THE END OF THE HEROES... (A Fortnite Movie)

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[Music] [Applause] I mean it I'm finally a bona fide hero that's great I knew you could do it honey Thanks it feels so good to finally say it out loud so do you have an alias superhero singularity fitting big changes are certainly coming are you sure you're ready to face them what do you mean well as happy as I am for you the life of a superhero I can't imagine how dangerous it will be I'll be fine besides you're one to talk the life of a politician carries its own set of risks well I'm not married yet please you're pulling way ahead of the competition no wonder given how he ran this city into the dirt you're the one who's turned it all around fine I'll likely be mad meaning I'll be a very busy man and if you're running on rooftops where does that leave our daughter she will make it work then you're right sure we will singularity reporting in singularity we need you at the new hero's headquarters immediately send the coordinates I'll see you there do you see it what is there I don't know I didn't really feel comfortable approaching it without backup though but now that you're here I'm gonna check it out AC I really don't think that's a good idea I think you should just observe from back here with me I'm tired of observing this mission is about being hands-on I want to get the full experience of the storm AC wait [Music] what that I gotta get here I've got a tail Stratos I can't believe he's gone he was a good man He gave His life doing what he loved chasing storms I guess you're right wait a minute subcommander signal it's coming back I see he's alive it just might be and it looks like he's getting closer will you just going to leave me there don't get close to up the storms got him right you would ignore my cries for help I was so far enough you did something but the storm did you see is that you not anymore [Music] Oh cutie did Tempest is here John are you in position I'm here links try and get a clean shot I'll write you two into the slipstream here I go what is this you wish to stop the storm for closing in you're paranoid [Music] I overshot it John John I'm on it steady steady what the newbie it's up to you I've got this activate [Music] between singularity bringing into the star no I've got this like a tunic down it's too risky newbie don't do it look I'm telling you the last thing I remember was getting locked into bunker for the volcano erupted well that's a coincidence it's actually the anniversary of that event Wow the thousand year anniversary well it wasn't actually that long ago it was just a few years wait shut strider might be alive so you guys tell me how did it all turn out well a group of heroes defeated the fire king and we're celebrating it today hey I helped you really you were one of the heroes what was your name again well IBM baby died a hero Babbage like munitions major it was pretty cool but you can just call me Steve well it's nice to meet you Steve I'm rocks well that day rocks yeah [Applause] now now it's not about many we are here to honor the courage of the great heroes who risked it all when the fire king threatened this entire island today I have the great honor of presenting one of the heroes of that age please welcome to the stage John wick hello yeah it's me John wick how's it going everyone oh my god mr. wick anyway let's be serious now for a second years ago this place was a big pile of ash nothing but rubble and rocks and lava all the result of that big fire jerk but because we banded together we were able to build up from the ashes neo tilted baby the Age of Heroes is over thus begins the neo age of limitless possibilities but though we take the mare sentimos find out who's responsible for this deme come with me I can't believe that just happened how could anyone disrespect the heroes like that it's not about disrespecting heroes it's about sending a message to the corrupt elite who's there we are the resistance drift have been expecting you how do you know it was me whenever you're around the static shock makes my hair stick up oh sorry about that that's alright you're like nature's hair gel hey that makes me feel good yeah so we're mutually benefiting each other I'm rebuilding the city you're working on my hair well John nothing doing more than that we've been keeping the peace yeah you and the other heroes are doing a bang-up job how goes the reconstruction of her it's going well this new mayor has really gotten the people motivated it also helps that crime is way down it seems like we've done a good job of keeping it at bay everyone knows that if they step out of line they have to tangu with the people that took on the fire king it's a great deterrent well keep up the good work house links by the way she's good Maurice is good everything's good well that's good to hear oh hey Demi is the boss home cold as always I like that never change you're right on time John I don't like to keep the people waiting it deme didn't seem too happy to see me though she doesn't like me meeting people at home says it makes me vulnerable but I told her if I'm not safe standing next to John wick but I'm not safe anywhere you flatter me I do and not enough I fear due to your company's research we were able to get this place back up and running in half the estimated time tilted is looking better than ever before all thanks to you John I won't take all the credit without your charisma I doubt we'd have gotten the people motivated enough the fire king did a number on people's morale I'm glad you brought that up I've been thinking it would be nice to have a day of remembrance for the efforts that you and your hero friends took to defeat him like a holiday no I'm not sure the others would go for it well think about it I feel like it would be good for the common folk which brings me to why I called you here drift links and the others are doing a wonderful job keeping things in check but looking out over this city has me wondering if we need more more than superheroes it sounds silly I know but your friends can't be everywhere at once we need a truly competent police force if we