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you ready to work on your shape-shifting Ripley that sounds good but I already know your whole backstory what else is there to talk about huh I guess I never did tell you right then it all started a few years ago in sweaty sands I sure do love slurp refreshing greetings boys and girls it is ice Slurpee haba the owner and founder of slurp Co home to the most delicious slurp brand drinks in the business I'm here to tell you all about a marvelous splendiferous slurp tacular contest I'm throwing have you ever wondered how our patented slurp Cola is made well for the first time ever I'm inviting three lucky winners to where the magic happens my slurp factory just find the hidden message at the bottom of our slurp bottles and the prize could be yours but you better hurry only three bottles are winners and they've already been circulated throughout the island so get snappin [Music] I have to win [Music] no message I have to keep trying but backlit oh nothing drats [Music] okay this is my last dollar and my stomach hurts quite a bit but here goes nothing okay and maybe no more fell looking on a slurp filled stomach but so yeah well there's a reason for that continuing on [Music] welcome to Slurpee Park I need the slurp factory dangit I practice this anyways welcome I just can't believe I'm standing here it's a real honor sir you love slur probably even more than these two posers uh-huh what healthy competition is always a good thing for instance I beat slurps Mackenzie to the patents first slurp Cola and now he is a penniless bum wait really mm-hmm anyways I can see that one of our winners hasn't said much correction while you've all been talking I've typed out hundreds of words can we go into the factory now I'm parched there will be no slurp until the end of the tour my dear what I am I fathered by thousands of slurp bottles to be here and now I don't even get to drink any oh yes you must be bubble bomber of the bomber family I've heard about you that's right and I'm mostly here because I love winning even if it's a contest I have no interest in that's kind of a bummer I would broke to be here because I love slurps so much yeah poor people disgust me now now winners let's keep those spirits up it's time to get this show on the road just through here is the reception area we don't let just anyone through these doors only workers and contest winners like you exclusive that's a vending machine can i that's just a prop I'm afraid no slap in there here we are the VATS this is where all of our delicious laughs is made even our new well I won't spoil the surprise Wow they're magnificent boring who actually makes the slurp anyways oh I'm so glad you asked those would be our dutiful Drago loggers Drago loggers what are those allow them to introduce themselves boys no God yes yes they need some work on their coordination but the Spirit is there thank you boys [Music] found them on an Arctic Island a few years ago finest workers around and they come cheap they must be so happy to be able to make slurp all day you'd think that wouldn't you anyway is time to move on more walking wonderful [Music] now gather around this is a real treat [Music] what's that chamber ever wonder how we turn big shield potions into mini ones yes well that might be one way to do it but we at rep Co have our own way of doing things get on with it already I'm thirsty yes well as you can see I've got the big shield potion set up in the chamber and once I activate the machine weight a shield potion finally we get to drink wait wait girl that's not for drinking where'd she go is she dad not exactly [Music] [Music] I told you not to go into the chamber it's your own it's so humiliating we'll come back for you dear just sit tight and don't go anywhere not that you could come along you two there's more for you to see right behind you here we are what you've all been waiting for our newest product big slurp oh my god it's all I've ever dreamed of it doesn't look quite right to me like green ketchup you know oh but trust me once you taste it you'll be absolutely amazed by its Pinkalicious flavor when do we get to drink it next year when it's released next year I can't wait that long now don't do anything hasty sorry I can't pull it back [Applause] this is a disaster just get out of here how am I going to explain this to the board I wouldn't say it was bad but just thirsty who would have guessed that jumping into a vat of pink slurp would have turned me into a pink blob they should have had a cover on it at least yeah I had enough flirt for a lifetime pumped into me you know I'm not really sure well Zoe would the other two contestants indisposed I guess you are the big winner no the prize is all of this my factory and the legal repercussions that come with the ownership of said factory stop right there Slurpee the gigs up what's this all about you are under arrest for the reckless endangerment of contest winners and the ongoing use of Trog labor that must be some mistake she don't slap ko it was all her idea what nice try egghead welcome you won't get away with this Do You Know Who I am [Music]
Channel: NewScapePro - Fortnite Shorts, Films and Skits
Views: 3,077,537
Rating: 4.8557272 out of 5
Keywords: Fortnite, fortnite short film, how slurp juice is really made, rippley, rippley origin story, slurp juice, slurp factory, rippley skin, rippley fortnite, sludge, fortnite chapter 2, fortnite season 11, fortnite season x, end, end fortnite, fortnite event, origin story, back story, backstory, fortnite movie
Id: 1Ev_j-e65-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 07 2019
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