LOKI Season 2 Trailer BREAKDOWN - Every MCU Easter Egg and Kang Dynasty Connection!

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you know that yeah you've seen that yeah can you fix that no hey welcome back screen Crush I'm Ryan area and this is all the Easter eggs references and little things you might have missed in the first trailer for Loki season two we have so much to break down in this trailer small details you missed theories about what the hell's going on here and how all of this is leading up to the culmination of the Multiverse Saga and Kang Dynasty and Secret Wars also throughout this trailer pay attention to the recurrence of circles and Loops during Loki season one we put out one of my favorite screen crush videos of all time about how Loki the character is stuck in circular Loops his own evil impulses keep putting him in the same situation I trust you you betrayed me round and round in circles we go now this was manifested in season one when Loki's punishment was to relive his worst memory over and over again foreign this is also like the Loki and Norse mythology because Loki ultimately starts off the chain of events that leads to Ragnarok causing the end of the world and the world to be reborn so the whole process can start again and if you recall this is exactly what happens to all the timelines in Loki season one so all right so what happened in largest season one all right so here is a quick recap of what went down in Loki season one and just bits of quantumania in case your memories are a little fuzzy after being pruned we saw Loki and his variant Sylvie Enter the Void at the end of time there they defeated the time eating beast eliaith and entered the Citadel at the end of time where they meet the Kang variant he who remains this is wild so this version of Kang explains to Loki and Sylvie the ins and outs of the Sacred timeline and the Multiverse a war that preceded it now this version of Kang went to war with his other variants and won he then used Elias to prune trillions of realities from existence and create the sacred timeline a circular flow of time only allowing for a few realities to exist if anyone ever veers from the predetermined path they're arrested by the TVA and their reality is pruned that is how this particular variant of Loki has found himself self in this situation you see after the Avengers Time Heist and Avengers end game we saw Loki escape with the Tesseract causing a variant timeline to begin to Branch Loki was arrested by the TVA and his timeline was pruned anyways he he remains explains to Loki and Sylvie that if variant timelines are not pruned then variants of himself will rise and the multiversal war will happen again Sylvie doesn't buy it and wants to kill he who remains for committing what she views as mass genocide but Loki fears what will happen if the timeline is left unchecked they begin to duel and Sylvie gets the upper hand Cindy Loki back to the TV8 she then kills he who remains in the sacred timeline devolves into madness and then he who remains says see you soon Loki runs to find Mobius and explain what has happened but soon realizes that Mobius has no idea who he is implying that time has either been Rewritten and Mobius and Loki never met or Loki was pushed into a different TVA and then an Ant-Man and the WASP quantumania we meet the king the Conqueror variant who we theorize is likely destined to become he who remains in the future because they both share the same goal of wiping out all their variants and establishing one sacred timeline in the post-credits scene of quantumania we meet these other variants in What's called the Council of kings and we see what was once the sacred timeline now in complete chaos and referred to Simply as the Multiverse the beginning touch the Multiverse we also find out that these King variants control the Multiverse now given that we saw a statue of Kang at the end of Loki season 1 in this new Rewritten TVA it is highly likely that the king Council controls the TVA in Loki season 2. now if you look closely Doug are you stress eating again yeah I can't help it I just really get wound up sometimes dude you can't stress out like that it's not healthy because you used to stress it all the time and I once saw you eat a cake a whole cake yeah but I kicked my oral fixation habit with this little guy it's called fume or is that a vote nope it's not a vape this is a naturally diffusive device called fume they're the sponsor of this video so this uses plants and Behavioral Science to help you trade out your negative habit for a positive one it tastes really nice and it's completely harmless like look it's not even electrical inside and instead of PODS filled with potentially harmful chemicals like a vape fume uses these plant-based cores that are infused with natural flavors like orange vanilla and raspberry lemon plus it has adjustable airflow and is designed with these movable parts and magnets for fidgeting giving your fingers a lot to do which is helpful for calming my anxiety I don't even have fingers and that sounds great right so fume is helping 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tent pads are the devices that the TVA uses to open a portals so they can travel throughout time while the one on the left is about the pneumatic tubes that we see all over the repair shop pneumatic tubes like the ones at the bank drive through yes that's right in the old days Office Buildings used to send memos or mail using these tubes so all around the repair office we can see pneumatic tubes and pieces of paper where people have sent their repair requests to be processed now it's interesting to see the little changes throughout the TVA after the sacred timeline exploded there's the statue of Kang of course which is a whole other thing that we'll talk about in a bit but also we don't see any of the same posters