Is The Earth Actually Running Out Of Oil? | The Struggle For Oil | Spark

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paper was light gold in medieval times i want tobacco sugar [Music] that everything we thought we knew about the world might turn out to be completely wrong in april 2010 the drilling rig deep water horizon blew up in the gulf of mexico approximately 780 million liters of crude gushed into the gulf unleashing the most severe ecological disaster in u.s history is our insatiable thirst for oil driving us into these catastrophes still we are floating in energy making the day out of night oil is the motor of modern civilization without fuel neither mobility nor prosperity can continue at its current speed every day we are burning 14 billion liters of this precious substance as our addiction forced us into a fatal trap in just a few generations [Music] without diesel and fertilizer which is produced from petroleum modern agriculture simply cannot continue to exist from plastics to clothes to medicines this fossil liquid comprises so many things an increasing number of scientists now believe we've passed the peak of world oil production is this a race that can be won billions are invested in research and technology but when asked about the remaining reserves the oil producers remain silent houston texas until 2010 this is where matt simmons worked as one of the most successful oil technology investors there is zero transparency for what's really happening in the top 100 to 200 oil fields in the world how much they're producing even approximately 4 000 oil fields are currently in production but half of the global oil production relies only on 120 giant fields these giant fields unfortunately are not distributed evenly across the globe if and how many new oil fields will be discovered will decide our world's future all giant oil fields were tapped more than 40 years ago and their production is waning from year to year the question of how much of this black gold still remains inside our planet is a constant and increasing debate among scientists politicians and economists the international energy agency in paris known as the iea has for the first time begun to monitor the actual production of all the major oil fields we made a research on 800 oil fields or wells over the world the decline of the existing oil field is really enormous 6.7 percent of decline rate means eerie about 4.7 million barrels per day decline so we have to find 5 million barrels per day every year that's uh that's a huge let's say we need every uh about iran or iraq that that that that that's what we mean if the data of the present production numbers are correct the peak of our oil production has passed already research dollars are funneled meanwhile into a more efficient exploitation of existing fields austria until the 1960s austria could satisfy all of its oil needs by local fields alone in 50 years now the pumping from the deep vienna basin supplies only 13 percent of austria's demand now the austrian oil company searches in 6 000 meters of depth such extreme drilling operations only became profitable due to the rise of global energy prices to achieve drilling at such depth about 200 drill pipes need to be joined together we reached a depth of 6017 meters using an eight and three quarter inch drill then cemented around the casing then unfortunately lost the drill head not an easy job the drill pipes got stuck in different layers of rock [Music] drill master vinta chooses the proper drill head for the next level gently they restart the engines the drill pipes weighing 60 tons made of six kilometers of steel constantly drag on the machinery every drill hole is a financial venture in the headquarters geologist philip strauss analyzes data acquired at depth to better control the drill bit this is the ultimate test once the drilling starts each hole costs 10 to 20 million euros and this is the amount of money it takes to verify my projections buried millions of years ago submerged mountain ranges become visible within the seismic profile within these ranges they believe rising gas and oil has been trapped in three to three thousand five hundred meters we expect permeable and porous layers which might contain hydrocarbons one option is to go down to 5000 meters the other to 5500 i'd consider both of them going deeper we might get problems with the increasing weight of the equipment for each hole the well design is different at this stage there are still no guarantees of success on average an american consumes 20 times more oil than a chinese or an indian if asia were to catch up to u.s consumption rates the global production would have to rise by more than 300 percent per day the global population has doubled since the 1950s thanks to diesel fertilizer and heavy equipment farming yield rates have increased by 250 percent during this time without oil modern agriculture will not be able to feed the world population also the industrial fishing fleets will cease working when the price of diesel rises too high we really need to be going from 85 to 120 million barrels a day in the next 20 years realistically they now know that we can't get there commercial exploitation started at the beginning of the 20th century large petroleum deposits were found within prehistoric ocean basins over millions of years decaying algae and plankton sank to the bottom covered by sand and