Talkin' Bikes W/ FortNine's RyanF9: HSLS S3 E12

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A collaboration video with Zack, Ari and Ryan would be a dream come true.

👍ī¸Ž︎ 15 👤ī¸Ž︎ u/Naeloo 📅ī¸Ž︎ Apr 07 2021 đŸ—Ģ︎ replies

Did not expext Ryan to be a flip phone guy

👍ī¸Ž︎ 7 👤ī¸Ž︎ u/ChoombasRUs 📅ī¸Ž︎ Apr 07 2021 đŸ—Ģ︎ replies

Tell em to get off that podcast and go make a new video! They're the best!

👍ī¸Ž︎ 5 👤ī¸Ž︎ u/MutedBrilliant1593 📅ī¸Ž︎ Apr 07 2021 đŸ—Ģ︎ replies

Further vindication for my v-strom!

👍ī¸Ž︎ 3 👤ī¸Ž︎ u/AChrisTaylor 📅ī¸Ž︎ Apr 08 2021 đŸ—Ģ︎ replies
[Music] welcome back to another episode of high side low side i'm spurgeon this is zach quartz and zach i almost said another exciting episode but i know that sometimes that just sets the bar too high for you so i'm going to leave it even keeled we do have a guest on the episode i'm sure it'll be a lovely episode but i don't want to say it's going to be exciting because that might set the expectations too high so zach who's going to be on the episode with us today in today's episode of the very mediocre podcast high side low side we have ryan fort nine um uh good friend ryan who uh of course makes motorcycle videos in canada so um he has to do everything backwards because cameras uh record everything backwards we don't know why anyway he'll explain that and uh we'll pick his brain about many other topics in the motorcycling world um and i am i have to say very excited about this conversation in this episode but of course before we get on with the rest of it we have to get again a quick word from our sponsor okey doke we are back and um we always threaten to jump into it before we actually jump into it and as always this is the part where we ask you to um subscribe to i said lo side hopefully you're you're we're with the season finale of season three here hopefully you've subscribed by now if you're listening um but if not please do that and remember to um leave a review or comment wherever you um wherever you do get your podcast because spurgeon they could win something very special could they not absolutely so apple itunes is obviously the number one place to leave us a review because that's what does the the favors for us the most um and we hate android users [Laughter] i mean i just feel like the apple iphone is the better choice but i'm not going to get into that debate here because we already have enough contentious comments on our that's a whole other podcast you might say so um leave us a review on apple itunes we pull comments and we we send out free t-shirts now before i announce the winner today i want to say that something miraculous has happened in the fact that uh i was expecting it to get i was expecting to take a lot longer to get to this point but we have sold out of all of our high side low side t-shirts so we have all six of them we've only given away uh as of right now we've only i think 10 people have claimed their free t-shirts for the season so people are buying them they're voting with their credit cards and they're wearing a high side low side t-shirt so thank you first and foremost all of you out there that have bought a high side low side t-shirt that means a lot to me it means a lot to zach because it keeps us doing this um indeed and then for lost boy 466 who is our winner today as soon as we get the newest batch of t-shirts in you will receive yours but you have to send us an email and let us know that you're the winner so if you are lost boy 466 uh who wrote in a review and said um closest thing to hanging out in a shop with my motorcycle buddies uh about and talking about everything and nothing at all great anecdote to covet isolation that's not why we picked the the comment now no lost boy 466 then went on and said thanks guys and and stop making fun of lance old guys rule so two things there one we will not stop making fun of plants and but not for the reason you think the reason is that we we make fun of him because we only have the utmost respect for lance that's why that's why he he gets our our jokes and our slander if zack and i aren't making fun of you it means we don't like you so the highest compliment that we can pay any of you out there is that we pick on you and we tease you like one of our own so right we love lance that's why we tease and then as far as old guys rule i mean zach and i are getting we're probably closer to 40 than we are 30 at this point so we understand how being old can be pretty darn cool right i did i think i referred to myself as middle aged in a common tread article not long ago and i got lambasted by a bunch of old dudes that were like middle age lol you don't know what you're talking about and then uh that actually that actually um spawned uh an email thread with my dad where he was like why did why what is middle age anyway like we should have new titles for things like how about um you know youth youthful age the point is we don't discriminate based on anything much less age and we do love lance oliver very much so with that being said uh if you are lost boy 466 please shoot us an email uh claim your free t-shirt and as soon as we get a new batch made up we will ship one out for you and for any of you out there listening again you can always send us an email to um or you know really just leave us at apple itunes review because that helps a lot we really do appreciate it so with that out of the way we know the reason that you tuned into this podcast was not to hear us jabber again and again it was to hear what ryan from fortnite has to say about motorcycling life and weather in canada so he's gonna and he's gonna say it in that sweet canadian accent like maple syrup rolling off the tongue and team so let's bring ryan in here ryan welcome to the program i know that you were on with me last season as a as an interview guest but we're actually very excited to have you on here as a full-fledged co-host of the podcast thank you it's very good to be honest always a good day to see your pretty face spurgeon so i'm very happy and zach i've never chatted with much before so this is uh that's right opportunity to speak with a legend of the game so oh good you're too kind i feel the same way for what it's worth also just quick note spurge we didn't actually uh we were supposed to tell people at some point during this podcast which season and episode it was that ryan was interviewed by you previously do you remember all the stuff you had i didn't write it down oh hang on my producer my pretty my producer is actually gonna look good he's giving season two episode one so if you have not uh heard the interview with ryan tune into episode one of of season two we're fairly confident that is the episode that he was uh he was on but you want to check out that interview because he was entertaining to uh to chat with then and that's part of the reason that we decided to bring him on as the first outside of uh of revzilla guest for the podcast it'll uh it'll be um good background if nothing else for this conversation um so i gotta i got kind of a uh i don't know a little little icebreaker question i feel like a canadian can represent with that um what is your what's your read in general on the motorcycle industry in canada these days right now because it's sort of a the whole clove of 19 thing has been a bit of a curveball but it's there's been a pretty big silver lining uh as far as motorcycle industry is concerned in the us and i'm curious if it's the same in canada yeah i think i think it is um you know they told everyone to cover their face and not see people and motorcyclists just heard okay put on the helmet and go for a ride you know it kind of kind of fit and then when they said stay home everyone was like it's perfect time to finish that project i got in the garage you know got a bunch of hours to spend wrenching so yeah it's been a silver lining i think i think the motorcycle industry is is pretty strong up here buddy of mine works at a dealership in town and he just complains about not being able to meet the demand and having a bunch of bikes on back order and yeah bunch crated he can't get enough staff to get him out the door kind of thing so i mean that's the biggest thing that we're experiencing here as well i think that uh the emma are not the msf but the um the the recent sales numbers i think when you factor in a a bunch of the different variables of like trying to pull out atv utv and things like that it was like seven or eight percent growth for the year so i mean not not crazy growth but like compared to where motorcycling had been going in the us previously it was nice to see that that turn and you know i'm i'm i've got similar friends at the dealership level and you you ask them like how are sales then they can't they can't keep inventory in stock enough yep so yep it seems like it's if anything you're hurting um the whole test ride thing i know people we've gotten i don't know if you get these complaints as well ryan but people say they can't test ride motorcycles they go to a dealership and you just can't test ride them and i think this is making it even worse because you go to dealers and they're like well we sell every one of those that we get that comes on the floor so like why should we even let you test ride one because it's going to sell no matter what yeah yeah it's kind of a thing about our industry is you know you want to drop 20 grand on a bike and sometimes i won't even let you ride it and yep that sucks well i mean that's that's 20 canadian dollars ryan down here in the us that would be a 15 000 motorcycle so it makes it even harder to swallow it's a bigger number you know 20 000 loonies is a lot no i do think it's it's a great point and you know that's one of those ones where when i so before i started working at revzilla it's probably been about eight years ago now i worked at a dealership down in tennessee and i was very fortunate because the the owner of our dealership had a pretty open test drive policy where if you came in like if you were a younger individual he would make sure that you at least approved for financing um but before you know before we went forward with anything you could go out you take the bike for a ride and for the majority of people you know it was really just like yes if you're really interested in this let's get you out for a ride um but i know that that's not the same case for a lot of places out there i know where zach is in southern california when i was living out there it was very hard to find a dealership that would allow you to just you know take a bike out for a quick ride so yeah i think that's one place where i mean i know up here zero does really well with that uh because with the electric bikes it's like oh you can ride anything on the floor i'm not sure if it's the same down there but but they're good with test rods the other thing they do is the demo days like they bring the truck and you know one of every model and say you know you can ride all these but in canada that's only like once a year you know like they're coming in may and then they're never coming back because there's just not enough demand up here yeah yeah i do think that makes sense for an electric bike though right because that's the kind of thing that you people probably have a lot of suspicion of it being any good and and a lot of times in my experience did you say did you say you people are new people new people just because he's canadian doesn't mean he doesn't believe in electric motorcycles come on um no i i mean um i just mean that you know there's i think it's one thing to look at at a new bmw gs and be like wow that's like i know that's what i want because i know people love it and i had one 10 years ago or whatever but with an electric bike it can really take swinging a leg over it and trying it to see that you actually like it um but before we make this whole podcast about dealers to be honest i've got one question i got to get off my chest and it has to do with that enormous saw that you have on your wall there oh yeah do you have is there a story behind that song there is a story behind the song i was telling spurgeon about it earlier uh so the building that we're in used to be the home of a lumber and saw milling magazine uh so when we came and rented it there was a bunch of cool stuff left big saws axes uh i've got the uh truck loggers 1996 mug and there's just a ton of treats left over john deere stuff uh you know whatever and then we kept a bunch of it because it was cool it was creepy as hell like when we first came the basement where we ended up making the studio uh hadn't been used in a long time it was just this dark hole full of sharp saws and axes it was a full-on murder zone but uh yeah that's that's the story behind this right now i like it was i also i i appreciate that that you not only the type of person that was like oh that's a pretty nifty saw i think i'll hang it down on the wall and you also like nice mug i guess that's mine now i'm just gonna put my coffee in it yeah oh yeah if it's free i'm taking it i mean i was telling you we were going back and the conversation started with the mug for me not the saw on the wall um because i i did the same thing like i was at a i was at a cabin once with some buddies and we were riding and it was actually it was actually the same area where ryan came down um for an off-road event