BRO TALK 3 - OfflineTV Podcast #16

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I believe the most common theory regarding Roanoke is they joined up with the Croatoan tribe to the south when their supplies ran out. Hence the word Croatoan carved into the tree.

👍︎︎ 46 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 11 2022 🗫︎ replies

This episode sounded so smart throughout but their saying the dumbest shit lmao. Anyways I really loved this dynamic.

👍︎︎ 62 👤︎︎ u/Mitchelld73 📅︎︎ Mar 11 2022 🗫︎ replies

As a Dane I got some fucking laughs out of this.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/cinnaminimon 📅︎︎ Mar 11 2022 🗫︎ replies

Okay but how is michael so knowledgeable about literally everything like straight up high level of understanding for so many different topics

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/eastcoasthabitant 📅︎︎ Mar 11 2022 🗫︎ replies

All that's missing is Sean to bring out the full "this is what guys talk about" feeling of this podcast. Loved it. War, the wild west, DBZ, space, the death penalty and serial killers.

👍︎︎ 32 👤︎︎ u/MeijiDoom 📅︎︎ Mar 11 2022 🗫︎ replies

Michael stole this one for me honestly, I could hear him talk about the randomest shit for hours

👍︎︎ 36 👤︎︎ u/chreator_ 📅︎︎ Mar 11 2022 🗫︎ replies

wow, this is good ass podcast.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/AK4Real 📅︎︎ Mar 11 2022 🗫︎ replies

While they had some really silly takes on things, the dynamic of the podcast was so much better with three people than two. I hope we'll see more episodes like this. Felt much more like a fun conversation rather than an awkward interview.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Nilja 📅︎︎ Mar 12 2022 🗫︎ replies

Is there going to be a lady version of this? Like "Chick Chat" or something?

