Accelerator (Almost) Solos Jujutsu Kaisen

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[Music] when Satur Gojo was born the balance between the weak and the strong was forever broken his mere presence struck fear into the hearts of many and forced others to become stronger in order to survive Gojo is known as the honored one the pill of strength that nobody could reach however within the same continent another child was born one who equally changed the foundations of strength within the world of science and Magic but I like Gojo who was both feared and respected by those around him this child was simply feared his ability made him a tool for death and Destruction for those who seek to rule the world and those who seek greater power this is accelerator the number one level five esper in Academy City and just like Gojo he's known as the strongest a man who can never be defeated D to his ability vector control making him immune to any and all forms of harm however with how similar both goo and accelerator are that brought up an interesting question what if we plugged them from Academy City and placed them in a mevolent world aju [Music] kaisen after all just like the strongest that world has to offer accelerator isn't exactly right in the head in a way he fits right in with the darkness and depravity of the sorcery world and his presence will likely attract the attention of those who seek to prove their power and skills so let's see if accelerator has what it takes to battle the universe of gjk and somehow come out on top now before we begin I want to make two things clear I will not be using the version of accelerator that has access to the Platinum wings or black and white wings for that matter the jjk universe will have a tough time at accelerator even without them and I personally believe that giving him these Buffs is a bit too unfair it's like Gojo versus Goku a winged accelerator would simply annihilate the entire verse in seconds so I'll be seeking to a version of the character before he got shot in the head the Feats I'll bring up should be consistent with what that version can do the second thing I want to make clear is that both parties will be completely unaware of each other's abilities so they won't have the luxury of prep time however there will be one minor exception I'll bring up later anyways now that that's out of the way let's [Music] begin ah yes Academy City a technologically advanced Metropolis located in Western Japan renowned for its Cutting Edge scientific achievements the city stands as a beacon of progress and Innovation being at the Forefront Of Inventions like complex artificial intelligence computers child murder genetics and education however true nature is a Melting Pot of magic and science where Supernatural ability coexist with technological achievements the city's home to AA of Institutions most notably the power curriculum program which is responsible for the creation of espers espers are individuals in Academy City who possess psychic abilities as a result of scientific experimentation these abilities known as esper Powers range from telekinesis to pyrokinesis to the manipulation of electromagnetic fields the development of these powers is achieved through the use of aim a unique energy passively generated by the body espers are classified into different levels based on the strength of their powers ranging from Level zero to level five level zero espers for example have no measurable abilities and are as normal as you can get level threes and fours are a bit more noteworthy as their abilities can change the very nature of their surroundings and manipulate the laws of the world however they all pale and compar comparison to level five espers to be a level five is sort like being a special grade there's first of all only a limited number of them and they are just far above everyone else in terms of power when encounter with a level five most of the time will spell doomed for anyone lower than them and it possess enough power to [ __ ] an entire nation but themselves there's the electral master motoa who can control electricity to an insane degree she can conure lightning storms manipulate taking technology and control metal to a point where she can create Kaiju she can shoot out a condensed beam of electricity so powerful that can destroy entire buildings kah can manipulate a substance called dark matter which doesn't exist in the physical world not even in theorical sense and this substance has a variety of applications such as amplifying the power of light or creating lifelike clones msaki can manipulates the moisture in the brain which basically gives her the ability to mind control any Target she sets her sights on you get the idea each level five has insane amounts of power and each of them are unique in terms of her usage however just Al Gojo's leagues ahead of his fellow special grades accelerator can't even be put in the same realm as the other level fives he's been referred to as the one who wields the power of God and for good reason once you meet accelerator there's absolutely no hope of ever overcoming him causing other level five espers to despair at his mere presence this is all due to a signature ability accelerator otherwise known as oneway Road well this is pretty lame I went to more than a little trouble to get out and it ends up being for what dealing with a scrawny pathetic third string fool like you accelerator's ability is heavily based on a concept of vector transformation vectors are mathematical entities used to represent quantities that have both magnitude and direction in simpler terms terms vectors describe a specific way to get from one point to another in space here are some key Concepts about vectors magnitude this is the size or length of the