Top 20 Mind-Blowing Examples of the Mandela Effect

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what is real welcome to and Ella effect for this list we're looking into the strangest instances of collective false memories otherwise known as the Mandela effect and know this list isn't one itself we did do a version of this already we're just adding more entries it's time to prayer in gorge number 20 it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood your childhood might not look the same after this as we all know good and well mr. Rogers neighborhood always began with its titular host singing its theme song it's a beautiful this much is true but that well-known opening line it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood not so much although it doesn't scan quite as well it's actually a beautiful day in this neighborhood but how did we all miss this when we heard the song so so many times in our youth it could be worse we suppose it's not like he was wearing leather jackets instead of cardigan sweaters this whole time number 19 fruit of the looms logo fruit of the Loom is a clothing company renowned the world over its logo is similarly famous showing fruit spilling out of a cornucopia or at least that's what many of us remember it is being in fact the logo doesn't contain a cornucopia at all okay so maybe an old logo has it right nope versions of the logo dating back over 100 years lack the cornucopia - so why does so many people associate a cornucopia with fruit of the Loom even parodies and references to the fruit of the Loom logo contained cornucopias but not the genuine article number 18 the monopoly man's monocle the board game Monopoly features a memorable mascot named rich uncle Pennybags also known as the monopoly man or mr. monopoly he's famous for his suit top hat and large moustache however people are divided on whether or not he wears a monocle reality seems to favor that he doesn't but our memories of this childhood game can't be false right Ace Ventura pet and you must be the monopoly guy even he spent sure and made the mistake and he seems like he's got a good head on his shoulders could it be as simple as conflating the monopoly man with other rich fat cat mascots like mr. peanut or has someone bought up all our memories number 17 Sex in the City this much-loved HBO show and subsequent movies follow a group of four women in their love lives in New York City are you sure that isn't just call you however strangely there is some disagreement on what its title is although some would swear up and down it's called Sex in the City its title is actually Sex and the City now the easy explanation is that people tend to slur the word and a lot so that sex and the city becomes sex in the city really however there also seems to be plenty of merch and newspaper headlines bearing the word in instead of an so what gives did reality go out for too many drinks with the girls number 16 lucy has some splainin to do I Love Lucy is a classic sitcom and among the most influential TV shows of all time what's going on here face Lucy's husband on the show Ricky Ricardo played by real-life husband Desi Arnaz had a particularly memorable catchphrase Lucy you got some splainin to do or did he say while Ricky frequently said the words splain in various contexts he never says this exact quote despite the supposed line being sighted all over pop culture hey guys I was planning to do it could just be a summation of Ricky's frustration with Lucy's antics distilled into a catchphrase that never was number 15 Oscar Meyer vs. Oscar Meyer an American Meat Company Oscar Meyer has remained a fixture of pop culture thanks to its recognizable logo famous Wienermobile and several catchy jingles but it's name is the source of some consternation as a lot of people remember Meyer being spelled with an e instead of an a oh I wish I were an Oscar Mayer wiener old news clippings can even be seen spelling at m ey ER so is it just a case of the alternate spelling being more common leading to misspellings you think with one of its jingles having lyrics literally spelling out the company's name though it would be impossible to get it wrong but there are those who swear the lyrics have changed since they were younger number 14 mirror mirror on the wall in this seminal Disney animated film the villainous levain Queen famously possesses a magic mirror to call on it she says mirror mirror on the wall who is the fairest one of all except that's not the line in the Disney movie magic oh is in Snow White in the Seven Dwarfs the queen says magic mirror on the wall this is a strange case because the original fairy tale has her say Mirror Mirror it's just the Disney version that's different mirror mirror on the wall is this not the most perfect kingdom of them all this could simply be a case where people are conflating the fairy tale and the Disney film but even so it's odd that something is popular and well known as Snow White wouldn't be better remembered mirror mirror on the wall who's the fairest of them all number 13 Curious George's tail Curious George is a monkey and the star of many children's books and television series hey George perfect kite flying weather huh given how long the characters been around many are surprised to realize that he doesn't have a tail after all George is a monkey and most monkeys have tails apes generally don't by the way and Curious George is repeatedly referred to as a monkey could the common confusion between the two sets of primates be the root of this Mandela effect or has reality changed the features of George's posterior whatever the case we are certainly curious to find out number 12 Mona Lisa's smile the Mona Lisa is arguably the most famous painting in the world and has been discussed and dissected for half a millennium from the strange phenomenon of her eyes appearing to follow you to her enigmatic smile however for some the latter is especially mysterious since there are many who claim that she didn't used to be smiling at all granted it might just be that those exposed to the painting at an early age got better at reading her expression still that so many people could be confused about one of the most studied pieces of art ever made seems odd number 11 hello Clarice when dr. Hannibal Lecter greets agent Clarice Starling from his cell a lot of us remember him saying hello Clarice in that chilling tone after all that's the quote that everyone references all over pop culture good evening Clarice yet in reality dr. Lecter never says this quote in the Silence of the Lambs even if he approximates it in the sequel is this Clarice ah hello Kerry he says good morning to her and even good evening Clarice but never that infamous quote so our people simply miss quoting the film because hello works at all hours of the day or is there a more sinister explanation at work number 10 Pikachu's tail color the adorable yellow red cheeked Pikachu acts as the mascot to the massive multimedia Pokemon franchise with its image plastered on practically everything Pokemon you'd think that its features would be burned into the brains of generations of adults and kids