How the Gun Auction Process Works: Ian Buys a Kar98a!

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I just watched this and found it very interesting.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 59 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PoshPopcorn πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

As a kid from queens, with little interest in owning firearms... Man, I really love Ian's channel. It's super informative, even if you're not a huge gun person.

I had no idea this is how gun auctions worked! Interesting. Forgotten Weapons really is one of the best things I've found during quarantine/apocalypse... Well, forgotten weapons and that local bodega that's well stocked with toilet paper.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 73 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ian's content is so friggin great. One of his more interesting videos. It would be great if he'd do more of these auction buy vids.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/kimchifart πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is my favorite video from Ian, he just is so excited, truly a kid in a candy store.

His ability to instantly assess the quality of the rifles is also amazing. His ability to "dumb down" the entire process without being condescending is also great. In another life he would be a great teacher.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/squeaky4all πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ive lost so many bids on RIA lol, its nice to see someone win. also, now I want to go up and do one of their auctions live, this looks awesome. Great video!!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/swebb22 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Sounds like this is a good watch. I'm gonna check it out tomorrow. Hopefully theres better tips i can learn. Every gun auction I've tried everything seems to really high then you factor the auction fees yuck.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Lobotomite430 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
I guess thanks for tuning in to another video on Forgotten weapons calm I'm he Emma column and today I am at the preview day for rock island's February 20 2014 and collectors auction and I have actually never been to one of their auctions before which may be a little surprising for all the filming I've done here I always come a couple weeks in advance the auction to make my video so they can publish before the auction goes live well what they have today or for the next four days this is their biggest auction to date and they wanted me to come down and actually get a chance to experience it so we're gonna do a video on what it what's the process for actually buying a gun at auction what's the auction like cuz this is all new to me so Rock Island has given me a budget of $2,500 to spend on something and so I have to figure out what is it that I want now I know all of you are gonna go oh he's gonna buy something French obviously he's gonna buy twenty four hundred ninety nine dollars worth of French guns and the soda but you're wrong because pigeon-holed myself a little bit in French but the fact the matter is I'm interested in inking and wide variety of firearms which is why I started forgotten about this in the first place and there's one that I've always kind of wanted but never really been willing to go out and spend money on it and that is a world war one car 98 AZ this is the basically the first German stormtrooper rifle this is the shortened version of the Mauser 98 and they have like seven of them here so I want one of those what we're gonna do is we're gonna take a look at all seven and figure out like what are my priorities because with 11,000 plus guns here like I really have to pick and choose I've got enough money for probably one lot so let's go take a look at the first one and talk a little bit about like why they do this in watts alright so the first step in this process is actually have to like sign in and get the little paddle number thing I've been bidding at Rock Island stuff for many years now but I've always done it online with their online thing that TZ put I'm gonna do it in person it's a little bit of a different process so let's get me signed in are you eating our website movements I would like to place bits okay and then would you be picking your items up and just reminder everything is subject to sales tax since we're shipping it off you depending on where we live - I think you should already have a thank you because I've been doing this online here we have signature on that's one thing that's just your better registration report right and you are all set this is your number for the entire weekend and thank you alright here is the first of seven karna edicts that are in this auction now they're all in Lots so what I have to do is go through and look at each one and figure out okay which are the ones that like my first and second choices maybe third and then I have to look at what other guns come in this lot and see can I have something that I can legitimately afford with the budget that I've got so taking a look at this first one here what we have we have a 19-15 Erfurt production I like the fact that it's got a 1923 stamp on it that means that this was held over as an official legitimate Aimar era military rifle see our serial number there is eight eight eight six so it is a matching gun the finish on this is little yeah I don't like those kind of ugly dings on there we have a sling however I can tell you this is very clearly a reproduction sling so the slings matter to me let's take a look because my do plan to shoot this it's not bad it's a little dark but the lamp the rifling is nice and strong so I would say we have a pretty decent $6.99 Delta which means there is also an alpha beta