Daymond John Gives Advice On How To Become Successful And Power Shift To The Position You Want

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[Music] suena morning what are some of the ways you can set yourself up to move with the same kind of authority in your own life and career number one don't be afraid to start small when you're out to establish a reputation you don't want to take on anything more than you can handle that's a quote from this book that I'm actually the voice of power shift by the one and only Daymond John power shift transform any situation close any deal and achieve any outcome this book is about the story of a young man born in Queens who made a whole lot of something out of a whole lot of nothing born with a disadvantage that he didn't even know he had being dyslexic taking all the tools he had around him and utilizing them and making them into resources and then growing after being supported by his mom and to this entrepreneur with this entrepreneurial spirit at a time to help his shape and mold to energy that we all carry today in hip-hop when you see offset who gets involved in the e gaming in a gaming field when you see P Diddy get involved in fashion when you see someone like jay-z or nas getting involved in venture capitalist situations or even investment groups a lot of that mindset was set by the trials and tribulations that this man went through when he first began and started starting his clothing line FUBU for us by us but before that he did a lot to get to that point and he's written a new book called power shift how to transform any situation close any deal and achieve any outcome please welcome the one and only Daymond John is back that intro come on I am so happy to be here this is my spot man your co-host this is my spy work again [Laughter] and you know it's you know you know the book better than me because thank god this is my third book that you've done all the audio right you've shifted power to me because if I were to read it I'm Dyslexic we would have been here for like nine weeks I've been stuttering like Elmer Fudd you know I'm saying going over the words they get it again and again so you know better than me because listen III had five you know versions of it that I had to shrink down so the one most soluble version I read that and you you wouldn't estudio me for four days nah it was a little more than four days it might have been about six days because it's to do it to be there it's this your books are so important to me that I don't want anything no stoner going turned I want to make sure my dialect of my diction how I announce the eight words it's all correct I got a West Coast accent so a lot of times I say words that they don't sound like people expect him to sound so we we went back into the lie and I want to make sure I delivered your message in a way that was easily comprehensible but the way the book is written and in some of your terminology and some of your ideology and how you apply it to things that you accomplished in life there are people who can read this who could be homeless yeah you know I you know this and I'm I'm just lexing again I'm you know I there's a lot of great books out there by a lot of great people professors and everything else but I just I can't take in that information it's too clinical it's too like it's like I want to talk about it like I'm talking to a mentor we're just kicking it and you're giving me things that I can do today not this big hole down the road you know I mean like so so that's how I write them because that's how I want I absorb information when you see on Shark Tank you don't get it they don't get to clinical about think they come on and say this is this and this no oh so that's the uber of toys like you gotta get it like that yeah once it's too complicated you you lost me you're losing them right yeah a power shift rise & grind power broke power shift why was this the next step this is the next step because I've met so many people that said somebody doesn't want to allow me to have power I lost power or I can't do it and they feel this for some reason another there's somebody in their way or somebody's gonna give them power so I decided to write this book to say I am now giving you power here you go you don't need like every single person in this room has had adversity and still going through adversity and it's only the difference of what we were able to negotiate in our lives that have made us more successful less successful for other people but people thought it's only people think it's only a transactional thing like you sooner shark tank know when you're negotiating industry processes - it is number one creating an influence number two the negotiation and we get into how to negotiate and number three how do you value this relationship afterward because sometimes the business won't work out but we're gonna do another business together I'm gonna recommend you to somebody else what so people people are so transactional yeah and that's not so if you see a Daymond John in them in the elevator or a sway or and you want to pitch them you go man I only got 90 seconds how did I build influence well your influence was done way before that could see when you sit there with sway and say listen I've been following for years and how can I add value to life you know what here's what I'm gonna do for you or maybe have your team reach out to me I'm gonna do this for free and you find some value in it cool if you don't no problem I'll bounce now whether you follow up or not you're gonna pick up your phone when you get out of the elevator and say what was the name again you know whatever you're gonna pull it up you're gonna look on there and you're either gonna find out that you're gonna pass this off to somebody call them yourselves or register in your mind right or you may say I really like that lady but uh her husband's wearing the confederate flag all the time yeah she probably thinks like him I ain't [ __ ] yeah you know so or you can find out listen this person's out there trying to change the game they're trying to educate people all the posts they always look and smiling the Knights are