How Does Changi Aiport Prepare For A Disaster? | The World's Best Airport: Changi | Spark

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Singapore* Changi mate.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mapledunno πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 21 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Oh, cool - looks similar to Ultimate Airport Dubai.

Another world-class airport, hopefully world-class show.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mohishunder πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
in this show changi's airport emergency services face the ultimate test baggage detection are on alert for security threats [Music] and illegal stashes and missed flights leave passengers stranded at the airport after that when they go to cambodia they told me this is singapore where the old world meets new metropolis at its heart is this changi airport singapore's jewel in the crown [Music] with unprecedented access we go inside changi voted world's best airport to find out what makes it tick it's lightning in right now for passengers it's an oasis of peace and calm but for the forty thousand staff who keep it that way but you see it can be anything but i've had nightmares the electrical for the aircraft is not working anymore where's the engineer it doesn't work really i'm going to cry man [Music] with two runways and three terminals changi is one of the world's busiest airports with a thousand flights a day and 55 million passengers a year its 40 000 staff work round the clock to please in this airport efficiency is king as is service with a smile [Music] the immigration and checkpoints authority safeguards singapore's borders this airport has security systems to rival the world's top banks it's the ica's job to make sure that the movement of people and goods is legitimate and lawful at terminal 2's baggage collection it's the morning shift for immigration officer kumar and his team of officers in the baggage detection united as they make ready to search all who enter here common detections uh flick knives night stakes uh handcuffs batons knuckle dusters all this is under singapore police force more of a security threat apart from that under health science authority sex enhancement pills slimming pills and large quantity for commercial use that is also a main concern and yeah now another right significant rise is vape or electronic cigarettes every officer has a role to play as they confront any would-be smugglers in an intricate game of looks signals you all have anything to declare with y'all and charm offensive you're arriving from he's going to save from custom australia just engaging with small checks helps a lot that few seconds we will be able to find out whether are they giving me any kind of telltale indicators do you have a knife you go back oh yes in singapore knives are either prohibited or restricted depending on their type and design okay this is fine while kumar takes care of business on the front line another team are getting match fit on the tarmac [Applause] but these men aren't here for fun they are the airport emergency services at any given moment they are ready for action action they hope they won't have to take these are the airport's dedicated firefighters [Music] watched over by operations commander alexander it's a huge responsibility after all you know the safety and the lives of passengers are in our hands i think the hardest part of this job is making sure that myself and my guys are ready and are prepared to handle a crash changi has three fire stations by the runways and a fourth on the coast so the guys at the sea rescue base are also under my charge and today i am going to conduct my routine inspection on them and check on them make sure everything is in place everything is in order the training is being conducted and conducted properly please advise our location of emergency over training is a way of life for all fire officers at all stations potential one over rescue leaving base now proceeding to crash location they're in constant preparation for any worst case scenario we arrive at the crash site there is immediate visual of two casualties straight away surface rescuers down to proceed with the rescue singapore is surrounded by territorial waters so in the event if an aircraft were to land short of the runway and ditches into the sea the resources here at the sea rescue base will turn out and they will carry out firefighting and rescue out at sea whilst his officers keep watch at the coast 24 7 most of the action takes place at other stations fire station 2's latest recruit is 23 year old scheifel before i came here i'm a bit nervous because i don't know how is it like going to be at a station but after i came here yeah i need to learn a lot of things on the station routine mostly equipment wise [Applause] for alexander it's a stressful time of year yo wendy how's the preparation for coming along bobcat is code for aircraft crash exercise as commander he'll be under the microscope yeah okay can i see you are coming okay let them know okay thanks for being here [Music] the fire service has 180 offices on shift at any one time across terminals and runways to keep his men on their toes alexander carries out reaction tests often once triggered they have between 15 and 20 seconds to drop whatever they're doing leap into vehicles suit up and exit the station can you activate reaction test now thanks okay sir i'll move up to the direction test now ah success for now and alexander can rest easy inside terminal 2 changi's customer service teams known locally as changi's experience agents are at full stretch as they man 15 stations across three terminals and patrol the airport both ends