The Man Who Killed Наrdсоrе WоW

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okay so what we have here is just a this is the Hardcore World of Warcraft knacks 40 Man Four Horsemen so if you die in this you lose your entire character okay guys so far I got on my bus am I good the first Mark isn't for 20 seconds are you calling out marks like one and two swan together should you guys think instead I think I'm good yeah oh God there aren't people on behind is that not how they do it I don't even know why cersealia stack up for the meteor stack stack stack now why Celia where's he going wait is in the wrong spot they're like doing it this guy's trolling actually oh my God you're [ __ ] lizard tonsil I can run it away runs it like away are you trolling up for a person should have already death wished dude you're actually he's [ __ ] grieving holy [ __ ] [Applause] [Music] oh my [ __ ] god let me explain what happened because whenever we originally whenever I was watching it I was thinking to myself why are they gonna wipe they can just cleave them both down they're full whirl Buffs people in speedruns were able to kill three I bet they could probably kill two but Celiac has an ability that a lot of people don't know about and his ability is the exact same as eye of c'thun's I-beam that it is a chain lightning that has an infinite target range or Target amount that doubles every single time that it's cast on on a player so like you hit it goes two thousand four thousand eight thousand sixteen thousand you know to Infinity so this guy who is tanking zeliac because I was like why is he bringing him over here like what's he trying to do I didn't even think of this so he's got him and he's moving right he's moving away he's like I'm gonna be a good boy I'm gonna do what I need to do he says hold up wait a minute hole up wait a minute he turned him around took him all the way over there and so he's waiting right now and you can see this beam oh is this the beam right here I think this actually might be the beam so watch this druid because it can't be chain lightning it's it's an alliance raid watch The Druids health oops oh maybe not it's hard to say so he brings zeliac on right on top of uh Thane core thoughts because they have to be stacked by the way for for Thane corthaws because Thane does a meteor so effectively what they're doing is he's bringing them on top of the melee pile that have to be stacked in order to do the meteor you're [ __ ] lizard tonsil I can run it away runs it like away it doesn't matter watch watch the zeliac beam watch him freshman so there's the nuke boom he's [ __ ] grieving holy [ __ ] boom annihilated every single [ __ ] one of them look at that that was cute it was something I'll tell you that holy [ __ ] Calamity said that tiny violin had played for a year plus played outside of raid with them talked about Long Haul and wanting a KT kill convinced them of being real and then he had full intention of throwing at Four Horsemen so he waited for his moment to strike for a year [Music] oh my God and the thing is that if it was any other boss they would have been able to recover like what other boss could he have done it on maybe does can you taunt grabulous I don't think you can Thaddeus no you can't do it on Thaddeus how could he do it on Thaddeus because Thaddeus he would just one shot himself he would have to Shield wall in Last Stand holy you can't Petrie the stacks wait wait so even if you have flask of petrification the stacks won't they will still damage you so he waited for the perfect moment one year and he also yes he he also set it up in a way that he could tank zeliac himself oh my God literal vote JoJo villain Arc it was ideal and he waited did he just do that okay there's the grief guys there's the grief and no petriing holy [ __ ] yeah actually this one actually got out the Paladin actually got out he just [ __ ] griefed us wait is he the only one that lived every one on her 15 18. 24. oh my God why not on KT because you could you could Petri out of KT and KT doesn't have the One-Shot mechanics that's why yeah you could maybe ice tomb two groups of people but that's it it had to be four horsemen he had to be a warrior and he had the tank zeliac the cosmos aligned it was not the cosmos he played a warrior he played a tank he probably volunteered to tank Celiac bro he lined him up himself I don't think it's that deep dude so you think that it's all a coincidence that he played the warrior that he was playing tank that he happened to tank the mob that would kill the entire raid and he did it on the one boss they couldn't petrification flask out all of these things were just all a huge coincidence I don't think so I think that we're dealing with a villain the marks don't go through Patrick why not on KT brother that's why he couldn't have won he couldn't have wiped the raid yeah he wouldn't have been able to wipe the raid on KT imagine dying because so many other bosses aren't are taunt immune so it would be impossible for him to do tiny violin had 20 accounts on Earth Fury just to dispel people in classic wow how much money is that it's like 300 a month Jesus uh teeny hearth I thought happening early and start a hard thing uh mods barely toxic people preemptively it's around 30 at that so far guys it's still happening people are still dying oh well it was fun oh well I mean that's [ __ ] right it was fun it was actually interesting that it took so long for stuff like this to happen yeah it is but that's doing in it was like grief it was a dream we made it so far holy [ __ ] that was impressive and there's no other boss that he could have done it on because if he had done it I'm thinking I'm thinking in my mind like what where how like where could he have done it earlier because like on c'thun it wouldn't have mattered because people could patreon nefarian you can't taunt nefarian what could he do on the Therian Thaddeus it would just kill him and then it would damage the rest of the raid and with World Buffs and everybody's passive resist because of this Elemental damage it would not have killed them Vale if he had I'm thinking about all the fights a veil if he had had a burning adrenaline that would be like a massive possibility right because he would maybe tank the boss and then run it on top of people even that people could move away from him and they would be able to know that the zg snake boss with the same mechanic as iliac but that's only 20 people instructor resuvius what could he do on instructor Vesuvius taunt and then die I understand you guys want me to interview him I kind of don't want to because of how absolutely degenerate this is but you do have to admit that