Really enjoying all the podcasts so far. It's fascinating and funny.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/r2002 📅︎︎ Mar 12 2022 🗫︎ replies
do you guys think the death penalty should exist because when you talk about the skin Furniture gum yeah that guy should yeah that guy's got that guy's gotta go a generation of kids will feel very differently about the situation of Mars why the [ __ ] am I here Consciousness our body needs water right so why the [ __ ] does it give it away clearly you want it but you sweat and you passed it out hi guess who's back yes that's right to me this guy's toes back on the offline TV podcast it's been a while it's good to be back today I'm joined by the boys of OTV yo John and Michael and Broden hi scarra had his moment last week so we didn't invite him this time yeah so yeah let's get straight into it there's a war going on yes sir all right you're opening with that that's at the bottom of the list yeah we should start first off who do you think is the good guys see it's clearly Ukraine right but I say that without doing any research just what Reddit tells me and what the Western media tells me same right yeah it's painted that way they have the blue lightsabers yeah yeah they have the blue lightsaber and I'm pretty sure that's the general sentiment yeah around the world yeah I think everywhere except for maybe [ __ ] those other some of the other countries was it Kazakhstan who was like yeah yeah they are painted as like yes that yeah but if you ask me well what what research you could do to come to that conclusion like I saw some memes about the Ukraine president but how he's pretty good looking and he's a comedian and Putin is like a jerk so that's that's where I get my politics from but I started having like thoughts and I think this is how like anti-vaxxers started we're just like wow who who's to say this information we're receiving is actually true maybe it's the other way around so I started thinking like in an anti-vaxx way but like regarding this war it's like maybe Russia is the good yeah because and what was your conclusion on this I'm like wow if all the leaders are saying like Russia bad Ukraine good then they probably know something I don't right I I'm not saying I support Russia this is a terrible thing to start with I'm just saying I actually know very little about politics yeah and I don't know like when I'm being told something especially regarding like political stuff it's like am I falling for like marketing or even like propaganda yeah it's happening in a place you don't know yeah I don't live there yeah different continent I think it's probably the fact that the Russian people are in Ukraine and Ukrainian people are not in Russia you know like uh like attacking right right so it's like would be stepping over someone's borders with the military would be you'd probably you'd be the bad guy yeah you know 100 yeah yeah and toast explanations I can hear the hate comment and then and then you and you back pedal and I hear the backspace never mind I'll keep watching I'll wait till the end but it's like I I think it's freakish because of how many like like I wasn't like old enough to like remember the Iraq War super well or like the early parts right yeah like no one or none of us really were like you don't remember a [ __ ] ton of that like you weren't there for Desert Storm or anything there wasn't a lot of media for that one yeah back then weird yeah we were the ones yeah this is I never expected a war to have so many [ __ ] memes I never expected yeah even your crane is posting the meme that's sweet [ __ ] funny yeah it's kind of like um [ __ ] what do you study in history class it was like political cartoons you know it's just the evolution of like the political cartoon it's [ __ ] memes also there's like high quality footage of War now which I've never seen that it's always been like a blurry Drone footage right like black and white infrared [ __ ] now it's like that is really surreal to see like any clip even on it's like on Tick Tock yeah yes on Twitch there's just a blown up building of a guy like in an Uber just like yeah it's crazy have you seen that one girl on Tick Tock who's like life inside a bomb shelter and oh yeah that is amazing she's like yes I get my rations for the day and then oh my God I see what Vladimir Putin has done to my city it's like a [ __ ] obliterated building and she's like and that's a day in the life I think you kind of Pop shelter it's like holy [ __ ] I I saw that one of like the guy petting the and uh the pets in the bomb shelter oh yeah are they petting the everyone's pad so they had to bring into the bomb shelter because yeah and that's like something you don't think about like oh yeah everyone's animals yeah they have to bring it with into the bomb shelter that's a lot of [ __ ] I don't know how I move my [ __ ] fish into that just come in do you see the one photo of the guy it was like a it was like a suitcase and a fish and a gold fish bowl stepping over like a barrier holy [ __ ] I can't believe it he's a real one for not leaving that goldfish though you know he's good yeah you know you know he's got that he's got the heart yeah yeah like would you guys stay and fight for your country if like an evading Force came and you could leave like you could go to Canada as an option right but would you stay and be like I'm gonna protect like my town against these Invaders [ __ ] I could that takes a lot of courage to be like yeah I could peace out but like this is kind of [ __ ] this is Injustice I'm gonna go like because the Ukrainian government are pretty much just like hey who wants to fight we have like guns for you yeah come get your gun come get chill juice right and it's like oh you have the decision to make like I I am deathly terrified of dying yeah and I would be like I'm going to Canada immediately yeah and if I was in Canada they're getting invaded like I'll be going back to Taiwan like I would not feel the need to defend the place defend the country it's like if the country Falls it's like wow that really [ __ ] sucks yeah but it's too scary for me to like put my life on the line and I don't know how like a lot of these guys do it yeah it's hard to say from us because growing up from our generation it felt like the US was brainwashing us as kids it's like this is really cool Army's really cool yeah that might be like why are you I'm nine years old why are you talking to this like I was weirdly patriotic as a kid like I was like I would die for the United States it's because they were advertising towards kids yeah it felt a little brainwashy yeah I feel like at 14 I was like that's weird yeah no I thought that exactly like what's that you go to Middle School like wait that was like wait that was a little cream actually that I was saying that I'm not yeah I don't know anything yeah I had opinions on like the presidents but I'm like I don't know any yeah yeah like but it was like all because like I was getting advertised War like Jordan War it's cool it's manly like you're a man to be doing the war and if you support it yeah so it's weird but your crane it looks like from what I've seen it just looks more like freedom and like Pride it's also like a smaller country like I feel like yeah I don't know I don't feel like a strong connection to Lawson I would not I wouldn't I I barely would want to spend the gas to get out of Los Angeles is how much I like [ __ ] don't care about the city exactly but like I think if I grew up in a place my whole life my entire family is there you know you're like kind of Defending Your family there's some people who who like literally can't move because they got like elderly relatives yep like you gotta get how the [ __ ] are you gonna get your grandma out of the war zone yeah you know like um I feel like that sentiment makes a lot more sense I think that's a better word because I don't know anything about Ukraine I don't say freedom but I think I think family is a better word Ukraine seems like family yeah yeah yeah you're like protecting the place that [ __ ] like your grandma grew up in yeah like yeah your family's been there forever yeah I don't know who do you think the bad guys are Broden yeah well the Russians I saw a video where they were shooting at like press and civilians that's seen the little bad oh yeah there's literally there's a there's a video of um a camera guy is in like a car getting like b-roll of like Ukraine like destruction yeah and suddenly you hear like oh and everyone's like whoa whoa we'll get down get down everyone in the car gets down and they start yelling like journalist press stop shooting and then you hear like this kind of like okay we're gonna get out and they like open the door what the [ __ ] yeah and they're like what the f and like this happens like three times and then eventually they like all just kind of like book it and like jump off the bridge that they were on and get out to this embankment they're like what the [ __ ] I just we just walk but yeah isn't that like a war rule like journalist like I think so you are not supposed to kill members of the media but so the camera guy was filming that entire time that's [ __ ] crazy yeah so they get out and they're like anyone hit anyone hit I think I'm hit like I think I'm hit yeah crazy I mean like that much adrenaline yeah that's [ __ ] nuts oh my God so the war rules allow you to invade a country it's like yeah no that's fine but you can't shoot at journalist I think that is a thing yeah it's like um I think uh [ __ ] I don't know I'm not a political because this is like once you're invading a country aren't you kind of breaking the roast I'm pretty sure why the rules is like don't invade countries I think it's like assume I think like the Geneva Convention assumes that there is a war happening I don't know if it takes into account like the conditions of the war I know it's like don't shoot a [ __ ] journalist please is it like sportsmanship or like like a sportsmanship like if we're going back at the guerrilla warfare the guy with the drums if you shoot that guy you're a dick you're kind of a dick leave them alone the guy with the flag leave them alone he's just he's just repping the flag he's a rebel flag yeah I think it's journalists and the Medics you're not supposed to shoot yeah journalists I understand like that's a no-go that's that's just rude That is rude that's double root that is exceptional so it was like so much social media these days I think Ukraine send out like one of those notices it's like hey please don't put out troops on Tick Tock but like see like a comma going through like just filming them putting on social media I can't believe that shit's happening yeah did you see the um sorry to cut you off but anonymous yes um or I don't know if it was Anonymous but someone um who was jamming the the Russian radio frequency and they made the spectrograph print out a troll face like what the [ __ ] is going on what's Happening that is crazy yeah they should I just looked it up and journalists are journalists have immunity during war even if they're printing propaganda yeah they are safe unless they're doing hostile acts yeah yeah you're supposed to just like let them dude oh my God imagine being a journalist and just like [ __ ] walking out like you can't touch me oh yeah that is so weird that what happens if that rules or rules I feel like there's nothing that can be done there I feel like it's just like the it's not the unspoken rule it's definitely yeah been spoken I think that's when war crimes come in after it's like power's over okay yeah you count up the fouls yeah oh got you kind of the fouls on each team yeah yeah you get the Mario Party star for most war crimes at the end if you have stars turned on yeah yeah yeah sorry what were you gonna say before um just like the social media aspect of everything so uncanny weird yeah it's like because no other War really has um this much social media coverage in the past right yeah yeah um because like with Afghanistan like Iraq is kind of old and it's like