vector representing the quantity being measured for example if you're talking about a velocity Vector the magnitude could be the speed direction vectors have a specific Direction in space for instance if you're describing a force Vector the direction indicates the way the force is being applied if you're a baby who didn't understand what I just said then basically a vector is anything that moves from point A to point B which is the direction and the magnitude is the amount of energy required for that object to move that distance everything we see in everyday life abides by the concept of a vector think of a car driving down the street it has a direction and also a magnitude which generates its movement lightning has a direction and also a magnitude which allows it to move across the sky a falling object has a direction which is downwards and a magnitude once it hits the ground that causes new vectors to appear in the form of debris unless you're really dumb I think you understand the concept of vectors by now almost everything has a vector even if they look completely stationary remember if they move even in subatomic sense they have vectors this is the concept accelerator uses as a basis for desability and uses it in a variet of ways there's two functions of accelerator's ability this passive reflection barrier and vector control the reflection barrier is the most basic aspect of his ability in simple terms accelerator can alter the direction and magnitude of any Vector that comes in contact with a skin this includes not only physical objects but also various forms of energy such as projectiles electrical currents and even Supernatural attacks the reflection barrier essentially causes any incoming Vector representing the force of the attack to be redirected away from accelerator and reflected back towards its source this ability makes accelerator nearly invulnerable to Conventional attacks as any physical force or energy directed at him is effortlessly reflected his reflected bullets me has rail gun Vehicles heat and explosions you get the idea if an attack is sent towards him and has a magnitude or direction will be reflected regardless of his speed and power however it doesn't seem to reflect child support the reflection barri barrier is passive meaning accelerator does not have to actively think about using the ability just like Gojo it will automatically redirect any attack that makes contact with them there's only two definitive ways to bypass the barrier one is the Imagine breaker which exists within the right hand of Kam jooma it basically notifies any inal supernatural phenomena which includes accelerator's reflection [Music] barrier the second is a Ki counter which bypasses the barrier by pulling back a punch in a short window where the barrier is calculating an upcoming attack only kihara is capable of pulling off this maneuver which I can't stress enough because the barrier can reflect attacks moving massively faster than light and have planetary to Universal attack potency this is shown with his ability to reflect coronon magic flaming sword spell which has infinite acceleration and has been compared to Gung and power a weapon which has been described as capable o bling the world to pieces and tearing apart the universe accelerator reflecting this not only means that a reflection barrier can handle infinite speed but also planetary to Universal levels of power accelerator's active vector control is the most powerful aspect of his ability basically accelerator is able to manipulate the vectors of anything he comes in contact with disre regardless of the size and shape of the object when he touches an object he can control the direction causing it to bend and twist in all directions he can manipulate the magnitude which forces objects to move at incredible speeds here's a very long list of examples he often kicks the ground which causes a mini shock wave or giant earthquake he Amplified the bioelectricity of the human body electrocuting his opponent he condense air to a certain point or can physically lift people up accelerator Focus the damage of a crashed vehicle to one side he aled the momentum of him falling he grabbed plasma with his bare hands and threw it he walked on walls he slowed down the rotation of the entire planet by 5 minutes he threw a building on another building he redirected a bullet aimed at his own head he caused an entire dust explosion he condensed wind into plasma he turned a fully grown human into a blood stain he launched himself at high speeds in any direction he reflected sound away from him he reflected UV light away from his skin which causes everything I mentioned or things accelerator is capable of doing because they all have a magnitude and Direction which means they have vectors this is why most immediately give up when they lay eyes upon him like I alluded to earlier vector control made accelerator a planet Buster from his very first appearance as he go slow down de Earth's entire rotation and create enough plasma to penetrate nuclear bunkers the reflection barrier and his active vector control are all managed by accelerators super computer like brain before he can reflect or control any Vector he first needs to calculate many things like the object's weight speed gravity air pressure wind mass and so many other factors after which he needs to decide the direction and magnitude he'll be using all these calculations are done in less than a second and faster than any supercomputer in the world in fact he had one of the great supercomputers strapped to his neck powered by the minds of 10,000 people and it could barely match his original brain power accelerator has a firm understanding of almost every concept or force in our world so it isn't too difficult for him to