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all right guys they're playing some Teemo Top Lane S14 we're playing Teemo into our reekon and for the runes we have pdh presence alacrity elastin running bone plating and then also overgrowth now this game I want to showcase to guess how strong Teo is man like with the new items the new AP items and all the new Buffs to every single item like Teemo is in a better spot that it's ever been literally Man All Team all Teo items all the new items are just made for this champ I not even kidding you can use all of them like there's so much variety right now and the AP is just ridiculous now Renekton matchup is isn't really like I'm not really scared of the match up that much not really just got to be careful about his all in it's like the worst I'm um confident enough about it we even got PDA so normally you'd be running Fleet in a lot of cases but R match up you just don't have to if he goes in pops down the combo you hit the que perfect timing you can't win it just fine nice got the wave for a good position so we're going to slow push the wave as much as I can worth it for me couldn't Pro the PDA but that's okay got like two pots that's the difference he's got D Shield he already ran through his potion that's why he's so tanky right now oo got all the last hits let's go amazing got to see um got to be really careful about Kane soon but fortunately he's actually in ball Lane oh what's going all In Goodbye yeah that's one talking about he goes pretty in my PDA procs it does like a lot of damage and he just gets wrecked early on he does have teleport where I have ignite let's go back here so the first thing that we are going to buy is uh I want to just go preser scaves also really want to go Nas to like as fast as possible but it's better if we go boots early there you go so just to talk a little bit about items and stuff so B basically what they did in case you haven't really noticed or if the patch has been too much for you um nasha's tooth is uh pretty much identical but the the one thing that they buff about it is that you can buy the item faster and that's in general that's a big buff cuz you just need less go to buy now at the tradeoff it does have less AP but like again the gold difference is more important than the value of the AP itself because the item itself is just really strong so that's what you got to realize um I think after nashal tooth we are probably going to go for the new item I've have no idea how how to pronounce this um meagans or something I don't know but we're going to be building that because it actually gives you more Mana gives you the you know the general stats the core stats but most importantly allows you to shroom down everything I'll show you we're getting a gank by Lee but I I don't I don't encourage this guy to do it it's too big of a wave glad he walks off because that gank would never work [Music] man I'm glad he walked off there he staying around I got the W in a really healthy position right now so if reekon tries to do anything oh he's helping with the jungle cam aha I see what's going on there oh no problem I don't think it can use it very well to me this game I could maybe try and like prevent the Renekton ooh wait there's three people helping okay that's not what I expected I'm getting ganked by can there's three people helping there so that's the game we're playing now just send off like three people I see I see oh he's having a terrible time let's push P this out wave's pretty massive I don't think King can do very much I you need to use the passive here too nice he's not walking in there I can use the passive for the extra attack speed yeah I was forced to use ult nice I can just force another one on him I've got to be really careful though about mid lane cuz Diana could be roaming so I have to make a choice now am I going to risk it or not I'm just down to risk it honestly man use my I use my passive again oh he can see me right I think he might even stay around it's it's a big risk that I'm taking honestly cuz I don't have Vision on uh Kane right now the difference though is that I believe he's level five so if he tries to gank my Lane it's basically a waste of time yeah he's backing off I'm I'm going to back off too because overstaying right now is just a terrible idea it's a real terrible idea let's go for that one got some AP take that one I'll take I'll take a crunch of w so I can use that in the brush always good to have let's going Warhammer so I have no idea what he's building into there that will be interesting that can be anything that Warhammer can really mean anything he doesn't have any potions where I actually have one potion so we have like a straight up Advantage here I like that that's nice I'm going to place a wart in there so I can see him more clear I hope that he's going to walk in the shroom he's close to the shroom please jump on me like do it that's I need to Jack The Wave it doesn't Focus me here hold on there you go that will fix itself make sure it walks in the brush stop putting points in my cure now good luck have fun with the shrooms enjoy he's not going to walk up for sure now cuz the shrooms are just anywhere this is what I love about Teo so much like you can run into the biggest counter pick of Top Lane Renekton and like just