this is so disgusting it's so perverse so wrong that it is slightly impressive this is I I will be on it this is impressive I'll give it a day or so and if people really want an interview I will consider it okay oh my God this guy is an actual demon yes this is there's is there any other ability that goes through flask of petrification is there any other ability saffron he keeps saying it was an at so he says it was an accident it's just a little oopsy oh my God it's not impressive at all he's a trash human being not anything more so you don't think that it's impressive so these are the things that you needed to do in order to come to this outcome okay um 260. Trust of the guild um not die during at all um no all fights in vanilla wow uh this is insane I mean like I'm still going yes this is the big one right here keep in mind orange for the entire flight zulik is taunable so you don't need to be the one assigned to it oh you're you're right that's actually a good point so let's get this let's get this straight you had to level a character to 60. in hardcore wow you had to gain the trust of a guild um play with them off stream and out of raid become one of the main tanks of the guild you don't die at all during any part of this Farm World Buffs on a weekly basis Farm consumables on a weekly basis know all of the fights in vanilla wow backwards and forwards to the extent that you understand every single intricate mechanic so you know just the specific boss fight the one fight that they can't stop you then you progress through all of molten core without dying you've progressed through all of bwl without dying you progress through all of aq40 without dying and then you study exactly not only the boss fights and the mechanics but also the specific mechanics that allow you to bypass the flask of petrification and there are only a handful of them then you clear the majority of naxx 40 which by the way is a hard raid in an hardcore where you can't die without having a single without dying yourself then you earn the trust to tank the boss that could potentially be the the one that could ruin the raid and that's how much trust they have in you and you do all of this in an entire over the entire year it is an over an entire year and then then afterwards you say that he said he was set up and framed he was grieved and is going to find out the culprit and get them investigated and banned this is [ __ ] up how did we wipe and I am to blame this is [ __ ] we have a rat in the raid and then you blame somebody else Bro [ __ ] jaina being a dreadlord it's this guy this is the real dreadlord right here also keep in mind that at any other point in the fight this strategy wouldn't have worked it had to have been at the beginning of the fight because that would be the only time that Thane was alive and Thane being alive is the necessary thing in order for people to have to stack up for meteor this is bound Azar's brother yes oh my God I wonder how much they pay here so the characters I don't most of us will just leave it guys he killed the guild it is a grief though he destroyed the entire guilt he wins exactly it is what it is I don't agree it is a grief though get angry about it he wins yep exactly it is I don't agree if he would he took the boss on top of us and Shane the uh should not let one small man holy wrap yeah not agility it was the uh actual psychopath remarkable achievement somebody it couldn't have been an accident teeny violin used mocking blow to bring the boss back to the pile after the other Warrior used taunt to take the boss in the other direction he could say that somebody had um a remote desktop into his PC because he accidentally clicked the Discord link stack up for the media okay here's the clip we've got the clip gentlemen all right let's see it here we go now so you see this is where he turns around he says Nope zeliac is in the wrong spot and you can see he just turned around and he used his attack on uh this tab guy so you see the taunt go off from Legends Legends was trying to be a legend teeny immediately uses his macro to swap to Battle Stance and apply mocking blow on on Sir zeliac to maintain aggro he says no [ __ ] [ __ ] is that the wrong Corner oh [ __ ] yeah he did oh oh [ __ ] I oh it's the wrong so he went to the wrong corner wrong corner oh Stack Up I'm not moving anymore zeliac is like he's in the wrong spot s oh my God you're [ __ ] lizard I can run it away runs it like away he may need a petri right here here it comes oh [ __ ] [ __ ] was that the wrong Corner can you just do that oh [ __ ] yeah he did oh [ __ ] I had the wrong corner oh back up for the meteor now this game we he is sat here and rated with us for a year and made friends to agree for Raiden right before Katie actual psychopath Behavior it was on purpose it was on purpose incredible words cannot describe how awesome this game mode was and what we did the trends we set together through rules that we enforce for our own fun and achievement and sense of Glory no one no one can take that away from you no one I can think of someone I appreciate everyone that's that's been around like it's [ __ ] been a blast it's been super fun guys um responsible question though if people if some of us want to keep playing like okay no can I just say thank you guys for bringing me along this entire time knowing I'm not a [ __ ] dwarf that made a huge mistake when I made the tune was it offensive appeal yeah groups are appeal whether or not we will is a hold of this question 38 seriously 30 A.M we have like six livers I think yeah I saw like four or five people in here like that's it yeah we can we can discuss it was a grief right so I mean yeah what if Barney comes out with a video tomorrow and it was actually after the Scarab Ward video had to figure out another way to update any and it was Barney all along it was me it's up to the players he wants to do what I I really think as a group if you want to keep playing it feels like if we die here he wins I don't know it just yeah exactly guys I'm not going to talk to him about it I was surprised we made it this far somebody said that earlier yeah yeah I I think obviously like I mean no me and like they should just appeal the death it obviously was a grief just keep going like that's my opinion he obviously griefed you it wasn't the fault of anybody yeah you just appeal and that's it just move on yeah good troll but appeal yeah I would just appeal and be like okay yeah well we obviously got grief to nobody should have this death held against them because it wasn't legitimate at all it's it is what it is guys like that's what I would do honestly we have I I personally am not going to continue we have