How to ACTUALLY Climb to Diamond in 3 Hours with Yone S13 | Build & Runes | League of Legends

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what's up guys today I'm going to show you how to actually get to Diamond plain yone by showing how I play in the different ranks just a quick mention before we get started I'm trying to grow my Twitter so I would greatly appreciate a follow if you find my content helpful that being said let's get into it alright guys so this is silver MMR and already two people got caught Nocturne went into their jungle alone and died and then our turbine also died so that's a bit of a classic game now for the runes I am using bone plating something I only recommend doing if you're playing against melee Champions and also assassins because they have a hard time you know progging it for free now Diana can use the queue of course but still when she has to engage it will be up most of the time and low elos on your name you actually you can actually get away with playing really aggressive a lot of people tell you to stay back and play safe that is not something you have to do in lower elos of course sometimes if you play against a very aggressive early game jungler could be Lee sin Javan and such then yes you can play a bit past civilian but try to limit test a lot play aggressive because yone is sweet golion but that's only if people know how to abuse his weakness which they don't do most of the time here so another time she might actually be able to pick up a lot of soul kills early on in the game he took the E level 2 lots of free hits you can see there's just one trade right there and she's almost out of the fight I pop a potion in case we get ganked rip the cannon but it's a nearly Cannon so it's fine it doesn't matter much then we're gonna get some Vision towards this side when you walk what up here not in the brush because if I comes from this side you can still see him so you have mission of both sides now this Wave It's Gonna crash almost but now it's you can see it's pushing towards me right so a big mistake people make here is that they just keep showing it in you do not want to do that because since this wave is pushing to our sauce we can start to look to keep the way around the spot I'm gonna pull it up here by doing this Diner will have to overextend whenever she wants to farm or she has to farm with the queue and then end up you know keep pushing the weight of it it's Award right here be sure to Ping it since you're getting some gold and then we just keep the wave here for a little bit if she walks up then she's gonna take trades to the face could be a kill right or to share Shield there we go so you can see it's way way easier to punish people when you do it like that so when you push in the wave the first couple of the waves that the other ones push towards you set up a good reset your side of the lane and then when they will step up to farm that is when you punish and as I said even in bad matchups you can afford to play aggressively on in the silo now we shall back off I don't care if she's trying to set up a freeze we don't want to lose the tempo getting the Berserkers fully on as usual in yone and then we can also get the refillable this gesto can get a bit faster back to Lane so stay around here you know then EO here buy the item and then e back by the time you're back in lane then your e will of course be ready to go the Top Lane are getting pretty fat but so far it's looking all right for our team getting some Mission down once again awarding both side because the skull crab is up and the dragon is also coming up he wasted the electrocute proc because of my shield so that's fine once again you can let the lane push towards you traits here then you see the wave coming in so once again just keep it here don't just kill all the Minions at once let the waves stay here for a little bit but right there she's coming around the spot but I'm not gonna engage right here and I want to mess up the wave now she's level six we also got our ultimate up the look for a couple short rates you know like the one we are doing right here and the reason I went in at this very point is because I know that she's going to walk up to cue the Cana minion to see The Wire and also you can ping your teammates if you think she's going to gank he has the ultimate to get out but that's a ward there as well we're gonna take the way around if I had ignite I would just go in straight up when you have a big minion wave then you can even take the one versus two trait but your name remember we got a kill but you are still pretty squishy because we only have boots so you can still get bursted down pretty fast right ultimate this out remember your e working as a superior cleanse I've done this so she should be around here I assume we can go and check and where's yet is she doing the Drake but there she is gonna take this one out and then also this one that way she cannot clear out the bot side vision and then we just keep pushing you know if you want a super aggressive early game then play the Rune King something you can purchase which I will be doing but first I'd like to have enough gold for a vamp setter you can afford to stay because Dinah does not have her ultimate up that's fine look on the tower if you can like this that's fine you'll have to watch out a little bit for the enemy jungle and the bottling is also missing oh that's so unfortunate was actually worth it because we got one for one that's fine I'm gonna get the vamp scepter and I'm gonna go into the blade of the Brewing King for that early game aggression writing one for one is completely fine here see I think she dashed and then ended up behind me because like when Diana is super close and dashes then she will end up on the other side perfect we're also getting a shot down top side the wave is in a little bit of a bad spot but doesn't matter because when somebody gangs you and you trade one for one usually it is worth it most of the time we're gonna keep up the aggression and we're gonna try to awesome to commit as often as possible the point where we had to start watching out a bit is when that jungler gets level six because it's a lot harder to play around and buy alts because it is point and click but the general idea in these Heroes especially in silver MMR is that you play aggressive really prize for limit test and that does not mean run it down but try to learn the limits of what your Champion can do the only way you can do that by playing aggressive oh I know how might be dead sadly don't mind we made it out luckily so that's a good one in two kills getting the third one had a feeling we're going to get ignited so luckily the shield tanked a bit we got two kills right there also got a couple of ultimates out we can take this plate see my TP back I actually think she has a job I don't remember if she used it or not but doesn't matter and when this water is ready I like to place it around here and the reason for this fort here guys is that when you reset and the enemy comes back into the lane they will show the wave and then you want to know what they're doing afterwards if they're roaming both side you can see it and then you can warn your teammates in advance I should think I'll do like this because I want to buy the uh expensive it could actually help it's fine it doesn't matter if it's one rake but she has the herald something we do need to keep in mind hey Diana helped out with the Drake I'll ignite so up soon we just need that one item power Spike that is what you're getting with the players ruined King especially great against those melee prusa type comps which they have right here jaw trades here of course I'll just keep going if I was not within the towel range you can expect to get Cam right now so I have a feeling that Nautilus and bye might be mid soon I'm Gonna Keep the dinosaur low HP so at least you cannot engage for free so you see another sport side once again just keep poking with the abilities you have the ultimate to get out in case something goes wrong nice and we see the Y and she also wasted the electric Cube proc that's a kill on the Nautilus USANA might die as well you can make our way both sides no way she has jumbo right wanna stay here okay I think I'll do like this they can take care of her to slow enough HP at this point nice but if I went in right here things you just jump over this way I can say my old and they still get the kill be pushing keeping up the pressure at all times boarding obviously is super crucial but don't waste too much gold on a control boards rather focus on setting them up at proper spots meaning that they will stay alive for as long as possible now we can buy the first item and as I said previously this is something I like to buy against those fighter heavy type of compositions so if they have a melee heavy comp and they're pretty tanky then this actually gives you a strong Spike because you'll be able to abuse it a lot compared to range gems that's why I'm going for this right here I think you saw the buy remember keep up the pressure to play really really aggressive even in bad matchups damping your teammates cost most of the time or a lot of times they'll not see it coming in I'm gonna wait here in case she comes back this way it might be camping yeah she is you don't have to go in here it's fine I can just go back to the mid lane placing award here for my teammates and then just keep pushing it out going for those plates it's gonna expire really soon so most likely I won't be able to get more than one still bought so might be able to get bias headed mid soon that Diner was waiting for a long time but it's fine we got two plates I don't mind that she got the shutdown you see the spike you're getting with the blade of the drawing King this is the stuff that you can pull off remember the Q3 into the ultimate combo it's sort of a guarancy combo where people when they get hit by the first knock-up they will not be able to dodge your alts we're gonna keep poking on the tower if she walks up hit with a couple queues and then you can also start taking away the jungle camps in Hilo I'll get flamed by my jungle if I took away his jungle camps but here's fine kid also by The Wire looks like we fine can you uh get over the E okay it's fine we got what we wanted to see flash too so I need to help again I'm coming in oh mine looks like he got this under control or what oh okay pretty good pretty good I guess fix this wave here and then we can look for reset or maybe we will even be able to get the towel on I got the first Tower board side all right let's reset we don't want to stay for too long but the goal here guys as I said they're really aggressive limit test a lot learn the damage output of your Champion learn when exactly when be strong when you can go for trades when you cannot but a lot of the things I did here I would get punished a lot if I was playing in my main ELO you know around my master Grand Master ELO but here you can get away with it so you have to treat it like two different games Highland low ELO hello ELO you want to play really aggressive once you get to a certain Hilo that's when you had to adjust your playstyle but for now it can easily work out that's why if I Smurf a lot I pick scaling Champions and I play aggressive with them because people don't know or yet know how to punish scaling Champs and you can see when you play a Skilling champion and they get fed early on you just snowball out of control and it is really really difficult to shut it down compared to if you play some sort of assassin you know like Talon you can still get easily shutdown in the mid game when you make a mistake and then he will fall off at some point but if you play a scaling Champion even if you get shot down in the mid game you still scale up I'm just gonna keep pushing I like to brute force my way through the mid side and then I just take everything CS Phyllis Towers objectives dragons Heralds everything I can get my hands on and also making sure to keep up the pressure at all times oh okay oh what okay I guess that very interesting uh mechanic as I said your e second part when you recast it it works as a cleanse not only has a cleanse but a better version of the clan so similar to how qss works you have a lot of gold here so I like to base as well it'll be nice if I can get his red buff but and I risk people tilting as of yet I'm gonna ping it and if we if he pings me to back off then I'll just leave it napping so I assume I can get this one right let's peace out we can get the showboat so that's the next item and then you just continue into the normal build the infinity edge and when you're snowballing of course get this one so you can clear out vision especially in the enemy jungle so even when they had to enter their own jungle they will still have to face check Vegas tping mid so I'll just go both sides you know we are in the mid game so a lot of Aram will happen at this point okay but you still have to prioritize your Cs and stuff so you want to be in the sideline a lot of the times even if they get caught mid you can still you know push for objective spot side be careful if a big objective like the baroness up if there's a point where they can catch your teammates and then go for the baron then just group up but for now I'm gonna say but that will extending quite a bit you can see this will happen a lot but I'm gonna put fast my way through the bot side and force people to come defend when I do that it will leave room for my teammates to get you know obi-axis Farm or whatever they want back off a bit they are fighting mid lane you see they will get caught no matter what this time it's fine The Flash right here I don't die so Tower I could hold it out probably but I don't want to risk her you know staying in front and blocking it out and we can heal up pretty fast because we have double life still items