UK Border Patrol Agency Plays Cat & Mouse with Smugglers! | Locked Up Abroad | Borders

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[Music] every year over a hundred million people goes from passport control to get into Britain most of welcome and legal many are not tonight for the first time in television we go behind the scenes of the UK Border Agency the men and women on the front line of immigration coming up the chef's that doesn't cut it at Terminal 3 everything suggests to me that you're coming to the United Kingdom to see and take employment here cut Mouse of the port of Calais and in London an illegal worker from Nigeria he's told he'll have to go home [Music] terminal 3 II throw the UK's busiest port everyone who arrives here requires a valid passport and a valid reason to enter the country stamping passports today's officer Steve Hassler he joined immigration after career in the RAF it's his job to spot people trying to enter or stay in the UK illegally with 50,000 passengers a day arriving at Terminal three he can only ask each person a handful of questions to find out if they are genuine what are you doing in the UK where do you study okay have you got your student ID card have a look at this man is returning to Britain after visiting a sick relative in Dubai to prove it's a student he produces some University certificates song even in the UK now three years okay tell me about constructive business skills what's up no no I want to know you got an A in interactive business skills when the exams so tell me what is interactive business skills well you've got an in it so it must have been a subject I love the base it's basically the business subject isn't it just last October you got an e in it and you can't tell me what it is officer Hassler asked the passenger to wait watch your back while he refers to chief immigration officer Rick Linsley I said well talk to me about business interactive skills couldn't see it word or than why it's business ask them about introduction of IT or costing accounting he says you know couldn't do anything couldn't even mention it he doesn't even look like student I pushed on the fact about his work as well any sight standing there and I said look all you work are you definitely not where it was like no definitely not I mean who's thinking now nothing at all so I mean laughs you want to do certainly want to do his bag I've got a name of a cousin who is downstairs so I'll give him a quick call and just see if he corroborates anything he's told me as well but you came up and he was sort of being sore very chatty and sometimes you people do that to try and sort of Caspian our cashier off guard and stuff you know possibly you get colleges as the core themselves or educational institutions that will provide these letters types of letters so people can get these resident permits and this is what this guy's on he came here originally on a student visa he's then submitted documentation probably letters like this to show that he's doing you know good study but clearly he hasn't done the exam because he can't talk about it not that I met prejudging of course officer Haslam may have his suspicions but he needs some facts to back them out this is immigration at Heathrow Terminal three he starts by calling the man's cousin and what does he do in the UK student the passenger is told officer Hassler that he studies in London and doesn't have a job not even part-time see he works working as a taxi driver I just went to the cousin and he says he works as a taxi driver which is clearly different from what he's telling us yeah it's certainly a breakthrough but before officer Hassler can deny the passenger entry he need solid evidence or a full admission and before I start you need to be aware it's very important for you to answer that that my questions truthfully if at any time I find out subsequently that you've lied to me then it's going to make your situation far more serious here yeah it is now an offence to mislead and obstruct an immigration officer okay so please think about that when you're answering my questions right why have you come to the UK study where the School of Business study well how come you give me letters for the School of Management and science no no no no come on hey stop wasting my time right I'm gonna ask you again what are you doing in the UK because you're not studying you can't even get the name of the college right my brother yeah yeah I can stop this question yes simply there I am in a very bad situation yeah okay right so let's give this no no no no I tell you what no I tell you what no no you listen to me right you calm down right and you answer my questions because the way you're going on you've got something to hide right so don't start getting on your high horse right and start shouting at me all right you were you were getting you work you do okay right then so told you right listen all you gotta do is answer my questions right simple as that all right okay right coming up an enforcement team in London need to get their hands on a passport Oh gone on a photocopy or something is the student hopeful in India is forked out thousands on fees if you don't understand me you have to tell me no do you understand me and evidence that officer Hasler's student can't be studying but can you clarify that this person works adding [Music] India's economy is booming but a developing economy needs an educated workforce and here in New Delhi the demand for British university degree is huge almost 35,000 people a year applied to study in Britain from India it's down to entry clearance officers to choose the suitable