How the Bible led a Catholic Christian to ISLAM - TheDeenShow

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this is the theme the Bijou bismillah alhamdulillah Salam alaykoum peace be with you hamdulillah praises to the crater heavens on earth it's brought you back again you're watching today's show and I'm Eddy your host and my next guest will be with us in a second when we come back is gonna be talking about how the Bible that's right the Bible led him to this way of life that's practiced by over 1.5 billion people from all across the globe that's right the Bible led him to Islam and we're gonna find out how is this possible so for our Christian neighbors friends Jewish brethren all the people who are out there who read this book the Bible how did someone read the Bible and become a Muslim it's possible and we're gonna learn about this person's story when we come back sit tight don't go nowhere this is the thesis betangel this is the things they enjoy Salaam alaikum peace be with you a little sample of arakata Abdul Malik leblanc leblanc that's right Elvan Melvin how are you I'm Dula just a something of Arabic I did what was that alhamdulillah all praise be to Allah all praise be to Allah now is this something that you'd be find in the Bible all praise be to Allah not exactly there is a there is parts of the Bible that gives praise to Allah that is correct okay so when we say Allah are we talking about some moon God who we tell my when we say Allah cos we said this word twice now when we talk about Allah we simply talking about the one the one God with no partners no male no female snow partners we're talking about the one who holds came hold the heaven in the earth in his hands who is has not been seen by men the one who is the merciful the most gracious the one who will call us all to the day of judgment now I open up the show and this probably got a lot of people's attention so they were gonna tune out possibly some people just tuned in so for the people that are still with us they want to know how the Bible leads you to Islam how is that possible so give us a little bit introduction to this and you know and then we can really dwell into the topic it's been adamant he it's I grew up as a Catholic I was a an altar boy in in the Catholic Church going to church six o'clock in the morning sometime the only one going to church and in front of me was mostly elderly at six o'clock in the morning so I went through pretty close to the church all my life I was in the military in Great Falls Montana who are one of the who you know army no I was in the Air Force if you heard this this Xiao hua not in the Air Force ok so I was in Air Force pretty close again pretty close to the church learning the Bible and teaching the Bible to two kids there had an opportunity to become minister for an AME Church in Great Falls Montana I decided not to too many days of contemplation and scary moments I decided not to while I was in the military I studied many of the different religions Hinduism Rastafarian I Ching Confucius Baptist Catholic Protestant Episcopal Ian and so forth but one thing I never found in reading the Bible where Jesus said I am God and I think that's a definite we need to hear that because just as I was I asked you what's your name and you tell me your name is that say your name is a Dean I said you know I continued to call you Dean and that's not your name you'll get very angry with me yes so that's a very important thing so what would be even more important what's the Jesus to tell us who he was so if he was God he would have said I am God but he never made that statement nor can you go through the Bible and find out where he said he he had any attributes of God that is the merciful they all know her the forgiver everything that Jesus talked about he said I do because of the will of my father he did nothing up on his own he never said I am God not that he called himself God nor did he ask of people to worship Him you will find nowhere in their way he said asked of anyone to worship Him one of the Apostles came to him and said and ask of him how should we pray and he simply said our Father as Muslims know you know when we translate it into our Father our Father in from an Arabic point of view is the rub the sustainer and Cherisher of all the worlds and that was the prayer he told that that individual to pray to the one in heaven and also in that prayer it talks about asking him for the forgiveness of your sins giving him your daily bread leading you on the right path so nowhere will you find in the Bible where Jesus is telling anyone to worship Him instead of the one that have sent him so as you go through it and you you begin to try and understand it better you will see that Jesus talked about one of the greatest Commandments the first commandant and on two occasions individuals came to him one will was a lawyer and another man say what shall I do to have eternal life what shall I do to have eternal life the same formula that exists for all of us from Adam all the way to now the same for me he said if you want to have eternal life keep the commandments and one of the most important Commandments is the first four Commandments thou shalt not have no other god but one god that is the core of what we do as Muslims thou shalt not have no other go out but one God so a lot of times you hear Muslims say la ilaha in the law that means there is no god for one God so many of these examples that I that I drew upon are they are