a rule how are you going to appeal on classic hardcore server the official server that's a great question that is a great question I'm sure blizzard would be able to deal with it why do people even want to play this [ __ ] anyway I don't know that's as you die in a raid you die in a raid I agree agree agree no single I think it undermined the achievement to come back and do it again right Sonny right right right you know I personally would disagree I think that if you uh if you allow something like this to stand all you do is enable more more griefing like personally that that's how I see it is that like if you let something like this stand it it's like just what a weird take they have they're just giving up yeah because like if for example the guy griefed them and then everybody just got their appeal then the guy would look like an idiot right because he spent a whole year for nothing but like the reason why there's infamy behind it is because of the fact that it worked if it didn't work then it wouldn't matter you see what I'm saying it encourages more Griefers yes I think this should not be appealable because he just dedicated so much time to it and we have fresh soon yeah I honestly I'm shocked he didn't wait for the fresh because like he's now lost all hardcore viewership why not wait for KT even like what the heck no people are gonna watch him way more because of this people think this shit's hilarious [Music] leadership even like he wouldn't it's actually really sad right like it's really sad he was like actually like really good friends with like Ellen and like flora and like some of the other leadership people he was actually trying to be like I appreciate it yeah I don't know it just sucks [Music] the thing is just great for sure yeah yeah again I really don't want to lose it on that if that's such a such a blame like intention exactly well no that's fine like I don't care like I'm here to do this it's just like I know that rule can I get my loot please how often do you all get I have no more competition guys official right enjoy the ride so you know got a clip go let's watch the clip boys we go again I didn't die what can you think you think Calamity hardcore do you rank one Pally with Diana rain rules of rules hardcore brain rot yeah I know some of their takes are so odd yeah of course oh my God even if they do appeal at Gilly and all 39 players to come back wanting to do it again would be a feat in itself no I don't really think so like like of course they're gonna want to do it again is this against the social contract well no because he said it was an accident it's not against the social contract to make a mistake yeah I mean how's that against the the rules how many died 36 I think so many people in a group have wronged him uh-huh he says it's a mistake so they can't appeal it genius I wonder what's gonna happen I actually do I'm curious to see like is Wizard going to ban this guy what's going to happen aren't breaking as [ __ ] yeah dude what if they don't ban him what'd you expect I expect dude people's Second Chances if tiny violin came to us a year ago saying hey guys I want to be reformed I want to do this I want to pump I think it's here for a year making friends literally hanging out outside of raid with us listen to this and goes yeah I'm here for the Long Haul I want to kill KT I give him a second chance because I believe in people changing well it's on us right people never change yeah yeah the video title Barney's big mistake oh my God imagine that oh [ __ ] this is that Barney no it's not we're just joking around if you can make friends for a year and hang out even like actual friendship type like gameplay [ __ ] listen to this It's just sad right all right do we have anything to replace them we lost like 36 people around well some aren't though it's done that's it it's Joe for yeah oh my God I want to watch beans POV of this oh God look at his [ __ ] face oh no oh no all right here we go let's watch the other POV happy yeah so far he's happy the first Mark isn't for 20 seconds are you calling out marks like one and two Swan three yeah okay should you guys stay in your stack we have no rage on pool five four all right let's go three this is the same man who did a 16 man multi-box on Earth Fury dispelling people 24 hours a day for weeks and months and think about all of that power Consolidated into merely one character two boys we're locked in no I could have scissor that dude sorry I'm not moving anymore see he's still happy everything's so good it's just a nice cozy day everything is good there's the first bomb go on everything's good I can run it away because he knows the game excuse me death wished you're actually a [ __ ] truck the team you just do that he can't get away he's not gonna get away he's too high on korthos's uh oh no oh no we're gonna watch him die through petrification see he's he's happy right because he thinks I'm gonna Petri through this it's gonna be fine what a [ __ ] douchebag who did it we did it yeah we did it yeah we did it it's fine I mean we're good pretty much everyone on Earth where he said we shouldn't allow a minute who did it oh look at [ __ ] baldness and now we realize and now we see wow the marks don't go through Petri no he just almost they sure do still dead anyway so it's through no yikes did you boys always wondered why he would play this kind of game mode he doesn't even know what to say foreign oh well it was fun I mean that's [ __ ] right like it was actually interesting that it took so long for stuff like this to happen it had to yeah I mean it was kind of it was happening I made it so far it's good guys we made it so far holy [ __ ] that was impressive it was fun wonder how much they paid them I think he did this one for free if you if you get angry about it he wins so yeah exactly it is honestly like yeah dude I even died through Petri guys you guys say petrio p i just died through Petri guys I just died through Petri man is there all everyone died right or remarkable again not everyone we we just killed tonight instructor receive these do you know how many people with the Rogue tank six months ago oh the Mark goes through Petri that's insane Columbia didn't die probably bubble Hearth right which is not allowed so I mean technically incredible words cannot describe damn bro how awesome this game mode was and what we did the trends we set together through rules that we enforce for our owners she really is she pre-hearted or something no one really wow well I appreciate everyone that's that's been around like it's [ __ ] been a blast yeah it counts it counts it's everyone's dead I do it hardcore is uh yep it's all this fun to keep playing like hardcore is uh hey now I can make a human yeah now I have to play official yeah maybe who told you guys the Teeny guy uh the speech is from the griefer 38. 