How Strong is Accelerator? | ft: @OthinusTheGod​

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people actually think Goku and saitama are overpowered are you serious I guess they clearly don't know who accelerator is if somehow you don't know who this Beast of an anorexic mentally deranged albino kid is then consider myself shot since accelerator has a reputation in the anime fandom for having a broken ass ability Vector manipulation or vector control vectors being any quantity in physics which have both Direction and magnitude now I know most of you watching this video were sleeping in physics class during your school years myself included and don't have a clue about what I just said therefore allow me to simplify it does something have the capacity to move and has a definable size then it has vectors and accelerator can influence that object with his op ability he is literally physics Jesus you may be thinking that has to be the most nerdy ability of all time he kills people with physics whatever happened to screaming while firing a giant ass explosion no logic behind it now that I've given you the most General and Bare Bones explanation of his ability I want to go into detail about each factor of accelerator's applications of vector control and his Feats in the story just to demonstrate why he's broken I would say please Nerf what he literally did get nerfed in the story and later becoming even more powerful than he was pre-nurf seems very fair and balanced accelerators trademark ability is his reflection automatically redirecting any attack or anything harmful which have vectors either away or returning it to the sender this makes accelerator nigh Invincible to 99 of physical attacks as The Invisible Shield which redirects attacks covers his entire body and is active 24 7. it automatically works for him even if he doesn't react to an incoming attack it also passively reflects ultraviolet rays which travel at light speed which is why this guy looks so pale he's not getting a tan anytime soon now I know what you're thinking surely there has to be an upper limit to disability that there has to be a strong enough force that would be able to break through the shield well not really hang on I'm not gonna argue accelerator has a No Limits fallacy I'm not like the side Hammer fans okay the strongest attack we have seen accelerator reflect was a spell that was said to rival another Universal tier weapon maybe even hyperversal if you want to wank it although he was given knowledge by a demon known as Clipper puzzle 545 which gave him the capacity to do this he still stopped the attack known as magic flaming sword via his own Shield I made a video a long-ass time about how he did this which definitely doesn't live up to my current production standards and accelerator can also partially reflect an omni-dimensional severing spell with it only being able to affect him if it hit the exact spot where the shield begins to exist now we don't know how many dimensions exist in index but we do know there are at least 11 in the physical world along with other dimensions outside it admittedly there have been times where accelerator's Shield has been bypassed due to the attacks either surpassing the laws of physics in the case of iOS or using an unknown set of physical laws in the case of kakiness Dark Matter despite Dark Matter hurting him initially accelerator was able to quickly analyze the properties of the abilities vectors and quickly apply this new data to his reflection making him immune to kakane's attacks so yeah accelerator can be like can't touch this I really want to play this song but I don't want to receive the copyright nuke of Doom Now we move on to something you Gamers or love Insta kills since accelerator is capable of killing his opponent with just one meter Touch by reversing the blood flow of his victim he can make their body explode from the inside of course this is only possible against enemies that have blood or have a biological body as otherwise disability will do absolutely nothing against them but fear not accelerator has shown off other absolutely insane offensive applications of his ability such as the time he slowed the rotation of the planet by five minutes implying he could literally destroy Earth itself if he tried hard enough I also made another video talking about his feet specifically if you're interested I think I've done enough talking for now there's only one other person I know who can do accelerator Justice and that is wait hold up was that my cue to start talking oh it was oh okay okay ladies and gentlemen today I am also going to be talking about the vector God accelerator for those who do not know me my name is othiness and I am a guest here thanks to Aeon first and foremost thank you so much aeon for letting me talk about accelerator on your channel homie knows me so well and he knows how much I love accelerator I mean my own channel was built around accelerator soloing Goku but enough of all that I am here to talk about accelerator and his Platinum wings I want to make it very clear from the star that I'm only here to talk about the Feats accelerator did while he has Platinum wings so I will not be covering his so-called imaginary vectors or the conceptual invisible Spears he made when he was fighting net fist I only bring these up now because they were in New Testament 22 which is where accelera did in fact get his Platinum wings now there are a couple things I want to talk about and the first one being accelerator embedding a third artificial Magic Tree into the world this was way more severe and this can actually change things way more fundamentally than Angel Fall by accelerator embedding the third tree which