very although they are very simple they they constitute all that exists for us that there is only one creator so for example if you read the first four Commandments it talks about iniquity being brought on the third and fourth generation of them that hate God when he talked about hate it means worshipping other than him and we can see that in our life today we can see how our generations overtime is getting worse and worse and worse because we are worshipping other than our Creator is this now equivalent when you say worshipping other than the Creator for people who out of their their love for Jesus they end up elevating him to God so they're making a god next to God is this equivalent to that what you're talking about that is Ignatius or his mother Jesus peace be upon him told that they will worship Him uselessly the teachings of man know where that Jesus tell anyone to worship Him instead of the one that had sent him so how do we in opening the Bible and you're a book called the Bible led me to Islam that's how did the Bible lead you to smile I think from from the mini the simple things you know as I begin to study about Islam I wanted a book that compiled everything into one because you can read some things from Ahmed Deedat you can read from from other authors but when I started compiling all of this and it slowly moved me the first and first thing was that clearly Jesus never said I am God that's clear we got that clear that was right off the bat so that continued and he never said I am so those things move me away from saying that Jesus is God because I do believe those to be very important in in terms of Jesus saying who he is to us also he never said he is the son of God as a Christian practicing Christianity knowing Christianity coming from a background of Christianity did you before believe these things that he was God one in a Trinity son of God absolutely I think you know that was the the religion that my mom and dad gave to me and hamdullah it was it was it was a platform but you know just like you and and others out there who may decide well what university I want to go to what kind of way do I want to live in life what kind of wife do I want to have you know we make all these choices but a lot of times we we don't make the choices for religion we simply carry our parents religious with us I think that we have to take that backpack off I call it the backpack of religion and put it in front of us and go ahead and read the Torah go ahead and read the Bible go ahead and read the Quran and make that choice of your own without being without things being passed down from you you know there's new knowledge now back in the the 50s there was no there was no cure for cancer but now there was a cure for cancer so we want to be able to do we want to be able to share this with everybody we didn't have that knowledge back then so let me share this with you right now we're gonna take a break and this is really exciting you have them we're learning a lot we're gonna sit back and be back for more here on the Dean show sit tight and with good deeds will find that good reads clear out remind in your heart of hatred and preconceived notions racism and nationalism because you cannot have anything inside of you that's like that against people and still be successful back here on the Dean show with Abdul Malik Abdul Malik thank you for being with us thank you and tell us now you're practicing Christianity you're going through you know the the you know the normal worship practices going to church on Sunday you know you were teaching the Bible also yes I was I was a Bible stylist teaching a Bible studies to two kids okay so you knew the Bible quite well I knew it quite well at what point in your life did you start to question the beliefs that were passed down and taught to you I don't know if there's any particular point our our time it was it was a coma it was a many of the brothers who were in the Air Force with me we sit down quite often and talk about the Bible just have a healthy dialogue let's have a healthy dialogue and most of us did not believe at that time that Jesus was God it was just a matter of we were all in what we call kind of a neutral ground yeah we were simply trying to - we didn't believe that he was God because some of the things that and biblically it depended upon the faith of an individual in order for Jesus to heal them well from Allah can do whatever he wants to do irregardless of one faith or not he doesn't need that component in order for him to do what he wants to do so many of the things that Jesus spoke about himself what he spoke about Allah that all those things was a culmination of things just things that kind of continue to move you toward you know it for example there's one in the Bible that says pray without ceasing yes it's in things first Thessalonians it's play without ceasing now you you could it's possible you can do that just simply with your tongue but when I met this Muslim brother in 1985 when he showed me things on how to go to bed at night and be in a state of worship when he told me he taught me how to how to perform will do the same as and this is all a part of being in the state of worship how you know when I enter a room or when I exit a room or when I'm in the presence of non-muslims or a presence of one of a women or when I putting on my clothes he was able to show me how I can be in a state of avada a state of worship 24 hours a day without having to keep the remembrance on my