are to keep neo Tilted crime free a force that doesn't need to take breaks eat or sleep like you or I well when you put it like that I need you to whip up a new design for me for a new officer a keeper of the peace a design so you want a Robocop we already had one of those it wasn't too great at his job either that's why this time I'm putting you in charge of the project to make sure it goes smoothly all right mr. mayor I'll see what my geeks can cook up excellent John thank you a force of robots this island doesn't have a great history with robot armies now you're thinking about it all wrong this won't be a robot army this is a robot police force we don't have a great history with that either I know I know but the mayor's requested it and wait wait wait yeah the mayor asked for this yeah it's like a pet project for a month oh I'll get started right away then who are you resisting the status quo that sees the elite oppress the weak and the downtrodden uh what are you talking about things were just fine before you showed up today do you really believe that you're so naive Rox wait how do you know my name we've been watching you we see something in you it's a potentials will rise up as a true hero me a hero that's right together we could fight the corruption that's taken hold of neo Tilted that's the thing I don't see the corruption that you're talking about then you are blind have you not seen the Sentinels the Sentinels keep us safe just like the heroes do not for long they don't the mayor will see to that so is this all there is the whole resistance is what four guys in a basement know many of our members are out on assignments assignments right like the attack you might not like our methods but it was necessary the people need to wake up and how better to do so than with a loudest bang of all well I'm here now enlighten me everyone has world over and accepted the status quo that Vendetta meticulously constructed the Sentinels are normal surveillance cameras on every street corner are just for our protection lies all lies this prototype suit was worn by a Tyrael before she well before she left us hopefully in time he will come around to our cause by her own choice like she did my own supersuit Wow but even with it how do I leave this place through that it will take you up into the sewers you should be able to navigate them safely thank you but what about you or I imagine that Stratus won't be too happy with you letting me go I imagine II won't be but I will speak with him and make him see reason good luck rocks may we meet again oh so tight I guess that's part of being a superhero no time to waste now rocks through the vent and into the sewer this dude is bottom who is that sir she matches the description of the fugitive we tried to intercept earlier it is possible that she is a member of the resistance hunter down Sentinel find her leave me alone birdbrain we only want to question you well sick moves dude I have you now maybe this will slow him down I can't believe that worked now to get home and put all this craziness behind me mr. mayor sir you need to understand that the Sentinels have top-of-the-line electronics within them electronics and water don't mix I don't care about your excuses I want all sentinels retrofitted with waterproof innards or you're fired yes sir and you Sentinel you've failed in your mission I apologize I was outwitted I won't let it happen again it's not your fault you were built improperly to make it up to you I feel like you're due for an upgrade that upgrade I moderate sir maven see it done yes mr. mayor right away [Music] statement Sentinel is ready to serve believe it you're a legend can I have your autograph maybe later rocks oh my god wings knows my name wait how do you know my name and why are you in my house I'm sure to warn you that you're in danger you could say that again ever since I met Stratus and the resistance it feels like I have a target on my back citizen no chica goodbye watch this it is a quick burst who is that I don't know I've never seen them before killing them inside for too long delivered stereotype was just attached to the resistances much it will be more depending days commands results we will take back the city every fortune and Fire long live new assistance mr. mayor me you home John you're early I'm always five minutes early you know that of course how could I forget that mask so it was you guilty as charged why the people love you and neo tilted was prospering it why try and destroy it now I'm not destroying the city John I'm saving it saving it by blowing it up what do you mean by that I have a simple goal in mind and security the resistance as you know opposed me on this culminating in the display we saw at Remembrance Day and it was this display that got me thinking it the people need motivation a target someone to blame all of their problems on so that they can continue to live their simple cushy lives when the people have an enemy they are united the resistance will be that enemy so you're inventing a boogeyman to make everyone fall in line with your proposals it is my duty to tell you a terrible truth the leader of the resistance the one responsible for the attacks today is none other than John wick he has been under my nose the entire time and I failed to see it I apologize but today we make it right a bounty will be placed on John wicks headin and he will pay for what he's done Leo tilted we know our enemy it's time to rise up against him wow I can't believe all of the heroes are in my apartment this is so cool yeah it's good to be together again I'll say no more flipping burgers for me you have slipping burgers mate hey not everyone can come up with pirate puns and make a whole business out of it it is good to be back with you all but enough silliness we need to get down to business I guess it's time to formulate a plan right should we like elect the leader first or something we don't really have a leader per se we make decisions together I beg to differ Lynx hello Oh No look at this for those of you just joining us it appears that millionaire philanthropist and resistance leader John wick has destroyed the sky platform