NEYMAR JR. ORIGIN STORY! (A Fortnite Short Film)

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[Music] ladies and gentlemen the undefeated neymar jr thank you for tuning in everyone my name is john wick i'm rich handsome have an adorable ghost girlfriend take it away co-host hello everyone i'm deadpool you know the secret skin from season two aka the best season in fortnight so today we have professional brazilian soccer player neymar jr up against some sweaty soccer skin uh player let's see how they do [Music] [Applause] whoa skye i didn't know you were that into soccer i mean i'm usually not but something about the way he plays it's hypnotizing the other players head legs so remember john they are playing to see who can score two goals first yes and it looks like neymar is about to go for the steal and ooh looks like an injury in the field might be in play here oh come on he's faking it hey you all right there need some help ugh whatever i'm fine all right then but what let's play [Music] [Applause] [Music] go well there you have it folks the man the myth the legend has done it once again yeah very cool to be seeing neymar jr in his prime oh get it because that's the name of the season [Music] he was like one sec hello hello rox is skye with you i tried calling her but she hasn't picked up oh yeah she's distracted at the moment anyways what's up we were just on our way over to see what cluck's house oh well i'm afraid that he'll have to wait it's kit he's well kind of not himself at the moment hmm what is it is everything all right i'll call you back hey who are you two can we help you with something are you two lost by any chance hmm looks like we might have some trouble ready skye you two all right yeah aren't you should we help him i think he's got this [Music] one [Music] wow that was incredible the way you did that kick but neymar jr i i didn't know you were a superhero not really i just noticed you were in danger oh well that's sweet but we could have handled them ah just cooper i apologize then it's all right can i ask you a question mr neymar how do you deal with all the pressure from both fans and haters well um there is no pressure when you're making a dream come true be happy and believe in yourself then you can focus on your goals this coming from the guy who made 100 goals in professional matches at age 20. well it was nice speaking to you both i have to get going have a big game tomorrow maybe i'll see you there we'll be there all right then ciao ciao [Music] wow i knew he did some charity stuff to help out communities in need but i didn't think he'd take it that literally skye skye mousels you in here okay bro hey youtubes i'm afraid meows was left to go discuss plans with that midas character if you ask me i don't like him i don't like him one bit midas oh no i hope kit's all right hey i thought i heard company i don't believe we've met hi i'm skye legendary adventurer i'm isabelle student from oakwitch academy it doesn't sound quite as fancy as your title oak which that fancy wizarding school i've heard so much about that's amazing i'm rocks by the way are you a friend of clucks that's right lots of strange things have been going on around here isabel has been keeping crackling in our company and what about kitty bro when did he leave maybe we can catch up if we he doesn't want you to worry about him at least for the type being he'll let you know when he really needs it kid i don't know skye he'll be fine here we can distract ourselves by going to nmr's game tomorrow yeah that's going to be on the island right wait you're talking about neymar jr oh i love that guy oh you want to join clock it'll be fun you too isabelle oh that's all right i'm uh working on something well if isabelle isn't going i may have someone in mind who'd like to join really it was a clock he's uh well he's a new friend i just met i'll be there early in the morning to meet up with him where is the place anyways hello friend you around here ah he was supposed to be here by now maybe he isn't coming after all huh oh you made it after all you're huh uh friends huh i thought i was done with you two there's more yeah well your toxicity doesn't belong here you there chicken yeah wait you're you're neymar the professional soccer player i'm assuming you're fine then it's all good amigo friend yeah you calling me a friend of course you seem nice you're in a soccer field that's all i needed to know that we'd get along just fine now what are you doing here all by yourself oh i i was waiting for a friend but i guess he's not coming after all hey look golf ah you you made it yeah why wouldn't i oh am i late sorry lost track of time also i don't have a watch huh interesting characters you two are now how about a quick match you know before the actual game starts you mean it that'd be fantastic wouldn't whitney cuff it sure will hey what's your name by the way mr soccer man call my name okay neymar you're my friend now let's do this all right let's play condor tell me about this little experiment you've got cooking up these grave feathers will provide much use to us that eye their abilities to scout the island search for our prey we'll make our travels much more meaningful so they should be able to fire ours john jones yes all of them so tell me how many of these can you have running one soul i have equals one grave feather human life is their energy their way of existence except instead of living they listen to me [Music] [Music] you
Channel: NewScapePro 3 - Fortnite Shorts, Films & Skits!
Views: 2,353,834
Rating: 4.9034548 out of 5
Id: Bg-tbieraQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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