and that's how he and i originally met was we rode this adventure event together but my buddies and i go out to that same area and we rent a cabin and you know if you run a cabin they usually have like the free dishware and stuff that you can use while you're there and one of them was just like take home right spurgeon exactly so one of them was a it was a coffee mug with a husqvarna chainsaw on it it was like husqvarna 1985 or something like that and i was like i'm keeping this like this is this is kind of cool so you actually took it yeah i was like you know what what's the the horses are gonna knock like five dollars off of my uh my security deposit so but i i did that you've mentioned it online they're gonna come for you yeah the user is gonna see us be like oh it's a collectible mug you know right 500. i was wondering where that went if the owner if the owner of that uh uh individual cabin actually has internet out where he is i would be surprised so i'm pretty sure i'm safe with mentioning this in an internet-only uh podcast fair enough um so we um part of the structure of this i think we warned you right is that we're gonna um we're gonna sling some questions at you that we've that we've asked ourselves and we've gotten from viewers over the course of this third season of high side low side and uh the first question we have queued up is actually when i'm really excited to get your take on it was sort of the topic of episode one which is can a motorcycle be too cheap is it is it possible for a motorcycle to be too cheap and you can kind of this is you can interpret this in a couple different ways so i'm curious what your what your gut instinct is when someone asks you that question okay um let's go the general philosophical route first to me like money is the ultimate denominator if you're making a purchase uh you can weigh up a bike against you know its beauty and its usefulness and whatever but at the end of the day if you've bought it you're measuring the value against your money so you know it could be some barn turd that never runs and is absolutely useless and ugly and if i get a smile out of it that's worth a toonie and i paid a loonie for it then that's fine you know like i'm okay with that there's fine values i don't think a bike can be too cheap but in the specific sense it probably can like uh that would be an example from like a from like a a quality standpoint or something is that what you mean yeah or like a usefulness so like take the um the ktm 790 adventure s to me that's a bike that's too cheap it's an expensive bike but it was a bike that was designed to be ready to race that's what ktm does you're buying ktm you want that raw performance yeah and then they built it down to a budget by taking off the parts you really want which is the suspension right so you're left with this bike that to me doesn't make a lot of sense and it doesn't make a lot of sense because they want to sell it for 13 and a half grand or whatever it is that's actually that's actually a really interesting approach to that question because i think like and even when you think about that like i was wondering where you were going with the 790 yes but i think you're absolutely right and the fact that like seven tackles went up i didn't know i did i was like you better you better watch it yeah yeah but that's but that's the thing like i mean when you look at the bikes that are sold out you can't find a leftover or used 790 adventure r but you can find a ton of leftover base packages because people that want it want the longer travel suspension they want a little bit of more capability they want the extra electronics package so yeah i think that's a great way of looking at that question yeah i like it i like it so what what about um this actually came up recently because i did a video on the aprilia rs60 and someone kind of said like is it still exotic um and my answer to that was kind of but at a certain point if a bike is cheap enough then it's just not exotic anymore right like if ducati made a 4 000 uh street bike then it would just sort of be people would either think that it was great or they would say oh it's tarnishing the name and it doesn't it's like it's not there's not enough value there so we don't want that um which i think is interesting right and i think that's the case where so you're saying that for like is that somebody's doorbell that's my doorbell i'm gonna go get it this is hilarious hold on a second this is this is amazing we've never had this i was like it sounds like somebody's doorbell is right and sure enough we had him throw his cell phone off we had him turn his computer chimer off but we didn't tell him to turn the doorbell off this is so it's very cute and canadian it's probably those loggers coming back for their mug well i was gonna i was gonna be like he was he was like yeah the uh the old logger magazine that was in here before and i was just like ah i remember when i stopped getting my issues that was disappointing so who is at the door uh postman i don't know i didn't even look at it some package i was like i thought about this before i was like i could turn my phone off there's lots of things i can do but i can't disconnect the doorbell and the guy always comes at 10 so that's bound to be a problem we can jump right back in i think that was a fun distraction but so zach are you saying that you feel that part of what makes a ducati or a bmw premium is the fact that it costs more than the rest no no not necessarily i do think that's something that's associated with rise for that euro tax i guess what i'm saying is isn't a reason that you buy a ducati or an aprilia for example like in it especially in aprilia right an rc4 or tuano like the reason you buy that bike is the engine in in my opinion you know like it they handle great they look great they have some cool electronics they have some pedigree in their history they have some things that you can like with tangibly intangible but the engine is the thing like that's why a tuwono is better than a bmw s1000 single r it's not necessarily capability it's the charisma and what you get from the engine and when you put a parallel twin in an aprilia sport bike it's still an aprilia sport bike and they've done a lot to to make it worth the rs moniker that it has but it's a parallel twin and that's not the same is it i i think it's a fair point it's not a bike i know much about i haven't ridden it uh but i know that it is more affordable right and i guess one of one of the other reasons that people would buy an aprilia or ducati is because there's not very many of them right you want to be sitting on something that's a little more rare and so if they start to bring that price down presumably they're hoping to sell a bunch more of them and then as soon as they do that it's like why did i buy an aprilia it's broken half the time i'm back in the dealership and there's a bunch of them around anyway and that's always been my biggest i mean that's been my biggest gripe with aprilia is the fact that i don't have a local dealership that i really love um and i know that there's some people that have commented in the past about like oh there's just one right over here but uh not necessarily the best experience so i would say that i think that that that is part of that issue as well as like if you are going to buy one of those bikes you want it to be rare enough uh that it's kind of cool and you've got this you know this bike that nobody else has but you still want support for it so you're constantly walking this fine line yeah yeah sure enough so i'll put you on the spot a little bit here ryan what do you think the the example you gave about the the ktm 790 was good i like it what do you think the most expensive bike is that's too cheap oh that is a tough question the most expensive bike that's too cheap like is there another is there another adv maybe that did the same thing where they kind of like dumbed it down but really what they should have done was just added more like i can't think of any of the top of my head right now but that's a tough one i mean the expensive adv bikes you know your 1250 gs's but a lot of those it kind of makes more sense as a touring motorcycle to begin with so when they kind of dump it down yep yep uh it makes sense that's where the 790 falls apart to me because if you want a little you know run around does a bit of off-road in that kind of weight class you know you're looking at like a v-strom 650 versus 650 a t7 there's like so many other options before you arrive at the k2 yeah but suzuki doesn't make their bikes orange right and we all know that's why you're buying the ktm so i actually i have i have an interesting one so to your question zach as far as like what bikes were just too cheap i think you could probably look at the first generation mt-07 and mt-09s from yamaha or fz07s fc09s they were so cheap that like everybody bought them originally and then the sales numbers kind of like flattened out for yamaha because they didn't keep the price high enough to really like create the demand there was so much demand they kept the price low they sold a bunch and now if you're looking at a brand new mt07 and i know that the brand new 2021s that are coming out will be different but let's say a 2020 model brand new in showroom floor for 7000 or a used one from two years ago for 4 500 or 5 000 like and it's the same bike i think that's maybe something where yamaha priced those two models a little bit too low initially but that's i think they're happy enough people are buying them right i mean like they don't care about the used market necessarily i think the used market is cannibalizing on the new market right because i think you saw yamaha sales were doing really well and then over then there was like a period there for like two years where yamaha sales really started to to dip down because i think they i think if they would have kept the price a little bit higher they could have kept demand up a little bit higher a little bit longer and then you wouldn't have seen the used market coming and selling them for so cheap i'm just i'm just speculating there but that's something that i thought before you've got a point there like having them cheap in the beginning was great because they sold a bunch like you said uh but a couple years down the road is the time to up the ante to try to give people a reason to buy the new one rather than getting you know a used one basically what happened was you saw them raise the price and then people were like well i could either pay more for this bike or i could just go buy a used one and let's be honest yamahas are pretty darn reliable so you know you could buy one that has 20 000 miles on it and ride the snot out of it that's also that's also a pretty typical japanese manufacturer thing to do like i remember when the the honda crf250l first came out the the the ms i remember when the crf250l first came out how long ago was that he's an old man we're not all we're not all young spring chickens like you no no the sierra well maybe maybe in canada you've had it for like 30 years but in the u.s we got the crf250l in uh 2013 or 14 i think okay yeah okay maybe it's not as old as i thought it was uh it has an old soul that bike so maybe that's one of the reasons anyway the point is when that bike when that bike first uh came out i i remember the the msrp was really low it was like 42.99 or something like it was basically like a little over four grand maybe maybe it was even four grand exactly the point is it was just such a steal it was such a lot of motorcycle for that amount of money and then over the next few years they raised the msrp and now i think it's or there's a crf 300 now but up till a couple years ago i think the base price of that bike was in the high fours and it hadn't changed at all they just slowly raised the price they slowly like bumped it up and bumped it up so i think in my opinion and that's that's what happened with the mt07 and the m209 as well i mean the m29 got up an up an update at some point but they always kind of like it's almost like they want to strike with this msrp and that's what people will remember like when it came out the m209 was you know just under 8 000 bucks in the us and and that's kind of what people remember even though a 2020 model which hadn't been updated all that much was nine grand it had gone up a thousand bucks over the course of a few years yeah i think i mean that's where they definitely have to up the ante and bring some more offer more bike you know if they're gonna charge more for it no one wants to pay a few extra hundred bucks for bold new graphics nobody wants to pay for inflation that's nobody wants to actually be the one to pay for that three percent inflation every year yeah there's a but you got to think too their manufacturing costs are going down like the bikes never as expensive to build as the first year you build it right uh so even when that's and that's how that's how suzuki's sticking around like we talked about suzuki in a couple episodes ago and it's like suzuki hasn't really changed their tooling too much so but i don't want to give up yeah don't don't don't go too far ahead of yeah let's move on though yeah on the topic of new bikes it's actually a decent segue um we're gonna put you on the spot again ryan and and ask the