and Charlie does not go to eat so in order to buy this rifle I would also have to buy this which is I do not like this this has been given a really ugly coat of glossy black eat it's like kar 98k yeah that's kind of evil and this guy which is a Yugoslavian 48 that's kind of a good thing because this is a relatively inexpensive and big ol 1919 dated Swedish Mauser with bayonet I don't actually have a Swedish Mauser so that wouldn't be too bad so I guess that's our baseline let's see what the next one looks like here's our second one yes so we've got our characteristic stacking swivel there the whole front end of this gun was kind of distinctive and this one is a 1918 Danzig production again with a 1923 stamp which I like this one has a beautiful finish that looks like it's original serial number is five eight three nine they're both in the cocking piece are both matching that is excellent this is an original sign outside of this I would kind of expect the right wing to look quite a lot our nose cap also matches we got a little bit of a bend in the stacking bar there but that's like the biggest downside to this hole right here available if we look at the handguard right here this has not been sanded which is a nice thing it doesn't look like the stock has been lacquered after the fact ah this is appears to be a very nice original condition gun it a nice clear proof on it like it mr. let's see what this this so this one is a we have another you go m48 these are I mean they're they're great shooters not something I particularly want but not a very high-priced gun which is good a lot to the cost of a lot this is a 1944 k98 tang which is matching that is kind of a problem because this is a more valuable gun it's actually a nice example of a late war 98k which would normally be a good thing to accept it I didn't ask people who want that third extra gun this one is not going to add much to the value of the lot this is an 1891 Argentine Mauser on which a bunch of the parts have been heard from so we have a hard chromed and then badly worn magazine barrel band and nose cap have all been chromed and it's got a nice hole ugly century in there so that's that's a rifle I would not keep very long at all but also shouldn't add too much to the cost of the water so now a quick commentary here the reason that they're doing all these things because it's easy to come in like what this stuff this rifle well the problem is with the volume that they have in this sale there is not the time available to sell every gun individually it's taking them four days to sell these as lots of on average three or four gallons each and these also tend to be lesser quality guns and premiere options so more common I mean things like go in 48 hours this is three or $400 rifle probably it's just not worth it to the auction house to try and sort all of these out individual so and just move on to take a look at another easy with it now this band that is a shortened engineers bayonet it doesn't have the shield down here for a 98 I suspect this is a Turkish modified bayonet so that's okay but compelling me this gun was an airport 1917 it is not Reese tempt so it was not formally brought into the Vimal Republic I see we have a pair of eight millimeter Mauser stamps here or eight millimeter stamps though they're not sure where those came from it would be some sort of import proofing deal this is a mismatched bolt all in all this is not nearly as nice as the first two we looked at I mean it's got some good stuff going for it the stocks in original condition it hasn't been sanded the finish is not terrible but not quite as good but overall if I'm gonna get one I kind of want one match so we're gonna skip this see it's easy to find these because they all have the stacking run so you can kind of look down the row of rifles number three here is airport 1917 finish is not terrible this might yeah we have serial numbers for 17 the bolt is matched that's nice if some sort of zgm stamp in there not sure what that is all our condition is fairly rough this is see the difference between this barrel band condition and the barrel isn't that doesn't fit in fact the barrel band is mismatched it's actually not that bad but this is definitely not as nice as for kicks this one would come with any Swedish Mallard another Swedish Mouse and tragically sport Erised yeah all right so this is 1918 tons again this one is 1920 standard a lot of these work it was recognized by you know by the end of the war that the carbine is kind of the way to go rather than wrong rifle and because my Mar was severely restricted on the number of guns they compete they opted to keep a lot more fortunately more carbines than rifles anyway 76 so the bolt is matching the cocking piece is not I'm not seeing nine five the stacking rod matches I don't see a number on the nose cap overall not bad we've got her disassembly disk in there check the board follow our matches okay hungry no see there's little stuff that you always want to look for this is missing a little detent button to lock this slider in place so as long as you're okay with it always being at 300 which one shouldn't be like this week just you'd want to get this frame stats up a little bit of the project there that said this is still pretty nice site I really do like the 1923 standard feature so this is an e cycle which means this lot is all five these another Swedish males are a Spanish matter and another Spanish announcer this one is actually this is Berlin so this is actual Mauser made one as opposed to ANFO viedo the good news here is Spanish mousers aren't worth all that much too much a lot just a little different this is with a Greek style moniker 1983 / 14 that's kind of cool rifle I don't have one if I have to get an extra gun that I'm not specifically looking for that's not a bad one to do so I think so far