at the center this army of helpers tackle passenger problems big and small today agent nina has a british backpacker who needs help this is kyle it's his first time in asia um i arrived at one o'clock so i came from phuket and it's just meant to be a connecting flight to bali he's been rejected from his flight to bali because he doesn't have an onward bound ticket to make matters worse kyle doesn't have enough cash to pay for a flight and he no longer has his credit card options all i can do is pay for things online which i've tried to do and they have lent me their tablet which is very helpful but for some reason or another it's just not registering even though i've used the same bank cards to book flights and travel what have you um over the last six months and so all i can do is just try and contact home and just say to my sister bitcoin and you can take the money back kind of thing is she online no she's at work in the uk it's probably about 8 30 but you already missed your current flight they gave me until 2 50. it's now 2 49. you have your sister's number yep it's not successful we'll try again so basically trying to call my sister back in jersey who's currently at work it's nine o'clock in the morning and she's not gonna be happy so you get me a flight and get me out of singapore basically yeah meanwhile the baggage detection unit are eyeballing passengers entering singapore but nothing gets past kumar who has a hunch that a passenger who has declared three packs of tobacco is hiding something but now they've found a fourth this man may wish he'd given up smoking earlier kumar's team has also found an electronic cigarette or vape [Applause] i found a few more packets including the electronic secret yep for the cigarettes or rather the loose tobacco it's more of a revenue concern it's under singapore customs which i'm going to deal with them later and for the vape it'll be more like a seizure it will detain the item on behalf of our alzheimer's authority yeah it's a nice looking one but unfortunately it's not a lot here will changi's agents get this confused passenger on a flight you're going to manila okay this philippine airlines not sri lankan air will kyle reach his sister or stay stranded without cash at the airport you have your sister's number yep and what will kumar and his team make of this suspicious metal object are you working here [Music] airport precision efficiency and customer service rule voted world's best airport by passengers its three terminals serve over 100 airlines and connect to 320 cities but kyle a british backpacker can't afford to fly to any of them he was rejected from his flight to bali because he did not have an onward bound ticket you have your sister's number yeah with next to no cash and no credit card he's stranded and desperate to get in touch with his sister for help ah just got a text off her so that's the phone number that's area code nevertheless ah it's ringing thank you hello where are you i thought you would work right is it oh it's only eight o'clock back home she's in she's just gonna play um i'm in singapore right now lovely airport book some sort of flight and then transfer it from my account to yours i don't know whether just to go to ours cheers thanks very much so she can transfer over to cash um yeah well she's going to try and just book me a flight i'm thinking just to go straight to australia now instead of barley this one right thank you hey how's it going i'm getting what it's a weird thing to hear but yeah let's do this um so we're just checking flights in a minute and funnily enough one came up to brisbane but it was um one changeover in bali thanks very much cheers bye you got it so close but that's also a problem you get to go to bali depending i get a confirmation in the farthest corner of changi airport it's a busy day for the animal and plant quarantine station here the hard-working team of vets and trained officers work round the clock to keep singapore safe from epidemics pests and diseases jan is waiting for a batch of resources arriving from new zealand our horses are can be quite dangerous animals are huge animals any wrong move if they kick it can cause serious injuries in the people around them and i also have to take care of myself of course because i'm doing the checks one mistake and these spooked animals will make a bid for freedom [Applause] with a kick that can kill pulling prodding and scanning is not for the faint-hearted the team will have to hold their nerve [Music] when i was new at this i was scared now as long as you know where to stand where to go how to move how the horses respond i think you should get used to this i've written down the microchip number this horse is a little bit spooked out once one one horse gets anxious the rest will also get anxious [Music] oh there you go oh this looks like a skin abrasion um so it should heal up actually 12 racehorses are good to go after 14 days of quarantine they will cross the border and become singapore's welcome guests [Music] in terminal 2 arrivals kyle has news from his sister in the uk who is trying to help him get out of singapore my sister's currently trying to book my flight back in the uk it just happens to be the same website that i try to do it on last time and she's getting the same message as i am just saying that it was not successful and tickets could not be issued she's going to try and call them but obviously she's at work so i'm just saying if you have to wait a couple of hours until your lunch break so i don't want to get in any trouble back at work it seems that kyle is now trapped in the world's best airport operations commander alexander is a man with a plan today this airport will stage a plane crash with casualties real