's okay next up I tell you what this is it's it's strong maybe I should have waited for the heon until last um I can already smell it coming out of here benzoin sayam me make sure this is diluted I just made a new dilution okay benzoin benzoin Cam this is the the botanical name is styrax tonkinensis it's different than benzoin Sumatra which is styrax benzoin it's a different plant hence the different uh what do you call it biology name can can a biologist say what do you call that Latin thing that Latin name for that every plant has benzo and sayam is to my nose more vanilla more chocy benzo and Sumatra if I remember correctly it's been a minute since I've reviewed these materials I think benzo and somatra is smokier smokier or woodier I'm gonna have to double check oh perfect I almost overdid that which is not so bad with such a beautiful material like benzo and cam not not terrible if I overdid it okay got four more materials we're going to do two musks and two uh a a tree moss and and back theol let's do our tree Moss okay tree Moss is a rubber t product it's a mixture it's a blend if you don't have tree Moss don't worry about it maybe just pick up some veras you know it again it's not a one for one definitely not a one for one but you can't have everything so there are also some happy accidents where you substitute in a material and you find that it works really well so who knows maybe veras is a completely adequate replacement for tree Moss let's do our bonl so right now I'm sniffing banol I've got four scent strips over here poly santol ebanol banol and Javan and I'm doing my daily you know smell evaluations writing down notes Etc these ones are hard they smell very similar the Javan is a bit easier to figure out cuz it's got a rose note to it banol ebanol poly sanle is tough plus maybe that means they're just interchangeable they're very interchangeable but the catch is once I smell one of them I have a hard time smelling the others it's like I have to give it five minutes and then come back and try smelling again as if smelling one plugs up my nose and turns off The receptors such that I cannot smell the other ones so it's very frustrating to try to understand what the differences are while having to smell one wait a few minutes come back smell another wait a few minutes come back but all of the the banol ebanol poly santol I'm sure if I added santti s sanen all um and those um you know you just add them to the list uh that they all smell they all have a a similarity they're creamy they're sandal Woody they're soft they're smooth and elegant they're just they're amazing materials absolutely amazing okay calide calide also known as ISO IDE or it's it's another form of uh IDE again the molecule that's in ide um there's isomers it's here's the molecule but it flips over this way it's the same molecule it's just a mirror image of it and funny enough they smell different so Cent calide from cerome is just another ambrolite product but different ratio of isomers this is the first time I'm blending a fragrance where I feel like I'm getting smoked out so to speak it's just so strong it's so strong coming out of this yeah it's very strong we've got one more to add we have zenolite I think this is also called musk c14 I don't know why maybe oh maybe there's 14 carbons in this Musk otherwise known as ethylene dodano all right not much in here not much at all just a splash yeah okay okay we are going to swirl we are going to dip we're going to put our remaining sweets that's number two okay let's smell the base yeah it's nice remember this is our ethylene bracelate galaxite is super and heion I think just as a St oh and our orinox Ethel vanillin you know as a standalone you could probably just use this as a nice base base base perfume base maybe you know maybe put some burgot in it or something this needs time but I can already smelled the cumin coming off of this let's continue with our Woody notes and then we'll dip again there's only three now we have pachuli gak wood and cypriol and recently I have discovered what gak wood guol guile acetate Val spice I mean for vinyl guol whatever any of the guak molecules materials I guess we'll get there in a second we're going to start with pachuli dark again one of my favorite materials this particular neat Puli dark is from Liberty natural a uh supplier that is growing on me this Puli is very rich yeah there's a there's a creaminess to it a smoothness to it that is lovely I'm going to have to leave this in the in the bottle because there's a lot still in that pet it's very thick next up let's let's do our gak wood I'm using gak heart from roberte smells very close to gak wood it's just a bit smoother more elegant or refined you could say what I've learned is that in vanilla in sweet fragrances this Smoky Umami that gak wood adds or Cade oil or Birch tar or Rum ether that smokiness really warms up your vanilla it gives it a bit more depth warmth again Umami is I think is a good way of putting it it is so subtle and yet it makes it makes all the difference come on and remember every fragrance has that kind of dirty note to make it work this fragrance has another dirty note but I think that Cade Birch tar gak wood rum ether those those Smoky notes um that definitely qualifies uh as a as has a dirty note it smells like charred wood you know or or smoked bacon then uh I think it counts next up cypriol I'm using I should be using cypriol heart again from roberte but I'm not I'm using this the reason being cyal heart to my nose has a real V vver vibe to it and uh I don't know how approp that would be it is they are different materials they're they're same at the core but there's they are different and I feel like uh I need to