candidates from those who don't make the grade this man has traveled hundreds of miles to apply for his visa he comes from a family of farmers but he wants to study in the UK so we can go into business with his father-in-law you have to stare that CCTV camera for 10 seconds mr. Singh has a lot to lose having already paid four and a half thousand pounds for his first term alone it's my first time in Ooty for study firstly and undergraduate by the program and after I finish my bachelor degree in business administration yeah when you finish the degree you're gonna come back here yeah yeah and join my family business with my father-in-law and my father's his flight to the UK is only four days away from now but there's no guarantees application we'll be successful here at the application centre mr. Singh was submit evidence to prove that there's a genuine student and that his finances are in place okay this is your course for three years yes these are the savings it's a mountain of paperwork but every detail is crucial we required the sponsors to administer either the bank's safe mint or the savings the property papers the valuation of the property that's it a bit we required the whole thing actually he has everything he needs but one part of his application is not up to scratch his basic English score is below average if the visa team don't think you'll be able to understand his course that refused him the visa the money spent on fees could be lost [Music] students who are granted visas only allowed to work part-time up to 20 hours a week during term a terminal 3 officer Hasler's passengers still insist he doesn't have a job at all and that he studies a full time when were you last ate your college when we last last week first to me what he doesn't know is that officer Hassler spoken to his cousin who lets slip that he is working will be fortunate because I just asked the the sponsor his cousin was meeting him or what we know what work does he do and he's just said oh yeah he's a taxi driver but when I thought I'd ask him anything more about he's got a bit hesitant realizing that he's maybe said suddenly shanaar done so yeah on that information we'll be able to go out and you know go through the company so it's been a good break for us now officer Hassler needs to know whether it's full or part-time employment and the pieces are coming together taxi comedy's based on movie this where this guy lives is that taxi company oh hi yeah and I wonder if you count me this is the UK Border Agency at Heathrow and just whenever can ask you a question about one of your drivers what Waleed Hussein so I mean does he come on a particular time or is it just any time it's that full time well yeah smashing all right thanks very much Cheers bye-bye no okay contact the company and I've spoke to the controller there and he's just confirmed that that he does work there he's been working there full-time for three years right officer Hassler still has no hard evidence the cab company won't fax any information until they've spoken to the manager who they can't get hold of so we must use the information he has to get the full admission from the passenger are you studying in the UK yes where I'm asking you again we're all right do you work in the UK no what did I say to you about lying to me alright cuz you have lied to me you have family in UK yeah exactly so don't lie to me so tell me again where where are you working no no where are you working now well I know where you're working you know I listen I know where you're working that's why I'm talking to you about it now alright so I want you to tell me we're working yeah okay do you want me to tell you so tell me about 49 taxi company yeah but you work there as a driver you know you do work there you do work there yes you are yeah well how come you suddenly mention and that you work there and it wasn't mentioned before so tell me tell me tell me okay I tell me about you tell me about 49 taxi company you tell me about it that you work as a taxi driver okay when did you stop working there I did about three months ago I did so you still work there yes I've got it from them that you work full time and you've worked there for at least two to three years so you work there full-time yep Barto full-time yeah no no okay so how come they're telling me you work full-time you've worked there for three years and that probably tells me why you can't ever tell me about your college because you work in full time how much did you pay for those letters well you're not studying them okay right what's going to happen is we're going to put you into a Holdren where you'll be remaining with us we're gonna get this in document we're gonna get this right in from this company okay we'll get all that relevant information and everyone will got that we're going to take this further okay officer Hassler didn't get a confession and the evidence he needs won't be available until the morning the passenger will have to stay in the holding room you're gonna remember this overnight no no you will stay in this room all right I couldn't because they almost already and if you cost my where's your medication well yeah cuz I don't well but if you could ask my wife wait where's you where's your medication then it's been a sort of frenetic few hours but yeah we've got the stage where we can't take this any further and we've got the passenger who's denying everything however we've got this verbal information that states that he is working full time so clearly we have avenues that we need to go but we can't do that tonight so when I'll have to pass this on tomorrow morning - a day