the people that don't usually use social media back then or have the technology but now like Ukraine and Russia are both pretty develop and you can just see all this like posts about it and like I don't know it is really strange to see like a lot of posts about oh a real war it makes me think it's fake yeah I mean it's not but it's like the fact that I'm seeing such good quality footage not like a shaky 2000s camera not only that real time like yeah it's like Just Happening yeah it's like this happened yesterday hours after yeah we're just posting it's like wow saying the comments is annoying like what was it like they saved a Russian soldier and then fed him and then everyone's like why would you show his face he's in danger it's like it's like I understand I I get it but yeah it is just weird watching it all real time with also just our current generation commenting on it yeah yeah like when I I saw like pretty much that the same video and like the the fives they try and portray it's like see like nobody in Russia wants to fight this war they're all like nice good boys and it's kind of like it kind of messes up your perception it's like oh so I guess these Russian soldiers don't want to fight for Russia because that's what like I see on Tick-Tock those are the ones that goes viral like a Russian soldier like surrenders and it's like yeah that's the only ones they see yeah yeah but then you don't really see the ones where the Russian soldiers like wow I love Putin I'm gonna fight for him and it's like I don't know who's I don't know who really is winning because off social media I'm like oh Ukraine's winning because every Pro Ukraine thing gets upvoted right right right yeah but I don't know like how the front yeah is Ukraine winning or is Tick Tock just like more supportive of the like Ukrainian dubs yeah yeah right so that that's why I meant like I don't know if I'm being fed all the information or very specific information right right yeah yeah it feels very specific yeah I feel bad getting my information from memes but it's like it's like there's a reason political cartoons like existed for so long it's because they're like effective and people look at them so that's why I look at [ __ ] memes do you see that one meme or that one Tick Tock where it was like it was someone slapped like a uh like a Ukrainian Soldier looking around at the other Ukrainian soldiers and they were like standing and waiting and they cut it with like one of a Russian shoulder doing the same thing and it was like pregame lobbies like how the [ __ ] is this real that sounds like joke but there's a real war in Europe like what yeah yeah um also not a lot of people I think I think it comes out like maybe years later but there's like massive cyber War happening right now like huge attacks between Ukraine and Russia like and towards Russia I think Russia is failing a lot on defense but like actually for years Russia has been um like dipping their toes into cyber attacks for Ukraine um there's a a hacking team in the Russian Gru the Russian special forces that our intelligence agency they have shut down Ukraine's power grid before like in times of non-war so just to try out if they can like break critical infrastructure [ __ ] like that they were um like responsible for one of the biggest cyber attacks like of all time um it's called not Petra and it like absolutely ravaged like Ukraine Got like all around the world um it's really crazy [ __ ] how do they test this it just happens like oh oh those are bad sorry we we did that we did a typo they can't you can't even really tell like who it's coming from you know like if it's if there's a Cyber attack happening over there it's like what the [ __ ] who did this and so like because it's not as easily identifiable as having like you know a soldier in you know Russian fatigues like they're just allowed to do it and like there's almost no response that you can have to that because like what are you gonna do to go to war with them you just have to like kind of put together your own hacking team and do that [ __ ] back yeah they shut down the entire power grid for like hours it was which is crazy because like that shuts off like civilian infrastructure that shuts off like an entire City's electricity like how how are you gonna do anything yeah and it's completely Anonymous like you you're just like left guessing that yeah it took like years to find out that it was tracked back to Russia it was found out through I um listened to the book called a book called sandworm and it talks like heavily about like hacking tags throughout the world and the the way they started like figuring out it was this certain group was they would put [ __ ] this is not a joke references to the movie Dune in the code in the comments and that's how they got the name sand worm the the group for real like their comments would be like or they would name something like the name of the planet from Dune the sci-fi movie and it's like that's how they were able to tell it was coming from the same group of people instead of different groups of people it's because they kept dropping like a footprint like what the [ __ ] is it like a Serial hacker yeah yeah what the [ __ ] who does that sand worms they're back yeah yeah it's like a really interesting looking at because that's like a new facet of warfare that's happening is like the Cyber War side of stuff like shut it you're able to do [ __ ] because like the Jima convention was made before you had a PC in your house so like you're able to shut down like someone's electricity electricity going to hospitals [ __ ] like that it's like yeah and so it's not well defined in any like Accords any books yeah and the US does it too it's crazy the US shut down Iran's uh nuclear Enrichment Center um this is real they shut down Iran's nuclear enrichment center with a with it like the most advanced piece of malware ever seen publicly called stuxnet um they dropped it in USB drives around the facility because the facilities offline right they didn't want Iran to be able to enrich nuclear uranium so they just [ __ ] drop USB sticks around and some [ __ ] there picked one up and plugged it into his computer but it was so hidden well hidden that and it was supposed to be like for sabotage not to shut everything down because then you know you're being shut down right it would make they have thousands of nuclear enrichment centrifuges at these enrichment plants and it wouldn't just make like one or two every couple days spin way too fast and break itself so no one could tell what the [ __ ] was going on and these were super expensive centrifuges that Iran was getting from Russia and they would like replay the the bot would replay the data coming from it like an hour before so it would say that it was being fine but it was tearing itself apart and they'd break and it went on for years and the only way the only reason they discovered was because this malware was so good that it started infecting civilian machines and they were able to drag it back to the NSA [ __ ] crazy and we're not we weren't at war with Iran we were just like shutting down our critical infrastructure it's like crazy I I've like in five years there's gonna be the [ __ ] nuts of stories about what's happening right now between Ukraine and Russia like it's it's insane yeah sorry why why did the states do that to Iran they didn't want them to have nuclear grade uranium to make nuclear weapons so by sharing like breaking one of the centrifuges sabotage yeah they were able to shut down like thousands of centrifuges the fact that they went on for years I can't imagine yeah I think it was I think it was a year or two the destruction that caused yeah and it was quiet it didn't break them all it was breaking like one or two every few days and it was like what the [ __ ] we're doing and it made the people at the Iranian nuclear facilities feel stupid as [ __ ] like it made them like question are we good enough to do this what is wrong with our engineering it made like it's just yeah the morale hit from that is crazy I wonder what was on the USB it was like Flappy Bird and he didn't like think of I think oh whatever dude is that a iPhone with Flappy Bird on it on eBay for three thousand dollars you'll remember that yes because you can't download it anymore people were selling it yeah but yeah sorry a rant but that was a good [ __ ] book no yeah that sounds that's crazy to hear about on that topic I I read or heard something where Russia is planning to disconnect their internet from the rest of the internet like they're just gonna have their own internet yeah oh they're unplugging and starting their own what can you do that yeah so you have to get the internet into your nation some way so they can just cut it off I think Pakistan did that for a second it's like they're hosting their own private server but yeah not even China does that because China don't they got the firewall yeah they do a firewall right so they are still technically connected to the internet then you have a way to bypass the firewall you can access like Google YouTube twitch yeah but to have your own internet yeah only local I mean that would make it super secure but like if you have the need to do that chances are you're kind of doing something kind of shady right that sounds pretty good yeah what don't you want your citizens to find out and like I wonder what it's like for a Russian citizen because if I was living in Russia and someone asked me what do you think about the war I'd be like I [ __ ] love it please don't kill me all right yeah yeah yeah because I've seen like videos of people protesting the war and they just get taken away yes like police just show up it's like all right come with it completely not level of like bravery is kind of intense you don't know what they're gonna do with you that's what I'm saying it's like your family like people could be getting killed and you wouldn't know about it if your question is like oh you're asking a lot of questions now yeah it's terrifying it is it's so [ __ ] scary yeah like you can't speak out about it but people are still speaking out about it it's like wow that's Brave as [ __ ] yeah yeah I mean it's pretty big Injustice like I'd I wonder how people in Russia are feeling like what the consensus sentiment is about like like do we [ __ ] hate it but we're just publicly saying we don't hate it like a North Korea kind of thing or like is it like vehemently or are there a lot of people who are like very for the war in Ukraine because I've heard a lot of propaganda about like Russian propaganda about there being like fascists and Nazis in Ukraine because they're on the border with Russia that's why we gotta invade them and like that's Russia's counter to this it's like I don't like I'm very curious like what the percentage breakdowns are because it's hard to get information out of Russia yeah and it's like people are terrified to like really say what they think if it's not like in line with what you know the majority party thinks right and it's hard too because I feel like within a day the whole the whole meta could shift like yeah they could probably protest like this they're like setting up for weeks and doing it for weeks and then something happens that we just don't get to hear about it's like all right yeah we're all peace I feel like we're not going to get those percentages for so long yeah yeah man those history books are gonna be wild they're gonna be crazy yeah you're gonna see tweets the censorship in that history book and then where's yeah no almost Banger tween [ __ ] history books God yeah I wonder what's going on that is funny yeah because we studied those political memes where are we gonna see or our kids in like 10 years gonna see Memes printed in textbooks they will I [ __ ] guarantee it I [ __ ] guarantee it we see political cartoons I bet people oh the way people think of memes now is how they thought of political cartoons then you know because they they're both sides of the aisle can make a meme right like for yeah Twitter is gonna be