A School Handed Out Laptops To Spy On Students In Their Bedrooms

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I read about this a while back. The school district settled for $610,000 for each of the two lawsuits. Unsurprisingly, a bunch of images of students couldn't be recovered. Funny about that.

Details of the lawsuits here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robbins_v._Lower_Merion_School_District?wprov=sfla1

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Mister_Slick 📅︎︎ Apr 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

This happened in 2009.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/tofuhoagie 📅︎︎ Apr 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

And why aren’t these people in prison?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TheDongerNeedsFood 📅︎︎ Apr 29 2020 🗫︎ replies
with all the technology around us these days it's hard not to think about how it can be used against us in the good old days if someone wanted to get me they'd have to literally go out in the world and find me but now how do you escape the bad guy who can see all your Facebook messages how can you defend yourself against spies peeping through your webcam good thing all my tech is from the 90s but what about you [Music] today's episode we'll be covering information technology and cybersecurity we're not experts but we'll be covering these subjects as thoroughly as possible if you want to learn more there are many resources available online and with that out of the way let's get into it this video is sponsored by North Vee p.m. you've likely seen the little message that pops up whenever you sign in to a new Wi-Fi network whether you need to make a quick google search at the airport or check your emails at the local coffee shop your computer or phone is sure to remind you that other people might be able to see info you send over this network but is that true at one point it absolutely was Tom Scott a prominent internet creator and well-known IT specialist says that possibly steaming over Wi-Fi was a serious threat a few years ago someone could run LP spoofing attack my computer pretend to be the network hub and steal every plaintext password the one term that Wi-Fi network the idea is that hackers in this case would be like con artists worming their way into your local post office to make copies of all your letters but Scott concludes anything that sends any sort of personal data now uses a trusted encrypted tunnel HTTP short for hypertext Transfer Protocol secure it is the steely-eyed cousin to http the little set of letters that show up before the URL in your web browser it is a universal layer of encryption that every single major web browser uses these days beside the URL at the top of your webpage you'll notice a small padlock if a website isn't secure then it will tell you there this function is standard in all major browsers but it's still smart not to go sorting through sensitive data in public secured or otherwise all the encryption in the world can't save you from a pair of prying eyes have you ever seen someone with a little sticker over their webcam they say it's because someone could tap into your computer and secretly watch or record you sleeping changing drinking coffee with milk or any other black malleable offense but how true is that really well unfortunately very webcams get hacked all the time but that doesn't mean that yours has been compromised yet and there are a few ways that we can make sure that we're not in danger of being peeped on before we get into tips I should bring up Robins V Lower Merion School District this class-action lawsuit alleged that the school district distributed laptops to students from two different high schools loaded with spyware that would allow the school district to remotely activate webcams embedded in the laptops and surreptitiously collect images of students at home the lawsuit started when Blake Robinson at one of the high schools was disciplined at school for behavior at home the lawsuit claimed that there was no disclosure of any capability of the school board to record images at home to students and that therefore constituted a breach in privacy especially considering that many of the images recorded by the school board were of minors in their bedrooms in various states of undress but this is a case of software directly embedded into a piece of technology by a governmental body for the purpose of a clandestine spy ring not hackers breaking into your iPhone how can we protect ourselves best then first off make sure you have good computer security software installed that includes antivirus software anti spyware ran a firewall second miscreants are more likely to get into your computer when you invite them in rather than breaking and entering you've probably heard of the Trojan horse before you know big wooden horse full of men sent to the city of Troy as a gift but as soon as night falls they jump out and ransack the place the way your computer will most likely be compromised is through malware that sneaks in alongside something you meant to download so be careful when your torrenting bootleg episodes of reboot or whatever this is all precautionary but how do you know if someone is in your system without your knowledge for one most webcams have a small indicator light that will turn on if the webcam is in use you can also go into its settings and force it to notify you when it turns on if you make a lot of Skype calls then this might be an annoyance but what's the price of privacy if all else fails there's always the analogue option the dreaded little piece of tape honestly it's the best way to make sure that no matter how much malware or spyware is lurking in the dark corners of your hard drive no one will be able to see you or your horrible collection of Funko pops I guess it's true what they say about modern problems just stick some tape on there and ignore it in the good old days police forces would monitor a suspects telephone communication using a wiretap name so because it was a literal tap on a telephone wire nowadays peering into our private conversations is much easier and doesn't require