How to Monetize a Blog and earn $10,000+/mo. in 2021. Here's how I do it...

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hey guys and welcome to blog tip tuesday where  i share helpful blog tips every single tuesday   in today's video we are going to talk about how  to monetize a blog and build it into a six-figure   website now for those of you who don't know who  i am my name is whitney bonds and i run the blog   tried and true mom jobs i started my blog in june  of 2018 and i had no idea what i was doing i just   wanted to be able to stay at home with my kids and  i needed a way to make money now for me the only   thing that i could find was blogging it was just  the only thing that i could think of that i could   actually do i had no plan b so my blog had to work  after seeing other bloggers making one thousand   to fifty thousand dollars per month i thought  well why can't i do that so after a year of a   lot of work and long nights i was able to make six  figures with my blog now the way i want to do this   video is to show you how i would approach a brand  new website and turn it into a six figure website   now there are many different ways that you  can actually monetize a website but this is   the way that i would do it and i want to choose  a different niche than the one i'm currently in   just to show you how you can make money in other  categories all right so step one is to think about   what you want to write about now the example that  i'm going to use today is to do a blog for people   who love dogs now i don't own a dog my family they  want one really bad and that was like the first   thing that came to my mind when i was trying  to think of an example for this video so i'm   gonna do a blog about dogs step two is to think  about how you can help someone with your idea   because the only way to make money blogging is by  helping people and you need to target a specific   group of people now i'm going to show you the  importance of this shortly so just stick with me   now you should be able to fill in this blank i  help people blank in my example i help people with   dogs come up with things to do with their dogs so  the specific group of people that i'm targeting   are dog lovers step three is to determine  if people are actually searching for what   you want to write about so you need to find out  what people are searching for on google because   when most people have a question where do they  go google and what pops up in the search results   it's blog articles so you want to find out what  questions people are searching for on google so   you can answer them through your blog articles  and get consistent traffic to your website   now in my case i want to find out what dog  related questions people are asking on google   so i can get traffic to my website now i did  a video that goes more in depth about how to   find out what questions or keywords people are  searching for on google so i will link that video   in the description below but i'm going to show  you a quick example of how i will go about this   and i do want to tell you guys that i did do  a little pre-work before this video because   searching for the right keywords can be very time  consuming it is a lot of work but it's necessary   okay so i would use this tool called kw finder i  would use it to help me find out what questions   or better known as what keywords people are  searching for on google and just so you know   my strategy is always about getting traffic i  love getting traffic to my website because the   more traffic i get to my website the more money  i make so i use tools like kw finder to know   exactly what people are searching for so  i'm not just writing my articles in vain   so i paid 49 for their monthly plan and using  their keyword tool i started putting in different   questions that i thought people would search  for on google so i put in things to do with   your dog and i found that 1800 people search  for that specific question each month on google   now this isn't bad because typically i look for  monthly search volume of a thousand or more you   will also see that the keyword difficulty is 35  out of 100 which means it's going to be kind of   hard to rank on the first page of google for  this keyword but it is possible just so you   know you want to be on the first page of google  for whatever search term that you are targeting   and you want to be in the top two search results  if possible because just think about the way that   you use google do you usually scroll down to see  all the search results that pops up in google   no most people at least they look at the first two  search results unless you are just really looking   for something specific so the lower the keyword  difficulty number is the easier it is to rank for   on google especially for a brand new website like  this one would be so i would put this keyword in a   google sheets document and write down the keyword  search volume and the keyword difficulty so i'm   basically just like building a case to see if this  is a good idea for a website and building out my   content calendar i also love this tool because if  you filter it by keyword difficulty you can also   find some other related keywords that people are  searching for that i could also write articles on   now red is hard orange is kind of hard and green  is easy so i like to go for the easier keywords   since they are easier to rank for on google so you  see here i would actually prefer to do an article   on fun things to do with dogs because you can see  that the search volume is 2100 and it's pretty   easy to rank for it's 29. so i would rather do  a keyword on this and so i would add this one to   my spreadsheet i also see that what to get for a  new puppy is a keyword that people are looking for   and it has a nice search volume and it looks  like it's pretty easy to rank for so i will   also do an article on this this also would be  a great affiliate opportunity because i would   try and find some things on amazon that would be  good ideas for a new puppy i'd add them in that   article so if someone clicked on my referral link  and made a purchase i will earn commission and if   someone is searching on google for what to get  a new puppy they are probably at the stage where   they are ready to make a purchase so i probably  do very well that article as far as getting amazon   commissions so if you want to learn more about the  amazon affiliate marketing be sure to watch out my   video that i just did on how to make four to five  thousand dollars per month with amazon i also love   kw finder because of the many features it has so  it also has this tool called site profiler where   you can actually check out your competitors top  content and get ideas about what you could also   write about so i will look through and  check out their top content because they will be a   competitor of mine now this is their content that  did very well on social platforms like facebook   so this is how many times people have shared these  articles on facebook it's really good to see just   what kind of articles people have liked enough to  share so you see this one did really well so what   i would do is to see if i could also rank for this  keyword on google so i would go back to kw finder   and put in this targeted keyword to see if this is  something i could rank for if it is i add it to my   spreadsheet and rinse and repeat until i have a  ton of article ideas that could last me months or   maybe even up to a year now after i've done all my  research i will cancel my kw finder subscription   and just focus on writing these articles there  