fire and real people he will need brains as well as brawn to pull this off what we're going to test the main objective is actually to set up rs within six minutes as well as to receive the casualty as well as the report to report to the deo in charge the two objectives i want to see is timing for the rrs setup and then casualty management because during cpt if these two things we don't fulfill we were sure yeah definitely it was surely penalized okay so this is something okay okay okay elsewhere scheifel is also being put through his paces this is pump to pump connecting two tanks from two fire trucks together to boost the water supply all drills hurt this one hurts more water no one three wide turn down come in we need to keep our fitness up to the standard scheifel may be fit but the going is tough and tonight it's going to get tougher [Applause] every day passengers bring 120 000 bags through this airport and every day security teams check scan and search for illegal or dangerous contraband kumar's team have detected a suspicious object at terminal 2. there's some metallic gems item found in his luggage upon the x-ray machine you put your back there i know the traveler claims is used more for industrial purposes for cutting machineries metal items but we are just a bit curious why is it hidden come here work huh are you working here yeah attending training yeah okay ken you have claimed that it's for his work purpose is to so it doesn't pose any security threat so we are giving back to him in a region where many languages are spoken communication can be slow going but to protect and secure singapore's borders is kamar's sole concern have you taken all your items okay initially he was a bit tense and nervous because of firstly firstly we are being mindful more is because of the language barrier no that was a language barrier he couldn't communicate well however he was able to answer the simple questions why what's the his entry for and how long is his stay intended stay in singapore and his accumulation he was very um confident with his answers and we are satisfied so access our assessment on the whole fact it's clean meanwhile at terminal 3 agent jr has a tricky number on his hands i'll try don't worry this passenger might have had one drink too many he can't find his way to the gate they came from mitch airlines i feel like an airline joining which airlines you're going to manila okay this is philippine airlines not sri lankan air okay you go yeah i understand you see that one skytrain to t1 yes transferred d to get your boarding pass hurry up okay sir you take this train and then you go to terminal one terminal one you go to transfer d delta okay transfer d philippine airlines counter okay thanks thank you at check-in terminal 3 officer grace has a baggage problem of a different kind 400 of excess weight and a passenger who doesn't want to pay for it i go from incheon to beijing and from beijing back to the united states but today you're just going up to incheon yeah it came out like this the confirmation is the thing is i booked it all through united i'm getting like united points for this it's not an ashana thing so i mean i just don't understand if i brought three bags in right what do you want me to do with the other two bags when i leave i don't live in singapore that doesn't make any sense this passenger can't understand why the airline wants to charge her for the extra 23 kilos when she flew the first leg of her journey from america to singapore without paying a single cent it's not a peace concept because you're not traveling to the states so we're going by a weight concept this time because you're traveling only up to incheon what am i supposed to do with the other two bags it doesn't matter how many bags you check in them you can check in five bags you can check in six bags but the weight has to be there so uh for your gold status um economy is 20 at arsenal's additional three and then the gold status will give you additional 20. so you're allowed to check in for 43. and then you want me to carry on 20 then i mean because right now i have 60. correct just make sure that there's no liquid in the one that your hand carries yeah that's the liquid gels i think i have liquid in here so helen's plan is to transfer 20 kilos of excess weight to her hand luggage to avoid the penalty give me one second i have never done this before because usually i am a platinum status on united and i don't need to do this she's determined to make this work okay does this make it can you come and check this see if this works okay that works okay it's looking good i hope i am i'm just trying to close it now i'm going to sit on it i hope it doesn't rip back at arrivals terminal 2 kyle's on the phone to his sister perfect um yeah they're they're really helpful they said that they'll print it out for me here cheers thanks very much she's booked two flights for me one going to bali tomorrow and then the next one she's booked me a flight to brisbane on the 16th of october but yeah it seems everything's sorted so that's a massive release thank you very much for your help welcome here i'll just like leave a note for them okay i'll just log out of this it's the end of nina's shift and after a missed flight and lots of waiting around it looks like kyle's finally back in the game i don't know if it's just been picked up by mistake so everything's been booked everything's finalized we've just got our booking from the airline and now the passports come walkies will kyle find his passport or is it game over for this intrepid backpacker so i don't know if it's just falling down will agent marbouba convince a passenger that she's been scammed it's a fake ticket man someone has edited it and what will