clipped right it's gonna be clips I remember when um Russia first invaded on the first day and I was like dude I can't wait to see what our slash Russia on Reddit is thinking and I went there and it is the mods [ __ ] keyboards are smoking they are deleting so fast like the top post of the day was like beautiful day in Saint Petersburg holy [ __ ] this is [ __ ] for sure wow do you guys think we're living because like when you're living through history do you know you're living through history because we're going through she doesn't feel like a covid which even now it feels like is it it's a big event right but is it worthwhile to be noted like the plague or like the a famine or something but we're just so used to living like this now yeah but if you look back it's like wow like humankind globally spent three years hopefully like covering their face because of coronavirus yeah or would it just be like it's like SARS or something like I know oh yeah I think that happened yeah we're gonna have a name it'll be like the Baby Boomers and we'll be like the face diapers like it's just gonna that generation now that generation of face diapers I think it will be remembered very I think it will be well documented because like we know about the Spanish flu and that actually no that killed wait wait yeah never mind yeah I don't know politically maybe this is more interesting the Spanish Flu was everyone was like I don't want to get the Spanish Flu it is [ __ ] real that's for real um but this one not so much so uh I wonder how that's gonna be documented it'll get a mention it'll get a footnote and there's no history for how long it's lasting it has to like be feeling crazy I guess that is true after it after it's done and then next Generation comes they're probably make oh that's weird and then move on yeah like three years wow that's crazy cool did they ever figure out how covet started was it really like someone eating a bat or is that more they have not figured it out I've heard that the sentiment that it came from the I don't know actually I don't [ __ ] know anymore never mind I heard I remember being like in the beginning um everyone was like wet market for sure in uh Wuhan wet market for sure not the coronavirus research lab in Wuhan and then a few months later they were like nah let's look at both sides maybe there's a chance from the research facility the the virus research facility in Wuhan and I have not heard any updates since then lucky they have not successfully tracked words there's no like definitive thing yet so I don't know who do you think made coven yes I did that but on covid it's over you guys see that the YMCA told me I didn't have to wear face mask inside anymore so it's canceled you seen that cover got canceled because we got canceled yeah it's over that's so I feel like I know it was like two months ago but it feels like a week ago which is like oh Master back on everyone right yeah and then and then I thought they learned from like last time they're saying mask back off but I feel like in another like month or two is big oh wait numbers are rising again what should we do what should we do should we wear masks again how could we see this coming yeah I guess if oh that's their call I'll I'll go with it I guess yeah I will continue wearing them it's always the fact it was forced with like oh Cove it's done oh new variant oh variance God oh another new variant mask on mask off get your fifth booster just in case yeah yeah the booster right because it's like oh you'll need one at most it's like well you gotta come in next month for your third booster and then your fourth booster and one year that your first booster and keeps thinking it's like okay this is definitely the last one yeah but something I'm gonna get your own necron specific booster yeah you know cooking up a new variant yeah someone's gonna drop that thing hard as [ __ ] I mean what was it Coachella has no or was it the coveted restrictions really you don't need a vaccine card to go to Coachella that's that's a that's a play exactly right I believe so that's crazy that's a little money there was something where they're like yeah they they're they're matching the um restrictions of the area and the area Coachella happens is I think like a red part of the state where they're like very like I don't really need waxes and and all that stuff so because they're in there I think it would I think the that City would probably put pressure on Coachella if there's something like why are you uh why are you restricting all this now uh like this the town's not restricting it I'm just imagining that all the people flying in internationally yeah that's gonna be the new we're cooking something up yeah new variants getting brewed the cello very yeah yeah yeah man I'd love to name one of those variants I name it the [ __ ] Destroyer the steps of the con Destroyer yeah so okay no Mass required in restaurants theaters Mega events Etc what is a mega event I think like Coachella Coachella that's a turbo event that is a mega event yeah how many people go to Coachella here the baker's dozen well a Baker's couple it has to be a significant portion of the city that's held in right like a [ __ ] ton of people compared to the city that it's in oh I can I can only imagine 2017 was attended by 250 000 people oh my God holy [ __ ] so much how does how do they fit in that town that's a Thanos right yeah I think because it is two weekends so I think it's maybe like 100k each weekend oh it's two weekends yeah wow that's crazy yeah that's ridiculous yeah maybe the local restrictions for the town don't apply to the hundred thousand person a day mega event I don't know though oh are you guys going to uh twitchcon Amsterdam I feel like I would have said yes to that like I've never been Amsterdam if if everyone's going I'm going but like I'm not going alone that's the general sentiment if everyone's going up going um when is it uh a pro we should know that but you guys ever been to Europe no no oh really neither of you neither I actually have you I went for a Hearthstone tournament once in Germany and that's about it nice I actually don't even have my passport not much well that's the problem yeah I got to start working on that that's a barrier I I've never left uh the US ever to go anywhere nope July 16 to 17. oh we got some time yeah yeah but get that password yeah yeah yeah yeah that's a good idea what do you guys think of when you think Europe because like you crying right now for this minute like um in the early early years I feel like when you think Paris it's like wow Paris England yeah but now recently it's like my opinions on Europe have definitely taken a dip on Europe yeah like uh not not like anything but the war would not withstanding just like hearing the the Bellic food and stuff yeah it's like not the best yeah yeah like what do you think why do you think like the the feeling of It kind of shifted from like romantic and idealistic to more like like towards trap I think we just have media now I feel like there's so much people can just like tell their stories yeah I think Paris is no longer like that romantic City I mean it is but like now it's like yeah uh just the stories you hear about like the um I don't want to say all I don't like oh yeah tell us what you think of all Fringe oh right but I've just heard so many stories of the guys and like creep on the tourists and a little human trafficking meme out there your scene in Europe here and there uh I I think media yeah really yeah yeah killed The Vibes on the romance Kill The Vibes yeah not the city I thought when I watched Ratatouille I would have gone yeah after that true yeah Remy was having a great time he was having an excellent time I loved my time in Paris but there is a thing called Paris syndrome you heard of this no it's uh I think it originated from like Japanese tourists who would think of Paris it's like oh it's the Pinnacle of like like romance and beauty and Paradise show up and they're so like disappointed by it that they physically get sick and depressed [Laughter] oh that [ __ ] sucks and that's advertising media I know it was like Paris like okay but I loved it so yeah that's good did you see anything like not so great about it yeah I mean the the like kind of Parisian snobbery towards Americans is like pretty true like there's a great Tick Tock online of like um a girl's like uh one week in Paris and she opens the door and this lady's like oh bonjour and she's like oh hi I don't actually get the [ __ ] yeah [Laughter] oh that's funny yeah I will go for twitchcon I think Amsterdam I I do like the idea of just like walking around a city alone yeah doing a random [ __ ] that's always fun for me yeah um just try it out which one's Amsterdam Denmark Netherlands everyone's yeah yeah [ __ ] same place I mean like like yeah when you ask me hey what's the difference between death Market it's the same thing clogs and windmills bro one leg wow oh the locals are coming for us what language does Netherlands Dutch Dutch but then I wouldn't know if you told me who what do they speak in the other one Danish Danish that makes a lot of sense yeah and then there's Finland right but what's the difference between all these germanies here yeah Amsterdam is here Denmark is up here and then we have like Sweden Finland of it so it's actually kind of still in the same general place right yeah [ __ ] I get why they hate Americans yeah I did it yeah tell me the difference between the [ __ ] States though tell me that Swedish person in their history classes do they also have to learn U.S states because I feel like I never had a lookout I had never had to look at Europe dude yeah it was just always it was always it was mostly us yeah capitals you're done never have to look at it right yeah third grade we had an optional like world history class and it was optional so like I felt like it was mostly and I feel like it was mostly about the state you were in like yeah you learned a lot more about the state that you were in I thought everyone in the world learned about how Kamehameha was overthrown by the white people who owned the pineapple fields not everyone knows that I that's not normally not yeah no what are they teaching [ __ ] Ohio because the Hawaiian history is honestly really sick it's very cool like one guy was like the Superman who United all the islands Kamehameha the first he like he was like the first Chief United all that's awesome what the [ __ ] does Ohio have what do they talk about I think they just talk about you know I have no idea I don't even know what to expect wait his name was Kamehameha yeah the the I know the move I think definitely Dragon Ball Z came after so oh yeah I thought you were sending a Thunderball I had no idea Dragon Ball people named that move after the Hawaii there's a shot I mean definitely definitely right definitely thank you yeah yeah like this guy interested in writing of mangas like I need a name for this move I mean he named all his characters after like vegetables yeah so definitely I could see them vegetables Kakarot carrots yep radish Raditz Napa napa cabbage wow yeah what's Krillin uh I think it's just the Sans oh yeah okay Gohan right Piccolo yeah pickles carrot cake it's good this guy just went to the supermarket so he would take inspiration from other places for sure so in Hawaii they definitely talk in favor of the Native Americans right oh about the white man coming over and like I feel like a lot of places do feel favorable about that even in America but the white man coming or what do you mean like the general sentiment that they were taken over like the native population was overwhelmed by or like overthrown by you know settlers the Europeans well I mean we've just now started saying oh let's not celebrate Christopher Columbus Day right actually yes we're slowly transitioning that was recent yeah yeah but if we if Americans feel that way why not give back the land foreign Americans are starting to feel like yeah I know this land wasn't taken I think that's gonna take a that'll be a minute that'll