from Loki season 1 about pruning the timeline it's almost like that when the sacred timeline was destroyed the TVA was rebuilt by a different architect hang the concrete or the Council of kings and then Hey look it's Academy Award winner kihu Kwan starring as OB now OB is likely short for Aura Boris or the snake that is eating its own tail from mythology that is another loop that symbolizes an infinite cycle just like the infinite cycle that he who remains spoke about an infinite amount of B start another multiversal war and I just end up right back here anyways also Obi has an orabor assemble on his jumpsuit now this is really cool because Mobius is named after another symbol of infinity a Mobius strip the mathematical representation of a Time Loop just like the one we saw in Avengers end game Anora Boris is also a circular symbol meant to represent a snake consuming its own tail now this symbolizes a never-ending cycle of creation and destruction just like that of the Sacred timeline this is also a fun nod to another entity in Norse mythology the world serpent called yorknamer yorknamander was the son of Loki and encircles midgard or Earth bite in its own tail a mythological oroboros now Mobius has taken Loki to the repair shop because he is glitching that that's what's been happening wow time slipping times you know that now at first I thought this was like how variance glitched and across the spider-verse movies but look closely this looks very much like what happens to Scott Lang in Quantum Mania when he was trapped in a probability storm yeah where was that again so this is where Scott was recovering Kang's power core and it was surrounded by this probability field essentially the power Corey created an area where every possible decision Scott could ever make was manifested at the same time and so all the Scots could agree on one thing saving Cassie now the reason the power battery created a probability storm is because Hank uses this device to travel through the Multiverse so it has to calculate all these possible timelines in order to chart a course or what does that have to do with Loki well think about it Loki was present when the sacred timeline split off into the infinite Multiverse he was at the center of a different kind of probability storm so now he is kind of of many timelines all at the same time he comes from the old universe and now he's part of the new universe so he is the ultimate anomaly existing in several places at once because he is slipping through the cracks of time a time slip if you will they say it's impossible to time slipping the TVA I know but we just saw it happen and this is a big clue about what the hell is happening in the show the TVA is supposed to be immune from the effects of time it is a totally neutral point that is not affected by the outside flow of time sort of like how the center of a record has no interaction with any of the tracks around it but after Sylvie killed he who remains it means that he who remains never existed so that means that he who remains never created the sacred timeline and he never created the TVA so that would mean that someone else formed the TVA her well I think that in this new reality the TVA was probably created by the Council of kings that we saw at the end of quantumania remember he who remains killed off all of his variants and formed the sacred timeline just to stop that Council from ever forming but with him gone the council would have formed their own version of the TVA to govern reality for themselves this new TVA would still prune other realities except they would prune realities that could threaten the authority of the Council of kings and because Loki was present in the Citadel when reality was Rewritten he is the only person who remembers the events of season one well him and Sylvie all right I got you okay thank you now notice in the repair shop we see circular fans and a very large clock with multiple hands like the clock we saw in the credits of season one again we see a recurrence of circles throughout this trailer and then Loki Time Slips into the time theater on level five this is even the monitor where Mobius looped the film strip through in episode 1. now slow this down for a moment you'll see that for a moment Loki has multiple limbs at once just like the multiple scotlands that existed in quantumania we cut to him in front of a wavy arms man making the same gesture as him and then we see that he is in front of a jet ski shop remember Mobius is obsessed with jet skis that magazine yeah the one on jet skis yes why'd you have that because they're awesome and what do you want to bet that inside this shop there is a variant of Mobius who works in his original timeline selling jet skis there was a beautiful Union Form and Function which we call the jet ski and then we see Loki next to a poster about healthy timelines that is framed like an old school poster about eating healthy diet now for the TVA a healthy timeline used to meet a timeline that did not diverge Too Much from the sacred timeline when a timeline started to diverge it approached the red line a point where it created a new universe that could then create a new version of Kang the Conqueror in fact this poster to the left of Loki warns about redlining and then we see Loki run into himself hello this again is like Scott in that probability storm except now Loki is splitting off into different versions of himself that could have made slightly different decisions and notice on the monitor behind him this is something new this is the monitor where last season the TVA would watch the timeline split off as they approached the red line but now we see the sacred timeline is hitting this point where it suddenly has this energy burst and splits off into several directions at once this would be the threshold the point in time where Sylvie stabbed he who remains