question um do you have uh so the question specifically is top three favorite bikes released in 2020 um but you can be you can we can flex on this a little bit we're just curious if they're um you know a few bikes that come to mind for you that you're most excited about that you either rode last year or have been announced for this year or something like that gotcha you're gonna cryzak we're gonna bring it right back to suzuki but uh like the v strum 1050 xt or xa or whatever it is was one of the bikes i was most excited about in 2020 maybe it was 2019 or 2020 i'm not sure and it was it was the same bike they didn't do anything this is what i told you spurgeon they changed the type of stuff they just didn't change the displacement of the engine and everyone's all butt hurt about that but that they changed they changed the number you can't call it a different size engine if you didn't change the engine size yeah it's marketing i get it you know i understand that to me the v straw was always a brilliant bike i owned one so i'm very biased uh well i know you did i've stuck a banana in your tailpipe already my friend yeah all right all right that's very personal yeah it's very personal but you know the reason he was at the tailpipe because he was behind me you know because he was trying to chase me around the trails for a whole weekend on this on this v-strum on street tires well it's very light it's very narrow between the legs feels like a 650 when you're standing up on the thing uh very compelling package v twin character full motor everyone's like sure pan america an adventure bike with a v twin right suzuki's been doing it for ages uh but but the big thing and you'll remember from the rides version i always had mag wheels i hit a rock huge huge dent and it luckily didn't deflate the tire but i was that close to being stuck in pennsylvania and nobody wants that and nobody wants that so the 1050 xt or xa you've got two bliss spoked wheels and they put on their intelligent whatever system quartering bleeding abs and load sensitive stuff and all that so but the problem with the tubeless spoke wheels and i know zach and i've gotten into this pretty heated before but like if you bend a rim with tubeless spoke wheels and you don't have a spare tube with you you're still going to be in the same paddle you're going to be up you're going to be up creek without a paddle basically and the fact that like you're you're not gonna be able unless you're gonna take a rock to your rim and bam it back in place you're still not gonna be able to inflate that without having a tube to put it yeah it's true you gotta carry the two but but at some point you can get the rim back in shape uh sure you know sort of sort of the benefit so so vstrom 1050 you and i assume you've ridden it and you were impressed and you like it i'm impressed i i mean it's the same as the old bikes versions right to a large extent i love the old one i love the new one but the new one has what i always wanted which is the wheels hang on i want to just make one quick note to the producer can you make a note that he said spurgeon is right uh and the time code is uh 41 on that one thank you carry on so so we got the suzuki down on the top of your list what's a uh what are the what are the other two you thinking of oh um so i'm gonna go out on a limb and say not a ktm 790 adventure s not the s i like the r uh likes the t7 a little more so the t7 would probably make the list time out yeah i'm sorry wait i you like the t7 more because of the overall pricing and package structure pricing or you thought it was a better bike no no the 790r is the the sharpest adventure trail tool absolutely you know i i wouldn't take anything else if i was trying to win a race but if i'm going to buy a bike it's going to be the t7 probably that's understandable okay uh not yet i've never bought a new bike in my life because i'm too much of a cheap bastard i just can't roll off the lot and stomach the 20 loss like it would ruin the joy for me i couldn't do that so i'm just waiting for for the used market to come alive a little bit fair enough so far no one wants to sell them and you can't really are you still are you still is the f-8 is it your f-850 or f-800 is your mate 100 efficiency yeah so that's that's the canadian model the the gsa yeah oh pretty good yeah exactly so you wouldn't know whether i had a regular gs and i was like oh gsa or if i was uh jokes aside i think that bike i went on the launch for that bike and i i think that's uh i like that bike quite a bit i think um it's a little bit uh a little bit under appreciated i just like it's got the big gas tank and you know the whole adventure package that uh bmw did for those gsm yeah big tank nice and light uh you know everyone is a much better rider on that than they are on a 1200 gsa uh no matter what your skill level it's just the size of the thing so also i believe you can put a car tire on the back of that bike works pretty well yeah it does works just fine surprisingly okay yeah the clearance was like that like i kind of you know i measured you know inside the swing arm and i was like yeah you know i think this will work with a i don't remember what size the tire was and uh yeah it was it was close so i guess you don't even need to worry about picking a new motorcycle because you've got a you've got a car tire that's going to last you 40 000 miles in fact you're a gs you don't have to worry about trading that in for a while now that's it yeah i'm going to stuck with the thing forever how long did you ride it like that uh a little over a week i think okay yeah so it wasn't like you weren't convinced you weren't like cool i'm just gonna leave it on there i mean i wasn't gonna keep it uh you know mainly because you know i couldn't use it off-road uh you know what wasn't it yeah but uh otherwise you know i might have kept it for a while it's surprising how quickly you get used to it and stop noticing it yeah at first when i got on it i was like oh this is this is terrible this is terrifying you know the dark side is utter rubbish you know the video was going to be very different based on my first impressions uh but then after a little while i just stopped thinking about it and yeah and it was just fine have you guys ridden dark side motorcycles i've ridden one on a it was we when i was working in the dealership we had a guy trade a gold wing in and before we took it off because we're then this is actually a question i have for you we took it off because of legality standpoint uh but i did ride it and i was like this thing and maybe it was just the fact that it was on a big gold wing um it just felt very square to me like you just really couldn't feel like you wanted to turn in but i'll let zach answer that question first but then i do have a question for you so zach did you ever ride a car tire no i i have uh as spurgeon knows i raced side cars for a number of years vintage sidecars specifically um and one of the things you do when you have a racing sidecar outfit is you put flat tires on it because obviously they don't lean um and i have a little bit of experience like um you know puttering around on a on a bike that was meant to have a sidecar on it but only had the sidecar was taken off and it just still had the square tires on it but that's not really the same thing so the short answer is no sorry so i guess so my my story revolved around the feather we we got that bike known as a trade we took the tire off and put a regular tire back on because legally and for insurance purposes a lot of insurance companies won't cover that um at least in in my experience so was that anything that you looked into when you were producing that particular video yeah i did a bit of research on it i couldn't find anything you know super concrete uh it doesn't seem like there's a ton of legal precedent for it which makes sense because there's not a lot of people out there doing it sure um it's probably one of those things too where in canada we're a lot less legally aware than you are in the states uh perhaps we have less future exactly um so yeah it never never really occurred to me to be honest it's a d.o.t tire if i go and wreck on it i doubt that icbc which is the insurance company we have here i i doubt it would be a problem i doubt they'd even know to be honest that should be that should be your next video uh yeah how to file an insurance claim with a car tire and a motorcycle yeah there you go i mean that's a that's definitely a benefit that uh motorcyclists have to a certain extent with to do with legals like registration or insurance or whatever is that you we all have this recognition that like they're not they don't know the difference between what a but what tire is supposed to be on there what the actual model name of that bike is doesn't yeah which is totally yeah yeah i registered a bike recently and uh you know they're supposed to see the vehicle and like jot down things about it make sure that all the information is accurate the guy there was very honest about having no idea about motorcycles so he just let me fill in the whole sheet i could have registered anything could have registered a sherman tank yeah i was tempted to be like oh this is when i bought um so when i bought i have a i have a 350 excf and when i first bought that bike i called my insurance company to register it and they're like they called me back and they're like we can't insure this bike and i was like what do you mean like it's it's not a street-legal bike it's it's you can't we could we don't offer insurance for that i was like no it is it's got a license plate on it like it's it's a street legal bike and it took me a couple of days of going back and forth and having to prove to them documents because they just they had never heard of such a thing um so yeah i mean it happens all the time yeah um so let's i want to i want to bring this back to the original question so maybe instead of uh of favorite bikes that have been released what is what do we have what we were talking about that's what we were originally talking about right but what is the bike that you're most excited to see come out so there's i mean obviously it's been a big start to the year with a bunch of really exciting announcements but like what is your bike that maybe isn't out yet but you're excited for it to be released super excited um i am excited for the pan america are you um yeah because you were just clowning it a minute ago i'm i i'm i'm excited about it too well that's what's interesting about it right i mean it's a company who's never or hasn't gone there in the and recent history cool super fascinating come on why why would you knock the beulah ulysses that was uh a beautiful bike that was a while ago though i mean you know yeah and that's been a minute since the ultimate season and that doesn't really count yeah i'm keen on the pan america what am i forgetting what's new what's coming out you guys probably know better i guess my question is what what is about when you say you're keen on the pan america why because i think we've already talked about this a little bit and i think i know zach's position and i know my position obviously because i know me um but what about you like what is it that you're excited about with that bike curious to see how it measures up i know that on paper it's it's sort of in the neighborhood weight power price um of the other players in the market 1250 gs uh probably most pertinently uh so obviously i want to get on it see how it how it feels quality wise i'm curious to see what of the harley-davidson character comes through in an adventure bike i think that'll be quite interesting um because i'm yep everyone thinks that i i really hate harley because we made this video that uh bashed the business practices of the company uh which is not a fair statement i i really like a lot of harleys and and i find a lot of joy in a lot of their motorcycles i disagree with how the company's been run uh recently but that's that's something else so so i i love a good harley thump i love the character the engine as much as the next guy and i want to see what it's what it's like in that motor here's here's a more specific question about the pan america um i'm trying to phrase it in a way that allows you to have some fun with the answer how how about the typical character of a harley gearbox how do you think that'll work in adventure a typical character not great um yeah i think that's that's not going to translate fantastically off-road uh for those of you for those of you listening that have never written a harley davidson before uh what zack is referring to and what ryan is laughing about is a typical harley gear box is something along the lines of like thunk thunk thunk thunk every time you're like like when you're in neutral and you pull in the clutch and you put it in first gear it sounds like you just dropped a five pound hammer on a manhole cover that kind of thing yeah you got to kick the out of it to get right to choose gear yeah and if you whereas if you ride a an mt-09 or like any sort of modern uh bike uh any other kind of modern bike aside from harley what you find is like really short throws and and really like they sort of like click into gear you can almost do it by accident so i think that for example harley davidson is going to have to shift their