How Much Damage Can You Take Without Dying in Minecraft?

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[Music] in minecraft there are all sorts of different ways to get hurt you can get stabbed launched into the void fall off a cliff and perhaps most fatally your dog can be killed but how much damage can be done in just one hit that's an interesting question and one i'll be exploring pretty in depth in today's video first things first though what even is damage well most players seem to think that you can take 10 damage before you die this is untrue though as i'm sure most experienced players know you don't have 10 health you have 20. in minecraft taking one damage is the same as taking one half heart so to die you must take 20 true damage true damage meaning damage done after armor is taken into account so with that said i want to find out the most damage you can do with one hit one left click yes there are tons of other ways to harm others you can shoot a bow ignite tnt with a flint and steel and maybe just maybe build a massive rail cannon that can one shot the ender dragon but today i want to focus just on one hit no more no less just one left click of the mouse but of course there is one loophole our hit will be separated into two parts the strike and the after effect after a bit of thought i've decided that anything less than 4 seconds after the hit is fair game so for instance knocking someone into lava with your hit is perfectly valid and the level will take 4 seconds to deal damage before i no longer count it as part of the original hit so let's start with the strike the actual hit part of the hit how much damage can that initial punch do well as i'm sure most of you know on a naked player your slap will only do one measly point of damage or one-half heart but we can increase that pretty substantially if you hit your target as you're falling back towards the ground after a jump your damage will become 150 percent of what it normally is this is called a critical hit in our case this just turns our damage to 1.5 or one and a half half hearts still not too good but what if we added strength strength isn't a multiplier like critical hits it adds damage for every level of strength you add you do 3 more damage so a strength 1 punch can deal 4 damage or 2 hearts and a strength 2 punch 7 damage that's as much as a diamond sword combining critical hits with strength 2 and we can have our bare hand deal 10.5 damage or 5 and a 4 hearts in one hit from the fist that's as much damage as a regular netherite axe speaking of which what if we used a weapon as you probably know there are tons of different tools in the game but in terms of absolute damage there is a clear winner the netherrite axe dealing 10.5 damage in just one go this thing is a beast but it can do so so much more with a critical hit the damage jumps pun intended from 10 to 15 a difference in two and a half hearts and with strength two 24 total damage that's enough to knock out a player in full leather in just one hit but this is where tools get an advantage over your bare hand they can be enchanted for each level of purpose you add to your axe it does 0.5 times the level plus another 0.5 damage so while the sharpness one netherride acts on its own only does 11 damage a sharpness 5 netherride axe does 13. combining everything together and a strength to critical hit from a sharpness 5x can deal 27 damage or 13 and a half hearts enough to knock out a player wearing full gold armor now i would like to quickly mention that technically this isn't the absolute maximum smite and bane of arthropods both amp up your damage more than sharpness but only work on mobs that are undead and arthropods respectively so for our purposes we'll stick to sharpness because it's more general but yes if you said we could do more damage if we had one of these two you wouldn't be wrong but here's where it gets fun now that we've established the most damaging strike 27 damage it's time to consider the other part of the hit all the possible after effects and it gets crazy first of all though let's get the weaker ones out of the way before we get into the juicy stuff punching someone into a wither rose is one of the weakest ways to do more damage after 4 seconds the rose would only have done 2 extra damage or 1 heart a cactus isn't much better dealing 8 damage in 4 seconds or 4 hearts and the same applies to suffocation and while it doesn't do that much damage it raises the point that we don't actually have to punch our player instead my one left click breaks a string that sends gravel to suffocate my friend here if you were to design a machine to break bedrock and make a hole into the void and punch your friend into it let me tell you it would not be worth it at all because of all the time you actually have to spend falling into the void while your friends certainly won't be escaping anytime soon and definitely will die for our purposes they're only going to be in the damage zone of the void for around 1.5 seconds and in our case 4 seconds after our initial strike they would have only taken 12 and a half damage or 6.25 extra hearts they say though the bedrock layer at the bottom of the world is what separates the overworld from the nether so let's heat things up literally stepping onto a magma block does the same 8 damage in 4 seconds as before and so does knocking your friend into fire but while a normal campfire fire can only do 8 damage in 4 seconds a soul campfire can do 16 or 8 hearts in 4 seconds burning our player twice as fast but even that is doubled by lava which can do 32 damage in 4 seconds or 16 hearts enough to kill your friend all on its own but surprisingly enough what burns the most is the pain of such a small percentage of my audience being subscribed if you enjoy these videos then please consider subscribing it's completely free and helps me out a ton so scroll down and see if you are subscribed if you are thank you so much and if you aren't i would greatly greatly appreciate it piglet brutes in the nether are one of the strongest mobs in the entire game dealing 7 damage every hit in 4 seconds they can hit you 4 times dealing 28 extra damage but they actually aren't the deadliest mob that title goes the charged creeper the charged creeper when exploded at point-blank range can deal 85 damage that is a ton enough to nearly wipe out 5 health bars in fact using the max x from before hitting someone into one of these bad boys is enough to wipe out anyone wearing even full blast protection 4 netherright armor however while charge creepers may be a bit hard to come by and crystals are not using a gas tier 3 obsidian and 5 glass