and we just keep pushing it both side guys it's a way that you maintain a very high CS per minute like I have right now and of course you can see on your e icon when the Mark gets caught in half that means that your precasted e will execute but keep in mind if they use a shield right before you recast your e it might still save them so it's not a guaranteed execute but as long as they don't perform anything else such as healing or getting a shield out of nowhere then it will get the kill the way the jungle camps everything on the map then we will be able to buy the infinite soon and then we can just reset here I could not stay for this way because it was pushing in then we just wait for the infinity edge and then we have the massive Spike with this set of items of course you're gonna Shred 99 of Champs into pieces even that you're not behind so now even if you miss your cues it doesn't matter because of course you're building crits Auto attacks are gonna hurt it's fun but pay attention to how I'm also always making sure that I'm farming up even when I'm as fit as I am right now always prioritizing getting the gold throughout the map I'll keep going both sides people get caught it doesn't matter for me right now I just want to push it out try to break open one of the best Towers awesome of course Vega really op at the moment even if he was not above the cage it's so being low elos level 16 far above everyone else you're not the only fit player on the team you can see Vega are two levels behind but because we have spent so much time focus on serious thing well and also getting solo XP that's why we had this sort of lead don't just think you have to group all the time because your teammates get caught as long as you can get something on the other side of the map all fine as a TP coming in we can commit or their fifth so that was how to play in the Zillow [Music] thank you and then [Music] alright guys so this is a mid to high gold game and they have Aurelia and Shen I'm not sure who's Milan but probably the irelian in High ELO status Tejas counter Lane for your name so it will make sense if Figo Smith but I don't know yet but my runes so I'm running to NASA here because I have a lot of CC and then also has the bone plating because they have a lot of burst damage as well something like a Nocturne he has a hard time taking this out before engaging especially when he alts this is great it looks like it's going to be the Shen mid lane yone does struggle a lot of against a lot of different matchups that is the shin that's a lot better than the irelia but same thing even if you're getting counter-picked the one and two is something you're looking to abuse if you can shin has very popular one so just want to stay the range and then just q-book and I'm going for some extra early game Power was he played as a drawing King that would be very great against his tankier type of Champs including the Shen irelia and all that good stuff that was a good trade know how to respect the shendo because his the one especially is very strong with the grasp be careful when you're queuing forward because it makes it very obvious for the opponent when it's coming out and then they can look to punish I think I'll go ahead and take the W here for the shield right that's fine you can pop a potion here because otherwise there's a high risk that you're just getting ganked and he might even flash taunt but the wave is in a good position at the moment so so far so good you're just looking to play the scaling game adds a yard because of the cannon although I sort of lost that one but we're getting some good trades in and I get some good Vision down because it's an oxen if it gets within range and he gets the fear off then you're most likely that in this lens you can use your W to poke will that is completely fine that yes you see the word just saved us from potentially wasting the Flash I would probably tank a tower shot if I went for this one was for the tower range okay I did not expect that but that's fine you see still playing aggressive but in a smart way not just Perma or extending Leona could be mid at the moment I'm gonna hover close to my jungle if she comes mid it's going to be fine it looks like she's not here yet it's fine he's losing the minions and now if you don't Auto attack this minion wave is gonna push towards us that's a word right here oh no it might still be that oh that's not enough that's so unfortunate but you can see if you get hit by the CC right there you're just dead that's a mistake I made on something you can avoid obviously I was tunnel visioning a bit too much on the bot side but it's okay like we still um even in farm and then of course we're gonna pick up this wave as well once we get to the point where we have played the drinking that's where we go ham I don't want to tank too much damage from the minions but it's in a good spot right now looks like Poland is dying oh nope they're trading kills okay the Nocturne coming in oh she's dead that is a bit unfortunate but then again it also makes sense for Aurelius top because kale also gets art conduct just like q a does SQ pork behind the minions this right here if Nocturne comes then we can just head towards the uh might be but but here based on how he's moving the ultimate is ready to go though um a couple of players met you so I can we have the ultimate now Shannon sliver six would be hard to Ping that important to Ping and if you can look to cancel it when it's halting they'll also be nice see the Nocturne he's still five so far good po he's coming just gonna back off you see he will look to Camp mid it is very normal when you play and sort of a mobile chant like the yone because he's so easy to gank something you have to be very careful about good trade so if you're off right now he's gonna be at no HP I probably had to watch out a bit I assume Nocturne is almost level 6. in that case I would have to hold out so if you let this way push towards you that would be the best case scenario there he is he's still not level six which is fine we can catch him channel is not coming in or are we really not getting the kill so wow that's unfortunate I was not going to use the ultimate because I would be tanking a lot of damage on that Tower let's see if I can cancel one of the recalls fine right we can just pack off here really unfortunate we did not get any kills but look at the Cs difference so that's okay so far hopefully that's not a random ultimate coming in as I said I'm gonna go for the player to join King because of the old game Spike it gives you a very strong one atom Spike when I had to deal with the Nocturne as well as the Shen and probably also the Aurelia any power you can get in the early game is gonna be of a massive help I have to poke him as much as we possibly can when he looks to alts it's gonna be low HP Nocturne is around the bot side it's pretty hard to war against him if I have to be honest so you have to be fast with your flash or your ultimate so this like a safer way for you to push out looks like Berlin yeah maybe that can work out looks like it does nice yeah not much I can do about that unfortunately like they did not want this one see if we can make something happen oh never mind she sees it oh they even had the or what Jesus man they had everything up okay I have no idea how my botland diet without them even using the alt or the exhaust part I guess that is to be expected we'll just go back it'll be in a guarantee kill so at least we got the sums out or the exhaust and the uh ultimate so that should make it easier for them to survive don't have to push this wave now but for some reason he's still hovering the uh Riverside we just push thank you because since knoxan does not have the ultimate we have a chance to push out the wave so that is what we will be doing we can get out he can be stuck there farming and we can go ahead and reset of course Vamp sets are very good first item and I'm also running tenacity here because they have a lot of CC actually if I get hit by something I don't want to be stuck there until I die normally you don't want to play around Top Lane but it's actually good if she can get the kill ahead but based on how she's getting destroyed probably not worth it oh nice looks like it did work out good olds watch out kill ing the Shen is coming in here you guys like to kill 48 CS to 99 so you can try to call for the lane but she's probably still going to lose it's a scaling Lane so you can just let the farm instead if you focus around mid and Bot side like if she focuses mid then I can use that to help out the bot consider Spotlight meta so this is something I do if I want to push it in a safe way without getting ganked for example the Knox and ultimate is probably up at the moment or just how to play it passively we had no choice but to do that wave is going to push towards us he has two kills but look at the Cs that's what I'm saying if you just focus on farming up well that is all that matters thank you obvious somebody could be here so I'm not gonna go for a super extended trade because the knocks an ultimate which I assume is ready and since the jungle is part side we have to be even more careful iron his tone this down let's see it did not take the chickens but they are still up let's get some Mission down you have to be really careful especially against something like a Nocturne because these type of Champs can easily set you pretty far behind hey I don't know if it's going for blood looks like he has took him variety ultimate and it flashes out I should probably have let him finish the olds based on what just happened both side and this is a way you can cancel CC right here it can be hard to pull off because you had to predict that stuff coming in we cannot go any further because that's a chance we might get a gang soon so I'm just gonna get out there's a very fit 80 carry that would be a massive shutdown if that works nice okay that's some good stuff right there gonna get the more expensive components since I already have a dagger here just so I can get the blade room king or like kitty components like as many components as possible honestly I had no idea how they just keep dying part without they are not using anything that is a bit strange see if we can do something she's probably gonna reset and still easily killusto if she has a fully stacked past it because she's playing with a plate of the ruined King and she also had the thumbs up which is fine we got the kill right here so kale can go mid and then I can just keep push top side so I can get to my items faster this way kill can get some free farm so she can skill up and this works only because she was out of Mana if she was able to stack up the password fully even if I hit everything I would still die because of how Aurelia works in the early game compared to your name now we have this so we also pretty strong at the moment still obviously not enough we need to get um or items preferably we want the double crit and now the random air amps are happening oh she should have tanked that one to tank that one that would have been a free kill on the Leona why are you not using the olds so I cannot survive against the Aurelia she is way too fat with the item she has therefore we would need at least the sejani and me to kill him otherwise that's probably not happening let's be very careful if they're fighting but just had to abandon and then run straight towards them free kill on the Leona we'll take that one you'll see not a lot of kills in the early game but people will make a lot of mistakes when you get to the mid game they will make a ton of mistakes especially in this Silo and that's why you're looking to get back into the game until that point you just focus on getting good CS a minute my kid holds it luckily not yet doing oh no that's not looking uh very good she might die oh she's alive that's perfect that's actually insane that should not have worked out and Chaos pushing both sides getting the farm she can just stay here and try to defend right so far it's okay yeah way ahead of the Shen in terms of Sears I'm gonna get some damage off here in a safe way because I might get also by the Nocturne but this house is going to go down we can just leave it okay that's okay we have a lot of Skilling on our comp like our entire comp is late game focused that's why it's important that you do not lose focus as tenacity oh wow I actually thought that ultimate would land right on top of me so I just had sold out I don't get a chance to see it but even with a large tenacity that still took a while and get out oh she could have killed that would have been a free kill okay we'll play it fine that means that the sejani is gonna survive I had to kite a bit now we can go in once again I just need to stack the queue there we go nice van also picking up some kills so I'm gonna back off right now you can see lots of Aram happening in the mid game when the landing face is over people keep grouping mid lane for no reason a lot of mistakes will come in here and that is something that you can take advantage of I'll just go both sides here um I cannot go top because the baron or the Drake is coming up soon our jungle is secured two Drake so that's nice if I go top side right now they will be playing five versus four he has this one and she's also really strong but I really it's pretty hard to pull off in team fight so as long as we play around the sejani engages then it should be okay it can still go wrong though if they forget the we could kill the Aurelia and then we can we can go for oh no what just safety already I don't know why I'm gonna keep my old for now oh my God they just did not continue the fight it's okay though you could definitely killed all of them but I thought I thought they would follow up that's why I kept the ultimate so I could try to hit as many people as possible but it's okay because