How Sonic The Hedgehog Should Have Ended

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This is my power! And I'm not using it to run away anymore! I'm using it to protect my ... Sonic? wut? Sonic? What the.. On your left! Uh... who are you? You don't know it yet, but we're your friends too! Oh really? YEAH! Oh no! You are not doing that! If you're going to have an Avengers portal scene knockoff... Then I'm going to have one too! Say hello to my robot friends! Your friends look weird! Your mom looks weird! Ha! wow. As I was saying... Badnik Carreys... Attack! AaaAaaaAAAAAaAaAA! AAAAAAAAAAGH! Yes come to me my jungle friends! Raaagh! Somebody stop him! I'll take that! Hey! Give that back! I don't think so! I'll kill you! Riddle me this. Riddle me that. Who's afraid of my big black ba... Hiya! Let me show you somethin! Let me show YOU somethin! (scream) Smokin! Yeah there. Smokin? OOOooooooow Ooo you're a mean one! Aren't you? I do not like you strange fury beast! I do not like you! Not even the least! AH! I'm feeling! AAAGGGGGGH! Gettin sloppy, Eggman! What's wrong? Runnin out of moves? This isn't even half of what I'm capable of! Wanna hear the most annoying sound in the world? Is it this? Ha ha! Too easy! Good afternoon good evening and goodnight. Too friendly! I'm ready to go in Coach! Just give me a chance! I'm gonna execute a butt kick pattern... Super slow-mo. Lets not see that... in an instant replay. Alrighty then. AaaaAAAAaaaaAAaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Grrrrrrrr! Hey horseface! Huh? I've only got one question for you. What is it? Do you know da wae? To my fist?! Hey hey hey! That is enough! You all seem to be forgetting that I am in charge here! Me! Doctor Robotnik! That's Doctor... R. O. B... Darnit. Oh gosh! I got him! I'm sorry he was just blowin up the town so I just thought... I'm a cop... and I have a gun so... I'm sorry we just don't need any more chaos. (sigh) San Francisco P.D. pending background check! Uh... Meow? AAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHH! Poor guy. Trying to shoot me with a dart. If I wasn't super fast and fully capable of dodging speeding objects... I would think this could be the begining of a beautiful friendship together. Hmm. That does sound pretty cool! Maybe I should let the dart hit me? Nah. I should remember what that random owl lady taught me... Always run from your problems! Goodbye Do-nut Lord It was never meant to be. Aaagh! What the heck? Okay Mushroom planet, here I come! Gotta go fast! Oh! This place isn't so bad! It's actually kind of cool! I wonder what kind of people live here... Oh it's you. It's-a-me, Mario! How much longer? I can't breathe in here! Do you have your child in that bag? No... I mean yes It's a child, but it's not mine. It's not your child? No. No it's not. Yeah this is very strange behavior. I would just hate myself if I didn't call the police right now. Oh it's okay. I am the police! I'm just gonna call it in anyways.
Channel: How It Should Have Ended
Views: 12,267,608
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog, HISHE, How It Should Have Ended, comedy, movies, review, ending explained, Jim Carrey, funny, parody, entertainment, alternate ending, cartoon
Id: _zs34s5RFP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 2sec (302 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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