gonna walk in the room like they're problem solver uh-huh right then you get to the pitching part a negotiation is very simple a lot of people come up with negotiators neighbor like y'all listen I need a better job because you know what I got three kids and I'm stuck at home and I ain't really had no education I always tell people do not tell others your problems 20% don't care in the other 80% are really happy you have them don't tell people you probably walk in the room you know yeah but if I'm giving you tips on here on how to negotiate number one when somebody says no like listen when I'm calling Mark Cuban when I want to get together Mark Cuban I know never to call him he doesn't pick up the home but he'll answer an email I don't take it personally when he did interview with this book he did it over text because I know that I'm making his life easy and I'm working with him the way that he works with uh-huh you know I mean yeah so when you walk in a room there's body language you can look at there's other ways when people say no do you ever say well how can I make this easy for what are the hurdles that you're having right now when can I return with this totally not for you yeah people usually just get offended they said no right they take a person to take it personal yeah also when you communicate this is why this is really great for today's day and age there's the old thing the car salesman used to do they used to look at someone when the somebody comes in the door and they see how the person is talking they would sell a car off of a couple of different senses sight sound taste feel whatever the case is so it'll be the same red Corvette if you bay if you walk in you talking like about sight they've like do you envision yourself driving down a winding road with the leaves falling all around you and your hair blowing in the air if you about feel they'd be like do you feel the engine when you're driving down the road you're shifting the gears yeah this smell you smell that rich leather I know in the fall leaves New York just blowing by you and thereby sound hear the engine roaring the speakers the Bose systems and now when you communicate with people on social media you can see how they talk if you ever communicate with me I'm a visual person because I'm Dyslexic uh-huh right so there's various different ways that you could communicate you know with people and when you're communicating the way that they are and you're seeing what's best for them they'll give you the world right and then of course you got nurture the relationship afterwards you code you go through some steps on how to better negotiate or prepare yourself for negotiation one of the parts of the book that I really enjoyed I'm just gonna give a couple of them out and then also I want to open up the phone lines to young folks who got big ideas old folks who got big ideas and don't necessarily know how to execute them this is the book that you need power shift by damage on and negotiation and you can go to damage on com4 slash power shift extras go to damage on comm forest last power shift extras I said this may be ten thousand times as I read through this book that's alright it's implanted on my brain but these are important steps and some of them I learned through trial and error in my own career negotiating deals since the late 80s early 90s number one identified other person's motivation you speak on it what's in it for them the more you know about what the other person expects to get out of the deal the more time you have to start thinking about what you put you're prepared to give yeah what does that mean well listen one of the people I have in the book is bomba socks alright then the number one invested brand on shark in Shark Tank history it's a sock company right and you know every pair of socks they sell they give away they come with shark tank the only and they know the only thing I do not want to invest in is anything clothing because I have 10 clothing brands and eight of them are dead that's a last thing I want to invest in because when I want to go to a retailer I want to find out how can I take up some place in the electronics and lotions in in bedding right but they pitch me and here's what they realize they realized that I have a passion for helping people actually said they made every pair of socks that we sell we give away a pair of the homeless however they realized that I was at the mercy of the retailers so that's why my brands were dying and that they were selling direct to consumers so that they can educate me on how to sell direct to consumer because they're already doing it and no longer am I at the mercy of when a retailer is making bad decisions we did the deal that's a and and you know me I'm a logo [ __ ] who was all about logo yeah you can't tell if anybody in this room is wearing bomba socks cuz I'll be the coverage so that's the last thing I want to do I did the deal because they knew what my destiny was it wasn't clothing it was the ability to educate myself when how to sell directly to a consumer and now it's the number one brand of Shark Tank history and not only that every pair of bomba socks they sell they give away a pair of the homes that giving over 30 million pairs away and that and that in the book is what appealed to you as well come prepared with questions for me the most Awkward part of the job interview is when I asked for the person applying if they have any questions for me before we finish and they don't say you have any question I do it on purpose you have any questions about the show keeping 100 listen if somebody doesn't have a question for me in the interview I feel a couple of things number one they're just so busy trying to get the job and they're gonna be a pain in the ass down the road uh-huh or number two they're just lying to me because and they're never gonna be able to vocalize within me or within my system how to get something done because they're not a problem solver they're the kind of person who's gonna internally interpret things a certain way and then blow up or leave or have an excuse I have a problem right we're all human who doesn't have a question yeah