we secured three Drakes but if they did decide to come and help with the fight we could have gotten the Drake we could have killed them and then we would have gotten the baron too but it's in a low ELO so I can't really blame people see that's like typical for Silva even bronze like bronze Salon gold is that people in the mid game they attend the group meet a lot so if you can manage to pick up waves in the silent you will get multiple levels above ahead of the opponent so for now I'll be processing getting a little bit of extra CS not grouping too much then again this is one of the rare cases where it can be very risky to split push just because they have a Nocturne and a shin to see that grouping mid once again let's see if we can meet him here it is this for it oh that's why it's not coming he's going straight for the kill they just need to get submission and then just try to scale up by farming of course they will get caught that's gonna happen all the time even in Hilo that also happens a lot it's like a safe way even though I'm gonna miss the cannon I could potentially get also by the knock that's why I just did it this way and if you decide to hold I could easily get out let's really watch out because this is not a one versus one they have shin and they also have Nocturne that's why I'm not getting baited into taking these fights now there are three bot sides so they could actually go for the baron and not doing it yet insanely strong two items and almost has what looks to be the wood scent why is nobody mid-test the question I have this actually not looking very good unless they can finish him off before he gets old that's fine it worked out somehow awesome honestly simple things such as going to the silent for picking up waves even though your teammates might get caught out because if you're getting a massive gold lead on a Skilling champion then the CGS like you're gonna you're gonna carry ready we can get the shoebo also get a little bit more gold though oh this made aside pretty fast let's get out of here I'm also going to take away the jungle camps that is also something you should be doing unless you're jungler pinch you back in that case of course leave it up but fine and then we reset so we can get back to back before the Drake spawns I'm gonna pass like over here so if something happens mid I can be there faster or if something happens but I can also be there faster really unfortunate for the surgery nice try though live somehow oh that's the chaos killed up and that is how a late game comp with items so from now on obviously it's going to be a lot easier but you can see if you manage to stay alive in those frustrating matchups and also with the Enemy jungler trying to camp this is the way take that one you see Q knock up into yields nice noxon is alive we do have the soul though get rid of the vision plus they might look for a play top side so I'm just gonna wait here for a little bit risky let's take this one out unless doing it this way now we're gonna look to deny them everything we can including their jungle camps people are splitting up I'm just gonna call up for the vein should be okay though since there are four people website with the Aurelia coming up soon they got this so we can just take top right we just keep pushing it out is a massive tank and our kill is also getting into the late game stage just gonna keep pushing it out or they're fighting nice and that looks like a GG so that is how you can play you know with a fully skilled income as your name and also survive those heavy camping gems so this is the high gold Platinum game right here if you pay attention to my runes I have bone plating that is because something like Talon would have to invest at least one important ability in order to take out the bone plating so that's why it becomes good but if you play against the range champ then do not take this one then you can take conditioning or you can also go for second wind and also had tenacity here something I use pretty often on your name and that is when they have a lot of CC they have lots of CC with the Nuno they have the malphite they have the vegar most importantly his cage so if I somehow get stuck at the start I don't want to be there for too long because then I get bursted down but if I go for tenacity here I want to make sure that I'm getting attack speed more attack speed early on from other sources so that could be a seal item or there could also be a blade of the ruined King has to tell on of course ads has since all will be difficult to manage early on but as I said in this Silo you can still afford to play aggressive we had to watch out mainly for his level 2. complaining already doing work on free hit just make sure you're not tanking the returning part of his w restling back and then we have to respect his level 2. he's one of the strongest Champs level 2 is of course we do not want to be within range we want to play around their abilities you know so when they waste one important ability assuming they miss it then you can go in for a trade nice the W blocked out the damage almost another hit right here but you can see the w02 is great to kind of nullify some of the incoming damage and also make sure that you're getting the Cs so just use the IQ range you had to stay back and out of range and then Adobe also blasted the minions so we will have to dodge this W preferably oh that sucks I could have killed him almost yes no no pretty difficult to deal with of course I was not expecting that way laughs but of course when it's a yone release it to gank he has to flash out he does not so great on the gang by the yamumu so that's perfect we got a Kill but you just had to wait for a mistake to come in so I want to push this but it still is very risky because they have no no I'm still gonna do it because I'm a nape it's not gonna flash at me right or never mind I guess yeah that's something you don't want to do I tried to push it out and then I also try to use the second part of my e to cancel the stone and then get back I trolled a bit and I died for it so that's why you don't want to do this sometimes you can get lucky and get away with it I should not be there they are making the same mistake I did but yeah do be careful of that especially when playing against the Nuno I don't know how he did not see that trap so against the new note this spot is not going to help a lot you want to get some deeper Vision when you play against Champs like the Nuno Ramos because they are way too fast so when a new spot them here is too late nice starts a lot of damage and we also got the cannon Right Touch it again and Momo coming in so I'm gonna fake a freeze right here oh he's jumping over okay that's actually good oh he's flashing afterwards nice I thought the talent would just jump away once again that's full plate also got the assist same thing as usual if you play against these bad matchups you can probably still win the lane one versus one because people don't fully understand your weakness yet or how to abuse it you still have to pay attention to the enemy jungle it has something like Nuno you had no choice but to play it safe because he is one of the absolute best young ones at abusing immobile gems but let's say they have like AFK farming jungle then of course you can play a lot more aggressive we got the boots and we need one more item and then we can start going ham I'm not letting him get that passer proc you can see how I'm Trading oh hey I actually got it right here he might die for it though eat it he should not have went for that but you can see they don't quite understand your damage potential yet that's what I mean that even if you're in a bad matchup you can still get some leads early on now to back off because the Nunu might be here again oh my God what okay I was going to alt out I timed it good but the problem is that if he's standing in front of me then of course or just stop at the spot so without Flash there's no way to dodge that unfortunately but hopefully he can win Top now since his ultimate is down let's see they have pretty good scaling on their side malphite one of the most broken Champs right now as well as the Wagar always ping the word here because it gives you free gold and then also keeping eye on the Nuno which should be getting a lot of breaks for his team oh that did not hit okay what side now yeah but that is what Nunu does they should just start respecting that you have a good Ward here we also need another one over here otherwise when you start snowballing there's no way we can get out they had to take very short trades against the Talon him being an assassin of course means that his burst is a million times better this perfect play around your knock-up but do not queue forward if you think your knockout will miss because he can abuse it if he does not Alt luckily he did otherwise he would have been dead let's see with the lethal sample you still have a lot of fill game Power if you do something here nope just hit back to Lane try to see if we can cancel one recall oh he's staying really far back it's fine I'm just going to push this out then these kind of games even if you scale well if you look at the Champs they have like a malphite that is definitely what can make things very hard for you Sim Alpha again I'm gonna try to get the plate this is like a safer way of getting some damage off on the tower without putting yourself at a risk my Mordecai's is winning by the Cs alone so that's fine because when he gets his Mythic item in a rylies that's why it starts become really hard for more fight you could definitely watch out his slow HP though he's magnet the album CS we had two kills so so far it's good let's not have results who I could hold right there about my e was resetting so I would not be able to get in an auto attack or probably a kill time yes nice and Momo got it under control so that's even more worth it so you can go for this and I'm going to press your mid side boss no no to commit go for the plates I'll say there's so much free gold we're gonna win just by having the Cs advantage and gold of course foreign something here but it's not up oh he's doing it that's fine yeah I have to get out I do not want to be there bro no thank you hold him yeah oh he does not have it he has to cancel no no salts he might flesh out so I'm not gonna use my ALT here oh okay that's the Heraldo which is pretty bad and as for what I've been in low elos I never ever been counters when I ban are op Champs that require your teammates to play it out perfectly in order to stop them so Master E that is what I'll bend a lot in lower elos master and stuff like that down again oh my god of course he had his flash up that's fine he got the kill I could have got it right here but I think he deserves it was seeing the opportunities around the map when you see this way of Q knock up into the ultimate he can still Dodge it the way you want to do it is that when your Q knockup is ready you have to be a little bit filled away from the opponent that way you can change CC and they cannot flash out dash out or anything I had a feeling this would happen the moment I solve literally bought against the vegar so he's going to be pretty problematic especially now that he's going for what seems like it ever thrust I might have to get some Mr sooner later look on the tower of course some trades where you are attacking while he's knocked up in the air and then you eat out before he can get to do something now he's pushed out of the lane once again you have to get this one because Nuno will definitely be trying to do it let's see if I can counter gang the Nuno in case he tries to go bot be nice we need to stop the noon from getting the Drake that is the goal right here I also had to fix the wave here he's getting a plate because I had to run bot took one Tower shot so I can call for them if Nuna comes so I just keep pushing I'm keeping an eye on my teammates at all times you tell me we can secure that one so I can get the plate nice hopefully mordekaissa wins that awesome that's what he likes to see I just keep pushing it out here getting the last plate you know if the opponent roams a lot and you're playing a scaling champ you don't have to do the same it's a bit risky using your e to dodge in snowball because if you somehow mess it up it will turn into a disaster I think a little bit of damage on the tower once we reset we have enough gold for the blade of the ruin King remember I like to buy this against melee heavy comps and Tanki comes as well in this case they have the Nunu and the malphite and also because they have a salon so this gives me a very strong early game that I can abuse at back and forth really fast trade and you can see a lot of his HP just gone nice this one was very uh pretty secure right here because he jumped so that was short of a delay twist jump therefore I could alt right here and then get out and I get the tower oh no what is he doing here right towers down he's pretty fit though which can be a problem and also malphite being fat oh this is a definitely a game we want to be ending fast all right play The Run King is online hopefully he gets this Mythic item soon bye Ellen can go mid this is what you want to do when the tower is down because in the silence you'll be able to get bigger leads might have told the Talon thus if they killed previously I'm gonna keep pushing it out multi might try to uh match my split pushing for now it's okay since he doesn't really have any armor tank items the problem will be a one versus two though because if he attacks me with the attack speed slow it would definitely make things a lot more difficult alt just Alt I almost got the third one okay that's fine oh it's a malphite oh you're hitting the wrong one nice okay oh that's well played I had a little bit more time to line everybody up there would have been a lot more free but a couple kills