How Should Your Irons Sit On The Ground - Golf Lesson

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all right golfers today's golf lesson is very um well lots of people would call Basic some might even call it like a simple golf lesson but I'm going to share with you today something that I get asked so often from golfers so making it not basic or simple hence I get asked about it so much and as you delve deeper down into how the iron actually sits on the ground so toe up here up level whatever you do with it okay it really starts becoming quite an in-depth and more of a complex golf lesson that lots of you need so when it comes to trying to get your irons to sit on the ground what we would call correctly or in a functional way we need you thinking about this in a few different ways because this is a a real golf lesson essential and you can do this with other clubs and if you want me to do this over clubs we'll do it but this is predominantly your iron shots you could use it for hybrids as well you can use it for all clubs but this is going to be much more for these kids to kick us off so let's go over the rule of thumb to start give you a gauge to start from the most functional position the position you try and get most golfers in anywhere beginning you know trying to make them as consistent as possible those kind of ideas so what I want you to do is take your grip take your stance so your golf stance and then just simply pick the club up so it's around parallel to the ground and you're quite upright in your body now lots of you would have heard of this idea now from here you're going to bend forward from your waist so from your belt buckle and place that club on the ground this is going to put nice sets into your car around your pelvis area a little bit of knee Flex just to relax in and what's going to happen now is that club for me because this iron is fit for me so meaning the length of the club is realistic for what I need for where I want to stand and for lots of you that's something you will need to consider if you are shorter than the average bear taller than the average bear arms longer than the average bear I'm shorter than the average T-Rex like a good old loose staggering hack it out golf podcast with his T-Rex arms so having clubs that are somewhere May view this is where the advantages come in but you can still apply these ideas if you haven't got that so this rule of thumb this basic idea is going to allow you to understand how far away to stand from the ball what kind of tilts to put in and it's going to give you an indication of how the club should sit on ground as possibly your stock standard shot and for me and most golfers I would teach who would have clubs somewhere around kind of the right ideas for them that's going to place the toe this being a toe that's being Hill a fraction in the air so not perfectly flat on the ground not toe down and not toe way up in the air the toe is going to leave a fraction in the air for your eyes it will look as you look down at the club you know so as I look down in gaming position it might look relatively flat on the ground and I do this a little bit seamlessly with my stance I actually stand feet together ball position next then do the drop of my pelvis to get the club on the ground and this has put me in a functional position that's going to allow me to hit shot that's going to allow me to get the club going through the turf in a sensible way to try and keep control of the club face and hopefully hit somewhere near a neutral golf shot because here's why this is important for a few reasons one the way the club sits so the more toe end up it gets or toe end down it gets subject to how much loft it's got so the mall office has more effect the more the club will Point left and if I toe end it down the more it will point right so if I want the pointer Club somewhere where I want the ball to start that lie has to be worked in to try and help me deliver a dynamic a light impact that somewhere represents that let's just do that again because it's so important we understand that if I have the handle low and the toe up even though the Leading Edge of the club so the straight line so this bit the bit you should be aiming with this bottom line if that is pointing at a right angle to the line I want to hit the ball along but the toe is in the air and the club has Loft yes that Loft will be pointing left but to you you'll look down think about a second left that's pointing straight and vice versa if you've got Loft this is harder but as you get straight faced in your irons as you toe end up it's starting to point The Loft certainly further right of where it is of its neutral or toe ended up so finding your consistent gameable usable position this being the basic blueprint for that is going to be great for allowing you to actually aim the face then in turn aim the rest of my body now when it comes to what happens up at this end so the hold end the grip and the bit you're holding on to in relationship to the LIE it has a huge effect as well because I want you to watch this this is where my club goes through my lead hand on my gloves this is a pretty neutral textbook position for my grip to be established in lead hand now if I have the toe end of the club down too much which is certainly common with newer golfers they get the club very flat of handle quite high now when when I put my hand on the club this is establishing a hold that is very very different for two reasons one it makes my whole night in relationship to the face so it makes it what we call weak which is going to encourage open faces this is very common the second thing it does because the club was so upright address now putting the club up here through my hands it naturally puts my club up through that part of my hand unless when you're setting up with a handle really high you really can talk that lead hand and from there you're going to get into these kind of cricket positions which I do see from qriket players or you're then going to start having to adjust your lie to fit your grip so if you can do them in sync together and this is again why this drill works so well because if you put the club out at this point where it's somewhere parallel to the ground if you just point your fingers down to the floor in front of you and wrap around you'll get the club in a much better place in your palm opposed to if I put it at this angle which is basically where it is when it's down on the ground this is now just putting that club right through the middle of my unless cool look at the angle I have to get into to do that that's really tough so the pattern we tend to see from golfers they get low handles generally quite strong grips and they suffer from kind of hook shots pulls over curvature to the left if they're very high with the handle naturally they're much weaker in the hole weaker Club face positions weaker deliveries we get high poppers off to the right driver becomes almost impossible it leads to so many problems so you can see how the club sits on the ground is going to reflect how you hold the club then in turn that's now going to reflect how you control the face which then might reflect how you swing the club the direction you swing on so it just keeps kind of working its way out into this ball of inconsistency no one wants a ball of inconsistency so you're staying in position toe very fractually in the air it will look quite flat from this position take your stance or you could try and work out your gauge of distance from the ball up in the air bending forward from the waist letting everything