shift officer and what they will do was contact this the owner of the taxi company also the school as well and just see if we can corroborate either his story or the information that we've been provided that he is actually working and not study in Delhi almost 200 student applications a week are vetted at the British High Commission for mr. Singh who wants to study in England this could be the most important interview of his life his flight leaves in just three hours entry clearance officer Dan Brown with taking his case nineteen year old student you would know evidence that this guy speaks English and so will will cover will have a chat with them and see if he's English is good enough to be able to follow the course well in say how are you I'm fine sir okay sir but if you don't understand me you have to tell me no do you understand me yeah so how long will you stay in the UK for my higher education according to three years where will you study hard for sure can you tell me about the structure of the course my boss my father-in-law supporting me for PC and my residence and all costs - tell me about the structure of the course evening 20 20 pounds twenty thousand pounds and in second and third year for semester let me stop you there I'll ask you the question in a different way can you tell me about the cost that you will study in the UK mainly after I want to study in UK and after study I will join my family business and okay so if you can please take a seat at the back I'll consider your case and speak to you again shortly thank you he's spending a lot of money a lot of his father-in-law's money and going to the UK and he couldn't tell me anything about what he was going to be studying and I would expect that if he spending so much money and he's really keen on studying that he'd be able to tell me something about the cost and he could tell me absolutely nothing it's not looking good for mr. Singh mr. Singh I considered your application today but I'm not satisfied that you meet the requirements of the rules this time and so I'm going to refuse your application do you understand yes mr. Singh won't be catching his flight today instead he must explain the four and a half thousand pounds down the drain to his father-in-law the visa system acts as a filter and strict border controls stop many people getting into Britain illegally but it's estimated there are up to 1 million illegal immigrants living and working in the country it's the job of the enforcement teams to find those people and remove them from the UK first thing we initially had nine targets however that's been whittled down to seven well intelligence received from the management of this company that they may be employing some persons who they believe may be illegal in this country five minutes and relief yeah London and South East enforcement teams carry out over a hundred raids a week this morning they've raided a cleaning company and arrested two workers they believe are in the country illegally one is a Nigerian whose visa is expired the other is from Ghana but there is no record of him entering the UK officer in charge Sharon Kilbourne decides to search the man's home establishing initially that he actually lives here and the key to fit into the M the lock they do so we're gonna bring him up and conduct a house search in order to locate his own passport and then the other documentation last year 25,000 illegal immigrants were removed from the country through enforcement but the immigration teams are not allowed by law to remove someone without travel documents they must have proof of the person's country of origin if he gives us a pass or once we find that we'll be out of here the team only have a photocopy supplied by the man's employer this gentleman has a passport the legal authority has certified it has been the truth for a few documents they took this to his employer of course they can only view employment because it's been certified by solicit so these are the problems we have all the time tell us if your passport is here says a search in the whole room right to the passage first to be honest with you honesty is the best with honesty yes to be honest with you yeah friend of my brother was leaving yeah yeah tell me everything in the latest hangout this gentleman here really said this passport was with the home office we've done checks it's not with a home office so we're gonna check his details here and now you're saying it's with the home you still it's oh yeah is it your solicitor you don't have any idea yes right have you report it to the police [Music] every time I heard someone lost their passport and never reported it to police I'd be a rich woman just did she where's your passport and you said to be honest I have no idea but you just said now it's with a brother that's not really your brother gone on a photocopy of something in a copy of his Ghanaian passports well this was issued in on the first one very old 7 yeah that's the where did you get this from me Britain this country or Ghana this one yeah yeah I was just sending so you wasn't here when you've got this possible issue to you from I think so this generally don't we'll probably be out so report on the immigration bathroom cannot be destroyed by the arresting officers the team know that without a travel document they cannot remove the man from britain their only option is the granting temporary release you have to report every week you understand otherwise you'll have problems if you get stopped again by the police emigration okay all right you'll be reporting to us until we can get a document and a removal date for him and many people