be a [ __ ] second all right um because I was watching um this um Viking show and it's just like these Vikings invaded England like we're gonna [ __ ] live here now yeah and if you don't like it we're gonna kill you and it's like isn't that what kind of Americans did Coming to America or towards the natives word for word yeah we're gonna lift you or not this is our place now it was um I think it was very similar between like uh the native Hawaiians and the Native Americans where um they did not have like a strong cultural sense of land ownership it was like you [ __ ] it's just like it's the land you know no one no one has it right right so I think one of like Kamehameha the second um was paid like I forget how much like a thousand bucks for an island for an entire island or like 500 bucks for Kauai or something like yeah because he had no idea what like what is land ownership we [ __ ] live on the land obviously there were stories of Native Americans where like US government was like hey we'll give you 500 for this land yeah and they were like and the natives would be like they think they can own land yeah we'll take your money or I'll take the money yeah so I feel like it's definitely taking advantage it's much easier to take advantage when there's no concept of land ownership yeah yeah and then the US is like ah fair trade we told them about it you fools well and then there's also the Trail of Tears where they like oh yeah gave them a bunch of like blankets with smallpox like yeah you could just go over there just migrate dude yeah and just everyone's like dying on the way because the blankets they would handle blankets that were used by smallpox yeah yeah on purpose to kill on [ __ ] purpose yeah what needed oh God all right you're from Canada yeah [ __ ] yeah bad stuff happened there here it is crazy to revisit all this because while learning this everything I just felt neutral the whole time yeah it just like because that's kind of how it's presented because you are in the United States yeah you're the US oh this is what I represent but coming back was like what the hell [ __ ] this is our upcoming Like This is Our Roots yeah I thought Tonto helped them make how to cook fish grow food is that why people sometimes don't like Thanksgiving because it portrays it as a very like positive as like a positive it's like hey pilgrims hey Native American yeah let's sit down and have a feast I think the first like that specific one that you're mentioning um I think the Native Americans were actually like way more it was more like the pilgrims were dying yeah yeah and they help you you want it you like they gave them stuff they did not know how to like grow any crops in the different yeah climate yeah so it was almost like a that's why it was so straight like strengthening yeah they've been holding on to that for 350 years yeah that one like day or 250 value it was young but like they've been holding on to that for a long that first dinner for a long [ __ ] time I didn't mention anything after it on the topic do you guys know I think it was called Roanoke have you heard of this yes the colony that disappeared yes that one is scary I listened to the stories of that there's a number of colonies where like people came they like picked a spot and they tried to colonize it one of them just vanished like other people found it later and it was like they found the whole settlement they found structures they found like I think the title like Camp Roanoke or something yeah but no people no trace of people no bones like if you all died you know if there's bones but where the [ __ ] did they go yeah isn't that weirdest stuff where was this this was somewhere in these New England yeah it was like when they were first colonizing like when they first landed Plymouth and they were like that little bit of the East Coast there's one just [ __ ] disappeared Without a Trace it was scary yeah like what is this population like and they're small yeah I think it was like in the hundreds a couple hundreds yeah but like you expect that is still hundreds of them did they have theories what are the things I I don't know I think there's a theory that they like could have joined another Colony or like a like and no one mentioned it or like I don't know I actually don't remember the series yeah what do you think could have [ __ ] happened they just left all their houses like yeah because like that's a lot of work yeah especially back then like no one would want to leave that yeah it doesn't make sense like I can imagine like uh some like satanic like possession you haven't everyone's like let's get out of here like I don't know some witch [ __ ] damn yeah this has been [ __ ] easy to be not easy but like I love how you could [ __ ] explain everything with like oh that's the deal everything bad that happens [ __ ] devil that sucks it took a lot of courage to view the first few people to say yeah I'll sit in this wooden cycle plank yeah and just like six months across the six months yeah across the ocean at any point one plank falls off it's like five [Music] and you've never seen a [ __ ] Tick Tock in the U.S you know you just hear this guy come back and he's like yeah there are people there their skin is not the same as ours the [ __ ] land looks super different you're like yeah I'll go there with my whole family and kids yeah I also think that about like the um that like the Pioneers who who uh went West from like the original New England like you you've established like cities in New England and it's like we're gonna go into the I'm gonna like take my kids and a wagon and like my spouse and we're gonna just [ __ ] go and we're gonna go into the Wilderness and like we're gonna try and get to the other side of the United States I drove across the United States it's [ __ ] big it is so [ __ ] big like oh yeah the thought of like you being on a on a wagon and you going to from to that Coast to the other coast without being in a [ __ ] car is insane no cargo roads no no people around to facilitate that I feel like every uh every city in between New York and and every West Coast City every city in between is just a Pioneer that gave up and made a town they just made a [ __ ] town it's so [ __ ] without a road like have you seen the Rocky Mountains imagine you [ __ ] oh my [ __ ] god imagine you're crossing the United States even crossing the United States for two years with your family like your kids have been born some kids have died and you're like I swear we're almost there and like this is actually how it feels when you get to the Rocky Mountains it's like it's like a place in a video game that you can't go yet it looked like in like you've been on flat lands for years actual years and you get to the [ __ ] Rocky Mountains and it's like just Cliff faces all the way up and it like a single storm and you die it's such an impending even in my car I was terrified of going down the Rockies on a road in my car I almost died I swear to God like this or like I was in a pretty bad weather and I did not use the defroster in my car but um like doing that in a wagon but you're spending like months or a year in those [ __ ] mountains and then and then at the end your prize is [ __ ] desert land is the [ __ ] desert yeah I I have no [ __ ] clue it's actually the people who stopped in Nevada though they were almost there [ __ ] idiots yeah it's because uh I'm thinking of um like my friend was going to Alaska and they needed it was a requirement or not a requirement it is very highly recommended because there's one trip of Road no gas station for maybe like an hour yeah and it's like leave a gas tank in your car and there's no reception so if anything happens make sure your car is fixed have a gas tank yeah and then drive yeah this one hour is yeah do not have issues I'm like that sounds life starting but I'm imagining wagon there's no checkpoints there's nothing there's like no gas stations you're just kind of going with the flow oh your wheel breaks it's just like okay we have to post up here yeah yeah I'm just until we can cut down a tree somewhere like a new one Oregon Trail's a [ __ ] compared to that yeah yeah please come here yeah yeah I saw one sign like that on the way from Colorado where it's like there's no water for the next hour please make sure you get drinks and you are okay yeah wait I have a question it during like wild west times what kind of role or person do you guys think you would have been like would you have been a bandit would you been like a farmer would you be trying to walk across the U.S what did people do back then like what what are the jobs available to you train conductor an apprentice I don't think they even had trains at that point maybe yeah maybe there's not enough jobs to go around because you just need one like closer one Barber one Sheriff one bartender a blacksmith um what's everyone else doing lumberja I don't know I feel like a lot of them are farming though like a bunch I think a lot of it was agriculture yeah mining yeah what was the entertainment in yeah [ __ ] puppet shows yeah shadow puppets [ __ ] I wish I would like damn this sucks there was probably some sick and chills that we just don't know about we missed out yeah I wonder how you get the inspiration to like go out and forage across the United like just forge a trail to go west because like when I think about trying to get inspiration now it's like portrayed very often in media you know it's like you get a movie where the the main character is like doing something super Brave and you're like oh that's sick I can apply that to my life but like where are you getting it from when there's no media you know yeah I feel like you're parents will just show you the Peaks anyway okay that's the peak yeah and you like randomly come across another guy and you're like learning new Peaks from just your surrounding hmm that's like the only thing I can think of yeah there's no other advertisement yeah right yeah you meet yeah how do you get that like initial spark does it just come out of nowhere that's pretty crazy yeah until you come across this shadow puppet master yeah the guy with that like there's sick of these Heights I can stand now [Laughter] I can make an octopus [Laughter] um I'm going to be a shadow puppet you guys think um space exploration would be like the next iteration of exploring the world because just like back then like people now it's like yeah I'll sit on the giant metal tube that will go to another planet that will take 20 years yeah and people are gonna be like you're [ __ ] insane for doing you're gonna get you're gonna die there's a huge likelihood you'll die but for sure that first shift that takes off it's gonna be like filled with sign ups yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah no question about it and maybe that's just how it was back then would you guys go to another planet how old am I yeah are you more likely to go when you're younger when you're old I would say 60s I think I'd be more I feel like they wouldn't take you I'm pretty sure they won't let you on it [Laughter] I feel like yeah that is kind of similar at least with the first like pilgrims that came over it's crazy it's hard because the later you go I I'm imagining like there's always gonna be these times of like oh I have kids now or I have a pet now and then oh I have a kid now and there's just like all these variables of just like yeah I can't go now or I can't go now yeah it's just like I think you just gotta gotta send it you got a lot of ties too yeah what if okay what if it was an experience you know how like college like four years and then if you do even more like trade school all that stuff it's like doctor or whatever what if it was a program where it's like all right fresh out of high school you're 18. you're gonna spend the next six years on a spaceship where all of your studies are are paid for you're gonna get the four years of college and then whatever kind of specialization you want because we're gonna need you on the new planet and that's the whole journey once you're done with