layers of clay the organic mass remained sealed from oxidation as heat and pressure built up the debris transformed into hydrocarbons now having less weight the gas and oil moved upwards until getting trapped by impermeable layers of rock to this day no technology exists to predict with 100 certainty where these reservoirs are hiding below geologist wolfgang kiesling is specialized on prehistoric reefs petrifactions and microfossils give hints where millions of years ago a rich and blooming fauna in flora existed within the porosity of the ancient coral reefs ample space was created ideal spaces to collect the uprising crude over millions of years much of the slowly rising petroleum got trapped within such prehistoric reefs [Music] these are fragments of red algae here are fragments of foraminifera ancient reefs measuring kilometers in depth evolved because the ocean floor dropped due to tectonic shifting and the corals continued to grow in height this blue color shows the porous space inside the coral perfect and how they link to each other perfectly what's this next iman twenty percent of all discovered crude was located in these types of buried coral banks yet the positioning of these prehistoric reefs has changed tremendously due to plate tectonic shifting over millions of years because of this the search for oil equals the proverbial search for the needle in the haystack this area in the south of china but also this region has great potential southeast asia might turn into a new hot spot still to this day most reserves have been discovered along the persian gulf from the bottom of oman up to kirkuk in the top of iraq every oil field of any size in the middle east is within that triangle yet precisely this triangle yields very few reef structures the oil was trapped in carbonate and sandstone close to tectonic borders and in 70 years of expiration they found little pockets of oil elsewhere the methods to discover new reservoirs have been refined over the last century nevertheless geologists are far from being able to predict new locations where hydrocarbons exist only 10 percent of all exploration drill holes are successful and from discovery to the delivery of the first drops it takes approximately 10 years so far no other energy form exists that is as dense and easy to transport as oil without oil global trade would stop functioning presently about 14 billion liters of oil are used each day in 20 years the demand is supposed to rise another 20 percent from what reservoirs this demand is to be fed is still unknown even just to offset the decline we need four saudi arabias do we have for saudi arabia that is the biggest question saudi arabia is the largest global oil supplier at present just some 80 years ago few roads existed in this country today modernization has merged with traditional life thousands of kilometers of asphalt lead through the desert below hais khabar the oil field was discovered in 1948 with a length of 280 kilometers it is the largest of all reservoirs ever found saudi arabia promises to deliver another 70 years without problems however no details are presented as proof of these statements in spite of oil data collected second by second and transmitted via satellite to their research headquarters at saudi aramco the world's largest oil company a team of international specialists is pushed to tap one new well after the next we can optimize the development of our oil and gas reservoirs horizontals have several advantages over vertical welds they have increased production rates they can produce up to 3 000 barrels per day and these wells have a capacity to produce up to 8 000 barrels per day which is a huge increase before it was sufficient to drill a vertical hole into the ground today the bore holes are curved horizontally at depth the engineers land precisely into an oil layer thousands of meters below the new reservoir is a few meters thick only no comparison to the hundred times deeper and wider giant oil field many wells which have been exploited industrially are now suffering a similar fate by depleting the reservoir the internal ambient pressure decreases so much that the oil stops coming out of the hole by itself we have to increase the pressure so what's the best way and the cheapest way we drill wells on the edge of the reservoir and we start dumping water now the water will go down and then we'll enter the reservoir and we start pushing the oil and raising the pressure so those wells in the middle of the reservoir will feel the pressure rise and start producing oil again is now the easy oil getting scarce in the gulf states and here's the gas cap remaining and here's the remaining oil that an aquifer influx was stronger than anticipated gas injection was stopped in 2001 and water injection the gas steps was started for pressure maintenance to break oil from re-saturn they decided to experiment with what at the time was a very radical concept what if we basically re-inject water subterraneous stone formations differ in the porosity once the water finds easier passable cracks it starts to bypass the dense oil the water will find the production world and then you find yourself producing water you inject water and you produce water not very profitable also in austria they had to start to pump more water into the depth to drive up the remaining deposits afterwards the water is separated and controlled as oil floats to