How The Mandela Effect Has Been Brainwashing Everyone

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memory by many accounts memory is what makes us us our sense of self according to many philosophers and scientists is informed by what we remember and don't remember but what does it mean if everyone around us miss remembers the exact same thing [Music] today's topic will be covering a widely known phenomena that swept the internet in recent years we'll be covering just a few common theories we're just trying to see what the most likely answer is and with that out of the way let's get into it you might already have an idea of what we're talking about today it's the Mandela effect if you are otherwise uninitiated into the world of the Mandela effect it's a term used to describe a collective culturally ingrained false memory or when a large number of people's longed to her memories contradict recorded history for example do you remember what accessories the monopoly man is wearing what does Darth Vader say Luke Skywalker is it Berenstein or Berenstein bears what causes this unnerving and sometimes scary phenomena the term itself was created by paranormal consultant Fiona Broome at the 2010 dragon comm she discovered that a great number of the folks she was slated to speak with at the conference had the memory of Nelson Mandela dying in the 80s when in reality Mandela was imprisoned by the South African government until 1990 he was released and continued on to become the first president of South Africa in 1994 eventually passing away in 2013 the effect likely existed prior to brooms experiences but she gets credit for coining the term and popularizing the discussion online there are great many of these floating around the internet and you've probably seen or heard a few of them for example which color is chartreuse oh oh it's it's the pink one it's a big coin wrong it's green what does the evil witch say to the mirror in snow white easy it's mirror mirror on the wall my boys Snoop says so on the wall and he knows what's up wrong really she says magic mirror on the wall way profet magic Touche how many states are there in the United States I am a blinking the vampire hunter and I say 51 the president of Mordor and I say do well I'm a real President George Washington and I do declare you both wrong it's 50 what do you remember and does it align with reality if it doesn't don't fret you're not alone but what in the world is happening to our memories there are many explanations to route through some of them are more credible than others some suggest that the Mandela effect is caused by alternative scientific phenomena which are all and I must emphasize this before I go any further completely unfounded and cannot be proven using the scientific method that being said they're way more fun than what's probably going on one of the more popular theories hinges on the idea that our incorrect memories are actually correct memories of a different timeline broum stipulates that maybe staring at the TV back in 1988 or whenever we slid forward to 2013 and saw Mandela's funeral on TV and a blink perhaps literally later we were whisked back to 1988 others argue that these effects are just byproducts of time travelers tweaking history for monetary gain there are those who attribute the effect to quantum computing Webb company Gaia says as quantum computers interact with the various states of the atomic and subatomic particles within their spheres they affect other particles within the realities of different dimensions which is a bunch of techno babble that doesn't mean anything to anyone the most fun or buckwild theory posits that CERN the European Organization for Nuclear Research is using their Large Hadron Collider which discovered the Higgs boson in 2013 to knowingly manipulate black holes to create space Loup to further their own nefarious intentions or some other science fiction humbug this hilarious hypothesis is so prevalent that many come to refer to the Mandela effect as the CERN Mandela effect this is all to say that these theories are super fun to think about but when we try to apply them to the real world they lose their clout the scientific method requires a hypothesis that can undergo replicable testing but since all these theories depend upon assumptions that are untestable they have little to no scientific standing whatsoever if time travelers aren't manipulating the world to their benefit and CERN isn't controlling our minds what might actually be behind the Mandela effects widespread influence it is far more likely that the fal ability of memory is behind why so many people go through the exact same disconnect with reality daniel Schachter PhD of harvard university psychology department has outlined what he calls the seven deadly memory sins Shaktar identifies them as the sins of transience absent mindedness blocking misattribution suggestibility bias and persistence transience is a memory sin of omission defined by the fading of memory over time it's one of the simpler sins you forget things as time goes on next is absent mindedness which occurs when we forget something because our mind is not focused on what we need to remember like misplacing an important document because you were too concerned thinking about what was going on at work blocking is when you attempt to recollect something but the memory escapes you like when you can't remember an actor's name like when I forgot Tom hanky-panky 'he's name in that movie we watch the other day yeah what was it damn it it's filled up and let me do this the fourth is suggestibility the idea is that a person can influence how you