Limitless Technique vs Vector Control: An Analysis

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so what's the deal with white-haired anime characters and be untouchable when looking at the accelerator from the index series and Gojo from gjk they've opened described as a strongest and sit at the top of their respective universes this is all thanks to their abilities of vector control and a limitless curse technique which makes them virtually Untouchable from all forms of harm but that had me wondering which of these similar abilities do the best job at protecting their users so I'm going to be putting both these abilities into a variety of categories to see which one is better overall there's another white-haired guy who has a similar ability but this video is already long enough I don't know how his power works Gojo uses the Limitless technique to bring the concept of infinity into reality and places it as a barrier in front of him once any form of attack reaches this barrier they technically aren't stopping no because the Limitless uses Infinity there's no infinite space between Gojo and whatever threat is in front of them so objects or attacks are still moving towards him however they'll slow down and never reach him because of the infinite space between him and that attack since attacks or objects don't have infinite energy or momentum they'll eventually lose said momentum and stop or dissipate go to achieves this barrier by dividing the space between himself and us at Targets so even if you're only one inch from Gojo that distance gets divided into 0.1 inches than 0.2 inches then 0.3 inches and so on for eternity this ability works with the Achilles Paradox no matter how cool something is getting to Gojo its distance will constantly be divided once you're caught within the infinite barrier that gives Gojo free reign to give you a beat down his Limitless is a passive ability which means that it's on at all times regardless if he is aware of a threat or not since it's impossible to stick attack Gojo even when he's distracted or asleep the Limitless barrier is even effective against stuff like poison as it would also be classified as a threat however goju can choose what can crosses barrier and what cannotch as there exists a sort of filter system that allows harmless things in and immediately stops harmful things the Limitless has been shown to completely stop objects in their tracks as if they were hitting a brick wall this is done by Gojo strengthening his Limitless with more crushed energy and has been shown to get so dense that it completely crushes her spirits into nothing like a hydraulic press the reflection barrier of accelerator uses vectors to redirect attacks a vectors anything would move a magnitude and Direction attraction is an object moving from point A to B A magnitudes the amount of energy required for that to happen pretty much everything in the world has a vector accelerator uses this as part of his reflection barrier any attack or object that makes contact with it will be immediately reflected away from accelerator or towards his attacker regardless of the size or power of the attack if it has vectors it can be reflected and anything that gets reflected can either be completely destroyed by the barrier or harmlessly move somewhere else for example example if you try to punch him your hand will be reflected back causing it to snap backwards objects that come in contact with the barrier are violently pushed away hit it like a brick wall we'll continue his attacks to bend around it like magnets to repel each other much like the Limitless the reflection barrier is passive regardless of if accelerator is aware of a threat or not this means that it's not possible to surprise attack accelerator as a reflection barrier is on at all times if you ever try to attack accelerator with a projectile the attacks always seem to be redirected back to the user regardless of if you're out in the open or not essentially attacking accelerator always backfires and the attacker is hurt in some way shape or form the reflection barrier also uses a filter system that detects whether or not an object is harmless and automatically redirects any threats with all that said I'd give the win to accelerator's reflection barrier guju may be able to stop any attack in their tracks but this barrier can't really do much to those set attacks once caught the reflection barrier not only completely redirects the attacks back to the Ops but they can also be redirected towards other objects or individuals or more combat options the Limitless curse technique comes equipped with a ton of powers that makes Gojo even more of a Powerhouse the first is the attracting force of Blue by amplifies Christina genus or an area which we can make impossibilities exist like negative distance because situations like that aren't supposed to exist the world will pull everything towards that impossibility in order to fill it up causing a section like force the violently pulls objects or living beings towards it because you can use this to forcefully pull enemies towards him to close a distance or make them collide with other opponents or objects if he concentrates the gross energy in a certain way he can make objects or individuals violently implode on themselves Gojo can use blue for movement he can massively speed himself up by attracting himself towards where he wants to go now the opposite of Gojo's blue is Red by adding negative cursed energy together he instead achieves a pushing force it manifests itself as a red speeder that can be fired from his hands once an opponent makes contact with this fear they are violently pushed way Gojo seems to control the size of red which likely dictates the force in which he pushes things away the speed of the attack is immense as not even characters or demand speed Feats were able to Dodge in time by combining blue and red together Gojo can create Hollow purple Hollow