38 seriously thirty eight yeah there's like six livers I think I'm not gonna lie I kind of feel nice because now I can be a human you know now I can be a human am I gonna level on this on this realm I don't know bro I don't know thanks Cuba a weight has been lifted you know I I I should you know what [ __ ] bro it kind of sucks I didn't want to I did want to beat the game I really wanted to kill KT and you know pretty you know just beat the game um hey volleyball thanks bro thanks bro it's a good one dude uh honestly I'm honestly I'm honestly not that mad if I died like individually like if I died to like a boss or something randomly you know should we thank you for the five bro if I die to like a boss or something I'd feel really [ __ ] bad but like we died to some [ __ ] who just wanted to kill us all right and I mean it's a perfect boss honestly um it was and uh you know [ __ ] bro I like the clip uh does someone have a better clip of this because this clip is like this clip is pretty bad but here you go yeah wow this will be a legend it will be but Tiny's name on the Statue I understand why the griefer uh wrote amazing how many people like to Griefer are in this chat now I know why the wow Community is [ __ ] the thing is that blizzard Engineers it this way this is the way they made the game he is simply an outcome of their designs he is the fifth Horseman yes that's right the fifth Horseman emergent player Behavior yes they have made the game like this doesn't really matter because it'll be overturned they said no the hardcore people said that you can't get a raid death overturned so they were they're gonna have to change their uh their rules and also um even if they do that doesn't stop somebody from doing it like I think people would absolutely like risk their account to waste people's time on this level his next character should be fifth Horsemen he'll be remembered for this this is insane yes you will be remembered did it for the clout went from nothing to 1K viewers and 500 Subs in 30 minutes yeah and do you know why it's because people don't care about this it's funny yeah to them this is just funny it doesn't matter like oh somebody is inconvenienced in a video game and the thing is also like is Blizzard gonna ban him for what he says is a mistake what's gonna happen immunity is dog [ __ ] I think that there are a lot of people out there who look at the hardcore wow Community as kind of annoying and stupid because they're trying to go super super hard mode on a version of the game that is brain dead so I think that whenever people see hardcore players like this taking such a massive l I think they love it people have always enjoyed blood Sports yeah wrong Corner oh bro was I in the wrong Corner ah [ __ ] [ __ ] you say brain dead but most don't make it past level 20. yeah well there's different spectrum of brain dead also I'm not saying that like I know hardcore wild takes like a lot of focus sure but like I'm saying that's the way a lot of people feel about it that's all it's when do people find hardcore players annoying well let me ask the chat are there a lot of you guys that kind of get that vibe from Hardcore wow and hardcore wow players okay well there you go it makes you mad you shouldn't play hardcore that's the way it goes people dislike hardcore Wild players because they don't find hardcore fun they can't stand seeing other people doing fun and something they don't like I think the reason why they they feel that way is that a lot of people that play hardcore are like um there's like an ego attached to it and it's the same thing with hardcore in a lot of games where it's like people feel like they're like Superior Gamers because they play hardcore so like that's why right is that they talk about that stuff and they're like oh yeah well we play hardcore like we're serious about the game like that's why people like seeing it happen people watch DEATH compilations oh yeah they love them they absolutely do Journey people playing having fun with hardcore having fun you're listening the majority that's loud and act like that's all of them I'm just saying this is the vibe that people get I've played hardcore wow like I'm not saying that I think this I'm just saying this is this is the impression that people get like I what like there are people who are racist does that mean I'm racist because I acknowledge there are people that are racist no just because I say there's other people out there that are like this doesn't mean that I'm agreeing with them saying they're right saying I think this I'm just acknowledging that they exist at the end of the day this is just great content it definitely is who cares it's good content for everyone involved anyway well I think it's only really good content for that guy uh for everybody else to kind of just waste their time so yeah um if I was uh if I was the hardcore guys what I would do is I would probably just reverse the deaths because here's the thing is that mature take most people in streamers who are playing hardcore are pretty chilled okay so or you're saying are you saying that most people aren't immature have you ever played World of Warcraft like do you know where you are if they reverse the deaths it's a joke no it's not I mean I I don't you know here's the thing so like there's two there's two negatives so if you don't reverse the deaths you reward this person and then as soon as this person realizes what they can do they're going to like there's going to be tons of other people that are going to try to copy cap them and a good example of this is Gus in my raids is that we had a lot of clips of Gus and he was dying in the raids to stupid stuff and then whenever all the war came out everybody started dying the stupid stuff because they wanted to be the next Gus they wanted to be the next person on the asthma gold Clips Channel with like a million views on a clip of them [ __ ] up Frogger after Patchwork or missing the jump on Thaddeus or uh you know standing on the wrong side on Thaddeus or you know [ __ ] probably something else on Thaddeus you know yes bodegro yes and so there's a lot of people that kept trying to do it so you're going to have tons of people that now they're gonna start trying to do the exact same thing because now they can get their 15 minutes of fame and they can make a lot of money doing it because like you know the guy got a lot of viewers he got a lot of Subs he's probably running ads like crazy he's he's gonna make all of his money but he's gonna make he's going to make over