How Persuasion Works in Starfield

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Veterans of the Fallout games might expect to invest in a speech skill or a charisma skill in order to make your character more persuasive in dialogue but persuasion in Starfield works very differently than it's worked in any other Bethesda game when talking with someone we can initiate a persuade check by choosing the persuade option and this dumps US into the persuade interface on the lower left hand corner of the interface we'll learn some important information about the difficulty of this particular conversation there are four bars beneath the word persuasion this means that during this conversation we have to generate Four Points worth of persuasion in order to succeed some of the more difficult persuasion checks will have six bars of persuasion that we have to generate to succeed Sephora is actually a rather easy one the turns tells us that we have three attempts to fill the persuade bar before we fail completely both succeed feeding and failing at generating a persuade point will count towards one of these attempts the dialogue choices are color coded and show us how many points of persuasion succeeding at each of these options will generate the first line is green that means that compared to the others it's relatively easy but because of that it only generates one point of persuasion the second one is orange which means it's moderately difficult but it grants us four points of persuasion and that's all we need to succeed in this example so if we get that one to work we automatically succeed the red one is very difficult but it grants Five Points of persuasion but we don't even need five points of persuasion for this one we only need four to pass so for this example my best bet is to go with the orange option because I still have three turns to fail but if I win I automatically convince her instead I chose the green option yeah I hope so I succeeded but only generated one point of persuasion I've got three more points to go but now I only have two turns left I now only have two turns to generate three more points which means if I choose the plus one persuade option each time I'm gonna fail even if I succeed each time because if I do that I'll have to choose the plus one option three times to get the three points necessary to complete the persuasion bar but I only have two turns in this example I didn't realize that at the time and so I chose the plus one option anyway okay that's pretty good and yet I succeeded and that's because I got lucky I passed a critical success a critical success will generate more points than the option was worth now the green options don't guarantee that we're going to succeed they simply tell us our odds each time we choose a dialogue option we are rolling some dice in the background if we choose a green option the odds are in our favor that we're gonna pass but it's still a dice roll and so we can still lose in this example I had to pass four bars of persuasion and I had three turns I chose a green plus two option for my first turn that I passed maybe just a little curious the dialogue options completely changed but the odds were still in my favor my only options were plus two options two of which were green that seems like a pretty weak connection however I failed and I used up one of my turns that left me with only one turn left and yet for the final screen of options here I found a green plus two option which if I passed would have completed my persuasion bar but that sounds like something a scammer would say I failed even though it was green I still failed because each persuasion check is still a dice roll now the first time we tried to persuade someone we get a small tutorial box in this tutorial box it tells us that to persuade a person we need to make a successful choice and a choice can range from kind words to distractions to threats this might give us the impression that it's not just the color and number of the option that's important but the text as well but that's not actually the case each green option here is going to have the same dice roll regardless of the text associated with it and that's because in every single persuasion attempt we have with a character only a few of the dialogue options actually pertain to the conversation we're having in this example I'm trying to persuade this guy to reconnect with some long lost relatives aboard a colony ship but taking a look at our choices only one of these options actually has anything to do with the colony ship the other two are boilerplate recycle dialogue options that are taken from a pool of persuade dialogue that the game routinely dips into to fill out each persuasion attempt to make each one a little bit unique and even though I chose the option that actually related to the conversation I still failed it because at the end of the day it's just a dice roll the text on the screen doesn't really matter we'll see many of these same dialogue options time and time again from persuasion check to persuasion check almost always we'll find an option that says I'm sure we can work this out or I know you'd help me if you could sometimes we'll get dialogue options that don't make any sense at all in this case I'm trying to convince a Starship Captain to allow one of her crew states to leave but the dialogue options we get are I can tell you're reasonable or please or you know I really think I left the oven on two star systems over you think relative time means my house is burned down by now what it's apparently supposed to be a joke because if we pass it okay that's pretty good and then apparently it works at persuading her because it made her laugh and that means we're Charming or charismatic or something but the reason it doesn't really make sense is because it's simply pulled from their repository of persuasion options that they'll routinely insert into conversations to give us more options each conversation will still have an option that pertains to the actual conversation but we don't have to choose it instead we should pay attention to the color of the option and the points it generates now in addition to the green orange and red color-coded options sometimes we'll find a blue one the blue ones are options we can choose based on the back story we've chosen for our character in this example I chose a soldier backstory for my character and this gave me a soldier dialogue check that's blue you you don't know what you're talking about Tom all right and from what I can gather we never fail a Blue Persuasion check here's another example I also chose neon Street rat as my character background and while in neon talking with this Merchant I found a Blue Persuasion check and choosing it automatically passed the check always better to stay on the right side of a neon Street rat huh I've had this pop up maybe three or four times in my playthrough so far and I have yet to fail them I could be wrong here let me know in the comments if I am but I don't think you can fail a Blue Persuasion check additionally every time we succeed at a persuasion check we add a little bit to a blue Auto persuade meter this meter will fill out every time we attempt a persuasion check even if we fail a persuasion check we can still contribute to the auto persuade meter once it's full however the meter stops accumulating until we choose the auto persuade options Auto persuade simply causes us to succeed with the conversation in this example I had failed my first two attempts I only had one turn left but I had one Auto persuade banked so I just decided to skip the conversation by using Auto persuade Mr Stroud is coming to the astral Lounge now that is interesting and success persuasion is augmented by a couple of things the first is by the persuasion skill that we find under the social category when leveling up there are four ranks of persuasion and each rank improves our chance at success by 10 percent except for the final rank which improves our chance by 20 meaning that if we are fully specced out into persuasion we have a 50 chance to succeed at persuading someone however like with many of the skills in Starfield before we can actually spend a skill point to rank up our persuasion we have to pass a challenge in this example I have already ranked up to rank two of persuasion but even though I've got two skill points to spend I can't rank up to rank three until I complete the persuasion challenge I have to succeed in 10 speech challenges before I can spend my point on rank three I've already completed nine of them I've got one more to go for this reason it's a great idea to track down and farm as many persuasion checks as possible when trying to blow through these challenges I recommend going to new Atlantis or to the bar at cydonia and try passing the persuasion checks with potential crew members they are all available for hire but before hiring them we can pass a persuade check to convince them to come for cheaper even if we succeed we don't have to hire them so we can pass the check then tab out and move on there are two consumables I know of so far that can actually help us with persuade checks the first is called hippolida this cam improves our persuasion Chance by 20 percent for five minutes you can find it laying about the world or by buying it from a Merchant's inventory I've collected maybe 13 or so of these in about 20 hours of gameplay without purchasing any from Merchants so they're not exactly rare but they don't Drop Like Candy either the next one is Paramore this one increases our persuasion Chance by 25 for 10 minutes it also causes companion Affinity to increase faster for 10 minutes and I've only found three in about 20 hours of gameplay so it's much more rare than the hippolyta and there you have it that's a crash course on how persuasion Works in stormfield it requires a little bit more strategy but it's also really rewarding when you succeed thanks for watching Everybody I've got many more Starfield videos in 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Channel: Oxhorn
Views: 111,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oxhorn
Id: jbQV0XaOj3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 10 2023
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