How the SECRET INVASION Finale Changes the MCU Forever - Ending Explained!

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We Know Who You Are we know how to find you [Music] hey welcome back screen Crush I'm Ryan Airy and let's talk about the ending of secret Invasion and together we'll make this planet safe for both our people so the series finale of secret Invasion has thrown the Marvel Cinematic Universe into chaos setting us up for Nick Fury's newest mission in the Marvels in a fight with a new Cree villain darben as well as setting up Thunderbolt Ross for his long-awaited revenge in Captain America Brave New World and phase five's final film The Thunderbolts and a little later we're going to talk about how we could see an unlikely alliance between Thunderbolt Ross and den Barr do you want a farm an alliance so for me secret invasion you know is pretty underwhelming I was really hoping that the show would be able to stick to landing and Salvage the series but you're weak not great Bob but despite the series anti-climactic ending it did lay down some groundwork for what's to come in Phase five of the MCU the world is an absolute chaos despite Fury and Gaia defeating graphic to prevent a human Scroll of war from happening it looks like that that war is going to happen anyways and we will kill every last one of you president ritzen's Reckless reaction to the scroll Invasion and attack on his life has lit a fire that I'm not sure could ever truly be stopped the president of the United States just confirmed that shapeshifting aliens exist and labeled them as Enemy Number One in fact he labeled all extraterrestrials as enemies of Earth presenting to Congress for immediate emergency authorization a bill that designates all off-world born species enemy combatants oh what so we all knew that secret Invasion would likely end with Fury going back to space after all that was spoiled in the Marvel's trailer but now we know he's returning to space to begin talks with the cree who are interested in peace talks with the Scrolls meaning that we could see the Scrolls get to migrate to Planet Hala and live in harmony with decree now this is pretty significant considering the decree and the Scrolls were at War for a very long time and Captain Marvel we learned that unlike in the comics the Scrolls were not the instigators in their war with the creep my people lived as refugees ever since we resisted gray Rule and they destroyed our planet so it makes sense that the cree would be open to redeeming themselves of their scroll genocide after Captain Marvel defeated yonrog and supreme intelligence and exposed their lies and manipulation of the other Cree I could see new leadership looking to rectify their past transgressions against the skrulls but why can't the Scrolls just go live on the Planet Fitness went on after the snap the snap radiation made it inhabitable to them as crows were immune to radiation so Doug what do you think about that Doug are you eating again at work Buddy you gotta stop that you gotta break your stress eating habit I can't help it the state of the world 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is helping me turn my negative habits into positive habits and it makes switching easy and even fun they have thousands of five star reviews from more than a hundred thousand customers who have used fume to change their lives and switched when other Solutions just didn't work so head to screen crush and use the code screen Crush to save 10 when you get your journey packed today the journey pack comes with three unique flavors and everything you need to finally be free of your bad habit that's and use the code screen Crush to save an additional 10 off on your order today now back to what I was saying she's targeting every planet we call home so anyways in the Marvels will be meeting a new villain darbin now in the comics darbin was very displeased with the cree's new leader and attempted to assassinate him and place blame on the Scrolls I think this is exactly what we'll see taking place in the Marvels a wartime character like darben will be very critical of the cree's new leader as well as Carol Danvers Captain Marvel who she calls the annihilator now she likely holds a big grudge against Captain Marvel for destroying the Supreme intelligence and helping the Scrolls so when darbin learns that the new Cree leadership is considering peace talks with the Scrolls I wouldn't be surprised if we see her assassinate the new Cree leader and try to pen it on the skrulls as well as Earth and Captain Marvel thus putting a stop to any peace talks and it's worth mentioning darben's resemblance to Ronan the Accuser both wielding those pretty badass Cosmo Rod hammers excuse me the cree and xandar were once at War but eventually signed a peace treaty and ended their conflict but then came Ronin my government knows no shame mandarians and your culture are a disease so it makes sense if we saw Dar Ben use a similar tactic to eliminate any discussions of peace now even if the Marvel's ends on a really positive note and we see darben defeated that doesn't mean that everything's going to be hunky-dory back on Earth even if the Scrolls leave Earth and join the cree on planet that won't place