and Caitlyn survives hopefully it still survives and he's doing The Herald looks like this is for it as noon is gonna steal it for sure he has to help I really hope that is not worth it it is not as important as the first one because the first Herald is used to get the tower plates the second one is not that good but still it can help break open one lane nice hopefully this will lead into US securing another Drake you see people will always stand all the time even I do it because sometimes I don't pay attention when that happens that is when you can get back into the game if you somehow end up falling behind previously Mordecai can just stay top we kind of want him to AFK push top side and I cannot die a bit faster than expected I'm gonna pushbot side you can push top should be winning but it's not somehow if it starts becoming better let's find the Nuno we can catch the town here there he is get out oh no Oh I thought I killed the uh they got before he could Alt but it's turning out great I think yeah it is there should be up to deal with this pretty soon nice so bad player turned into a good one see in here oh he run away okay I did not see that that's fine so I always extend it but it turned out to be a great play because their movement was here as well all good it's all good we can see they have very toxic comp this is not something you want to play yone into usually they have so much CC like a vagar cage and evil Frost they have Nuno CC and then they have a malphite on top of that so if you can avoid it don't pick Yoni into these types of comps you're much better off picking something like a Caster Pia who can absolutely shred this short range comp or another mage he's not gonna stay anymore we are two levels ahead you're also farming up way better so that's what I'm telling you guys about is that even if you get counter picked as long as you can see as well by being in this island a lot you can get leads for yourself that way you just keep pressuring the silence watching that one and all of this HP is gone we can just keep pushing it out I'll fight a new Step so that's nobody to stop us we could actually win for the baron right here it's all right use this chance to maybe get the tower might have to hold out based on what malphite is doing but they're doing the balance so he should not be bothered right now I'm gonna walk towards my teammates well they're sending three people bought this what I mean is that when they try to get one player they usually send like almost the entire team that's why split pushing is definitely even more op in lower elos either modified question mark I want to make sure she could not holds that's to make sure he dies the down he goes I want to make sure that the misfortune could not all Decay Lim but she'll still die because of the no no it's fine you see lots of Aram that you can definitely abuse a moment can Flash him does he have it up yeah he does it's fine flashes out Oh my days that's a bit too close for comfort survive though but you can see Triumph would definitely helped out a lot place the fruits being up as well so we can take away the camps sitting on almost 4K gold so of course you don't want to stay in lane for so long you get this okay he's tying it seems like see if we can help him out you see I made it look like I was going to focus down the malphite then I waited for the Vega to get pitted in then I altered him gmcc ignite and he's out 4.3 K gold so let's get the components cost infinity edge then the next item we can buy we can go into something tanky so in this case this would help out a lot because it's sort of nullify's burst damage by making you take damage over time instead and then if you get the kill you also heal break is coming up and we have full control so that's perfect we can see if you are great at you know just focus on farming going to the side lens even if the air Rams are happening a lot you'll get multiple levels ahead of your opponent and so watch out here so the chain cc is the problem I have to stay back a bit now we can go in this is why I have tenacity this is why I have this tenacity Rune otherwise right here I would have been dead I'm telling you guys remember to switch up your runes depending on who you're playing against this is a very good example of why that tenacity roon can do wonders just keep pushing it out they had good seating with the Caitlyn and also the nidalee but we can try to look for the end malphite is coming back though ultimate should still be down for a little bit nice luckily it outlasted that Sonya's and we can go ahead and end this so that was the gold game [Music] oh so this is going to be a high gold game we're playing against the Vladimir mid lane there's also something I see picked into yone a lot because he has pretty good disengage but it's also not that difficult of the lane uh both are playing to scale up therefore you can also go full scaling runes into this matchup ideally if you let him push and when you get a round load 2 and 3 then you can start look for trades just don't get too poke too much early on but if your box within melee range of course you're just gonna make a trait and watch out for your sim power queue just want to stay all the way out of range when that's coming up there's a lot of damage that you do not want to be tanking m INE so far he does have Flash and ghost if I want to go for a kill here I would have to burst him down and now what he tried to do here he tried to bait me into thinking he was going to kill the minion now we're probably gonna take out a flash nice it's perfect and we'll take that one fast combo because his flash was down and he had no way to counter that if I hit the knock-up that is I gonna use the chance too push out this wave before the Wukong comes the wave clear of course terrible early on then for Vladimir and also this sword is something I like to put when I'm resetting because if the opponent tries to go for Rome after showing out the wave I can warn my teammates ahead of time but that is the reasoning for the award you can basically see what they're doing after fixing the wave but there always pick the words if you can because that gives you that free gold hey a bit unfortunate for the sign he was doing pretty well though based on what I could see another quick trade here of course little Tempo does give you a lot of early game trading power therefore if you want to snowball of course this is the best Keystone to do that nice I don't know why he used to stop you right there I can actually mess up the lane for him I don't have ignite otherwise I would have went for a dive once again big trades here to keep him from healing back to full we can't go for a dive but it's risky because I don't see we're calling on the map therefore I'm just gonna bait out his abilities that's fine the shield tanked a little bit and we just keep pushing in if it resets he's gonna lose some Sears otherwise he might risk getting dope so that is completely his decision he's staying okay nice we got the W out wait for this one too we're gonna do the same thing again just push it out it's the kind of wave so it's kind of tank a little bit if he wants to reset now it's actually the time but he's still going to lose yes and we are getting everything of course also reset here so you can get the Tier Two Boots and you can see the Cs difference as I said when you're playing these silos even if you happen to be in a bad matchup it does not necessarily mean that the opponent knows how to play that match up usually what happens when they try to counter pick you not Vladimir but let's say they pick something like a Pantheon they don't have a lot of experience they counter pick just to count the pig not because they play The Champ normally therefore you don't have to worry about counter picks especially in lower elos because people don't yet know how to fully abuse the strengths of that champion is 76 right now it's perfect he should not be doing that by the way using the W is probably the worst thing you can do if you're playing in a lane where you can risk getting Dove Wukong bot side it's not number six yet so let's see if we can make a counter gang happen because they're committing pretty hard and we have Lilia coming in don't give up oh okay never mind it should be fine okay I aim that ultimate pretty bad but they still ended up dying so that's a huge play from outside at that time in our team of course let's see if we can block him out he does have the ultimate but Vladimir Leon barely has any damage and he used his ghost there we go so now we got a kill for ourselves since the last fight just resulted in assists but that's also because I aimed adults pretty terrible we can go ahead and reset here so we can get some live still you don't have to buy anti-healing normally it can be a good idea to do so but they actually nerfed anti-healing so much that it's pretty much useless at this point therefore just focus on getting your main items and as long as you are playing with Ignite it's all fine so his ghost is down I did not time has flash Summoner that's something that could be great to do obviously and we can keep the lane here if you want to just kind of end up pushing towards us and when it stop you sound that is when you're looking to trade and if you can actually all in it doesn't matter that you are going to tank that Empower Q coming up and don't just show the entire wave this um oh that's bad I tried to knock him up so he could not get compile Q off now we can push because we also need to heal up I'm coming that was a good Alt so it is a champion where you can snowball pretty hard in the laning phase and also because of how well you skill it will become extremely difficult to play against him later on unless they have a team comp that just counters you completely that's why we're not playing lower elos like gold for example I play aggressive all the time sometimes I might end up dying a lot in this ELO range but a lot of the times I do manage to pick up a bunch of kills and that will help me snowball out of control because you're just looking to get shilpo and then Infinity Edge and you're gonna destroy most Champs in a one versus one even the shield will Spike of course it's not the best Mythic item but that's nothing really else that's better that's why you buy this mostly but when you get that you start destroying people right I actually had a winning bot Lane that's a bit surprising I guess that is the Lilia impact now you can what the enemy jungle if the camps are up you can also take these away if you do this combo fast enough you can actually get out before the tower hits you you have to time it when the tower is just throwing out one Auto Tech on the minions keep pushing here since Lilia is inside the jungle just kidding out so I don't think that in power queue we just keep pushing looking for a play top side probably bad idea for them or maybe it's a working right quick combo I have to keep him low but he does have a stubby up and Wukong could be here as well therefore we're gonna hold the bot side so you don't get ganked by the Wukong or so we can escape then just TL so you cannot get that shoe prog off you have to constantly like poke Vladimir over and over otherwise it's just gonna sustain back to healthy HP levels but this way you keep the pressure up I'm stay for long here because the minions are gone we just keep the sub you could see the massive CS slate here that is how you'd completely take over the lane I could stop pushing and then punish him even more but I would love to get the plate Rampage just keep playing aggressive when you have a fully stacked lethal tempo of course not something people want to mess with therefore we're just going to keep pushing it out since we had a point where nobody can fight us and it's only going to get even worse when we scale up let's even get the last plate that would be nice and then you want to rotate so I spend a lot of time in the silence even in goldilo or silver or plant even though you had to adopt a completely different playstyle when you're playing low ELO compared to high low what you do on the map or the split pushing part is still the same because that is how you get these high CS numbers that's how you get that Master advantage over the opponent and if they have been playing pretty safe Milan you're not being able to pick up kills then when you get to silent you have a lot better chances we go for this place just keep pushing we don't see the Wukong and Vladimir both side we can try to block him out [Music] oh he had that up too let's go for this guy then mind he tried to say the luno nice team player but that's not how you want to do it in League I'll take that one too you can see it becomes way easier at this point but the problem is getting to this point that is very very hard to do in Hilo but in low ELO you have a lot of opportunities therefore we're gonna go complete ham this time around it's not every game where you finish the game with a lot of kills sometimes you have really high fun but not that many kills maybe because you end up having a lot of assists thing will just pick off here and then I go to silent and I just got bought here since my teammates are doing well basically all of them then we can't afford to spend more time in the Thailand kind of surprise they did not go for what's he called the hard steel or something yeah this one that's pretty opium I'm Gonna Leave the blue buff up since Lilian needs it but then I'll just take away the other camps if I was playing a mage right now any other champ that can advantage of the extra Mana then I would have taken it no point all thing because he has a w so now you can all if he comes back again like this people all extend quite a lot in this alone so you can see if you know how to take advantage of it of course there will be so many kills that you can pick up and AFF so that was