moved back to his country of origin so for him if he's ever a pre handed again there won't be no release for here may be detained until he's removed coming up officers in Calais check trucks bound for Britain five adult males it all claim to be from Palestine the taxi driver who says is a student appeals to the chief I think if I give you temporary mission you probably wouldn't come back well but you don't appear to have followed our rules up to now do and it doesn't get any easier for the enforcement team nearly a million trucks a year come through the port of Calais carrying goods into Britain over 400 British immigration officers work here at the French border checking that Freight is all the trucks are carrying in 2007 officers at Calais alone stopped nearly 12,000 people trying to cross the channel illegally officer Gary Caldwell has been working the Calais being for three years is his job to find and stop the illegal entrance known here as clandestines before they crossed the French border we've just received a call from man I'm school security which is a French firm that conduct searches down at the the birthday both search the lorry that I think they found five clandestine team so we're going to make our way down now have a look at it the kind of signs may have bridge the poor things and got into the lorry whilst it's been parked down here first officer Caldwell must make sure that the clandestine aren't carrying any weapons no shops no no yeah what we've got is if it's a level load of of white goods as you can see and in a space maybe this high across the top there are five I believe five adult males it all claim to be from Palestine we're going to move you down one at a time we'll refer the circumstances to our CIO and then they'll make a decision on whether or not we're going to serve illegal entry papers on these people your first they just said to me everybody likes England which is why they're they're trying to make their way across there right now come on don't worry too much about that one it's only speed [Music] 10 a.m. terminal 3 it's been a bad night for the passenger who says as a student and claims he doesn't work he's been detained in the holding room for 13 hours and now officers have written confirmation from the taxi company that he's been working full-time his refused entry and told to be put on a plane in two hours [Music] but he has a wife and two children living in Luton he asked to see the chief immigration officer Matt Dyson [Music] sometimes I think they they believe that if they talk to a senior officer he's going to turn around a bit more sympathetic but to be honest you know this decisions been through two CIOs now so it's not a decision I'm looking to overturn at all so but we can all see what he's got to say Jenna come on a quick chat and the chief yeah I'll just nip outside myself I just want to make it a guest mm-hmm that I got my wife and my daughters two daughters in Luton yeah and I just want to request you personally that and appeal I am NOT saying you know as it stands I'm not willing to entertain any any releasing you at the moment okay you can do that if you wish to no I'm not granting you temporary admission I think that's what you're asking for is in the temporary admission no because I think if I gave you temporary mission you probably wouldn't come back but you don't appear to follow our rules up to now do you know I've read this the case against you is pretty strong okay I don't think you're studying you don't know anything about your course if any good do you want I can bring them in no I I can't really do that I mean I could understand why you you know you're concerned about your well no I mean you're concerned about your wife and daughter but obviously you know I have to balance that concern with the fact that you know you fall well short of entering as a student and also you didn't seem to think it was a problem going on holiday and leaving your wife and daughters here did you so it's not as if you know I think that they're in any danger my brother is dying my he's dying with the case that leukemia he's fighting for his life in hospital that was the reason I went to leave my wife and my kids right as well as I can understand you want to see your wife and and children I'm not gonna be letting you in I'm afraid if you want to pursue the appeal that's up to you you can never divorce yourself entirely from the decisions you make but in the end you have to look to your job and you have to look what is the right thing to do according to your job now you should never ever divorce yourself from being sympathetic towards people and just because somebody for short immigration rules doesn't automatically make them a bad person now this far as you know as far as we can go this guy's working too much and he's not studying as he claims okay and he's all basis of being here and also of having a family here whom he supports is as a student and the bottom line is if he's not doing it then he shouldn't be here and you know that that's that's the law and that's a policy made by government not by me my job is to apply it correctly the passenger did lodge an appeal before chief officer Dyson's team could put him on a plane after a week in a detention center he was granted temporary release he's still in the UK waiting for a removal date back at Calais an officer Caldwell is on a roll there's another report of a lorry with clandestine zhan board we've got three kind Nestle's in the victim in front believe it or not it's gone mad no no no yeah yes yes I need your photograph I can come up and get it if you like okay and then come