your with your schooling you'll land and you're good to go would you have done it I feel like that would be more like okay like none of them are established like they have past families but they don't have to worry about like kids or like wives so much that kind of thing yeah I feel like you'll get a lot of like people without strong like Family Ties like maybe because I can't imagine like a lot of kids being okay with just saying goodbye to their family for pretty much ever you'd have to like take them with you yeah which would not uh there wouldn't be space for that I'm guessing it's a little family but now that we've seen like what people do like not have you seen what for example what Americans did to the natives when people are traveling to like Mars they're gonna have a discussion of who [ __ ] owns the planet off the bat right yeah yeah there's no one who's been there already so like it's is it like okay you landed there first I guess it's yours there's no way it works like that right no [ __ ] but even now it's like who does Mars belong to yeah there's also no ocean so no like natural dividers of land either kind of just [ __ ] own the surface or not you know there's not an ocean cutting you up would it be like the Odin days for like the communication between the planets are so slow that like you have to send a guy back it's like by the way terrible it plays a bad place now we'll have tick tocks of Mars we will I believe that yeah I think it's like four minutes speed of light to get to a message [Music] um [Laughter] it sucks that I feel like technology has to progress to a twin I guess it would be more similar to not the Pioneers but to the first settlers who came over because like a Pioneer you can kind of make your own wagon if you got the skills but you could not make you couldn't build the giant boat that would take you across the Atlantic just like I cannot make a spaceship you know like it's the you have to hop on like a governmental or like business thing to like go to this other place damn I wish I was [ __ ] could just build those obviously you also can't like like for us like Pilgrims land you could just walk be like all right I'm gonna go this way yeah Mars it's like no I'm kind of stuck on the ship I'm on I'm in the dome yeah I'm imagining like a trailer park it's just a trailer park of just like people are just like like yo come over [Laughter] yeah it's so hard to find good candidates for that like it's hard to find a well-adjusted human being who is like very smart and capable and resourceful who has no [ __ ] ties to their family or any loved ones like those are a rare kind of person right like usually if it's super well-adjusted person they you know they got like family or and a lot of friends and [ __ ] yeah I don't know the [ __ ] do you find someone who was willing to go but can also pull their own what if we sent like an army of Boston Dynamics robots that could be remote controlled to set up the facility for us I think that's a like the plan in like a different way is to like set is to send um machines that can slowly produce oxygen from the soil on Mars there so there's an oxygen to serve when you get there stuff like that um that's all of that all that dirt all that soil who owns it it's an extension of the state of Massachusetts [Laughter] foreign yeah I don't know I feel like Wars would be fought about that right like I've thought of world [ __ ] Mars Mar Wars oh my I know like could be so slow they go to Mars and they what if they start wanting Independence just like how America wanted independence from England right it's like no we're martians now we're not like Earth people we're we're our own plants actually yeah I feel like the first generation of kids will feel very differently about the situation of Mars why the [ __ ] am I here they're gonna be pissed they would imagine getting consciousness [Laughter] yeah do you think we'll see her in this lifetime in our life uh Mars yeah I think there's a Planned not like permanent stay but I think 2024 is the goal for like a Mars trip I don't know if I'm I'm confident in our life and we will at least see a single individual live on mars or start to live on Mars well yeah who [ __ ] owns it though who is that single individual I don't know I don't know in my mind as well it counts like if ah would it count if it's a robot like it's like he controls it like they already have like the human robots it's just like he's putting in VR headset and he's just walking around Mars doing his day-to-day job there I wonder how crazy it'll be to send like a robot there but it has like a sperm and an egg like an Adam and Eve so he's like a freezer inside him yeah and then like once he lands like he combines the two watch them grow is it just one kid though the king of Mars yeah that's the good name of the movie that's a feature-link film maybe you do animals first because animals I feel like instinctually I mean did we did the monkeys to the Moon monkey the moon but what animal would you send to Mars was there an issue with the monkey and the moon thing like don't do that I don't think we came back right oh yeah I think animal missions are never meant to come back like the first dog in space came back as like a charred corpse right holy sh like the Leica the Russian Center like without us like without a any idea of um bringing it back alive it's like a street dog named Leica they sent it up just to see if being ins because like when we were first going into space you had no idea if like the radiation would instantly kill any organic life like even through a ship so they were sending like dogs up for that purpose just to see if they'd live oh yeah there was a whole bunch of [ __ ] that they were like I don't [ __ ] know dog dog dogs seemed fine until it burned in the atmosphere yeah you gotta figure out which animal needs the less Parental Guidance because humans is like the most so much time yeah on parents yeah but like for example like a fruit fly like that [ __ ] pops out of its larva it's like it knows it knows yeah oh yeah it knows everything yeah like in its brain already yeah so you send fruit flies to Mars and see like see what the [ __ ] happened because they know how to how to flies yeah if they're born with that knowledge yeah yeah do we want fruit flies and Mars I feel like we're trying to get away from them and then you stand up like you just work up the food chain right right because these animals know how to [ __ ] live but evolve and adapt right they're pretty yeah instinctually they know to look for food you have to give them some Leonardo find shelter they know how to like hunt and I know some of his like passed down to like nurture yeah but a lot of it is also like just nature especially like a bug like especially fish yeah they just the salmon going back to the room yeah and the parrots don't stick around they just leave oh my wish that would help humans work but we can now artificial intelligence with our [ __ ] AI yeah cause like he did it with a human baby it's gonna [ __ ] die yeah yeah yeah yeah it sucks though because it'd have to be in like a bio Dome or like a dome to like a life support place because there's no way it can survive on the surface for any amount of time I would send a giraffe [Laughter] yeah I don't know if Mars can actually support any kind of Life yeah I think it's like you must grow your food and like have a life support Dome and [ __ ] I think there's something untapped here I think we make Mars Tycoon oh those people with beta test all Gamers will beta test Mars for us and we'll find the most optimal it'll be like that bridge building game yeah no actually they're gonna pave the way of how we're going to start Mars yeah yeah yeah Gamers will do it yeah that's how Kerbal Space Program works you guys ever play that game I've seen it yeah it looks like I haven't played it um but it looks [ __ ] crazy and you it's very accurate I've heard like you need to have an idea of like Celestial Dynamics and [ __ ] this is a game it's a game yeah and to like for some of the missions you can send like a like a some technology that will create oxygen and stuff and like set up beforehand I feel like that's how kind of how you have to go because it makes sense to do that before you make a planned mission for like Mars yeah I think there is a technology that can get oxygen from the soil I think they can convert Martian soil into oxygen pretty sweet I don't know how [ __ ] Water Works I don't know how plants were they said Ziploc bags here's your supply can we synthesize water I forget like do we have a machine that can just take hydrogen oxygen like yeah water I I mean what was what is the setup I think so I mean think of uh I don't I don't want to put a game analogy I'm just saying um you can plastic tarp Sun water drops losing moisture yeah and technically the amount of there's gonna sound kind of stupid but like the amount of hydrogen atom on Earth is the same right wait what like because matter can't be destroyed right right here oh like it keeps getting recycled yeah like there's a set amount of water in the world yeah and that water never really goes away it just it goes yeah so and Mars doesn't have water so why don't we take out water and put it on Mars and let's stay on Mars forever right because it can't leave just pick it up like if you pour out a bottle of water on Mars and evaporate it evaporates into the Mars atmosphere yeah but then like if there's enough water then it starts raining goes back into the atmosphere so I think you the step you think it makes up from water bottle to planetary rains there's imagining toast just like [ __ ] Aqua just because that water's not gonna disappear yeah it will be on Mars forever forever right forever yeah so why don't we just take all the water like half the water here and just dump it on Mars and Mars have half the water we have to fly half a planet okay so we're gonna create humidity yeah water bottles I think it it does make sense to do that like within a closed atmosphere like a dome and like I think after you've created the water from hydrogen and oxygen which I think is possible or like hydrazine um is a product I think water is a product of burning hydrazine and then you can like Risk I'm [ __ ] stupid maybe but um you can then recycle it like a lot so like it makes the water that you do have last like a lot longer within like your life support Dome I'm getting this information from the Martian I'll be honest but I listened to the book instead of watching the movie so it's more credible that way yeah we need those Dune suits the water suits have you just seen Dunes I haven't seen it yet oh they wear those like weird suits they wear are like basically water recyclers so they're sweat is collected and recycled in the suit so they can yummy drink it yeah why does our body our body needs water right I'm thinking about that so why the [ __ ] does it give it away I just can't just keep it clearly you want it but you sweat and you passed it out I it expires though right at some point it expires water I in our system right it gets like contaminated which then makes it expired like yeah when we piss we use it to pee out the toxin right but it doesn't need water to do that maybe the toxic is like solid it would be like pissing out a little lump man that would suck Perma kidney stones oh maybe that's why it's like they have to melt the the back like the bad salt yeah I don't know so generous like you're so thirsty like you have this feeling up first like I want more water it's like giving away [Laughter] what are you doing all right let's move on to the question we talked about current events of past events and future events we covered the entire history of mankind all right weekly rare questions segment every week we pick two questions from the Reddit thread on our offline TV subreddit to answer on the podcast this week we have DC nerdlet you're on death row it's your last meal and you can get whatever you want what do you order [ __ ] can you guys eat on death row do you mean like physically or like