kumar make of this rich discovery so mayonna why are you bringing so much of currency [Music] at changi airport there's approximately one flight every 90 seconds but kyle isn't on one yet he's trying to get to bali to party with friends terminal 2 in the world's best airport is not where he wants to be unable to board a plane to bali without an onward bound ticket this free spirit lacks the means to purchase one his sister has bailed him out and paid for a ticket but now his passport has gone walkabout terry can you check with the lady if she accidentally picked up her passport the passport was yeah she was standing i think it could fit through that i think i didn't take it thank you thank you here's this passport and he has his itinerary please give it all kyle needs to do now is not lose his passport and wait at changi's customer service desks there is a never-ending stream of passengers with problems and sometimes the agents have to deliver bad news at terminal 2 arrivals a mother and daughter have approached agent mabuba the daughter has come to meet her fiance for the first time okay but she's received a call from customs to say that her fiance has been detained for carrying excess cash into singapore you have been in the airport since afternoon and she needs to pay a fine of 15 000 into his bank account to release him has heard it all before but goes ahead and calls customs hi good afternoon sir there are two ladies here looking out for this passenger george haley he has probably landed this afternoon by malaysia airlines mh603 so what they are telling me is they received a phone call today from ica one of the officer has called them and told them that uh he was being held up at the ica because he was taking excess amount of cash without declaring as for them he's holding a u.s passport yeah i will let them know thank you yeah sure thank you the fiance is not at customs and it looks like the daughter may have been duped this is his phone number you can't get through this number you can call back but he's not willing to talk to me which officer what is the reason that he is bringing so much cash i want to marry him he's around seven dollars because he just finished your malaysia so the company you need to trust what i'm saying is because i'm telling you from my experiences they are definitely trying to fool you to get some scam that's what my officer told me to get you more information we have been experiencing this many times in the airport which is also around information some ladies who are totally in love with the guy would transfer money and come to me and said i have a video transfer money what do i do most cases is totally scam some people boyfriends even send them a scanned copy of passport which is a fake passport here you can google their name and the passport comes in a google just print it out in terminal 3 transit agent jr has a second visit from a confused passenger who may have had one drink too many they closed the counter already no he's open but they are shouting all the time they don't want to serve us they want to buy a returning back ticket our attorney cat going to saudi arabia like kyle he needs an onward-bound ticket but are you sure you don't have any return ticket to riyadh how come you didn't boo i don't want to go you didn't oh you didn't want to go back [Music] how come your agent didn't know this congratulations they won't let you fly without a return ticket what should i do do you have to book your third ticket then i'll book anything i bake i will shall i pay watch because you don't have a return ticket based on this itinerary where do you want to go then i'll help you to cook the ticket cambodia okay we'll go to cambodia then but after that you may go to cambodia they tell me where they can take it when you go to cambodia and you need a ticket again going to riyadh okay of course i must go now i don't have to sir just relax now we are trying to help you out because it's already the situation you still have a book on your ticket because they will think you'll be overstaying in the country this passenger may be a little light-headed but it seems he's already been on to his travel agent about the ticket i'm from manila you know yeah i know i always go i love morocco i wanted to stay there yeah you'll love the place [Music] all he needs now is a printout [Laughter] at baggage collection kamar and his team are as always on the lookout for anything out of the ordinary today the scanner has revealed a large sum of cash in a passenger's bag so holiday in singapore five days how much money you bring to singapore 10 000 it's not a currency control you can bring in any amount but yeah you need to make a declaration anything that is above singapore twenty thousand dollars this requirement is in place to detect and monitor currency movements and to enable the authorities to take enforcement action against cash careers financing terrorism or money laundering that's over thirty four thousand singapore dollars so mayonna why are you bringing so much of currency that's your medication when is your appointment tomorrow and because this cash has not been declared kumar will need to establish exactly what the money is for pull us to office please they have mentioned to us that they are here for some medical examination and sadly they don't have any documents to prove so we need to investigate further uh let's see how it goes before we hand over the singapore police force in terminal one transit this passenger has now made it to the transfer counter he now has the booking confirmation of his outward bound ticket all right if early on if you bring this thing the return ticket out we should have been on the flight but yeah i'll just pay it now because nobody