tongue yeah so when I met this brother his name is fuzzy Senate he's from Bahrain when I met him him and I were in the Air Force together and he had a he had a we were we were in the room and his bit was here mine was here in one morning if you don't mind me to go into this one morning uh I heard him making some noise over there at the sink a Lulu so I kind of looked up and I saw him and then he took his foot and put it inside of the sink and I said to myself why if that's the way he washed that the way he wash so that day when I came back for my lunch I saw him on the ground prostrating in the room so I came and got my stuff and then I left and then the next day he stayed away that night the next day I came in for lunch also and I saw him do the same thing so that evening I asked him I said I said what are you doing there he said he said I'm I'm praying I asked him who you're praying to he said I'm praying to God I say what God he said the one God and then I asked him I said well what religion are you he said I am Muslim and then I asked I said you know Louis Farrakhan you thought it was the nation I thought it was the nation yeah I said you know Louis Farrakhan he said no I said you know Malcolm X he said no and I said well what kind of Muslim are you he said I'm the old Muslim so this gentleman was able to teach me the how to's everything that the Bible told us the what Islam tells you the how to's like for example honor your father and your mother yes it clearly says honor your father and your mother in the fifth commandment but Islam tells you how to do that Larry Levan the law there is no God one God Islam tells you how to do that pray without ceasing Aslam tells you how to do that treating your neighbors correctly Islam tells you how to do that so when I met this brother I I was able to bring all these things together through the religion of Islam because it gave me he gave me the how to's Islam gave me the how to the Bible gave me the fundamentals Islam gave me the how to's so bringing those two together I believe the Bible led me to Islam so do you see now that you have consciously chosen to submit to the one God that's what a Muslim is I'm doing that practicing Islam my mission to the one guy and that's how you get peace do you see that remnants of it in the Bible you do people if they're looking if they're those who are Christian those who follow the first five books and then the Old Testament and New Testament is this an extension now is this the the final completion of all the revelations and how can people if they're also confused about the Trinity if they're also confused of you know of their religion and things just don't make sense and they want to make sense of it all and if they're still not ready to you know let go of what they have can they dig a little deeper and then will it lead them to where it led you well I can you know hamdullah we all know that Hidayah this this nature to become Muslim or to seek Islam comes from Allah yes they just have to be willing they just have to be willing to be open and elect a lot lead them they're listening to us today they can simply said I said this when I met Fozzy I knew there were there was five things about him that intrigued me one he was 26 to 26 years old and he was a virgin too he was an athlete a superior athlete and I know coming up in America an athlete then 26 years old virgin they don't go together so you know if you have if you're an athlete you definitely don't deserve to are the kids so touch one but he wasn't back that if he if you had to fight he could yeah so there was nothing you know wrong with him he had Brotherhood and he I was religious one thing cause he taught me because he showed me the spirit of the law we were watching TV one evening and he happened to see a cleavage of a woman and he did this he turned his head like that when I saw that that told me that's his LOM because the Bible teaches you the spirit of it so every time he saw he saw a woman not dressed properly he turned his head like that that taught me something that was Islam in action that was Islam in action so I figured that Fozzie should have been on the The Oprah Winfrey Show because there was would be no one like him who would show those kinds of attributes here in America amazing amazing let lets before we move a little bit forward tell us because you made a bold statement you said Jesus never claimed to be God never call people to worship and himself a few passages that people and I'm sure you've heard these before he's an I in the father one yeah surely I surely we I am the father I want not not in terms of not in terms of you know like like the egg having three parts or like the tree having three parts not in relation to that one in what there was he was supposed to do he simply came to do the will of the Father so what he was supposed to do is the oneness of that not too much one in terms of being together three and one and so forth no in what he was told to come and do that was the oneness of it now someone says you know what I don't believe that Jesus is God but he said because it's in the Bible that no one comes to the Father except through me so I just pray through Jesus because he's the son of God ya know that I that heard that yes that's based on belief yeah you have to know as Muslims we believe in Jesus so that's accepting him coming here on earth there are others who do not believe that Jesus came here on earth for example I I mentioned earlier about how do we