it would be hard to eat it would be hard to eat like I was like I don't want to eat anything man I'm just [ __ ] dying yeah but answer the question I get maybe a nice steak I'm a meat guy I think that's the best like jethroat dinner really steak and potatoes yeah it's like a night the best steak possible yeah you really charge that prison for like a wagyu yeah good old beef just some some sort of beef that's freeze yeah if you want to if that's the most common one then I guess like a Korean Pizza like the one with like the sweet potato on it because you don't want to be the same yeah it's like we want a different answer we'll get a little quirky with the Korean that's a good idea I like that yeah they'll be like oh I personally know yeah good on this guy I think I do uh like eight families of bees oh I think I'd probably do that yeah yeah this egg before he asked for my mom's cooking it's like make it mean something that's a good one yeah what were you brother I don't I feel like I would just try to be difficult like I'd say like a dish from each continent all sides yeah I don't have trees uh have you guys seen that uh post about like um death row inmates last meals yes that is an interesting pose it's like uh the classic one is like steak and potatoes and then like but some guys orders like some weird [ __ ] like one guy got um a steak and a I think like a Cherry Coke requested to eat while watching the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy which he got granted wow they must have liked that guy yeah and I think Ed Gaine the guy who made uh skin furniture out of people he ordered like a single Olive to be quirky to be silly to be funny yeah which is I remember it so yeah that is quirky yeah don't a lot of people do McDonald's too yeah I think um uh John Wayne Gacy ordered McDonald's I think so yeah that was the clown murder guy Jesus yeah yeah that's just interesting post yeah do you guys think of death penalty should exist because when you talk about the skin Furniture gum yeah guys gotta go because it's like the other option is to imprison him forever forever okay guys like if you let him out he's gonna kill me yeah that really questions prison reform performing oh he had a belt made out of nipples you're not reforming that guy nah oh Jesus yeah that would be [ __ ] crazy person I do then yeah I think I would kill I would want that guy to not be around like you will want it for serial killers right yeah yeah but what about like one-time murders hmm I think there's there's been so many like different one-time murders that like I've heard of some just feel like like how you're raised is purely like brainwashed like like one girl just born and like she thought she's like Satan could like the mom could literally say anything she wants or the parents yeah this girl could just be raised as if she thinks she's Satan and like she has a job to carry out yeah it's like that I'm like no death penalty like circumstantial then yeah right what about someone who is very conscious of their choice but yeah I just won I just hated him so I killed him you probably bad yeah like would you give him the death penalty I don't know because I don't know like does it fool me twice that's death penalty shame on me sorry guys it's not bad I think it's like because in some ways I feel like a lifetime in prison is almost worse than just dying you know I feel like given the choice a lot of people just would rather die like I would if I was told I I would either die or live out the rest of my life in prison I think I'd rather die you know and like so it's like you're using prison as a punishment but I don't think that's what it like originally is intended for it's intended for like reform right um so I guess it like muddies the water of like what you think prison is is meant to be I don't know what is the current law is it like to kill someone oh yeah yeah that makes sense I think Utah did firing squads until a few years ago still so that was kind of cool that was a pretty badass um yeah I think it's circumstantial as well yeah I wonder what the average is then it's just like yeah two you're just out like three strikes you've done two you're just you're just done I think it's circumstantial it's like if they show remorse um yeah yeah and I'm very state to state for sure I think it's more of like an option I think it's yeah it's less of like a threshold and more of like an option on lawmakers or like prosecutors to have like we can ask for the death penalty in this state um but you might not get it I don't mean to like I'm kind of circling back Wild West okay no I I'm with you back in the wild west okay you and like seven other people managed to get to Nevada yeah and then one of them turns out to kill someone it's like oh [ __ ] do you kill him and also what if he's like the only one who knows how to fight the best guy yeah just having an off day I think I feel like back then it's like if someone did kill someone and we're assuming this guy's not gonna go kill more people right yeah what are the circumstances like if they had beef and like one guy just took it overboard it's like [ __ ] what do you do man you can't it's hard to kill the best you're rooting for the best guy actually yeah you're rooting for the the useful guy to win and kill the other guy I'm just keep an eye on John I guess yeah I mean the other guy is dead already I mean like while the killing someone seemed like a fist fight nowadays like to because like they were just like they just fault or they chewed on each other so like they had a fight he won I probably wouldn't level kill them because we we wouldn't need you'd probably need that person yeah you need the help yeah but I'd be very afraid we're sleeping with eyes open yeah but we're keeping them we need food no [ __ ] yeah cause he also kind of needs you so that's an assurance right you need other people that man that wagon he wants a weird we kill each other let's kill each other sometimes but do they kill each other for fun or is it like territory right it's yeah it's definitely like a territory food it's like a survival thing yeah food yeah are there like serial killer animals yeah I don't think so right I think Dolphins might have serial kills they might yeah they're smart enough yeah to have serial killers I think there's also there was also like a a group of chimpanzees not it wasn't just one but it was like the most brutal group it was like significant notably more brutal than other I don't know what you call a herd of herd a gaggle of chimps like and he and that one herd was like really violent and they would like kill other chimps regularly in the thing they would like beat the [ __ ] out of each other a lot and they would kill other chimps yeah and I don't know like I don't know what the [ __ ] happened there so I guess I don't know why they were like that maybe it's like the society yeah they were born into yeah I wonder how it got that way a gaggle of chimps is called a community a community that's nice it's very human-like yeah a little too much kill each other for some weird ass reasons I mean there's also like other animals like what is it the mother eats their kids I mean they're just like weird crocodiles will sometimes do that yeah yeah crocodiles perfect example yeah yeah what the [ __ ] did it do it on us like some kind of animal Instinct reason or do they because like with serial killers and humans it's never like a survival thing right it's usually they're off in the head or they have like yeah some serious delusions yeah but where do these delusions come from like in humans or in animals in humans I feel like our brain is just so complex you just it's very different from like if a spider eats the kid it's like okay spider brain little spiders little rice grain a little rice green brain but yeah like human is like Anything Could Happen yeah yeah The receptors could just like oh we got a little we got a little knot there it's weird now you want to kill people like have you guys heard of the show mind Hunter yeah yeah I watched a couple just a few that one's pretty good because it like outlines the first foray into like researching that because prior to that people are just like yeah they kill people bad but then there's like a couple uh people I forget it's like ca or something yeah well why are they doing that yeah so they like interview them and like one guy like gets to know them and I I don't know if it's based on a true story or whatever but Edmund Kemper was real the big guy yeah that was that's a real [ __ ] guy I don't know if the guy who's like interviewing them is real oh yeah yeah yeah um but they get into their headspace and they're like oh so that's why that's why thank you so much write it down yeah a lot of it seemed like it was um the environment they were raised in like abusive parents yeah yeah I don't think a lot of people are just born to be murdered yeah I'm gonna kill people yeah it's usually like they were born like in a really bad environment yeah and they're also like something sometimes it's like off a little bit and to combine pressure of both makes them act down and kill people I'm more so concerned about there there's people that like have fine environments it's just like they killed like a rabbit oh yeah yeah even though like everything was like oh yeah he's just normal kid yeah when he went to go play he killed a rabbit and it's like oh yeah that's kind of cool was it like I'm just like wondering like those steps like right those I feel like yeah those are not like not people who it's their environment it's like a nature thing for those people happy families and they start like killing birds yeah yeah because you should be taught you should know like it's bad to kill animals right yeah maybe in like yeah you don't naturally want to kill anything bigger than like an insect as a kid I feel like it's the bar yeah yeah dude I had a friend who like killed Birds I did in LM no Middle School and I like went over to his house today yeah I told you about it yeah it's very graphic he was like he was like stabbing a bird like with a stick and he was like laughing and I was like this feels weird this is weird and I started hanging out with him less which is good but yeah like for fun and then once I came over uh before that and he was his feet I just shouldn't laugh as bad but he was like feeding um dried rice to baby chicks like uh baby chickens and I was like uh why are you doing that I mean because I decided I was just feeding them and he's like oh the dry ice the dry rice expands in their stomach and they explode I like that pop and die so then why are you doing it then why would you be doing it yeah I feel like that is a naturalized psychopath kind of person where it's like I don't know if he killed anyone or any he didn't I'm sure I would have heard about that but that's like the kind of person who can naturally like grow to be a serial killer you know what would you do if that was your kid oh that's tough or if you found like like little Timmy's playing in the backyard and you got tired and he's like you find he killed a rabbit [ __ ] oh my God how what's the minimum age to give up someone for adoption I would for sure give that kid up for you 17. um yeah someone else's problem now yeah let's see what the Hobbies he likes like you like finger puppets do you like Shadows that's the toughie that's so tough because it's like the way I see kids mine is like kind of like just make give them stuff that their brain automatically like wants to like learn about but if it's killing animals animals that's bad what's the next thing do you like uh killing do you like uh you can't do gun range I'm like trying to think of that like I don't want to ski soon that's out now that's now out yeah it would be way harder if the kid was also like a nice kid and he just happened to do that it'd be easier if the kid was like a huge [ __ ] and be like this is just no good but if he's like a nice kid like what do you do except for that what the [ __ ] I feel like I would show them some culture or activities that like