the surface it is easy to separate from the water in austria the proportion of water to oil has reached up to 92 percent beyond a ratio of 98 percent the production no longer is profitable we still have enough residual oil the task of this facility is to remove this residual entirely this is vienna the increasing water to oil ratio is a sure indication for a depleting field this is no one screw-up this is a systemic problem that swept the globe only through incredible investments can new oil fields be developed therefore an increasing amount of research dollars is spent on increasing the recovery factor of an aging field in the shell technology center in the netherlands matthias pixel and his research team work on technologies which shall increase the recoverable reserves globally so when we look at the average oil field in the world the recovery from from that is is about 35 percent so that means 65 percent of the oil actually stays in the ground together with pdo the petroleum development of oman shell has developed a new substance a polymer liquid of a similar viscosity is oil thereby much better matched than water to press the crude out of the reservoir stone and you can then sweep out the oil out of the pores it's still a sophisticated process to fabricate these polymers as hydrocarbons differ in substance from reservoir to reservoir every polymer lotion has to be adapted to each individual oil field the liquid is furthermore enriched with the dispersant to enhance the release of the petroleum from the underground rock thorough testing of the process to be used minimizes the economic risk later polymers valuing more than a million euros per day will be pumped into the reservoir whether this method meets the expectations remains to be proven on a field trial starting soon [Music] in oman the injection of polymers started on a large scale in 2010 it might take two to three years before showing results but if successful it means a quantum leap for the global oil production if we take a look at this particular oil and surfactant mixture we assume to be able to increase the recovery factor by 10 to 20 percent for that particular oil field which is remarkable if the recovery can be increased by only one percent globally it could secure enough extra supply for another three years critical matter is for each reservoir any sort of crude we have to assemble a new cocktail as long as the polymer usage is still questionable much investment is channeled into the discovery of new fields for years opec have not been granting new drilling leases to western oil companies that's why the deep sea has become attractive the technology to scan the deep basins for oil is based on compressed air so-called air guns produce the loudest known human-made sound within milliseconds the air guns produce giant bubbles which when collapsing again produce pressure waves which penetrate more than 10 kilometers into the deep ocean floor oil and gas deposits reflect a known echo pattern the fact it's harmful to whales and dolphins is accepted step by step hidden fields are mapped hanover the scientists of the german federal institute for geosciences and natural resources have collected a vast body of data over the last decades they're especially keen on areas where no commercial oil company has taken the financial risk to survey these amplitudes signify a fair probability that oil and gas are hiding within the sediment the question remains where is that oil and gas coming from likely from down here five or six kilometers deep the hydrocarbons are formed from there they slowly migrate up the ridge into these reefs get caught and enrich also this sediment here the hydrocarbons are trapped exploration expeditions to find new reservoirs are becoming more technologically demanding and expensive lately also the polar region has come into play many are postulating rich reserves up in the north but first they have to be found and verified which is still technically extremely difficult to date it remains unknown how much oil is hiding in the arctic also the technologies are still lacking to recover the oil safely under such harsh conditions an economic exploration of the arctic fields is still decades into the future and if there are accidents that far north they will be catastrophic meanwhile the oil prospectors are entering deeper and deeper into the oceans on their search for the precious liquid 200 kilometers offshore the drilling complex perdito towers in the gulf of mexico [Music] the drilling operation is at its completion stage [Music] from planning to drilling to production a deep sea well requires tremendous effort and tremendous dollars first 2 500 meters of water have to be traversed then the drilling bit has to grind its way through two more kilometers of hard rock dale snyder is the perdido project manager he runs some last technical checks every step needs to be controlled even smallest mistakes could lead to a of the pipe we're going catastrophe go down to 14 000 footage it's time to use it the seismic profiles were studied carefully beforehand by geologist mfan in the netherlands two thousand meters below the ocean floor runs the perdido mountain chain from which the oil field derived its name the oil containing layers are well visible this can tell you that there might be oil gas in there but they'll call it amplitude this bright red is indicating that possibly you might