in the Multiverse exploded at the end of Loki season 1. remember this visual because we're going to see it again in just a bit now notice this other version of Loki is reading a TVA manual with a cover that looks a lot like a Gideon Bible appropriate since TVA workers are essentially religious zealots who believe that they work for Gods the timekeepers but also maybe this means that this version of Loki just materialized saw what was happening on the timeline and then picked up this manual to figure out what the heck is going on and then we cut to Sylvie working in a vinyl record shop now here again we see the motif of circles and Loops see records are like the sacred timeline they may be be in a loop but the track of a record has a single Groove that tells a story and a sequence like an individual timeline but just like how the TVA can hop around in time we can move the needle to different parts of the record hey what record is that uh why this is a record of the story of Star Wars which I have had since I was a kid or that's awesome high five but here we see that the records are becoming unraveled just like the probability storm that splits Scott in so many directions so it's likely that Sylvie is also time slipping because she was also present when the sacred timeline was destroyed this poster behind her reads camouflage in concert and camouflage was a band in the 1980s the same time period where this movie premiere takes place but more on that in just a bit now we see Sylvie in two locations in a record store and working in a McDonald's and both locations seem to be in the 1980s in the McDonald's she looks confused like maybe as she's time slipping she's entering different variant timelines of herself but I think it's more likely that after she killed he who remains she turned down his Willy Wonka offer to run the factory for him and instead she tried to settle down in a time period that seemed fun the 1980s but instead she sees this timeline unraveling around her now here is another key moment where Loki uses the pruning rod on a mural of the timekeepers [Music] World and Other destruction remember the TVA uses pruning rods to send variants to the void at the end of time where they are consumed by a giant Fog Monster called Elias now Elias was created from the cracks between time that resulted from the multiversal war and he who remains was the one who learned how to weaponize Elias I weaponized Elias and I ended I ended the multiversal war so it's actually kind of unclear if eliaith or even the void at the end of time even exists in this new Multiverse it could be that the Council of Kings has now weaponized eliaith to prune people who are a threat to them and we saw a similar timekeeper mural in the courtroom in season one so this is interesting because we see a statue of Kang and the TVA but there are still murals of the timekeepers either there are different tvas or this is all a big Masa timey why me wibbly wobbly goo when Loki prunes the wall we see the real Architects behind this new TVA the Council of Kings this one on the left looks like Ramen Tut while the one on the right looks like immortus you know these guys if it wasn't true I wouldn't call you must really eat you up but you're not the one who killed him killed him notice that as Loki does this we see a hand on the left hand side of the screen this is probably Mobius remember at the end of season 1 he did not remember Loki take it easy you're an analyst right what division are you from what are you talking about are you what's your name and in the quantum media post-credits scene we saw Loki still trying to explain the situation to Mobius terrifying figure he is so here we see Loki probably early in the first episode showing Mobius the real power behind the timekeepers notice also that there is a severed robot head in the foreground much like the false heads of the timekeeper robots maybe in this new TVA the judges are robots and Loki had to decapitate one of them to show Mobius the truth and then Mobius and Loki go on another buddy Adventure just like in season one now I think we see them arrive here in two different timelines this one looks like the old west and this one is at a World's Fair in France I think it's two different ones because we see them walking away from two different time portals at least I think this is France by the way this sign reads Midway in English and this one means place in French so like I said this looks like a World's fair now world's fairs have kind of gone out of style but different cities used to host them every single year it's where countries and companies would put up displays to celebrate themselves it was a way to visit the world without actually leaving home kind of like how the TVA can visit all time and places at once and notice that the centerpiece of this fair is a ferris wheel a large Circle that moves in loops just like how Mobius described the flow of time that's the proper flow of time and it happens again and again and again because it's supposed to because it has to and like the time Loop created when he who remains died so this World's Fair scene is setting up the appearance of Victor timely that we saw in Ant-Man 3's post-credits scene this showed a variant of Kang calling himself Victor timely building an old-fashioned time machine now Victor timely is from Marvel Comics he is a version of Kank who traveled back in time to become an inventor in timely Wisconsin and here I think it's likely that this is the version of Kang the Conqueror that we met in quantumania he was sucked into his time Vortex stranded in the past and now he's trying to create a machine to set himself free in fact we see Loki shooting someone who might be Victor timely with these green energy bolts which is a new Power Forum that I'm going to explain later on now this guy they confront in the alley is the same actor