right so you're not a a type personality when you come to my job if you don't have a question all right and so a lot of these things people don't realize that's why they lose deals but most important thing about there people don't know what they really want yeah I mean a lot of people I want to be a millionaire alright so we get them in now what you gonna do you're gonna buy one Bugatti well that's one point two you're gonna need another 200,000 you're gonna buy ten cars are you gonna put some money into buying investment real estate and then you're gonna flip it and still keep your day job you're gonna move to Bali and live over 330 thousand dollars a year for 10 years while the market drops you're gonna put to put six hundred thousand dollars into the market and you're gonna carve canoes and save Turtles what are you gonna do when you get it yeah so that's why when you see people like athletes a lot of winners at three years after the league or they win a lot of they're bankrupt because athlete was being the best physical specimen they knew they were trying to win a ring but they didn't know what to do with the money yeah so a lot of winner didn't expect this windfall so a lot of people don't know there why are you doing it for yourself because society tells you because your mother locked you in the closet and beat you for 12 years and told you this is what a successful person is like because you want to impress a whole bunch of people on Instagram that you really don't care about like what are you doing it for what's your wine what's the line that you're willing to draw in the sand people just have no idea what they want to do and with that you say consider your deal-breakers in advance always before I go into a deal consider what is that I can absolutely not tolerate you know sometimes sometimes the deal is you can't tolerate just the other person yeah no matter how good the deal went mm-hmm you just can't tolerate the other person yeah and that's just a reality I said this book is about people who want to take pride let's look at where we are today and I'm gonna give you example you know if if everybody's run around with masks and they're telling you got you got to stay home and companies are saying you can work from home well if you just saved three hours a day and going back and forth to work now if you take that three hours a day and you treat it like Saturday and you start bullshitting and playing video games if you're not trying to be a gamer you could take that hour and a half out of that three hours a day get digital curriculum so you can eat healthier you can you know whatever workout do whatever you can learn new technology on how to work from home so that when this happens again or if it never happens again you're sophisticated on where we're going you have to reinvest in yourself so in there I got a woman named crystal she she went on maternity leave she had a baby the baby was a preemie she comes back to the office she's like hey I gotta take care of my baby can I work half the time and and they're like no but she had already studied how to be a virtual assistant and she lived in the middle Ohio now she gives me twenty hours a week virtually right she get somebody else five or ten what are the cases she doesn't have to trek through the snow she makes up her own hours she gets time to spend with her baby she's never gonna work for anybody else again she basically makes her own hours and that was because she understood where this world is going and people could do that right now everybody at home right now can find ways to do these things Daymond John is here we're talking about the book power shift transform any situation close any deal and achieve any outcome at the end of every chapter a what you call a power fact and this has been in all your books and at the end of this particular chapter do your homework you say the power factor is know your stuff up and down and across the board and know that if you invest your time and prep work before heading into a meeting or a pitch or a job interview you won't be alone a study reported by negotiation of calm revealed that 40% of the time we spend in a negotiation is internal meaning where we did deep and learn everything we can about the opposite party so that when we do finally get to the table to make something happen we're well and fully prepared and if that ain't gang I can't give you more than that there's so much game in this book eight eight eight seven four two three three four five you want to transform your life I got another question for you damage on in this political climate that I want to ask you when we come back right after this do it this way in the morning shameful 5bb speaking of FUBU I happen to be on the train the other day and I don't know if anybody brought this attention to brought this to your attention but there was an ad that caught my eye because in that ad they used the slogan for us by us mmm and I didn't know if like that was something that was trademark alright I'll let you look at it but I think we did trademark that yeah look at the movement first before you don't don't say nothing just yet who used have to clear that with you no no no we love that you know it's been a lot of Mike muses here by the way we talked about the political climate all the time and and how these candidates are really really need the help of the black vote in order to get in yeah the office rather they want to believe it or not and we're fighting to find out like what is your agenda for black folks you know what are you gonna do really for black folks not just pander to us yeah why are you on this trail but when you actually get into office and so I was curious most a lot of us you know obviously when we want to we want our fair share we want an equal standing on every table but even deeper than that in our communities how we how we switched our mindsets and to financial literacy if you were if you had the opportunity to create a financial agenda for the black community in the United States and every community is slightly different but what would be the principle pylons you would start with how what should we be focused