this is probably my number two choice I wish it had a little spring we've got two more delivers let's go find those alright here is number six hopefully you guys aren't getting totally bored with Carnegie eights yet Erfurt 1917 this one is matching that's nice however this stock has clearly been sanded for a long time people thought that you know if you sand it it just looks nicer and what you get you can see this really clearly rounded edge to the handguard or the hand grip groove there and that's very unfortunate you can also see the stock no longer why fits around the magazine because the woods been sanded down so really unfortunately there's a kind of a nice patina to this example in it well it has basically no finish left yeah I'm generally like I could that could be okay with the lack of finish but I don't like this style especially knowing that they're nicer examples here so we're going to scrap that one off the list and in our very last one this guy is in 1852 one this is another mismatched gun so I'm gonna I'm gonna leave this one off the list as well because it is mismanaged so this guy's gonna be my first choice now this comes with as we previously looked at this ugly unfortunate rifle this pretty darn nice rifle and this one that's fine but inexpensive and not hugely desirable so the budget that RA gave me is 2,500 bucks that mean I did $2,500 for the lot no what I would normally do well the first thing I'm gonna do is take my budget and reduce it by the expenses that I know are coming so there is a buyer's premium here of 15% which means I'm gonna take 15% right off the top if I bid $1,000 and win they're gonna attack on 150 bucks 15% I am also going to reduce it by 9% for Arizona sales tax unfortunately like many other businesses now Rock Island charges sales tax even for how the state shipments it sucks but that's the law as it's being enforced so I'm gonna take my twenty five hundred I'm going to divide it by 1.09 for tax and then again by 1.15 for sales tax or for buyer's premium and that's going to leave me with 1994 dollars which normally I would round up to 2000 however I also have to account for shipping if I win a batch of four long rifles I'm gonna pay about a hundred bucks in shipping from Rock Island I've I've been on some guns from them before and I kind of know that's how that's gonna turn out so that leaves me with 1,900 to actually bid assuming I think this batch of rifles is worth 1,900 now if I go through this real quick I'm gonna say that's about three this guy like a matching key 98 that's high an eight hundred four thousand dollar gun a really nice car 98 like this I'm going to say is probably $800 done and then this is like a hundred bucks so that's gonna bring me to like retail to 2,400 I've lost track of my number like 2400 so I'm willing to bid my whole budget on this batch because I think it's worth it if I win it there is something to consider the way that the bidding works from well up to 2000 I think is 1000 to 2000 at the bid increments or $100 so 1,000 1,100 1,200 1314 separate once you hit 2,000 the pigment ink bid increment jumps to 250 so it's 1,900 and then 2000 and then 2250 so if you can be the person who puts down a $2,000 bid for someone how did you they have to spend an extra substantially more money they have to jump 250 bucks - yeah so where my budget actually tops out at 1900 I think I'm much more likely to be able to win something if I'm willing to bid 2,000 so suck it up and throw in 100 bucks of my own money but I suppose that's not much sacrifice since they gave me a budget if I were doing this with my own money I would take that into consideration when I was figuring out how much money to save up for an auction like this so my max bid amount is 2,000 and on this lot I don't think I really have to worry about you know if the batch is actually worth it I'm pretty confident that it is so that's what we're gonna try for we got our first priority got our second priority over the other side here which is another batch that again put them all together I think they're worth the full price so next up I guess let's head into the auction today is the preview day when we get a chance to look at everything these guns are coming up for sale on Saturday so to the magic of editing we're going to jump forward to Saturday quickly we could go and you know I lined that's the thing I'd like to educate individuals who are new to us at me online platforms we do move and so just a little bit faster than what you normally would think an online auction so please be aware of that shield telephone okay all right got to explain this if I get a bid in here for three thousand and I haven't good for twenty five hundred and nobody's willing to give you a hundred bucks in this room or even on this computer investment it's still going to sell for twenty seven fifty because one anything else after twenty five hundred twenty seven fifty the guy bid 3,000 he'll get it for 2750 so there's already an option going up if you follow that okay it's the same thing to buy that fifteen hundred thousand you guys can get it for a love of country okay that's that's what's going on here okay so now we break ties by who put the bin in first through here we go aunty special-order Winchester eighteen eighty six fifty expressed with the factors like fifty units are a 3537 have to be 4050 linking at work whoops unit twenty five to forty five seventy 45 45 - 45 45 45 45 45 hold it 25 on our evil ass off give it their away three five hundred left oh shut it 4250 better number 234 a lot number two right now 5,000 right for the 5,000 only 750 is up front it's gonna be 5,000 leaving a 5050 500 5000 under back he says no last for 5,500 Glasgow so that one went super huge if there is a zillion 30 out six of g-33 just be weird to see empty not this sort of 50 not mean anything now 