tells you okay so now now they're gonna put you on the next flight so uh you just take a seat first once i've done the booking for you i issue the boarding pass i call it back at the baggage duty office kamar needs to establish why this passenger failed to declare that he was carrying over 34 dollars in cash if he's not satisfied with the answer he will hand this passenger over to the police okay earlier he was telling me that he needs to go and see the doctor tomorrow he have an appointment i'm repeating again does he have any documents tell you what i'll send someone perhaps scott he'll be escorted to meet your mom just get the relevant documents okay so you follow me okay just you'll be able to assist me to interpret your debt okay this is a requirement finally they have conclusive proof of the doctor's appointment this is a chance i'm giving you because you need to make a declaration okay guys currency all okay okay sir thank you okay so thank you so much this is ops commander so we're just waiting for the runway to close after that the logistics team will enter the runway to get prepped up every year changi airport tests the readiness of its firefighters with a full-blown emergency aircraft crash exercise observers and auditors assess procedures and proficiency and the prowess of their new commander alexander to be honest i was lying in bed i was worrying yes i felt i i've had nightmares but crash exercise newbie scheifel is more confident i'm prepared for it because i've been training for it so for physical wise there's no problem for me so yeah now chinese airport emergency services are moving to the standby positions they've been notified that an aircraft has a double hydraulic failure and is due to land in 20 minutes but putting out the flames fast enough is exactly what this new operations commander has to do trial by fire will alexander's worst nightmare come true [Music] and will kyle finally be able to celebrate don't damage the apple changi may be the world's best airport but all kyle wants to do is sleep but not before a well-earned beer i think if anyone told me that this is how it was gonna end up at the end of today i obviously wouldn't have believed them but you just gotta laugh about it now it's all over so yeah it's quite i mean i've got a beer i'm on a flight tomorrow um and i'll eventually get to bali so i'm just glad that i'm all on any time budget and i'll get there eventually but we'll keep trying we'll keep trying apparently i haven't had a bad enough day so i can't be rewarded with a beer [Music] [Music] trying to open his beard probably more stressful than the whole thing that happened today with the flights and everything [Music] and nothing stresses me out it's beautiful every time it just gets better under alexander's command the men of the airport emergency services have to rescue 156 plane crash casualties and evacuate them to the triage area where injuries will be assessed and prioritized scheifel is one of the officers responsible for moving the casualties to the triage area from the collection point initially i will reach there i will set up a tent where we collect all the casualties is in just two minutes the flames are out alexander's worst nightmare is over but it's on to the next now that the holding area has been erected scheifel and the other firefighters can get on with the serious business of rescuing injured passengers the chicken stove commander be advised we have rescued first casualty from the aircraft running on adrenaline scheifel is on route to the triage area with a first batch of casualties currently it's okay for me currently but i don't know about later the casualties are gathered to receive urgent medical attention from paramedics but with more than 100 casualties still to be rescued it's not over yet [Music] back at the crash site the casualties are stacking up because of a transportation problem and all of it is being recorded by the exercise assessors additional ambulances uh to be on standby at the cca for casualty convenience to ccs you copy over with the shortage of ambulances and scheifel having to take the strain fatigue is starting to set in the job of two fire officers has now become the work of four as this crash test draws to a close new lessons [Applause] we were able to extinguish the fire really really fast um and we were able to rescue all rescue out all the casualties uh and the important thing is that we accounted for all of them so that's good but the night is not over for scheifel and alexander technically after this exercise ends uh i'm still on duty i end my shift at uh 8 am it is harsh what to do the realities of being a firefighter next time on all access changing ma'am are you all right but you see what you see customer service agents deal with extreme cases why did you miss your flight purposely passengers lose precious things pets in transit are grounded they just started the electronic system today and another is quarantine if the bird has blood flu we will have to put it down
Channel: Spark
Views: 668,734
Rating: 4.9272113 out of 5
Keywords: Spark, Science, Technology, Engineering, Learning, How To, education, documentary, factual, mind blown, construction, building, full documentary, space documentary, bbc documentary, Science documentary, cnbc, changi airport, changi airport singapore, changi airport jewel, changi airport jewel construction, changi airport jewel video, jewel changi airport, jewel changi airport waterfall, best airport, world's best airport, airports, amazing airports, airports during corona
Id: p8ngIL4noF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 21sec (2661 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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