calculate the vector quantities of what he encounters however what happens when he encounters a concept he hasn't experienced before well this has happened at least twice with both magic and he a dark matter however just because he's never reflected them before doesn't mean he's helpless because remember despite them being unknown variables they still fundamentally follow the concept of vectors meaning accelerator can still block them but he just wouldn't be able to reflect them properly this is all possible due to accelerator superc computer like brain combined with the concept of imaginary vectors when accelerator encounters an unfamiliar phenomena or ability he can use math to determine how dis ability will interact with his reflection barrier if he can do so successfully he'll be able to modify his Vector manipulation and reflection barrier to account for such anomalies and act accordingly this is why they are called imaginary vectors because he's visualizing how the vectors of these Concepts and abilities will function this process is incredibly fast so he can often learn how to reflect unknown phenomena the first or second time he encounters them now that we have a good idea of accelerator's abilities how well would he do against the GGK Universe well let's first pit him up against physical Fighters like Maki toi and Yuji right off the bat they have zero ways of even hurting accelerator let alone touching him the secondary fist comes in contact with the barrier they would be bent and folded like a lawn chair most grade three 2 one and special grade Sorcerers don't stand a remote chance against accelerator accelerator's reflection barrier makes them completely immune to 99% of all Kur techniques in the series and there's very few ways to bypass it remember the barrier passively reflects light and the fastest attack in jjk are piercing blood and cumos lightning which all appeal in comparison the strongest attack in jjk is Yuki's black hole which was definitely capable of destroying the entire planet the accelerator will not only be immune to the black hole's intense gravity because of his barrier but it could Nerf the size and gravity of the black hole with his vector control you might see the black hole has infinite Mass but accelerator has already casually nullified attacks with infinite stats the way in which accelerator can toy with and destroy the GGK universe is simply understanding the nature of cursed energy cursed energy is responsible for every aspect of the jjk universe it's the foundation of techniques and determines the power of the universe's top tiers once accelerator learns about cursed energy and adds it to his calculations is pretty much over for the verse [ __ ] Flames cumos lightning idol Transfiguration udas copy techniques all of them will not be reflected but accelerator can forcefully take control of cursed energy vectors and dismantle them hell when up against accelerator RCT will be completely worthless since RCT is controlled by the brain accelerator can touch a sorcerer forcefully hijack the functions of their brain and disrupt the RCT process that or just make them explode that's the thing about accelerator in this crossovers fight Not only would cursed energy be unable to reach him but he' also on-shot a sorcerer simply by touching them anyone who attempts use RCT would also have that disrupted as well imaginary vectors would also learn the functions of cursed energy and any unconventional attack he encounters every cursed Spirit would also be instantly one- shot since the accelerator would make their cursed energy implode Gojo is an obvious outlier the Limitless curse technique similarly makes you invincible from all forms of harm and as far as I remember accelerator has no way of bypassing it however Gojo also has no way of bypassing the reflection barrier so so they kind of just be at a stalemate before you bring up Hollow purple that would easily get reflected or at least dispersed due to both imaginary vectors and the fact that Moc cursed energy which accelerator would have filtered speaking of Gojo just like the honored one accelerator almost Sol jjk due to being completely Untouchable and having destructive potential far above everyone else but emphasis on almost because there's in fact several ways accelerator can be defeated or even stalemated in the context of the GGK power system the first is with toi for shuro wait but didn't I just say that toi would get bent in the presence of accelerator well I was talking about a toi who didn't possess the inverted Spear of Heaven a curs tool that nullifies and stops any curse technique he comes and contact with with both its and his counterparts the black whip being able to hurt Gojo if toi were the lung accelerator would the inverted Spear of Heaven accelerator would not be immediately alarmed and would attempt to reflect it like he does to everything else that would be the second biggest mistake of his life the inverted spear would bypass a reflection barrier and cut through accelerator's flesh like butter basically what happened with his fight with Toma except this time the attack would be lethal things would be even worse with Angel who possesses a curse technique that nullifies abilities once she activates Jacob's Ladder accelerator will be caught in the blast and his reflection barrier will be nullified giving Angel the opportunity to slap him to death I wanted to bring up domain expansion but strangely I don't actually know how this application of cursed energy would apply to accelerator would this reflection barrier reflect the barrier before it closes or would it en close on him and kill him would ass sure it effect well let's assume that it can en close on him this is just hypothetical so don't get crazy in the comments if a