really uh like respect life or something like for example like um the back everything's full circle this one uh Native Americans yeah are like very like they don't want to kill the animals they see it as like they have to and when they do they kind of like worship the appreciate like that they've given that allow them to live I feel like I could put them in a lot of like courses of that like oh yeah this is why you like that rabbit right it's a good rabbit you didn't eat that rabbit you should have thank you I like that that's probably the best then you just okay hope it doesn't turn out yeah I wonder what's the percentage of kids who kill small animals and like oh turn into psychopath like serial killers like do some of them just grow out of it because that's kind of like the The Stereotype right when you find your kid killing an animal um like in TV shows they tend to end up bad cereal because yes but maybe it's not that uncommon like I've killed bugs before right yeah what's really the difference between like a bug and a bird and what's the difference between a bird and a rabbit right I think I'm like like there it's like a scale but at some point you've talked about this before yeah once you get to the animals yeah comment below if you've killed an animal but also we set out rat traps like that's a mountain yeah are you killing rats that is a pest but squirrels carry this uh might carry the same diseases what is the movie logic what is the biggest pestic and what are those called in Japan huh big pests yeah they're pretty much big rats what is it um I thought that was just rats like big guinea pig is pretty much looking uh capybara are those pests I thought those are labeled as the same as like a rat in like the same category they do look like a big rat they do one of my dreams is to pet a capybara they are adorable they look so like funny yeah yeah and they seem so chill but I was wondering like since we're labeling right as past and what is capybara yeah if it's not a big rat yeah maybe it's yeah it's it's very human to like it just looks cute so I like it yeah yeah as the things get bigger like I can't I can I could get rid of spiders but if it has a crunch I'm out like if it's big enough to Crunch my body wants to flee yeah I'm out like it's weird that there's like a level of annoyance that allows us to kill an animal like you wouldn't normally like kill a rat if you saw it outside in like the woods but you would want to kill it if it's in your house like what if birds flew into your house more often would we have bird traps like to kill birds like if they started getting [ __ ] annoying I think 100 like if there's bird [ __ ] all over yourself like all right I'd be pissed yeah bird traps like just a rat trap upside down on the ceiling then all right next question uh birth c09 do you have a near-death story if not have you ever felt something before it actually happened near-death experiences no but whenever I'm on a plane and it gets a little bumpy I close my eyes and say you know what I'm ready that's good yeah that's what I thought it is like on a plane you just have absolutely no control over the chance yeah we are forced to accept whatever fate you have but yeah and your death uh no hmm I gave myself a concussion once and I I hear stories like if you give yourself a concussion there's always a small chance that it causes some kind of bleeding but yeah you feel fine you die four days later oh oh yeah how'd you give yourself a question um I just ran really fast and I hit my head on a pole but it's a pole that's higher than my forehead but not higher than a half of my head yeah so nailed me right at the Dome and when I touch my head that was a huge bump and I thought to myself like well I'm not gonna go get it checked out because it's like yeah I bumped my head but I remember um I couldn't understand what people were saying like people were saying words to me and like I wouldn't be able to understand it and I realized oh I have a concussion but I mean what are you gonna do there's no like cure for concussion yeah what do you do you just waited out you just wait yeah so I just didn't say anything I went home and that was fine but yeah if you ever get a concussion just go home don't do that yeah yeah how about you guys um do you have a new death uh my mom told me much later when I was older I mean I don't know it was like around high school she told me she said there's an instance where she checked on me when I was like two she just had a weird feeling to check like how I was sleeping yeah but apparently I wasn't breathing and then she just rushed me to the hospital and I don't know why she told me or I understand why she told me but like I honestly I also don't understand what happened yeah she just said like she randomly checked on me she could be lying this whole time but I have no idea yeah but that I guess that's my only experience but I also just didn't I wasn't conscious enough right right so I like that's the closest thing I would say got SIDS dude I don't know isn't that [ __ ] SIDS said an infant death sudden infant death syndrome like the fact that that [ __ ] catch-all it's just a doctor trying to explain why a baby died and they have no idea they just said it died suddenly like it's not like a label for a disease or anything it's like sudden infant death syndrome it's like very interesting that a doctor would come up with that term right yeah because the syndrome implies some there's a reason yeah yeah and you would know the reason but SIDS is just like nope just died just died fast that'd be such a depressing job to be like dude can you find out why this baby died like oh [ __ ] John this is a sid he has a sad [ __ ] um I have had um like one or two like once or twice I got like 120 volts across the chest which is never good like each hand through the heart not great I did not stop though um it felt very bad though why did this happen I was playing with the electrical outlets in my house yeah uh I was like discovering electricity and so I took like uh like a a wire like a two-prong chord and I we had a lot of trash around that the property so I just cut it and like um Stripped Away the insulation with scissors right and I and then like Twisted the ends and I [ __ ] plugged it in I'd be like and like huge blue sparks don't do it don't do that you'll you could you'd definitely die um there's like a really good chance you die but I was stupid and I didn't understand the danger of that and I was just like [ __ ] Harry Potter and his magic and I go and like and like chunks of molten copper would fly off because it's so like thin wiring and at one point I was [ __ ] around and I tried to like solder um like chunks of metal to the end and see if that would change the touching and I just like touch both ends and it went like it was like a full contraction like because it like if you touch it on one hand it just goes through your hands but one pull on each end it goes it takes the path for your chest where your heart is yeah yeah so that was like a [ __ ] muscle and luckily I was able to like throw it down a big problem with like electrocution is um your muscles lock up yeah so like if it's any higher voltage your muscles and you touch like an electrical wire you're [ __ ] like your muscles just do that and you die like that so luckily I was able to [ __ ] toss it yeah so you're supposed to test with the back of your hand if you're ever going to try because that way you contract away from it oh that is brilliant yeah that makes a lot of sense yeah yeah the human body is so [ __ ] stupid let go let go your body will literally do the worst thing and that's perfect game on let's go figure it out that's so dumb yeah so when you touch both and essentially you're the one completing them you're the wire yeah oh so it goes through your body yeah takes a little path yeah it's very bad it's also AC which is more dangerous um than like a DC current so it's like a was there any lingering effects like red no no no no no like numbness or anything I don't think so it was when I was pretty young but I don't remember ever like I don't remember even being that concerning to me as a kid I was like oh [ __ ] that hurt that's so cool now I'm like holy [ __ ] yeah um no lingering it definitely took a little path to the Head yeah fried a few missiles yeah that was fun how are you building uh I definitely had one um I was in Thailand and me and my buddies all rented out not quite motorcycles but like a cc below that not quite mopeds yeah yeah and uh we went up to this Temple like the top of a mountain so there's like these like winding like Serpentine um and like on one side just sheer cliff and the other side just dropped to death um we go up to the temple and like it's really nice up there it's great but while we're there it rains we don't really notice that and then we get out everything's all wet and Slick yeah and so we're going back down now oh and on one of the turns my wheel bearings where like thick like they had like an extra the hubcap was bigger so I was doing a turn and it caught the hubcap and I lost traction oh and the bike just started dividing and my like Split Second reaction like I almost went into like Matrix bullet time was I jumped so instead of sliding with the bike yeah I jumped and basically became like stationary still and made the bike fast and just like like slapped the ground hard yeah so I still got like an impact of road rash but I didn't like slide yeah um the the bike slid um but didn't like make it to the guardrail and still in like just fight or flight adrenaline mode I like picked up the bike and like started walking it off and as I did that a semi truck went around the curve sorry it was like a double dodge like not falling off the mountain and also not getting squished by a car holy [ __ ] that's that's a real real that's that's what it does my [ __ ] god it's also my first time on I've never been good with bikes so I I will not touch two wheels anymore reasonable no it's a reasonable fear that makes sense yeah oh that is very near death my [ __ ] this is near as it gets especially the semi like yeah that's like squish people because they're all blind turns too yeah you stop for me and it's slick Road he's not gonna be able to yeah [ __ ] yeah those things are scary as [ __ ] it sucks that those trucks can really just squish you yeah you're not gonna bounce off a semi yeah yeah like so far as you can get yesterday like your leg run over or something and it will stay but be broken but like as someone's like it's like touching the pavement still the tire [ __ ] the funny thing is like my first thought was not like am I okay it was like oh no I broke the break on the bike I paid for that stupid brain like yeah yeah we almost died I'm glad you did that Broden thank you with us today good instincts good reactions good job all right before we uh end this week's podcast I want to say we will be deleting this month's podcast Channel Revenue to support Ukraine and I swear we had this written down from the beginning it's not because I was talking about pro-russia sentiments and then you approve my uh love for Ukraine there's a backspace yeah I'm donating the money so you can't say [ __ ] can't be mad I'm just saying people questioned them uh thank you guys so much for watching um I hope you guys had a good time we'll be back next week with another podcast so stay tuned for that one I don't know who it's gonna be or who's gonna be on it so it'll be a nice surprise see you guys all next week thank you for coming bye
Channel: OfflineTV Podcast
Views: 1,213,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: OfflineTV, OTV, Offline TV, OfflineTV Podcast, OTV Podcast, Podcast, Pokimane, Poki, Lilypichu, Lily, DisguisedToast, Toast, Scarra, twitch, streaming, streamers, games, michael, michael reeves, SquarterJade, Sydeon, Masayoshi
Id: gaM7LGFI5D4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 27sec (5607 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 10 2022
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