the genie that Ritz and released back in the bottle it's been revealed to the American people that shape-shifting aliens have lived amongst them for decades so even if they show hundreds of thousands of Scrolls boarding ships and leaving Earth it won't matter the die has been cast some percentage of the people on Earth will still live in constant fear and paranoia and this paranoia is what will give Thunderbolt Ross The Leverage he needs to become the most powerful man on the planet president Ritz and promised to kill every single scroll so if he has a change of heart and allows the skulls to live in peace this would be the perfect opportunity for Thunderbolt Ross to step in and paint ritzen as weak and challenge him for the presidency Captain America films are notoriously political so getting to see an election take place would be pretty cool we could see the former Secretary of State paint ritzen as feckless in his war against the Scrolls and promised that he will finish the war that Ritson started former Secretary of State well yeah I'm assuming he's no longer Secretary of State he was gone for five years during the blip so I would guess he was replaced during those five years but hey if he still is secretary of state that would make him fourth in line for the presidency so maybe we'll see him kill the president vice president president of the Senate and Speaker of the House and see himself sworn in as present and then blame their debts on the Scrolls which will only add fuel to the fire so whether Ross kills his way to the presidency or challenges written in an election I see him using the scroll threat as an opportunity to create his own team of super people the Thunderbolts so excited Civil War showed us that Ross was desperate to control the Avengers and we can even go further back to see The Incredible Hulk when he said as I'm concerned that man's whole body is property of the US Army and with the Avengers seemingly being M.I.A Ross has all the more leverage to convince the public to accept his new team of Heroes now the original title for Captain America 4 was New World Order this title implied that we'd see the government AKA president Thunderbolt Roscoe full authoritarian implementing dystopian government control and after the fire that ritzen started with his fear-mongering about the Scrolls the populace may allow Ross to take control without much pushback willingly surrendering their own basic rights and freedoms to an authoritarian dictator a dictator who has disguised himself as some kind of noble leader protecting us from a threat that he knows no longer actually exists and even if characters like Nick Fury Captain Marvel Captain America and so on revealed to the world that the scrolls are gone it won't matter with them being shapeshifters the world can never be sure and if they are gone then Ross will use the argument that they could return now personally though I don't think the scrolls are going to leave so easily I think they're going to be a secret threat in the MCU for a very very long time and I'm not so sure that Ross intends to even stop at the presidency in Civil War we saw Ross leading an effort to put the Avengers under the thumb of the United Nations overseeing more than 100 countries a new world order is a real world conspiracy theory that speculates that all World governments will unite as one and control the global populace you've probably heard your uncle talk about that at Thanksgiving but here I come the government so this could be a hint that Ross not only intends to make himself leader of the U.S but of the entire planet using the threat of a global scroll Invasion and his new team to replace the Avengers and protect the planet as leverage to rise to power wait didn't they change the title to Brave New World yes after some pushback regarding the title New World Order and its connection to real world anti-semitic conspiracy theories they opted to change the title but the title Brave New World also points toward themes of a dystopian future there's a 1930s novel by the same name that showcases a dystopian and authoritarian One World Government that does away with things like individuality I could easily see Thunderbolt Ross using the phrase Brave New World as a campaign slogan to manipulate the people into surrendering their freedoms and disguising this as patriotism and let's not forget that Ritz and declared war on all life forms not from Earth and that could include new Asgard after all new Asgard has become a kind of alien Spaceport on Earth so the USA could declare that the state of aliens helped other aliens enter the borders of our planet Jesus getting real political it sure is in the past we've talked about similarities between Ross and Norman Osborne from the secret Invasion Comics following secret Invasion Osborne was made director of shield and put in charge of the world security this led to him forming his own team of villain Avengers kind of similar to what Ross is doing with the Thunderbolts right now and what was the event that brought down Norman Osborne when he tried to lay Siege to new Asgard which at the time was on Earth if Brave New World is going to be a truly Global film then it would need to address new Asgard in some