thoughts on how a gearbox works and i think they're fully capable of that it'll just be interesting to see how they choose to fully capable and there's other things that work better right another thing harley's famous for is the low end torque um right on adventure bike is phenomenal you move your wrist that much and you can step the back end out and get the thing going around a corner so i think uh the bike may have a lot of potential aesthetically i have a hard time getting behind it it looks like they basically just shrunk the fairing from like one of their electroglide whatevers and and stuck it on the front of the bike i think it looks kind of weird but agreed on do you guys feel the same about that or yeah you're americans you have a different sensibility i know i i was impressed i was impressed with some of the innovation that they brought to the table i was impressed with um the fact that it's going to have an electronic suspension that will lower down so that shorter people can hop on to it that's cool you know i i think that going with hydraulic lifters um and i talked about this last time you know so you don't have to worry about adjusting the valves is super impressive i think harley's bringing a lot of stuff to the table with this bike um that will just be innovative for the segment which is i think what they needed to do jumping into a brand new segment they definitely need to very late to jump into the segment as well almost when adventure bikes are heading a different direction they jumped right in at the heavyweight scale that's an interesting uh interesting way to put it what would you like when you say that when you say almost when adventure bikes are heading in a different direction you mean getting smaller yeah i mean 790 t7 you know for a long time we were all sold this idea that a 550 pound bike is what you want to go adventure riding and uh engines have gotten really compact and powerful i have a hard time believing anyone who tells me that the t7 or the ktm 790 is not enough power for them uh yeah you could put anything on it to make touring comfortable so you really start to ask what do you buy a pan america for what do you buy a r 1250 gs for i always think it's 50 gs my goodness that bike is very poorly timed but i i always think it's i always think it's funny when people are like yeah but you know the 790 that's not going to be enough for me to put a passenger on the back is it like i should probably get something bigger yeah you're saying a lot because what does that bike make it's like it's like it's like 95 horsepower like it scoots pretty good like even even with uh you could put a couple hundred pounds back there and it's still gonna scoot pretty good so the yeah the to the the thing the the reason you my dad's been saying this for i don't know 20 years probably but the reason you buy a big gs or anything else that subsequently you know has chased it's it's um it's sort of the week that it's cut is so that you don't have to buy a gold wing and and be a gold wing guy you just want a big touring bike but you want it to be an suv not a station wagon you know like you want it to be cool yep so you buy this thing that has a 19-inch front wheel and it looks cool and you look rugged but i think i think that's okay that's okay though right like the gs 1250 still exists like it's still a great bike it's a fantastic bike and we've talked about the the uh the 1290 adventure s oh yeah um and how it's just like a as a sport touring machine it's just fantastic um so there's nothing wrong with it they're excellent excellent bikes but to ryan's point let's not kid ourselves about what we're doing with these things absolutely i think i think what i'm excited about with the shift that we have seen um and we were talking about this a little bit earlier we talked about you know when i asked ryan about would you really choose a 790 over a t7 but i like the fact that like for those of us that do like riding adventure bikes off-road there are now some really capable options like that are not that nice if the older options weren't capable but like you always had to like push them you know pretty hard to get which one of them do and some of these newer bikes are really more designed for for the best of both worlds if you're if you're not if you're not tough enough to ride a gs 1200 or a v-strom 1000 off-road and you need something smaller like spurgeon does right ryan that's what we're getting you know if you know sure if you need a little a little help you know around the trails exactly yeah my favorite so michael get past there my favorite story of riding with ryan that day um and this was this was already discussed in the interview but ryan was in front of me and he like went to a job [Laughter] ryan like went to adjust his goggles and he made one of the most amazing saves i've ever seen like it was like this like little tight like narrow single track shale trail type type type thing and he went to adjust his goggles and like the bike just shifted a little bit and it hit a log at the same time and it like jumped in the air and how he didn't go over the cliff on the left-hand side i don't know but like as far as somebody that can wrangle the hell out of a giant suzuki v storm 1000 that's when i that's like all of my respect for ryan was like solidified in that one moment i appreciate it i normally don't ride with people and so i haven't got used to this idea of like getting your goggles dusty and having to like change the mid ride and clearly that's that's something that i need a little help with while we're on the topic of 2020 yeah and you know great motorcycles if i remember the podcast correctly it was best and worst news of 2020 or or gender somewhere to that effect yeah so okay so bring up something that's a little closer to my heart but not particularly a motorcycle i think the best and worst thing to happen in motorcycling in 2020 was mark marquez's injury terrible because you don't want to see someone get hurt and he is the most entertaining rider to watch because the stuff he can ride out of is unbelievable he can brilliant because for the rest of the field it became an absolute anyone can win it kind of thing sure yeah with stellar are you motogp fans are we going to be able to have this conversation i i am i know i'm i'm just sort of like i'm just taking it all in i'm so excited that you brought up ogp you just made his day right like exactly zach has never been this excited so yeah uh yeah and i think that's an interesting uh a very interesting take um and actually it yeah it you're you're yeah you're right on the money my my wife uh who is a much more casual moto gp fan than i am to put it politely um when we were we were watching that race and he crashed and he hurt himself and we found out how bad the injury was gonna be and the first thing she said was like this is gonna be pretty interesting then huh because someone else can win now yep absolutely absolutely fantastic what do you think amir do you think he he's got the stuff you know he's going to be able to do it again or i mean what you what we all want in a champion is this sort of like the crazy balls to the wall thing that marquez did that that rossi always did in his heyday um that mcdewin did the the things that the thing where a champion would just say like i will not lose i will not lose today and i have to win and that's what you want and unfortunately i think john muir is more of a of a pragmatic champion right he's he's more in the ilk of um i don't know like doug chandler comes to mind he was an ama superbike champion way back when who won a championship and never won a race and i think that's the the kind of writer that john muir is he's smart he like he's intelligent he knows what he needs to do and he's okay finishing fourth if that makes sense and i appreciate that but i i will be the first to say that it's not what i'm like most excited about i'm exactly with you what i want from a racer is that guy who's like i have to win for people who don't know the way mark has injured himself was he was racing i think he was leading crashed decided to rejoin was cutting his way off the track and came back yeah yeah that's right yeah when off came back was cutting his way through the pack bend it again and and injured himself right totally reckless uh yeah and to quiz his entire season must have been and and what was what was the injury like what was the ultimate injury that he that he sustained uh humorous but not funny as they say upper arm break exactly that yeah the record surrounds the bomb i love dianone when he was around because he was a freaking torpedo like that guy had absolutely no racing iq but he was always balls to the wall gonna go for it right and that's i i don't remember but marquez had that uh when he he ended up closing the championship out in gosh what was it 2017 18 or something like that when the race at valencia when he like he only had to finish like fourth yeah but instead he like got to the front and started breaking away from everyone and then literally crashed into turn one and somehow saved it like smoke pouring off the front tire and almost went down yeah and you're like this is exactly the kind of thing where you're like when he wins the championship you're like hell yeah you won the championship are you kidding me you're a psychopath winner ben spurgeon what do we got to do to get you watching i'm honestly just excited to sit here and watch you guys go back and forth like i said i'm probably about the same level of casual watcher um as zack's wife is but i do enjoy the excitement that you guys are bringing to this and i don't want that excitement to go anywhere but we do have to take a break to get a word in from our sponsor module all right so i've we obviously uh took a quick break there i don't want to tamper the enthusiasm uh you guys could probably talk for hours about moto gp maybe we'll bring lance oliver in here at one point we can just go an entire episode um but i do want to shift gears a little bit and this was a topic that we had talked about back in episode five of season three and we were just talking about some of our craziest motorcycle stories that involve weather and ryan i would imagine that you probably have at least you know one or two examples of like what's the craziest weather that you've ever had to ride through well lots of snow lots of snow i mean we do that frequently uh vancouver is one of the places in canada where you can ride all year which is brilliant but if you're gonna do it you should expect to have a few snowy days i think one one of the worst days i ever had on a shoot was in the video we were doing for the tw200 sort of up in the northern part of bc uh it's a little dual sport bike and very first thing in the day it was maybe 8 a.m and we happened on this river uh and i knew that we wanted a water crossing shot and this river was perfect if you're finding a water crossing shot it's difficult right you need it to be kind of hard on the bottom you don't want to get stuck in there it can't be too deep the t-dub is like i don't know three feet tall so obviously we're not gonna go any deeper than that um and and this river was just perfect and super wide so we could frame it up it looked like i was just like riding into the pacific ocean and and it was totally cool uh so obviously we got to get the shot let's do it but 8 a.m and we got a whole day ahead of us and it's minus five and snowing you're gonna do the water crossing first this is a bad idea right right i feel like i see where this is going yeah so you know route the car breather up get it ready to be you know a u-boat and uh go ahead and do the crossing everything went fine but both my boots filled with water uh which is is sort of the inevitable conclusion there and so then the rest of the day was just just on the verge of frostbite you know the hotel at the end of the day and my feet were just you know that waxy white like that really like oh this was close like you could lose a few toes here it was yeah it was bad that was probably the coldest i've ever been on a on a shoot day i'm sure you guys have similar stories right i mean well yeah i mean it's interesting that you're talking about like the shoot day aspect of it because like i wasn't even thinking about that i always think of like personal stories and you know we had talked about a couple of them but like i got stuck once where i was doing a cross-country trip on the bonneville and uh and i got caught in a hurricane and i was and i was camping too so that was the i was on the road for like 30 days in a row and it was the only day that i got a hotel room because i i was like i finally gave up i'm like it's it was like pouring down rain i didn't have any rain gear with me so i was completely soaked my tent was completely soaked um so i've had that experience but i would say the worst experience i've ever had on a shoot was we were shooting the first ride review of the new sv 650 and we were shooting it up on uh on angelus crest highway north of where zach is up in the angeles crest mountains north of la and we were leaving um we were leaving the press launch which was in pasadena and we got to keep the bike for an extra two days to to i'm sorry an extra day we had to shoot the entire video in one day because it was a friday and the press