remember something by asking leading questions that input information that may or may not be relevant or true this sin is easily abused by individuals and positions of power like police officers or journalists attempting not to find the truth but get an answer that fits their narratives when you are throwing away my old yoga mat did you spill your coffee on the living room couch I never spilled my coffee on the couch so you admit you throw my old yoga mat next we have misattribution a memory sin in which you recall information but forget where you obtained it this sin is particularly dangerous as it can lead to one incorrectly assuming inaccurate information comes from a reliable source bias is the act of rewriting our memories to fit into the values that we hold in the moment of remembering like thinking about your channel toad if you look back and anger you'll remember moments differently and vice-versa last we have persistence probably the worst of the bunch think of the last time that you were laying in bed remembering some embarrassing thing you said but no matter what you do you can't stop reliving that moment over and over Scott that's them that's the movie these memory sins are likely the source of why we encounter so many of these myths rememberings what might start as a simple misunderstanding over time fades through transience morphs through bias and finally congeals into a false memory and only when we are confronted with the truth you can't handle the truth do we realize that something has gone wrong this is called confabulation otherwise known as the replacement of a gap in a person's memory by falsification that he or she believes to be true under the right circumstances any and all of the sins mentioned before can lead to this it's also possible that many Mandela effects are just misinformation one mistake by one person with a Facebook page or a YouTube channel and forms thousands they inform the other people around them and sooner or later you have a massive group of misinformed people then if one would present them with the corrected fact and they might experience a Mandela effect psychology professor Theodore Flournoy invented the term Krypton easia to represent ideas that originate in memory but appear to be original to the individual conjuring up the idea well that explains what Grail thinks he's the one who invented the dab do you mean my gosh the cool move I made up on the spot last month it's a DAB okay it was created a while ago and the people who did invent it they don't even do it anymore as you can see it's possible that Krypton easia 2 plays some part in the Mandela effect it's also useful for us to bring up confirmation bias as a possible reason why so many of these effects have cropped up in recent years according to Raymond s Nickerson PhD of Tufts University confirmation bias is the act of seeking or interpreting of evidence in ways that are partial to existing beliefs expectations or a hypothesis in hand for example if one believes that all birds are actually government surveillance drones which is obviously false confirmation bias would be the act of searching for drones shaped like birds to log as evidence to prove their theory and ignoring the existence of you know actual birds obviously Birds a real bro however I'm not so sure about those quote-unquote giraffes confirmation bias plays a very important role in alternative science theories for the Mandela effect if one already believes in supernatural explanations they are more likely to interpret evidence in ways that prove their theories there are a great many possible explanations as to why we experience the Mandela effect but there haven't been any clinical studies on why this occurs so it's really all just speculation still some speculation is more reliable than others is the monopoly man have a monocle or not he doesn't have one and never has who gives a damn about monopoly man what I do know is that dog Veda definitely says Luke I am your father I love that movie best offers I have a bad feeling about this that's impossible search your feelings you know it to be brew know and lastly is it Berenstain or bernstein i know this one is the Berenstein bears Berenstein ah part of my fresh but this is Bo Peep maybe the Mandela effect is just confabulation maybe it's just that we're not paying close enough attention hey it could even be converging timelines but even the great Fiona Broome who coined the term herself is well aware of the flimsy credibility of alternative scientific theories she says my memory is at least as fallible as everyone else's and whether those explanations are credible is another matter and in the eye of the beholder so at the end of the day just keep up the search for answers and make sure that your ideas are really your own because really if we can't trust our own memories what can we trust by the way Britain I've been meaning to ask is is that a new hat I like it but I never pegged you as a as a hat guy what I've I've always won this hat where that you just now noticed urging time all birds are actually government violence drones we're they just now notice whether you just now noticed where they just now hey uh a bonus question is approached cap Hillary or capillary I've been told there's a wrong answer by the Internet [Music] you
Channel: Brew
Views: 849,047
Rating: 4.8463969 out of 5
Keywords: mandela effect, mandella effect, solved mysteries, solved cases, unsolved mysteries, science explained, mandela effect examples, the mandela effect, mysteries solved
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 25 2020
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