16 Glasgow at 1600 Glasgow so 15 16 17 18 18 now my dear mm now 40 to 50 mm so how that fits clubbing when you go 50 mm seed it's gonna be 20 to 50 what do you think that 20 to 50 mm no 23 50s from bill 2250 Lascaux so 2004 21 caught when you want more number 46 94 that was so nice so even when you know exactly what's going on it's like the same thing still quite eternal and heart rate and what you may have noticed is I played a clever auction trick there so the bid was at 1800 and and it wasn't mine and so I throw the card off at 95 good then someone else can get it for 2,000 and then the bid increment jumps from hundred dollars to 250 so then if someone else has it mm I have to jump to 2250 together so what I did was instead of hitting 19 threw up the card mm so I jumped I did an extra hundred bucks on the hope that nobody would be willing to make that big step up from 2000 2250 I'm very excited I'm like excited because that was a gorgeous it's a gorgeous car gorgeous so I have to chipping in and no week or two or three I'll show the house I think it's showing up pregnant and here they are it took about three weeks for Rock Island to get this to me which is a little bit longer than they normally take but this is also up a little bit bigger auction than they normally do so I will point out I got this one box and it says open that this end only so oh also by the way on the outside we have important must-read please save all the original packing material and box basically if you're going to have any claim of damage to stuff they want you to be able to prove how the pack we also have a copy of a sheet talking about their shipping crew and how they go through all the packing you'll get a customer copy of your shipping release which lists everything that is in the package and a copy of their FFL so if you have a curio in relic licensed you'll need that to log this in your books if you don't this would go to your local dealer and they will need that to log it into their books so this is just a box that holds two more boxes and we have another big brightly-colored thing that says attention items listed below are packaged separate from the firearm please inspect the package thoroughly to prevent items from being misplaced or thrown out they have taken the bolts out of four of these rifles and packed them separately because I think there are some some laws that require it at any rate there have been some horror stories out there of mostly gun shops receiving things for people and accidentally throwing out some of the parts I heard about one guy who but a very nice sniper rifle his FFL did not realize that it included a scope separate FFL throughout the scope matching scope and that's a problem so Rock Island is doing good work ensuring that that sort of thing does not happen more now we'll pull out these boxes and then these are also cardboard shells around the real boxes tape holding them together alright my car 98 is item B which is going to be in this guy so we'll set that one aside real box out the cardboard shell now we can open up this guy table together all over the place and inside here we have peanuts unfortunately although I believe these are actually water soluble biodegradable peanuts which is what's something we have two bags titled small parts enclosed these are the bolts so I want B hold that out and then we go rifle be all mummy wrapped up with sling and muzzle cap that's cool I had not actually realized there was a nozzle cap with this now Rock Islands got a fair amount of practice packing this sort of thing and they've gotten better over time what they have now is shrink wrap over bubble wrap and the shrink wrap has piece of tape and a tail so you can just put right there and so there's the shrink-wrap and we have the bubble wrap they also use tape now that comes off pretty easily so you can actually save the bubble wrap if you don't tear it up you can reuse it yourself namely when you go to sell and shift out one or more of the rifles in the patch that you didn't actually want but had to get because of the batch so they wrap the bubble wrap end over end a couple times I can pull the rifle out hold that up and reuse it and then we've got yet more bubble wrap around the more delicate areas of the gun one over the rear sight we've got all that over the muzzle and don't want to lose that the original muzzle cab that's cool more bubble wrap over the buttstock and then they have bubble wrapped the sling which is thoughtful but a little bit of a pain to get out okay the fun kind of a pain in the butt want to do this but I appreciate the effort I'm glad that they're putting it all out there to not let the rifles get damaged in transit all right there's the swing unwrapped and now we still have our bolt bolt unwrapped we still have the original inventory tag from Rock Island which I am NOT concerned about it is unloaded one would hope and expect there we go one gorgeous 1918 Danzig 1920 by Mari stamped Guevara 98 or carbine er 98 and I'm really happy to finally have one so hopefully you guys enjoyed the video enjoy the look at what it's like to actually go through the whole process of sorting through rockhounds Preview Day figuring out something to be cool to get going through the very quick bidding process and then actually having it arrive and getting to unpack it once you're done once you win it so thanks for watching hope you enjoyed the video
Channel: Forgotten Weapons
Views: 1,136,899
Rating: 4.9483032 out of 5
Keywords: history, development, mccollum, forgotten weapons, design, disassembly, kasarda, inrange, inrangetv, ria, rock island, auction, kar98a, mauser, rifle, collector, collectible
Id: eQTy0WqQhYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 15sec (1875 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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