a pretty short game [Music] now we are finding ourselves in a flat yellow game because the game play becomes a lot better but we still have to focus on the basics so basically knowing when we can push waves and when we should not be doing that also starting off with a heavy counterlane and that's also a fist main or one trick and they have lots of burst damage and when you play against the melee assassin bone plane extremely op because they would have to invest an important ability in order to progate playing against Echo first and Annie lots of AP therefore stuff like the wit send or force of nature would be great in this game it will build depending on how the game is going if I'm falling behind then I might get a little bit of Mr to start off with the echo Top Lane Memphis Smith is very difficult because he's high mobile High burst damage and that is how you count the UNA in the laning phase he cannot deal with that therefore we have to watch out if he starts to see we do not want to be within range here he probably started with it would actually hit I did not expect that but yeah that's something you want to be touching of course and you had to play it safe but they also between this where you can actually trade back it's okay we don't want to stay for too long here because he has corrupting potion you can look for an all early reset if things are going bad so I'm going to place a what here first when he gets level 3 that's why it starts being really really difficult thing really short trades watch out that you don't just queue forward when his up this way he cannot queue into me otherwise he would take damage from the tower coming back a little bit here still had to watch out it's mainly obnoxious because he can go corrupting potion and then he just gonna out sustain you back off before he gets to Prague electrocute and his combo or we can ping him because he's a bit low HP so I can sacrifice mushrooms to get a villain defense I think she should have kept that one but it's okay let's read both proc that's fine pretty sure we could have killed it if we were a bit more patient a safe way to get to see us he's gonna die see ya or I could have gotten the kill it's okay I think she played out the safe way I'll miss that when people come to pick you they will you know end up playing too aggressive because they get pressured into playing a lot more aggressively so they had to win the lane before they get outskilled and that is something you can take advantage of you can see he's not a bad player it's just that he doesn't understand the concept too well and that is something we can take advantage of you saw the Ellis was headed up here so it's pretty obvious that you would come back if he started playing aggressive we managed to bait him two times in a row so that luckily ended up in the kill for the Elise so that's also nice still you still gotta lose the trades by the way because it's fist so want to chill out and you can see bone plating when that's up that's when you can look for stuff if he goes in like this misses his scene you can trade with him but when he has ESOP you do not want to cue forward that will result in him dodging everything and then you're losing all of your HP I took a towel shot right there I would have to uh reset the fight so I came he already used all of his potions we still have one left gonna place a control board here one over here it could be both side but I'm just going to play towards the top he has no more positions left so now it's when we have to start our sustaining when he goes for CS we can poke him a bit this one even though you prefer to have this to no tank some of the damage when he does not have any more potions left you can afford to trade a bit more aggressively and you can also use your e to dodge history zone is a bit shorter than the dash when you dash it's way shorter than his so he can still easily hit you unless he misses while it's on you gotta see out when Daddy is out guys that's when you go in for trades we have the ultimate to dodge coming south now here's all this up now it's funny you had to watch out because he can easily set you off for ganks see they're also keeping a bit more a better track of the enemy jungler which is not always the case in the lower ELO so people are definitely way better here still a lot of mistakes but definitely way better you want to keep trading here and if you struggle a lot you can also get one Mr item like the cloak this actually gives you a lot of value we will push this out actually want to not help with this I can reset Holland is helping out so hopefully that is enough if you want to place it over I think I was a bit too far away but it is what it is so if you are struggling in the lane you can just sit on this component there's actually a high value for the code that it's costing so just sit on this and then later on in the game you get the force of nature because it's a very op Mr item missing East level 7 and also when Nocturne gets is also made up that's where things start to get pretty rough take out a c like this and then he cannot trade back but to also keep in mind that will leave you vulnerable as well when you are using a bunch of basic abilities to trade with if you randomly ask me right now it probably means that knocks on somebody else is coming in so I would have to hold a wave be careful when queuing forward that's a very easy opportunity for the fist to hold you oh no is that what side where's the old thing oh maybe I was out of oh there he is I think I walked out of range oh no that's so sad I thought I could get the kill that's my bad I should not have done that she's still got a window I hope don't tank the alts oh my God what is she doing why did she walk straight into the alts that's a bit unfortunate I also told that one but unlucky it's fine though we got the sums out of the Fist but he's not gonna have very good time also don't just keep buying the control boards they are really op but can also end up costing a lot of gold as when you buy two control boards that's half a kill worth of gold I'm just gonna have this one up you know and if they take it out it is what it is really huge trade we can hit this one and we'll take that kill problem is that he start used to people punishing his mistakes this hot but that is what you have to learn to do you can do that you're gonna carry so many more games hitting the plate the Safeway gonna place a watch here so I can see what the fist is going to do after he pushed out the wave it actually gave him a pretty big spike when he had the component Ash coming out was that flashing Elise I assume okay she's alive Nocturne he's flashing holes that's perfect that is going to enable our aggressor place what here just bringing it so I get the fire gold now you can also take away the chickens just to extend that CS lead a bit more theme we already have a massive cs8 at the moment fine we have bam steps up so we can just stand back up goes for this is gonna take damage to the face thank you can see even though we are fed right he can still fight us and that's because of how the matcha works your name and get a bunch of kills early on but he's still not at that massive pass by point though assassins can still deal with you but when you get to the point where you get the items so we have the great items then we have some Mr that's where the counter play for fists just completely disappears he won't be able to do anything what looks like a hugee that was indeed well played oh for the Annie perfect you see the target selection also becomes a bit better in the silo that's nice we should turn that into the Drake or just keep pushing maybe I can get one more played before it expires we'll have to see and we can just heal back up so it's okay I'm not gonna queue forward take tail shots for no reason we're gonna keep pushing and that way we can also heal up you see I saved the knockout of my queue to cancel alts but we don't just let them charge channeling abilities for free Nocturne could be around the spot ultimate is almost ready to go or we see the not till now also using that e to like minimize the impact it's all tests oh no that was so unlucky tries to hit the Nocturne I think I just back off here since we are sitting on so much gold don't want to give away 700 gold for no reason so I'll just go but you see the moment they took down the board side they are rotating mid now and this is the correct way of doing it now I'm gonna do this guys because we are playing as 3 AP just sitting on this component that's it I am not going to upgrade it it does not needed at all we're just sitting on the component and then we build into stuff like the infinity edge this is because I had lots of burst damage and of course also AP assassins and three AP Champs wow that must have been very satisfying to pull off the effect that should result in a free Herald let's keep up the pressure now it's about time this time around oh that's a mistake you might just hold us that's why I saved my E I don't use it immediately because against mobile Champs you usually want to bait out their stuff before you start chasing with the e otherwise you just get dragged trade back back towards the original position and this item is helping a ton like a lot against the Nocturne or the 80 carry but against the three players on that team did you already take this moment mycom tries to take this this is something I do all the time when I push out the wave then I invade the enemy jungle try to take away their camps it's up here I think I just keep go both sides oh no they got a shot down unlock him I'm just gonna stay both side I'm getting a massive Master serious lead over everyone else on that scene irelia has also been doing the same she's also going for some Mr that is something you should always like adapt your build depending on who you're playing against that value utility any damage dildo Pete there goes the salts even though he has a bill to give some ton of early game damage the shield from overheal and the Mr that is enough oh that's probably there I did not want to waste your olds let's take the fruits it's at this point where these fruits are so op it's insane how much you're healing but I can get to be a sword that would probably be a good idea for the next Drake that is what we will be buying this is just for the early game MMR by the way to remember you don't have to upgrade now you can do it after you got three offensive items so that could be a shield bow that could be infinite and then the blood test or maybe the stands and then you can get force of nature or you can get it as your item right after infinity edge if you need it if you're falling behind but usually that Mr Mr you're getting right here that's enough staying in the silent take the jungle camps somebody comes to check nice wow she has so much first damage as well oh I didn't even get an assist I can take the Drake and I'll just keep pushing also denying the jungle camps always always do that it's kind of tilt the enemy Jones so much foreign coming in 115 Mr by the way that's pretty huge oh I cannot see the damage detailed I guess nocturnal also blocks out that part even though I don't think that's supposed to be like that or maybe it's because you're out of range so it minimizes your vision it could potentially landed the master W if we did not Zone him out a bit too much a ram right to channel the queue we shall take that one but that is stealing a lot of damage wow only because it was still ramping up in damage can end I'm not gonna spend time walking all the way around they could probably end should be no problems yep and that was the slightly low game [Music] okay so we are in another Diamond game this time playing against the Victor mid and he has some an Airy you know when you play against these heavy early game poke type Champs Thorn shield and the second wind combo is really op is going to save you from a lot of unnecessary damage by giving you all of that free sustain so that is what I like to do against you know stuff like the Victor or Rihanna especially when they go southern area but it's important that you don't get poked on too much level one so if possible tries to dodge that second Q coming in that'd be pretty bad otherwise it's okay because you're gonna heal up with this drone shield and the second wind combo we're just set him push in it's pretty easy to gank late on so we just have to chill in the early game and not you know get Poke down too much to the point where he can invade our jungler foreign oh no he could actually die here always Spike here too Fiddlesticks lost his flashlight one because he got caught out by an invade you just stay back and we chill for a bit and not inset early on in the game that would be a disaster and if needed if you happen to struggle a lot in these matchups with send is an option so don't see the pike I don't know oh he's but now okay yone struggles a lot against these storm type Champs because he has no Mobility especially early on later on it can be manageable but early on it's definitely a problem I shouldn't have any reliable Mobility your Mobility on the Queue only comes up after you stack it and your e always strikes you straight back so without Flash it's pretty doomed who wants to gang mid that one hit that's perfect pickle nice there we go you see if you can time your knock up with what your teammates have then it's way better because yours is a skill shot so for seven fuel sticks it's a lot easier for him to land his CC but just to fear just wait for your teammates to use their stuff and then you can use yours it's a lot safer and easier to do it that way let's turn shut off we can go with double here and then we can also get the refillable Israel sitting on adopical that's nice for next time getting a kill top side it is okay because it's against Karen now if that was somehow or next to mid lane I