HISHE Dubs - Toy Story (Comedy Recap)

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[Music] reach for the sky hey that's my line you're under arrest give me your eyeball oh my eye you've been convicted of attempted robbery the sentence is death now it hurts so bad oh god [Music] great googly moogly we got presents i repeat we have presents don't worry everyone i'm not i mean uh you're not getting replaced yes i got it get out of here woody this is buzz's spot now let's go get some cake where am i hello what hello you died too easy there partner they're toys just like you oh i'm not a toy i'm a spaceman no you're a toy spaceman am not r2 fine i'll prove it [Music] i will now fly around the room in space no one can hear you screaming [Music] [Music] see i found my new boyfriend that's my baby daddy he didn't fly he literally got stuck on the plane wow you're way cooler than woody can you be our leader now oh he is not replacing me you've just been replaced [Music] you've just been rippling by that crazy toy from outer space [Music] you've been convicted of impersonating a police officer the sentence is death hey buzz if you're not really a toy why do you act like a toy when andy holds you yeah shut up no i didn't hey let's change the subject and see where that crazy laughing is coming from oh that's just sid he tortures toys he's one of the villains of this movie who's the other one no comment well that's not foreboding at all hey magic eight ball you ready for some attempted murder yeah what's that oh no now andy will have to love me again buzz oh fine i guess i'll settle for the lame cowboy oh what a relief now things will start getting back to normal dad ah crap good thing i left that door open what's that nothing let's go get pizza oh no this is all my fault isn't it look buzz i've made a mistake we have to get back to andy we're his toys oh i told you i'm not a toy you are there's no need for name calling may the force be with you now how am i gonna get back to the pizza place oh how convenient hey buzz let's go no come on pretty please i hear they have sigourney weaver let's go i can't believe this actually worked and there they are buzz you ready buzz i'm coming my queen well this couldn't get any worse can you be our mommy i will consider it mommy mommy mommy mommy now it can't get any worse hey everyone yes you're my prisoners now we're in sid's room let's get out of here hello they're hideous it's not our fault what are we going to do violence violence is always the answer but how are you doing that it's because you're a toy i am not and nothing you could ever say will convince me otherwise buzz lightyear is a toy no that's not true that's impossible you were wrong and all your dreams destroyed and you were just a toy well i'm done oh buzz you done having your existential crisis yet we have to escape that's dumb you're dumb i told those sweet aliens that i'd be their mommy hey guys look we're over here we don't trust you you killed buzz no i didn't he's right here plus i've had character development [Music] you killed him guys guys come on he was gonna obey my boyfriend well that's terrific good thing we're moving tomorrow oh this couldn't get any worse oh no don't worry buzz i'll give you a hand i'm back wow they fixed you but i thought since you're all ugly that meant that you're all bad that's hurtful who wants to die all right see you tomorrow but mom what if we don't find buzz and woody before we move then we'll just buy new toys it's kind of what happens in this series buzz i know that you're sad but we can still get out of here no come on pretty please okay who's ready to have a blast oh no we were so close wait creepy toys a symbol can you stop calling us creepy there's only one way to save buzz us toys are everywhere and we never die great work everybody can we come live with you guys now i gotta go see ya hurry buzz they're almost gone i'm stuck go on without me okay i was kidding hold tight i've got an idea you're mine now he's gonna kill us all perfect time to take out the trash oh guys my boyfriends are coming back let's put this thing into overdrive well poop we're screwed what about the dangerous explosive attached to my back i like your style hey mr potato head this is for always being a jerk well i guess we did not if i have anything to say about it [Applause] what how did you do that your wings are made out of plastic how did they tear through duct tape and you're flying how is this even possible shut up nobody cares about that [Music] woody buzz they're here where were they in this open box right next to me this whole time are you kidding me i am seriously gonna get your eyes checked [Music] holy crap the presents are back i just made out with our girlfriend rose i'm so glad we're all together again i hope nothing ever changes no way andy will never get rid of us yeah i'm sure that we'll always be together forever none of us will ever leave [Music] you
Channel: How It Should Have Ended
Views: 2,671,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Toy Story, HISHE, Dubs, how it should have ended, Comedy, Recap, Movie, Commentary, Review, Parody, Entertainment, Funny, Movies, Animation, Pixar, Disney
Id: nd-BBlL7Krw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 47sec (527 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 23 2021
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