was known as clonoth this actually can be seen as accelerator changing the laws of the World by adding this artificial third tree to the cosmos accelerator and ended up shaking the whole galaxy along with his Platinum Wings accelerator gained the ability of astral projection and soul manipulation by controlling the laws of micro-ism and macroism he was able to force korons on soul out of her body these two Feats that were given to accelerator are major upgrades from when he started at the beginning of the series and I'm glad I got to talk about them accelerator being able to have access to Soul manipulation and law manipulation are huge upgrades based off accelerator using and being able to control the laws of micros and macroism which are crucial existences and mechanisms to Supernatural powers in The Tomorrow Universe I believe that this does in fact give him the control over the laws of Supernatural power to some extent although kamichi has not actually written that in the light novels so with that being said take the law manipulation as you will whether you think it's limited law manipulation or whether you think Excel is completely busted like myself it's really all on you how you want to interpret the law manipulation aeon thank you so much for having me on your YouTube channel it was really fun to talk about accelerator and his Platinum wings and it was really fun to talk about accelerator and his law manipulation ability also hey all you beautiful people make sure you subscribe to my buddy aeon due is a [ __ ] Legend thanks awfulness for eloquently describing what makes accelerator so broken accelerator originally had black and white Wings which were able to disintegrate matter upon contact and he was able to actually influence the vectors of objects without needing a touch like he did versus kakina where he turned him into digletts I've seen enough J AVS to know what happens when someone gets stuck like that his white wings were also able to seemingly heal himself after his body was internally exploding from using magic although he was controlling his own blood flow keeping it within his body so he wouldn't die and in this form he also nullified fiamma's magic nuke which was gonna blow up all of Eurasia so that makes accelerator even more harder to kill by the way if you're enjoying this video so far don't forget to help me get to 20 000 subscribers as I'll be doing a Tomah version of this video at a milestone where I will be investigating if turmer is truly overpowered or if he has plot armor so if that video interests you make sure you subscribe for more I need to briefly touch upon the tree of clonof and platinum Wings which often as mentioned earlier after the will of the musical Network and Clipper puzzle 545 collaborated to merge their power and knowledge accelerator managed to use an invisible power which could over the entire world as a weapon against the magic God neptus who could seemingly no longer regenerate after being attacked by this power giving accelerator Regional is kinda Overkill this invisible power was later revealed to be the tree of clonov a magic related concept which is the true essence of the musica Network which I explain more in detail in this video accelerator also channeled the power of shaking the Galaxy into a physical strike which pushed out quran's on Soul by accessing the tree of Connor accelerator is also able to cross the abyss of sephiroth giving him a wealth of magical knowledge and purifying his mind and soul to arrive beyond the sphere of Qatar which is the ranking of the Gods I don't think we have even seen the full capabilities of accelerator with his Platinum wings but hey once he finally stops his Edge Lord phase and breaks out of prison we might get more of a taste oh wait what am I saying he's always been an edge Lord the last thing I want to touch upon is alistair's phone which was given to accelerator and it allows him to use futuristic scientific weapons in conjunction with his esper power these include firing an optical laser beam from a satellite in space sporting genetically modified Giants man eating plants and something called Mimosa which are similar to Nanobots and consume the cells of their target serving them basically into nothing while these weapons aren't the most powerful in accelerator's Arsenal they do give him more options to use in a fight Salah is no longer the one-trick pony reliant on his reflection which he used to be plus it makes accelerator much more harder to fight when he got a laser moving at the speed of Lights raining down upon you while trying to focus on fighting him at the same time I think that's covered mostly everything that makes accelerator a force to be reckoned with and yes he has been smacked up a number of times but we don't talk about that hero okay make sure you check out of this channel if you enjoy really super serious versus is Battle related videos where he likes to scream more than Goku thanks for watching and I'll see you all next time bye bye
Channel: Aeon of Horus
Views: 52,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Toaru Majutsu no Index, Toaru Kagaku no railgun, Toaru Kagaku no accelerator, A Certain Magical Index, A Certain Scientific Railgun, A Certain Scientific Accelerator, Anime, Light Novel, Manga, Level 5, Level 6, Esper, Vectors, Vector Manipulation, Reflection, Power, VS, Index IV, Season 4, New Testament, Spoilers, Black Wings, White Wings, Platinum Wings, Last Order, Kamijou Touma, Ability, Misaka Mikoto, Discussion, Analysis, Review, Fight, Imagine Breaker, Dragon, Abilities, toaru, Index
Id: 8jgKxCxwsPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 30 2023
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