near neo tilted destroyed this isn't right he was supposed to take it over not blow it up this attack has caused hundreds of citizens to lose access to their cable including this reporter thanks a lot Rick now I'll never know who sits on the Iron Throne a vendetta must have seen our plan coming he's trying to stop us from getting the truth out well what do we do now he's got the media on his side a plague of corruption has ripped our city asunder it is time we take it yes viewers it seems that one of tilted zones the hurom plinks has turned on the people and joined forces with the disgraced John wick the attacks on the sky platform and now the mega more paint a very clear picture the mayor of neo tilted is expected to comment on this bizarre and disheartening development shortly my friends we have had our views challenged in the past few weeks it is obvious that there are some among us that do not appreciate the great strides we have made as a society they are stuck in the old ways of the past where everyone did whatever they pleased a time of Anarchy these heroes have revealed themselves to be nothing but vigilantes or worse arsonists I can no longer stand idly by while they feed on our goodwill hoping that they will always do what is right and true it's obvious that they can no longer be trusted that their intentions are impure that's why from this moment onwards the so-called heroes of this island are outlawed effective immediately we will focus on forging our own future without heroes the future is neo I guess you haven't been up on the surface for a while but things are bad the heroes have been outlawed vendetta's made us move and we didn't see it coming I'm here to put a stop to all of this I'm going to meet with them up ahead and only one of us is making it out of here alive there's no reason you'd have to fight him alone we could help you yes we could fight side by side no I don't want you getting hurt the world still needs heroes if I don't make it you're all that's left besides I have to do this alone or claim my honour I understand well if you're sure I am oh man I never got to do anything fun fighting should not be fun rocks it is our duty oh there's one left this one looks different than the others darker statement you may have destroyed this batch but their design was inferior to my own I got a bad feeling about this hey fishstick can you use your laser beam thingy thanks what we gonna do I don't know I'm all out of options here get ready to fight Ross okay statement looking forward to this this is all about I will not be like the member I will never be a memory my legacy will live on yes you will be an eternal King and I will be by your side our family will rule this world forever Oh family what better way to preserve your legacy than with a child yes I see then so be it our child will harness our power and bend the world to their will our dynasty will rule eternal I was born from fire yet denied what was mine by right the usurper stole that chance for me and died before I could take revenge and still a monument to his reign lords over me but not for long I never did get the chance to apologize dear for my actions using you the way that I did was unforgivable murder that is much that you missed in your time away I joined forces with links on the other heroes where yes I have made this is not my physical format that has long since faded into dust but my spirit has returned [Music] no Robotech is a real piece of work I mean I have half a mind to just reprogram her but I'm too lazy wait you can you can do that yeah it's something that you kind of pick up when you're you know bored and alone alone what do you mean I mean like I had my own room but you know the foster care system just kind of go from one place to the next it you know you just you just get bored and you teach yourself stuff and your room look lost the kid that's how it's tough not so bad you learn a lot when you're on your own and besides I have the here let's to look up to even if I don't have parents oh the heroes they are a big fan I mean might you have a few posters of drift on my wall but I won't admit to that I know it's a little bit embarrassing seeing as we just met and all but my dream is to one day be a hero just like her well short doesn't have to just be this lofty dream you can do it if you put your mind to it that's the heroes weren't born with like special powers or anything they made themselves you're right aura huh look who's on the TV what do you think of him well I like his burgers not him I'm talking about the mayor oh the mayor just everyone loves the mayor he's really gonna turn this place around asked me what I meant I meant the I think he's young be faster the mayor go you've been spending much time with those robots the May yeah well I mean he's great and stuff but she have to be my dad age of kings is over or haven't you heard wait you're the Ice King I held you died you are directly I come before you as a spirit to lend my adieu you should have stayed dead we don't need your help yeah what the welder said is right ah What did he say I think he said rubber rubber ah but my Yeti is a little rusty no Greg noxus Harold he said that we needs the Ice King if we want to escape this place with our lives what do you mean Trog well we know he's the one who caused all this in a way you're right I knew it what's an evil Ice King always an evil Ice King let me explain them the monster that's taking hold of this place was a prison of mine for many years wah monster who said anything about a monster and this monster is carrying the castle it must be girl Gant young oh it is the creatures the remnants from a bygone era he made my monsters ruled the oceans let me show you wait monsters just more than one getting to see was the strongest and there were two clear contenders for the title the beastly ride on now eventually emerged victorious but it served found but there was no one left to rule over in the sea and so turned their attention to the people after land at the time I was raising a kingdom of my own and saw this beast as a threat I engaged in battle and was able to flees it with a powerful ritual