have a nice hydrocarbon in there so we really see how the oil is moving up the reservoir this is fantastic did the ability to actually build structures that can stand on the ocean that really truly opened up the deep water perdido that will be the the world's steepest development from the idea to completion it took a total of 14 years in 2010 three months before the explosion of the deepwater horizon perdito started successfully to produce both made use of similar deep sea technologies their successful functioning under such extreme pressures and temperatures could never be 100 guaranteed by any engineer a complex system of pipes links distant production wells to a common production operation if serious problems ever arose there are no guaranteed emergency methods available to stop a free flow of oil back to the platform the remote underwater vehicle is made ready dale snyder is controlling the pipeline manifolds cameras monitor every step opening a glimpse into a world still incompletely understood at the ocean floor is a manifold it has bundles of pipe arriving from different production wells the strain on the technology rises exponentially with increasing depth to connect perdido with the next pipeline system the engineers had to install 120 kilometers of tubing under extreme conditions running through valleys and mountain slopes the expectation is we've designed the platform to produce 100 000 barrels of oil per day about 35 000 wells had been drilled in the gulf of mexico all without major accidents perdido sets a new record safely unlocking sources covered by 2 500 meters of water yet how much risk is still involved should become obvious just a few months later on april 20th 2010 a powerful explosion rocks the deepwater horizon drilling platform 115 workers are rescued 11 lose their lives it leads to what will become america's largest oil spill over the next three months a leak 1500 meters below the surface can't be stopped an estimated 780 million liters of crude gush uncontrolled into the sea until its explosion the deepwater horizon had an excellent safety record their crew successfully completed a well into 10 kilometers of depth now they attempted to drill a highly pressurized reservoir in 5700 meters depth yet complications began to pile up as the chief mechanic doug brown recalls yes that will was a complete nightmare from the moment we started on it the drilling began in october 2009 then hurricane ida swept through the gulf after only 40 days the first drilling attempt had to be suspended the uh drilling of that well and up to the completion was only supposed to take uh i believe they said like 90 days and with all the problems that have happened with that well uh the drilling was way far behind schedule and it was costing bp millions of dollars i'm pretty sure it was in the millions and so there was a lot of pressure for them to hurry up and complete the swell one day of a deep sea drilling amounts to half a million dollars which puts enormous pressures on the management to complete the process and if you go too fast in like in this case what it does is it causes the the formation that they're drilling through to a fracture and once it's fractured the uh drilling uh fluid or mud as we call it will uh seep through the fractures and it'll start losing the mud i've seen lots of uh kicks gas coming up from the well and uh we would normally i've i've never seen it ever go beyond a thousand units but this well repeatedly kept giving us as high as 3 000 units that's the highest i've ever seen in my entire career out there drill holes never run absolutely straight and centralizers are used to center the pipe in a hole halliburton recommended 21 centralizers but bp only orders six installed a later injected cement seal cannot reach all sides of the pipe bp could have ordered a cement bond test which could have detected the lack of seal but declined it and ignored a lot of things that were wrong just so they can save themselves money ten hours later the gas and oil starts to shoot up the well bore at this point only the blowout preventer can close the well but the hydraulic pressure is too weak to shear the pipe only squeezing it without sealing it gas and oil shoot up from the unsecured wellbore where it ignites and leads to the explosion two months later the oil spill reaches the size of portugal a small fraction is skimmed from the water another estimated 40 million liters are burned intentionally at the surface the greatest concern is that the crude will reach the u.s coast less than 80 kilometers away bp wants to avoid such a public display at all costs and start a risky experiment they spray corexit on the oil a chemical dispersant which was banned in europe years earlier more than four million liters of corexit are disseminated throughout the gulf it shall help break up the oil to make it more easily digestible by bacteria essentially the chemical dissolves the plumes of red oil into fine droplets this is how corexit works the chemicals break the oil down into tiny globules that sink below the surface and are suspended in the water making the oil almost invisible to the naked eye but it's still there it's just been effectively distributed throughout the water column bp claims the dispersant is not dangerous and decides to begin an even riskier experiment they apply corrects it directly into the deep sea in about 1500 meters of depth they