would not be able to play the lane at all these are like some of the hardest possible from the matchups but it's pretty rare that it happens usually it's like Aurelia which is very difficult if it's like super high low so like two 300 LP Master TM Plus becomes really hot but in Diamond it's okay even if you get counter picked just how to play more towards your weaknesses and your strengths compared to lower elos where you can get away with a lot more mistakes Elaine is in a good position right now you can start going more aggressive in a couple levels but preferably when you have your RAM steps as fall because then you can actually heal up some of that poke that's cute gotta keep it here since this flash is down too got level six by keeping it here we limit what he can do an autumn right I just had to flash in case there was not enough damage but usually you can see it on your you know the E mark when it gets cut in half but since I have so much attack speed I was not quite sure but just flash just to be safe it's like a safe way to push out the lane by the way so if you think you might get ganked and you still have to push out then just usually to extend the range and then you can always Dash back to safety well that is a bit rough for the bot side it should be pretty safe to play Israel but he also has a velcas so I don't know can't help him because I'm pushed in our Portland losing this heart is a problem though go go we have to go and I actually did not have I don't think she has Triumph so it's okay we got a shot down but the issue here is that Victor got a lot of takedowns meaning that he's getting the passive Stacks pretty fast we got a pretty huge shutdown on the Tristana so 600 gold that way then though it looked pretty bad it's okay still all right so let's get back to the Lane nice okay try one phone Aaron can do well later on he can work as a tank pretty much don't need to get your items fast keeping him mid for a bit longer fine oh he's staying that that means that Olaf might be met do not have to use the ultimate right there 06 CC was enough to fix that so we can keep pushing and if full off comes then we can help him only issue is Pike is mid right let's throw him away then just how to play to watch your strings and then wait for gangs to come in we have to take this fast we'll take that one too uh Israel yeah there so that they're not surviving that it's the scheduling pretty dump yeah this guy is making constant mistakes after mistakes and that's why the ad carry is getting so fat now Victor is even also because of what he did so that's definitely going to make things a lot harder but we can still win gotta play for the scaling Victor is also another champ that skills like your name towards the later stages behind Team fights is one of the late game and Champs new that will come in using their first D to dodge that and then go for trade I am sitting on a rip-off so I'm gonna heal up on top of also having the vampceptor so I don't see Pike on the map so it could actually be mid right now there he is oh I actually got stunned man what I was just out of the range I can't really do much right now because a lot of people are setting mid lane so if I go for an aggressive play I probably just get ganked 98 carry in second got him away from the cannon foreign tight all right we'll take that one so he's doing the hell right now means I need to stay all for him you'll love right here that's a flesh out not this guy oh my God this Tristan is gonna kill us all has to get out all the way he's sitting on two complete items I just had to pick a phone now you see this is what happens in bot Lane meta when the enemy 80 carries just massively gapping the other then you can really get to see the difference because Spot Lane has the most impact it is the best role this season the games will become way harder just when the other 80 carry gets kept even though he shouldn't be exhaust is out but it still sucks that I had to die fortunately but lots of things we have to play around now are fed Renekton fat mid and also fit 80 carrying list is farming up well but he single-handedly is making the game harder because he doesn't know how to Pilot his champ he can still try to go for players because we have field Stakes so we have great engage but that is what we had to play around you should wait for me thing is Victor can just cancel out his olds so he has to wait now let's see if we can do stuff in the silent getting to the side lane is what you want that's your name especially if you play against the mage he's so faster what oh he should have waited man what is that he should have waited that's so grief please get the kill could be free nice okay finally he did something everybody dying for it though don't go Emily Range man nice okay finally getting slightly back into the game but still we have to secure the objectives mainly and Garen had a hard time Top Lane but he's still up in fires here so that's fine let's get the sweeper and take the poke and he did nice okay that's a defend mid this is how the mistakes he has been doing uh the entire game pretty much same things so you can really see diamond is not a skill dealer by any means you just have to play slightly better macro and platilo and then you're pretty much diamond you don't have to be good at the game I just have to stay back Karen is pushing top side the federal Nexon he can he can one shot you in a single combo by the way if he gets any power W off on combo is Enough To Take You Down the loss of kills early on in the game 36 kills when I get dove it's nothing for them to take topside I can just stay and try to defend if they start grouping up then maybe we can do stuff for the philisticks but still it can be rough because to Sonic can always hold the field sticks away if I go in it's really risky and I do not want to dash in just gotta stay back because Pi could be here anytime what's up I need a bit more gold to get the Infinity Edge once you go top or okay that's fine okay we've got the exhaust out that's super worth it very exhaust is a lot more important than my ignite depending on three items we had to look for a team fight now that her stuff is down oh my God we're just getting straight out of one shot three items man little thing is swimmable I got caught right there so that's my bad I try to essentially engage a fight because I thought there will be a good opportunity it would have been if you like time everything better but I died too early on he has destroyed and heard an ally has been slain just have to keep trying Aaron was also not here so it was a four versus five even domba that I tried to go for and engage should I all didn't get the kill it would probably be worth it if I could but he's so fast no what oh he still does not die what that's so unlucky man that is so unlucky [Music] gonna die now though there's no way he's surviving that you can go for this I think because there are carries her down but uh Karen is not here so probably not let's try and we can just disengage if they come ice not staying within range this is why we need to get back into the game oh my God that was so unlucky what happened right here I thought he would die to the um QR attack and then I missed that one then I flash him for the W Flash and then I completely forgot that he heals when he's out of vision but we got the Tristana which makes everything worth it still and now maybe we can fight for this one they just have to knock your code around here I need something that I can stack my Juan look at this it's just a couple of text I'm almost tired that's why I had to do the camera really fast I'm gonna reset really fast and I need some armor for sure otherwise I am not surviving this but one players down so now if we have to force a great fight now is the time they are pulling out the Drake which is smart no he's holding in swelling I think oh he got the Drake but he's gonna die you know he had the baron so now was the time we had to uh win the fights they just waited a little bit it could have been there but he got the Drake so it's a decent trait right we got what we wanted now just get out Victor sitting on a massive Spike and Tristan is coming to flank from the bot side I bet this guy has not seen it yet she's down here I just gotta wait behind sweet here yeah I can bet you 100 he does not know Israel is also sitting on a pretty big spike so at least we have something but the way you want to play with Israel is that you want to let him poke same thing for Wilco so if you just engage Fighters fights without poking then it's gonna turn out to be pretty bad for us I'm just gonna get the farm I can I still don't have the armor to tank the Tristana especially not when she has exhaust or somebody down here just has to disengage get out I mean on phone or nope one for zero perfect even Garen is not tanky against the Tristana why are they going in without me so we have to wait for the objectives and then try to secure this somehow let's have to uh color the Israel uh that's perfect he's gonna die still right yeah but we got the trustana so that's always a huge value trade right got another private Target and get this guy too perfect there we go now we can push mid now we can push mate because they don't have any way clear they only have to run next time so if they land their stuff then we can just keep going I don't just needs a couple more items and he becomes the tank that he was supposed to be it's just hard for him to tank now when the trusana was so fit that's why he just got shredded to Pieces almost I'm sitting on so much gold and natural stop side so you should not be looking to fight we just reset gonna get this and then I'm probably gonna add a mess into a blood tester now I have some tank and it's still not enough but when I have the blood test to Shield that is going to be a big help and then I'll probably get whitsend or something for the Victor because it's all sincerely fit and probably has the death cap soon but in these types of Aeron games you can see I'm not spending a lot of time in the silence as I would mean my teammates will just keep getting caught and then the opponents will use that to end the game I thought we had to wait for this and try to keep your cue stacked by finding something close that you can Target that way you can go for these quick engages with a knock-up and then maybe force a flash or something but there we had to go for the Tristana Victor is to only they might try to sneak this one Let's uh get out otherwise I'll just get bursted down but this should hopefully stop them from trying to sneak the objective Tristana can still jump over so I'm gonna check anyways that's a word here but we need to go for the Drake but also same time cover the baron because they'll be trying to do it or you should kill the air Pike no mind timeout see the tankiness you get from the distance really helps a lot I'll probably got busted down in no time right got one person that's perfect the picks we are making is what helps us pull off the stuff now it's only interest on our lives so they just have to silence them has to stay back in safety oh she's going for the Drake okay that's fine this one is pretty much secured I'm gonna go topside Drake is down she got this but it's worth it now get some fun for ourselves so hopefully we can afford the plotters too soon just gotta keep pushing a bit top side big to Us Alive soon he's sitting on a pretty big spike too oof almost missed the cannon ice tea is also up how much gold do I need if I can foreign angel just have to not fight and let me get this foreign last item probably going to be with sand could also be a guardian angel have to see how the game is going now he has to remember the they had these two so that means that if we combo we have to chain our CC so they cannot get to use the stuff look at the shields I'm getting that's gonna help so much with me surviving or it can't be that you can't be there bro what book is good but he's taken 10 times bigger poke that's all right remember they have double stopwatch just had to buff up the waves refer to how one split pushing but the problem here is that people are getting caught so we just have to group buffing up the waves here a little bit of Baron we have left nice another catch I tries to hit the trusana somehow that did not work out thankfully he survived so this is how we had to play it like we keep taking one person down and now they had to poke they just have to poke and let me heal also it's fine the base is open let me go for this we should be able to okay he's going for the other inhibitor that's fine so they just have to not get caught here like this guy up now just back off like is alive they just have to back off we have to play around my old and the fill the steaks holes I'm stacking up The Shield they're getting caught again let's see out I will keep going if it was only the trustana I tried to hit it with the all-time Mist so my bad nothing I can stack the queue on sadly nobody coming this way look at the shield we are getting that's insane I look at the big shields we have gotten with the all heels so far right we see the remix on so I'm probably gonna head into the wizard I'm two levels ahead of the Victor swamp so they could be waiting here so it'll be pretty end to take that way we have little cars behind but they're still waiting to collapse onto me for sure foreign because of these two but it's not the soul but it's not the worst case scenario is still bad though because they are these two are total envisioning big time if I can defend this I think history would watch out they probably recall because there's no no one to contest the Drake and Karen is doing well he just needs to be careful I'm Gonna Leave This one up for the pillow sticks come on I'm sitting on so much gold get this now and also buying the airpod because the next fight is going to be for the