on fella nationality let me see yeah okay from the French police ali kullin yes what we look at is how secure the vehicle was what measures about the drivers and indeed their company site to prevent clandestine breach in them so we'll speak with the drivers to establish what that what if anything they've done to protect their lives and then we'll consider certain penalties if we think is appropriate after that okay unless times now that we'll check the photographs and fingerprint we consider or not whether life commitment pains will serve them paperwork confirming that and once that's done we'll hand them to the in French place the enforcement team in London need to search the home of a cleaner they've arrested on suspicion of being in the country illegally comic what's your head yeah the man gave a false name but officers found an ID card and checks against this name confirmed he is from Nigeria and here on a tourist visa they expired two years ago on the fifth floor we've got officers providing rear cover just in case someone throws looking at South windows the team must find his passport without it they can't send him back home because it's just as a bit nervous of the family the law and hooray something special immigrations ancestors stand away from the people well she won't answer the door basically but she sees his face you answer it if she sees out she want me just waiting for you whatever it was you know turned out the door no guy she ain't gonna arrest you yeah that's what I say let me use your fool I will explain what is happening tonight she will open the door let me go she wishes she does only our fridge tell her she doesn't open the door will smash the door in let me use the phone see you need to open the door now don't a false entry this was surely a choice is a dress today obviously we've only got the pair's are for centuries addressing we're not 100% sure so we're not we're not so capable kicking the door in is your passport in there or is in a different address usually a possible English address your possible in their mission possible my passport is for a long time he starts be in Kentucky Kentucky from your everything another visa you're saying my visa why have you returned your passport area I'm ready to try to use father to you of tamata way available my passport is no here is more being this England and I have to tell you the truth I swear to Almighty God the team can't get in they've already spent eight hours on this operation and at the end of it two people they believe are illegal immigrants will be released it's just frustrating because you've been out all day so long hard grafton the end of age just gonna let go because of limited space the Immigration Service only detain someone if they believe he poses a risk to the public or is likely to abscond all they can do with the Nigerian is take him back to base to record his details we stopped with your why answer comer India okay this might we're gonna give you a why you think let me find you not legally and we have the right to take your fingerprints okay if you don't allow statement we can take them by force okay it's a lot easier if you just let us take them don't go to the police these problems an immigration database and but they go on an immigration database all around Europe so you go to any other country within Europe claim to be somebody else I can taste you and you'll come out when your finger pinched okay isn't it their decree it's not because she done a criminal offence not just or Cobley familiar this form it's a notification of temple release okay it basically means that we're releasing you you need to report to this office you need to bring this paper with you yeah and then you come back every Wednesday okay yeah so the best bet for you now is probably to go to a Nigerian High Commission and get hold of a passport or a travel document and go back to Nigeria okay if I they will kill me evil I prefer to kill me yeah everybody give me the good idea a toast with my life the man fears for his life if he goes home to Nigeria because of a feud over property with members of his family it started after the death of his parents when he sold some property to fund his trip to Britain possibility of you wanting to claim asylum but I'm not sure you are you so what you need to do is go home have a think about it he thinks best when you come in tomorrow Asylum is protection for people fleeing persecution in their own country a claim because of a family dispute however serious is unlikely to be successful released he's probably gonna go home speak to his mates they're gonna tell him all no stay away what not lost in the system again the man did report as instructed the following day but it did not seek asylum and has not been seen or heard of since the Ghanaian cleaner also reported only once before disappearing both men have been circulated as absconders on the police national computer coming up boiling point for the Aussie chef at Heathrow the 41 year old Australian claiming to be a tourist has been stopped at passport control officer Davinder tun is suspicious because the woman has limited farmers and can't tell him what she wants to do while on holiday the passenger is a chef an officer Tong believes he may intend to work in Brittany what she's carrying in her luggage raises suspicions further she's just informed me that she's got some special luggage sir she's checked in which she said were her chef's knives now when asked why she needed them she said she was gonna do cuts and cooking for uncle is that all the baggage that you have at the moment your lives are in the fragile okay well go