pray Jesus told an individual how to pray he said our Father orab who is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our sins so all that we can ask for is is written inside that that prayer they're very similar prayer to surah al-fatiha which we have is bismillah r-rahman r-rahim in the name of Allah most gracious most merciful so you have to be willing you know there's a lot of things out there that can prevent one I had two a one one brother over in Saudi Arabia a 35 year old man after hearing about Islam called his father and asked his father could he become Muslim because there are a lot of things that Pro can prevent us from becoming Muslim exterior even more now there are a lot of things out there that would prevent some one form from becoming Muslim just because of the propaganda but if you read about Islam let me get back to this brother the father told him son if that's what you want to do go ahead and do it so there's a lot of external things we have to kind of rid ourselves of with and and and for example when I did the Shahada my Shahada I was at a stoplight in Denver Colorado and I said oh Allah I don't know Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him but it falls he knows him didn't teach him to me so I give the same thing to our audience today yes they may have heard new things today go ahead on and say Allah if what these brothers are saying is the truth guide me to the right path and the law will take care of that now someone's a little bit timid of using the word Allah we know that law is not a moon guy he's not a man or a woman he's the creator of all that is this he's the one God and didn't Jesus in Aramaic did he say Aloha Aloha Aloha that is correct so if they don't want to use this word they're little timid how else could they call upon the Creator oh god oh god oh god but if they got a mental picture of him like a old man you know that with the big beard and that doesn't work no because no one has seen his shape not heard his voice that's clearly written in the Bible no one has seen his shape not heard his voice so I think it's sincerity it's all about your integrity inside of your heart if you simply say in reference you know you make the prayer because God knows Allah knows the prayer that you're gonna pray okay so make that prayer and ask him if what we're saying today is the right thing bring me closer to it and with that we're gonna take another break and we'll be right back with more here on the Deen show I am not afraid to stand alone if it lies beside I am not afraid to stand alone I am Not Afraid you stand alone if I'm honest I am not afraid to stand alone I am not afraid to stand alone I am not afraid back here on the Dean show with my guest Melvin Melvin that's right and we're almost out of time I want to ask you a few more questions you have a book it's called the Bible led me to Islam that's correct so we talked about that also you have a explanation of Islam and it's you know in the Pampas called Islam so simple some system so can you go ahead and for those people who also have watched some of our shows and you know they're really interested in what we have to say that they like what Islam is about they like this this way of life that cause people to just worship God to just worship the Creator and to do good deeds righteous deeds it calls people to accountability their judgment paradise the wonderful rewards eternity in the most wonderful places that you can be the terrifies Hellfire accountability so how do you explain Islam to those people without all the confusion making it very simple I tell them as you mentioned Aramaic Allah Jesus if he would say the God he would say ilaha if he would say the God one Allah means the God - Islam is simply the religion of submission three a Muslim is simply one who submit those are three things that we basically say Islam is not nothing new the prostration of the prayer the prostration as we prostrate on the ground we we know in the Bible Jesus fell to his face many times you look through the New Testament you will see they that they say they fell between their knees so the prostration isn't nothing new we know that Jesus when he met his companions he would say peace be with you as brothers as Muslim brothers say assalamualaikum we know that that's not new also we the the a pollution the cleanliness that we do we know that Moses did that the call to prayer that we give calling people to prayer we know that Moses used to do it with a horn that there is Islam is not nothing new Jesus peace be upon him did not eat pork so if my Christian Brothers are out there who are eating pork you know to be more christ-like you definitely got to get rid of it so many things like that simple things that should just just make shattering falsehood in our mind to allow us to say okay for example he said we need to love the Lord thy God with all thy strength with all thy soul with all thy might with all that mind that's Islam that's laugh-in now how in the law having no other partners having no one not money not desires not lust not home not work no other no other creator but Allah a couple more points tell us now a person has put their whole hope and ambition and their their dream now is to go to paradise and they've been told since childhood that you know what Jesus he died for your sins so now they're stuck here they don't want to let this go because they feel like they're gonna sacrifice paradise for that what you got to talk to tell him if