He's Earning $100/day from a Simple Niche Site (Success story)

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everybody today we have a success story for you this is Gerren t soart he's coming down from northern Idaho was down here visiting and so he is in project 24 right now started out in our previous program niche site school and your website six months old and let's jump to the story we're gonna website out right now yeah so today's the 26th of the month and it's done like exactly $2,600 yes yes so it's sticking it right around $100 a day $100 a day for a website that is six months old yeah awesome three days ago is the six-month anniversary of the my first published article so so cool yeah and I only wrote like 15 articles in the first like 3040 actually like two months because I wrote 15 articles in the first month and then I took like a month off for Christmas in the beginning of the year uh-huh and then I just jumped right back in a new psych school and just in stuck to the the steps but yeah so last month was like twelve hundred dollars this month is like 2,600 I think I'll do right around 3k and how about traffic yeah so last month I did about twenty five thousand page views this month I think I'll do right about forty five thousand page views whoa yeah that's what we've always talked about this low looks like nothing is happening on this website and then yeah and that's exactly what I've seen and if you look at my analytics maybe we can throw a screenshot up later if you look at my analytics for my earnings and for my page used as literally what happened over the last four three four months income and pay juice of like doubled every month and so it's just been exponential that's so cool yeah so I don't know where the Plateau will be but this months been really exciting well yours you've continued to write content yeah how much how many articles yeah so I was seventy-six articles on the site I just in the last couple weeks published about ten or twelve more I'm gonna have really been focusing on long-form content so I just published an article I think I was telling Ricky or like a 5800 word article and like kinds of beast yeah I used to Bernards idea it took me a few days and I I took my time I made a Pinterest n image for it and I opted amaizing I had a table of contents and I had my wife read in you know I I yeah I put a lot of time into it so I'm still adding a lot of great content to the site mm-hmm I think I'm averaging around 2200 words an article have a little plugin on there that shows the total words so I'm averaging about 2200 words over the 76 article so yeah long-form content because I've really seen a direct correlation between my longer articles those are the ones that do better no not always but in general if I read one hour longer article yeah ends up doing well I just I think I just bulldoze some of the articles that are out there answering the same questions and the same keywords and I just write double or a triple don't the and I just bulldoze them with just really helpful really long content overwhelmingly long content if people aren't gonna take the time to do what you just described and you know write a good article whether it's fifty eight hundred words or two thousand words but write a good article make some images for it read it reread it you know um people aren't doing that other people aren't doing that yeah hard for them to keep yeah man I wish that people just people that are in project 24 the people that aren't in project 20 for anyone that's blogging Hanna it's so easy and so fun to get distracted with all the SEO and with the images and how the site looks and site speed and yep a tiny bit or I was just reading in the mobilized community everyone's obsessing about GDP are not that you shouldn't be worried about complying but one guy mentioned he was thinking about you know you know they're about six hundred people in that community that will buy your with I just think they get so distracted with that instead of just writing content man if you just have the worst website with the worst theme I mean looked like garbage but you just had really helpful really long content used through it up there and give it some time you're gonna get traffic it's so easy to get strikes with all that stuff but man I just stuck to niche sites cool now I'm in project 24 of a second site with that but I just did each step I loved I loved the step by step yeah I would try to not read the second step because it motivated me to finish the article to see what was coming yeah it's like an art it's like a video everyday right so it's a little bit easier to not skip ahead yeah man if people just just wrote the content how did you feel when you started though like Ricky and I have talked about this so many times once you've seen a success like right now you know you got your site to 30 articles and then as soon as you start seeing sales you're like whoa what yeah and then bang you just push it to 76 and bang you're already starting on your next site like that's easy yeah once you see a little success yeah what did it feel like when you started oh not great so um when I first started my my wife and I just had a son he's 10 months old now when I first started six months ago he's three four months old yeah and at the time now I would like play a bigger role in putting him to bed it but at the time she was kind of putting him to bed every night so I like hour hour and a half every night because I work full-time of a couple jobs so my time was that that high were hour and a half and so I bought the the site like in the first night and you tonight I just tried to write like one article it was a little demoralizing especially because I had never written blog content before I built some sites but it was never just focus on like actual hopeful blogs so I remember distinctly the first time I opened up that the WordPress you know you to write an article and this is blank page and I had no real context of like where do I start how much okay is it to like look at it people's articles how derivative can I be of those articles you know it's kind of overwhelm that stuff I was just staring at the pages like is this for me you know I went I went to college I have some experience with web site so I think I did jump start but I don't think I'm a great writer so when I first looked at I was like maybe Kate my life all right that's 40 or something but but then I just wrote the first article horrible I remember in project 24 you link kind of ironically to your first article saying oh yeah it's basically saying like hey it's okay it doesn't matter just publish the content because man my first articles were horrible especially looking back at them now but I think that if you can just tribes through just publishing articles mm-hmm you just get better yeah you're not trying to that was my experience and now I sit down to write an article and I just I have a routine you know and I feel like I know what to do I feel like I know how to collect some of the better articles out there and then rewrite something completely unique and exponentially more helpful than then the the some of those parts early on yeah I was I was definitely overwhelmed but but I think that people can just suck it up and just write the article regardless how bad it is and then write the next article maybe it's a tiny bit better and just keep going third hour 30 articles and you're gonna be pretty good at this mm-hmm so what kind of impact does it made for you like you know having the money from the website the excitement of it yeah I mean yeah well one impact is my wife