lock in Teo and you're going to have a fantastic time then trust me on it yes sir it is awesome maybe Lee can like go for the jungle Camp enemy maybe armed ready just by pointing out where jungle could be cuz it might actually help me with my own lane that would be fantastic got him armed and ready okay uh I think Lee probably got him I think he does he's like way too low yeah there you go well that's not so bad great this is a nice push it's actually kind of helping me out that's okay well it's uh time there's no need to overextend like that ever there's no reason to really fight him just need go need to get my items what a great time to play Teemo right now man I don't know I uh I uh really like playing Teemo because he's so strong right now but there's one of course there's always one downside effect of of Teemo being strong and that's the fact that people can run Teo against you as well I hate Teemo I hate playing against Teo so much I talk about this a lot um it's not like in the older days like s13 right I didn't like playing as te- mod just because it's like anti fun but now The champ is actually overperforming so that's even worse basically I don't really like that idea like knowing that Teo is just strong at the moment so it might be worth Perma Banning right now not really looking forward to it but you know well we got them pretty much yeah they get the jungle camp but at the end of the day who cares right but is actually they actually came back in here Auto on need to use the rooms real quick ah goodbye okay let's uh sh this out that we must reset because we have way too much gold right now and they'll just make sure I could just look Auto disting once yeah great will I make it though nice he's not going for me okay amazing I was scared that was going to happen actually let's go into this item now um so basically like I mentioned before teimo has the option to build every single item and use it really well okay the advantage of this item however is that that like the core stats itself makes it so that you can shroom everywhere and if they walk in a shroom they're going to have a really bad time cuz the effect is going to apply even more they going have to pay attention if they walk in my shroom because of the effect so like pretty much the entire map is going to be a shroom a shrooming place cuz there's like so much ability haste you know what I'm talking about soon like there there's going to be shrooms everywhere oh nice one this is not fun for him I'm just going to move the lane to uh to this direction so that that shroom over there is going to stay around I'm using that shroom right there as like a defensive tool pretty much so again I'm just going to do it again same strategy all over I need to be careful about jungle gangs right now there you go please a too bad I need a de room over there now I need to place it down again H I'm using the passive constantly this guy can't play the game it's so funny welcome to the life of Teo I guess push this again I'm going to use a shroom oh what oh did not expect the leas in so he did press R cuz it was like the the time frame it was just too short he couldn't react to it it's too difficult for him Tebo is amazing man grab this one too everywhere all right F me I love when this happens man it is such an easy time for me to win this game like I'm in full control of Top Lane great no walk my way walk walk my way let them oh so I I wanted Le to force my enemy to walk in my shroom so I could like double my damage and slow him as well so he couldn't run away I think he would have fell for it if he uh if he walked in the shro maybe it's okay I've got my item now there you go uh next item is I'm just going to go that one okay let's uh let the real fun begin right nasha's tooth is so good right now cuz like it's so so much cheaper right the tradeoff is definitely worth it like just 10 10 AP less and you can just buy it for way less gold like it is absolutely worth it in my opinion you can't like it's fine the trade is really good let's walk top what I actually want to buy too is the new this item I think that would sound hilarious if I build it I want to build this item I really want to build this item nice push got to be careful about how much damage I take just a little as we don't have like to sustain let's see if um maybe we can take this and use the shs to my advantage I don't have to sh them anything cuz I don't think they're going to steal it oh he wants me to take it sure I'll take it no problem I think I'm going to spawn it immediately to ensure it's going to go down I have to select it now precisely so it's a bit different honestly a good choice in my opinion hey Tower is like that low kidding didn't go down I my passive oh too bad for you buddy what's the passive again I win this goodbye see like I purposely put like five points in my queue for this reason okay I die sure I I we go Dron n that's fine okay I want to be going for this item next I'm absolutely hyped to go for this item super hyped for it let's go oh man I am so hyped for the new AP items man like I I haven't felt this this this hype for a while like s s13 eventually it it become P's pretty stale like as in like you eventually you've played 100 games of Teo eventually You' played like 100 games of this Champion you've you built