bike had to be back at suzuki's headquarters by 5 p.m so we left at like 4 o'clock in the morning but the problem was even though it was like 60 degrees down in pasadena it was like maybe 20 degrees up on the top of the mountain because it was like that time of year and i remember the truck my the the film crew was in the truck in front of me and i had gotten about a half an hour in and i was like i couldn't move i was so cold and i i kept thinking like they're gonna stop like at some point we're gonna come to a place and they're gonna stop and they just kept driving and like we were looking for a vista to be able to shoot the stand up and i'm like well there's one and there's one and they just kept going and it was the only time where i remember i finally like pulled up in front of them and like waved and i had to get off the bike the producer had to ride the bike from there on and i had to sit in the back of the truck for almost an hour before i could even talk it was that was probably the worst i ever had it and it was like when you when you start slurring your words you realize exactly how cold you are just just so everyone knows for context also pasadena to angeles crest highway is like probably 10 or 15 miles it's pretty far it's i mean really really like i mean 10 miles on a as you as you as you probably know from riding with him ryan 10 miles on motorcycles a lot for spurgeon so yeah yeah at first i was trying to figure out if you were being sarcastic the point is from pasadena up to the start of angela's crest it wasn't that bad it was about a 20-minute ride and then the entire like riding the entire backbone of angelus crest when it's 20 degrees outside is when it got a little bit nippy so like calm down it's true you can it's easy to forget in california because the the the um the topography is very severe so you can be like you get spoiled by thinking like oh it's just nice everywhere and then you forget that it's january and then it's 60 degrees and it's january so you're like oh everything's gonna be fine and you ride up like 3000 vertical feet and all of a sudden it's extremely cold but i'm gonna see it coming but to your point zach it doesn't take long like if you're i think i was riding for about an hour at that point and it was probably about 30 miles so it wasn't like you're right it wasn't like i'd covered long distance but like it was just so cold that and i was also in mesh gear too like that was the other that was the other part of it so it was just spurgeon dunbar a lot of a lot of combination of errors right there but what about what about you mr quartz i've never made any mistakes writing anymore so i've always been dressed perfectly and it's always been fine well then we move on to the next question i guess yeah well i was gonna i was gonna say i don't remember what stories i shared before but it actually the one that came to mind was one where uh i was shooting um for our motor trend show erie and i and he was on uh tw 200 actually um and i was on a klr and we rode through we were in washington state i think and it was snowy and really really cold and we just kept riding to get to the hotel and my legs were so cold that we got to the hotel that i couldn't actually walk up the stairs like my muscles were actually so cold that i put my foot up on the stair and i like pushed to go in the stairs my leg was like nah i'm good man i'm just i'm gonna need a minute so i had to like literally use the railings to kind of claw my way up the it's really not flattering anyway i i would um i'm curious if you have uh any any pro tips for what obviously don't let your boots fill up with water and then ride around in the cold that would be a pro tip of yours ryan but sure any other like rain riding pro tips since you live in british columbia so you get a fair amount of rain yeah yeah it rains a lot um the biggest thing for me is just being honest with yourself when you need to stop uh when you brought up washington i was having flashbacks to the shoot we did there with the euro um it's december mix of rain and snow some five-hour haul from like these nuclear reactors up to the top of one of the uh volcanoes i can't remember which one it was olympia or something um and i just toughed it out and that's so stupid you know like especially on the euro because it balances itself you can kind of sit there for longer than you really should right right you know i sort of had the thought like if i was on a bike i'd probably be falling off at this point and i knew in my head like this is dumb like stop warm up right um right right but you know you want to get the shoe done you want to get home and you just kind of tough it out and that's not something that's unique to people who do what we do like everyone's on a ride and you know their friends want to keep going totally or they just need to get home for whatever reason and and they just keep going i think the biggest thing with weather is just be honest with yourself and when you need to stop stop well the other thing is let yourself be cold um like uh we have a tendency when it's cold to like really hunch up get really tight and like protect our our core um but for me if it's raining or if it's snowy i always try to like sit up really nice and straight and be really loose because that's a better position for riding and you just let yourself get cold faster and when you get cold you get a t well i think it also burns a lot of energy too right when you're all clenched up like that because you're literally spending all of your energy clenching up your muscles and flexing and you end up tiring out quicker um but i did i want to make one quick comment about the url because when i when when abby and i rode the euro we did la b to v with it which is for those of you listening uh labview is a dual sport ride in southern california and my buddy abby who runs the website by curious decided you know it would be a good idea for us to try and do it on a ural the problem with the ural is you're not using your body to leverage uh the way you would with a regular motorcycle so you're not working up heat um to stay warm and if you are the person that's the monkey in the side car when it's 20 degrees outside or 30 degrees outside you're not working up anything and you are just sitting there freezing and i think that's something we forget because not too many people ride murals or sidecar rigs that's true that's true for sure makes you sympathize with a pillion right if you ever got someone on the back and yeah you're cold they're probably colder yeah yeah fair enough so pro tip from ryan f9 don't be a hero basically don't be a hero yep it's stupid you know it's stupid um so next uh next question i'm excited to ask you about as well um there's there's sort of a couple tiers to this i think um we did a we did a podcast about a dream motorcycle trip like we talked about different different places we would always want to ride and which bike we would take to do it um so maybe we're putting you on the spot yet again but but do you have do you have like a ride you've always wanted to do on or on a particular bike you always want to do it it could be it could be a sport bike on a racetrack could be an adventure bike across the continent well so how about we do this while he's thinking about that so we're not just putting him on the spot zach give us like a a 60-second recap of what your pick was oh my my my dream i i don't know i don't know if i remember no i remember i was going to take a 1290 kt uh ktm 1290 adventure s from what was it like athens to porto or something like whole mediterranean northern mediterranean coast yeah just you know croatia italy um you know southern spain southern france that whole thing and up to portugal um and then i had another dreamtrip where i was gonna take a scooter to tokyo because that seems like it'd be fun and then another one where i was gonna uh it was a racetrack oh it was donington park i think in england which i've never ridden i've always wanted to ride that racetrack on a old gp bike so that those that those are some uh some some of mine is do you remember what your service price yeah so i wanted to go i wanted the klr 650 and i wanted to take it naturally from from from like the southern part of texas all the way down through central america and then all the way down south america so i want to do klr 650 north america all the way down to south america um and then another one of mine was i uh i wanted to go back in time and ride the remember i wanted to ride the nuremberg ring but i wanted to do a nurburgring back in back in the 50s or 40s or 50s in its heyday day and then the other one was i wanted to go to the alps and i wanted to find like a really fun little mountain town and then take uh a ducati 900 ss uh an older uh mid 90s ducati 900ss through through the alps and do like day trips to the alps sure sure yeah so anyway that's some context i know i know we took all the good ones ryan but yeah if anything comes to mind feel free to share with the audience yeah this is this is an easy one actually and there's one trip that has been in my mind for years uh it's the only one i really think about which is to tactic okay yeah so that's the top of canada that's the top of canada yeah if people who don't know took is a town on the arctic ocean in the very tip of the northwest territories um and it's it's only recently they finished the road i think it was like 2018 or something like that before that was just a nice road so you could get there in the winter but year round there were no options so now they've finished the road was kind of a big deal for canada in the early days of the country we made a big deal about connecting pacific atlantic and arctic and it took us this long to get it done because the arctic's pretty savage so yeah right from here you know vancouver's a perfect place to start and just just head north i have no illusions about it being a fun ride i mean that's it's just days and days of tundra bogs caribou uh mosquitoes that'll like carry away uh that was right that was gonna be my question for you because like depending on the time of year you're gonna do this like i do every like we were doing it every other year for a while but we do this big adventure ride in canada and the mosquitoes are the worst i've ever seen like like night terrors about mosquitoes oh yeah yeah it can ruin your whole trip i did a i rode to the top of alaska one time for a magazine story um and same thing it was i did in june predictably um and uh yeah i was just i was flabbergasted at the at the mosquito population it felt like if there were enough of them they probably could have just taken me down um if you ever if if you ever get a chance to do this trip i will say we um i got a buddy who has been done part of that road so um might be able to might be able to give you some some hot tips on that'll be heady yeah bugs to avoid i'd be looking for intel one of the more importantly what bike oh yeah ah well this gets into the mosquito thing a bit too so my plan for dodging the bugs um and dodging all the dentists on bmws because it is a very popular ride sure i'm not the first person who's thought of this is to go in the shoulder season uh when it's starting to get a little snowy and and that type of thing uh is to me like going like you can go to the arctic in the summer but it's kind of like going to disneyland when the rides are closed like you're kind of missing out on the main thing that makes the place cool um so i want to go when it's getting colder when it's getting a little snowy so i don't know a big wheel a t-dub would be a good choice like something light or fat tires uh something you can crash like 50 times and it's probably not going to hurt it and maybe not going to hurt you right okay have you ever let me ask you a question so one it was interesting because i remember coming back from that first canadian trip and we sell uh like mosquito nets on revzilla where you put it over your head and i never understood that before and after my first motorcycle tripping well i was i was like well now i understand why we sell that because that actually be useful have you ever done have you ever done newfoundland have you ever done the the off-road loop that they have around newfoundland nope never done it i've always wanted that's like one of mine yeah i've always wanted to do that so for those of you listening and ryan you actually might know more about this but there was like an old train track that they ripped up but they left like the bed down so if you're if you're on an adventure bike you can actually do the loop around newfoundland that way yeah i i don't know too much about the newfoundland ride but i know that's pretty typical up here there's one uh called the kettle valley railway close to where we are here in bc it's the same thing it's an old train track that ripped up the rails and and yeah it makes for some absolutely beautiful riding a little dull like you know trains they're flat the corners are all very very wide um but uh it's a certain type of riding you can you can get into it the danger with that stuff is that you it's the hypnosis of it like you're just cruising flat easy and then all of a sudden it's slick and you just you just lose it yep yeah that's actually uh one of the things that i didn't expect about the ride that