baron so this could potentially decide the entire game everything needs to stop running it now see what the hell they still have they had Guardian Angel and yeah on a camp in the bush and he'll upstairs okay look at how fast I'm healing because how hell that sustained I'm not gonna queue forward because of that exactly he wants to engage onto me nice that's perfect that's full plate they really try to find a way to collapse onto me right there I see not getting a sonyas when he's getting caught so much I don't understand you just have to not die here otherwise they just can't end it and just play around the astral poke just have to let him poke that's all I'm out The Shield is so nice to have Shield is so nice and also that's sustain if you don't have to stand at this point in the game guys it's it's really done damn their macro is so bad I think that's the main issue we have right now get on this pressure inside Lane so they had to back eventually like about it why is he buying this I don't understand don't need gold I keep getting caught but luckily right now there's no um a big show up for them to take I'll take that one always trying to find picks because if I don't they're gonna end it I had this so this is a full build game on your name one of the very rare full build or just how to group doesn't know what to build so you just gotta tell him yeah 13 deaths by the way die 13 times all right the Drake is spawning so we have to watch out especially around here now we need to secure some Vision somehow if I can get the exhaust out of the trustana and potentially The Flash 2 that'd be huge I need to keep pushing mid side he needs to alt the Victor because he cannot heal up they have three Drake so he has to contest we have no choice I think I'll be waiting here this might not be worth it well this guy is taking the super safe path what right I got out just before I got this hit I'm gonna need to stack up that's fine it's fine you secure this one maybe we can look for an end probably not because they have really op wake there man I can't believe Victor actually was so scared he took the entire way around we need to get the inhibit as a list I think the player been catching out all the time is the pike even though he should be probably the safest one and play for that team but Garen is doing so much weight too right now also he's gonna use the sonyas now he has to catch him there we go we find the power of Microsoft you don't have a wave do we don't have a wave we just gotta do this now we have we can end we can end I'm gonna go for the Tristan always and then e out just before his turns goes in man I play that's so good well that was a full built Diamond Lake game Digis alright so we are in a diamond game and playing against probably Rumble I hope it's Rumble because her next one is not playable but either way has sustained first start item and also rune otherwise my champ is not surviving and that should help a lot with the early poke that he feels I think he started with Aim so it should be fine to walk up that's actually a pretty good one got all the three minions and then also hit him he's also going door on Shield issue with this matchup is of course tip off Rumble so on top of being really op right now his holy game was always instantly strong and they also have a sack that I need to watch out for that's not really something you can vote against actually a list that's a fine one right here since my w Shield changed a bit I have to stay behind minions I can't get in coming in you can take out his flash nice that's huge that's pretty good hopefully I don't troll it and lose my flash as well but really hard to trade against Rumble because he just has so much built into his kit for the early game there's a good chance to trade here when he goes into overload has to be careful of the auto attack stealing a ridiculous amount of damage wow that was actually a pretty nice thing by this like with the um CC it will be coming again I'm pretty sure without a banquet of Sorrows he said it please hit it and that's what I like to say bro that's my bro right there nice they punished him trying to Camp it and you know the higher either you go the more often this stuff happens you get punished really hard if you spend too much time bro that was insane I suddenly have a insane team out of nowhere but that was nice I also got the flash down on the galio luckily managed to eat out in time I'm gonna agreed and stay for another wave and then we're gonna place a ward here this is to see what he's doing after I'm resetting so if he's trying to roam something I can ping my teammates ahead of time nice that is why I stayed because then I can also get the refillable on top of getting tattoo boots but you as you can see if you go drone shield and second wind here gives you a solid amount of sustain so if he keeps poking you down you're also going to heal up under the tower wave is pushing towards me so I don't need to grieve it now has to be a bit careful you see the damage coming in the main thing here is that you're just getting boots you don't have 80 or HP or anything like that that's why even though you're getting a kill the solely on you still lose the trades you're not careful I'll take that I keep going he does not have flash up you're fine but another kill on the rumble so we're gonna of course we're gonna outskill pretty hard also had to watch out for the runxon so I'm gonna hover towards my jungle bottom side eight just to be annoying and force them to stay one versus two bottle in for a little while Rumble 76 now this is why you had to start respecting his damage that's a word right there I think I had to move looking a bit risky let's keep going oh no I think I die oh oh that was so close that was so close if I had my w up I could adopt you the minions and then survived I think I went a little bit to him you can see that diamond games are pretty chaotic always lots of stuff happening early on we got a pretty big spike just unfortunately I gave him that kill so he is sitting on Mexico that he would not have gotten so I should probably just have let him get away but I secured off the Drake that's something then now we can use the chance to get some good Wars down so against a sec you want to water up here because he always jumps from the other side of the wall thank you and also we get a little bit of sustain can still be a little bit rough I'm gonna go and take the fruits you know he actually water towards I'm not gonna go all the way to the fruits because then I lose the midwave and he might invade our jungler I you see I go went in the moment his tornado flamethrower stopped telling Russia's walking back so he can lengthen her out hopefully as he's going bad I'm just gonna keep pushing he's alive so I'm gonna push and go for the plate as I could be here so it's a little bit risky but I can alt towards the top okay not more than this that is fine bro that's insane what it's just his q and ignite alone and I just had a nice I should not have flashed I don't know what I'm doing that's a bit ins now you can see how strong this champ is only on press q and ignite and then he has flat Magic Pen and I die use whole HP now I need to start focusing again otherwise going to be a very rough laning phase mid it's watch that could be here because my flash is down oh my God that damage I also have to be careful when queuing forward we see sagbot side now so it's a good one need to get some Vision down here around the board side because of the sack yeah he is around here that's a good trade like I had to stay behind minions and then also play around his flamethrower because it's way too much damage not gonna push because he could be up here yeah that was somebody the feeling though somebody waiting that's why I do not push especially against the psych it's way too risky now I think I'm gonna push a bit but we can get probably around the Drake hit the queue okay not bad I can also but psych could be up here I'm lucky he does not have problems or something gonna stop him from being absolute recall and remember you had to eat out immediately otherwise if I get cut stone lock by the runx and W I would have died it has to be really good time at reacting with your e because of it basically working as a oh my God what is that nice good job Thresh so many Global ultimates coming in I'm completely confused on which alt was ours almost got scared by the Aging Souls oh no do I die or extending too much making the same mistake again probably had a bad side helping them he's coming from here I'm pretty sure Jane should be able to get out when I see overheated that's so lucky okay well she said I think I just gotta push mid get that's a big wave scam it now what oh no she got tagged but I be sure to trade back especially against the ranexon that's like one of the worst founders oh no he's picking up a lot of kill sport sight he's even more fit than I am that's actually not very good I also gave him two shutdowns I think I might need to get some Mr but I will probably go for wood scent hit the control what now but looks like there's still three or four mid so I just gotta stay over here thinks I guess around yeah he is that's such a broken gem what man insane damage though and it's a memoir otherwise my champ is not surviving against that so would send has to be the purchase you can sell this since we don't need it anymore he's getting a two levels lead right now not quite two levels but I'm getting turned off the waves because they're three mid things are still pushing really far ahead it almost killed him man let's see if we can kill him on the next attempt these days probably not saying that was huge that is what we needed so now hopefully we can use that to secure the Drake a dice towards here to not saying all of the damage and I got out and actually think this is what saved me to be honest so wow was a bit too close there's so many Global holes okay got the uh lands half of three so I'm gonna go top right now no point going mid because Chase can Farm it so it's better that I got up to uh pick up the wave it's helmet getting the wit send is going to help out a lot especially in this Lane now he has to chill otherwise he's gonna get one shot because that champ is sitting on the big spike at the moment all right we can back off and if any jungle camps up I will take these as well so if I push for this Tower sack is going to be here and probably Rumble and Renekton 2 and I would end up dying but that is not something we'll be going for foreign nice just making sure he can't jump onto my team coming in nice oh I can I think Jessica spot so I just stay here to cover and pick up any jungle Camp star up you can see that diamond obviously not but I would call a High ELO but fly a lot better as you know playing the counter match up so it becomes a lot more difficult to manage something like yone if you had to blend pick him that's the point where you can start Banning her accountants we can get the withstand now that's gonna help a lot against this full flat Magic Pen build for this we can add a mouse into normal stuff and then you can also get force of nature so we had three Drakes thanks to our jungleland securing everything I'm just gonna go top and get some CS for myself because we are back up in XP now but this wood scent is gonna help Big Time surviving all that burst to get some Vision down over here and this is why you get with sand guys bit too many I did not expect like almost the entire team coming but yeah it's an easy win for my team because they committed everything trying to get me we see the what would sound helpful right there otherwise I would have gotten one shot by the rumble that's why I always like adapt your items to the opponents you're playing against and also because they have three AP and renekson ultimate also deals magic damage if I remember right an unformer then he dies help things better he does not risk wait did you not see that it just has to reset and I go board right now it's perfect because the Drake is coming up soon things needs to not depend on the tower [Music] little bit risky because we don't have any Mission around the both side of the map let's get the XP at least this is a safe way to try to do it when I want to get something but I don't know how many people are camping or if anyone is camping for that matter oh that's some really nice hooks I think we can do this and then when we bait them in go for the kill might you stop soon so you just gotta wait when you get to close range with your Q stacked up they will Dash because they cannot they don't know when you're third queues coming up that you just wait keep running towards them when they use the dash ability that's when you hit them with a knock-up it's too much a ram to like have good macro in this game so you just rely on your team fighting abilities but we have the soul right now which is insane that is going to help me as well as the Jinx out a lot I'm gonna go top side here need a bit more gold for this book okay that's pretty close it's okay he's getting soon away from his jungle just STL if I get hit by the CC I'm not gonna flash for this not really worth it he's not gonna jump he just dies with send really op guys it is so good playing against lots of magic damage then be sure to buy that boss of nature is also another op atom but it does not give any damage this you don't fall as much behind damage wise as if you got the force of nature I can back off here and then I can get infinity edge the next item Let's see we need some tanky stats so I'm gonna go into probably distance or guardian angel it should be bot side because his TP is coming up soon but I would like to pick up some CS is that a complete air ram game we're gonna leave the rip off for the jinx we just keep pushing if somebody tries to come up this is usually what I do in like a normal game where there isn't