just come down naturally so don't stretch your arms down this is going to give you your nice functional position that will allow you to start building some much better foundations for your golf swing and Foundations is interesting because this is something when you get golfers who haven't played and then they come for a lesson after say they take off up go and play with their mates for two years get frustrated come for a lesson it's always these things that we're unpicking it's always having to unpick okay you've got the club upright that goes through your hands in a very awkward way which is why you can't control the club face how high you have the handles going to dictate how you stand which then will also dictate how you turn how low the same thing it's all going to dictate how much tilts and turns you put in what positions you can get into it like it just literally does roll out and affect every part of what you do to try and hit Target so if we establish that goal now of having the toe very fractionally in the air which is going to lead to better grips better setups that's your benchmark that's a good place now you are going to see different variations on this and to be honest with you when I play golf I use variations on this as well so I want you to start practicing the variations to start understanding where you're neutral your middle your safe ground your functional ground is so on this shot now for whatever reason I want to start it out to the right enjoy back there might be an obstacle in my way it might be just the way I see the shot the wind's off the right and I want to start it out there draw it a bit with the wind whatever it is so it could be going around an obstacle and it could be just shaping the ball I'm going to use my lie so how the club sits on the ground to help me because remember what happens if I point the face off towards the right hand side of the bunker with my standard lie now if I just lower my hands a little bit this allows me to get a stronger grip and more turned over to my right as I look down I'm going to use my feet to aim off to the right so I now know this face is going to be closed hopefully to the path I swing Along and by having my handle lower it makes the feeling of having that extra rotation getting that face to work for the draw way way easier allowing me now to start the ball off to the right and turn it back into the middle left side of that green just hang on I mean it has got loads of turn on that and it was really easy from down there I pointed the face right start the ball there I didn't want it to start quite as far right as I pointed it so I then lowered the handle this is going to allow me to feel that I can rotate the club better it allowed me to get my stronger grip which again allows me to get the face rotation to allow me to shake the ball I use the LIE of the club with other things to control how I hit that golf shot now I want to hit this ball at that flag but I want it to move to the right there's a lake on the left there's something on the left or there's a bush in front of me that I just need to move it around again I want this ball to not draw I want it to stay straight to cut now what I'm going to do is get the toe a little bit more in the ground I'm going to get my hands higher this encourages that slightly weaker grip where everything's now more over to the left having the hands higher encourages for me a steeper feeling of the golf Suite animal held off golf swing so low handle makes me feel like I'm going to roll high handle makes me feel like I'm going to putt hold off leave the face open to a path see where this is going I'm building in a fade from the foundations of how I lay that club on the ground I'm using this simple basic golf swing lesson that lots of people ask me about you can use the standard bit and get that working but I'm actually using this basic lesson as an accomplished player to help me hit better shots on the golf course I'm going to stand taller set the weaker grip from this higher handle and accept the feeling of this club feeling like it's coming across my body and steeper I'm going to aim accordingly so at the left and now I've basically got a worked in fade that is a beautiful simple little size straight at it simplistic little cut I didn't have to feel particularly like I started in a standard position I went this way to cut and this suede hook I let the setup how the club sits on the ground actually start to dictate how I'm going to move the club how I'm going to hold where I'm going to aim then to adjust for the shape that's been put in I'm using the LIE of the club as a skill I'm using it as a skill for consistency a stock standard a basic to start from I'm then using it as a skill to shake the ball and change the way I swing so look for you applying this hopefully lots of you have already clicked on this but if you haven't this is then how you apply it you're the golfer that's out there frustrated hitting weak High shots off to the right with your eye and say you're someone who now should be really making sure this grips in the right position really making sure you're getting that toe fractionally in the air so to you you might be going from here that you look down and looks flat directly down here are just in posture which will push that club lower in your grip allowing you now to use that face differently if you're someone who absolutely over draws I get loads of good golfers who come for lessons big pattern with a better play you know your county players your scratch any copper amateurs and what have you in prose who can over shape to the left they are way more kind of down here than they ever are up here General pattern for if we're going to put you all in buckets I'm going to get more of you in the appropriate bucket if I use this generalization good players tend to be a bit more down here weaker players lesser handicapped golfers not you know new golfers they're generally standing up here because they don't feel comfortable sticking their bum out bending over so they kind of just stand upright they're the patterns that we see so when I get a good player you see this strong grip handle low you just slightly move the handle up just bring their posture up and yep they stand there and say things like cool from there I can't hit from there like to them they feel like they're stood up like this because little adjustments in your post will feel quite different quite big and then they start hitting some shots and they're like oh my word look how neutral that ball flight is like look how straight it is and I think yeah like you've been putting yourself in a position that makes golf super super hard your golf stance affects so much the way you set that club up effects so much if you want to improve the strike of your irons a bit more this video is really going to help you out move these ideas get that handicap coming even lower
Channel: Mark Crossfield
Views: 271,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golf, tips, drills, lessons, easy swing tips, easy swing drills, easy golf swing, golf tips, golf drills, backswing golf tips, learn to strike your irons, improve driver strike, get better at golf, golf practice drills, golf lesson, golf lessons for beginners, golf lessons, golf lessons irons, golf lessons from the pros, golf lessons for kids, golf lessons for seniors, golf lessons for women, golf lessons chipping, golf lessons tiger woods, golf lessons for left handers
Id: EeEh7zIgF-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2023
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