do more testing with them need to do more testing but I guess that feeling is never going to change I'm going to need to do more testing for the rest of my life okay here we had our pachuli gak and cyon and we will dip let me Swirl Let Me swirl make sure you're all swirled all right we're going to dip good I'm going to go back and smell the the full base with adding the vanilla the cumerin notes and that's nice again the cumin the addition of cumin adds a a certain kind of wetness sounds terrible dampness isn't right Li it's like a I want to say liquidity but that's my that's a finance term right it adds an aquatic kind of wetness to a fragrance to your base which uh which I really enjoy okay we have a few more groups that we're going to do there's a lot going on there's a lot going on in here next I would like to add fruity notes let's do it we're going to start with ooh ethylacetate did I classify this correctly yeah yeah I'm going to call this fruity ethyl acetate this stuff is strong it's uh it's ethereal and that feeling it gets in your nose it's more of a top note do doesn't last long on a strip and I think it really AIDS in projection helping a fragrance throw uh off your skin pop off your skin don't need much there was two and a half drops in here remember we're making 40 G we're making a 40 G sample and what I put in here was .03 gam not much okay next up ethyl octanoate or ethyl cerate oh yeah apple pineapple I definitely get a Pineapple Vi Vibe here uh also kind of a top note we have am I okay had to make a an adjustment here um yeah almost half a percent of the concentrate is in this fruity Apple pineapple note good good stuff good stuff okay next up beta Damas damascone beta damascone also strong I get very ripe Apple very ripe Plum with beta Demus con okay three and a half three and a half drops I'll do it let's keep on trucking next up let's add our or alil Amil glycolate otherwise known this is from iff U otherwise known as isog galvanate from simr to me it's also got a pineapple is it rind what do you call that outer skin of a pineapple it's pineapple but not sweet pineapple it is on the green side I would say a good analogy is when you're eating a watermelon and you get to that green part you get to the Rind it's still watermelon but it's not sweet right it's just it's a different aspect of watermelon for here the Aly Amal glycolate at least compared to ethyl octanoate uh two aspects of pineapple to my nose take it with a grain of salt your nose may be different next up heliotropin all right where are you heliotropin here we go okay not much heliotropin not even a tenth of a percent is in the concentrate okay we are going to dip we're going to call this fruit this is number four let's give a swirl okay and we'll do a dip all right we'll let these sit we've got a few more I've got a few more let's add in our floral notes now these floral notes are kind of we call it all encompassing we have a violet note in isoing or methal ionome we have a lily of the valley note via hydroxy cinel we have some ethyl linol which is kind of a bridge into our aromatic notes which we'll get to next then we have two other pieces I adjusted the formula I found on Reddit there were a bunch of materials like lenol acetate linola wal which are common but the relationships they had to each other along with a whole bunch of small amounts of geranial germinal acetate nural Nal acetate there was alphap pining Alpha baiting tpal Alpha there was probably one or two other things doing some analysis I figured why don't I replace a lot of these with pedig grain biger Rod Big B I actually don't know how to say that word pedig um I replaced a good portion with pedig and then the CIT citronellol geranial pheno ethyl alcohol those materials I replaced with the RO with rose absolute from Bulgaria so I'm going to be using those materials in place of a lot of those uh Trace Trace materials the pedig grain depending on what gcms you're looking at the the ratio is almost perfect of looking at linol acetate linola wall the uh uh there it's going to skip out on me the pining the J gerenal acetate it was almost a perfect um absolutely perfect um so we're going to see how it goes but let's start with isor routing 95 or n methyl ionone come on there's just a splash just a splash of this maybe two drops yeah yeah and let's do our hydroxy citronell next oh yeah wonderful lily of the valley material absolutely wonderful also lasts a very long time on a scent strip it's a pretty thick pretty heavy material not heavy in the nose so to speak doesn't smell heavy smells light Airy effervescent bright it's uplifting okay let's do our ethyl linal though I am I am tempted to move it into the aromatic section but whatever okay where are you at okay almost 1 and a half% of the concentrate is in ethylin okay okay let's do our Rose absolute not much Rose absolute and thank God for that this is expensive yeah this is expensive it's funny when you smell Rose absolute real rose absolute it almost smells less like a real rose than the rose reconstitutions that are available from you know javidan and F Minish um it's just it's interesting look at that color oh need a little more okay I will do it do it come on all right okay okay let's keep going one more pagrain now I was worried initially if like well should I replace this if I want to be if I want it to be elegant and smooth maybe I should do naroli because naroli smells a lot like pedigree after two to four hours on a strip at least if you dilute it I did some testing yesterday um they smell very similar but pedig graine I guess I just wanted to trust the ratios the relationship of linol acetate linol the wall all the other materials but there's three gr