a thousand dollars today think about that he's going to make probably thousands of dollars today for doing this and I wouldn't be surprised if he made over 5 or 10K out of this whole thing already made over 3K so think about it he did a year of work for basically probably like what would equate to like a part-time job and he might make close to minimum wage a thousand dollars a year griefing classic yields where do I apply yeah there it is it's probably more than that because there's gonna be a residual too probably for a knee like anyone here yes tank snacks gdkps to be honest it's way too much work for you except a certain rule set whenever you play a game maybe they shouldn't invite a known Griefer into their group I disagree um I think that if somebody does something with bad intention and then you allow that thing that they do with bad intention to be upheld I think that you then Empower a person with bad intention and you are really not that worse than they are or that that not that much better than they are so like if you are the one that makes the rules you have to know that all rules are made to be broken rules are not real rules are simply always guidelines they're never actually a hard and fast rule so to me like any time that I hear oh well that's the rules well then just change the rules like who cares it doesn't really matter so what rules yeah it doesn't make a difference at all so rules are meant to be broken yes they are uh and I I think that in a lot of cases that's the case a lot of cases that is true and I think that also rules that cannot bend will break and you should always try to have ways for rules to be able to be bent if there is a person Who's acting in bad faith see what I'm saying so it wasn't an accident then why make rules at all for the 99 of cases where it isn't an accident or sorry when it is an accident also by the way like this is the way that the real world works too like in in the real world like it's not like any time that you do a crime you get the same punishment or the same thing happens like it it depends on like uh the intent of the person like you know had they done it before Etc right there's like a million different things that can happen if he denies it how do you prosecute him he's not going to go through a trial well you just have to make it you have to make a educated gifts that's all you just make an educated guess and and it is it you have to guess but it's obvious that it was premeditated it's obvious that he did it on purpose right obvious so what are we talking about here such a bad precedent for other raid [ __ ] ups somebody [ __ ] up in a ring claiming claims his griefing to mods raid deaths get overturned well then and and that's the thing and you're right you're absolutely right that after this then people are going to say that they had a raid [ __ ] up because of this one person you're definitely right so and this is the problem that it puts them in is that if you allow this to happen then you say okay well you're opening the floodgates to an extent but if you don't allow it to happen then you also enable other people to do the exact same thing and deteriorate the quality of the community by in my opinion a very considerable degree thank you you see what I'm saying so there are it's just simply two bad decisions no matter what this guy poked the pretty big hole inside the hardcore bubble do you think this does this kill hardcore wow is Hardcore wow dead now is it over is it finished over do you think this will generate General hostility towards every player and everyone being paranoid and sus to each other yes and it will it will damage the entire community yes it will and also you're going to have tons of other people that are going to try to replicate what this guy did that's the best part about it is that now that it's happened once it will keep happening Parker while never even started it was just Boomer noobs who missed classic since it's been four years and a few Adrenaline Junkies well whatever you want to call it um this definitely hurts it why do you keep making it sound like it's a good thing oh I'm just talking about it I'm just saying this is what this is what's happening again I I think it's very simple what would I do if I was the hardcore leadership I would just let him appeal it I would say listen guys it's obvious this guy did it on purpose he is a known Griefer we're appealing it and that's it that's what I would do if I was them and I think that's what they will do and when they do [Music] I will be ready to read all of the comments of people that are mad that would completely destroy hardcore if they do that I think it will destroy personally I think it would destroy hardcore if they don't think about it this is a literal Joker moment there's no there's no positive outcome as per Reddit they're not appealing it let me read the Reddit comments because like obviously this is gonna be probably like the top post right it's not okay second top post okay so sad that one person has no moral compass and he cares about no one else's time no you don't understand He does care about their time that's why he did it that's the whole point nothing is lost they can just appeal it everything will go back to normal and the time is wasted one thing can make everyone and this is also um this is going to be even worse than like a official hardcore because now like now people know that you can do this I respect this real hardcore experience make the wrong friend and Perma died I'd be [ __ ] screaming at comms of this guy to get back prepare to Hearth out a petri or something see this guy doesn't even know the game this is the perfect boss to grief the whole raid who could have seen this coming the dude multi-boxed whirl buff dispellers on Earth theory to PVP and rmt'd with people so they would be exempt until he got banned wait he actually is multi-boxing and he's everywhere look at this he's at the top of undercity he's down there by orgamar he's up here he's everywhere he's watching everybody it's like the last scene in uh [ __ ] uh The Dark Knight with like Morgan Freeman and all those TVs [Music] why can't you patch real Mars go through cosplayers is so unbelievably dumb the guy had over 10 accounts permaband for griefing during classic and is using the same username not a surprise someone who is griefed in the past will do it again in the future even bigger than that though he was Primer banned by blizzard for griefing why would you let someone like that into your hardcore raid it doesn't matter what sob story the guy has the only way he should get into radius by using a complete different username and Persona yeah but if he did that same thing would