you can craft an end crystal a bomb that you can place on your opponent dealing just as much damage as a charged creeper but sadly there is a trade-off in our case because we only have one hit we can't hit the player with our axe we can only punch the crystal still that is a ton of damage another smaller explosion is regular tnt tnt while not being as strong as a charged creeper or an end crystal is still a formidable weapon dealing 57 points of damage easily enough to wipe someone out if they aren't careful but what if we placed a ton of cnt like two or 10 or 30 well sadly it won't do any extra damage tnt takes 4 seconds to explode just enough time for it to count as part of the hit so what if we explode let's say three tnt at once it will still only take four seconds and deal three times as much damage or will it because when we talk about damage it's crucial that we can consider iframes iframes or invincibility frames are moments after a hit where the target is sort of immune to extra damage let me explain when you get hit your player flashes red for exactly half a second in that time any attack that would usually do damage is invalidated however if you attack with more damage than the original hit the player will take the difference in the two damage values the new one and the original one this leads to an interesting phenomenon where if you attack 50 times in one half second the only hit that will count is the one that will do the most damage so even if you blow up 50 tnt at once since they all do the same amount of damage in the same iframe it will have the same result as just one piece of tnt cool mechanic but also kind of a bummer but tnt and creepers aren't the only entities that pose a threat to you if you place 24 or more mine carts on a single block they begin to cram and obliterate any player that falls in with them dealing massive massive amounts of damage in 4 seconds walking into one of these death pits results in 48 extra damage and that's regardless of armor so even if you are wearing full netherite falling into a pit of 24 or more minecarts would be enough to destroy two full health bars in just 4 seconds but even this isn't the end for entities because we have wolves wolves in minecraft aren't usually considered a lethal weapon but what if you bred 20 wolves tamed them all and gave them all strength too yeah then we're talking imagine someone goes to pick a fight with you and you hit them and suddenly out of nowhere 20 wolves teleport and start mauling your opponent they wouldn't stand a chance even without strength my army of 20 wolves can deal 40 damage in 4 seconds completely obliterating a naked player in 2 seconds and with strength 2 that number just increases tremendously to 106 damage in 4 seconds that's enough to completely wipe out a full netherite player in only 4 seconds and that's with only 20 wolves imagine how much havoc you could read with even more 20 is just the beginning but let's leave mother nature behind for a bit and focus on some more industrial methods using a redstone timer set to 4 seconds i can set up an automatic dispenser that spams me with harming potions these things do loads of damage and while not all of them register due to iframes it still hurts like a truck with potions of harming 1 in 4 seconds we take 32 damage or just over 15 full health bars and with harming 2 with or without armor that doubles to 64 damage in 4 seconds that means that every second you'd be taking 8 hearts of damage that's insane enough to kill you 3 times over in 4 seconds even with full and leatherite but even that isn't the end of it instead of harming potions we can fill the dispenser with fireworks if you shoot a firework at yourself from the creative inventory it does no damage it only begins to hurt when you add firework stars to the crafting recipe the more stars you add the more the damage increases with one fireworks star the damage is already crippling 25 hearts in four seconds but with the maximum number of stars per firework 7 each one does a whopping 15 damage on its own and as a result in just 4 seconds we are subject to a colossal 130 points of damage that's 65 hearts twice as much as the charged creeper enough to completely wipe out six and a half total health bars in just four seconds brutal however in the end mother nature pulls ahead of our redstone shenanigans with the ultimate weapon as old as time fall damage fall damage is devastating you could lose hours of work in an instant if you step into the wrong place but just how far can you fall in 4 seconds to answer this we first have to figure out how do you fall how does minecraft decide how to fall minecraft doesn't have a set gravity for all of its entities falling blocks can fall slower than players and players also accelerate as they fall further doing a bit of testing and a bit of research i was able to find that minecraft's gravitational constant or the rate at which minecraft pulls you downwards is around 27 blocks per second with that information all we got to do is plug it into the formula for falling which looks something like this where h is the height traveled v 0 is the initial velocity we're falling at which in this case is 0 because we just get pushed off g is the gravitational constant and t is time with all these numbers plugged in we can see that in t equals 4 seconds the amount of blocks we can fall should be around 216. fall damage is also luckily very easy to calculate with each block fallen after the third dealing one damage point so in 4 seconds we take a massive 213 points of damage combine this with the 27 damage from the max axe and we get the final answer 240 damage in one hit enough to clear 12 total health bars jesus that's a lot of damage with all of that said that wraps up today's video i hope you have enjoyed and maybe even learned something new about the game if you did then please do consider subscribing it helps out a ton and as always peace out and have a good [Music] one [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Wifies
Views: 873,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wifies, mumbo jumbo, amazon mumbo, amazon grian, dream, skeppy, grian, georgenotfound, george not found, sapnap, vsauce, how much damage can one hit do in minecraft, how much damage can you do in one hit, minecraft one hit, how much damage, how fast can you die in minecraft, how much damage can one hit, minecraft most damage, one hit damage minecraft, one hit, skip the tutorial, whats the most damage in minecraft, most damage
Id: a0lVCqAVrGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 08 2021
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