of this 10% diluted pedig and I forgot to tear so I've got to do some math in my head on the fly yeah just fine we are good okay let's get another strip florals number five give it a swirl give it a dip this color is coming along okay let it sit next up we have our aromatics and I'm going to throw cinnamon Leaf into our aromatics because I no I will throw cinnamon leaf with our well let's see how much is in there cinnamon nah I'll put it with the aromatics that's fine um first up okay I did not have three octanoate or ethyl AML Ketone didn't have that I've never smelled three octanoate before but I do have two octanoate Methyl hexil Ketone the scent description is not completely the same so this is a shot in the dark luckily there's one drop of this in here so I don't think this is going to be a complete GameChanger and ruin ruin this is going to ruin Grand suar um yeah I don't think it's going to be a big deal but it is a replacement next up let's do our tripl and cis3 hexanol solic late we'll start with our tripl wonderful green material okay triple has a nice calm galbanum vibe to it at least at a 1% delution some strong stuff next up cis3 hexanol solicite what a material love cicat and I love the cis3 hexanol spin on solic lates here it's it's it's awesome AB absolutely wonderful okay overdosed that by a touch got four more lavend din yeah there it is is lavendon okay we've got our lavend we are hustling next up di hydromol interesting that when I smelled gruar in the past I don't remember smelling dihydro merol in it and I know that you don't need to always smell every material I mean that's kind of the point of Accords and perfumery right sometimes materials contribute to the performance or the effect of the fragrance without necessarily triggering in your mind certain scent memories like oh that's that '90s men's fresh I remember having oh that's the sport FR fragrance I wore at a gym class when I was in Middle School um it can serve a different purpose next up is a linol oxide this is in Trace Amounts and try as I might I couldn't figure out maybe where this came from in such small amounts looking through patents and seeing how um how fragrances are constructed at least when they secretly stash these uh these formulas in the patents you never see Trace Amounts of lenol oxide in the in the formula this probably came from an natural material probably again take it with a grain of salt but probably so I just don't know which one yeah this is only like half a drop so I probably could have left it out we're doing we're doing one more that's our cinnamon Leaf a viewer recently posted that uh he or she um put together Accords based on gcms analysis and L cinnamon Leaf actually has more eugenol than cinnamon than you know cinnamon bark is it am I thinking of clove oh boy now I've got to now I've got to double check now I'm losing my mind okay cinnamon leaf okay comments like what I just said about cinamon leaf and eugin all reminds me that my memory is not always fantastic so I have to work very hard to uh remember things correctly and uh keep it in my mind correctly okay so this is number six we're going to call this aeromatic number six now we're going to do three more top notes then we have a special secret note I've never used before I'm so excited to see when I put it in if I could smell it and then we have our animal note a dirty note let's start with the top however okay we are going to start with with maritima first I bought this just so I could put this together and I haven't even I haven't even tested this yet I don't know what this smells like the good sense company says it's powerful clean wet fresh air tone reminiscent of ocean breezes ooh excellent performer in many media nice I got this stuff from the Wonder full Harrison sluk all right maritima welcome to the family you've officially been used for the first time still don't know what it smells like haven't I didn't didn't smell it wasn't able to smell it all right next up yellow Mandarin good stuff it's like orange it's a lot like orange it's like halfway between orange and lemon okay there it is next up methyl pomus or amoros it's a single molecule that is a grapefruit note oh I've got to make more I do not have enough dang okay pause okay not only do I not have much in my 10ml Amber bottle I don't have much in this 4ml perfumer Apprentice vial luckily I have another 250 grams in the fridge I just haven't broken into it yet let's see how much should we put in here looks like we're going to get to yeah we'll add seven Okay add this back it's just like nothing ever happened but I do need to update methyl pample so wow I hadn't made a new dilution since September of 2021 that was this that was the original dilution I just finally made it through tells you how much methyl pampl I I used at least in its diluted form format all right we have our dilution let me tear and here we go okay solid methyl pampl is absolutely amazing there is another material called pimpl which is like methyl pampl but it's more of a bass note it lasts lasts a lot longer on a strip and I've yet to pair them together but I wonder if they will pair together nicely and create just a a longterm long-term grapefruit note grapefruit grapefruit is a little tougher to use uh first there's a photos sensitization issue with the material and second um just a little dirtier you know there's just more to it to uh real grapefruit than there is to methyl pampl so methyl pampl is fantastic for just a quick and easy grapefruit all right sweet Orange from Brazil little more alahi than the Sweet Orange I have from the USA okay running out of room over here okay I'm excited we have two more materials oh I got to swirl two more materials I got