we see arrive at the movie premiere where a person is holding up a sign that reads Marry Me Brad wolf and guys this is a ridiculously deep cut first of all judging by the fashion the cast and the movie poster we think this takes place in the 1980s the same time period where Sylvie is living so maybe this could be where she meets up with Loki so red here's Brad wolf I'm getting to that in the 1980s Thor Comics he was an actor portraying a villain called the zaniac the same name as the movie playing here but then Brad wolf became possessed by the actual Spirit of a real demon Spirit called the zaniac it also looks like there's something else about him maybe he's a variant because later on we see him trapped in the TVA and then we cut to Mobius getting a key lime pie in a place that we later see is the pie room they sell nothing but pies there now pies of course are also round but these are also all key lime pies this could be a pun on the name low-key or it could be important that all the pies are green just like the color of Loki's energy blast now it is interesting that as the sacred timeline is splitting off and creating all these different variants the TVA is still serving only one kind of pie I think there's going to be something to that that's symbolic later on is that symbolic later we see that Sylvia is with them in this same pie room now all through season one we saw Mobius take his time going to the break room having a meal so it makes sense that figure out this crisis he would first want to take Loki and Sylvie to the pie room and then we see Hunter b-15 now remember this was a TVA worker who looked down on variants like Loki I don't want anybody out there to forgive what you are a cosmic mistake and so tragically she discovered that she was a variant in the final episode then her mind was wiped and she ended up right back where she started again the recurring theme of loops and circles later we see her dressed as a doctor implying that she will once again see variants of herself then we see the aftermath of Sylvie's decision in Loki's finale the corpse of he who remains with the Multiverse erupting behind him and his Palace is falling apart now in that quantumania post-credits scene it looked like the Council of Kings was meeting in this same place the Citadel at the End of Time judging by all the different timelines around them in fact remember how the Palace of he who remains was all like melded together with destroyed statues laying around I think it's likely that he who remains created his power Alice out of the remains of the king Citadel after he won the multiversal war and this is where we see something very interesting Mobius is wearing a spacesuit with a crack in it which OB fixes with duct tape just like they're all trying to apply a quick fix to the sacred timeline and then Mobius heads out on a catwalk to see this Junction point from the monitors that we saw earlier this is where the sacred timeline starts to split into the Multiverse it also looks like the b-roll of a rope being woven together that we constantly use to show how the sacred timeline worked in that series except now that rope is being unraveled at its end so maybe in the show there's still time to re-establish the sacred timeline later we even see OB Mobius Loki and Sylvie in some kind of control room holding this device the same device that Mobius has on the catwalk now just to hop around a bit in this trailer this looks like the same device that Victor timely used in his demonstration a demonstration that produced this same visual of several timelines splitting off from a central point so maybe they had to steal this device from Victor timely and then use it to go fix the timeline and maybe they had to Infiltrate The Citadel of King to get to this point our lead editor Randolph nebrado also pointed out that now the sacred timeline is infused with different colored energy as opposed to just the purple energy we've seen before I think that Loki is tapping into this green energy when he fires his green energy bolts earlier in the trailer and then we see Loki using a Time controller to manipulate Brad wolf a nice reversal of how the TVA used this on him in the first season now I have a feeling that we're going to see the TVA completely collapse and fade away this season we see the monitor used to watch the sacred timelines fall down from the ceiling later in the trailer Loki watches the lights go out across the TVA and later a car falls out of the sky and almost hits poor Casey you know this guy got you like a fish Casey what's a fish and afterwards we see Casey in a gray jumpsuit on the run now this could be one of his variants or maybe the remaining members of the TVA are being hunted down by the Kane Council now notice this shot of Loki entering the pie room lots and lots and lots of circles on the ceiling of this circular room this is Sylvia in the pie room and notice that she is wearing an earring that is the symbol of an awk an Egyptian glyph that means life and here we see Sylvie in some kind of attic space drawing her blade while someone on the floor is struggling now later we see ravona rensslayer in this same space so I'm betting this is Sylvie getting revenge or trying to on the woman who pruned her timeline now in the comics ravona rinselayer was the one true love of Kang the Conqueror in the MCU she was a judge at the TVA and at the end of season 1 Biz minutes implied that she was bringing rivona to meet free will I know but he thinks this will be more useful the person who lives outside the control of the TVA now this could be Kank AKA Victor timely and Miss minutes could have been working for him all along now this would explain why later in the trailer we see ravona over someone's body could be Victor timely's body as Miss minutes goes Kaiju mode and scares everyone away and I love that she turns herself