on from an early age to now how do we improve and evolve our mindset because we are the most powerful group of people on the planet with the most buying power but we own the least amount of things so but but again this is a systemic challenge that we have because you know people of color and minorities don't trust the banking system and the banks are not ran by the government but the banks have been traditionally systematically not giving us our seat at the table a traditional family would go and work and then they would get a loan at a certain level right buy a house bill equity in that house over thirty forty years and then take the equity out of that house or sometimes diversify that equity and you know and then you know buy a cheaper house you know as the kids leave right and we would like that real-estate right but if systematically we weren't allowed to get loans or they would give us super high credit a super high interest rates yeah then that'd that started us off already so you know you looked at us getting the unemployment rate was super high for us if we got a job we didn't get the same as other groups and then we weren't able to buy a house and our credit scores were ruined because of that so the big systemic change right there so we can we can first of all start with us and say let me tell you something if you know if you're taking your check and you're paying how much is the cash check in place right now the percentage fifteen percent or something like all right so let's say let's say if it's even 10 percent to cash a check and then you got a then you gotta do money orders and stuff like that you've eaten up probably 15 to 20 percent of your entire salary if you do it every single week but if you went to a bank it doesn't cost you any money to do any of that but you don't trust the banking system okay right also is about financial intelligence listen if you if you're making if an average person in this country is making thirty five thousand dollars a year well if every single time you go down to your favorite coffee spot when you get to work you spend five dollars then and then during your two o'clock you know crash you spend another five dollars that's ten dollars uh-huh times that by five five days a week when I talk my weekends right yes 50 dollars times out by a month that's four times 50 that's 200 times that by twelve that becomes twenty four hundred dollars the twenty four hundred dollars if you have to make money you're gonna net twenty four hundred you would probably pay you'd have to make four thousand dollars to make the twenty four hundred yes you're only making thirty five thousand dollars a year huh you just spent twelve percent of your salary coffee you hear that all right and then the other ten percent you spend on check cashing the check so what would you invest public funds into like how would you look to break down a systemic system that's in place what would you do or well first of all it would cost be small business loans and it would also be but but more importantly it'll be financial intelligence at an early age teaching kids financial at third fourth fifth sixth seventh grade you know ages also it would be spending more time teaching young and giving more opportunities to young females for a lot for a better education because it globally has been recognized as you know and I'll just say this once that the reason why the number one way to reduce global warming guess what what's that educating women because in most of the world where women cannot get educated if they don't have an education they end up becoming someone who's having children at 12 years old and 14 and 15 years old but stats are proven that if a girl gets an education after 12 to 14 years old she starts thinking about what's in her best interest and she decides to have a child when she wants to have a child that reduces the population it's the same thing in the hood of the way if we educate our young females in the hood at an earlier age they're going to stay in schools longer they're going to become engineers the status that all the girls that go into engineer programs 70% of them drop out the first year because they have nobody else to identify with so I think that it would be about educating our young females and then giving us financial education as well of course educating our male 100% but I'm just showing you different elements but that I'll leave it to Mike and other people with the bigger brains and the room woman in the world to do that I'm a simple guy and I break it down the simple way of what the things I see and you know but but you know we're in trouble we got to make sure that our policies they've been they've been heard awaken us from day one you know you like anyone in particular right now you know I worked I worked I worked with our Biden with when I was a presidential ambassador for Barack Obama and I know where as hard is that um the communication that he has out there is pretty strong but I know where as hard is that first of all but I'd be very honest I haven't dug too deep into what's going on right now because I like some of the things boo DJ was saying I like some saying Andrew yang was saying about the digital divide and what this country needs to do I don't care what side of the fence you're on and I mean so I'm gonna start getting a little bit deeper into what they're saying but you know what the Fiasco's has been going on out there for the last four years I've lost a lot of hope with Republican and Democrats because I think that if if the in charge now was on the other side yeah they didn't playing the same game on on the other side so I'm really you know I'm frustrated said that's why I think entrepreneurship and things like that's the only thing you're gonna be able to save yourself government nobody's gonna help you nobody's come in the house and taking you off the couch you know yeah and if you have issues like listen I've been I was born in the hood and I'm black and I'm Dyslexic I didn't go to college that's what I'm probably not gonna change my color I can't I can't find out what the hell I can't do anything about what helping the pet happen to pass I