to add in my ethanol remember this was the top and then we're going to do all of our smelling at the end okay okay at Harrison Joseph I also picked up two acetal pyrine I don't have any experience with pyin with thool with furins none um and this one is awesome this is a .1% dilution and this getting my nose even close kicks me in the face with popcorn it's pure popcorn it's one molecule and it smells exactly like popcorn it's really exciting can you tell I'm excited I'm very excited about this I purchased this specifically so I could make this formula because looking around I didn't see that I had any materials that smelled like popcorn that could be a possible replacement so I figured yeah I better I better just buy this stuff okay so we are going to just add that in we added it in and now oh boy that's strong that is so strong we're going to dip I'm going to label and I'm interested to see can I tell can I tell we're going to put popcorn here number eight and then last but not least the the animal note the dirty note the bad note what do you think it is do you think it's indle do you think it's civit do you think it's uh deer musk that dirty deer musk no body odor it's cumin it is cumin let's see where you are cumin cumin all right cumin 0.06% of the concentrate is cumin and I've got strong cumin so I'm actually going to dial this back I'm supposed to have in this formula at a 1% concentrate .06 I'm going to air on the light side see what happens 0.054 I'm going to stop there because my cumin just tends to overdo it okay okay let's dip I'm going to put Final on here all right let's EV evaluate base this was just the neat musks IU super Hedon yeah and this is just a super simple Smells pretty good base remember there's also the ambrox and and the uh ethyl vanillin in here and I think that combination is great Hedon ISE super some musk ambroxan ethyl vanillin you've got a you got a nice base to start with you got a very nice base then we added in all the other sweet materials that included the benzo and cam ethyl vanillin we had uh Gamma undal actone or you know Peach Tonka beine and cumarin bicycl onol lactone yeah wonderful it just it sweetens it up a little bit it brightens it a little bit the cumin helps brighten um definitely helps brighten That Base next we added the cypriol the gak wood and the Puli interesting and you can smell the Puli the pachuli is noticeable cyprol barely you get that watery leather from the cypriol but it's so delicate and I'm not yet getting the Umami from the kayak wood maybe that maybe that'll come through later next up we added our fruit notes and that's subtle the damascone beta is the most prevalent but you do notice okay we've just added a little bit of fruit into our formula next up we added the floral materials now this includes the the pedig which could kind of go Citrus kind of go floral but we did add our Rose the linal no not the linol oxide that was a little bit later um the hydroxy citronell and the isaline 95 wow wow that pedig grain is no joke in that it you can tell it's pedig but pedig to me has a dirtier through line underneath you have this beautiful top it's like neuroi on top you got something sitting underneath it's like Woody it's just a little off you don't get the off notes yeah pedig grain was the right choice I'm glad I did pedig and not naroli we could stop here and this would smell good this would be great but let's add the aromatics ooh the solic lates oh give it a a a creaminess a blend it Blends it all together this C3 hexinol solic late that di hydr merca there ever so slightly giving it a little flick oh that's nice we add our top notes ah this adds another wonderful Dimension it is so subtle though it's not like you smell lemon or bergamont up top but it lightens it up it lightens it and lifts it and this smells so good this smells so good okay don't want my nose to get burnt out we've got two more popcorn can I smell the popcorn let's see uh I think I'm an idiot I didn't dip the popcorn all right whatever let's go to the final one popcorn and cumin yeah you smell the popcorn hands down you smell the popcorn wow that is a strong material oh my gosh okay that's amazing the cumin is very very subtle I am impressed by what that popcorn does okay okay I am going to add in the remaining 7 gam of alcohol of perfumer alcohol I'm going to add in some soul guard for some sunscreen then I'm going to bottle this need a new pet now does this smell like grandar I can't remember I cannot remember I know this smells amazing absolutely amazing smells very very good and I'm excited to see what it smells like in a month two months when it calms down that popcorn note is popping it is absolutely popping I cannot believe how strong that is but this fragrance as it stands smells very good is it Grand swar ah I will have to reorder a sample of gr swar or go go back into the uh go back into the store and um try it try it on you're good here I'm going to give this a stir here let's tear this so we can just make sure if any alcohol burns off we can replace it [Music] now alas I don't know if all this is going to fit in my 50ml bottle well thank you for joining me I hope you enjoyed this I hope you put this together and if you put this together remember put your Replacements your substitutions in the comments let everyone know how it went and I'll see you next time
Channel: Ryan Parfums
Views: 1,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Perfume, Perfumer, DIY Perfume, How to make perfume, Cologne, How to make cologne
Id: DwsS3SJ0I_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 47sec (4007 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2024
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