into the scariest thing she could think of a ghost and in this shot of the attic space Workshop notice all these clocks on the wall telling me that this is likely the workshop of one Victor timely we even see ravona with a souped-up steampunk gun that Victor could have invented so if Victor turns out to be Kang the Conqueror stranded in the past and I think it's likely that his machine is not a time travel machine but rather a machine that controls time itself and then we have this shot where the movie star is flanked by the shadows of Loki and Sylvie as their Loki horns grow from their heads now Loki's eyes glow like he's enchanting this guy just as we see their Shadows grab the movie star by the arms now I don't think this is like a new power of Loki's to manipulate shadows but he is enchanting this guy into making him think that the Shadows have come to life the graffiti in the alley reads all men are brothers and this reads don't let good homes become empty shelves now this could be said in the late 70s or early 80s when an economic crisis evicted people from their homes or maybe we're wrong and this takes place during the blip when millions of homes were suddenly left unoccupied the title card reads the timeline is running out again maybe because the TVA is slowly being erased from existence if that's happening then maybe this line but how do you dies maybe that line is referring to the idea that different variants will have to die for some others to live Loki says it's on its way now he is talking about the Great multiversal War Miss minutes taught us about this in season one the multiversal war between the king variants that nearly destroyed the Multiverse before he who remains he raced the cane Council from existence and I ended I ended the multiversal wool now later we see Loki in front of a mural of this multiversal war and next to that the propaganda of the timekeepers pruning the timelines into one sacred timeline we will likely see this multiversal war come to a head in Avengers the Kang Dynasty and then we see Loki once again in his prison jumpsuit wearing his inhibitor collar now this could be another variant of himself who has been arrested or maybe because of time slipping he is splitting off into multiple versions of himself like Scott did in quantumania so what we're seeing here is more of a Loki and a road not taken this monitor reads thank you for your service as it's disintegrating like it's in a probability storm leading Credence to the theory that the TVA is being erased and then we see ravona in what looks like the void at the end of time like maybe she is watching Elias after all this light is purple just like Alliance Energy we see several shots of Loki and Sylvie fighting TVA agents in this Warehouse as portals open up around them and the sign of the background seems like a nod to Dan de la a visual effect supervisor and second unit director known for his work on MCU films he is also going to direct a bunch of Loki season 2 episodes his first time in the director chair congratulations now this place could house a rival version of the TVA like maybe since there are multiple Kings they have created a completely different version of the time variance Authority that is at war with one another so maybe Loki's actual Mobius is still out there at the original TVA HQ we saw in season one and then there is a great title card reveal after Mobius calls him the god of mischief always will be and then there's a button where Loki does the old duplication casting trick a little over the top don't you think other spot on as he falls through the TVA he goes past a sign that seems to read timeline preservation that I can't make out the bottom line this could be a warning sign reading timeline preservation impossible or something like that then we see a view from the top of the ferris wheel from earlier and Loki Landing in a Lifeboat similar to how he escaped the destruction of the Sacred timeline like he was playing a sinking ship and then we see the movie star trapped in the TVA Loki chasing down the movie star after the premiere and then Loki and Sylvia letting their powers combined like the Planeteers just like they did to defeat Elias in the finale now I think the show is going to be the big setup for the next phase of the Multiverse Saga phase four was all about establishing the sacred timeline collapsing and seeing the results from that collapse multiple Spider-Man Multiverse of Madness what if now phase five has introduced Kang in the Council of Kings and the beginning of the multiversal war wasting wasting as the Kings begin to fight one another only one will win that is the king the one we saw in quantumania and then we'll be up to the Avengers to stop that Kang once and for all maybe they could like I don't know get some help from ants because apparently that guy's big redness is ants exactly ants ants ants and just a reminder everyone to change your bad habits today head to try fum.com and use the code screen Crush to save an additional 10 off your order today but let me know what you think of all this let me know your thoughts down in the comments below or at me on Twitter and if it's your first time here please subscribe smash that Bell for alerts for screen Crush I'm ryanairy [Music]
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 345,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loki season 2 trailer breakdown, screencrush, heavy spoilers, New rockstars, loki season 2 trailer, loki seaosn 2, marvel, mcu, easter eggs, mcu easter eggs, loki trialer new rockstars, edik viss, deep dive, marveil cienmatic universe, loki kang, Is kang In loki, Is johnathan majors still kang, loki season 3
Id: d_3tqvr_9bI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 24sec (1524 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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