its act at the base of my castle for generations unfortunately when the fire came directed the volcano a meteor hit the ice and the power of this spell was weakened even enough time the monster may have been able to free itself and this process was hastened by a third party whose motivations are still unclear to me they may not have known the school really was about to unleash a wretched thing our future will be made today [Applause] death in which they are still our brothers and they may yet come around impossible that is the castle of a false King later it's widening the Great Beast yes and they did what even a fire king door not burners discretize in all manner I know now for sure that at all times is true we are destined for the same greatness that beast our East itself upon this world and went where it pleased I'm sorry we let us move quickly there is no need for discretion [Music] and I would again she was tied to your father's plane as I wanted to pay for their dance [Music] garnished much spirits will not bring her back zero ah gross this salt waters not good for my suit I guess taking the chance to investigate the monster up close wasn't too smart John wick at last I've tracked you down do I know you no when I know you you've made some powerful enemies that bounty on your head is mighty enticing it right vendetta's bounty I nearly forgot should have kept your head down because now I've got you in my sights dang must've lost my weapons during the swim tactical fires are activated I've only got one shot at this yeah not bad take this old man oh I need you Elena oh thanks it's just my type must be his don't mind if I do alright no more distractions time to sort this all out [Music] it's gonna have you back on the team mr. wick really been all this time let me tell you rocks I have been on some crazy adventures not as crazy as mine I bet I had an evil twin robot sister oh and I was shrunk by a crazy lady that's a walk in the park compared to mine I thought vendetta in the sewers got a new dog named dog Oh had a fan club that turned out to be a group of no-good bounty hunters went on the cruise and fought an army of cyborgs alongside Halle Berry it's been something else you went on a cruise what's up with that we could have used your help back here well I only went on the cruise because I wanted to check out the monster up close and see what its deal was turns out it doesn't play nice with ships don't worry about it it's way out in the ocean yeah I guess Oh even if the monster is far away it seems like a pretty big deal what should we do about it I don't know I've done a lot of cool stuff in my life but fighting kaijus isn't one of them not yet anyway we need everyone on board for this speaking of Link's was drift he went to go get help from his brother master key he's been gone for a long time though we're starting to get worried mmm something fishy's going on fish sick are you okay [Music] statement I had something is tapping into my photoreceptors query whoa what is all these that fishsticks see is a statement raising firewalls get out of my head intruder objection oh I want to see more statement cleansing outside interference there that's better I must inform the master well is that fish sick what did you see I said no did you see anything else this might be vendetta's next move come on fish stick think harder try tapping into it again he needs to rest John that took a lot out of him ah sorry fish dick hmm someone's making a big metal object at the volcano I wonder if lady Luck's would know anything about it sounds like as good a place as any to start right hopefully the pieces will start to fall into place soon [Music] they dare that voice I've heard it before you know the lava come father could it really be you SAP yes by their fire Kenya how is this possible to the power the faith all things are possible of course father they may come battle and return you to guide you on your path you have that level but you are not yet ready for what I have in store for you I am ready I destroyed the asking spirit the dissent I did and I am proud of himself after beating a spirit is not enough there is still much for you to learn I will do as you command father [Music] hmm the project seems to be progressing quite nicely you've noticed that we are ahead of schedule the drones have been working non-stop at this rate they will have it completed in no time that's good Vendetta I heard that there was a disturbance here last night oh that an old acquaintance of my father's dropped by for a visit is this something we should be concerned about not anymore the flame knight ruin is no more he's retired what of his partner red Knight will she not seek vengeance she won't be a problem if she is anything like me then she will stop at nothing to avenge her king false King and when it comes to loyalty no one is your equal Demi but do not worry I have taken care of everything if you say so have you have you seen your father again since we last spoke his essence manifest itself at times only of his choosing be careful Vendetta I know he is your father but but what nothing I just don't want to see you get hurt hurt my father means to strengthen me it is the only way that I am to survive the battle to Tama is that your own conclusion or his now you should be careful I will not have you questioned me or him I need you focused are we clear yes we're clear dürdane then let the topic of my father go now this robot is not going to design itself in order for it to defeat the monster it needs to be adaptable survival of the fittest exactly let's go over the research you gather during your time atop the monsters back with luck it will hold the key to our victory gladly [Music] we were right honey I won in a landslide I'm officially the mayor of neo till tada for all the good it's done me I I put our baby girl up for adoption I'm sorry I couldn't bear to look into her face and see your eyes staring back at me why why did you have to leave me why did you have to be a hero let that be a lesson to you don't mess with the heroes realized what my torment superheroes don't kill I'm taking you in Tempest whether you like it