domain did manage to enclose an accelerator then you pretty much be screwed self- embodiment of perfection coughin on the Iron Mountain unlmited void malevolent Shrine and others would affect them and I'll be honest it's not really looking good accelerator if he gets caught in a domain he doesn't have simple domain to nullify the sure hit and at most vector control can lessen the damage sure hits also don't have any speed and basically teleport onto his body so they're difficult to anticipate like for example confector control maintain the shape of a soul against maito speaking of domain domain amplification is another way to bypass the barrier as it shown itself to nullify and dampen the effectiveness of curse techniques competent Fighters like like zakuna and Gojo who use it to bypass the barrier and demolish accelerator with hands on a similar note we already know that K counter can bypass the barrier by pulling back a punch to trick the calculation well what if eugi and Gojo somehow knew about this maneuver sure their timing is incredibly tight but I doubt it's any more difficult than a black flash which has an incredibly tiny window of success if Yuji tried to pull off the K counter it is not likely that he'd be able to do it since he pulled off a black flash on a second try and I proceeded to pull it off on every other instance imagine Yuji pulling off a k counter combined with a black flash with maximum CR energy that'll pretty much be lights out for accelerator bro could barely handle a punch from a weakened Toma so accelerator better have a fire bedtime story before yuji's punch connects the Third Way accelerator could lose is by battling three characters in particular Roman sukuna huruma and takaba starting with hikara is pretty obvious how he defeat accelerator and has to do with his domain expansion deadly sentencing once the domain activates accelerator will be accused of a crime he did at any point in the past sure there are a number of things he could be accused of but the most significant of all is mass murder of children specifically 10,000 of them yeah that would pretty much guarantee the accelerator would receive the death penalty from judg man and that wouldn't be good for two reasons the first is confiscation meaning accelerator would have his desper ability forcefully taken away the second is the Executioner sword which instantly kills anyone it comes in contact with without question what accelerator lacking hand-to-hand skills it wouldn't be too long until he sent to heaven or maybe hell takaba would be a strange case his technique is basically a form of reality manipulation which conjures anything in the world and even changes the very nature of the world based on what he finds funny this ability can bypass defensive abilities as has been stated the Gojo will be affected by the technique the technique slowly accumulates damage on a Target the more scenarios play out and takaba himself is completely immune to all forms of damage the only way to escape is to trick takaba or appeal to his own sense of humor that's why I don't the accelerator can escape this ability Not only would it ignore his reflection barrier and make takaba Invincible but does accelerator really seem like the type a guy to go along with takaba cringe jokes I don't think so Roman sukuna would be the most offive of character with the ability to defeat accelerator and no it isn't because of the world cutting slash as that can only really cut space no the way in which zakuna can defeat accelerator is with his father the handled sword Divergent cila Divine General mahara the pry shikigami or the T Shadows technique the main ability of mahara is a power to adapt to any all phenomena basically when mahara experiences an attack from any ability either directly or indirectly the wheel on back will turn indicating that it has adapted once this occurs mahara will either become immune to that ability or develop a counter to it the more the wheel turns the more it adapts which means more ways for it to bypass your abilities this same scenario would take place if sukuna summon mahara against accelerator unless the shikigami was one shot and adapt vector control slowly and find new ways to bypass the ability it would most likely nullify the reflection barrier on contact or send out a flying slash that nullifies the barrier worse yet sukuna will be attacking accelerator at the same time with many shikigami while the barrier is down and unlike Gojo accelerator does not have the hand toand skills necessary enough to keep them at Bay look accelerator is incredibly powerful his Vector manipulation is strong enough to single-handedly solo almost the entire gtk universe with most having zero ways of bypassing the reflection barrier it will be like fighting Gojo just many times more powerful however accelerator runs into a bit of a problem when he runs into abilities that can nullify or bypass his barrier so that's why accelerator almost solos jiujitsu kaisen but you know he could just stop the Earth's entire rotation annihilating everyone but [Music] himself
Views: 15,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Accelerator, Accelerator Explained, A Certain Magical Index, A Certain Scientific Railgun, Vector Control, Accelerator powers, Accelertor vs Touma, Accelerator vs Gojo, When Unstoppable Forces Collide, Gojo, Jujutsu Kaisen, JJK, Jujutsu Kaisen manga, Gojo vs Sukuna, Jujutsu Kaisen anime, Jujutsu Kaisen op, Jujutsu Kaisen Yuji, Gojo explained, Jujutsu Kaisen Manga Spoiler, BOT UNDER REPAIR, Toaru, Jujutsu Kaisen analysis, How strong is Accelerator
Id: rTF2wQqlZuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 35sec (1415 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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