are so many cool features with kw finder i   definitely recommend just playing around with it  and exploring all the different features they have   now side note here i know people are always saying  oh whitney you are so helpful thank you so much   for providing all this great information to us  for free and i honestly do it because i really   just want to help you guys out because i had no  one there just to guide me through all this stuff   when i got started and God has just blessed me so  much i really just want to give back to you guys   but if you really want to find a way to just  thank me you can just use my affiliate links   like if you are going to use kw finder it's at  no extra cost to you you can use my affiliate   links that i'll put in the description below  and it does really just help me out and it   makes me continue to want to help you guys out  for free so i'll put my affiliate links in the   description below if you guys want to use it  okay so just by filling up my list of content   ideas the next thing i need to do is to write my  articles in a way for google to pick them up now   i've talked about these two ebooks in a number of  my videos because this is what i use to help me   get my articles to rank on google and that is how  i get over 200 000 pages per month to my website   so i recommend if you want to get your articles to  rank on google to use these ebooks to learn how to   structure your articles to rank on google and how  to get backlinks you need both and i'll put them   in the description below so you can check them out  and just so you know for a brand new website it   could take six months to a year to start showing  up on google that's why i didn't make that much   money my first year blogging because i didn't  get these seo books until about june of 2018   and then about six months later my traffic  skyrocketed because my articles started showing   up on google and that is how i was able to make  six figures the very next year through ads and   affiliate marketing that's why i promote these  ebooks because i implemented the strategies and   tactics and it gave me amazing results okay so  let's talk about how i would monetize this blog   so if i wanted to put ads on this website i would  wait until i could join a higher paying ad network   like mediavine now this is the ad network that i'm  with right now and in order to even apply to their   company you need to have 50 000 sessions within  the last 30 days so with a brand new website it's   going to take a while before i can get ads on my  website so that is going to be a goal of mine in   the future but it won't happen overnight so i'm  going to focus on writing a new article from my   spreadsheet every single week and try and find a  way to promote a product or service in my article   so i can make money through affiliate marketing  and i have a step-by-step video i did that walks   you through affiliate marketing that i will put  in the description below so you can check that out   as well now after i have about 20 to 40 articles  written then i would start promoting my articles   on pinterest now i have a whole video series on  how i actually get traffic from pinterest so i'll   put that in the description below as well i also  have a video on my blogging schedule because i   know this sounds like a lot and it is but if you  can structure it in a way where it kind of makes   sense and taking us all step by step it won't  be overwhelming so i'm gonna put that video in   the description below so it will keep you at ease  so after like a year of writing an article every   single week on topics that i know people are  interested in and writing them in a way that i   know will rank on google and using pinterest i  should be getting well over 50 000 sessions each   month so i could go ahead and apply to mediavine  so i can start having ads on my website now i'm   just saying a year just to shoot you know pretty  far out there it can definitely be well before a   year is over so let's say after being accepted  into mediavine i start earning three thousand   dollars per month with ads now this is yet again  on the low end but i'm just estimating and if you   add affiliate marketing i would estimate that  i would earn at minimum 5 000 per month because   i found some dog training courses and some other  decent affiliate programs that could be useful   to dog owners that i would promote throughout  my articles and i'd give them a reason to make   a purchase and if i'm getting over a hundred  thousand page views per month from google and   pinterest that should be very easy to accomplish  i'm also going to add a snippet to all my articles   to join my email list for more ideas on how to get  your give your dog the best life or something like   that so i could build an email list and monetize  that as well and i could do sponsored emails or i   could do sponsor articles and add an additional  two thousand dollars per month and sponsor   content that's why it's so important to target  a specific group of people because when brands   want to connect with you it will because your  readers are who they want to get their products   and services in front of the other good thing  about sponsorships is when companies see that your   articles are ranking on google they'll reach out  to you i never once reached out to a sponsor and   they just come to me because they see that i have  articles ranking on google and they want to get   their products and services shown to my audience  because they know that i have their reader's   attention and just being on google it adds a lot  of credibility i went very low on these numbers   just to show you how you could easily build a six  figure website so do you now see how you could   easily make ten thousand dollars per month if you  write articles that you know people are interested   in using the techniques i just mentioned  how could you not have a six figure website   it's all about having a plan and executing you  just have to stick with it and trust the process   trust the process it takes a while but you  have to trust that you know what you're doing   and take my advice this is what i did to get to  six figures so if you haven't started a blog now's   the time and i'll put my step-by-step guide in the  description below so you can go follow that along   and get started now if you like this video i love  it if you could go ahead and give it a thumbs up   and if you have any questions please  let me know in the comment section below   and if you've got how i was trying to  show you how to build a six figure website   just let me know in the comment section and say i  got it and be sure to subscribe and hit that bell   for notifications because i got some good videos  coming your way and you don't want to miss out on   them okay so now you can check out my video on how  to make money with the amazon affiliate program   or my keyword research video alright thanks  guys have a great day thanks for watching
Channel: Whitney Bonds
Views: 44,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to monetize a blog, how to make money blogging, how to start a blog, how to start a blog and make money, make money blogging, blogging for beginners, make money online, how i make money blogging, affiliate marketing, how to monetize a blog on wordpress, blogging tips, how to monetize a blog with affiliate marketing, how to monetize a blogger blog, how to monetize a blog with ads, how to monetize a blog website, how to monetize a blog with adsense
Id: U4dBslTY9wM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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