pump a further two and a half million liters of the aggressive liquid into the gushing oil measurements reveal that the bacterial decay of the oil is not occurring as planned instead a large solid oil plume is discovered at a depth of 1200 meters in this area natural water up currents occur which lift nutrients from the deep sea now they also lift oil which will drift on with the gulf stream current is correct it is harmless to the food chain as claimed ships involved in the cleanup have reported an increase of engine damages correxit dissolves even essential rubber seals cleaning doesn't seem to help corexit was also widely used after the exxon valdez oil spill in alaska since that time marine toxicologist ricky aunt has specialized on the side effects of corexit the industry likes to say uh the oil will miraculously be eaten by you know bacteria and disappear bacteria are very good at eating alkanes these are straight chain chain uh carbons that are hitched together much like a like a train with different cars the problem is what the mess that's in the gulf is alkanes and aromatics even bacteria break down long-chain oil molecules they're not effective against ball shaped ones these remain in the water [Music] corexit 9527 contains a human health hazard it breaks apart blood and and breaks down blood cells causes kidney damage liver damage blood disorders and it even kills babies in the womb it's a fetal toxin i mean this is a nasty chemical the scientific community knows that dispersed oil is more toxic than not dispersed oil and it knows that dispersants and dispersed oil are more toxic than oil alone so what this chemical effectively does for the oil industry is it takes care of a public relation nightmare which is oil all over the surface of the ocean and pushes the oil instead down into the water column on july 15 90 days after the explosion and an estimated 750 million liters later vp manages to plug the well on their third approach they place a temporary cap onto the wellhead all right guys we got a little bit more to go all right jeff go ahead and let go okay let go this is why bp was also drilling a so-called relief well after three months the relief well reaches the main reservoir in about five kilometers of depth a special mixture of heavy kill mud is pumped down which shall force down the lighter oil and prevent it from ever rising again afterwards they pumped down a distinctive concrete to seal the well permanently only the lowest 200 meters of the 3000 meter long wellbore are sealed leaving small pockets of hydrocarbons above unsealed due to the drilling operation with too much pressure many fractures occurred along the well this may allow oil and gas to continue to seep up into the water but nobody will see it all deep sea surveillance cameras were switched off when the well was officially announced to be killed life seems back to normal in the gulf of mexico the u.s government does not want to injure its national oil production but at what price half the gulf of mexico is almost depleted and the other half is resting on a handful of supergiant fields that will not be super giants five years from now only two fields reached their design capacity the average got to 50 percent of the design capacity for about a month or two so they were all effectively commercial failures in a sense because had they basically known that they could only produce that little they would have spent one-third the amount of money and come up with smaller things so this is the best minds in the industry that are excitingly talk about these things and they don't tend to go back and look at their own data even matt simmons who owes much of his success to high-end oil technology investments is concerned but what worried me that if you were five if you were five thousand feet under water you had a problem could you ever put it out and the answer is no we we just assumed that it would put itself out and the tragic crescendo of wakanda is it really shows that basically what we have left is really tough to do and and and exposes the industry to risks that we didn't develop equipment to adequately do and that problem could happen to anybody the images of the deepwater horizon were seen across the globe do we have to prepare ourselves for similar catastrophic events in the future washington has allegedly tightened the regulations for new drilling operations and from now on the ceo of an oil company can be made responsible in person for future accidents due to his management mistakes our thirst for oil remains insatiable but how long will we be able to continue our present level of carefree consumption it's irritating that opec still says there's nothing to worry about after their reservoirs have been pumped and pumped over years there's abundance of oil in the ground especially in the gulf which is oil accessible and cheap and can be enough for the end of the century 1988 something miraculous happened suddenly the official reserves of iraq doubled to 100 billion barrels also abu dhabi iran and saudi arabia increased the official number of available barrels prior to this opec enacted a new regulation which allowed a member to pump and sell more oil if it had more oil where did the sudden increase of oil come from what cannot say that all these numbers my biopic are true there are one has to find out case by case if any of those numbers were exaggerated back then it