you want to have eternal life keep the commandments one of the very first Commandments you need to have is thou shall not have no other god but one god jesus said that on more than one occasion if you want to have eternal life keep the commandments the foremost one that the foremost one is the first for thou shalt not have no other god but one god that is the way you get that is the same formula that exists from beginning to end that's the formula from Adam all the way to to nowadays us that's the formula if you want to have eternal life keep the commandments the greatest commandment is let allow how in the law there is no god but one God the people also now they hear a lot of negative there's a lot of false representation by the media people feel that look you know Islam is about you know blowing things up and people getting blown up and terrorism and terrorizing what do I say about this that's not Islam I wouldn't bring my kids up in it if that was Islam I wouldn't raise my kids as Muslim and I was raised and in the southern part of the Louisiana where everybody raised me if I did something wrong down the street my neighbors were with me and then when I get home my father would with me so I would not want my kids to be raised in something other than what is correct are you an Arab now so you still American what you know when you become a Muslim you become a indo-pak no I do become a neighborhood that would go now I'm an african-american and I'm a Muslim that's it that's the jet you got to get dipped in a pool you got to do some no crazy rituals you don't have to do that it's just a testimony of the tongue because Allah knows is sincerity I work with inmates and I tell inmates you can fool me but you can't fool God so if you say I bear witness that there is no God worthy of worship except Allah then you have to be sincere about that and that you can't fool a lot and it's best for you not to play around with God because he can you don't want his wrath to be upon you last closing comments and suggestions where people could get in contact with you to read some of your books and also for that person that's right there they again you know they like what we have to say they're confused with all the other beliefs that I've been brought up into and they just you know the family friends you know the social environment a little bit you know nervous now they want to take that step that leap of faith but they just need a little bit encouragement talk to us right there I say I say brothers you know you you know what's in your heart brothers and sisters you know within your heart and you know as as well as I know you cannot tell if you've never been to New York and someone asked you how is New York you cannot tell them New York is bad simply because you heard it on television it's best for you to go ahead and read about it the best thing I can ask you to do is go to the nearest mustard that's what the brother Fozzie did to me he took me to the mustard in Denver Colorado and I asked the questions I needed to ask that's the thing you want to do the analogy I gave you can't deny something I'll condemn something you don't have understanding of okay best to think I give you an example my father thought I was an Iranian terrorist because I became Muslim in 1985 and the only thing was going on at the time was Terry Anderson being taken hostage but over the years my father noticed that him and I became closer the last words that my father said before he died was give me water Melvin so only Allah knows that but what I say to you is just you know read as you did to pursue your degree what wife where you want to live okay what kind of job you want what kind of salary you want to make half go down and take the books the books in front of you and read them read the Quran don't be afraid of it when you read the Quran don't read it like you read the Bible read it so Allah can lift things up for you because if you read it like you read the Bible you will not understand it because it doesn't have a chronological order to it it's a revelation so that's what I would say to the brothers - - don't say something that you have no knowledge of go ahead and in secret and then ask Allah ask God to lead you to the right path if what we are talking about today is the truth thank you very much God Almighty the creator of law thank you very much and reward you thank you thank you sugar and thank you for sitting tight through another episode of the Deen show great advice from somebody who was there and he's here now and he read the Bible and the Bible led him to this beautiful way of life this way of life that brings peace and contentment to one's life satisfaction happiness and eternity in paradise living for God living your life to be the best human being that you can be read this book the verbatim Word of God you get it for free one eight hundred six six - Islam give us a call pick up your copy and come back here to the Deen show every week and until next time peace be unto you
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 52,078
Rating: 4.8456488 out of 5
Keywords: Bible, Catholic, Christian, ISLAM, Muslim, Muslims, Religion, Atheist, God, Allah, Peace, TheDeenshow, koran, muhammad, quran, prophet, debate, Darwin, dawkins, truth, intelligent, design, creationism
Id: ZcIBX3e5TMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 58sec (1798 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 18 2011
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