purples and imaginary mass that combines the force of pushing and pulling together this results in the ability erasing everything it touches from resistance and Gojo can change the size of this attack the Limitless domain expansion is unlimited void when strapped within this domain your brain is forcibly Fed so much information that you will be unable to do anything it's basically implied that any normal human will likely have a mental shutdown been caught within it Gojo has also been shown to instantly teleport but it's unknown how this ability works vectors are a scientific force that exists in all things and our fundamental aspect of the world's physics the accelerator uses this in a variety of ways by touching any object he's able to manipulate the vectors within them the nails within a train track can be forcibly knocked out of their sockets bottles can launch towards enemies like rockets by amplifying the magnitude and direction of a rail it could twist and controlling ways that wouldn't be naturally possible accelerator can simply amplify the magnitude of an object like a pebble in order to send them flying with the velocity of our bullets on the other hand it can manipulate the direction of an object to redirect their movement somewhere else the size of the object doesn't matter as long as the a vectors accelerator can manipulate them and move them around with ease even if the object is completely stationary accelerator can manipulate and change their vectors in cool and unique ways by stomping on the ground accelerator communicate the vectors of it to cause certain exclusions similar to an earthquake that topples any vehicle or an individual in the way Arizona another conduit in which accelerator can use his ability he can condense the air so much that he's able to grab objects with them he can even compress a ton of air together in order to create literal plasma the substance that makes up the Sun for movement purposes accelerate communities vectors to launch himself a high speeds in any direction this also allows him to fly for short periods of time he doesn't have to worry though the high amounts of momentum from moving or falling at these speeds can be canceled out if accelerator touches you you can do a variety of things to your body the most dangerous application is taking control of your blood circulation if he increases its magnitude and direction that caused the human body to explode he can give you a violent electrical shock by amplifying the magnitude of your body's bioelectricity and he's able to control your memories or personality by hijacking the electrical signals of the brain all these vectors are calculated in real time by using a supercomputer like brain he determines many variables like air resistance and gravity in order to achieve certain tasks a list of things you can control include light sound radiation temperature electricity water when it comes to which ability has more versatility the point goes to both the Limitless has four other abilities outside the basic barrier that can be used both offensively and defensively and Gojo possesses many ways he can mix and match them since vectors existed within all things Etc it can manipulate every known thing you can think of which gives him a ton of options in combat the Gojo puts a ton of Christian energy into blue you can create a moving sphere that sucks everything in its path sort of like a black hole this is powerful enough to decimate large buildings as it was shown to suck up and Destroy what appeared to be a large Mansion where it is apparently even more powerful as kanchaku stated that the outputs twice the energy of blue we've seen this in action when just a tiny sphere of red was able to cause a massive shock wave in a forest and this is from Gojo barely putting in any effort a slightly larger sphere one shot of Chris Spirit likely in the realm of grade 1 Hollow purple erases everything it touches with no question as I was easily able to decimate a special grade for spirit with a giant pool of course energy there's no telling how big or powerful could make each ability while all three definitely have the potential to destroy an entire city Vector manipulation has definitely shown itself to be multi-city level and power one of the most impressive Feats is create a giant dust explosion by banging metal crates together when he was gathering up air to create plasma the sheer size of it indicated an attack that could destroy several city blocks with earthquake generation accelerator can destroy the ground of an entire city block and the shock waves resulting from this also shattered glass from every building within range Vector manipulations most destructive feat is lifting the entire office building off its foundation and then chucking it towards another building he seems to do this with ease however this was actually different in a light novel there he actually threw a giant concrete wall however this concrete wall was powered up by the vectors of Earth itself in other words accelerator borrowed the Earth's rotational energy and converted it into the wall he threw to slow down the Earth's rotation and Time by 5 minutes this was a tough one but I'd give the point to accelerators Vector manipulation sugar Limitless has the ability to pretty much create a black hole a force gun twice as powerful and an orb that erases anything out of existence but the power to effortlessly hurl buildings create plasma bombs and slow down the Earth's entire rotation just seems too powerful this doesn't even take into account his multiversal level feeds in a light novel it's been stated that goju can manipulate his Limitless technique at an atomic scale even when it looks like you're touching Gojo you still technically aren't and you'll come out unscathed this applies to other abilities like his blue as he's able to specifically pull in enemies towards each other without Rico being attracted as well even his domain