that much Aram is that I try to spend a lot of time in the silence but then this can happen where people get caught out of position now just slightly missed but they're probably gonna die now all of the right keep chasing well there's some insane damage from the jinx we can buff up it's not worth it out oh am I dying okay this is almost time for that one but that was a diamond high diamond game [Music] okay and this game is in Diamond one MMR it's almost massive here but yeah playing against an Ari Berlin also Champion that actually pokes a lot can play really aggressive therefore I'm also running a sustained setup with Dawn shield and the second wind the way we can get through the Early Learning phase you know against electrocute and the W stat you can see it actually makes it pretty easy for her to go for these little one traits where she procs electrocute like this that's why I have sustained second win and drawn Shield helps a lot with this I want to be pushing the lane though we're just gonna let it do the pushing and we're gonna stay under the tower we also have a Nuno pretty easy ganks mid 4 level 6 at least delicious also running one attack speed shot okay that's something you normally do on Mages nowadays because it makes it a lot smoother when your auto attacks come out and also when it comes to trading and last hitting coming it's a bit of a awkward timing on looking at the wave it's a knock up oh man look at the way bro yeah I knew that would come in you could die right should be that nice good job on that one that's why you just gotta be patient but I will not be able to fix this wave I actually want to push this I could look for free spot so many minions and I also don't want to risk her you know he's trying my tower early on might have to stay for another wave you see how I dodge that charm coming in because I knew she would focus me that's the only way that I could die right there if I got hit by the charm and then ignite it if they have to base soon that's kind of I don't care if she freezes this he tries to gank again in a bad wave like that is what happened and recall this doesn't really matter normally it's pretty bad but it is up there about to get baited I can feel it good thing here is that your second part of your e so when you recast it it will also cancel out nearly assaults okay nice just gonna survive right nice and Ari is also sort of a counter to your name just due to the fact that he can always Champion with mid Dash meaning that you don't or you can really engage right wave is fixed now that is going to bounce back what robot did not know he could turn like that we can get this to shove in that'd be nice so that is what I'll be trying to do the tricep research he's gonna lose HP from the minions and we can just keep up the pressure because she is other potions so it'll be pretty limited what you can do right now so now is when we try to keep in the lane so she cannot abuse early game good trades just slowly rolling her down and when she when she gets to six what's really important here is that if you're going to all in you have to absolutely chain the Q knockup with the ultimate otherwise you can just use the ultimate to run away every single time do not recall because she would lose this wave but she has level six right now thanks for the fire gold Nami let's go you flash soil let's just make sure she dies free one and this is what prior gives you still stuck on the tower by the way she has no um potions and low Mana two so I'm gonna kill prior for my jungle so he can do the Drake and if Lydia tries to contest then I'll be there before you don't care about this book thanks to the Rune setup we have winning in CS2 she still start mid lane be careful when queuing forward that's another easy punish for the REM but you can use the first part of your e to dash the incoming charm but good re players will not use the charm immediately it's gonna stay stuck here and I can just keep pushing it out that's charm and she has to decide between recalling or staying Lane and losing pressure that's why I just keep up the pressure right now even if Lilia comes I can just you know all doubt or maybe I might even be able to win fight that's nice one fine I survived this is how you can dodge your alts by the way you see recasting your e like this nice help too good timing by the Nuno no ultimate on this one and also made on Ari and no ignite that should help out my teammates hopefully great stuff happening both side [Music] so you can get a pretty big component like it's a pretty massive Spike if you can get this item here otherwise just get the vamps up some and since we are playing against double magic damage basically third part we don't really count the Nami would send after shilbo can do wonders especially if you are falling behind Doris can outskill top yes it can be pretty difficult early on he cannot freeze this one gonna get some Vision down I always like to place a water up here I'm gonna check these um Herald that's a word right here too right this is mainly difficult early on to match up now it's fine though because we managed to get a lead but it's very difficult early on she'll be trying to poke you a lot as long as you go even you're gonna outskill pretty hard yes getting closer to lethal range so if I can land there knock up this is toast foreign might be here but we have rakhan close second we're going for the second one is pretty greedy of me but my e is coming up soon this is basically what is crucial in this matchup is that if you ever want to all in and actually get the kill oh nice then you have to absolutely chain the third cue with your ultimate otherwise he can just all doubt every single time because ultimate has a very low cooldown we're pretty far ahead CS wise and also three kills so it's going pretty fine so far you see diamond it's pretty you don't have to play Perfect not even close to get to Diamond because people still make a lot of mistakes the main thing is that you just have to focus on making less mistakes than you would do hello and mainly mastering when you're allowed to push the waves and when you're not and also if you can learn how to freeze as those things actually start becoming crucial um especially in these silos but this is almost massive here so Nunu coming in I'm gonna try to pay it out the charm I'm gonna walk back a bit she won't come here I think she keeps placing a water in the middle of the lane but the drag is coming up so I'm gonna push this out so we can help but prior is super important in these Heroes because you'll be able to do stuff like this English set on your name you don't really have it unless you are able to win the lane see Darcy olds I had to help still because Harry is Gonna Come a flash out No Doubt so just keep going Amit and apply applying pressure at all times yeah noon is coming it's nice I did see her so I had the ultimate up I'm ready to uh Channel to get the kill as I show my bad I messed it up because I went in the E2 early on but I also did not want to lose the statue but we could have gotten both kills if I was a bit more patient a mistake from my side still got a kill so it was not completely wasted definitely be careful when you queue forward here because one charm under the tower and she just all sin and you die any out and then you also have the chickens here that you can take meanwhile or use that to heal up a little bit I'm gonna keep pushing but still be careful um because you are somewhat low HP and scenari and she flashed out nice I can look for reset too I don't think she will stay because it's a kind of wave she would have to stay for a while and it's pretty risky they're winning oh that's a nice play both of them died though so let's go for wood scent to show it off I actually did it in another game as well but since double magic damage is actually pretty decent um you get you know of course not as much damage as Infinity Edge but at the same time you become tanky and then you also get a little bit of extra magic damage so if they start going Seeker SunGard or something this becomes even better and of course you also synergize with the attack speed it's perfect hiding around here you see how I always try to weave in those abilities and auto sex in a way where she cannot hit the jump so it's not I just keep pushing bit here oh no he's just gonna hold I think and let him die you're pretty terrible just like a safe way that you can push out the lane oh my God come on oh my God that was such a clean combo as well but the CC messes up it's fine our silver is getting pretty fat but that was going to be a very nice combo I think she might be able to get the tower now so we'll take it foreign that way no one else can get it so I understand what he tries to do right there that's also something you see a lot in higher eloster where they intentionally give away the shutdown but to the support and the supports always get better into uh taking the kill you just let your ad carry Farm it I think noon should commit right now and you go to silent but actually survive for longer just because I had the she'll go otherwise in these cases you just get a blasted at grouping up so I had to watch out just gotta stay back here and push out the waves so somebody has to come and defend okay I'm ready well that did not hit the Ari doesn't matter it's gonna come out this way I think let's take up the queue oh that almost hit in the sensor I would have died for sure uh big if we can secure that one that'd be nice then I'll just go ahead and reset and just sell the Drone Shield just gonna reset um at a safe position now we have this so a lot more tankier this is something I can recommend if you're playing against double AP so if they have AP myth and AP jungle this is fine to do but not if they had like AP mid and then AP support then you don't care because a lot of times you're not even going to meet the support but the jungler will definitely look to be camping you when you play stuff like yasu and yone because they're very easy targets for the junglers I'll go top side I'm gonna give some Mission around here can I also gonna take out the uh I just help I think I'll go top now so the entire way does not crash in he's pretty strong um said he also has ignite so let's be careful about that one even though you're ahead on your name you're still squishy because most of the items You're Building just gives you damage and attack speed early on so watch out for this set you could be waiting here luckily not yes that's a bit too much they should have waited a little bit but if you're as pressuring I'm gonna go here too just so they don't attempt the baron that's fine there are three top side so Fiora can get a couple hits on the tower maybe and I just keep pushing tops so they cannot send everybody but position s oh come on you had the flash up oh that's a rip-off you can get it out of mind oh yikes you messed up okay we have now our report side and nami's gone and also when you do the baron or Nono should be relatively safe we gotta wait for his uh okay we got that one nice even though I have the Wits End still a really good trading potential top side I went straight for the Nami I just had to hit that CC initial CC on the Nami and she was toast but it's pretty much the only guarantee combo you have on your name is the Q3 so they stack you into the alts but at the same time it is not guaranteed if you're doing it in super close range it has to do it a bit from fr the closer to the maximum range on your Q3 otherwise when you hit the knock up on your Q in melee range it'll be a short time where they are on the ground so they can use that to flash away a dash away before your alt comes in use the delay we'll just keep pushing we have the normal shadowing no no snowballing I think he just wants the blue buff s oh okay I was just about to hold if that one hit I would altered for sure no Minions that I can queue to in that case you have to be a little bit careful because without being able to choose something your engage is kind of uh non-existent I think that's a bit too uh heavy engage what pieces oh my God that's my bet I should not have given that because they might get uh last break now because I got caught the assault should be fine okay nice you also have Europe right the healing zone is up that's that's pretty clean I have several coming as well so that looks like the Drake is secured and that's going to be the soul pretty much over at this point and that's some support fighting going on everybody wants to kill there we go and the herald absolutely destroying their base so this is pretty much over but it's a good example of how you can play out the macro in a bit higher ranks so this is timer one master tier so you don't have to be you know as good because Diamond four or just the entrance to Diamond it's way worse than this I cannot be out but just have to get out all the way might get altered by the uh Ari I'm not heal now once they were taking the fight if she goes over here you can also look for an old but I think I'll stay material and then I keep pushing this out they're all good it's all good nice and we can just go for the base but this was the last game on how to get diamond so I really hope this series was helpful guys um let me know if you have any questions and as usual thanks for watching and see you all next time
Channel: Yeagerlol
Views: 108,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yone guide s13, how to play yone, challenger yone guide, beginner yone guide, new yone build s13, yeagerlol yone, yone league of legends, yone build runes, yone tips and tricks, yone gameplay, best yone build, yone guide 13, yone runes s13, unranked to diamond yone
Id: DFSolQEmz9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 200min 28sec (12028 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2023
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