happen so like it wouldn't even really matter so like are they really at fault I mean like the same thing the same outcome would have occurred it was deliberate they're talking of appealing this is why official service will be so much more brutal we aren't going to appeal it we took a stance that no matter what happened raid deaths are not appealable declared his character died in Discord after the raid they are not appealing to death as it should be and there is a Reddit post about this guy from two years ago tiny violin Earth Fury multi-boxing dispeller has been banned from wow he was banned for accepting payment in real money to not dispel people so he was so good at the spelling that people were paying him real life money to not dispel them and again why does this happen it's because blizzard programmed it that way blizzard has had four years since classic wow came out to change the way that those World Buffs work did they no and this is what you get it's allowed yep that's right and and that's it you get what you [ __ ] deserve that's right personal responsibility though no I mean whenever you have a system in a game that's being abused by people and it's creating 99 negative interactions that are unfun and make everybody mad just take it out of the game like it's common sense it's like you have a kid and the kid as there's like a room full of light sockets and you give the kid a fork and you're like wow this kid's so stupid for putting a fork in the light socket well why not take the [ __ ] Fork away to take away the [ __ ] Fork tiny was denied slash robbed of Scarab board and that's why he's dispelling yeah but the thing is he couldn't have dispelled how can you change the game for a point zero zero one percent bro we're not talking about change in a game you're talking about making two debuffs not magic debuffs like I'm not talking about re rebalancing bwl I'm not talking about like you know getting rid of nefarian I'm talking about changing up above like what are we talking about how many combined player hours did he delete do you think [Music] assuming each person put 300 hours into their character and he killed probably 35 people let's assume that 35 times 3 000 so that is uh what is that uh ten thousand uh 500 hours [Music] let's see what yeah what is what is 300 times uh 35 let me see 300 times 35. yeah of course that's right yeah so there you go ten thousand hours pissed away in the [ __ ] gone ruined all for nothing deleted I almost feel bad for the griefer because it's obvious he has some kind of mental illness hardcore is weird and a terrible idea for normal people of course it is but people want to do it like if people want to do it let them do it most of grieving won't exist an official hardcore for the rating portion unless it's through people that believe they have nothing left to lose on that character anymore uh or ending the game to attempt something like this it doesn't matter the thing is that how many of you guys would would lose your account like you know assuming you you don't have like your your account you've had for 10 years right like you made the second account for this because you're going to do it because like somebody like this planned this out like he's planned this out for a year streamers and shot calamityh say let me see I'm here if you have questions Reddit isn't exactly a good source can you talk on Discord this isn't the person that was the griefer it's the person that was the Paladin in the video that Hearthstone can you hear me yeah can you hear me yeah uh so um what a day huh yeah I mean not how I thought it would go but it's still fun right well I mean I don't know it depends uh how's the rest of the guild taking it um probably 50 50 50 right some are some are bummed some are glad to finally log off so they're actually like he released them from their pain I would say something yeah so we've been doing four or five raids a week for seven months to do KT before officials like we're super burned out and so whenever you say four to five raids a week how many of those raids was Tiny violin in um probably most of them yeah like at least three probably and how many hours did that take per week so counting getting busts and consumes yeah yeah oh gosh um at least 20 if not 30 right just for so like I mean assuming like he did half of them so you're talking about probably like 15 to 20 hours every single week for five to six months for this one moment yeah and like I said in my stream he like he hung up after radio and like played like [ __ ] scribblyo and [ __ ] with us like non-wow stuff like and how long did he do that for as long as it's been here right like an hour or a year or sorry so he's been he's been playing scribble IO with you guys for a year not the exact game but yeah yeah I understand so whenever you thought that it was a good idea to invite somebody who multi-boxed dispelling World Buffs in classic and extorted people for real life money to not dispel them what were you thinking can I have a moment yeah so this is a long time ago right when we invited him we didn't know yeah he had been with us about two months we found out probably and I think as a as a guild as leadership we talked about it and said like he didn't change his name right there was no attempt to hide himself he could have very easily pretended to be someone else and change his name very true you're right didn't hide himself and he was like I was front with him okay we know you're Griefer um and he at this point he put in like so many hours farm and consumes teaching people how to play the game like most of her Guild is new players he taught us lots of like in-game strategies so we trusted him so he basically like uh it's like how like a farmer raises up like cattle but you all of these things we we obviously have experienced players who are not just teeny but he definitely helped out he was a very key member of the community and what was his role in The Guild he has a tank so he joined at a very lucky time for what he was doing to grief us I guess and that we had several of her thanks quit or die so he filled a hole in the raid and could join very easily how did those other tanks die I couldn't even tell you it's been so long okay I just think that's interesting you know maybe maybe he was involved in that too true yeah um there's probably so many layers to this I have no idea I I guess there's anyone anymore I think that a person like this uh there is no limit and there are no depths that they won't achieve so uh you thought that basically because he didn't change his name and he wasn't trying to hide who he was that he had turned a new leaf and he's a new person now and he's not going to