i did from fairbanks to bruto bay in alaska which was that the road is really nice for the most part and so you go like i had the cruise set at like ungodly speeds for long periods of time because it's like it's just a it's a it's a gravel road that's wide enough for two semi trucks and it's straight and you just you can just go and there's nothing and then all of a sudden there'll be a pocket of mud or something kind of sketchy and scary so you have to be oddly alert considering you're basically on this highway that's just trucking through the tundra that's the risk that's why i like the tdub for my took trip you know i mean you're sure you can bend that and you're carrying like you know 200 pounds into that crash it's not going to fly out i mean flat out you're never going more than 60 miles an hour anyway so you're out probably gear it differently like i'd probably make it a little longer like it for that trip but no i think it's i think it's interesting whether you're looking at like north of the border or south of the border like because i was in i did a i did the entire length of baja once where i started in southern california went down to to you know the farthest reach of baja and like there's a couple stretches there where like you have cruise control i was on a gs 1200 it's like set cruise control 90 miles an hour and like you're just flying for ever it feels like and all of a sudden there's one little dip in the road there's a pocket of sand and it just terrifies you because you're not expecting it yeah well i'm uh i hope you get to do that trip right it sounds like a sounds like a real blast i will say that i had similar concerns about going to the arctic in the summer and thinking it was a little bit lame and then it was like 27 degrees and i was riding so i don't know what what is what's 27 degrees in in south what's that for you that's like 57 celsius would be hot that would be gorgeous 27 fahrenheit i think is like minus five it could be yeah yeah something like that not good anyway it was cold and i thought like yeah like a tougher person was called into this but like yeah it was like i i definitely it was like it was snowing and and like below freezing and i thought like yeah maybe maybe maybe i'm maybe this is right for me fair enough well i mean hey if you guys want to come you can pick the month nice open to it can make a mega video or something oh my gosh um this is exciting now this is this is another great segue actually to to our next question might have should be not quite our last question but um we did a podcast this was episode eight of this season where we talked about some of the terrible mistakes we've made um riding riding motorcycles and uh especially um especially i'm i'm especially interested in mechanical mishaps that you might have had that you you could you could you could uh i don't know illustrate a word to the wise for people sure yeah there have been a lot i'm i'm not mechanically inclined by nature um early days i bought a lot of cheap bikes about a lot of japanese bikes and i had no idea that such a thing as the japanese industrial standard existed so i was just stripping like every every fastener on there but more than than the screwdriver is just impatience and just bad technique um like if you don't get that bolt or screw coming off on the first one or two tries when the hex head is still nice and sharp like you're not gonna get it you know um and early days i just just keep trying you know just just being bullheaded about it and you just round it off completely and then you have a huge job for yourself with extractors and all the rest of it so over time i've got more patient you know wd-40 benzotorch wd-40 benzotorch because you know if you don't then you got to go out and find 15 different fasteners to put that bike back together and and then that turns into a bit of a pain in the butt as well so yeah that's that's that's probably a big one i made a horrendous mistake with the kill our rebuild too but we can get to that later you guys i'm we rebuilt this klr from its component pieces so putting it all back together was a ton of work uh many hours i was in the cam chain assembly and you know there's these splines you put on a little gear uh maybe a spacer and then there's the circlip uh which is this little clip that holds on the gear and you're not supposed to reuse the original circlips you know it's a one-time part you know when you take it off but it's a klr well this is what i'm thinking come on these circlips are way over engineered they're just yeah they're just trying to get you to spend an extra 35 cents yeah that's how he's trying to screw you over as a customer i know that they make their money on these 35 cents extra pieces you know making nothing on the bikes that's all you know they got the circle so uh you know i was like i got the original one here looks looks pretty good you know i'll put that back on so did that built the rest of the motorcycle who knows how many other days tons of hours uh i went to start thing up sounded brilliant for about 30 seconds uh and then could tell that something was going on and under that uh that cam chain cover you're gonna have to beat that uh but i knew immediately you know uh that i'd probably made a mistake so you know another day to get all the way back in there and get the engine open again and ruin all those paper gaskets that i'd been stupid enough to buy because of the time i didn't know you could buy both gasket sheets and cut your own and sure enough i got in there and yeah it was the circlip that had bust and so the cog was was having a ton of play in it and the chain was slapping around and grinding against the case and fortunately it didn't break anything other than that but okay you basically you caught it in time you caught it it didn't i caught it in time yeah i just i just caught my cost myself a bunch of time basically right so of course which uh right sure you're never gonna see back it's not really about the money though like in that position i do the same thing again for me it's it's more the time it's like i'm in here in the garage with my tools sure i don't want to wait three days for this circlip to come to the dealership so the lesson there i guess is just plan ahead better and and prepare but now you guys got to tell some stories yeah because i'm feeling just like a noob over here yeah yeah so i will say that so one of the ones like i talked about a couple different ones when i when we did this this episode the first time but one that i didn't talk about was um so on i have a 2005 triumph bonneville and i've been everywhere on that bike and right around uh 50 000 miles i was i was out for a ride and the bike just completely shut down just stopped and i pulled over the side of the road and i checked a few things out and couldn't figure anything out it just it wouldn't run and this bike has never let me down before i mean like i said 50 000 miles and i'd been everywhere on it so um i towed it back to my house i had a call and get a tow truck tow truck had to come and pick me up take the bike up take it back to my house and i was living in nashville at the time and next day i woke up went down started the bike fired right up well interesting okay it healed it healed itself right so i'm like you know what probably probably just a fluke so i hopped on the bike and just went out for a ride and that day was fine and it wasn't until i was i think i rode to work and i was coming back and like halfway home again bike died pull over side of the road nothing and i'm like oh man i had to call a tow truck a second tie now this is like and luckily it wasn't the same guy that came to pick me up because that would have been embarrassing enough so hang on hang on just really quick i just want to do a little car talk thing is this an electrical nothing or a fuel nothing like in what way was it nothing it was a uh the starter i would hit the starter and the starter would still go but nothing was happening after i was hitting the starter so okay key on light headlight headlights come on starter button so i i i get home and i'm like well now i'm i'm not going to go out again like there's obviously like you know fixes itself once all right that's great but if it if it doesn't fix itself that second time i'm not gonna go back out and make the same mistake so i started doing some research and it turned out that on those bikes the the little black box the ecu has a tendency to fail the problem is it doesn't have a tendency to fail until like 50 000 miles problem is most people aren't getting 50 000 miles on a 2005 triumph bonneville so that was a mistake where i just i was naive enough to think that the bike did fix itself the first time and like the fact that i had to get a tow ride home the first time wasn't bad enough um so i did learn that you know if the bike stops working chances are it's it's because something is wrong um and for those of you out there listening if you have a uh triumph bonneville you probably just want to keep an extra ec e in the toolbox at some point it's gonna it's gonna go and it's about a five hundred dollar apartment so just yeah a little note there ecu is very much triumph's fault dust version i was hoping for a story that's like you know this is egg on your face oh yeah i mean i could i got plenty of those man so the one that i did last time i think the one that i did last time that was probably the most my fault was uh i was rebuilding the forks on the same said bonneville and i made the mistake of not reading the instructions ahead of time and what i started doing was i was all excited i just wanted to take it apart i wanted to dump the fluid out i've never done this before and when i did that i couldn't get the the little attachment bolt that holds the insert in from the bottom out so i i tried everything i went to harbor freight and i bought an impact gun but like the harbor freight impact gun is like the one you plug into a wall and it doesn't generate enough you know torque to break it loose so finally after like 11 hours and i was it was getting dark out i finally was like i can't do this anymore i'm not gonna get this done so um i woke up the next morning on a saturday and i rode to the local triumph dealership and i kind of walked in with my tail between my legs and i was like hey and they're like oh you you tried to take the the bolt out after you took everything out didn't you and i was like yeah and they're like we got a torque gun that'll fix that for you and like luckily like this was castle power sports in nashville tennessee they didn't charge me anything and um i ended up working there later on in life but yeah so they they took it to the back they pulled the thing out for me uh and and i rebuilt it myself but that was one where not only did i feel like an idiot but then i had to go into the shop and they're like oh we know exactly what you did and i was like thank you so much that's good i mean it's good to have the humility and just take the walk of shame go ask a professional what a great agreement and then do it yourself anyway that's that's a perfect thing to do zach have you ever caught anything on fire oh just one ducati scrambler one time he won't bore the folks with that one again oh come on i haven't heard it yeah i know well what i did ryan for your edification is um i put a i either put a wrench down in the wrong place and it slid onto the battery or i literally put it on i think it just like slid down onto the battery and it bridged the uh contacts and it uh uh caught the bike on fire it lit the wires on fire and then some other piece of the motorcycle caught on fire and we ended up using a t-shirt to put it out real quick um anyway uh good good reminder to disconnect the battery appropriately and don't leave wrenches where they can fall onto the top of the battery and bridge did you did you own that bike was that your personal bike goodness no as um yeah it was a press bike it was a prospect that had already been thrashed there's a whole that's another podcast anyway one of those i'm sure ducati didn't care about that no no they were extremely gracious about it um uh one one story that i did not share uh previously which i just sort of came to mind um was uh flushing the brake fluid on an r6 race bike i did um with a colleague of mine um guy who guy who owned the bike actually and he so so we we flushed the brake fluid and added too much like didn't yeah too much brake fluid in the system and in the reservoir and didn't leave any room for uh flexion in the fluid which of course is the whole point so i went out for the warm-up lap i was cruising around things were going well and i came out of this one particular hairpin i upshifted from second to third and i peeled into this corner getting my mind in the right place and the front brake bound up and down i went and yard sailed this r6 up into the into the gittle weeds busted bodywork stove the tank in end of the weekend on the warm-up lap just uh got to put the right amount of brake fluid in you know that's absolutely that is crushing i was i was i was in college once and um i got a phone call from my dad who is a lovely human being um and we talk about them a lot in the podcast but sometimes uh he's not the most mechanically savvy person and he called me and he was like hey i was adding brake fluid