has a bit of precision Godot is able to calculate how much time was needed for the average person to endure his domain and come out with only a few mental hiccups accelerator also has precise manipulation of his actors even when an object seems to have made contact with him this is to the point where he can substitute a super computer in order to rewire someone's brain he can manipulate vectors at our atomic scale to the point where he can shift his hand through objects I'd give the point to vector control for one big reason Gojo couldn't precisely control his Limitless to protect other people I know that in a lot of the fights the Limitless was turned off but even in the situations where it wasn't it's never been shown to block the disaster cursor's attacks towards innocence in accelerator's high-speed battle with a level 5 esper they had no regard for what lives were in the way and the collateral damage however after everything was done it turned out that accelerator was protecting the civilians with vector control at the same time while fighting the second strongest guy in Academy City to pull that off would require the ability to have massive precision while deliver this does seem like an impenetrable barrier there are a few methods within the jjk universe you can use the even the odds the first method is to use a curse tool that can nullify Chris techniques tools such as the inverted Spirit heaven and a black whip when in the hands of a skilled combatant they at least put up a decent fight against Gojo with one even almost killing him in his early career you can also use a curse technique which can bypass the Limitless in some way another way to bypass the MLS is by forcing the activation of a domain expansion you see after domain expansion is deactivated there's a period in time where a user is unable to use their current technique after using unlimited void though those Limitless was essentially turned off for a brief period allowing him to be affected by the outside world we saw this on full display when it got trapped within the prison realm and when he was surprised attacked by Hanami after defeating jogo a technique is also made null and void within a domain itself in the world of Jujutsu Kaizen domain expansions have a rule cut a sure hit technique that means that if you are trapped within a domain you'll always be hit by an attack there was a result of that domain regardless of what your abilities are so Gojo would still be affected the only way to fight back is to escape Tanki attack or use your own domain you can also use a technique called domain amplification to bypass the barrier domain of application is when a cursed energy user amplifies their curse energy to take on the properties of a domain expansion with this technique an attack will nullified occurs technique of a Target essentially meaning they can hit them the main problem with this however is that a user can no longer use her in a technique when disability is activated the reflection barrier has its own set of weaknesses the first is the Imagine breaker his ability is stored within the right hand are the protagonist and it essentially nullifies any supernatural phenomena the kihara counter is another way to bypass the reflection barrier since the reflection barrier uses calculations to achieve its goal there exists a brief window within these calculations where the reflection barrier is determining the type of threat heading towards accelerator by pulling back a punch exactly within that time frame where the bear is trying to recalculate a punch is able to connect with accelerator however the timing so tight that it's almost impossible for most people to pull off the only manager ever achieve this not only nudians and outs of accelerator's ability but also train this technique for many many years if accelerators ever in a situation or he has to use 100 of his brain power to retrieve a certain task like rewriting someone's brain now temporarily turn off its refraction barrier making him vulnerable for attack the last way to buy bypass the reflection barrier is through the use of something not within accelerator's filters you have to attack him with something he's unfamiliar with maybe it's a new type of energy we've yet to discover examples of energies that were able to bypass the reflection barrier is dark matter from the second highest ranked as per until esma an energy used by Angels however after enough time accelerator can learn their properties and use them against you the Limitless has far more exploitable weaknesses drugs is plenty of characters within jjk who have domain expansions or have the resources to create Kirsten energy nullifying tools they may not be able to beat Gojo but they can at least keep it on his toes you'll be hard-pressed to find many people that can get past the reflection barrier two of the ways are exclusive to one individual you're not gonna find angels that often and I doubt you're gonna find this man lacking anytime soon so yeah it looks like one way Road's ability has achieved Victory does this mean the Limitless is inferior well of course not it has a variety of powerful abilities that can destroy anyone or anything in their path there's a reason Gojo is considered the strongest in his verse however vendor control just has a lot more destructive power range and precision is no wonder accelerator has been described as the one who wields the power of God [Music] anymore [Applause]
Views: 24,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jujutsu Kaisen, Gojo, A Certain Scientific Railgun, A Certain Magical Index, Accelerator, Hollow Purple, Gojo explained, Gojo vs Sukuna, Gojo vs, Accelerator explained, Gojo vs Accelerator, Domain Expansion, Jujutsu Kaisen season 2, Jujutsu Kaisen anime, Mappa, Anime, Manga, Accelerator vs Touma, Accelerator vs Misaka
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2023
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