get back to his old tricks I wouldn't say that's what I said but I think okay it would have been much easier for him to it was it was part of a reason right yeah it was part of a long list of reasons of why like maybe we can trust him give him a chance this is also probably convenient because he's already a tank at that point and so like getting a new tank would be annoying right okay uh that's a whole list of reasons but yeah just for how long he had been there because he we never thought we didn't ask right we thought c'thun would be our like our big wall so to not I being Reef on c'thun would be like oh he's fine then right I'm sure that's what he wanted you to believe yeah that's the flame the flame breath bosses and black Wing there you can taunt those and breathe the rain we had so many chances before the grief us right that's actually very true you're right um but somebody could have taunted I guess they could have taunted the boss away a little bit but for Horsemen I mean you're locked in and also Four Horsemen is there any other boss that you can't petrification flask out of um there's a has a long list of like 600 spells on Wellhead that ignore immunity Shadow flame and black Wing layer is one there's probably others it's definitely the best boss to grief on I think period what there are others yeah so uh do you see like now that this has happened and uh well actually how many people died out of your raid what was the total count I think it's 36. 36 so there were four survivors did he serve did did Tiny survive I don't imagine it in why would he right yeah I mean at that point his job's already done so um I was I was sitting pretty in Lighthouse Chapel just kind of laughing at myself oh yeah I mean you got away I was amazed honestly I thought the uh the tick was going to kill you interrupt the uh the Hearthstone or something so I was surprised um so now that this has happened and the guild has had maybe an hour or two to collect itself after this has happened what now what I don't think four hours is enough time for people to really process their thoughts um I know a lot of us want to go ahead and do it on Sunday to see if we can do it to see who would die to see just yeah you know what would happen if we did it right so we'll probably still do it on Sunday we'll see not everyone will be there some people are definitely deleting their characters but yeah so there are people deleting their characters because of this already oh yeah some of us are very anti-appeal so those people are just going to be gone period really so they're anti so they they actually want this one to count against them and they're willing to delete their own character because of it people have different uh morals and ethics and gameplay philosophies and stuff well how do you view it it's it's a rock and a hard place right because if you allow him to kill you you Empower him if you keep going you have the hecklers like the people in your chat going not hardcore Keck W losers yes so yeah I think you're definitely stuck between a rock and a hard place um so what do you think that the uh the people that are running classic like hardcore do you think that they should accept the appeal [Music] so the official hardcore Discord has not dealt with 60 stuff in a long time they just said we're no longer caring about 60 stuff so it's kind of up to us and our Guild we'll probably have a poll tomorrow or something let everyone sleep on it do you think that this damages hardcore wow in a uh oh absolutely a large way how do you think that happens you're going to official where there's no appeals there's no chance to redo with people you don't know that can do this stuff like it just showed the world that you can just do this and kill 36 people well and this is a thing because I had watched his uh his POV and he said that this was actually a mistake and he didn't mean to bring the boss over to that place I think he said wrong corner and I was curious uh actually just give me a minute it's [ __ ] the [ __ ] F's goddammit should be fixed in a second the Teeny violin strike again um are we good now guys are we good we're good okay so what I asked was uh I'll just repeat it for chat and everything is that you know I watched teeny's like POV and I watched him talk and whenever he brought zeliac over there I I think I I heard him say like oh [ __ ] wrong corner like he made a mistake like he didn't know that he was supposed to bring Celiac to the other corner and he just brought him over to the corner that thing core thoughts happened to be at and I'm just curious like what your thoughts are on that so I think any any leeway for mistake went out the window when he switches stances to mocking the blood of the paws and taunt him but I think one one Avenue we're not considering is what a forest Shona was in the wrong spot what if teeny was in the right corner how do you mean well what if the other boss the uh what's his name thing isn't it wrong yeah so you think that Thane should have been in the back and it was everybody else absolutely it's our fault definitely yeah I think that makes sense yeah definitely and um how do you think blizzard should handle this that is such a hard question it's so blizzard did say no stance on Grief for the hardcore servers but this isn't a hardware server so oh no stance on no they said explicitly that like they were going to be banning for griefing and gameplay oh like you mean no uh no tolerance no tolerance yes okay but this isn't that server so I'm not really sure right okay um do you think that he should be banned for this this is my opinion of my myself I think since this is not a hardcore server I don't know if it's a it's like a community rule set right it's not actually infringing on the game at all in the current game mechanics so I don't know it's it's a it's a hard call I don't think it's bannable in the current rule set but on a hardcore server it should be okay so you think that on Hardcore wow that if he did this he should get banned on a hardware serve I guess yeah okay um I mean I I personally think that even if it wasn't a hardcore server gameplay disruption has always been against the TOs and I think that they've exercised that on RP server events before and I think that also it's just about intent uh so yeah I mean I I think it's up to Blizzard I think that blizzard will do what blizzard usually does and they just won't do anything I've been playing for a year and a half now maybe two years I don't really know the context of like past fans and stuff yeah yeah no that that's that's fair and uh I I think that really it's just do you think that now that this has happened you're gonna see more people griefing