everything already like a like a two million times and you know exactly what numbers you're doing okay you know exactly what your damage does cuz you played it so often already but like when a new season comes out and you're actually playing with the new items and like an an item sounds broken and you're playing it you're like experiencing something new it feels like an entirely new game to me at the moment always exciting when they release like new items because it just it just makes new play Styles you know what I mean yes sir it's perfect there you go I'm mostly the the the the biggest thing that I'm excited with is the map terrain sounds weird but I'm I'm the most excited for the map itself just because it just adds up like new play style so far like items is super fun but like it's mostly extra for me they're all in ball Ling got Tower pretty good let's go for Jungle cams cuz the cane is uh already here let me just drop down over there if to walk around they're going to have a terrible time this has got to be the most broken thing on earth bro if I steal the red buff away from the enemy team my entire team gets a red buff no matter where they are and it's a stolen reped buff by the way it's absolutely stolen like isn't that broken like the en team makes one mistake they lose red buff and then immediately man everyone gets a red buff and they say like yeah like you need several people in the mid game to kill red buff I remember in in the intro they made in the video like you need like more help from your team well you don't you absolutely don't need that got her maybe he's going to walk in his room and I'm going to be incredibly lucky if that happens all okay he's not going to no problem um let's go ahead and build I want to go into either Shadow flame because they they actually changed some stuff about it like some small stuff and I also want to try going I want to go rabid and too so they basically gave it like flat AP and a little bit SL a little bit less scaling I believe so it's basically I it's basically the same like it was before um tough question here I want to go for this actually cuz if you have if you're doing magic damage it critically strikes below 35% I think that would be absolutely uh hilarious if you build it let's go ahead and do it and we're charging the item here we go okay it's fully charging itself it actually charges pretty fast too by the way yes sir not bad Man 3 seconds each yeah 3 seconds each man someone's about to have a terrible time because I'm on my way man I am on my way say goodbye bro my w is going to catch on him ah I think he'll eventually get away anyways yeah yeah he will ah My Stream is not going to do it no I'm getting wrecked by four people at once it's just because like there's no pressure in the map at the moment it's kind of my fault though my teammates could be doing dragon how that lead doesn't die here he's needed for Dragon okay I'm just calling out my team to go Dragon because this is going to be the fourth Dragon we need to get this thing okay yeah my teammates are going for it amazing I might need to get Zia eventually man like probably Zia has a requirement this game because Diana is like fully focusing me at every moment nice we need to go Baron [Music] too I have I have an idea I'm going to I'm just going to shroom down the entire Baron so if they're try and fight for it I can just stop them armed and ready yeah I'm preparing the entire Baron my teammates are going to fight soon I'm to level like there a twole gap between Dian and I but I don't want to I don't want to die just now and lose all my HP hold on hold on a second here I got to be a little careful right now yeah they want to do it that room's everywhere yeah they're going to have to walk through all my shrooms this is like why team always so amazing for objectives there you go we got it already uh seems like nothing's over there oh man Teo is amazing for objectives too like you just shroom the entire the entire objective if they try to walk through they have to walk walk through every single shroom in order to get there worked super well bro I I placed like several of them down and like they tank like half of them not bad TMO is perfect for objectives bro it's like playing Caitlin except like you just don't see the shrooms anywhere this makes it so much better nice amazing super easy bro I can just swim them down again I think we can honestly just keep going yeah they just surrend the game GG hey this is teamot top thanks so much for watching Say the video and I'll see you guys next time peace
Channel: Daveyx3 Gameplay
Views: 60,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: teemo, teemo lol, lol teemo, teemo league, teemo league of legends, teemo guide, teemo guide s14, teemo guide season 14, teemo top, teemo top guide, teemo top guide s14, teemo top guide season 14, teemo gameplay, teemo gameplay s14, teemo gameplay season 14, how to play teemo, teemo s14, teemo season 14, teemo combo, teemo runes, teemo build, teemo build s14, teemo build season 14, challenger teemo, best teemo, teemo toplane, daveyx3 gameplay, daveyx3, league of legends
Id: uM6ZES68foc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 47sec (1547 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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