to the pic he drove this old beat up dodge dakota he's like i was adding pickup or you know brake fluid to the dakota and i realized i accidentally put power steering fluid in it that should be okay right and i was like don't drive anywhere and we had to like flush the entire system but he was just like i'll be fine right i'm like no not going to be okay that's like the the classic college kid uh like dish like i just i put dish soap in the dishwasher that should be fine right yeah don't worry about that just just put it on high it'll be good just close it up yeah okay um well that was a good time i'm gonna spurge i'm gonna let you intro this next this next piece i figured you would i'm going to get barbecued here i've just got a bad feeling no no no is this contentious i'm excited so oh it's extraordinary this was the most commented on statement of the year right so early early in the podcast season we had had uh a reader or a listener uh wrote in his name was turbo bruce uh i think that was his original name no no no no no no no we nicknamed his name was bruce is so bruce who we have uh politefully and and respectfully and again this goes back that we would not pick on you if we were if we're not picking on you we don't like you um uh so turbo bruce wrote in and said hey you know i want i don't understand why manufacturers aren't putting turbos on motorcycles i have a 390 and my my my buddy that i ride with has a tuono or something along those lines and i want to be able to go as fast as him but i also want tremendous fuel mileage this yeah he's over he's oversimplifying bruce's message a little bit but this is the basic thing like why can't he went on to talk about how he has an f-150 with a turbo and fuel mileage yada yada yada zac agreed with him and zach was like we should have turbos and motorcycles everywhere turbo for you and for you and for you and i'm like well hold on a second king of turbos right yeah that's that's zach's turbo philosophy you get a turbo you can he's the oprah of turbos right so meanwhile i am trying to take like the understanding route i'm like well i mean like maybe if like we needed turbos manufacturers would have thought of that and they tried it in the 80s and it didn't work out and honestly like motorcycles are so fast now as it is like you probably don't need a turbo and i got lambasted people on the internet were like dude you don't know what the hell you're talking about you're an idiot zach is right like the world needs turbos and i'm like we would say we would say settle it once and for all ryan but i but this isn't on your shoulders you can't give me that power right we're curious though all right something like a a a kawasaki ninja 400 turbo you get 60 miles to gallon if you ride it politely but it's still got the punch of you know 60 70 horsepower is that something you're interested in or what do you think give us your thoughts oh yeah i'm in hook line and slinker yeah for me this is not going the way that i thought it was going to go one of the coolest bikes that's something i have to own one today is is the 250 four-cylinders of the 90s that revved to like 20 000 rpm and made 50 horsepower they were tiny they were hilarious to me there's nothing funnier than going through a roundabout at like 19 000 rpm going through a school zone you know like that's that's just hilarious and they didn't do great here because i think there's not a lot of market for a bike that has added cost and added complexity right um uh but is still small you know they didn't do great here either so well and to be clear they didn't they didn't import many of them to the u.s at all like the cbr 250 rr like that kind of thing yeah exactly those yeah they were all the great market ones that we got here even earlier than that so it's interesting so everybody talks about the widowmaker which was the big 750 cc triple that kawasaki made back in the 70s the two-stroke two-stroke yeah do you guys know they actually made three different versions of that bike there was a 500 and i think it was either a 250 or 300 and that was the one that was pretty much like like the little 250 or 300 triple two-stroke was like you got to like 1500 rpm and like nothing was happening and then finally at like 1600 rpm it was like a light switch and it was just like boom um but like those were always i always thought that was really cool and it was probably about four or five years ago that i realized that they had the smaller ones as well which i never knew before okay so you thought that was really cool but you're not in for a small displacement turbo i just thought it's just cool i like small displacement i don't i don't want to put a turbo charger on it like no well that's that's it is the cool factor right like nobody needs a small turbo bike you know like turbo bruce has he's been around the block he's not a newbie you know this isn't like your average new rider who's like all right the the 390 is good enough for me it's enough power and the mileage is great it's fine but turbo bruce has been around turbo bruce just wants something that's really cool he doesn't mind the extra cost he thinks it'd be funny to have a bike where the power comes on all of a sudden you know i bet he's got a cr500 in his pack but so here's no but time out because here's the thing with with the automotive industry where they've integrated twin turbo designs they've they've done a lot where you don't have the turbo lag of yesteryear right and i think good point yeah he's he's defeating he's sinking his ship here no i'm not i think in order to in order to create a similar experience with a motorcycle it would just add too much weight i i think at that point it's just it's too complex you're gonna have too much hanging off of an engine like i don't think it works on a motorcycle i don't want two i just want one i want but do you think that's gonna give you do you think that's gonna give you that's like getting like like the big complaint with all those those vtec bikes that that honda made in the well they're still making the vtec bikes with the newer interceptor but like yep that was a whole problem with those early vtec bikes was like you get to like the 8 000 rpm mark and like so much power would come on so quickly would unsettle the chassis do we really think we want that in a motorcycle it's just that that bike was trying to be too sensible you know like if you have if you have a if you have a small bike like no one needs a turbo ninja 400. i regret asking this question the only reason that we asked it was we thought ryan was going to be conservative i thought he might side with you spurgeon and you and you would just have loved that so much to watch down in flames but instead instead it's just another more fuel to the turbo bruce fire here i'm wondering if you guys had a conversation ahead of time i'm going to check your phone records and see exactly if i got thrown into the bus here no no no pre-existing conversation but yeah i think i think it's cool it's an acquired taste you know i don't think the market for them would be huge i don't think any manufacturer wants to do it should expect to sell a bunch but turbo bruce will buy one i'll buy one how about how about this ryan one last thing on this how do you feel about someone saying well they tried that in the 80s and it didn't work what's your reaction to that it's a bad excuse virgin i'm sorry the 80s i mean just because it didn't work in the 80s a lot has changed no i yes i understand that but what i'm ah zack you son of a oh i i think one of the reasons they tried a lot of things in the 80s i mean you know some of them i i am a product of the 80s you know my parents tried some things in the 80s and i came around i get the idea that things were tried in the 80s you're gonna have kids i mean you might want to try in the 80s with your hair elon musk he didn't say you know what nasa went to space in the 80s or just nah you know they tried that it's not worth it i just don't like nobody's revisited it because i don't think anybody's asking for it like i don't think like motorcycles have evolved so much from the 80s that like you have a ninja 400 that's making 45 horsepower it can handle highway speeds it's fun to ride around i don't think anybody i don't okay so here if you like a small fast bike put the turbo on the ninja 400 it's even better right like everything i like about it i don't like turbo lag and i think that to get a turbo on a bike to the point where you're not experiencing turbo lag you could probably just buy a 650 version add 15 pounds of weight with a 650 which is the same amount of weight you'd have to add with the turbo and you're you just buy an mt07 at that point wait a minute and then you have a ninja 650 and nobody wants that excuse me if you own a ninja 650 that's a great bike good choice but no one you know anyway you're gonna have a hard time getting out of that one the point is it's that the the novelty of it is i think to ryan's point what would what would do the trick i do want to put one more question to you right now oh my god sort of from oh no it's from here it's from your side of the tracks here spurgeon so i think you'll appreciate it why why aren't we seeing them why why aren't manufacturers making them if it's such a good idea if ryan and zach if we agree what could be what could be a greater endorsement than that yes well i mean to stroke spurgeon's ego a little bit here right smooth things over between us he's writing that i don't think it makes a lot of practical sense yep i think i think the appeal is in the novelty there is a buyer who would be interested they're an enthusiast not a beginner but they're into just motorcycles for the fact that they're really cool and sweet and they would find a turbo small bike fun but that's a small market and i think that you know manufacturers look at it and they're like we're not going to sell enough of these so you know we're not going to bother trying like this the supersport 600s right like those disappeared because they were about the same price to make as the thousands and you know people yeah couldn't justify paying that much for it these they would just yeah the example that i was gonna be is like i think a good test market for this and i know it's not turbocharged but kawasaki has that that 250 r which is a four-cylinder um do you guys remember that bike it was released a couple of years ago indonesian one the zx25r yeah the 2025 yes yeah the 25r isn't there there's a suzuki too isn't there is there a g6r no but my point with that would be that like i think a test segment would be like bring over a hundred of those to the u.s put put one in every dealer and see if they sell and and see what happens and i think that would be if people gravitate towards buying that bike then maybe then maybe i'm wrong maybe then then small displacement with a load of extra power would be the way to go but i just we've seen this tried before and it just hasn't caught on and again i think the kawasaki is a perfect example of that whether it's a three-stroke you know 250 of the 70s or a turbocharged 80s two-stroke three-cylinder three-cylinder two-stroke getting all flustered here oh my god i completely agree with you and i think that's a great place to start because personally i want the 254 cylinder more than i want the small turbo to me that's even more fun that's even more well as i've said before uh manufacturers if you're listening if you make if you make one of those small bore turbos well you're going to sell three now you'll sell one to turbo bruce one to me and one to ryan although ryan and i don't buy new bikes so it'll be a minute but the point is the market well and everyone knows that the leaders of the motorcycle thought market are zack ryan and turbo bruce you know i mean this is if you can get us three on them we we are the oracles come on um okay well uh i i think we we we are we're almost out of time here but we do want to talk about um a couple of listeners listeners comments listeners questions exactly i'll let you i'll let you take this one spreadsheet no no no this is great so uh normally we we kicked the guest off but ryan we actually feel that you would be appropriate for some of these comments that we pulled and we wanted to include you in this experience so for those of you listening for those of you watching uh these questions we pull either from youtube comments so leave us a comment on youtube or send us an email over to high side loci at and and that is where we grab these questions from the first question actually was an email and this is from tyler and tyler and i break this into two parts because i've got some questions for both of you and and then we'll move on to the second part so tyler wrote in and said i purchased expensive gloves for the upcoming riding season in my excitement i didn't notice they were touch screen sensitive um they were not touch screen sensitive and it became an issue almost immediately so before i move on to the rest of this how do you guys feel about touchscreen gloves do you need touchscreen gloves do you use them do you not use them what are your thoughts let me show you my cell phone oh wow no touch screen wow for those of you listening it's amazing ryan just pulled out a flip phone that was one step away from the zack morris phone of the 80s and 90s that's