or not but for now yeah their super villain captured not bad for my first mission but now I have to figure out where the others went off to hello singularity reporting links drift wick is anyone there this thing must be busted wait what's it is that me what's going on is it really you strattice man I'm glad to see you I haven't been able to reach the others and I don't really know what's going on I mean what is with that statue I can't believe you're actually back back I haven't been gone that long singularity you've been missing for years years no that can't be true I was just here a few minutes ago we thought we lost you and took the storms no this can't be real for you it might have seemed like no time at all time flows funny in the storm I need to find my husband I need dinner yes my husband he must be worried sick about me down come on back to the base we have a lot to discuss statement my head feels strange oh not again statement in observation oh there they are fish stick we'll listen in soon the work will be finished and with it my rule over the island will be secured the body is nearly complete but the mind is another matter that's where it gets a bit tricky I admit controlling such a massive robot it may be too arduous for a single pilot's mind which is why we are going to need two pilots working together in concert then allow me to volunteer I will be your co-pilot Vendetta Demi as much as I trust you with my mind I feel it may require a stronger bond sir there is no bond stronger I assure you there is a bond made by blood bring me my daughter intrusion alert get out of my mind meat bag you're right buddy okay so what did you see big iceberg robot to take over the island what if it's to pilot he says he needs his daughter to help him Vendetta has a daughter she must be a real piece of work to do you think bish SiC is going to be okay John he'll be fine he just needs to rest his head I hope you're right hey who's that [Music] hmm let's find out hello how can I help you singularity singularity singularity it's good to see you again John oh my gosh you're really here dad singularity the famous hero you sacrificed yourself to save me Oh tablet from Tempest wow I can't believe you're standing here I thought you died you are a huge inspiration to me growing up I'm Rex by the way rocks yeah no it's me it's an honor sir ma'am sir rocks uh John what's wrong with her kid I think she sucks I am your mother what [Music] singularity sees back how could this be this is a distraction that bandana cannot afford DSR one prepared to terminate hostiles and extract the targets statement finally let the festivities commence the prototype build of the egg is controlled so here you and I have that you need to test our compatibility once we have a sink birth we'll be able to readable mark together I already told you I'm not helping you I think you'll find it very persuasive you're not my father Mikey later dad yes I have brought you a legion of my brothers very good I know me as their thinking they know your heritage they will follow you without question I swear I understood as a mentor to ponder no one disturbs my work if they try they die an army of hybrid you are truly your father's son do their job well of that I have little doubt I'll pass the search haven't found a job yet not yet we have every bounty hunter on the island looking but he's gone off our radar how persistent there is good news rocks was not the only ally of Wix that we captured my thoughts exactly yes you've passed my test very well done test yeah a test you didn't think I was using my full strength right gosh how embarrassing for you sure Omega okay anyways this suit rocks rocks now that I have this suit it's time to save the island and my daughter yeah good luck with that [Music] I won't do it it's not that I mean killing one monster to create another what's the point left you will come with me oh no she won't defend mom you're here should do it it's Vivaan oh how is this passionate is that some sort of truck it's really me I'm here no no I was lost like you are now should you order then give up this crusade come with us we can help you decorate this for you you know I wouldn't want this [Music] destiny rocks please forgive me I do dad what's happening dad are you this was all shaking my body which is spiritually farewell it belongs my son such a disappointment do you really think you can stop me or have to try for the three more your family they were to be my living legacy but now you have left me with no choice you all have to die starting you my son worthless I thought you would have more fighting you than that thoughts of your family I know this is my last chance I need to do this that sterilize sorry for the final showdown okay surd we're here I'm sorry for everything we have to get you out of here it's too late for me we can save you you already have I'm too wounded to be of any help it would only slow you down it's here there's no time to argue it's up to you too now you have to pilot the Jaeger I can't leave you here you have to be the hero that I know you are I love you too no go that monster whose box that's the monster Wow that is one ugly mama jamma could we get some Intel John analyzing try aiming for the eye okay got it the way we have to get up we can do this rocks sick you Larry the statue grab it [Music] [Music] time to celebrate [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: NewScapePro 3 - Fortnite Shorts, Films & Skits!
Views: 2,636,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite battle royale, fortnite short, The END of HEROES... *SEASON 9* (A Fortnite Movie), orb, orb event, monster vs robot, vendetta, rox, lynx, drift, singularity, heroes, villains, ice king, fire king, monster and robot, season 10, season 9 movie, fortnite season 10, vendetta story, back story, origin story, season 10 battle pass, season 10 story, season 10 skins, fortnite short film, fortnite new skin, fortnite shorts, short film
Id: vvE0HxpnKJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 34sec (3454 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 30 2019
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