someone to drive to your neighborhood to set it up different messaging apps have different levels of security but more and more companies are taking consumer privacy rights seriously today we'll talk about whatsapp and Facebook messengers specifically back in 2016 pokemons go to the polls Facebook launched what was known as private conversations which were essentially the same as regular conversations but they were protected by end-to-end encryption or et EE you and the person you are messaging will each be given keys which each users phone can use to encrypt and decrypt messages no one other than the two of you will have that key and your messages are safe the problem is that service is opt-in so unless you've specifically turned it on your messages are not encrypted and are therefore accessible to employees at Facebook and whoever might ask Facebook to provide them cops spies snakes what's a plan totally owned by our favorite mega conglomerate Facebook built end-to-end encryption directly into its service at the end of 2016 as well the difference is that what saps entire surface is encrypted meaning no one else has the ability to see anything you send or receive what does this mean for those wiretaps we were talking about earlier well the government is obviously concerned with what we're sending to one another but with et EE they have no way to break into those conversations this makes them anxious many governments including the UK and the United States are calling for backdoors to be built into encryptions a backdoor into an encryption is essentially a third key which can unlock any conversation on an app UK Home Secretary amber Rudd has said that we need to make sure that organizations like whatsapp don't provide a secret place for terrorists to communicate with one there it used to be that people would steam open envelopes or just listening on phones but in this situation we need to make sure our intelligence services have the ability to get into situations like encrypted whatsapp the issue with Rudd stance is that the scale of a classic wiretap in a back door into whatsapp encryption are vastly different with a wiretap the authorities tap one phone so they can listen to and record conversations happening in the moment with a backdoor into encryption groups can tap a million phones and see everything everyone has ever said the chance for misuse is exponentially larger with the technologies we're using now and we should account for that when we make laws that concern it but for the time being your whatsapp messages are secured with the same encryption as all other webpages HTTPS with most things tack hits all the things that can be made to do that scares us not what we intend for it to do if I were to be robbed in an alleyway a robber would only get the contents of my pockets and I can live with that but if my banking information were to be leaked I would be in a much bigger predicament with significantly higher stakes it's definitely best to err on the side of caution use that little piece of tape don't do any banking in Starbucks opt into a private messaging service and keep yourselves up to date on the latest news on what the neared Wells are up to because you never know what's really private until it's not speaking of privacy it's time for us to invade someone else's you better be saying what I think you're saying I am it's time for the latest episode of love is Tigers Oh No it's saying it's not available in Canada what how we've watched almost a whole season already why would it suddenly be unavailable I know what we can do there's no need to panic as Jill's here we can use our Nord VPN subscription to change our location settings and get access it was real real nice event to give us our own coupon code at North VPN comm slash brew all I had to do is plug in the code brute to start saving just like that's what this is my trash TV time is being wasted because you gotta get that money and I'm sure our viewers will understand their service can also get past national firewalls in countries with less than spectacular internet freedoms with more than five thousand service in multiple countries we can be sure that we won't have any outages either you've done yet I need to know what taiga is actually just Sheryl baskets in disguise not much longer no good thing that nor VPM is compatible with most operating systems even on Burroughs Precambrian computer but if we ever have any trouble they have 24/7 tech support to help us out and I hope that Nord isn't gonna be peering at my research for their sake no no's my buddy I got you covered my vine you don't lock any data so we can be sure that our browsing is private they even have cybersecurity ad lockers so until we can avoid popups - oh God ads are the worst and you know what if you don't like it they have a 30-day money-back guarantee just input coupon code Bru and save 70% on the next three years subscription and get one month free get it at Norview p.m. dot-com slash Bru oh boy now we can find out once and for all is love blind or is it Tigers previously on loveis Tigers I actually think she looks stunning with or without food completely all over her face the words that you're saying are just like really not okay and the closest thing that I've ever felt to will love at first sight was probably with you I just personally think when I was younger I thought I'd liked a certain type and I always dated the same type and then I realized eventually I needed to branch out from that was there like actually fighting
Channel: Brew
Views: 1,102,055
Rating: 4.9300442 out of 5
Keywords: phone spying on you, phone spying, laptop spy, laptop webcam safe, laptop webcam spy, is your laptop camera watching you, is my laptop webcam hacked, laptop webcam hacked, webcam hacked, how your laptop spies on you, how your phone spies on you, laptop camera, laptop webcam, laptop webcam cover, is your laptop spying on you, is your laptop camera always on, school laptops spying, school laptops spying on students, school spying on students through laptops, spying
Id: Zw3CIWsvzXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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