rates because it's simply it's hard to get here it takes a very special person teeny is definitely unique in his skill set to do this right the knowledge the the right time right place to join the guild the just not dying until then like there's so many chances he could have died earlier right like I think it's still going to be rare but it can definitely happen I I imagine there'll be copycats right one in the fame the Thousand viewers on Twitch and whatever how much money do you think he's made out of this so far I could not even tell you someone said 500 in chat and I believe that well uh yeah I'm pretty sure it's going to be a lot more and uh that's just that's just what it is and I think that as soon as people realize that they can do something like this and get notoriety from it and have it have weight um this will become a lot more popular and another thing is that do you think that blizzards should have an appeal on the hardcore like actual Realms like I know that they they won't but like do you think that's a good system I don't think there's a way that blizzard could do it that's fair and avoids drama and controversy so no do you think this will decrease the amount of people that want to play on a hardcore server and things like this if what I understand about the Harker community's Hartford Community is true is that most people are levelers leveling enjoyers I don't think most people care about rating or being griefed in writing it definitely impacts the Raider population though I think very small Raider niche okay yeah I think that that definitely makes sense and if you were to put like a are you in game right now I can't be away I was asking I was curious what your slash played was on that character 66 days 66 days so 60 but I didn't die so okay yeah so 66 days we'll just do a little math here uh 66 times 24. that's 1 584 days on that character or hours excuse me um and do you think everybody else in the in the raid would have something equivalent to that I'm one of the older characters um I think the average is around 20 to 30. okay it's like 30. I was 24. and then he said uh 35 people died right 36 yeah 36 okay so there's actually because like we originally estimated it at 10 000 hours and apparently no it was actually almost 26 000 hours annihilated just pissed pissed away half of off of one guy I wouldn't say pissed away we had a good time good journey with it right um still fun the entire way I'm glad you feel that way I am I am still having a good night copying aside well you're the one that's gonna die oh yeah imagine dying losers yeah yeah there you go uh some of the other Warriors have been there yeah I I know it's sitting there on a pile dead on top of each other I feel like they're probably looking at it maybe a little bit different but who knows um well anyway uh do you have any like parting thoughts on the the the what's happened thoughts on what's happened I think we've kind of covered everything I would say it's just um I hope people still try official it's a very fun game mode you can make it as hard as you want hard or as easy as you want to don't let this deter you from having fun in a game so you think that even after this people should keep playing hardcore while if they enjoy it yeah well man if you don't enjoy it go play uh whatever you like like retail yeah there you go I I think that at this point I have not nothing has happened so far that has made me more excited for official wow hardcore servers than this if you love kante or in a love official yeah it's gonna be amazing yeah this is the amount of drama oh my goodness oh yeah because people are gonna do this the thing is like yeah you lose your account but like what does it matter if you did it on purpose yeah I I can't wait to see the taunts on the the dragons and everything else it's gonna be incredible do you want to hear about really fun grief yeah that's not been fixed yet oh yeah so if you could have drew it with the tier one set from molten core okay it increases your Thorn sandwich by 25 and lasts for 10 minutes get a priest with you and mind control and MOB a Cocker and buff it with thorns and people one shot themselves on it really I thought it I I remember that was kind of a bug before that you could do with like curse of recklessness but I thought that it would it would only be aggroad onto you that's not the case in classic wow nope people it's a very Niche uh grief because people don't notice right they don't realize why they died right okay yeah there you go that makes sense because yeah 25 damage return or not 25 that'd be way more actually like 50 or something yeah holy [ __ ] yeah I think that blizzard is not going to fix this stuff uh do you think that oh here's another question well last one uh do you think that things like this and the ability to do things like this makes the wow Community more toxic because it enables people do you think it's a wash question do I think it makes them more toxic yeah or well like it creates toxicity it makes people more toxic because they are empowered to do things that can negatively affect other people's gameplay experience in a tremendous way that is a hard question um I think people people just allows them to have that yeah sandbox I guess I wouldn't say it makes them toxic okay so yeah yeah I I yeah that you're right it's definitely a situation of enabling versus making it happen in the first place or changing people's behavior yeah I get that yeah it's more tools for the kids uh well I I really appreciate you coming on and talking about this uh you know my condolences to your guild I appreciate it yeah got some use out of it oh I'm so happy it's great and I appreciate you guys doing it for me so uh I'll see you later peace oh there we go that was Calamity um if we can get a link to uh her channel on uh on Twitch that would be nice super cool yeah and uh she was the Paladin which is cool yeah she knew yeah [Music] man yeah we'll definitely um we'll definitely have to interview that guy if if people want it in a day or so I just can't I can't believe this happened well I can I think it's like it's it's one of those things that it's like you can't believe it and then you also can't believe that it hasn't happened before then man
Channel: A͏͏ѕm͏͏o͏͏n͏͏g͏͏o͏͏l͏͏d͏͏ T͏͏V͏͏
Views: 373,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: аѕmоngоІd, аѕmоngоІd rеасtѕ, аѕmоngоІd wоw, аѕmоngоІd highlightѕ, аѕmоngоІd youtube, wоrӀd оf wаrсrаft, аѕmоngоІd funny, аѕmоngоІd tv, аѕmоngоІd channel, ZасkRаwrr
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 0sec (4560 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2023
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