would lead to an overestimation of remaining global reserves to this day the era of easy oil seems to be over for good we have concentrated over the years on the easy oil as we call it the light brent type of oil now we have to focus on oil which is a little bit more difficult to get out of the ground and that's where our research is focused on canada these sands hold the second largest reserves of oil presently known holding clay and water it contains up to 20 heavy oil to retrieve this resource the sand is mixed with hot water and heated in giant silos the usage of energy and water is enormous to gain one ton of crude four tons of water are used afterwards the oil water mixture needs to be separated the recycling process is laborious and any accident would cause an environmental disaster the oil sands of canada are spread out over an area larger than great britain yet only 20 percent are available for open pit mining recently the deep layers of oil sand spawned commercial interests still in an experimental stage the researchers are exploring ways to separate the oil without having to add any hot water the synthetic problem is these are samples which resemble the sands of canada in our experiment we measure the temperature regime with these thin wires to understand how to extract the crude by enhancing the oil flow like a gigantic underground oven thousands of electrical rods heat up all of the sand this requires an extreme amount of energy once the sand is heated the oil breaks free and the valuable light oil rises to the top leaving the heavy crude behind a facility for a field trial has already started but the heating procedure is still too expensive in comparison to open pit mining if it is applied on a larger scale when canadian sands are looked at as a whole engineering restrictions and environmental laws will peak production capacity at a level of 5 million barrels per day yet again far less than the world's growing demand the battle to control oil has been going on for years kuwait iraq and recently libya are but pawns in this very costly game if we basically find ourselves 10 years from now with only the ability to use 60 million barrels a day of oil and we don't have a very carefully organized plan that encompasses all the major countries yeah then we'll basically in all likelihood be in the midst of the nastiest war that we've ever fought and it won't last very long because we'll we'll destroy each other and so which is why i think it's so important that people understand this isn't fun and games it's not a way to make some money on the owning some drilling stocks it is the singular issue of the 21st century is the world reaching an end of the oil age as we know it some would say no at the royal institute of technology in stockholm russian physicist vladimir kucherov teaches energy technology kucherov is coordinating an international research team on the origin of oil we really know how to find new hydrocarbon deposits over the world russia is the second largest oil producer worldwide but two-thirds of its fields are already in decline the ramaskinho southwest of the ural mountains is one of the most productive russian fields in the 1980s many of its wells went dry then in 1990 suddenly new oil started to flow from these dry holes the new oil has a different density and molecular makeup than the previous at kazan state university irina plotnikova is analyzing the chemical structure the so-called isotopic fingerprint which details all elements of the oil looks different than the previous oil what could have caused these alterations this is only one possibility oil came from the depths there are no organic sauces for this huge amount of oil extracted biological decomposition processes do not explain this fast forming oil the research team of kucherov believes that hydrocarbons are still synthesizing within the upper earth mantle at a depth of around 240 kilometers the heat and pressure merge the existing carbon and hydrogen into hydrocarbons our crude oil if their theory is correct the question remains how the new oil can rise to a retrievable level under the big oil field we see disintegration of earth's crust and upper mantle and it looks like a huge channel you see the the landscape it's about 100 150 kilometers in diameter bramaskino is located close to the ural mountain range this is where deep faults run up from below the geological analysis revealed exceptional strong magnetic fields and increases in ground temperature the concept that the earth is producing continuously oil is not new it was first theorized by dimitri medelliv about 100 years ago unfortunately he was missing the scientific tools to prove his theory of the so-called abiotic origin of oil finally a 7 000 meter research well was drilled into hard granite rock in the 1980s they drilled far below the ocean sediment and there they found traces of oil where according to western oil geologists it should not exist in 2008 the well was abandoned it was for research purposes only [Applause] these findings support the abiotic origin theory but still western researchers stay skeptical russian oil experts have a conference on the ramoskino field the topic is the phenomenon of the regenerating oil reservoirs instead of depleting the oil wells periodically rejuvenate this find created an interest by the chief scientist of the russian oil company tatneft we are located in the center