alike but there are those who are convinced that Pikachu's tail like its ears used to have black on the end because of this misconception there are plenty of images available that feature Pikachu with a black tail so that could be to blame [Music] or maybe people are remembering something they were into his kids and are surprised when they revisit it as adults number 9 Looney Tunes we're getting to some deep cuts now Looney Tunes is a franchise of Warner Brothers cartoons dating back to the early days of animation its characters are iconic to the medium and are practically is well known as those by rivals like Disney watch at back but as famous as Looney Tunes is there are some who believe it's name spelling is no longer the same some people remember its name as being tunes t/o ons as in cartoons while the current spelling appears to be tunes tu and ES as in a synonym for music oh you twitch with twixtor the fact that its sister series is called Merrie Melodies lends some weight to the musical spelling and the fact that the words are homophones does mean confusion would be easy still stranger things right number 8 Tinkerbell writing the Disney logo considering how big Disney is they sure have a lot of us miss remembering their properties during a lot of Disney animated features the introduction usually features the Disney logo with its iconic Castle and the name and distinctive loopy handwriting however many fans seem to recall the character Tinkerbell from Peter Pan appearing in these intros no no although Tinkerbell has appeared in several variants of the sequence a lot of us remember her using her wand to write out the word Disney before dotting the eye with sparks despite many similar versions none of them quite get it the way it's described [Music] chalk this one up to magic number seven played again Sam as one of the Titans of cinema Casablanca has a host of memorable lines from is looking at you kid too what about us you'll always have parents yet one of its most quoted is never actually spoken in the movie the line played against am a directive to the piano player to play as time goes by is often associated with Humphrey Bogart's character Rick yet he never says the words playing a few lines come close but the exact phrase is not in the movie it could be even in the pre home video days people just miss remember the line but still you'd think a film buff like Woody Allen would know it and he named a movie after a misquote number six beam me up Scottie this line is as synonymous with Star Trek as a live long and prosper it's just a little weird that no one in the show or films ever actually says it Scottie be Mia most often attributed to Captain Kirk this exact phrase is not spoken by anyone in the franchise although in fairness similar wordings like the voyage home Scotty beam me up were used from time to time but why does this misattribution have the on depressants of cue the people just liked the sound of it did someone tamper with our timeline or did a transporter accident send some of us into a mirror universe number five Nelson Mandela's death this is the memory that gives the Mandela effect its name South African president Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in prison before being released in 1990 or was he a great number of people seem to remember Mandela dying in prison in reading about this fact in textbooks or seeing it on the news even Mandela's actual death in 2013 from a respiratory infection did little to quell the uneasy feeling in people's minds that something about the world or their minds had been altered number for life is lack of box of chocolates while sitting on a park bench and offering candy to strangers humph famously says that his mama always felt quote life was like a box of chocolates it's an iconic phrase but one more likely all guilty of misremembering life is a box of chocolates fullest you never know what you gonna get in fact his mama and thus our simple hero said that quote life is a box of chocolates it's perfectly plausible that people have merely altered the quote to be more general and thus give it more currency but it's still strange that we all get the most memorable line in the movie wrong like it's like a box of chocolates mama doesn't say the quote like that in flashbacks number three Luke I am your father the immortal line is more mortal than you think I [Music] everyone who's ever heard of Star Wars knows this quote in the actual film Darth Vader says to Luke no I am your father countless pop-culture references and legions of dedicated Star Wars fans still managed to somehow get this quote wrong you killed my father so what's the deal have we all just miss quoted it because Luke provides more context or have some of us come to this reality from far far away this isn't the only Star Wars example of the Mandela effect either just check out c-3po s leg sometime number two starring Sinbad Shazam quick question who starred in the 90's movie about a genie some of us correctly recall it being NBA star Shaquille O'Neal who had a sporadic movie career throughout the 90s however others believe the star of the film in question was the comedian and actor Sinbad who starred in a number of children's films during that same time period racism that's what Jesse Jackson was talking about others also believe this non-existent film starring Sinbad was called Shazam rather than Kazaam which they claim is something else entirely are people conflating multiple movies in their minds if only we had a genie to magically solve this mystery before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one the Berenstein bears you know that series of slightly saccharine children's books about a family of bears and the cartoons based off them what were they called the Berenstein bears are remembered by many as part of their childhoods however they aren't the Berenstein bears at all they're the berenstain bears the berenstain bears the Berenstain the easy explanation is that names that end in Steen are far more common than those that end in stain and a lot of us were exposed to the stories as kids and misread or misheard the titles multiple times yeah while some of us can shake it off for others this is a stain on reality do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from WatchMojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos [Music] you
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Views: 1,228,905
Rating: 4.7456636 out of 5
Keywords: examples of the mandela effect, mandela effect, nelson mandela, false memories, collective false memories, watershed moments, moments we all remember incorrectly, moments we all misremember, it’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood, fruit of the loom, monopoly, sex and the city, mirror mirror on the wall, curious george, mona lisa, the silence of the lambs, pikachu, looney toons, disney, tinker bell, star trek, star wars, the berenstein bears, watchmojo, mojo, list, top 10
Id: kkO9zO62k-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 54sec (954 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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