that's right i assume this is you're doing it for the same reason that uh like you know brad pitt and all the other celebrities do so that you can't get hacked and then your photos can get stolen because you're a celebrity i've got a lot of nudes in the cloud sure i'm very concerned about it [Laughter] i hate tech i hate social media i hate most things on the internet which is a weird thing in our profession but i just there's nothing that appeals to me less than having a computer in my pocket so then you don't need touch screen gloves no and unless i was on a like some motorcycles i think have them now like a touchscreen uh tft or whatever um so then uh i guess i would have to get them because obviously if you have a bike with that you're gonna want to be able to use it um so uh i couldn't have planned this i i had no idea that you're gonna like so for those of you that think that we staged this i had no idea you're gonna pull out a flip phone so that's awesome so zach what about what about you do you use touchscreen gloves i do i find myself um being sad when especially when they say their touchscreen and they don't work very well that's that's the real that's the real bummer that's the sort of like uh over promise under deliver ratio that you don't want right where you get gloves you're like oh yeah it should work with my phone and then i pull them out and i'm like wait which exit did i have to take or like you know where am i going and then i have to take my gloves off and i'm like okay well it's fine to take my gloves off it's not the end of the world obviously but what what are we doing here why did you say that this would work and it doesn't so i i do think that they have a place in our in our modern world i'm in awe of of uh ryan's flip phone and i i aspire to to do that someday so that i can have an excuse not to post anything on instagram or whatever that sounds delicious the point is i do think they have a place in our in our world and and i think that um they make they make sense as so long as you're not you know doing anything really idiotic like looking at your phone while you're writing so i think that they've gotten a lot better so the one thing that i will i will say is that i've been using touchscreen gloves for probably seven years at this point you know six years since they've since they first brought the technology out and i i used it first with revit gloves and they would sew in like a thread on the fingertips and that would wear off or wear out in about probably about six months tops so i think they've gotten a lot better if you're looking at a lot of the way that they design it now um but i used to be the same way where i was like i don't need this but it is it does come in handy if you're trying to like quickly pull your phone out and check something like i use um if i'm off-road i'll use it as a gps to like check where i'm at um because i don't have an independent gps unit so i'll use it on my phone and it's definitely nice to be able to quickly check that or if we're riding off-roading you want to snap a photo of somebody really you know riding by so like you'll ride up a hedge you'll pull over and you don't want to have to take all your gloves off so i think there's there's you know a point to it so so so you're saying that the the technology's gotten better over time so would you say if you say tried something in the 80s it didn't work very well if you had continued to do that anyway so let's move on with the second part of this question mr quartz troublemaker um so then he goes on to say he was then trying to find some solutions right because he he bought the gloves really like the gloves but wanted to figure out how to make them touch screen compatible and he said one of the solutions i read about was using uh finger condoms that that seemed to be a bad idea another thing was another thing was to stitch conductive thread in the fingertips and he goes i am not about to up my brand new dynasty gloves trying to sew um and then he goes and then the heavens opened up and i found a solution from a random youtube video that really only had a couple thousand views he said you you mix graphite uh he bought at the hardware store for four dollars with dish soap and water you apply that black sludge to the fingertips let it dry and then wipe off the excess because that's all you have to do it's magic and it stains the gloves like you wouldn't believe so it really it really holds on and he wanted us to put this on the podcast and talk about it um to enlighten and spread the word for people that were having this problem and it sounds like there's no worse person to bring it to than ryan right like i mean if anybody here is going to test this theory and see if this black sludge works i know that you have made many videos about like you don't need to go buy the fancy thing you can use this toothpick and a hammer and you can make yourself your own uh perforated gear um so what would you have you tried this have you heard about this like what do you think never heard of this particular hack um it seems like it has merit i mean touch screens work based on the electrical conductance of your fat finger um graphite's a conductor um if if it's really fine powder and the gloves are a little bit porous as i would guess these leather gloves uh are then it would be feasible that the graphite would hang out uh in the pores long enough to be to be conductive enough to use a touch screen i'd be curious to see the longevity of it like you know if you're using these in the rain yeah yep you know maybe that goes away but at the same time you prepare your slurry in a little dish whatever if it wears off you know touch it again and give yourself another day again it's that's that seems like a pretty cool trick so for anyone out there listening i would say if you've tried this or if you've heard of this we'd love to hear your feedback and maybe maybe we can get ryan to make a video of uh mixing graphite together with dish soap yeah hey sounds good to me i was i was clowning him for being the wrong person to ask because he doesn't have a touchscreen phone but in the end it's very scientific mind no surprise you had a good take on it so i appreciate that it's part of the canadian experience you know stores stores closed till summer you know no one's no one's leaving their home you just gotta you gotta make do with what you have sure um so as a as a good bookend for this conversation um we're gonna come back to suzuki for this final this final comment from uh high side low side viewer listener uh which i'm excited to put to you ryan this is from greg via email in reference to episode 10 which is a discussion of what's in the news greg says um fan of the podcast uh which is very nice for you to say greg then says i have to say as an admittedly by a suzuki fan you guys are missing the point evolution of a proven platform is not a bad thing in my opinion is better than going with a quote all new design that inherently doesn't have all the kinks worked out that same mentality led suzuki to the motogp title in 2020. i'm so excited about the new hayabusa new design erases all the bad things about the last one and leaves only awesomeness in its wake so give him the backstory so we what we talked about in two episodes ago you're right we barbecued suzuki for not updating bikes and never having come out with anything new in the past like when's the last time suzuki released a brand new motorcycle not like an update good question i mean the the v2 the the second gen v strom was new in 2014. we've definitely had something since then no because it's the same engine as a tl1000 that's right yeah yeah it's the old yeah mm-hmm see this is the game mostly you know i mean that's you know this is fairly new what else is new from suzuki great question that's a great question we couldn't figure it out we haven't done any research and we haven't figured it out okay um but like we yeah you're thinking yeah they had like some they had some new cruiser models sort of but like it's a little hard to get excited about that but sv 650 and the vstrom models all the gsxr models all the gsx s models those are all like based off of platforms and if it's like an actual new bike so is that okay i guess the so so this was greg who wrote in an email uh and he wants to know like he's saying like that's that's great that leads to reliability and like you mentioned earlier ryan like tooling costs are already paid for so they're making money hand over fist so like how do you how do you feel about this uh i'm totally okay with it why are you buying a suzuki if you're walking into the suzuki dealership why have you chosen that over the other brands zero percent financing buy today like yeah yeah a bit of that cheap right i mean it suzuki's generally tend to be a little bit more affordable than than what else is on the market one of the ways to do it is by not reinventing the wheel every three years i guess but like but a a v strom 650 x t what's the one with the spoke wheels yeah there's an adventure package or something yeah xt i think yeah and isn't that like 10 or 11 grand uh something for the 650. the 650 the 650 top of the line xt i think is just over i think it's just over ten thousand dollars now okay so that's fair so that's so that's t7 money like and a t7 is sort of a clean sheet-ish design for for yamaha and i just feel like it's better it's more exciting it's more dynamic it's just better i agree yeah i think in that particular niche you're right they're probably outdated there i think the v straw 1000 gonna come back to it it is still a very compelling motorcycle for the price what gixxers are they still making they're still making the gixxer 750 aren't they ah they might think they're making i think they're making all three of them still 600 750 1000 i haven't read other than that and i mean you know just gixxer 600 is a good bike in a 2001 sense i mean like you know it's like it's a it's a it's a good bike for what it's supposed to be it's supposed to be a sport bike it's supposed to be high performance it's good on a racetrack all that jazz um but you see someone like aprilia come out with an rs660 that is a better street bike and has more technology and is not really more expensive and you're kind of like what are we doing here right i mean is it i just feel like whatever we've had this conversation a little bit before i guess we're just sort of bouncing what i am going to yeah what i am going to say is that so my dad bring it back up again he listens to you just get him on the show he listens to all these podcasts and so my my dad had an accident about three years ago and he and he totaled his suzuki feaster 1000. and since then i've been letting him ride the bonneville and he keeps coming back to me like you know i'm just going to buy another suzuki v-strom and i'm like dad there's so many great bikes out there go buy something else and he's like yeah i guess you're right and he's going to listen to this podcast and i get i i promise you i will get a phone call within the next two weeks and he's like that ryan from fortnight said that i should i mean he agrees with me so i will text you as soon as he says you're never gonna guess who just called me your dad is a man of great taste sure she clearly knows but uh yeah it's interesting no i never thought about it much but it's true that suzuki is is a lot slower moving than some of the other manufacturers i feel like that's probably true well i suppose to greg's point and to your point ryan as well it's not uh it's not all bad it's either what you're looking for or it they um they have some greater plan that spurgeon and i are just failing to see the light that and turbos i've failed to see the light on turbos or suzuki's suzuki's going to come out with a three-stroke turbo and that's right blow everyone's mind i mean agreed you know if you can't decide between two and four stroke three is the obvious choice and on that note ryan it's been a pleasure having you on the podcast today it's really hard it's fun yeah absolutely this was a great conversation i couldn't have enjoyed it anymore you agreeing with me in front of spurgeon um that's that was that was truly the highlight of my week um but yeah hopefully we can do this another another time if you're if you're interested and if we can afford your very expensive appearance fee obviously um yeah i'll send him bill yeah uh yeah we should do this maybe we'll do this once a season maybe we'll have a special ryan 49 episode once a season we'll pick your brain on all things canadian i'm in yeah i love it this has been a blast so you know yeah let us know when you're planning on doing that trip up north maybe we'll all come up and we'll we'll do a super like a super mario brothers all-stars type type event we'll do we'll do if i can make a request i've never met
Channel: RevZilla
Views: 182,969
Rating: 4.9155159 out of 5
Keywords: review, revzilla, motorcycle, revzillatv, fortnine, ryan fortnine videos, ryan fortnine interview, ryan fortnine youtube, podcast, motorcycle podcast, riding podcast, revzilla podcast, hsls, hsls s3, zack courts, spurgeon, high side low side
Id: BzMQmTjD9Eo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 2sec (5822 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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