of super giant oil field ramachan now we seeking methods for locating channels now we only in the starting point for using idea of a biogenic origin is oil after all an infinite resource to this day no western oil company has adopted the theory of abiotic oil if kucherov is correct oil should be searched for predominantly near fractured geological structures where already known deep faults reach further below western experts stay skeptical to this non-biological origin of oil even hostile traditional knowledge is it's more comes from biological substance plants either plants or some insects or some living creatures but i may be wrong they all have actually found traces of methane so i i believe it is well possible that methane can be generated in a non-organic manner but so far indeed nobody has been able to prove an overabundance of that of that methane and indeed when you look at the rocks where that methane would be stored these are very very difficult hydrocarbons if you want most oil fields were found in ancient ocean sediments which seems to support the western scientific belief still various exceptions exist such as in vietnam where oil and gas are found in granite rock austria meanwhile seven months have passed the drill head reached six thousand meters of depth yet neither gas nor oil have been found so far drillmaster vinta takes samples for a laboratory analysis every fact is valuable petrified single-celled organisms evidence of ancient biological life this is always a piece of luck to find such beautiful micro fossils in the drilling mode are these microfossils proof enough that the biological origin of oil is the only origin this is it of course also hydrocarbons exist of an organic origin as various space expeditions there are planets with oceans filled entirely with liquid hydrocarbons on various planets nasa discovered the components of oil hydrocarbons neither on titan nor mars did biological life exist which could explain the presence of methane [Music] fundamental research in the deep sea where the tectonic plates drift apart the researchers of ifmg gmr are measuring a high concentration of the hydrocarbon methane [Music] below where the tectonic plates drift apart it is highly improbable that this organic matter was ever present there this proves that hydrocarbons do form without biological sources even with the constant schism in theories with the west the russian researchers predict new oil regions to be discovered close to active and deep faults such as in south america uses maps which show where deep fault lines cross and indicate where more oil reserves could be filled from channels down to the upper earth mantle giant fields have been discovered exactly in this predicted disjunctive nodes ninety percent of all known oil fields could be explained also by the abiotic theory kucherov and his team are at work on a new software to predict further spots in this area giant oil and gas bills were discovered but look at this there are a lot of perspective zones for the new giant oil and gas fields and this is the perspective zone for the new oil gene i would like to underline giant oil and gas fit oil from the depth of our planet the abiotic theory is controversial but there is support for it even though it's speculative why hasn't the west even looked at it oil fields rejuvenate themselves if they have then the 100 to 200 largest depleted oil fields certainly have been unlucky they have not one of them rejuvenated themselves so i think it's sort of uh beyond optimism it's it's uh its dreams is it either biological white small planet us produced as such so we could have more production of oil in the future don't worry that's one argument but i don't know which is true so i don't have any good judgmental knowledges expertise to say either also an abiotic origin exists but to be commercially viable we lack the tools for such tasks and the knowledge how to gauge where to find it is oil an infinite resource of the cosmos or a finite biological treasure the origin of oil remains a mystery still to this day kucherov and his team are still searching for investors to be able to prove their theory on a large scale at present no comparable substitute for oil exists to drive our mobile world on the one hand we need the oil industry to continue to find the oil on the other hand this feeds oil industry profits due to rising prices and alleged scarcity unfortunately this type of battle has been going on for years and years it is not a war that we will win nor is it a war that will end soon but one thing is for certain to locate new oil remains one of the most important challenges of the 21st century you
Channel: Spark
Views: 1,677,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spark, Science, Technology, Engineering, Learning, How To, education, documentary, factual, mind blown, full documentary, Science documentary, colonial pipeline hack, colonial pipeline news, colonial pipeline leak, oil pipeline shut down, oil pipeline, oil pipeline hack, gasoline, fuel shortage 2021, oil refinery process, what if oil ran out, oil reserves documentary, oil reserves in the world, how much oil is left, global warming, climate change, climate change 2021, fossil fuels
Id: dw1fiXc6Qs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 9sec (3309 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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