on grab your knives okay I'm just gonna have to take this away from you as well just for them just whilst we're conducting our inquiries okay I can't let you have this and then I'll return it makes you afterwards okay officer Tong must search all the woman's bags to find out if she is a genuine tourist in with her laptop he discovers several copies of the woman's CV we also have copies of her educational certificates with her she's got copies of them I mean it it's it's strange you know someone being educational certificates TVs coming for a holiday her age 41 she's too old to get a working holiday make a visa to come here through that channel no I haven't looked at a qualification exactly but you know we've got the new points based system so maybe she doesn't qualify for the points to get the right work permits to come over so you know they left with no other option but to come and see country as a visitor and then work illegally [Music] can I ask you what this is what's this the CV then I used how I get working see this is what I how I sit into my employers this goes electronically who CV is a mine reven Cameron's why are you bringing them with you they've always met in the laptop they're always it they're always there you're always in my bag right yeah so many copies you've got you've got about 25 copies of your covering letter yeah and there must be maybe the same amount of CDs when I'm looking for work it's what I say I'm always looking for work but always be always looking for work yep why are you carrying your chef lines with you because I'm gonna cook some food for my friends one here I take every year I go can you not use their knives to cook was it blunt you always cut now why not only gonna cook for friend how many friends do you have here you have you have an uncle yeah you have an uncle to cook for and you have Julie to cook for and another so there's three people don't like using any wounds as knives it's a personal thing that I've had my own iets people's nice and long we blunt okay I mean looking at what we've done what we've looked at so far everything suggests to me that you're coming to the United Kingdom to seek and take employment here but I can't I can't get a working visa here yeah no I can't look II but no everything suggests to me that you are because I mean why else would somebody carry a CV with them you have three friends here yeah and you've bought your chef's knives to cook for them but if you understand I do under but I know you're not cooking unless you plan to cook in a professional kitchen you don't need to bring your lives with you if I go to my dad's house I take mine off if I eat once has to plan I take my knives so do you have any intention of working here everything okay what did you say about the knives and like it was certificates she said what she always carries them around with her wherever she goes she's always looking for work I said you're always looking for right you were planning to work here no I'm not planning to work here I don't buy this thing about taking your chef's knives everywhere you go and you don't take your certificate do you let's take yours oh no and it's not just one there's a few copies of each not just like you know it she's got different colored wire here we go this is her see you know that's a yeah no she's looking for workers she's definitely looking for work yeah nope sorry I protect our DS there's a flight out tonight at 2100 well yeah she's fitting well this is for you your reasons for refusal this also gives you your flight that you're going back on so you're going on the ey to Abu Dhabi connecting on all the way to Sydney tonight okay your passport and stuff will be held with us when you board the flight my colleagues who will escort you to your flight will then hand the passport onto the cabin crew who will then give it to you when you land no unfortunately not no this is so I'm sure if I make twenty five bucks an hour and Sydney I wait there hi look you break their door you've been through everything I'm not even a word okay well everything that you've brought with you suggest that you are here and your intentions are to seek employment here in the United Kingdom in people that know I'm that's that's not going to stop let's had recipes in it she didn't take it too well she should spend a lot of money I mean it it didn't seem as if she had limited funds to her anyway now you know someone wouldn't spend all that money to come here just for trip if they didn't have it I mean there must have been more intentions to her coming here like to work so she couldn't earn some more money so I think that was the right decision my friends and they refuse me a few days empty it's just so wrong you know he was merely my family's gonna be his pies we leave yesterday [Music] I've done nothing wrong [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: DangerTV
Views: 6,116,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: UK, United Kingdom, Threats, Smugglers, Smuggling, Borders, Border Agents, Customs, Customs Agents, Danger, Extreme, Airports, London, Gatwick, Heathrow, Illegals, Illegal Immigrants, customs uk, uk border force, uk customs, border patrol, nothing to declare, locked up abroad, border security, heathrow airport, border security force, border force, airport patrol, documentary, trafficking, england, police, caught, contraband, uk police, front line, airport, custom, dangertv, customs border, border
Id: r1kWGwNpjd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 15sec (2655 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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