way and not just in a lazy news ticker like the one we saw on no way home that taker read that there was political turmoil in new Asgard but in Thor 11 Thunder [Music] and real quick I want to discuss the parallels here between Thunderbolt Ross and the Marvel's villain Dar Ben they're both seemingly xenophobic War tyrants so what if we get to see an earth level villain in a cosmic level villain team up did you rock your Scrolls well there's that but no what if they created a fake War era wartime leaders are notorious for harboring Unity amongst their people it's human nature to stick with your own when presented with a threat for example after the 2000 election between Al Gore and George W bush the country was very torn it came down to one state and like 500 votes and don't even get us started on the whole hanging chad saying in the Supreme Court the point being 50 of the country was furious with the other 50 and vice versa but then 9 11 happened this attack on our country by another country for the most part United the American people and gave President Bush a very high approval rating throughout his first term the country was very divided but became United when we encountered what was viewed as a common enemy so with the Scrolls not being as serious a threat to the people of Earth or Planet Hala what if Ross and darbin decide to be each other's enemy yeah I don't get it well see Ross and darbin want the same thing isolation and control derived from Fear Ross could agree to have Earth pretend to be a threat to Planet holla and if darbin takes over Planet Hala she could agree to serve as a threat to planet Earth they could send each other threatening messages and launch pre-coordinated attacks on each other's planets all to paint the facade of a war a war that will make their people fall in line behind their respective leaders and surrender full control sort of like how Emperor Palpatine played both sides of the war and the Star Wars prequels which manipulated the Republic to Grant him the role of emperor of the entire galaxy into the first and we could see Ross turn into red heart and go to space to talk about this evil planetarium right that'd be awesome maybe we could even see him stay in his Redhawk form permanently like Professor Hulk and endgame Red Hawk President signed me up now we do have a video coming up soon about the future of Gaia and her new God status in the MCU I mean you could argue that she's now the most powerful being in the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe so we have to assume that she'll likely have a big role to play going forward do you think she's gonna be a thunderbolt well I mean it's possible but I kind of doubt it I'd assume that the Thunderbolts are going to fall for Ross's fear-mongering at least At first I mean why else would they join his team but I don't see Guy of falling for Ross's lies especially because you know she's a scroll I think what's more likely to happen is that Gaia will become the face of Ross's smear campaign against the Scrolls not only are there shape-shifting aliens amongst us but there's one with the powers of almost every avenger Ross can use this to scare the world into falling in line and he can also use her to bring together the Thunderbolts making the argument that Gaia has too much power for a single person and she can't be trusted so the Thunderbolts may actually be about them hunting down Gaia and bringing her to Ross but then of course they'll realize that Ross is the real bad guy he'll Hawk Out they'll turn against him and have a big old third ax Smackdown it rides itself a recent guy recruited to be part of a team or something like Elena and John Walker yes but not the same team this is likely a setup for another Marvel team of Marvel heroes mi-13 a uk-based team of enhanced individuals with the mission of protecting Britain from superhuman mystical and extraterrestrial threats in the comics this team includes characters such as blade and the Black Knight a dude that we saw teased in the post-credits scene in the eternals sure you're ready for that Mr Whitman ER sir it's another team of super people Marvel's cheesy but reluctantly won't see for another six or seven years yeah basically awesome and just a reminder everyone to change your bad habits today head to that's fum and use the code screen Crush to save an additional 10 off your order today but that's just my thoughts on the ending let me know your thoughts down in the comments below or at me on Twitter and if it's your first time here welcome to the Channel please subscribe smash that Bell for alerts for screen Crush I'm Ryan Airy [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 387,266
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: screencrush, heavy spoilers, new rockstars, secret invasion ending explained, secret invasion episode 6, secret invasion trailer, secret invasion, secret invasion post credit scene, secret invasion review, secret invasion finale, secret invasion reaction, secret invasion rhodey, secret invasion new rockstars, secret invasion ending, ritsosn secret invasion, rhodey secret invasion
Id: MX6ue-MfPqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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