How Soy Sauce Has Been Made in Japan for Over 220 Years โ Handmade
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Channel: Eater
Views: 2,172,631
Rating: 4.9302053 out of 5
Keywords: soy sauce, making soy sauce, factory, how soy sauce is made, Japan, Japanese soy sauce, Japanese soy sauce factory, soy sauce factory, natural soy sauce, how to make soy sauce, ferment, fermented foods, fermented soy sauce, Fueki Syoyu Brewing, brewing soy sauce, Masatsugu Fueki, handmade, eater handmade, eater,, food, restaurant, dining, dish, foodie, chef, food show, Japanese food, Japanese food videos
Id: P6bk_AGu5mw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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Is it sold in the US? I'd love to try it.
How, HOW has someone figured this out?