things I talk about blogging too much because I do I would fairly obsessive personality so I had the Google Analytics app on my phone yeah every time she looks away I'm like well that's what impact has been I talk and I think about it way too much there's definitely a refresh stage in every website yeah like your things start happening and it's like well let me refresh see how I'm still in there and honestly this month is fantastic last month was $1,200 but I haven't seen any of that money yeah only got maybe three or four hundred dollars in checks so far right so I think the big months are still to come so it hasn't made a huge impact on our finances yeah but man I know it's going to if somebody's already earned it's just it's just waiting yeah so I don't think that convert sales better than like sending em to your resource page and I feel like yeah I'm still I'm still playing set a little bit but I feel like it has been but and I just change up some of the links the resource page has become one of my highest page view pages each day which has been a surprise for me because what I did before when I first built the site is my resource page was just a category archive of my product reviews yeah and the tough thing there was I wasn't getting a good idea of how many people were viewing that category archive compared to the pages and so now that I made it a resource page I have a lot better analytics about how people are and where they're going from it so one thing Ricky and I always say what our niches are we know you're you're not wanting to you know what your niches which is perfectly fine I have no problem but I just want to mention in the interview that the reason we're not saying what the niches is because of that you wanted to keep yeah and that's perfectly fine yeah I have a young family I think this is gonna be a fairly decent part of our income and I trust a place where I can afford that afford too risky and I think it's it's a unique niche so there's not a lot of competition I don't want a lot of competition at least until big enough only six by ten so I think there's room for some good marketers but yeah so not not interested not their fault my fault yeah I don't want to reveal the niche or mine or my domain yeah that's perfectly fine yes so what happened in the course in project 24 the system of the step by step were what is it that you feel like helped you to get to success I think the biggest thing for me was was just I don't think it can be overstated just the step by step I didn't yeah I didn't I think I was saying earlier I didn't I tried to not watch the next video until I finished the first step which is motivating to me and it's just broken down to so many small steps it it feels hard to fail because if you just do the step regardless of you do your best effort do the step it's small it's one article or it's one step or it's one optimization or it's adding the surrounding that it's specific do that step then do the next step and then do the next step and just keep yourself focused on the on the individual steps instead of on the on the big picture and just do the steps until you're done and then then pull your head out of the sand like whoa wait I have a website yeah you know I think that was the the biggest motivating factor for me project 24 because I wrote that off and it's a school which is a fantastic program project 24 yeah has so many extras in the podcast I love the podcast I look forward to that every Tuesday I listen to it listen to one the other day while I was mowing the lawn you blasted the ball you might listen to Oslo on the lawn I love that you guys are constantly new video content especially like like gdpr is everyone for the town you know everyone's inboxes is full of privacy policy update everyone's talking about it and you guys you know you guys published a great video on that and I mean yeah there's just so much content in project 24 that it's helped someone like me with an established site because all the steps are still there there's a ton of ton of extra stuff in there that wasn't in niche site school and so I think I have a unique advantage there because I come at it with project 24 or niche site school you know kind of armed with that in a lot of knowledge and a very specific plan and I come in with all that and and it's just done really well for me so well Jaron we have a map right here and I asked in the in our community in the app today or this week anybody who has made money on their website hit pizza day yesterday means you earned your first five dollars from your website yeah you learned about like anyway when you hit your first five dollars yeah place your your pin in the map and we got dozens of people 30 or 40 you know people in there that had made comments yeah like I mean with some people were on our old program niche site school and have come over but a lot of them are just like niche sites or project 24 spread yeah which is amazing tonight yeah because I mean how old is press 24 not two months like Tareen ahem uh slowly almost three months yeah almost three months yeah so I think I hit my pizza day maybe maybe about two and a half three months in so right about the place that those people are doing that was when they with niche site school but man yeah there's some there's some smart people in project 24 doing some cool site it is so inspiring to me like I feel like everybody's like you're my hero you guys are fully doing this yeah going through I can't remember his name sorry for her name but the guy that's doing I don't know if I want to have his niche but he's doing an art based website I think you'll know who I'm talking about and he made some beautiful posts yeah long I never saw any content you know I'm talking excellent content with some amazing images I don't know if he made it himself but I was reading as like this is better than what I do no question this is better than what I do sometimes you can just read an article and you're like this guy's got it his article I love what people post even though I don't I love when people post their their websites in there because I always check them out and some are really inspiring and so you can see like oh you're just missing a few small keys here just of course because some are early on and you guys do a lot of the optimizations are cleaning up later on yeah in project 24 and it's high school is a little bit earlier on now it's a little more content focus I think it's better but sometimes you see that it doesn't look quite right but it's good it's early on stage yeah it's totally fine just like I was saying before the contents what matters mm-hmm so I think if they showed that site to their friends they would be unimpressed yeah what their friends are seeing is the quality of the content yeah and later on it's a day project to clean up a site and maybe a sidebar look better add some better colors yeah I mean all that stuff you can do in a day later it's the content us did that takes time so well to culminate this video I'm hoping you can be the very first who to actually place your pin on the map and then we have about 30 more to add all right for you to place here we go okay the first pen I'm gonna show you exactly where I left watch how accurate this is down to the street please yeah I think that's true oh all right and plus the plus a few
Channel: Income School
Views: 140,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: passive income, internet marketing, content marketing, project 24
Id: t-t0hyjAUi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 25 2018
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.