got a handle myself right now this is about getting paper right now for me and my family educating myself Daymond John that's a couple hundred million behind that saying right now are you just saying this [ __ ] he's living in Mike Muse yeah that's my man right the best shoes in the game about man salute to you and all that you do man appreciate the analogy just that you just dropped I think it's important though even the comment you just made that you know you don't have the political brain you're just an individual who breaks down implicitly but I think opposite I think who better than you right and I think the whole notion that we have to be qualified we have to get that out of our narrative no conversation because that's exactly why we got into the system they're in right now with our democracy being undermined because all of us haven't participate in the discourse cuz we don't feel that we qualify it so that's just one statement but I want to land on those entrepreneurship because you just said that we have to say myself the government isn't going to save us right and so why do you think entrepreneurship has not been brought up enough in this political discourse as a solution to solving some of the issues of our society and our people directly III think that because because it's easier to talk to the masses you know to say to them oh I'm gonna get you a better 401k better insurance you know we're gonna give some tax benefits to those you know and I think it's easy to get to that crowd with a bigger net right but I think that entrepreneurship is extremely important but you know what entrepreneurship is also not for everybody you know an entrepreneur takes a job of working 80 hours a week to avoid working 40 and some people their priority is I want to know that I got a good 401k I want to know that I'm going home to my family and I want to take two weeks off every year so I think there's more people out there working in that sense and that you can you can you can give them that message easier that's what I believe Daymond John man that's great question to my other thing about how financial chosen I don't care what color you are yeah you need financial intelligence because you know and I'm not against schools I think school is extremely valuable for various different reasons but they're they're not the system is not set up for you to have financial intelligence because if you had financial intelligence in school then you're not going to take a $300,000 loan at 18 years old to take an education you're not certain that you want yeah right so you you have to you know especially today with digital courses out you don't need to be at a school anymore okay please please I always say this please go to school if you're gonna be a doctor and so cutting people over [Laughter] but because we're African Americans we don't have generations of people who may have had financial tells us our uncle can't necessarily tell us what to do because he doesn't have to and three generations before him that understood how to build wealth so I think we all need financial intelligence but yes you're right I think that african-american and minority community needs to be aware of it as well Daymond John is I'm open up these phone lines it is International Women's Month so I want to also open the mic up to the women in the world about um networking in this book which I think is so important and what I've seen a line of entertainment industry sometimes yes there is cloud chasing but I also think that gets muddled in with just nurturing relationships and sometimes people feel uncomfortable when an individual is okay with initiating a common and then getting exchanged of contacts and then sustaining it can you just give a breakdown on the difference between networking and cloud chasing and how someone who's uncomfortable with networking can maybe become more competent yes I I've never been asked that before and I think that it's a right point I mean you know when when people clearly have an agenda they want to use you nobody wants to feel used again that goes back to the negotiation sigh what's in the best interest of that person and I think that if you have anything of value and you're networking with people you don't try to close the first time you ask them and say can we create a relationship if not no problem you follow them on social media you send them over information that can help them and after a while that works people feel appreciated like you know what I've known listen Chauncey right here in the room right when he was in the music industry we all know Chauncey I saw him for 10 years before I asked him maybe 15 years at clubs walking around but I always saw him represent himself a certain way with artists and then 15 years later I said man you need to come over and work for me you know I mean every one of you in this room there's a throne I've seen for all these years right right Mike and I were talking about his shoes like these were nurtured relationships but I definitely had the cats who hit me up with they only hit me when they want something and they somehow were not around when I say yo can I join you give you a call year and the choice you know that cat oh you won't be picking up the phone for me he didn't Val he doesn't value my team or me as much as he values his agenda or her agenda so it's very clear and again if you don't have the best interest for somebody else you should you should really check yourself again with that but you know it's hard to sometimes define when those people are using you it really is hard to do that but let's look at social media I like I try to like as many of the comments there and I try to get to know the people and literally I probably have become somewhat acquainted I'm not gonna call on friends with about 50 people on my social media because they stayed with me from day one you know absolutely yeah you're on you're a lot cooler yeah I took you might have needed intervention and everybody right now who's on social media content everybody's at home now you better get that content out there's one thing people gonna be absorbed in this content if the content is good you're gonna shoot up we got Terrence on the line from Colorado we're talking about power shift transform any situation close any deal and achieve any outcome we shall question t hey thanks for taking my call first off but I I call it in last time mr. Damon John was on the show and let him know that he inspired me to continue moving forward with my business I got a couple loans for some vehicles advanced in the business but listening to the books talked about and I forgive me if it's the wrong term but uh power meeting with you and how to set it up and with reading the book it said you know you don't you're you're leery of emails because of viruses and such and find another way to get in touch with you so that's what I'm trying to do right now to see how to set that up and how to gain some knowledge on some things that I'm working on the grow their business and bring other people along with me and so we do meetings that well first of all anybody can email me at Damon and Damon John calm and if it's something of value that we can add value to or you know it's very clear then we we will respond and we'll try to get to you but yet I said I mean to me I'm on a platform called game changers game changer meetings or GC means GC mean game changer means we do the one-on-one meetings with people and we give away a good portion of it to um to charity or you know if you need simple information from me I have a digital curriculum called Damon on demand and it's eight hours of detailed information on raising funding how to pitch people out of your target market and things of that nature thank you call Terrance following Terrance hey thanks for listening to the book to man crazy I appreciate that don't get another plaque off of this one yeah right in this book you're gonna hear from some very successful people Trish Jenner is on determining your value says you don't have to ask somebody else for permission you have the power to be able to stick to your guns and demand your worth that's a very successful person loons Vaughn I'm a goal-oriented person and when I reach one goal well before I reach that goal I have another going place you know pitbull I love the pitbull story yeah it's crazy understand I bumped into pitbull success traveling and yeah people telling me yeah he owns this whole you know village alone and he owns this restaurant and I didn't know pitbull was so ill was so ill but you know that's your buddy yeah so so and I'm glad you know we have so many other people here from Mark Cuban cigars of the people but Billie Jean King Billie Jean King change the face of sports yeah you know globally so but here's what I want to break it down when I was doing these power shifts in my life when I was early coming out I didn't realize what I was doing right you know I'm just coming up I I know there was a method to it and then when I put these people in like a Lindsey Vonn who was practicing she practiced for years if she practices for four years to win over like a quarter of a second every four years coming down the slopes and she's with the best of the best Oh Kris Jenner she can edit anything she wants she never has edited any other thing that's why we seen the Kardashians in front of us good bad and ugly but if you really look after them girls who had not come from a singing background on a sports background to be the second most Google family on the planet doing about four hundred million dollars a year you know I mean in revenue I mean there there's a method behind that pitbull we're on the room we grew up with and some of us have been artists or still artist actually uh-huh but it was all keep it real right be the hardest rapper and he's a crate everybody who in this room probably knows he's a crazy freestyler yeah but he realized that the world doesn't always need you to keep it real the world sometimes just wanted escape and they just want to dance you know I mean and and he grew with this and moved and like and a lot of other people that laugh at him ah man you doing that pop [ __ ] now look at him so I have some a Mark Cuban of course you know you know listen he was you know he is an absolutely amazing shark you know I mean an amazing person so I put them all in there because I start to see this defining line of things that we all had done together that we can apply to people so you look at the ditty you go how can I did he start off as a dancer then he gets to the top as a record label owner then he comes into my business and becomes one of the top fashion brands then he moves over to become one of the top liquor brands it's hard enough to get in one of those industries oh and a music artist yeah right I don't know how many no wait no wait how many that sell 14 million and also he owns a TV network and on the TV how what is he doing to get to the top of everyone the same with magic Johnson different wheels there's it's it's in the book it's the power shift it's the way that you have to think the slow applications that you have to do so whether you want to get the remote control away from your significant other get someplace in your community church or or run a business or get an investment it's here you could do it power shift book is available at midnight you midnight go ahead and listen to it this is your weekend listen you know in season 11 of shark tank is there in Friday's at 8 p.m. on ABC thank you for always you know pulling out that uh that hand of opportunity I'm gonna take it every time you appreciate oh man thank you for on the how old man I appreciate you sniffing the power over [Music] [Music]
Views: 16,923
Rating: 4.9380531 out of 5
Keywords: Sway in the morning, 5 fingers of death, sway, sway in the morning freestyle, Tyler the creator freestyle, childish Gambino freestyle, tory lanez freestyle, lil dicky freestyle, logic freestyle, Damian lillard rap, Megan thee stallion, riff raff freestyle, Shia labeouf freestyle, Kevin gates interview, Daymond John, Shark Tank, Powershift, how to be successful
Id: SCi-UeqafXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 57sec (2157 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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